The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, June 04, 1906, Image 10

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10 nr. WANT ADS ONE CENT A WORD No Ad Taken For Leas Than 25 Cents. CASH MUST ALWAYS accom pany out-of-town orders. Watch The Georgian Want Page Grow. * Situations Wanted will hereafter be inserted on this page free of charge. If you wont a situation, send your ad. to The Georgian. Each ad. will be limited to three liijegj one inser tion. WANTED HELP—MALE. MI'S AND HOYS WANTED--!.EARN PrEoach Mlir Mfg. Co. tvANrCb-dooli L'REAM ANlt'MdXHY good, mao; reply with rafrram-n anil fall Mrtlculara as to ability ami eiperience. Aililreaa Savannah. rare thla olfb-r. l l .MVlIlAl’llEhl* Foil i.aaV- JdAh't* sis' fnrturlng and other offices; young lady for office nonlstnni. ¥3». lie famj Business Agency, 1620 Candler Uldg. WANTED HELP—FEMALE. WILL OIVE REGULAR EMPLOYMENT In our flawing room to girls ami women on ay work, abort bonra and good Experienced operators make from |JM til’ no per week/ and we will glta g< day wages to those without experlci until they learn. If you Ike out of Until, write ua and we will give »» formation nlmut Imardlng places. Nun o*. A McCrua, II W. Alabama street. on place; good wages. dmont arenue. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. 1 "OHttlON BY MAN WHO WOULD DO riic work aa head of firm would. Real »•* tnt>. Insurance or city salesman. R. W. I . care Atlanta Georgian. W ANTED—lOR. COLORED MAN WIHl knn.a the city tuuit have work at once. AiMrcsa •'Dlxim," M3 W. Fair at. \\ A STeD-posItidn Ah BBBKRini nr atriiographer. Salary nmderate. Mlaa .1 I,., GH White at, Weat End. A YOI'Ng MAN NTkNDGRAPlIKU AND l-okkeeper wanta a paalllou; 4 yeara' ex pert anea; At referaneea. Addreaa p. 4). tun 435. city. V AN | E(>—nY INDPHTIllol'H IIIIV. AUK !•;. -itiiatlmi: can gtra good refereucca. II.. Cmirglnn of dee. WAN'TKD—WilllTION RY A YOt'S'o MAN ii. stock clerk or collector; ran gtr. hmt references. 1. A rare Georgian. Tv A N+Kl>-l'< iHltlON AH OfFIi'E ROY «lth good Urm by boy 13 yeara old. Hell plume $M Weat. w A NTED—BY A YOl'NG MAItltlkn MAN of f. 1-rieuca and ability, a iioaltlon with a Kli. lcsale house; beat reaonna for iletlre.1 • lunge. Address "C.,“ 74 H. Jackwn ,t„ city. SITUATION WANTED—FEMALE. YiM > ?r?ri2n7r^pAVRrTTW!TrorTOf jEflMMffrapber. cxiierlenreil ami ran fur* null retarencra. Addreaa **B. R. A.,” Mil- Ion. (In. WANTED—AQENT8. A BENTS WANTING BIO AND QUICK UUNwy a.nd for our fre. circulars, tlan- erni hales aad Supply Co.. Mobile, Ala. I n« AdENTrt - liASnt.t; iTTTl ••loan* Medal Ilona;" Idg m*ller; aend for ••A. B. C.” catalogue; largest portmlt and frame houae In the wt>rlil. Imllaus portrait and Frame Co., Larorte, Ind. WANTED—8ALE8MEN. 1 NTBLLIUKNTm IIU8TMNO HALK8MKK for uiagalllcent new mapt; new features: easy setters; exrlualre territory and liberal l iopooltlon; extraordinary chance for work* •th. Htste If you have had experience. Hiirigtns Co.. Atlanta. Ua. w a n'ted—a up.Xi, Lktatk haI.EmUAS'. Kira rirnre not aecerwary. Apply at once i v>. E. Daumiers A Co.. $T luiuan Bids- MISCELLANEOUS. IRON RAKE*. BANK RAFRH. VAULT DOOR*. RAFRB. n: e-proof safes, dejtoalt 1 Mixes. Ueorga K. CilUi, 36 8. Ilmsd ot.. Atlantg. Ei MUKB-tVIi iiavE THREE" MILLS cutting south Oeorgta pin. rtluglau. A too n.nnuf.cture homing, lulling, udlug und lath. Writ, us for d,llr<fnd price,. Kil im n Lumber Company, Box lot, Cordato. FENCING. Al l. RTYI.R8 GATKH, WIRE AND IRON fences sold and erected. Fencing for f rm. lawn, garden and tMMiltry. KxcTaalve Dgentp foe r Tsge Fence.*’ Tilley Fence * v. 68 K. Forsyth 8t. Main im. u rrxii—era; fafeu company. Largest stock In Rontft. 64 N. Broad Mt. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. \fANTOT523wn?rT>CT!ttr < —rc—kstsw tint the Mouthrrn Auction and Hslvage Co., nt 20 H. ITyor. ran dispose of yoar l •» Mjholtl goods, office fixtures, safes, car pets, rugs, pianos, etc., to advantage. WANTED—REYNOLDS TOBACCO TAGB. Address (‘ntlckshank Cigar Co., 29% Ma rietta at.. Atlanta. Us. FOR RENT—FURNISHED ROOMS. W»Ky"i 8tt. Atlanta phone 27C7. i li i I il l nil i ii^M ctJBFoiVr? i.aTigESt: ytfwnw room, with prlrate Imtb and Brewing room and separate entrain^- far ■MSrd.or unfurnished. with Irnerd $*• with - Lewis, cam At — FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. fr BhltKHIIIRR HOGS. BILTMORR STRAIN. 1'ur- 1-rt ••'! * Iiunp J'Il’n -• i 1 ►!/••«; .•!>«'» Hamer rigeona. Box W, Crawfordvllle. iuvE Y6t) aNviiiino to *ki.i.) TF yon have, send k fa tw Bauthern Aociion and |8ahrnpe Co., 20 8. Pryor atrccL Phone AiLiM DniiiNKN—Ati.AK iioiLeiih All .tylra and six... Atlas Engine Works. Empire Bldg.. Atlanta ATTOIINKVS. COUNTY OVFtcKIM AND rcsl ratal, agrnta will Sail lb. brat forma of Irani blanks at B.anrtt'i, 31 Hnutb tlroaiTstreet. Printing ot orery description. Foil HALE t'llkAP— UNTHAINEIi t- hlnralhoanil. 131 Rbodra at. V. C. Kowlar. PTiit hai.P. - oaki.a.s'D cEHirrRIfT: Three fourths of « large l»»t In good Iocs* h. Appjr 4J2 Kl»er Ride. WANTED—BOARDERS. A HELECT AND IIOMK LIKB BOARDINfl house for gentlemen solicits table board ers; meal tickets; ooe vacant room. Tela- - uboiie 3740 1- 3! Con. atrrat. JtOAItl* $3.50 A WEEK. NO. 10 TRINITY avenue. WAXTKli-hV PltiVATfc VamiLV. PtTl'ii Imardera for summer; married c«iuplea or — gentlemen preferred; must furnish good reference. F. J. Parham. Austell, Gn. ** Dr PER80NAL.' R. DAVID W. YARBRODOH, MASTER PLUMBER, KK Pbonra 1»S. 30 E. Hunter fit. vviM.Im wall paI-ku compaKV. wi largest stock In Booth. 64 N. Broad 8L go BU8INES8 OPPORTUNITIES. w! UO REE SOUTHERN AUTO AND EQUIP- & m.nt Co. W. rapalr, roeon.truet, .x-, buy .nil nil uutoinublln. Oarag., 'f 10-13 Mlt.h.ll atrraL Atlauta. Ga. Boll * pbnn. 4354-L Main. WANTED—REAL ESTATE. I WANT TO PURCHASE FROM THE "i K owner for atmut 64.000 to 66,000 cash, mod* M i ern bom# on the North Bide. Give location, L ur price, etc. Address Buyer, care Georgian. IF YOI! WANT To EITHER 1IUY OR rap sell city or suburban property, aeo or tele* ski phono me. J. II. Latham, 238 Kiinltable and Bldg. Phones: Main 3143, Atlanta 2l49. out sir* REAL E8TATE FOR SALE. FOB HALE-DEEP LOT. NINETY FEET front, nn« of tho brat In Intuan Park: ad- Joins my home. Will sell at low price to .. good neighbor. C. K. Newlll, Box 06. FJI FOR RENT—APARTMENT8. I’ll' FOR RENT—AT REDUCED RATE,.BEAU* ment house, 621-622 Peachtree street. Apply It. It. Arnold, third floor. Gwnld Bldg. LOST. T i^n^swT!ncA« r fr'Xf?t;—fTSTTfprriS laikewood line last night. Reward will Im» paid to finder. Joe Eplan, 26 Decatur street. " LOHT-6NF5 ikouS l i> rtol.D WaTcH on charm, with diamond In center and Ini tials C. E. B. «n one aide. Return to C\ E. Buchanan, 62 W. Fair at., and receive lib* »j eral reward. PIAN08. mo RRAMUACII PIANOS. « n d ESTABLISHED t823. BECI1T PIANO CO.. 63 N. FORSYTH. m0 but PALMI8TRY. AltHtVBD Fubll NAHI1 VII.I.E UV REQUEST, R| v IIE WIGHT GARLAND. PSYCHIC PALMIST. ADVISOR * m i r AND SEER. Under the directorate of the Itoatnn Pay* r | tv chic Beaearrh Hoelety and f.yci4iiui Bureau. roll HE YEN DAYH ONLY. $6.(10—66.09—86.00—66.00 n ® v ’READINHH FOR ... $1.00-$L0O-6l-00-61.00. We .NO MORE—NO I.KHM! lie tells every h«H»e, fear and ambition of ill your life. gtv«*a full namea, date of mar riage, 4*apabllltlea. fortunate ami unfortu* eve nate |>erioda af life. Ilow to win the one you lore. In a word, tella everything. If (|yg you Intend buying or oelllng property, or. In fact, wake any Iiup4irtant step, don’t »» fall to consnlt him. Illp advice will lie the meana of eavlng yot» aerioua mlstakea. nnil Advice and fees for rending reduced for mnu aeveu days only. !,ocnted In my own prl* Borr rate home, 211 Ivy street, corner Harris. " one M<N-k east of Peachtree. No signs. Ix>ok the for number. N. B.-Xfl colored people received. will WALL PAPER. mg. J. M. QUICK A CtL-WALL PAPER, fun moulding, nlrturra, plrturs framra. tote. Ball phou, <3fTSUudard 704. 37 E. llunt.r. Ing BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TALKING MACHINES AND RlCCORDS— Wholraal. and ratall dl.trihutora of Vlr- tor Talking Machlnra and Rraonla Juat raralvrd larg, con.lguui.nt of machlnra and glv.n moll ord#a. TV. want th, namra of all talking marhln, dral.m In th, rautb. Writ, fur catalogue. Al.xandra-Elyra Co. BICYCLB8 AND 8UNDRIEB—LAKQBBT npA bicycle and aundry distributors In the 11 south. Southern agents for Pierce. Yale. r Sni’ll and Hudson bicycles. Write for our if" 19M catalogue and price list Alexander* WE MOVE. STORE. PACK AND SHIP ” household goods; Insurance rate one per cent. Office and warehouse 16366 Walton PJ« street. Both ’phones. Cathcart’a Trans* fer. REYNOLDS, TUB SION PAINTER. Blgue, banners, flag a and flag decoration! for apodal occasions. 90S E. Alabama BL u y TEETH S'*' EXTRACTED POSITIVELY WITHOUT VMS-All dental work don. without natu. * All work guaranteed 16 years. Lanier lien* tal Parlors, 94 Whitehall 8t., over Bm* moot* clothing store. Bell phone 2666-J. Hen CASH REGISTERS. " (Second Hand.) NATIONALS. IIAI.LWOOD8. IDEALS and all otb.r makra at Iwrgatn urlrra. • n, W,. ran aril you a wgtarar, .ultablc fur * any Inialnna. at a price that caanut help a J7 bat plrara you. r f” fash or monthly payments. Every register 1, guaranteed for two years. Mouthern (’ash Register Co.. Branch of American Mecond* J"™, Isml Cash Register Co.. 24 B. Broad afreet, Atlanta, tta. (X MONEY TO LOAN. SOUTHERN LOAN AND DIB- {Jell COUNT COMPANY MAKES LOANS TO RESPONSIBLE SALARIED PEO PLE. 117V4 WHITEHALL STREET. OLD HATS MADE NEW. PANAMA AND MILAN STRAW UATS rlranrd and rrahaiwd. Mir. CEO Soft and atlff frit hat. cleaned aad re wit shaped, 3k. year. Rami, or aweata. Sc rack extra. hall ACME HATTERS, Whitehall St phrai THE ■■■ '•* ATLANTA GEORGIAN. inpnpiPil [STOP that horses’ board bill—an ad. will sell him to a man who needs a horse .*. .*. .*. A Want Ad in The Georgian will cost you only one cent a word. ATLANTA MARKETS. THE WEATHER. and j FRUITS AND PRODUCE. Officially corrected by Atlanta Fruit ! Produce exchange. FRUITS.—Apple* *7 to 17.60 per barrel I Oranges 63 to 63.50 per box. T! lemons 65.75 to 6*>. mid Lfmea 61 to IL*. » IJf*** rim; oppla, $3.60 to $$.!». Banana*, straights, per bunch 61.60 tojun-l 6L75. Culls, per bunch 61 to 61.20. j In Grape fruit 6*1 to 67 l»e Strawberries. Georgia cr«f^v. to 9.’; Teal Ailn Local Forecast. m-».'iy! nlty " P ‘ r,lr eloai, X to. ck. 24-quart Ills Weather Conditloni. ‘ ■ ’","1 1» ratter S, ["mn.wlH Sffift lSik- «siri JmJf «f the inn [I Matt t the i-' 1 l7r^f, l . , ,.. l ' r f:: r 'T ur fb r S.t ,0 -. ,b ^r^r POULTRY AND COUNTRY PRODUCE.- IJvehen* 35c Jto 37V4c each; live ducks. Drei , 12c to 13c; dressed turkeys, per lb.. Cc to 14c; very dull. Eggs. j*er dozen. 15«6c. Rutter, table, per lb.. 20c to S2^e; cook* I Ing. per lb., 12*4*' to 16c Honey— New kfrlOc lb ci**. VEGETABLES.—Irish potatoes, J. B. MAURI ity. Forecaster. In 1-lb. racks 10 ■ stock 64.5*1 barrel; No. 2 FURNITURE. North Broad street, any da/ thla "IIU'DII 'wumi r, i ami am them. 100 handsome Iron ami i>*d«, nnatna from 11.43 to $5«: It bay you hamlwiai.iy to look at ihr.r 190 solid brass lied s. 100 Royal 68.60 Axmlnster ruga only 635 Koval Axmlnster rugs only 621. urn foldli— — ‘ “ * SHOE REPAIBJNOe PRYOR 8T. I DO When I say re- repairing only. ...k leather, with 1 know how to 1 am mender and ran make comfortable W. E. WORLEY, A. J. WEST & CO., 323 EMPIRE BUILDING. Atlanta ‘Phone 3983. 10 idDtl LAND FRONTING *» FEET ON Otanta II. IL ami Drratur rar line: room liotine; l>i-nutlfal. etevateil and la treat: t'rtra It-, worth I10.M0. Urt ON* SOUTH level THE FINKKT CORNER ... Boulevard; price 62.500, no less. i55xSd VbK r ON J’oncb dk lK6.V”ATTC nod 6-rooiu house; price for a few days 64.160: two large lots here. i ■ 60x2*0 FEET OS 1’ONCE DE LK' .jpnrxnE; this able the sprlsen; price 61,810; never ^o.M a've.Toth: “50X305 ■feet each, nt 61.6*10 each; Iwnutlful grove, v | AT 8M (IHAlfr fltftHlit. 5-UOOti bouse. Juat completed, nt 63,100; easy tenn«: tile alriewnlxn will t»e laid. i7k7k~Ai“£fj'1:1:A ,\T HTREB+ ‘X'Sci* its B. Grand, arrnue. on lamia to milt. 'rtVO tlOl-Sfifl, vjitB HTIIEET. RENTS at 330.60; nrlaa $1,600; Inat for a few ilnya. in aNI. lit' |1U ffflik^L“TienTs lie YOUR TEETH I nniiuui t-Al.N HI AM ist- I maibm.. All work auaranteed U Ileawioalile price.. Lnntrr Denial MH Whitehall Hr., orer Emmoua’ Bell photo ZS63-J. FREE Suburban Homes. FEET. FimKNTlT-iWri'fcW: $3,130: half eaab; also I’l-acbtree elrele lot at 12.300, -VD HtllEEV' LOTH, $375 to fGOO; okmd.v wmmm dead easy tenua; on ear line. g. m. McKinnon, 620 Peters Bldg. SECOND FLOOR, CENTURY BLDG. Pbone 1764. CLEAN SAFE INVESTMENT—STORE bonne, corner airnu and Unto City streets, rented for $M: would lirlns $35. Never racant; room for another bouse. 13.103. to unlottkc.. , .... the owner has Instructed me to offer this for n week at S8.O06. OS’ BAHT NOIITII AVENI’E. EOT HUN- nine through to Inman avenue, lot 60x187. Build 2 cottages for whites 011 North avenue and 2 011 luma 11 avenue for colored, mid this OS' INMJKTLAND HTIIEET. CLOSE IN. 3- ■atwj^roM^on^^ni^a^t^rln^ip^a but rood families will be allowed In thtae houses. These are located on the 7 and I rooms; have cheaper than llvlnf In the city In the center of this Park are irro Phosphate Springs, which It now has a new church, neatly Rent $20.00 per month. JOHN J. WOODSIDE. 12 Auburn Avenue. TEETH teed to fit. All work auaranteed u years, lanler Denial l’arlnra, Whitehall 8L, over Emmons dothlaf store. Bell pboae PRICE $5,0000. located rice In »n the south side, are Imiklna for reut-poylnt property about this, ns It ta worth Inrestl- 12 AUBURN AVENUE. Bell Phono 46$f. sale on rosy monthly payments. They ear Una and In the city, i .enter of city. Bath aad cold water:. IT rooms; i COPENHILL LAND CO. 16 EDQEWOOD AVENUE. Bell Phone 606; Atlanta Phono 246. YOUR TEETH ’ Clothing aisn, D«U partnership you can buy thla under value at 64.000. ffiaRTvWmrTkKfeTHUi>. iS*"(TiLUkr land lot 106; 6 new homes going up uear laiiu iui aw, w i this; price 67,250. WANTED— Feathers, new and Second-hand. Highest market price paid. Prompt returns on shipments. Both Telephones, Alain 25. SOUTHERN SPRING BED CO., Bell St. and Georgia Ry., Atlanta, Ga. FOR RENT BY JOHN J. WOODSIDE. IM RICHARDSON STREET—THIS SIX- room cottage, on lot >7x100. whkb lira level, la on the north aide of lUciutrdaon at., between Central ave. and rulllaui at.; baa gas, hot and cold water. ItAth. cloaet, r ^ Of TMtH May 29. Kent, Including city water, $23.10 per month. JOHN J. WOODSIDE. THE RENTING AGENT. 12 Auburn Ave. Both Fbonea 618 STOCKS AND BONDS. 8outhern States CHAS. E. THOMPSON, STOCK AND BOND BROKER, 240 Equitable Building. RAILROAD SCHEDULES aenger Trains of tbs Followln, Roads: WESTERN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD. Nssavllls . S-Jtam CENTRAL OP GEORGIA RAILWAY. Arrive From— .. Depart To— Ravaaaak .TTt'JSam Macon 11:30as JackaonyUla . TM am Savannah ...l:S0aa Macon 11:40am Ukcoo ........ 4:03 pm Savannah ... 4» pm ^vannah ... *:l$ pm Macon TA6 pm TacbsonvUls ■ »J0 pm rt To- ATLANTA AND WEST POINT RAIL ROAD Aral to '/il tralna af Atlanta and Weal Fatal tall road Co UTS* and Madlaon. avenoe. » ir *e. — GEORGIA RAILROAD. •Animats ... »:03pm •Augusta ..... T:Can Mi“2Wa»:=dBB “"BBS’-aE MBK All ath«c"tminimally siespt la? -Afg sEaK«arI»~aIM LlSfc-RmWAY. Arrive From— Depart To— Wa.blnatoa . (Sam lUrmlngkam . «:»' AMwvIlio ... Mlam Moanw . , . I » Mrmnhla. . .11:46 am York . law Tack . . 1:1. pm Aldwvlllc . ooroc. . . . 7:4. pm Mnnphla . . Irmlach'm . I3$:« Washington in Control Um« J*} nm l-JJian •Spn WANTED—YOUNG MEN, 18 TO 20 YEARS OLD, TO WORK IN SPRING BED .FACTORY. APPLY TO SO. SPRING BED CO., BELL ST. AND GA. R.R. GLORE & JUSTIN, 216 PETERS BLDG. NEW 4-BOOM COTTAGE: CABINET mantels; Chestnut street, 61,200, 660 cash ami 816 per month. THREE ROOMS AND HALCBRADLeV avenue; nice apace, large lot; 6200 cash, 812.60 per mouth. fllKEE KrtoMH AND HAhL; LOT 60x100; Western Heights; 6700-61()0 cash, 810 per mouth. k\TUA N'lClJ Kitf' is8x3&0; RNoLisil avenue: onlv 61.000, NICE 6-ROOM COTTAGE, LOT 64x200 TO another street; east front and plenty of ■hade. 8909-^8100 caah, 810 per month. CAMPBELL & WILSON, REAL ESTATE 1208 Fourth National Bank Bldg. BELL PHONE 1932. FRANK R. CAMPBELL 11. C. 3/II.80N. 81.250 BUYS 6-ROOM 1IOUBE WITH A hall, cabinet iiinntela. kihhI eomlltion: lot 10x1^0^6200 cash ami 810 i»er month; High- fciwjlttvs UtotlM Hlitfsk. ItODEllN; lot 76x176. Tenua to suit; Highland ave. $L00# MtlYS t-ROOM i.'oVtAub oN coll- ner lot. Mangnm at. $3,600 BUYS THREE 2-lttoUY 1161'dGS In fourth ward: new. $A DrVlt FINE l.t>TS, 60x(60; EASY terms: on River ear line. $io,u*> ftUVit likAl'TlFt'L HojIH, Large lot; 10 rooms: on West Peachtree: terms. b.fclo lll'Vfi^FlS'K. llOMt); 4 lilMUIH; ON Weat Baker at.; close In; large lot; terma. it. IIAftklH. tl'. K. I.YScIf. Manatrra Sale. Department. ONLY $3,800. FOR A CHOICE SUBUR BAN HOME. MODERN 2-BTORY 9-BOOM RESIDENCE on lot KXixloo on the northeast corner of Mcl^uibm street and Clifton avenue, right at Clifton Htstlon on the Inman Park and Clifton car Hue In Kdgewood You wlU hare to ace thin to appreciate It. The house Is nlcrly finished and roomy. The lot rontslna every Improvement—wood, chicken anil servanta r bouses, atsblea, nice garden; pretty grove and lawn In front. Thin place b.*a lieeit turned over to me for exclusive sale at a sacrifice price. You will linve to aee me at once, ns It will not be ou the msrkct long at thlo price. J. H. LATHAM, 238 EQUITABLE BLDG. Bell Phone 3143; AtlanU Phone 2149. W. E. SAUNDERS & CO., REAL ESTATE AND RENTING. 67 Inman Bldg. . Bell Phone 1485 to $L WEATHER FORECAST. By Private Leased Wire. Warhlnston, June 4.—Louisiana—1«. stock $133 ia [ thunder etorms Monday aad proba. Beets, cabbage crates, per crate $23 to 1 south Georgia Local thunder storms Mon. IV* n nrl npoHolvti. rr*.. , .. ••"H* 62.63, Tomatoea, per crate, 63 to 62— Beana, green, per crate. 75c to 61. market overworked: wax 60 to 7Sr. Squash, yellow, 61 to 61.26; white 75c to 6L Cueumb old Irish potatoes, per bushel, 61.25 to 6LXI Sweet potatoes, per bushel, 61*25 to 61*60. Kplnarb 61 nor bushel. AupnnigUN 12% to lb%c linneh. reaches, per crate, 62 to 62.50. to Cherries, 24*quart crate, fc... . .. t'nntaloup4*a, i»er crate, 62 to 62.60. Blackberries 10 io 12%c quart. Bewelirrb'S 10 to 12%** iiuart. FLOUR, GRAIN, PROVISIONS. FLOUIt.—i’ostels Ulegant, 6*5.25; Blamood patent 68; fancy patent 15.10; half patept 64.10 to 64.36; fancy 63.9»» spring wheat patent 65.60$*. Market strong.m ilKAlo.—I'lalu Voter ground, per bushel, 73c: l»olte*l 140-lb Jutes, per bushel. 84c. * i rnmni 4WIU JUira, ini I ....... HAY.—Timothy, choice large bales. SLIO: do., choice small bales, 61.t6j *•** J unirn, «a.w. uv., No. i third bales, 61.06; do. No. 2 85c; da No. 1 clover mixed 960; do.. No. 2 closed mixed 60c. CLOVER—Choice 90c. FEED 8TUFF.—Chicken feed. 60 lb. sacks 90c; shorts, white, 61.40; aborts, fancy, wi, RuuriR, wuitr, luurii) inucj, shorts, brown, 61.90; bran, pure wheat, 100 pounds, 61.5); bran, mixed, 70 pounds, 6L20; rnriua feed 61.35; salt 100*lb. sacks, 49; ;u, uuiis, tw|u«i«3 imttx per ton, 60-25. The above prices are f. o. b. Atlanta, and subject to Immeillste acceptance. fornla ha me 10%c. Hupr»*me lard, basis 9.76; Snow pound 7c. Purity compound 7.!». GROCERIES. SUGAR.—Standard granulated 6.66; New York Kellned 4 to 4%c; plantations 6% to ... Market weak. RICK.•‘-Carolina 4% to 7%c, according to grade. Market very strong. STOCKS AND BONDS. Bid. Asked. Georgia 4%s. 1916 ....... 114 116 Savannah 6s, 1909. . Macon 6s, 1910 . . . Atlanta 6a, XtU . . Atlanta 4%s. 1922 . , W , 109 • . . 106% eat Point .... 160 Atlanta and West Point Debts. 109 C. U. ot Ueorgla tint Income do. 2d Income 88 do. 3«1 Income ....... 99 Georgia 261 Augusta and Savannah .... 117 day ami probably Tuesday; Ughl $a fresh cant to southeast winds. 0 West Florida, Alabama and Missis, sippl— Local thunder storms Mondav •dTgwlMMy TBwiiy; light to IS east to south winds. 0 Ea«t Texaa—Partly cloudy Monday showers In Interior; Tue,day ahowi er !. : , ,rei i southeast to *outh wind. West Texaa—Fair In west; show,™ Portion Monday; warmer la- north portion: Tuesday fair. 4 Arknnsas—Showers and cooler Mon. day: Tuesday shower,. Tennessee—Partly cloudy Monday ahowera nn.l cooler In weat portion 1 Tuesday ahowera and cooler In cast portion. Kentucky—Partly cloudy Monday innvrti nm! nnnUp In ui.a» * showers and cooler In west portion Tuesday partly cloudy. -Illinois and Missouri—Generally f,| r except probably local ahowera tonight or Tuesday; n-armer. Indiana—Generally fair and contln- ued warm tonight and Tuesday. Nebraska and Kansas—Fair, extent probably local ahowera tonight or Tues day; warmer. Dakotas—Showers tonight or Tuei- day; warmer tonight. Iowa—Fair, except local showers to- bight or Tuesday; warmer. Minnesota—Probably showers tonight and Tuesday. Wisconsin and lower Michigan— Probably showers tonight or Tuesday; warmer. COTTON REGION BULLETIN. For the 34 hours ending at I a.m., iSth meridian time, Jane 4, HOC STATIONS OF DISTRICT. *Chnttanooga, elear. ('oluralma, clear Gainesville, cloudy Greenville, cloudy Griffin, cloudy •Macon, p. cloudy Mootlcello, cloudy Newnan, cloudy Home. p. cloudy., Hpartanburg, cloudy TallniMHwa, cloudy Toccoa, cloudy West Point, clear •Minimum trmj-crnturrs are for 13hutir li S-1 Southwestern L _ Geoiclii I-o cl fit: l-i- Co £ and A. 1st. . . 1U Proft M. S. Slaughter ot the Univer sity ot Wisconsin baa been elected president of the Classical. Association of the Middle West and South. Prof. Slaughter Is a graduate of John* Hop kins and was formerly a professor at Bryn Mawr- College. Felix Welngartner, the noted com poser-conductor, In commenting on American orchestras, attributes their great success to the fact that they are WE HAVE TIIE CPBTOMER8, YOU FDR- Dish Ihe house, and we will sell or rent It for you. Pome to are ns quick and get quick results. H. G. Wells, who Is In America for the Brat time. Is not here so much to gather material for fiction as to Inves tigate the social conditions of New York and throughout the country for the purpose of writing a aeries of ar ticles when he returns to England. One ot the Paris papers announce* the death of an Interesting link with the Bohemians of the Latin Quarter of Heavy -isrlanna. -......„...... .... Tulsa. Okls.. 7.03: Holilenrlllc. I. T„ HO. CENTRAL 8TATION. Atlanta .... Augusta ... Charleston Galveston . Memphis Mobile Montgomery . New Orleans . Oklahoma .... Havannah .. Vicksburg . Wilmington I! The temperature changes during the put 34 hours were unimportant as a rule. t»» tendency lielng. however, to. cooler In nwtt districts. Rain was general orer the Mt except In Montgomery district: kravy amounts fell In portions of South C»rollM, Florida and Oklahoma add IndlnnTerrltorj. i. li. MAIIBUKI. Local Forac«st«r. •txty years ago—Madame Dehors, whose maiden name was Hchaune, and whose brother waa IL Schaune, who figures aa Schaunand In Henrle Mur- ger’s “Scenes de la Vie de Bohemo. first published In 1S4L COLLEGE PARK HOME. DON'T PAY RENT. It I* exceedingly bad form to do to when you can pay your own money back In your own pocket by coming to me. Juat run your eye over thla. 3- room, modem, new houae on comer lot, $100 caah, balance eaiy monthly payments. 4- room modem new houae, aame terms. K-room, new modem houae on large comer lot; $260 caah, balance eaay monthly payment!. EDWARD H. WALKER, THE COLLEGE PARK REAL ESTATE DEALER. $2,609—ABOUT four doors from Gordon «t., Wool End, now cottage; 6 bexutlful room*; reception hall, parlor, bedroom, dining room, kitchen! bath <flu© porcelain tub)w*t#r. — JT«I. jot Qarga tnoofk for another cottage); a very neat home. Owner nee» Koo6;*Bi 62.100—0> balance tenua. $3.lOO^ON martin, loot nff Georgia ave.; 7 rooms, well built, aubitantltl hoo«. t'heap at tkla price. (Son down; balance easy. Id.300—OVERLOOKING GRANT DARK, ou Cherokee ave., close to Oeofgla are : d« . cottage | desirable location ou Grant i LET rs'rtlow YrttT THROirnil OCR LIST. PRETTY PLACES IN OTHER SEC TIONS; SOME ON EASY TEUM8. ” STEVENSON BROTHERS & COMPANY, REAL ESTATE. Bell 1061. 1529 CANDLER BUILDING- Atlanta 304- AUCTION SALE JUNE 16. K. G. Black and W. H. Allen have purchased the old sum* mer home of J. L. Winter, between Atlanta and Decatur, which is now being subdivided and streets graded. This property con tains eighteen acres, and there is no lot in the entire tract that isn t shaded with, beautiful oaks, and having street-car frontage of nearly 600 feet. To reach this property take the Decatur cat at the corner of Bdgewood Avenue and Peachtree Street and get oil at Winter s Station. For plats and information applv to FAVER & BLACK, 308-3l5-3rt> Peters BLiilding, Both IPhones 35^ I