The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, June 08, 1906, Image 7

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UN|R WATER; fesERVOIB IS THREATENED hsD PEOPLE FLEE HOMES IS TO BE GIVEN FREEDOM' , Camping on the Hill Side To Be Out of Reach of the Torrent. c _ Private Leased Wire, pittsbur*. Pa.. June 8.—The rlvermen «ind Pittsburg are expecting a flood, . non’ big It will be no one can t , rf ,, m oat of the water now com- Jr la from doudburBts In the upper ~7, of the state. The river Is rising r , having Come up nlniost two feet I Erin* the night, and at 6 o’clock the ” a t Davis Island dam showed 8.1 E, Several heavy rainfalls from up IS,'state are reported. fireensburg, Jeannette, Manor and _inv other towns suffered the heavy zirnnour and much damage Is report- id Reports from various points show fjl, the flood Is subsiding and that *n*«r has passed. Torrents of water from the mountain threatens the destruction of the reser voir at Boggaley, and the people are ramping on the hills. High water has stopped the machin in' in the pumping station at Butler I "' d »ork has also been suspended In a Somber of factories. Houses In the lower portion of town are submerged. PRISONER AND JAILER NIT ON jOOD TERMS JUDGE HARGIS ORDERED TO CELL THROUGH WORDS PA88ED TO THIR6 PERSON. By Private Leased Wire. jackaon, Ky., June 8.—Following the Indictment of the grand Jury, Judge Hargla yeaterday surrendered himself In open court on the charge of being accessory before the fact to the murder of the late Dr. J. D. Cox. Judge Riddle announced that as he had been object ed to by the defendant In a similar rue, he would decline to preside In this one, and that the prisoner would be In the custody of the Jailer. Though responsible for the safekeep ing of the prisoner. Jailer Little per mitted him to be at large all day, but vent to Hargis’ place of business at 4:JO o’clock last evening and rcciueated llm, through his friend, Ed Callahan, lo go with him to the Jail. Hargis and Little are not on speaking terms. Judge Hargis haa tiled an affidavit alleging unsanitary conditions of the Breathitt county Jail, and former bad treatment on the part of Jailer Little, end asked to be sent to another Jail. Judge Riddle, having declined to pre side In the case, would not hear this potion. Hargis Is conflned among and rated Just the same as the other prls- i lers. T. P. Cardwell, Sr., father-ln- 1 w of llr.'Cox, Is pressing the prose- r tlon. L i **6 \ ; jc -< ■ '■«*- I V v JOSEPHINE TERRANOVA. This Picture Was Taken Just After the Jury Had Acquitted Her on a ,, Charge of Murder. By Private Leased Wire. New York, June 8.—Decision was reached at the office of the district attorney yesterday to discharge Josephine Terranova from custody on Monday*. She will not be held for trial »n a charge of killing her uncle, Ga etano Reggio. Last Friday a Jury acquitted hi r of the charge of murdering her aunt, Mrs. Reggio. ITT PERSONS HURT IT BROTHER GIOVANNI’S REWARD BY J. SACKVILLE MARTIN. Beautiful Lots r/' At Auction SATURDAY, JUNE 9th, at 4 P. M. KRSSSaSHSHB&ttSBlSSBBKKBBKSSSSSSSSBK^^ These Lots are right at Hapeville, some fronting rail road, and owners tell us electric cars are guaranteed by 1st January next. Hourly trains now on C. R. R.; fare 5c. Terms of Sale: $25.00 cash, balance $10.00 per month, 7 per cent. Interest or 5 per cent. Discount for cash. . Take C. R. R. train leaving Terminal station at 3:30 p.m. Get off at Rose Hedge. * This is a chance to buy at your own price a lot which * will be worth double the money in a year after car line is built. Thousands of dollars on improvements are being spent in this section. For particulars, see GERMAN MENNONITE SETTLE MENT 18 PRACTICALLY DE STROYED BY THE STORM. By Private Leased Wire. Hillsboro, Kans.. June 8.—A tornado •truck, Goestel, a German Mennonlte •ettlemfnt, 15 miles southwest of here, yenterdny, and the town was practical ly destroyed. About R0 persons were In jured. ,The most seriously hurt nro Katie Bendrlchs, aged 15: Henry Ratz- urr, a fcrmer, and Dr. Peter Rlchort. The firnado laid waste a strip y»rds *1 tie. Several stores and twelve reildcnfcs were demolished, and every residence In town waa damaged. The Clis»ei| mill and the Qerkln parochial •cnool.j nearing completion, were wreck*. TheJIarge Mennonlte hospital was only Rightly damaged. The Injured were liken there for treatment. L PARK PUNS BE I ipere, mapa and other data will be EH 1 ? or thi next aexslon of con- JJ • by the commltteo which has been 1*ing toward establishing national * on the three battle grounds 2l d Atlanta. City Engineer Clay- completed the maps of the JJJ nds and they will be considered at w meeting of the committee next « 'day afternoon at 3:10 o’clock. The of the meeting In r> fr.u - ’ ll which will be presented by fgia congressmen. * • ™ committee consists of commit’ appointed from the city council, Pr. 1 . Oomemree, from li Confederate Veterans’ Aa- rfSi on ’ * ron * Confederate camps v*“ s city, from the county commls- rl rs a ”d from the Grand Army of p V bl,c - Councilman Edmund W. n ts chairman. plan carried out .will tnean that e pounds of Peachtree creek, a . aml Esra church will be con- i n . t0 P* 1 ** and wide tree* Ef*™ 1 koutevarda encircling the city r® Join them. •MBS in such variety and of such i'eiutiful designs. Among the •ttrtctively finished styles arc those with filigree scrolls,carved arabesques, jewel-set or enam- c ltd. The effective Biroque J*™ are used as a setting in some of ' ,m *rte$t combs and form a most active combination with either the or green-gold finish. Turqqolgg enamels are also popular. toAIER & BERKELE. Brother Giovanni stood borore the grest unfinished canvas that was to grace the wall above the high altar of the monastery chapel. Ills palette and bis brashes Isy Idle beside him, while he stared at the painting with eyes that did not aee It, belug fir beyond In vision* of glory, of which he bad caught but a faint reflection. Here was'set oat the crucifixion of Oar Lord In a manner feeds* enough to con vert both Turk and Naracan. . The good brother’s eyes wandered from the Infinite tenderness of the central figure to the two weeping women about the foot of the cross; and then to a few strongly drawn lines In charcoal In the left-band corner of the painting, which showed where tlm work wns still Incomplete. Although a humble monk, Gloranul waa held In high esteem both by the abbot and the brethren of the Uttle monastery of Santa Casrkme. These held It firm* as an article of faith that none other In all Italy could paint ft* he conld. It was useless to speak to them of Flrense and Botticelli: equally useleos to talk of Borne ntul of Itapknel. They were simple men who had not seen these things. Neither did they wish to see them; for had they not Gio vanni’s workaT-end It waa l*yoi)d ques tion that these were beyond compare. All things considered, Giovanni might have been excused had be been puffed up with his fame. It was the mm's merit to him, therefore, thst he showed f being so. lie was ever the same kind Is * ^ u the long shaggy eyebrows were of the same sandy color of his hair. Ills nose was large and fleshy, and hie llpe abut tightly to gether like a steel trap, ported In one place alone by a projecting yellow tooth, upon the left-hand aide of the face, Inst below the month a large mole disfigured hie chin, giving rise to a half a doxcii strong, oeudy hairs. Brother Giovanni stared at him as though he were unable to remove hla eyee. ANSLEY BROS., I 10 East Alabama Street. linn benediction. flu this le r m gated at If etMidlly end made tbe atm nr the ernee upon kte breaet. ’’You have wrought well, my brother,’’ he eatil, tiling hla eyre sternly upon Olorauui. "Yonre la Indeed a wonderful talent, aud It bobnvea you to ae« Hut you uee It worthily, Hurh art la In Iteelf n religion. Yet ten me," he continued ecnnnlog tba picture narrowly, "what Agar* do r«o pro. pose placing here where you have left Ihe canvna Imperfect*:" "if It itleaara your Lordablp." atanun.rad Fra tllovnnnl, ncrroualy, ‘it la my tntrn. tlon to depict here the accnraad Iaearlnt hat lucllnetj kindly, brown-eyed man, aomewl to *ra«r work. o. — of life, u ndeo forgetful Tory for'hTa frugai hroagh much alttlug at uaa In the practical ad comfort that awoke from mor. Alia? tipreaaloo of •llstreee, and bz hla day dream with a niur ...... - can never do It," he cried. What do I know of auch men, or whom can I take aa my model! N»y. but to And him I should bare to to forth Into the world and Into the abode of thieves and murderers. And bow can I do that! Tbe plctara will sever be ialahed aay mora than it will be finished when hla lordship aea to see It tWa afternoon/’ .Ha distress waa deep Wajdtftr only that very morntag the Abbot 1’aoto had railed him to hla own apartment after ma- •», and bad Informed him that the lord lihop of I’emgta waa panlng through ini KStfW\Br» bsMrt M ?nkl of* 1 Mttan!* "*'• •it It useless,” he sighed; **I cannot do lie gathered hla brushes slowly together nd went* to the refectory for BIS midday The afternoon found him again before hla reaves, yet making no further progress with It. Hryond the large window the snn •hone hotly on the green laws ef tbe court i!?3. lie stood at the window, looking ont at It vaguely, busted ratter with hla thoughts thae th. scene before hlafc so thaThe started ae a procession of tnonka. beaded by the abbot and a richly dressed stranger, came acroee the grus In the dl- recti,m of hie room. One glance at the . eeclSSilelem rf the vlrttor'e rb told Mm Jhet this could be no other than the lord bl.hop of I’erugta. a power; ful prince >,f tbe chnrrb. aa,l on ti intimacy with the pope hlmaelf. He rone and bowed low as the , ... terid hla room. When be «Iwd blJ ^ea to the bleh-dr’e face he remained staring nt It a. though H were a vlaion sent to Mm from b 7et” l wai f nmrcely s nrepoanaaMng cona- nance. Tka Lord Blabop was liumriiaely tall. Heal,lea him. the atont. ruWeund via- — ..... —re one the Un hand .■BBSBBSVnnWM shoulder at the cross, «■ though fearing that hr should meet with miraculous tie- ••WWe.1 thought pf," said tbe Bishop jravtly—“a striking conception Indeed, wherefore Is If not jet finished as Is the rest of the plcturs?” •’Alas, mj Lord!" said Glovnunl, '‘there are difficulties In the war. Yet now 1 may not be long before it “Alas, my Lord 'e difficulties In I promise that It sb Is completed.” ’’See that |r Is “Wont worth! .-j a __ r craft, my brother, and do not misuse your talent that hath been vouchsafed to you. Bo shall you sorely meet with your re ward—not in silver or gold, ns do tbs artists of the world, hnt In a manner fitting the accomplish and propor tionate to tbe seal of which you do It.” ■He rained hla flngera ‘ depart'd v term# of fine S »Ie blue and xc,l du wane which case they were inner nttlng t! »h and tr — Ich you do I ee more la diction, and departed with hla companions, leaving tllovaunl ataadlng staring altar him. The poor brother’s bead was apluulug with frightful thoughts. He had made no progress With Ms Jidas, becauae, being aur. rounded solely by men of relth and holy living, he had ao model. Well, waa not Ihe Lord lli.bop a holy mas! And yet that soar, thoaa shifty blue eyes, that bid —... tvitb a shudder he had bit hande to abut out the vision Then, dinning hla down, he fled tt hla cell and shut hlmaelf In to atrugfla agalnat temptation. In tba dear light of a aumtaer erenlng t ie Lord Illahop and hla train act out for I rente. From the window of hla cell rother Giovanni watched him ilepart. Far on lata the night he tossed restlessly upon the plank which farmed bis coach. At mid night he coaid bear It no longer, and, ariz ing a born lantern, he harried guiltily from bla cell to tht painting room. Desperately he worked try the fertile rays of the lantern until the faea of Iaearlnt atood ont hid eously. with pala sandy hair, and shifting KEd'S —horribly like! With a shudder ha iImM his brs»n st the face and obliterated all that he had done. Durlug tbe next few days Brother Gio vanni went about the moaaatery palo aud preoccupied. The great work made no Progreso, for he could not touch It. He was obeeased by a vision of the Bishop’s foes, fit knew bow that no otbarJodas was possible for him; be knew that ha would have to paint It, and be trembled at the knowledge. JSfMn hl, f "work VftTBWS samaras. One thing, awl one tMa he won Id da He would replace the hair with thick and matted.locks, that would I* a aattclent dlsgular. would leave out Ike mole, too. If be cow. He worked as a starving than eut»-without stepping, and Jadas grew hideously once more npnn the mares. The good Abbot I’aolo watched Mm with ‘-RmaMi mr/’he said vagnrly. aeratch- yrt of whom I cannot toll.” The brrthrrn thought the rump. They gathered In HtUe gronpn before Hip plctara, endeavoring to recall tvboiu It reacmMcd. None of them, however, penetrated th,- «lt«- gultw of the thick-matted linir. And the mole waa not there, though Krn tilovonnl had lung mmle up hla muxl that Jodis hnd Just such a mole, mot hla fingers Itched to pat It on. At length one morning hr could restat the temptation no longer, and, with n few vi rions dabs of amW, tbe mole stood re- veiled. Rarely had ha imbibed It when tba ablmt hurried In with J„y ui»,ti bla fnee. • “My brother,” ha cried, "haa thou fin ished thy picture! The lord hlalmp returns this way from Firenze today, end will ar rive In the afternoon, lie la certain to iriali to are It. nnd doubtleae bo will reward thee, my eon, according to ihy deserts, "Yea.” said Giovanni quietly, "It la flu defied." The abbot departed Joyfully, too foil of hie preparatlooa for bla guest's rereptUm to ginnco at the canvaa. Bat Giovanni stared at If dismally. _ ■ , -He will know It," he murmured; "he mnnot but recognise It.” It would lie an eaey to alter the face. A few dabs of paint wonid at least obliterate tba mole. Yet aa poor Olovsunl looked at Ms work he knew It was Impoaatble "I will nnt/’ he crlad. railing bis bands. "Tima waa Jodas, and not otherwise. I will not do It." . ; -.- In the afternoon tba lord bishop come over tbe hllla with a nmneroiia retinue. When ha had washed and partaken of some slight refection, be czpressed a wish to sea Additional Sporting News FOR FULL PAGE CF 8PORT8 SEE PAGE TWELVE. CUTTER CREWS READY TO ROW Many of tht brethren, proud ofFraGlo- vannTa skill, accompanied Mm. Like twea, they clustered about the canvaa, I m I Mg; apt to look a trifle mallgnauL Above them lug Ma head, "It reminds me uf ir pfetun Many of they riuatereo annul zua cwovaa, however, a apace wherein the good abbot and Ms guest might move. , •Tbe lord hla bop of I’erugta looked long and ateudlly at the picture. Then h„ turned Ms eyes toward Giovanni, who stood lieslde It. nick with fear. There eoold he no doubt now Whom judat. resembled. Not one of tht monks could mlwi the llkeneae whan tbe model atood hefoea them. They Ml to whispering together, marveling that they bail not seen It tiefore. And even aa hr looked tbe bishop’s scowl tncrear -’ — Witt the scowl tha remmblanct stronger. . ...... ,. "Thou hast wrought well,’ he.aald at last, turning towardTGiovanni. "Thou I wall amploya<l tha talaat that bath » granted «nto tiae. Indeed, Indeed, waning with vlcloun pieaean t not hidden It In a nen_ Therefore, ns I did prophesy to thee, thou sbalt earely meet with thy reward—not In gold or silver, my brother, imt tea man ner fitting to the work which yon have ae. eompllahed. and the seal with which you accomplished It. Myself end your good abbot will confer upon the matter/’ lie turned and left the .mam. followed by the abbot and the whispering.monks, and once mom Giovanni waa left alone with bin picture. That same evening. In the chapter house. Brother Giovanni received Ms mward. end In good measure A conpl* of sturdy brethren elrtpi«-l him. nnd. placing him face downward npon the floor. Mid on to him lustily with raw cowhide until he bel lowed again. Xlahtly for n month the pn*. can waa repeated: so that long afterward the neaaantry of ibnee pert. when they could beer the wolvea bowl in the ferret nt night, would laugh by thrfr It redden and ’Ha but Brother Giovanni receiv ing tbe reward of tbe talent that hath By Private Leased Wire. New York, Juoe • —The twelve oared navy cutter racing crews of tba Atlantic fleet nre getting ready for practice for tbe races that are to take place this anmtner for tho llattenberg Squadron cup, the trophy re cently presented to the enlisted ineo of Rear Admiral Robley D. ISvona’ fleet by tbe enlisted meh of the Ilrttuii second crulaer squadron nnder Rear Admiral Prince Ionia of Buttanherg. The enp, a magnifi cent affair, standing over two faat high, la of solid silver, trimmed with gold, and to now oo board tbe battleship Maine, the flagship of tha Atlantic flaeL Tha enp la Imcrlhed aa follow*: "Maine, Alabama, Iowa. Kearsarga, Ran- tacky, Massachusetts, Missouri, llllnota. Weat Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Colorado, Mayflowar, Yankton. To tba enlisted men of the North Atlantic fleet from their nrltlsh cooatna of the Second (’miser squadron oo board Ihe Drake, Cara- wall, Raeez, Bedford, Comber land, to grate- ful remembrance of the many Madnesses, tokens of good fellowship, end .wonderful entertainment, that were given to them In cordial friendship by their comrades acmes tha aaa. Annapolli, November 1st to November 30, 1106—New York." teen granted to him.” Moral: Bred In thodnye before rammer- .dal com petition, Art for Art’s Heke did not always pay. THROUGH SLEEPING OAR LINE TO Wrightsville Beach, N .0, Commencing Saturday. Juno the 9th, and continuing each Saturday during the month! of June, July aod Au gust, through sleeping cars will be op erated, delivering passengers at tbe holds at WrightavlIIe Reach. leaving Atlanta at 9:35 p. nt.; returning, leave WrightavlIIe each Thursday, arriving Atlanta the following morning at 6:00 a. ni. Season tickets $18.65; week end tickets, good for five days, $8.26. SEABOARD. GRAFFIUS OUT; GILKS GOES IN IJtUa Rock. Ark., Jana I — Proaldant Knr- nnauKli an* notified by ManaKer GMk*. of tliu Hbrcreport team, la*t night, that ho find a'lapandad C’afrfjrr Cirafff'iM, nnd fbat be (Gllkfl) was going to gat Into tho gnmo blntHtlf. Prwdist Ktvuinfh nsHflad Gliks that If tho aKMpenNffio was u-tiulun and If (leuf flu* waa —Pquoad wltlmut pay It was IB right. Otherwise ha would not bo allowed irtlclpato In auy gsiu*. Ila waa far- Informed that In tha ovant that Graf’ was rolpstatod ha (Gllka) or soma other THOMA8TON WINS. ana fi —Tbe Boya* High stbool of Afloat* leaf thr«- gmm li crack Tbomaston team. First gsma: ficora: It. II. B. Tbomaston ,,,4 6 4 B. II. I 6 3 Batteries: Thomas ton, Abercrombie and ffarrls; B. II. “Bad” Smith ami Lock hart. Tbe second game was pitched by Tool Stowers, who did not gtva op a single bit and who struck out Oft caa mao. Score; B. If, B. Tbomaston .....13 16 4 I B. H. H 0 0 1 Battsrfes; Tbomaston, Stowers and Far- j Isa; B. H. 8., Calloway and Lockhart. Foul Stowers, who bad jaat pUcbed a no-blt game, pitched tbe third game of tbe series, giving tip only 4 scratch hits. Ha •truck out > man In seven Innlnga. It. II. B. 18 IS 4 B. H. 8 6 4 8 Battery: Tbomastoo, Stowers and ffarlsa; II. II. M. ( “Bad” Smith and Lockhart. Tba Tbomaat— team left last* night for Covington, where they play three garnet and than they go to Union Springs, Ala., for three games. OXFORD TEAM LOSES. Sports I to Tba Gctyrglaa. Winder, Ga.. Jane 8.—\Vln«l**r defeated the Oxford team here today In a very tu tereatlng gain** by a wore of I to t Tbe pltrhlnr of t^-rsrs for the locals was phe r»*ai..’ f. il and be struck oat 21 man. A sec ond gsma will be played Friday. Ik-ore hy Innings: R- II. E. Winder 112 Ml SM M 1 Oxford Mum008-2 3 8 Batteries: Winder, J. Megan and DeLa-. IVrrtare: Oiforfl. Hokunen end llertaflebl. I Ntni. k out. by Beam 51. by flolomeu T. j Umpire, Bensara.. Time. ^45. DAY PITCHES FINE GAME. 8perlal to Tbo Georgian. (.'orlngloii, Gn., June 8.-Covington defeat- rd it. E. Lea lnatUiite. Frank Andarson's fast team from Tbomaston, on tbe home grounds yesterday. Tho gam* was very ox- citing from beginning to finish. Tho foo- turo of -tbo gaiuo waa the pitching Uf Hay. for Covington, lie gnv* up only two hits and struck out fifteen men. Hroro by Inning*. fl. II B. Covington \V) o» ©oo-g jo 2 a E. I see ono ono WV-O 2 3 Batterfeo-Oovlngton, I>sy and Slmnaons; It K, Anderson and Karri a. This Is tbs flrat of a aeries of three games wit li It U. ,N«*ruj*a will l»o In tho box for tbo locals on Friday. HOME COMING WEEK FOR KENTUCKIANS. THROUGH SLEEPERS Atlanta to Louisville. On account of thu above oocaalon Hi" W. A- A. It. it. mifl N. C. A St. I* Railwny will null round trip tickets on Junn 10, 11 nnd 13 at rate of onn faro plus 25 cents for th« round trip, th.- rut ■ from Atlanta iielnx 113.Sa. tlckeln Rood to return until Juna 53. 1 :i0»;. Ily iic-|K)NltliiR tickf't am! psylni; feo of 50 CfioU. Howover. ticket, will be extended until July 23. Threo train* dally, leavlnir AtiAnla at 8:35 a. in., 4.50 p. in. and 8.50 |>. m , all cnrrylmc elandnrd Fullmon .leep. cr. Atl*nt* (o Nauhvllhi nnd Nashville * 1 ' f.qilihvill". In addition to this lervlce there will bo throiisb aleeplng cnr. operated on tho 4:50 p. m. train, of June 10 nnd 11, Atlanta to Louisrlli, without chang.', arriving Loulavllle next morning at 1:30 a. m. Route is via Chattanooga, Nanli* vlile and Mammoth Cave. For further Information write or call on J/A. THOMAS or C. B. WALKER, C. P. & T. A. U. T. A. Peachtree Viaduct. Union Pass Sta. CHARLES E. HARMAN, General Paas-mo r Agent. Mr. Ed U LaFontalnf . ao long and favorably known In the |>olnt, varnish and gJaa* buain *»h In At- Ianta, la now with F. J. Cooledge & BrOra the paint men at 12 X. Foreyth atreeL — - - ■ —i ■■ .