The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, June 09, 1906, Image 13

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unfavorable reports received. jrtde Was Very Light with the Closing Tone Very Steady. Pi 1 IJ1 1 W* A GEORGIAN. ****■ u»^. ,J ■ . . SATtmnAY Jvxti », iw» W 1$ MARKETS Edited by JOSEPH B. LIVELY 0TTON WAS DULL! CLOSED HIGHER WEATHER .... hours' session of the cotton ex- tUnS? '“toy wa " llul1 “ ni1 uninteresting. very llfrbt. though undertone i!r. very ataedy, Some reports of tmfavor- m. settther In sections, mostly droughty SfrtJnirter, and ndvlccs that boll weevil „re plentiful In KIUO counties In Texai, Erther with some buying, reau ted In n atwly close, net S to 7 points higher. Tee Liverpool market was closed. Private Leased Wire, ptv YollK. June 9.—In the cotton mar- trade at the outset was rather light :ij, v The tone-wns steady. Dry weather ihrviirhimt the belt checked short sellers - ff aew crop deliveries. SPOT COTTON MARKET. Atlanta-Steady at lie. yew York—Very atendy at ll.W. \>w Orleans-Steady at lie. Owdeaton—Steady* «t 10%c. ^',?nuih-mc^y°nt Ul-Me. Norfolk—Quiet at lie. Laila-Qnlet at lie. RANGE IN NEW YORK COTTON. The following Is tho range In cotton NeW l0rk ‘SfiT Previous ■ open High. Low. sale. C.osA Cbrae. ih.60 io.m 10.89 10.05 10.65 10.60-61 10.49 IO.M 10.49 10.54 10.53-54 .10.40 10.44 10.39 10.44 10.45-46 10.40-42 .10.37 10.42 10.37 10.43 10.42-43 10.87-SS 10.42-44 10.37-38 io.4l 10.46 10.40 10.46 10.46-47 10.41-42 j,n.‘ 10.47 10.60 10.47 10.60 10.50-61 10.45-46 FH» .10.63 10.53 10.53 10.63 1032-64 10.45-47 11,h. 110.52 10.67 10.62 10.17 10.57-53 10.54 Closed very atendy. RANGE IN NEW ORLEANS COTTON Cotton futures ranged as follows st New Orleaus today: Lnst Previous Open. High. Low. Sale. Close* Close. June »... . •*»» 10.90 10.88 Julr .10.94 11.07 1031 11.05 11.04-05 10.9§-96 A«ff. .10 71 10.75 10.71 -10.75 10.75-76 10. “ Si'pt .10.5' loico 10.37 10.30 10.55 13.35-36 10. 10.J6-3S 10.1041 1X34 10.43 10.33 10.40 10.39-40 10.3243 13.45-47 13.38-40 ::::: mmi Mr. Livdy haa edited Markets in Atlanta and the South for more than twenty- five years. His experience makes him tho most reliable market editor in the South if not in tho entire country. NEWS AND GOSSIP Of tho Fleecy Staple. The Jouroil of Commerce mts* ••em. u ■Pnrts In the common line* or bleached goods, and printed ifrrtw^.h 0 i #* c ‘»llniproTemfnt for th __ *?«**!*• were federally nuleb btsyl ers taking only enough to satisfy hreiSiiv wants and not manifesting any disposition {® orders at any stated biSffut. fart ♦ ft? P h „l-JL° W b t ,n f mtdo to hide the ract that buyers are trying the nat'enre nf catel*. S?,«iS e *t tituiu. of the later tndl- ®*tes a waiting game that may gn on for the nnnonneement of a kefiMTu < ^omeitfet! 1,,#0me « «" “•* New Orleans. Juno 9.—The man *fiAw a Sf ,n the"M| l llilra| e p I d ,1 rtv“ 0 r ’%& fa "dro So™5?. r Pnr *‘ , ‘ wUh teB, P*fatu r e« d aboTe ,to r m „ wa ealng 10:90 s.m.-Apa- laehleola, Carabella, Cedar Key, nunnl. low. Tampa, Punta Oor.Ia, Pimm itcJa. ker W eat, .Miami, Jupiter uml Jackaonvliie! Dll- t^fSSrt&^u attL ' ta °° a or tunllht 01 rririte Wirt to wiiT* Leland. .New iprk. June 9.—Cotton opened Terr t^e. wUh very little outside business. Liverpool end New Orleans brokers seem to have a little cotton for sale. Weather map looks good this morning. Look for quiet and steady market today. / * sales on any litUe rally. 8chtll sold July. Wallace bought. Dave Miller sold July. Lfttaman bought. New 0r ^*ns, June 9.—Tyler Texas wires Boll weevil are showing up In great nom- 1*11 I® this county, cleaning fields of all forms nnd doing great damage. This Is a *r'*"**' «[j t wj4d» earlier than they i. T M®*2r e l ^ lock of .cotton In New Orleans *• P* 186 ba £** *Wtnst 72.854 at this time The amount of cotton on ship board Is 38,569 bales, against 66,212 lost year. TODAY’S "•'* RECEIPTS. The following fnM*. shows rocoipra at the irt* lixlny. n«ui|4tio<l with the same dry Mollllo Bnvjininh Chnrlont*Mi .. Wilmington Norfolk Ballfiiioro ... New York... Boston i*h!l»i!t'i|ih|:t Inn Krnm-lsn Port Townsfi Total C60 INTERIOR MOVEMENT. Iloiieton Aopistn MrmnhlH 8t. Louie Cltu ltiiuitl Total SM7 3900 a> TUB . ESTIMATED RECEIPTS. Sew nrlcuuM expect. 000 to 1,200 bale,. —Inst (6 actunl last year; tl.tvc.ton, ' -,tn nrtual laat year: agulnat 1,999 actual E . Weather In Cotton Belt Tke weather In the cotton belt generally imT'I'"'! fr01U c, ** r * na w *™ to c, * <lr M.ien, ltame end TbomeerUlo reported mn rains yeaterday afternoon. . Weather lITwheet Belt" titrenie Northwest—Partly cloudy; 44 to ■ Jdoic: I'HWI raltu. ■ Nortliwe.t—Partly cloudy; 49 to N above; fflai.V'i r,ln " Xur, “ Dakot; local light ralna . V»i a ini Southwest—Clear; 49 to 74 ■hg» ; ceneral ralna Itllnola; local Mlaaonrl. ,/ttj 1 " 'alley—Partly cloudy; M to 79 above; |*wai rains. L , , Weather Foreeaet ■loouinna. Ceorgta. ‘Wee* Florida. Ala- 25*. Mlsalralppl nnd Eaat Taxae—Pa elmatv Saltin’ ’Vi ulri.N, Texna—Fair Saturday; warmer •X 11 ' portion: Sunday fair. K- ! T „, siiuwcra"and cooler Saturday. J’yi 11 fair In aouthesat portion; Sunday iTemie^^l •»'l S nod Artauaie—Fair Saturday &ot«, Indiana, Iowa. Ulaeourt-Falr to- Pf«t and Sunday; roofer Sunday. 'HcUlgin, TVIaconaln. Mlnneaota, 5S!f jtakotn, \ehraaka, Kauaaa. Montana i-I, r nn ' 1 Sunilay, cooler Snnday. «.V.K r iVJj;rtKfS2CR. ten, * h « Piedmont brokerage co.’b DAILY COTTON LETTER hirr v ", rk -Tone A—There wee little newe K“7 ■» the market ehowed do feature*, v .Jds-ntng waa .toady at aa advance of JJJliu t„ a dectloe of twe points, and ET* "''fed ntwnit unchanged to 9 potatl ■rn-r during the middle aeaalnn, wlth the Si,, 1 I-ointi lower to 7 point* higher, raitiic wn* condncl to the evening up of iffei'y.tora. There were do cable*, a* nttlX' i 5? f°e the tad of WMt- Iioiidaya, and there waa oo In- JJo'" in. domeatle new* for fre»h ren- SJT " f '“"‘lay. The week end autlitle* - -ittte mere bulllah than expaeted "cre*«e In the vlrible supply of ILS-19 hale* agalnat il.CJS year* ago. The n^Vf;, W* ago. KlL! ,? re vsnlag In that rain la " E3 *enth Texaa. and to.|ay‘* t‘ . Both root* and fntnre* are exceedingly dull. Almoat no trading la being doneabout the ring. July hold* itp well. Spota are In gem.! demand, but ottering* are amallrr thnn they have been In year*. Nothing ha* Imeu doue yet * Son Antonio, June 9.—Planter* near here report plenty of boll weevil In cotton and ‘ at work and doing groat damage. STATI8TICAL POSITION OF COTTON Following la tho «toll*tleal poaltlon of cotton on F riday, June 8, aa midn up by the New York Financial Chronicle, re eolved over private leaaed wire hr Mexir "are ft Leland. Thta Laat laat . Week. Week. Year. Vial hie supply... 9,199,399 9.794.IW A799.979 American 2,146,2(0 2.2a<t.Sd3 1411 379 Crop In sight....10,299,639 10,206,472 It27i»J6 For week. 87.064 111 779 ljjt» Fort receipt,.. “ 69.264 494,460 97,137 28.724 «iB lilt, stock* 249,359 Htocka Kxporta hit. receipt*.... hit. nhlpmeht*. 77.785 547.697 72,990 270,7*7 f, 372,709 WARE a LELAND’S DAILY COTTON LETTER. New Y'ork, June 9.—There waa -There waa practically exchange this morning e to the holiday abroad was still talk of In.nfftelent moisture In anntheoatern Texaa and complaluta of rain lielng absent were received from aeetlon* of eastern aUte*. In the main, however, the crop *eema to be doing very well ami this It sufficient to prevent much of an advance After the sharp advance yester day trader* attempted to take proflis and price* ran off easily. On the decline, there was general buying, and enough cotton waa wanted thta morning to prorent further weakness. The New Orleans market on July waa higher, and with that option ael|. Ing nrnnnd lie there, there Is less disposi tion to sell short In tbs Now York ‘list There seems to be no change In the market, —- - -ajj| require r a decline gainst badly - . —ther7 Unless I reported from thta section wtth- t frw days, complaints will nn- w n ^ k cr^hic5 ,, f.?!f r ; - jpjy. 0IJ t |j e flf8t hLj. { ‘r 1 ror *n tl Ki",- adrai . crop news. Gibart 91 Clay’s Dally Cotton Latter. New Orleans, Juno 9.—The undoubt ed existence of a significant short In terest In July and the fact that the stocks of cotton available In this city la of such small proportions aa ti admit of a squeeze, almost entirely ab sorbs the attention of the trade, and creates a nervousness In the market that grows with the advance In prices. The disturbance that Is now cornered on the coast of Florida will. In all probability, cause some bad weather In the Atlantic states, but If It amounts to nothing more than rain. It will be very acceptable, aa moisture In the re centpast haa been generally deemed Insufficient for the proper nourishment of the plant However, this statement applies more especially to parte of Texas, whence reports have been re- alved of late to the effect that the drought was assuming erlous propor tions. The visible supply statement shows a further decrease for the week of 127,111 bales, a comparison which Is Interpreted favorably with similar re ductions In the past A like construc tion was placed upon the week’s mill takings of 17L0OO bales, especially when the frequent Interruptions, ow ing to the holidays, are taken Into consideration New York, June 9.—The early trad ing today reflected continued pressure throughout the list and seemed to be a development of the selling movement, which made Its appearance during the late trading on Friday. The technical condition has not recently been strong, and it Is now suggested that a large part of the advnace secured in the coalers, EL Paul and even In Standard Railroad Issues, haa been the result of pool operations, which have distributed quite freely of their holdings earlier In the week. Disappointment la felt that the United Btatee Steel shares and Amalgamated Copper have not been supported during the market’s earlier strength and public Interest has been restricted from this and other causes mentioned. The bank statement today waa slightly bettar than expected In showing a gain In surplus reserve of S249.000. notwithstanding an Increase In Ioann of 97.5M.9M. The market, however, displayed no special effect, and under existing conditions further liquidation and pressure on recently active speculative Issues la quite pos sible. The government crop report Monday, by antlelpatlon, will probably restrict support to the market GIBERT & CLAY * *■ ALABAMA I COFFCC. PROVISION* ATLANTA. OA. ». _ flEMBCRtt Jrij V T ®!J *tock Ex^hiinf# (Nfw Orient Cotton nxrhaa^.iaitoXfO aTEESSh* G fcS 522°“ ueMnfft New OrtotM Htock r.xrjitnyo. Ur#n*ool OKtoa Agwrtatto York ExclmnJe.jNew Orloana Board of I rada.lGalrriton tYKto# E*rba:;g ***•1 end Long Distance T'elephena 529*.' I IcL * n -^. R, FAGAN, Manager. OPENED HEAVY: IN FINAL DEALINGS STOCKS SLUMPED SHARPLY. Stock Market Paid No Heed to Good News From Any Quarter. By Private Leased Wire. New York, June 9.—Wheat prieea reacted sharply today, and the weekly hank state ment, with an Increase of *3,000,000 fssb. off- settlnf a loan Increase of *7,600,000 waa decidedly above expectations. But the stock market paid no heed to the food news from either quarter. It waa heavy at the open- ; the first hour save way quite either quarter. It was heavy a Ing. sagged slowly during the nud In the final dealings gave sharply all around. The only logical explanation for the day’s movement lay In the market's own position Itself, and the experience of tho morning would indicate pretty plainly that technical consideration had been the real Influence In the trading In previous days. Some spe cialties like <lss, Fuel and Heading broke badly.* In other x atocka the declines were K y moderate and a firmer tone waa via- * at the close. At the stock market opening prices showed general declines. Brooklyn llapld Transit being nn exception In showing % advance, (irent Northern preferred off 1H, Anaconda 1*4, Atchison, Amalgamated, 1’ennsylvanla and 8t Paul tt, Uulou Pacific •Ti, Smelting off %, Delaware and Hudson exceptionally gained 1 per cent. Tho market ruled heavy from the atnrt, and a heavy supply of stocks was continual ly pressed for sale at any advance. There waa very little commission busluess, and It was stated by traders themselves that busi ness waa all In the room, but this Is hardly reasonable. The movement of prices In Itself shows that liquidation from some source la lu progress. Governments unchanged. Other bonds RANGE OF NEW YORK STOCK MARKET A 111 III L’ Atlant . American 8ugar Befitting Anaconda American Locomotive . do preferred •• American Smelting Beflnlng ••• . do preferred..,....,*......., Atchison »9t do preferred ... American Cotton Oil Baltimore and Ohio Brooklyn Rapid Transit Canadian Pacific.. Chicago nud Northwestern Chesapeake and Ohio Colorado Fuel tnd Iron ... do preferred Central Leather Chicago and Great Western Chicago. Milnuukoe nud St. Paul...... Delaware nnd Hudson.........,.,....,, Distiller's Hecurltlea Erie do preferred General Electric Illinois Central American Ice Securities Louisville nnd Nnsbvlllo Mexican Central Missouri Pacific New York, Outario and Western Nations! Lead Northern Pacific... few York Central ■ or folk and Western Pennsylvania People's (las Pressed Steel Car.,.. do. preferred Pacific Alall Itock Island Hd& preferred*. States KuhtMr preferred Sloaa-Sheffleld Tennessee Coal nud Iron...*.... ...... Texas nnd Pacific Union' Pacific Uulted States Steel do. preferred..^, Vlrgluin-Carollon Chemical...* «... da preferred Western Uulon Wabash do. preferred. Wisconsin Central da preferred.......... L. J. ANDERSON & CO.’S ■ DAILY COTTON LETTER New York, June 1—'Today's market was 6 tactically n repetition of yeatenlny’s,. both i the range of prices nnd news. I, * showers occurred In Scattering local of the belt, but were of sllgnt. If any, value to the crop. It was a quiet affair throughout the session. Scalpers did not venture In on account of Jhe narrowness of fluctuations nnd the only stimulant of- fered come from old time bulls who still hold on to the high price theory. It Is well understood, however, that tho holiday In the Liverpool market tends to lessen the desire of speculators on tmth sides of the market, nnd uuder the guidance of those who are holding tho situation In hand at present, we do not look fof any decided changes until Liverpool op<ta* again nnd business assumes a normal basis. We still maintain that the weather and development of tho crop within the next few weeks will decide the situation for those who are on the fence. MOVEMENT OP COTTON DURING THE PAST WEEK Secretary Hester, of the New Orleans cot ton exebaoge. In his weekly^ statement of tho movement of cotton for tho week cud* Ing yesterday, shows a decrease of the amount brought Into sight as compared with Inst year of 45,000 (Miles, against an acreage of 49,000 year before last and 34,000 n 1903. For tho eight days of June the totals show a decrease under last year of 41,000, an Increase over the same period year lieforo last of 52,000 nnd an Increase over rought Into sight during the past week has been 79,508 bales, agalnat 124,287 for tho seven days ending this date last year, 10,150 year before last and 45,794 same time th 1501; and. for the eight dnya of June It has been 94,6X2, agalnat 135,»4 same time In 1903. The movement stnee September 1 shows receipts nt all United States ports 7,667,161, ngaluat 9,334,070 last year, 7,020,493 year be fore Inst and 7,512,783 same time In 1903. Overland across the Mississippi, Ohio and Potomac rivers to northern mills and Can ada, 899,387, against 1,026,420 last year, 902,- IB9 year before last and 1,058,194 as In 1903; Interior stocks In excess e clese of the commercial real lit 196,719 same time In 1905; mnuuotu takings, 1,903,000, agalnat 1,811,713 last year, 1,694,370 year before laat and 1,729,579 *’-je In 1901. make the total movement for the 381 days of the season from Rcptcml>er 1 to date 10,488.266. against 12,328,93) last year, 9.727,488 year before last and '* “ time In 49oi , Fore* 87,180. total agslui 1,777.8- Nort — ... the past seven days show a decrease thus far for the season • l>een 4,170.339, against 4,000,7.0 Iasi These Include 2.213,000 by uortherc spinners, against 2,124.916. Stocks nt the scafMMird and the twenty nine leading southern Interior centersJ^sd Sentiment the Living Force in Common That Makes National Consciousness By LANDON CARTER. TIPS FLASHED From Wall StreeL Ins for prnft-Mlmi.l .ermint I. llkt-ly in tbs stork markrt today, but w« ImIIsv. thst pun-bSM* suds ou any raids will proto profits bis, for the list Is held .ppsrestly within s limited ran*, either way, very likely until the May crop report and eon (teas shall be past.'' tractireH^u^nUm^ activity, will be closely MSM .. reason o. 1.1-ly watebsd by stock a* possibly Indie*tins ae adverse crop reports ft sen I year from 2U Ml dull- .. No franrbli coni] com r nusines* vsr etter demand, sdest tcltpbon ibjeet to bett. lo franchise for Indopoud npsny In New York suhj I I idltlone from present monopoly, ■fctlmsrd expeoUd to Issue mnipri-JSSS finsscltf plan Involving unification of ays- IM ran tnd steel mills active. ices, nqrthwct crop report, favor- ~'ihinl<. lost os wsak'i currency moTsm.ot Collections by treasury offsettln. Urge receipts from Frisco. Ilrsd.trcet's says Industries, with few xeeptloiis, are active, .ttboufh the nan. summer shut down should take pises. Dun’s Ilovlew says ou the whole* thi week's results were rncouriflnx .tn monthly reports for May .bow .pteudh gnliis over lust year’, ttxurr*. Twelve Industrials declined .19 per cent Twenty actlru ralle advanced .01 I par cant STOCK SALES. 1 i. in.. .. Total I against a decrease during the cornvpondlnft period last season of 140,557, sad *r* i,») smaller than at this date In 1906. Including stocks left over at ports and Interior towns from the Inst crop sod the number of beles brought Into sight thus REVIEW OF THE WEEK’S NAVAL STORES MARKET rlts turpeotlnv at 57ttc. At was hlghfr. ruing today, and ay’s session. The i no danger of going It Is tba belief of aw present figures. price has been reached, and that the ham mering to which the market boa been sub jected within the recent past has abated. (Jne reason for this Is that the talk amoeg the producers of an organisation to control price* has made the heavy exporters will ing to support prices above the point where such action will be taken. . In the rosins market the higher grades bars made quite a substantial advance, the around present prices, with pernai buoyancy In some of the grades. NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET. The folio wise tebk gives tke, opening end closing fiooUtbrne for coffee for future delivery todajr in K*w *ork: January p.v:. l jsr.v August ... September October November ... ... ... December ... . Closed steady. (Copyright, 1909, by W. R. Hearst.) If willing to learn, every ono has been severely enough taught thst our civilization, taken as a whole. Is help lessly In danger, without the hlghei guard of sentiments or Ideal feelings —and It Is this Intangible, but mighty, power which, aa a community, we ehoutd strive to maintain In efllclsnt force. In the great wheel of life there are many cogs, but none more Important than sentlm.nL -which I. the living forco In common that make, tlonal consciousness. There Is, of course, much In Inheri tance; a community, a people, a na tion, are not made In a day, nnd civil ization Is tho outcome of centuries of work and development; nnd Just as tho sins of the father are visited upon the children .unto the third and fourth generation, so also are virtues Inher ited; but what greater motive power Is there for tho preservation of every her itage than sentiment? Tho aid which one may receive from sentiment may be of nn even more powerful help than material, bocause of a moro sub tle nature—even tho yearning mother finds certain sad solace when picturing the once cherished childhood In the now dissolute man; and, In that same man, whoso youth tins been so satu rated with gentle mother love, no mat ter how degraded he may have become, there I* always a liber In hla memory that can be touched to gentle Issues; or even the more euggestlon of a thought, prompted pcrhnps by gray hair, which may have been the dawn of the recollection of his first love. True sentlmenL even In connection with blasted hopes and death, does not weaken, but become, nn Inspiration to make our future worthy of our love. Sentiment, If unrestricted, may of course result In morbidness, but It Is a very false sentimentalism which lives only with ths unattainable and lavishes all of Its strength and tenderness upon memoriea; whereas, those some feel ings, If properly indulged In and prof ited by, would be a ] ' I great Incentive for nobl tlvlty. In the memory of some natures who have loved us wo live In a conscious feeling and belief of having been con secrated by that affection, and conse quently bound over to them and purity by their tru.t In ua; and In the senti ment of such memoriea, would not sins agnlnst their teachings and Influence become almost sacrilege? Healthy sentiment Inspires activity and a keener sppreclatlon of duty, and what makes Ilfs dreary Is the want of motive—duty is the center of moral life! ’’The Idea of duty, that recogni tion of some thing to b, lived for be yond the mere satisfaction of self, to the moral life, what the addition oi a great central ganglion Is to animal life." Sentiment stirs and encourages every human fi-'-llng by \vtil--h n-it.l, m s- amt goodness and nil that Is true, tries to gain tho ascendency In us, whenever there’ Is tho slightest opportunity: whereas, rnmmo’n senso and ndvico given mechanically and not tempered with love, Bympnthy nnd sentlmenL seem proportionately Ineffectual. Hu mility and tenderness are largely taught by porsnnal suffering, and with out suffering thero enn be little true sympathy with sentiment—these two little words which comprise eo much that Is highest and best In humanity. Heaven, wo are told, tnny he gained through fear ns well as love, but the sentimental roads, guided by the love of God, are necessarily easier, happier and more satisfactory from every standpoint than those which teach only the fear of hell. proportionately bleness nnd ac croaching upon Ths gslntlen Artsy Is about to oract In Ism Angeles, sl s cost of 113,000, a HAVEYOUANYMONEY AHEAD? Is It Invested where It Is perfectly cafe? Is It available now If FORTUNE should knock at your door? Prepare yourself to take advantage of opportunity by Investing your savings In this hank, where they , will cam 3H per cent COMPOUND INTEREST, bo pep fectly safe and available practically on demand. CENTRAL BANKS TRUST CORPORATION, CAPITAL $500,000.00 Asa G. Candler, President. W. H. Patterson, Vies-President A. P. Colts, Csshlor. John S. Owens, Vice-Prosidont Wm. D. Owens, Asst* Cashier. ATLANTA NATIONAL BANK ATLANTA, GA. C. E. CURRIER, PreeldsnL A. E. THORNTON, VIce-Pre.ldenL H. T. INMAN, Vice-President. GEO. R. DONOVAN, Cashier. JAMES 8. FLOYD, Ass^ Cashier. . Capital $500,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits $500,000.00 We Solicit Your Patronage. wu. l nil. tmut s*. 80*7. f. MADDOX. fki-Fm. 7H0S. I runts. C$tHtr IAS. C. Ctstlt. A It-1 Cm,bit, MADDOX - RUCKER BANKING CO. CAPITAL SURPLUS AND PROFITS 5200.000. 00 5500.000. 00 ACCOUNT* INVITED. We sell the widely known and extenaively used Circular Note* and Lettcm of Credit of Thos. Cook & Son. » In Our S.vingi Dep.rtment we allow Interest it the R.te of 3 1-2 per cent Compounded Semi-Annually. GRAIN SITUATION BY THE REOORD-HERALD oat crop conditions. rt*i Tax., ish grain . .... rout' sdrlces !3S? •*•!*» toa w*d rh*st nud oats. Ttorse advices were corrooorstrd from many other sources Homs of the Nebraska messsfes went so fur ss to claim thst hot winds were duiusxlnx small grains. There was nothing In yes terday morning’s temperatures, ss officially rejMirtrd by the government, to Indicate s serious condition of sffslrn In that stste. Commission men quite generally agreed thst there was mors public Interest In ths gralu market* yesterdny than on any former day this yetr. There was n liberal Increase tn thn trade In wheat, corn and ost “The manager of the Fort Wortl brauch of s prominent local essl „ concern wired: ’Weather Ideal for bsrrest Ing the grain, and farmers are now busy cutting whost snd oats. There bus been practically no damage reported. Both the oats snd wheat are reported to bo of good quality nnd a good yield. ••Aside from Iowa sad Northwestern states the oats crop seems to bo retrocm'llni; to a greater extent than thn government re- Jioit w III hIimw. 'hi till-., ilH u- II If. I>» ’I. cron sing stifcks, can bo ascribed tho huylug power that Is l “ ~ * IL To a certs! lions ore being though bullish rnthuslnsm shows in- fit III llfl\ pill t|i 111 ii •*C. C. Blniinons, of Kansas City, wire* from Nebraska that southeast Nebraska Is hot getting sufficient moisture from crops. Kverythlng needs rain badly. Hay crop vory short. Northeast Kansas in poor shape.”—Glbert * Clay. THE "DRY GOODS MARKET. By Private Leased Wire. New York, June 9.—The dry good* mar ket was generally quiet today. Cotton yarns showed a general recession In prices, varying from H to W per cent ber pound ou tho coarser numbers. Ths finer num bers are firm. Bleached and printed goods are quirt. CHRONICLE WEEKLY CROP AND WEATHER REPORT i k«, can nt stcrioea ine nuyiug is sweeping everything before prtaln extent prevailing cons]- being discounted rapidly, al ii bate- FLOUR JOBBERS REPORT FI TRADE ADVANCE EXPECTED BE- FORE NEW ARRIVALS. Corn Weak Early in Week, Finned Up and Advanced Two Cents. of tars* for th» past whsat to hold up well new crop, which la now betnjt hor Texas, kmithrrn Missouri and Tcnm- Ilcsty ralus In Texas set disappoint!, fanners, who expected to fet the tap ket their new wheat, and nli- put upo Ueports from miller* are to tho effect that Hour pries* Iwll be hlfiher before new wheat ran be milled. On* ren«ou I. that red wheat Is scarco an-l held -ns Another that the prlco of Meralily an-i will PB3BB3M33H.- nts Jobbers esnner fslr business In flour this week. There was earn* weakness displayed In lu com ssrly In ths week, but upon report of ll*ht receipts and heavy shipments the price quickly advanced — liaro alto ailrnnt ■till very alronx. ■■■..j baa been no redaction in price ci hay. as that articlo la scarce and demand food. CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET. lows Open. WniSAT- Jly .. WH pt .. H 88T4 r r ., 611? 81T4 MS MS MS l. .. BIS 5) MS BIS SIS !. .. 40S 60S 43(5 60S 50(4 9774 IMS 35S urii*- it Dee. .. OATS- :: m Dm, ., 35 1’OltR— July 16.90 8o£t^J5.47V4 16.60 Joly77r*2H 8.824 Rapt .. f.Wi 8.974 Oct. .. 8.M 8.90 HIDES— July .. 9.45 9.47* 8 ::iW ft viiT 84H 83 vJ 84% Ml 94S {to 94% 8:88 8.80 9.114 9 374 9 3J4 9.10 87S ft 8.80 8.M 8.87# 9.15 N0RTHWE8T CAR8. Jrauowtng table gives tba northwest rers of grain tuday, last week nud last year: Last bust Today. Week. Year. JlnnoapoUn 1*3 173 isi CHICAGO CAR LOT8. Whsat Torn Oata ... Hogs .. Todajr. Tomorrow. LIVERPOOL GRAIN MARKET. Now York, Juno 8.—Advices to us by tale- rsph from thn Hu mb this evening Indlcato ini wrntbor hs* been favorable os n wfiolo during th« w»*ck. Tho crop 1s lining wall quits g*ntrail/, hut It Is rlnlnicd that rain would bo beneficial In south Texas. ATLANTA CLEARING HOU8E 8TATEMENT 638,858.26 figs today, Juno 9.,........* 625.85i.26 Mouth 3,416,078.IS NEW YORK~BANK' STATEMENT, The weekly statement of the New York asftoHnted banks shows tho following changes: leoerves, Increase,.....,.,,..,,,,,...* 346,026 ‘/nins, Increase....................... 7,fit,406 Ipecle, Increase................ 4.021,000 >g*l*. decreaee * LgLMO (eposlts. Increase...., 16*814,300 Circulation, decrease 807,800 Brain workers are proved by statistics to • ion “ ^ t — etolneu basis. 1 average he long-lived. Five hundred and thirty it men and women were taken aa a and their duration of life gtvea an e of about 68)6 yeays. two shades. elephant's back with hie trunk; ho th«>u a**** 11 short fils tapes from tbo village, nlRCfs thorn on the ground and guards them. Ln Bolle Otero, tho famous continents! ilniKir, tnki’i no through tbo twisting nt an anklo* as each of her foot la Insured for *iO,OOIX SOUTHERN EXCHANGE fildct Ealsbllahcd Offlc, South. CO non- —STOCKS SOSOS MIR Ground Floor Oould Dulldlnr, Daily tnnrkct letter snd market manual mailed on application. LJ. ANDERSON & CO Bankers and Brokers, COTTON, STOCKS, BRAIN Comsposdmt's Capital $250,000 RCFCRKNCC. THE NEAL SANK PHONE MIT. PRUDENTIAL I HUBBARD BROS & CO., Sis Atlanta Offices. 219-221 Century Building. Members New York Cotton Exchange, New Or leans Cotton Exchange, Liverpool Cotton Asso ciation, Chicago Board of Trade, New York Cof fee Exchange, New York Produce Exchange. IIiimiics-i solicited for the above exchange,. JLtiil Direct wire service. Correapondence invited. -i*BS I’lion. i IM, Long Distance .19. A.S. Hu.tuc- Mgr. Ntw Ortnat. WARE A LELAND .. -rv... | COTTON^'GRAIN, provisions, stocks, bonds, ffs. 2 fir./l St., ftl.rt l.-l-U.f, Altj.t., Cl neuttxs: tern f.,9 Calt., ficta..,. CIW<«,» So.-4 .1 tin Orltt.t C.ltt. tiling.. CSilj. Sloik f ith.tgt. Ui«.»«•! Coll.. Atitihlln. *«• f.rl MKlctol,. Fun I, W-r.f f, Kcw Jerk, ffrw Oil...I, CMcjf*. 0. C Cot It klk. M.i.o.r MnmflS. IMAwh PIEDMONT BROKERAGE CO., i (Incorporated.) Basement Floor Piedmont Hotel. | STOCKS, ISONDS. CRAIN. PROVISIONS. INVESTMENTS. Fast Wire Service from New York, New Orleans, Chicago. CORRESPONDENTS H. J. SAGE A CO . 42 BROADWAY. NEW YORK. tDW. HOTll. latali'Uoij D,„»n(t Bell Fhont 1591.