Newspaper Page Text
Crackers Hike to New Orleans
H- winning Monday** game* with Hbreve-
I t ibe Atlanta team *hna again gone to
the frent In the Pohthem league pennant
r.-ue tied with Hhreveport for first
p! re. with a per rent of .6fH.
New Orleans still holds third place safe,
though Birmingham Is unt so far behind.
Memphis still continues In the second di
vision. though the present stay nt home
for the Staffers will undoubtedly see Bnbb'i
men go to the first division.
The Atlanta team finishes up In Hhreve
port Tuesday and leaves for New Orleans
Tuesday night. Wednesday Is nn off day,
however, and Thursday the Trackers open
la New Orleans for a strenuous session.
‘•By watching the (lope on games In the
South I have reached the conclusion that
n big league manager can advantageously
1 cep tabs on the youngsters down In,
Dixie." aald Connie Mack In nn Interview
with the Memphis Commercial Appeal.
“There la many a star player no In the big
leagues today who was discovered In the
Booth. I found Weldon Henley here, and
Nig Clarke, the catching find of the Amor-
l/caguc, was recruited from Atlanta.
Lank IMcliauty is playing grand ball for
York ami Comlskey Is tickled to death
Eddie I Infill. There Is no chance of
rge Kobe coming buck iO the minora
■W n while, nt least, ns four or five clubs
srouhl refuse to waiver on him even If Co-
ntlskey were to want to release him. -Pug
licnnett. another Knuthei'ii leaguer, has
eangbt the 8t. foul* fans, while Harry
Mica is more than holding his own. Young
Tyrua C’oWi, whom Detroit found down In
the South Atlantic, la a batting ond field
ing sensation, and there ore a host of
others from Dixie laud making good in
the majors."
Two of the moat popular league officials
attending the meeting In this city Hutur
day were President B. P. Amerlne, ol
Montgomery, and Lowry Arnold. Esq., of
Atlanta. Both are thorough baseball
thuslasts mid were continually anrrouuded
by warm friends W'hlle In Birmingham.—
Birmingham Ledger.
Montgomery has released, Callahan and
Is pick up an Itifieider iu Sow
And yet Montgomery don't seem to climb
very fast In the percentage column. Why
don't some of them other fellers lose?—
Montgomery Journal.
Arthur Herman Is back lu regular stand
lug. Ills five-day suspension having been
raised. Arthur says he heard there wi
plot on foot to sentence him to n tern
the Texas league, mi lie parked hla grip
ami prepared to return to Louisville.
i\.i* n false ahum, as he was reinstated
on the spot.—Commercial-Appeal.
Atlanta Is the only team that can get
away with them on their home grounds.—
Montgomery Journal.
Link Htlckney. recently refused by
Hhreveport. Is playing center field for Gulf
port III the Cotton Htntes League, and Is
hitting at a terrific clip.—Hhreveport Times.
The formal opening of the Bast Lake
I iroperty of the Atlanta Athletic Club will
quite likely take place July 4. A definite
date tins not yet been set, but It Is proba
ble that July 4 will be chosen.
The trap shooting contingent has practi
cally selected that day for the formal open
ing of the new traps. It Is always custo
mary to have nn all-day shoot on July 4.
■o that feature can readily lie combined
with n formal o|NUiliig.
The Hotitliern tennis championship, which
foglns July 3. will be nt Its height July 4,
and will Itself draw several hundred spec
tators to the courts, provided the weather
Is fair.
It Is probable that the boat house will be
completed by the early part of July, lu
time for the o|»eiiliig. 'Hie golf course,
however, will 1m* far from ready for an
opening In July, mid It Is doubtful If (he
middle of August will find the course ready
for play, although several of the fair
greens are In ginsl condition already.
The lack of water Is playing havoc alike
with the tennis courts mid the golf course.
nu*d unless the apparatus for pumping It Is
Installed In the very near future the club
Is going to find Itself In the sad predica
ment of linvlug a Soul hern championship
on Ita hands and no way of putting the
courts In condition,
Notwithstanding the fact that the golf
course will not be ready for the formal
opening, the affair will undoubtedly lie one
which will Interest every member of the
club, .lust (be nature of the entertainment
Is uncertain, but In addition to the tennis
tournament and trap .shooting there will
fo some doings on the wnter, a barbecue
and n large time generally.
Poor Old Chattanooga Has
A Long Wait Coming to Her
Tennis Tournament Bsgins Soon
Hpeelnl to The Georgian.
Hhreveport, June 12.—Atlanta opened her
road trip most auspiciously by abutting out
Hhreveport In a great game here yesterday
by n score of 1 to 0.
For eight of the lM»st played Innings ever
•en lu these diggings (he tennis battled to
runlcoa tie.
In the lust of the eighth Inning It looked
i though Hhreveport were going to score.
With one down, King nud Hess singled and
things looked stormy for the Crackers.
But Otto Jordan nipped the next tw*o balls
hit and the side was retired.
Ill the ninth Atlanta won the game. Win
ters, the first mad up, lilt out a nice three-
bagger. Hmlth followed with a single and
Winters scored. After that nothing hap
pened, lu spite of the fact that Byrne was
put In to bat for Frits and Fisher for Gllkx
In the last Inning.
The Atlanta team played errorless ball
nnd Hughes pitched n remarkably good
game. Only four hits were made off hla
delivery, and he struck out four men ami
allowed only one base on balls.
The score:
The fans of the Southern League
huvf suffered various aches and Ills,
but quite the largfst "misery” that ever
«a ms their way Is the pain that Chat*
t.tnuoRa gives them in thinking that
the Southern League Is coming around
with Its hat In Ita hand and ask that
town to take a franchise In the South
ern league.
Chattanooga claims that her feelings
were hurt because after giving a place
to the Shreveport team last year when
It was driven from home by yellow
fever. Harry Erlich went around the
circuit and said that Chattanooga did
n«»t patronize baseball. As n matter
of fact, Chattanooga owed Shreveport
f a debt of gratitude for putting a really
ii at class team there and It Is a mat
ter of record that the attendance was
j ink In the extreme. What "Diamond
Harry" said was only the truth modi-
- fled.
t On the charge that Chattanooga was
l icked out of the league without rea-
n. Well, talk to any of the manag-
^ an* who were In the league at the time
he "kicking out" took place. The
By Private Leased Wire.
I cxlngtoii. Ky.. June 12.—Auguat Bel-
UMMit, the noted Eastern financier and turf-
i .ii, arrived here Kntnrday night on his
i rlvate car, and will spend several day*
ln-tieettng his famous horses at the Nur-
b- v stud In this country. While here Mr.
!«. limit will select the yearlings to earry
lu- colors on the Eastern turf next year,
sod Wilt ntsn select »fo ones to fo disposed
. f at the coming yearling sales lu New
owner has not selected ihe thirty stud
natrons whtMi will fo* mated to the great
I ncUah horse this seasou.
Chattanooga team had become ao mis
erable that It was u Joke and the at
tendance so small that It meant finan
cial ruin for the backers. Chattanooga
wan not kicked out, at that, hut bought
out. And the backera of the team
were most delighted to get the fran
chise elephant ofT their hands.
And right now be It stated: If Chat
tanooga Is going to wait around for
the Southern League to take Its hat
off and go and prostrate Itself In the
dust and ask Chattanooga—Chattanoo
ga of all the villages In the world!—to
"please accept a place In the circuit,"
why Chattanooga will still be waiting
when baseball has passed away, and
the Atlantic ocean Is dry and the desert
of Sahara Is muddy.
, Chattanooga Is a hot town to blow
about what It would do If It had &
baseball team, but a mighty poor one
to turn out crowds when It has one.
If It comes to a show down, let us
have poor, old, limping Little Rock;
and game little Shreveport or else a
six-club league. Anything rather than
blatant Chattanooga.
Eyiiii#,. 2b. . , .
Gllks. vt U
Clark, lb 4 0
Dnley. If 3 .0
King. 3 0
I less. 3b. . . .
VliMlelu, rf. , .
Imfflus, e. . •
’rlts. p. . . .
AW. It. II. PO. A. B.
,3 0 0 0 0 0
.29 0 4 27 11 2
Cmpler, If. .
i v, nvii,-
Jordan, 2b. .
Fox. 111. . . ,
Htlusoii, rf. .
Morse, mn. . ,
Evers, e. . ,
Hughes, p. .
Totals. . .
All. U. If. PO. A. R.
, . 3 0 0 o, 0 0
. 4 0 1 14 0 0
.1 0 1 1 0 0
. 3 0 6 3 o 0
.3 0 2 5 3 0
.3 0 0 0 1 0
.32 1 ~8 27 S ~0
•Batted for Frits in ninth.
••Hatted for Gllks lu filntb.
Moore by Innings:
Summary: Two-base hit. Brers. Three-
base hit. Winters. Htolnu bases. Crosier,
Hmlth. Double plays. Evans to Clark,
Frit* to Hess, Hess to Clark. Struck out.
by Frits 0, hv Hughes 4. B.t»*a ou balls, off
Frits 1. off Hughes 1. Time, 1:50. Umpire,
Hpeelnl to The GeorglSii.
Hut ledge, Gn., June 12.—Rutledge 11,
Madison 2 wns the score lu the game fo-
tween these teams on the Butledge grounds
yesterday afternoon. It was a line game—
for Butledge.
A Few Brief Remarks on
Baseball Doings Monday
0006000 0 0 0 0 0 0000000
Atlanta In Shreveport.
Montgomery In New Orleans.
Birmingham In Little Rock.
Naahvllle In Memphis.
By Private f.eased Wire.
New York, June 12.—Dick Fltspatriek, of
3 3 0 Chicago, and Jack Dougherty,-of Milwau
kee, are to la* matched. Both flghtera have
accepted the offer of the Spokane Athletic
Club for a fifteen-found battle, They will
prolMtbly meet wlthfn two week** , time.
Tom McCtry, of the Pacific Athletic Club
of Los Angeles, has sent nn offer to Joe
llowker. the English champion bantam
weight, Jo come to this country and meet
Jimmy Welsh, of Boston. MeCary Is anx
ious to arrange a twenty-round bout be
tween the lioys, to take place before bis
club the latter part of July.
As nn Incentive for both men to do their
best. Malinger Murray, of the Lincoln Ath
letic Club of Chelsea, has offered the win
ner of the Jnck Kulllvan-MIkt* Hehreek
nintch n go with AW Kaufman, the. Han
Francisco heavyweight.'
Manuel Cartes, the Cnbajt fighter, nud
Tommy Sullivan,* forincH^ of Brooklyn,
have been matched .to meet, at Sheridan.
Wyo., nlniut June 18. The men are to box
25 rounds nt 186 (Miunds at 0 o'clock on the
night of the fight.
Ike Bradley, the English boxer, who was
beaten uiy Tommy O'Toole tn Philadelphia
last week, wants nnother chance.
I'nastMl'Interest centers about the con
test between Harry fowls, of Philadelphia,
nnd Joe Guns, the lightweight champion,
tieforc the National Athletic Club of Phila
delphia for six rounds ou Friday night.
The management of the Chelsea Athletic
Club has called off the offer made to Jim*
llowker, the English Inner, to eome to this
country nnd meet Alie At tell, owing
Bowkt*r*a d« *xat by John Drtacoll In Lc
don on Mar 29. It is probable that t
same offer will lie sent to Driscoll.
Sporting men of New York Intend to pull
off private fights ou a barge In th< *
bay. . The first, will, take, place wltl
weeks and will hare as principal* Amby
Mctiury and Ynnug Donahue, or Bostou.
H.r I-rivals Leased Wire.
, Sew York, June 12.—Hlr Thomas IJpton
trill come over to this utile during the Bum
mer, partly fur pleasure and portly for
liuslness. The lieat known baronet lu the
■Irltlidi peerage liken America nnd America
liken blin. It In nnderntood thut he '
during bin coming vlalt, tnlk over '
the ofTIclnla of the New York Yacht Club
the iletulla of bln next ehnllenge for the
Amertra'a cup and It In not Improbable he
will pay a rlalt to South Carolina.
uno 12.—Quite a lot
of excitement wan created among the
baseball players and fang this morning
by a light between the manager of the
team. Whalen, and a former center
flelder, Yancey. Yancey claims that
the reason ho was released was on ac
count of a personal grievance which
Whalen had against him. Shortly after
he received, his release Yancey met
Whalen on the street and knocked him
down for what Yancey claimed to be a
dirty trick.
League Standings j
Played. Won.
Lost. P.C.
Atlanta. . .
. 48
Atlanta . .
. 48
New Orleans
. . 50
. 51
Memphis . .
. 49
. 50
Nashville . .
. 53
Little Rock
. 47
Won. Lost. P.C.
Augusta . .
Columbia .. .
. 47
. 4«
Macon . . .
. 45
Savannah .
. 47
. 4ft
Charleston. .
. 45
Finns are progressing nicely for the Ten
nessee tennis championship, which will be
held lu Nnsbvide June 25.
In « letter to the sporting editor of The
Atlanta Georgian. Verner Jones, one of the
Nashville Tennis (iub's most enthusiastic
members, says:
“We are progressing nicely with plans
for the tournament, nnd are already as
sured a success much greater than that
which attended oar Initial effort Inst sea
son. We hope that the Atlanta contingent
will be kept In line find that u large dele
gation will come from that city. As our
tonrnnment-immediately precedes .the big
Southern chnpipionshlp. It will lie almost
absolutely essential, that participants In
your event play here, not only to ripen Into
form but* to get a direct’ line .on the Idg
players wfy> will be the most formidable
factors in Atlanta.'
Besides foe nnd Hunt, mld-il.- ,
tracks, we expect Buss and
Han Antonia,nnd other stars who win
a higher class of play than ever i„.f'
a Southern meet. 0
"IVc Imre enilsaarles nt work In Slemnhl.
and confidently expert n good team - "
thut point. We have already
Itodgera brothers, of Knoxville aml .. "*
team from Sewn nee, Morrison and Mint, ,7
of ehnttanoogu, will also tie here.' 1 1,1
Judging from the above, t|ie Xa.hrm.
tournament will l«. among the i,,.., ,, *
the very bent state tournament ever t,".u
Ju '»'• ami It Is a eertalnty that .
Urge team from Atlanta wltl be on i,..,.
Just Ihe peesonno] of tills team I, | m d ,,
determine, but praetlvallv every iwai
player who luts any chsuee for the
ern ehamploushlp will go to Xa.htiii,
the Teifuetmce event.
And the “unconquerable". Teltar got his
yesterday. Now watch that Atlanta bunch
on this western trip, though they should
have easy sailing today, the Pirates a being
badly crippled.—.Montgomery Advertiser. .
Too bad about the Pirates. They could
trim the Montgomery bunch about eleven
straight, If they bad the chance.
Where, oh! where under the blue canopy
of heavens,- Is Mr. Pfennlnger? He did not
show up yesterday and the Bnrous knew
nothing of bis whereabouts. Charles El
sey, who formerly played first base for the
Barons, umpired nnd had nn opportunity to
strike out Manager Vaughan.—Birmingham
Probably preferred to resign rather than
work lu Birmingham.
Birmingham Is again making overtures
for Harry Niles, now with the St. Louis
Niles, In his 1905 form, would be an ad
dition to any Southern League team.'
To nn Intimate friend Johnny McGrnw,
commander of the Glnints, has Just saidu "I
have no fear of losing the pennant. Put
that In your pipe nud smoke It. Mathew-
sou will be In shape very soon. All that
alls him now is wfiikness In the legs. He
needs exercise. Ills arm Is ns good. If not
better, thau lust year. The schedule this
year whs the rankest I ever had. We have
played only seven gomes out of forty on
the home grounds, nnd then went west
with n crippled team. They tnlk about
Chicago, lints! The Chicago pitchers, In
cluding Reulbach, are all In. We can bent
CLUBS— Played. Won. Lost.
Little Roek Is out with a claim that Its
gnme Monday, which wns completed In
onfi houi* and seven minutes, was the fast
est game ever played In the Southern
matter of fnet, that record goes to
Atlanta, with a mark of something tioso to
50 minutes.
That time was made In the Inst game of
the 1901 season. The outcome wns of In
terest to neither team, nnd In consequence
both went out do see how fust they could
piny It, regardless of the result. Phenom
enal time wns made nnd the Atlanta mark
still stnnds ns the world's record for a fust
baseball gnnie.
them hands down. From now on thin-i
.will come fast. I'll get Ahhatb-hio. rm
likely, for outfield, or some other Rood
man. We have, only two short trips to
make west—one of fourteen games tht
other twelve. You sec. that means’ tw <v
thirds of the rest of the games at home
I saw nothing out * west to scare us nmi
confidently expect to take the lead and hold
Penrsou seems to be getting back In form
ngnlii. Ills fielding, bitting and base-run-
ulug have foen of the top note variety
again lu the last two games.-.Nashville
That’s what n threat of trading him to
Little Hock did.
At lust the Bnrons are wielding the wll-
low. For the gnmeg of the Little Hook
series and the Hhreveport series they have
u team average of .301. In nil flave gaimn
have been played and of that nnmbr the
Bnrons won four, n percentage of .800. All
of this Is golug some.—Birmingham Ledger.
The Little Rocks are certainly good quit
ters. They commence to pack bats n!x»ut
the sixth Inning.—Xnsln Ilk* American.
Birmingham's contention for n 83,000 sal
ary limit for fourteen players Is now be-
Ing Justified. General dissatisfaction bns
been expressed In other places with the
existing limit, which prevents dubs living
up to the limit If they get good players. -
Birmingham Age-IIernld.
Little Rock nnd Nashville will please
rise and sing.
Bobby Walthour nud Hugh McLean nr#
off lu n bunch nt the Coliseum Tuesday f
night In the first of a series of two motor |
paced! bicycle races, given by Jack Prince.
The genial Jack hns bnd the nsnal effect |
on the weather, but what rare
Coliseum Is water-proof and the i
•otne off, rain or shine, fair weather or
McLean hns been out trying the track
nnd finds It much to his liking. He I# In
fine trim nnd Is confident that lie ran tak-
Wnlthour's measure. Bobby, however. !*
lu fine condition, and will do some line
tltng when the pistol cracks and the t
uoslty foglns.
Spencer has been signed as pitcher
and Bremen ns second baseman.
Crowley, a former second baseman,
was released several days ugo In Co
For genuine timeliness It Is hart *o font
n three-bagger with nobody out In tli#*
first half of the Inst Inning, with the a*ere
And then mine Sidney Smili with Ills
little single nod Atlntita bad won.
All honor to Hughe*, lie b<*bl the tink
ers so safe in every lulling but one that It
was positively pitiful, and In thst one fo-
foremen?loned Inning the two hits he gave
up only let a mini get ns far as second
Morse Is looking up on the fielding propo-
! »ltIon. Eight chances Monday mid n-tef
It Is likely that "White? *
stale," a thing every ball pit
least once In a season; and when be gits
iim _ haek Id form he will fo better tbau ever.
The It.^E. l\ee’school ’Imsetutll team
12 games and lost 3 this season. Their Evers nnd Winter* each made two hits
per cent,.therefore, la .HOJ. Following are j npiece Monday. Htnljh, Jor lan. Fox and
“k.T'K. *. O. M. r. 0. forfoltHl; It. B. 1 *»«"*““
jr 8 «-£T5?iit%A , fl*ifsrs u, fs:i »>■< «*>
7.’ Cordon 0; R. E. I^e 12. Loruat Grove I: nnd escaped with a whole *kln. Where,
1: E. I*ec 4. Locust Grove O: IL B. Lf* J ! «b, where Is Pfennlnger? “Oi l Vinegar"
L'Wii" rtfit'a. Wro^&ti-u;f - •«> *>»«»■■
f .'inxranlt «• "/oMoJVlT K.' i , Ju.. - .!™.. rifibt for At-
‘ ~ ‘ ----- - htnta Monday. The Crackers won nnd
New Orleans, Birmingham nud Memphis
lo*t. The Easterners, itarrln? Birmingham,
are certainly giving the west-*ne*rs a warm
time. ,
Nashvllk dropped right JnL* Memphis
and trimmed the Babbit -* “two times ran-
nlng." “Wbo’d ever have ibuuk It'."
Gueae practically quit m the tenth In
ning of Monday's gsme against Montgom
ery. 4'barley Frank's ••ottmten^ on tiitese
In t
> the Hportlug Editor Atlanta Georgian:
x wvingtnn **• *»• — *j
Lee t. Gordon 0, forfeited.
Opponents M. It. K.
l^e has been shut out but one game,
while they have shut their opponent# out
E. Lee, therefore, claims the pennant
mat* they defeated Boys' High school
. e games and Boya' lllgh school de-
feated ii. u. A., the winner of the northern
.division »rf Um *
prep league.
a great pitcher, hut too timid. If he ever
gets his nerve bo will be «u»t of tlin beat
lu the league,"
Nowlin shut out Birmingham. was
real menu of him. Goodness know# Birm
ingham nceda some garni a If the team
keeps on losiug t’haitunmga will aocm
cUitm the Slag Pile franchise.
Washington trlmin h1 Addle J«>aa and
Cleveland Moudny. TDt Napoleons nre hav
ing their bumps.
It Is Impossible to determine exactly
how the aynipathtoa of the Atlanta people
stand lu the major league pennant race*,
but they aeeni to fo most desirous that
('leveland win In tlie American longue
nnd that New \o.'k b*«e In the National
Jimmy Dygert. the Spit Ball KM, beat
Ht. lentla Monday. 9 to :. The Mlswiuriaui
could make W thre«» hit*.
Boston Nationals only made eleven man
In their game Monday. That's fine base
Work-outs At
By Private l.nscd Wire.
Gravesend. X. Y., July 12.—Weather fair
and track fait.
Maxed, six rurtougs u> 1:18, breeslng. .
First Mason, seven furlongs in 1:31, brees-
mining Water, alx furlongs In 1:10 2-5.
Milwaukee .
Columbus . .
Louisville . .
Kansas City.
Minneapolis .
St. Paul . .
By ITIvate Leased Wire.
t'hlcngn. June H-Bllljr Nobiu last night
announced that Kbt Herman, of thin city,
would fo* the Dane’s next opponent.
Nelson, by Herman’s own admission, may
name the terms for a match. That ought
to satisfy the Daue. Nate fowls stands
ready to p«*it a forfeit of 11,009 to clinch
1 fight, and he says fo will I
nnd he says lie '
— jp plenty
clubs herenfont that could poll off the A
the early pert of the year waa, “IK* Is and make a barrel of money.
fot any part
Al! he uee<ls.
Uullolo. five furlongs In 1M. driving.
Sewell, thre** furlongs tn :37. breextng.
Paumonoka. five furlouga In 1:014-5, driv-
lug. Tab this one.
Wlekford. one mile In 1:45. handily.
Mat In. four furlongs In 1:35 2-5, handily.
Has speed.
Iterach. tire furlongs in 13)5 2-5, galloping.
Will • win soon.
Little Minister, four furlongs lu .*50 2-5,
Auglcr. mile nud furlong In 1:5134, driv
ing. Good work.
| rlipflap, Keveii furlongs In 1:312-5, hand-
Illy. She is good.
.Miss Crawford, mile In 1:44 2-5^ breezing.
Will do.
Pirate Polly, three furmngt In :3T. hand
ily. Atmut due.
Arkllrtn. three furlongs In :37, handily.
Next time out.
Tokalou. mile nnd ft furlong In 2.-O0 2-5,
brtH'slug. Clever mare.
A«l Bell, mile In 1:42 3d, handily. Very
good work.
Van Ness, six furlongs la 1:10, breeslng.
At hla beat.
Maxte Wttte. four furlongs In M, brees
lng. Ready and good.
Pretention, fogr furlongs In M 3*. hirel
ing. Never so g»t**d.
lhintoufie, five furlongs la IM, breeslng.
She Is fit.
8t. -Louis S, Boston 1.
Now York 1, Cincinnati 0.
Chicago H, Brooklyn 3.
IRttsburg 5, Philadelphia 3.
New York 3, Chicago 0.
Boston 7, Detroit 5.
Washington 6, Cleveland.
Philadelphia 5. St. Louis 1.
Jersey City 5, Providence 1.
Baltimore •, Newark 2.
Rochester 5, Buffalo 1.
Atlanta 1, Shreveport 0.
Little Rock 2. Birmingham 0.
Montgomery 4, New Orleans 1.
Nashville 4, Memphis 2.
Georgia Stats.
Cordele 11. Albany 5.
Valdosta 7, Waycrofs 4.
Americus 7, Columbus 5.
South Atlantic.
Augusta 3, Jacksonville 1.
Columbia t. Macon 3.
Confidential loans on valuables.
Bargains In unredeemed Diamond,.
15 Decatur St. Kimball Houi,.