The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, June 12, 1906, Image 11

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THE ATLANTA , uufjnim, mmnm GEORGIAN. *■ mm tciwdat, jrsn if. im KETS COTTON OPENED BUSINESS was reported fairly active. South Sent in Fair Amount of Buying Orders on Early News. i pcnlnc WI« better than due f.rehMW, morafifc l-ring 1 l'rint up on ■ li near month, und 2 up on tie l«to port Bg*. marked up « points. maklnB mid. Hnlr* ••,000 i_»nlc«. adi!o| "f-ik rsspoodrd to tho ndronro in ♦Mp FnKlIfb market. though the rit nation {J the July option was considered the main “art *' in the morning waa the / Amelia j foregoing' mran*. It It SIMM any tbrittim dUpneltlon to oxArrrnU irererJafi* planted title year la a* markrt !. ... the disportUm to undereitlmete It i..t J«r end the tendency toward can*. S£,tK! with n view of corrrctlnc laat ETr'l errors has barn frit or on In the ^•dt” mean* further that the actual In. „ L. n a!rca*" > h! . year. liberally eetl Is not over « per cent. nnd. In inv 25ihJn It Is doubtful If It !» even ns much cmion n u. ncreage returns were .. »•— ..^rijr everyone fifeth* weT umi” % rractloiarf of la at year’*• crap *•*•! K ind had awonc in conaeouenea to K, other extreme, nnd were endeavoring In forward their apeculatlve operation* by X ovVreitlmate on the acreage and the Im- tlloatinn of it large yield thlayear. the department notr admlt^ba^he^ LKly evident'that the 'n^t extraordlMry Kiditiooa are neceaaary from now to the frinii of the aenaou tn produce a crop that even approximate next year* minimum Vw V VoW:”jM*"tpThu "ndjrtonu of agriculture t tack nil the —- wrernl points higher than i while rtml* tar" romment tcTettraplied jo the South brought In a fair amount of buying orders from that querter. SPOT COTTON MARKET. Atlanta—Steady, 11 118c. New York—Quirt * M d .ft® 0 * 1 ** u * 2 ** Sow Orleans—Steady, UHc. l.lveriMHil—Quiet. Augusta—Steady* Heady, 11 t. 1.1 Id. Havaimah—Steady. 1^ 15-lfc. Ht. Isoula—Steady, 11c. Norfolk-Steady. llKc. RANGE. IN NEW YORK COTTON, The following la the range in cotton future, in New York today: prfTl001 w99«-8S-f»mm July .15.77 law law 10.77 10.77 Ang. 5ept ........ iS« iaftrtl io.«-« BJ; :iiS iaS !mt £8 Kg 'M is- • ,( ‘ 1 !®:‘! “ “ iiSbK !S:£S Mrh. iib.70 10,76 10.60 10.60 10.61*68 10.65 Closed f toady. RANGE IN NEW ORLEAN8 COTTON Cotton futures ranged aa follows at ivew Orleaoa today: Last Prevlon* Open. Illfh. Low. Bela. .Close. Cioae. jun,. 11.00 11,01 Jnlr !ibt! IMS U.10 J1.2# «>•»!} ADS. .in.80 10.90 10.00 10J0 10.SO-SI M.JS-M Sei.t .RM 10.K 10i« 10.0 10.4}-51 in.6W8 Art. .10.12 10.44 10JS lolsi 10J5-M W.4P43 K; Closed steady. Urerpnol, June 12.-12:15 p. ro.—Spot cot tn« ijniet. with pricea ateady. Middling up* hsd*. nid. Salem 6.000; American. 5,6®. r lilntlnn nnd export. 4,000. Receipt*, 4, American, TOO. ' ' :Ti« io!« »!« iblii .11.53 10.63 10.60 10JO 10.6647 10.61 LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET. Opening _ Prevloua Itnngc. Cloee. Cloee. lr«h wu* 6.«i 6.08 6.844.0 ....... 647 6.08 6,844.66 ::::.6.88 b.8m.*7 io 6.874.88 6.08 ^ TODAY’S PORT RECEIPTS. 71. billowing tabti, .hows receipt, at ths K t todiy, compared with the same day fear: 1908 1I0» ea Orleans KT"..::::::;:::::: Mvanunh ,,,,. JMHetton jjj'ioxton ^hlUd^lpiiia************ - 9tf ' 10 S ffl ’% 4115 rt tins S 220 . £ 4014 a J* » ® In U86 ||, rt * sh Total 6141 MBS E INTERIOR*^ OVEMEh va IT. co r 1608 IMG sb Hasatou ., # wuta .!!!!!!!!!!'!! ”• wwila nWunatl 1022 199 296 m 510 4846 a, s ^ 1 Tom tw 5675 tn T HE DRY GOODS MARKET. ^•Lrbste Leased wire kT** »ork. inn* 19 _T Ift Hi gMUvi SSI Wl ork. June 17-The dry goods mar- lJ** *t a .t.Bd.tlll today lic-aus.- oft B coarse couatreetlM. g to quotable Chat staple brown ceeatruetlee. change, tool, piece la the NEWS AND GOSSIP Of the Fleecy Staple. Private TTlre to GTheft & Ctay. Tork, June C.—Uvugpori at 15JO C “• JJJf,* “"'l 4 higher on thl, cn^i aBd chaigwl ,l " r *" expected to bi un- ou A 1lio ir eor!.re , ^ , JiS- ,,, * l « to »<lvance pricea acreae!. C ! " ll, " rr ’ 1 correction of aerrege. One wonders wbeu people will w !v*M 0 ki!lS, affected by such pollcla. S/M ;>l< ''lnr 10 77 for 5,000 jily, New CIrlean^^ June It—Liverpool 3 WJEjtn 1 PriBt e h?ghet?' anchcater market and'take - Wrt‘* J fh.!I r * , #». hack on stocks ■n<i take le«« than their* i iuiaumptlon.” .ngwga, «a3BaB of “ 1 ,v ♦•P^cially in southern Texas, atatre al ,n the AtUntlc •*•*? light scattered rains have Temperatures much lower. p tfl*t® w™ tn Ware A Leland. “The W rei, , i r m k ;„, J Si:. «blea r^e *entlment here la more Inilll.h. Noth- mfrk?r" ne - ,tare foxofehle opinion of the market.' Mitchell, Norden and Freeman vuenns d^l??o hT * r “ 0<1 of trade forcing offering decline.”" “ forcing .. ,t',°n i ,t r !* r *bla baying of July by Weld and brokers; looks Ilk.- Price. t'ttff! 00 ‘he advance !L d ..'“tjo** the market Trading more. I"’* "«U tiivaiui IQ foni here are clean and good. July In thta^nmrkc U ” rp00 ' " SHORTS IN THE JULY ARE BEING SQUEEZED , New York. June 12.—The Buo Three things lorded tt over the New markat end lifted It willy-nilly. They * .^“'7. »<iue*** In New Urleena, siru.g bt b T™ t^venwo 1 and very hot westhrr th .Tex**- That cased covering on quite So(*L,here, though the ailvance^wAs not so great aa In New Orleana. There " ho . ‘“Pt. “at the July abort jyift herp la of no small proportional ' In New Orleana la The certificated stock .» S Vfvlirebl^.«,i^ W.i“ riL ’her® was also a good del of general ertr •flhfl “®* nnly for room imerntora but for laldera. Including the Wall street els- ff'h*- There la no 14c that the crop In Texas haa ,e yet been dini.grd. hut no season paaac without.’a scare, and It Is not denied that lower tern- peratorea nnd ralna are needed In the southern portion of Teiaa. The government practically reduced It, estimated Ineraoee ttfrege from 6.2 per cent to 4_n#r cent, Jlowlng for errors last season. The quea- tlon nrises whnt security haa the trade —ofbert ^'cfoy* re ° nj ’ more corT ® ct “°w." Kew Orlcns, Jane 11-"Whether the New Orleans abort Intereat In July be **ge or amall. It le great enough to create very, acute demand for that month'! contracts nnd a feeling of eonddence In the camp of the “ • - having again pui summer iHMltlon the remainder of the world. ifoet ; ably July here will .be liquidated well "hove October, but Iralla shoald remember that the Bonth aa a whole yet botds a lot of cotton, though the local territory la pretty well depletad, And the New Or- cans tenderable stock Is practlclly nil. . game tc I ... ton market added more than 31 a bale, net to tbo prico of Jnly options, while Increasing tbo volno »f spot cotton only lau eighth of a cent. This makes the gain on July some ud points within a week, which deatroys the prospective print and some margins, too. of once orerrenlldent sentences cannot coat anyb hurtful anm. Meanwhile erop weather eon tlnuei go-sl enough, with the flaws In the del limited to the need of a little rain ■ere and there, lienee, fall aborts aa yet lave had lint small eanau for real worry.' —Ware & Leland. L. J. ANDERSON & CO.'S DAILY COTTON LETTER New York, June 15.—A strong Liverpool ket today. Bhorta covered on the advance, " • area further - ■ - Southern spot again snail. Horn* fear Is still expressed In regard to a Jnly aqueete In New Or leans, lint the big bulls claim Ignorance of ir such move. The Price Interests are _jfd to be etlll long of a largo cotton and continue to egpress theli In considerably higher prlree. The ad- ..lions . from these prices. Rhonbl lease we believe cotton purr., recession will prove profitable. some this be the New York, Jane 15.—Cotton—A redaction department at Washing ton was given aa the cause of the advance abroad today. Liverpool came very much better than due. and while the spot sales a of drought In sooth- are also worrying the -a here advanced from I area the feature, which also extended ila group. Professional operations ware fined to these specleltb-s. After an ad- ice of a point In 8t. Panl and Baltlaiore COTTON SEED OIL MARKET. mere or leas pressure the near-by deliveries, which have abown a greeter decline recently than the new crop. This decline. In the fece.yf strength In lard, haa ceeasd eonrideralde surprise. Speculative Intereat. however. Isas bees very quiet and with rather a_diwp- mtatlng demand for dlatrtbutloo, effort to Sell th? rid crop deUveriea has naturally had eotialderable effect — The narket at the cloee was steady, with pricea unchanged to He higher —WUra* /.•jjj?' 1 ' Opening 88srr..: fovemhae .. GIBERT & CLAY 14 ALABAMA I IP*. J Oft AIM* come. pROviaioesn ATLANTA. OA. MCMSCkSl fc Tork IStock EgrhangetNew n r >.". fott.m r.< hnr.go hlenffeJhmrdof Trada. - . ,ffe?^'.rw te', - •— *4«el and Long Dlgtnnee Tulaphone 52*i' PAGAN, M«nn8«r- Edited by JOSEPH 13. LIVELY Mr. Lively has edited Markets in Atlanta nnd tlieSmtli for more than twent-y- fivo years. His experienco makes him tlio most reliable market editor in the South if not in the entire country. AT THE OPEN! MANY SHARP ADVANCES MADE IN FIRST HOUR. Practically Everything Traded in Joined in the Later Upward Movement. Prlrat# Ia*ig»?I Wirt*. . v i*w York, Juno 11—Tills raofnlnff thi» I market continual to fre»l the good tnfluaoe* of yr*t**nlay*a crop i**tlmat»*»*. The receipt of another 61.OCN3.GOO from Hau Fraudsco, Jo* a total of 617^00.000 recflriM from fh*t city, and a ( im In of 6700.000 oil the week bjr the local hauks that the aub- treaaury also contributed to n lietter feeling In aperulating circle*. In tbo main* how* over. It was the activity of the clique* and tholr professional followlo~ ‘drf ' g chiefly felt lu the market. reached a now high level for the current Imovemont, but did not mouopolire ntton* tlon to the extent It had t>n the prevlou* day a. Pennaylvaula waa also bought freely a» a.le.nsl.... ttalo^a naa.l ,1.0 ll'.ill slsoaf RANGE OF NEW YORK STOCK MARKET do preferred. — r Cl|• ...,.a,,ee.e e eeee**4ii.eee e e| AmerUuu Molting Hcflnlng preferred ▲teals do (irtferred Ami*rlran Cotton oil Haltlmore and Ohio ltnpld Transit Che» _ Colorado Fuel and Iron do preferred., Central Leather Chicago nnd Great Western Chicago, Milwaukee and Paul Delaware nnd Hudson... PlatlUer** Securities do rumor had It that the rise wne n prelude to formal announcement of the auecesafu! flo tation of the Papa loan. At th* asm* time the etory that pinna were on foot for some Pennsylvania holdings In culated, and thla wa* given as th# reason Hudson. Chicago and Northwestern, Orest Northern and Northern Pacific furnished the other features of the morning. ■ upward movement eras checked In the get ■MlaMMIIMMMfeMliflMVn curltles and American Locomotive gained mated, Pennsylvania *4 and Union Pad Erie, Heading and Hteel common np U The market haa shown Improvement since the opening and during the first hoar many sharp advances were made. North wee roee to 20S& snd Delaware nnd Hudson to 231: llnltlmorc nnd Ohio made an advance of H4*. New York Central rose 1 \L and Union Pacific, Reading and. Pennsylvania made fair gains. Practically everything else traded Tn joined in an upward move meat during the flrat hour. Governments unchanged. Other bonds stronger. STOCK 8ALE8/ 11 a. m. 12 noon . 1 p. in. 2 p. m. Total . . .177400 a: GOVERNMENT WEEKLY REPORT ON WEATHER Prlvat, Wire to Glbert ft Tiny. Waahlngton, Juno 12.—Following la thn wrekly xovrrnmcnt report for condition. In the cotton belt: Arkanaea (Little BocW-The weather wiffi generally fair, with abundant annehlne. The forepart of tbo week wn« modorately warm and the latlor port very warm; the ralafol' waa allghtly nbove normal and waa eaffldeat In the northern half of the etate, but waa roach Mow average and Inauf- Sclent In the enatbern half. The laat day Tlabamii d r&on"*omeryf-Hlgli day tarn- peratarea prevailed, the maximum being ient ehowera occerml daring the earty pert end latter part of the week. A drouth of from two to foar week!’ dura. Uon prevail* In aenttered aectlona. Georgia (AtUnta)-Thc weekly temperature waa decidedly aboro normal and a maximum of nbove itn degree, emend at Albany nnd Porayth on lb; Rainfall waa unevenly dlitrlbutrd. and waa H>low normal at moat atationn. Rain wn* general on tbo 4(h and aeattered loeal ehowera occurred daring the rest of the W Loui*lan* (New OrleawO-The wrek wee eery wanu and dry. and while light bet tered ehowera occurred orer llmltrd are**, drouth, even drinking weter — - . n gome placet. Kreah wind* tempered the lent, tint Inereaaed the drynree. The ean ■bine waa above the normal, kllulaelppl IVIck*burg)-The weal her waa tnreo. Maxlmnm ttmpenturea general . thi We occurred throughout the | week. La- el ebowee occurred on the 4th nnd rib. The rainfall woe hrary In extreme eoath; eleewhere It wau generally deficient. North Carolina nulelghl-Thnnder etefniu »«.•> g?od. .howera_o«a ; urre1 ii th^g^t t Jh. tributed. Th* temperatnre wan atmnt 4 decree above the normal, the hlchet re ported being •• degree and th* Towet 80 * OkUhom* end Indian Trrltoey (Okltkomaj SS& nTa , «.ra'4. e Mr!,1 S ’^'"’oecnrrsd on two days. ms? tha low th* normal, Tex*. (Oalvejonj—With the 'xeeptlon of . few lettered ihowee on the 4th. the week ha* hen abnormally wee. .... .wee . drj Mid WUrTO. Noroeroui romptalnl* have been .received ef K ilooged drouth tn eontheutern eouutle In I* needed oeer nerly th* mtire southern half of tbo stats. %5nsssco (Nartv.iIsl-Tbo tcmDsratura was high throughout the week. Bkowera were quits gsoersl on the 4th And 5th and scattered thunder storms, severe lo * few 1 nets nr ss, occurred from the 6th to 16th. Wentber conditions wera generally favors* ble. 0.BERT A CLAY’S DAILY letter _ New Tork. Jen* 12.-C. D. Preeme. ft Co., In I heir circular letter today. u«y: •Th* market, continue* In n atet* of on- Martslntv due solely to the confsslou In* jretJd fr It by thw nureen at Wa.hlagton and the wllfnl dlatortlon of f*®ta by rer- lain opecolatom. K»err utterance from H ,«nt*s fslscKSK*srs truths they shoald »nt owwortir Indicate materially iMrer SSeeT%mt we rii<mld *tle«pt to drel with ^raS'^^rvert-Mve®W It. nrtjhri 1 nlluence. There Is no doont that tne pres- SZfcfiXSft.'X SbT-J&i as-aa gg 2; from varioua pari. o» Tea*., 'penally from th«.withwirt. «nd ehf_geM«lly rtj- * hrtfrt Illinois American Ice Securities l.otilMllIf 11 ml Nushvltlv Mexican Central MlAHourl Pacific York. Ontario nnd Western.., National Load Northern PaHfie...... •••.••••• New Yqrk tVntrnl _ do. preferred Pacific Mall Itoading Republic steel do. prefi^rrcd... Texas nnd Pacific. t 111-Ml i’ll. i'\.' t’nlf••«! Htntfs Stool da praferrad.... VlrglDla-CarolIua Chemical...... uo. preferred Western Union.. Walmsh j 11 r .* f 4 • r r, 11 W|mnm Central.... do. preferred NOTES ON GRAIN Pointers on Provisions. Private Wire to Ware & Leland. Chicago. June 12.—Government report wheat means s crop of spring and*wlnter wheat of about 706.000,000 bushels. Thl cannot lie called bullish. Would advl* selling long wheat. luter-Occsn: Cash business In wheat In Chicago yesterday was 250,000 Na 1 at Uc over July lu store, M.OOO No. 2 sold late In the day for eastern shipment and 15,000 mixed lota. In all 850.000. Bales corn wera 210,000 and oats 75,000. At the seaboard exporters sold 40,009 wheat and 50,000 oats. Charters wera wade for lBdOOO eoru at 114c to Iluffslo. “Continued dry weather last week In the Union Pacific wheat territory caused fur ther decline In the prospective yield and quality, dropping 10 per cent," says the Mid Is ml Elevator Company, of Ksnasi City, In Its weekly report. “Boutheru Kansas and Oklahoma have a flue crop not Jh government: Winter wheat condition 68, ten year arerage ai; loss from May t points; loss In bushels 41,0M.n0i). Spring average; acreage lOd.2. North Dskids sains 7 ner cent. Total wheat crop 9,000,000 orer Uk*. Data condition 16; (net from last year 7 cent. ! sc reason 868,000 bushels or 1.8 per Rye condition 90, or same ss teu yeSr *?he*c*ondltlon of winter wheat Is lowest since June, 1105. Bering wheat condition a lowest since Ihw and oats are lowest nee 1WX Condition of winter wheat and oats Is higher and spring wheat lower than expected. ilcsgo. wheat market was more or less under the terdsy. although nnunced until too late “ ‘ * The were not the trade. WARE & LELAND’S DAILY COTTON LETTER. liar disposition, how * ns until tho of- RHPmiMNPfiWPMrji. 1m ms waa atrong at the outset until Information of an array of bullish news It a heavier tone later, principally tiecaasr of realising sales by lonj(s* Tim weather New Orleans, June 11.—Cotton was dull but steady today. Neither side showed any fondness for Increasing Its commitments and tho outside pub’ He still held off. Tho talent paid more attention to weather conditions than It haa of late, but little was found In tbo reports coming in from the bolt to speculate on. Texas is trying hard to make up a good crop scare between too much rain In tho North, too little In the South and the ravages of the boll weevil generally, but thus far prices have refused to respond. The next thing on tho program will prob ably be hot winds, which generally cause the shorts to do some hard thinking. The weather map this morn ing Indicated showers In tho dry dis tricts and dry weather In the wet dis tricts of Texas, which caused the bulls 9o direct tholr attention to the threat ened tropical storm in tho eastern por tions of the belL Wasting Valuable Materials. From Philadelphia North American. Those rope ends that tho president 1 1 commissioners saw being chopped up for potted chicken are likely to moko trouble for some of tho employees. They ought to have known better, with good Havana filler so high. No wonder the beef trust has boon making only 2 per cent profit! Hlstorlo Restraint. From The Chicago Record-Herald. A Texas paper proudly declares that Andrew Jackson never called a man ll-il l»v tclephnn* ” We might ;i I that John Quincy Adams never used a pianola and that Aaron Hurr never ran over anybody with an automo bile. Who Discovered Teddy? From The New York World. While a patriotic association cher ishes the Theodore Roosevelt house of MrtL, tli.’ i • v • i.'■ < <!.*•. mg v. n. r«* Tn ! as C. Platt first saw the light goes to a stranger for 810. was Iietter northwest. Pringle continued TIPS FLASHED From Wall Stroot bought opeuly was belug cover. Luke and Hcott wrre each working sdlly for n decline. There wsa little M Private Wire to Were A Ldnnd New York. Juno 12,~The Financial Du* reau says: It la reported from good sources this morning that standard Oil buying Is taking place lu Amalgamated Copper. The Flower contingent is said to be bullish this Issue. American stocks In London steady about parity. Loudon fortnightly settlement began to* Return of money from Ban Frauclsco S ir q decline. There was lift.. sslonal Intereat In the market, tlon In corn was mainly confined to professional circles. A tmrtioii of the outside trade was ranged on the selling ivices were received of i upon f ind There were continued moderate oi_ ■nits from the country, f n There was a large speculative trade In oats. In which the noaprofeeelonal trader figures to a smaller extent tbsn during Ota greeter pnrt of last week. Neverthe- there was quite sn sere sal on of orders 1 rom outsiders Iste In the dsjr.. Tl’rlce fluctuations showed the nervous* usual at this Mara of the year. Houio demand for Ht. Puul In the loan crowd, but other stocks freely offered. Hubstantlal short line of ML l*aul cov ered over 179. Kllglit Improvement in deninml for bonds. Chlcugo considers tho crop situation favor able uud bullish ou general market. Forty-three roads lor the fourth week In May show average gross Increase 1180 ness of the trade provisions. The general tone of the market was firm early, but there wae very little doing." STOCKS REVIEWED BY NEW YORK SUN -juthern Pacific expected to show very heavy decreases for the period Immediately following the Frisco disastor. Ifocklug Valley directors expected to act D common nml preferred <11 \ blends today. Twelve industrials advanced .39 per cent. Twenty active railroads ndvaucod 1.84 per cent.—Dow, Jones A Co. ■ New York, June 11—The Hun says: “A dull traders* market. In which lack of participation by the general public stood minilo’ii11' • ud In >■ I 'i bratefi Irregularly between strength nnd weakness, closing for the most part at a not advance, was tho continuing feature of denllngs ou the stock exchange. The movement of vslaee won distinctly toward r I" result of this being tost at the < .1. :i» of comfortable money rates. some Incentive to attroet wider puidtc support. We do not nntldpste this, however, to derelop to tiny great ex tent, and expect a continuance of only t'-'-n, in . id of th time mentioned UeeRnes of three point or more from the highest prices made last Thursday were shown In many of the act- Its stocks. So large a fall ns this In such I relatively narrow market as evidently EASIER IN WHEAT TODAY THE PIT CROWD WAS INCLIN- ED TO SELL Due to Lower Cables and Good Weather in the North west. By Privul* Wire. Chicago, Jun* 13. Ther* wore ad vance* In all the grain market on ’chance—3-6®B-8c for wheat. 1 l-2'.r 16-lc for corn, mol 1-401-3* for oat*. Corn waa th* lender In »tmigth nnd activity. All tho cereal* •uffered earn* late on profit-taking by long. New wheat waa Hold "here to arrive hy July 30. It brought July price*. It »«« crown In Illuiola, and wn* purchmo d by Armour A Go. Primary receipt*: Wheat, 371.n*0 huahel* and corn 813,000 hu,h>-l.. agalnat 506,000 nnd 6,010,000, rrrqii-c- tlvely, a year aco. Clearance* were 31,10* barrel* flour, nnd no wheat, IT6 huahel. corn nnd 1,400 buehel* oala. Gaah tranaactlonn at Chlcaso; IVhmi 16,000 bunhale, rom 31,000 buahrl*, ontn 325,000 buaheli. At th* aaaboard, two loada wheat, five loada com and 160,000 buehd* ■Kit*. The wortd’i available eupply of whmt decrenied 6,200,000 trn.hel*, rom In creased 367,000 huaheln nnd onu de c-mined 411,000 bunhtl* for the week. CHICAGO DRAIN MARKET. narket range! ■■ fol. Open. WHEAT— July. Mept. High. Low. CIom. flu Dec . CORN— JuTy. Hept. m T, 61% JS • p.’* I i & IS* IS (ift iljl ssb Wheat—No. t red, 874788; No. J. red. 944i mI; No. 3 Irani winter, 88M: No. 2 lumj winter. 79(f88; No. 1 northern soring No. : northern spring, UQ45; No 1 spring, tiSt itS* 8.85 9.00 9.00 *:5* 9.1SH CHICAGO CAR LOTS. Wh.-nt forn «. »nts .. Hogs .. Toilnr. Touiorrow. LIVERPOOL GRAIN MARKET. the alls such activity aa may arise from prufes sloost oprratlons lu aperisltlee." Daniel Udell .V Co.: “Information this morning Is vrry generally bUlllab. so mm-h so that we hesitate to accept It at fore value. There le no doubt tnnt the crop report wss discounted. The expert Jones says the winter wheat Is too far ndvaucod E w to suffer serious duningi*. While being lllsh. we would be cautious today ami • f<intciiog |i..**1 tt..1.. im11\ s|M*aklng. but «*xpertlng sperlalty impruve- meat where technical —*“— position favors lr. The^.aiceptibUjtr of ths stock market to •lb ss eridsDcud yssUn >nrt *»f spsrulsb ' * to some __ mil opera tors. the rise by gossip of tue renters upon far All the iv lM>arlug upon the market . the fmvernment's monthly wblrh. It was known, wnuld at 2 o’clock lx the afternoon, stocks Increased, as it almost Invariably does on sorb occasions, basM. In the first i M# mm ll ■ Im t that a definite r ATLANTA NATIONAL BANK ATLANTA, GA. C. I. CURRIER, Praaldant. A. E. THORNTON, Vioa-PraaldanL H. T. INMAN, OEO. R. DONOVAN, Ca.hlor, JAMES 8. FLOYD, A»*’t Caahlar. Capital 6500,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 6500,000.00 We Solicit Your Patronage. v= HUBBARD BROS & CO., £ls Atlanta Office*, J19-2JI Century Building Member* New York Cotton Exchange. Now Or- lean* Cotton Exchange, Liverpool Cotton Aaao- ciatlon, Chicago Board of Trade, New York Cor fee Exchange, New York Produce Exchange. Buxineis solicited for the shove exchanges. Direct wire service. Correspondence invited. Phones 454, Long Distance 39. A.S. Hustace. Mgr. aanouarement of rii-nrtnj had h.w* I tli« «ud of It* unfavorable ■ rr.-i-t markat- wire; and upon a reaction tn aantl- meat regarding th. character of th* Dew, Itrelf."-Ullwri ft Clay. THE LIVE 8TOCK MARKET. I »; aloc^W^W Hhc-u— Itatlmatdl quality fair: uativ.JS WLKTSkte NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET. Th* following tahlt give! th* opening and riming qqotallnai for coif*, fur futur* deliver/ today lu h.w York January ::::;;:::: l tWwr.r.::.-:.":: V ggv:::::: :: ::- a December MM* IF 8.41 Cloaad etaaity. The common problem, youra, mine, ovary op*’*, la—not to fancy what war* fair In Ufa Provided It could bo—but, finding flrat What may be, then find how to make It fair Up to our manna; • vary different thing. —Browning. lower; cloned % to NORTHWEST CARS. Following inlili- give* tbo norlhweit of gralu loilay, lo.t oock and tart yci MlnnrapoUa , I mj im ii Chicago PRIMARY MOVEMENT. Wbcal-larelpi. 1 " today tTlM laat week 164.on bn.beia agn rla toil year. bushels lost year. Osts—Receipts today 689.000 bushtls, OWfits today 429,000 bushels. Northwestern Weather. Illinois- rontJnuptl fair sod cool and tomorrow, except thn a tuning s and Iowa-Fair and co m tonight and tomorrow Wlw-nnrtn—Fair and continued i ntght'and tomorrow: light ft"«t In n Jtlnnranta, Dakota., .Vebra.ka, K I'nlr tontabt aud tomorrow; not change ta temperatnre* And Man Who Buya Cannon Cracker*. From The Baltimore Sun. ■ Agnlnat the perennial bont-rockcr let ua urray the champion fool-klllor. SOUTHERN EXCHANGE Oldest Established Office South. COTTON MOWS BONOS—MAIN Ground Floor a « jld Tlutldlnf. Dally mSliest lltttT n>4 trunkf manual ed •• Robert Barrett Rrowalnf, pslater sad son s name. . rnwiilng Iti Igondon. When I.- was horn luorii ciranvllle Is credited with luring js- IJWII IMIiru !!i.rwi,!i. a , !•!■■(■ ■ I aenlameat In Icmdon. R ben lie wa ' .LU marked: Into th his has p L J. ANDERSON & CO Bankers and Brokers, COnON, STOCKS, 6RAIN Comspoatfiit's Capital $250,000 wo. L rut. rniUn! toil. >. MADDOX, ritr.frrt. MADDOX - RUCKER BANKING CO. CAPITAL SURPLUS AND PROFITS 5200.000. 00 5500.000. 00 ACCOUNT* INVITED We sell the widely known and extensively used Circular Xotc.s and Letters of Credit of Tho«. Cook & Son. » In Our Saving! Department we allow Interett at the Rate of 3 1-2 per cent Compounded Semi-Annually. 2 Will Sl . f,r.n I, WARE A LE LAN D COTTON, GRAIN, HROVISIONSrSTOCKS, BONDS, g. At It* ft. Ct Ch'ftgt ittrj flf Trt4t. ChKtgo Stott lithtigo. m Tort LotUt fitbijt. ih Wlttt Is it* York, Nfw Orleaot, CVufi- Hem York Coltoo Hew Otleoot Cottoo Itthotgo. Uirrifil Cottoo A milt 61 AS B. C COTHXAA. Hottaot. Standard FHaaa 2M. PIEDMONT BROKERAGE CO.. (Incorporated.) Bsssmsnt Floor Piedmont Hotsl. STOCKS. BONOS. CRAIN. PROVISIONS. INVCSTMCNTS, Fast Wlrs 8srvics from Nsw York, Nsw Orleans, Chicago. coaacspoNocNTs M. *1. SAGE A CO., AX ISA O AO WAY. NEW YORK. 10W. NOTH. Manager Lattl a*4la*g gl/WtM Pkooo 1S91. ■aa —