The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, June 13, 1906, Image 10

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. ■WEDNESDAY. JUNE IS. IM» WANT ADS ONE CENT A WORD No Ad Token For Less Then 25 Cents. CASH MUST ALWAYS accom- psny out-of-town orders. Watch The Georgian Want Page Grow. Situation! Wanted will hereafter be inserted on this page free of charge. It you want a situation, send your ad. to The Georgian. Each ad. will be limited to three lines, one inser tion. WANTED HELP—MALE. MEN AND DOTS WANTED—I.E ABN plumbing. plastering, bricklaying. Spatial niter. lift scholarship ISO; easy payments; position and union card guaranteed;. fry catalogue. Coyne Bros*. Trade! “ ' Now York, Chicago, 8t. Louis. hatter pay in two or three uionth*. thou* with rood references need I ■ PtLotch Mill Mfg. Co. r and competent, .reference*, pany, city. corner South Pryor street and Ridge ave. „ .. -ladi stenographer and office manager IBdT Del inray Ilualueaa Agency, 1130 Candler Bid*. WANTED HELP—FEMALE. until they learn. lanta. write ua and we will give TO formation al>out ltoardln^ places. Sun rt^sLsr on length of service. Bldg. rttta avenue. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. 4*1, Griffin, On. WANTED—AQENT8. money ae rral Sale* md Supply Co.. Mobile, Ala. WANTED—SALE8MEN. INTELLIGENT, SF-IB WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. that the Houthern Auction am Col, at 20 K. Pryor, can dlapow household goods, office fixtures, sates, < pets, ruga, pianos, etc., to advantage. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. HAVE YOU ANYTHING TO BELL? buggy for sale cheap. 413 Klaer ■«o valuable uiilii<-ui»lH>r«Hl property: fire m legal blanks I troan street. l*ri located on Honthem railroad; » jeagth* of *lde about 1.0U0 ton*. **1 DON’T GO BLIND. WHEN YOU SEE THE ATf.ANT, Wrecking I’a’i new line. Just nddeil ' full line of tranks, travelers* *uppllc* nn MISCELLANEOUS. fire-proof safes, «h Ellis. r< H Broad cutting south Georgia pine shingle*. Also mnnufartnre flooring, celling, shltny —* lath. Write ua for delivered prices. Man Lumber Company, Bos 107, Co Ik* C C fences sold and erected. Fencing farm, lawn, garden and poultry. Eiclt Ar ‘Page Fence.", Tilley r \ EDUCATIONAL. ‘ [r siioiitii nn i.i: u:vi:n iv ; wi:i:ks. » . ul . S.l .1 (j. . ft ’fc’ht 111 jn,»i. M....CI H U-JA 4 c< > Mnrl.-tfn -» WALL PAPER. J. M. QUICK ft CO-WALL PAPER. mouldings, nletures, iiletur* frame*, etc. Bell phone 729. SUndnrd 701 27 E. ilnnter. PERSONAL. DAVID W. YARBROUGH, MASTER FLUMBER, Fhonra 12S6. 90 E. Hunter St WILLIS WALL PAFER COMFANY. Largest stock In South. 54 K. Broad It “KENT LIGHTS.” THE BEST OF MANTLE LIGHTS NOW sold et 9199 N* Pryor St Alex Kent, Phone 4*41. PIANOS. BU AM BACH PIANOS. j LHTABLIHHED 1323. h BECHT PIANO CO.. 62 N. FORSYTH. FOR RENT—FUBNI8HED ROOM8. COOL, PLEASANT ROOMS U TO S A week, leodglng tl e week. Mesl* $2.60* n week. 10ty Trinity nvenue. Bell phone BE 224lj Atlnnts phone 2767. FOR RENT—APARTMENTS. — mt^nf-NT-^A'-i^itKi^Err-ifATm at hnutlful spirt merit • In the $fendenhiili \ spnrtment bouse, 621-623 Peachtree at. Ap- ply R. R. Arnold, third floor. Gould bldg. ,. OB LOST. ‘V 5)«rirxr~rTrntHtr^Tr^^ »i forehead, right foro foot has a wire cat. pat both hind f«*et white, weighs about l,0w —— pounds. Notify T. C. Crawford and get $3.0 reward. :tK3 Houston afreet. or 8HOE REPAIRING. SS.C GWINN’S SHOE SHOP. 4 LUCK IB. OPPOSITE PIEDMONT. $2.0 r.<M Mm - 1 Imir m. T'-' BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. 6.4 GO HER HOUTHERN AUTO AND EQUIP- ment Co. W# repair, reconstruct, ex- $2j change, buy and tell automobile* Garage. K 10-12 Mitchell atreet, Atlanta, Ga. Bell she phone 4194-1, Main. i,. ATTRACTIVE hiG'NS mTu. iiiiTnVi Votf . business. For high grade work call on line Kent. 91V* S. Pryor. Phone 2921. wit SPT^KmTTTTdT’XtirtN aJ0> farm Fort ten sale to good doctor: don't answer unless $2.$ you mean business. For further particulars u nddress Location and Farm, Rowens Mill, we Ga. $20 ta FOR RENT. T* n rBSTrewr'p.sTmK -n»w unrernT ! ^ four rooms, for housekeeping; near Ronle- 62.2 vnrd and Houston street; close to two car line* r'nll -it s7 I'nif nT4«nnn hat BUSINESS DIRECTORY. —1 TALKING MACHINES AND RECORD8- Wboleoale and retail dlstrlhutora of Vic tor Talking Machines and Records. Jnst received large consignment of machines and over 10,000 records. Immediate attention t - given mail ordifs. We want the names of * * sll talking machine denier* In the south. .J|" Write for cstalogue. Alexsnder-Elyes Co. JJ® BICYCLES AND 8UNDnfK8-I*ARGI6ST D t bicycle and sundry distributors In ths *«*» south. 8outhern sgents for Plerc*. Ysls, **>•« Snell and Hudson bicycles. Writs for our 1906 cstalogus and pries list Alexander- nnl Klysa Co. c YOUR TEETH CnOWNKD 22K GOLD CROWNS $$ Ur. 1301 without pain. All work guaranteed 15 veara. leanler Dental rarlora, ®Vi White hall 8t., over Bmmuns' clothing store. Dell phone 2663-J. WE move, store, pack and ship — household goods; insurance rate one per cent. Office and warehouse 163 65 Walton atrest Both 'phones. Csthcsrt's Trans- REYNOLDS, THE SION PAINTER. Sign., banner,, tlagn and flag decoration, for ape-rial ocratlona. 30H E. Alabama 8L TEETH ,fif EXTRACTED POSITIVELY WITHOUT JU1 PAIN—All dental work done without pals. , All work guaranteed 18 year,. Lanier lien- IO\ ta! I'arlora, 5SU Whitehall 8t„ n,er Em mas,' clothing atoro. Bell phone 7547 J. CASH REGISTERS. (Second Hand.) ““ NATIONALS. 11 ALLWOODS. and sll other makes at tutrgaln prices. We ran sell you a register, suitable for n any business, at a price that cannot help K but please you. Cash or monthly payments. Rvery register 23M guaranteed fof two years. Southern Cash R.gtiter CO;. Branch of American Second- — Hand Cash Regteter Co., 24 8. Broad street, ... Atlanta, Ga. O!^ ' U* r h she* MONEY TO LOAN. that SOUTHERN LOAN AND DIS- COUNT COMPANY MAKES LOANO 0 ^. TO RESPONSIBLE SALARIED PEO- PLE. 1ir/, WHITEHALL STREET, [it OLD HATS MADE NEW. °Rt Manama and Milan straw hats cleaned and reshaped, 60c. ON Soft and stiff felt hata cleaned and ro- ta shaped, fce. nual Bands i»r sweats. 26c each extra. e^w ACME HATTERS. 6* Whitehall fit ^ TEETH 5 BEST SET or TEETH 86.00. OUARAN- ' „ teed to at All work guaraatood 18 year*. tjinlvr Denial Parlora, 5BS, Whitehall St.. t u,t over Kmmona' clothing otoro. Boll phono 7888J. — YOUR TEETH • FILLED WITHOUT PAIN BY AN !U- a proved met hot,. All work guaranteed 16 hoi years. Reaaoualile prices. Lanier Dental and 39\* Whitehall 9t., over Emmons* hltht clothing store. Bell phoi* 260-J. cut-r nilm 11. FOR SALE. — I&» gor ON BAST CAIN HT.. NEAR FORT »T.. wain i have for rale 3 house* almost new. $26; renting to hlghrts** colored tenants at oome $24 per month. | tan aell thla for K.7V)- 1*. II Hee me for bargalus. stree CHAS. M. ROBERTS, ,«?' ev« 12 AUBURN AVENUE. Belt Phone 469'. ^ Member Atlanta Real EeUte Exebanse Hundreds of people in this city have gotten acquainted Within the past week-through the wants. A Want Ad in The Georgian will cost you only one cent a word. THE WEATHER. LOCAL FORECAST. Atlanta and Vicinity—Partly cloudy i night and Thursday. WEATHER IN COTTON BELT. nrarm. zoo city, clear and warm. Qrmspi n udy and cool. Natch pIcaMnnt. Torlnth. portly L. A. WOODS, 818-119 UMPIRE BUILDING. I MAKB EASY TERMS. all modern convenjeucea. Street pA ” \VDLL-A ItltANGhit)"" HlXTlOOil age. near Grant park: lot 176 feet Iwlth.flne garden and shade. Terms. Pi 1111! U ailniUl COTTA OB, WBSf Hud. Has all modern conveniences; level, ady lot. Cool front porch. \ ifift-A PIIACTICALiAT - NKWl-hoOif Can make attractive In West End. Haa all modern con of houses that coat twlca COPENHELL LAND CO. 16 EDQEWOOD AVENUE. Bell Phone' 605; Atlanta Phone 346. SEEKERS. v. See 1 LIEBMAN, REAL E8TATE—RENTING. 38 Peachtree Street. HENDRICK & CO., REAL ESTATE AND LOANS. 23H Whitehall, N WASHINGTON STREET, IN THE bast section, we are offering for a few of aelec tad material; storm e-fioored, and builders* — >ut; architectural dcsli dgn a ImshlM Will hear Investigation. & at a price that will Interest proa- re purchasers for property In this laca- Bee us for particulars aud make of CENTRAL AVENUE. 8IIORT DIB- A bargain at S6.00Q. t>S MoTlTjkXl. avKST'k; NBAYTTTig of Jaekooe. w tan for Hie one of the beat built bourn on • choice lot that 98.000 can'buy. PRICE. onnges made "BIG VALUEe" mi tioo walnut suit only suit m. These are hand • condition, and big values. -* North T U'M purchase on any suit «*f furnl o«ld piece of furniture aold In At- Just test this offer at U North street. If you are n furniture buyer, large or small; It s Wg money In your pwrket. 110.001 worth beautiful high-grade aatuples on our floor gating, r. II. Snook THREE MONTHS RENT FREE Only One Left of Eight Brand New Suburban Homaa. The tint month will be given FREE and If occupied one year, two more months will be given FREE at the end of the year, making only nine months you will have to pay for. None but good families will be allowed In these houses. Theaa ar, located on the River electric car line only twenty minutes ride from the center of the city; contain 7 and 1 room,; have never been occupied; are located In Weit Atlanta Park. Every house fronts a flfty-foot Park, which la set In trie*, evergreen* and flowers. Pure air; na tive oaks; an Ideal spot for children. It,is cheaper than living In the city and the surroundings are more whole some. In the center of thl. Park are the Ferro Pho.phate Spring,, which will cure any ca.« of stomach or kidney trouble, no matter of how long .tend ing. It now haa a new church, neatly furnlahed. a store, a school-house cost ing JI,600.08' wilt soon be completed. Captain J. T. Mills, who lives on the grounds, will show you through tbs houiea Rent 370.00 per month. JOHN J. WOODSIDE,' 12 Auburn Avonue. McNEILL & SHERWOOD REAL ESTATE AND CONTRACTINO 614 Empire Building. Phone 887. FOR SALE, Railroad frontage—best in the city; also two lots cen ter manufacturing district. J. H. Crutchfield, People’s Building. FOR RENT BY JOHN J. WOODSIDE. NO. 70 IIAI.TIMORR PLACB-THIS «• fww 2-ftUwy (ram* double house U on tho south sld* of Baltimore pine*, between \Vr*t Peachtree urn! Spring streets; *“ thoroughly modern house; ha* gas. hot mid water. stationary washatand. pc_ at it bnth, closet. alnk In the kitchen; the ot la 16x160 feet; baa a aervant’s house; is* n hot air furnace lu the basement; the oration la firat-claas In every reapect; will rent on leas* to September 1, 1107, at $40 per month. JOHN J. WOODSIDE. THE RENTING AGENT. 12 Aubnr-< Ave. Both Phonee 618 R. 0. MEDLOCK & CO. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Bell Phone 3794. CORNER EDOEWOOD AND PEACH- >, TREE. $66d FOR 3-It. II., NICE LOT, NEAR ’ Ktsns-Mny factory, Tennessee street. 8760-4-11. H.. GOOD LOT. SBLLVUU avenue. iLOmiH-R. II... GOOD lot; I’AYINlI g«>4Nl rent, on E. Kills atreet. 81,560—4-K. C, TERMS, ON RANDOLPH atreet. 81,50)—E K. I.OVliloY hTItKET. ll.XU-6-H. it., LOT (OxiOO, NEAR COItNEK i»f Gone nnd Lovej«»y street*. Siodu-fi-R. f*., lN fiO()l» CONDITION. Itlfl lot, Luckle street. Good location for rail road man. on terms. ffttt-T-K. II., MoltEIIN. LOT 60xl«t house In flrat-ctaaa rendition, nice.shaded lot. near In, on Dunlap atreet. Thla la a bargain and will only be on the market for short tlme^wlll nrake^a aplendld home.^ iahd arenue. This plate must be aold for caah anti la a bargain for a quick purchaser. FOR $3,600 WE HAVE A FINE TUAt'f of tlmiier laud lu N. Georgia t»n the rail road that will cut easily MO.0W feet of timber. The owner expects to leave thla state and withes to sell tills property nt 87.500 FOR A NICE 4-R. II.. LOT 60x19b. ON 1 Gardeu atreet, near Georgia avenue. Small rash payment and $26 per month; bargain for quick purchaser. WE HAVE QUITE A GOOD MANY VA'- cant lota that are very cheap ami can be oohl on easy terms; and can get good building on lota an terms with small caah payment. Call to tee ua next week. S.T8&-3IU Bargain in fio a. of land. 40 a. of bntti>m. Jpjod reatdence, outbuild ings. near railroad. 90 miles of rlty. G. if. MeKINXON, 570 Peters Bids. $2.100—IF YOU WANT YOUR MONEY’S worth, look at this: Lot 60x140 on corner, with two 6-room cottages. In good white renting section, tine block or Marietta atreet. chwe lu and rented. 81.760—LARGE LOT, WITH GOOD HOUSE. rested. 8L*0) Imb on thl. at 6 per cent; that .how. what It la worth. See It. limnt perk; can give *”> etc. horn, on e«.y term.. 81.760 and 37.760. M.<u nTvn 5S1 oy tiir’6k8't~Iu'ii.t . ht,m nn Capitol arena.. You ran g.t Irrrn, i* ibis and to mo It la to appre- elate It. EXTRA MOOD STORE AND HWELUNfl. lot through to another atreet. rents Kt month. Buy It—ILSMi fW<rKfcilt«fc k\M'M "IK KoftlTli ward; your money Invested her* la better a rings bank. IMP m FOR HALE. BRICKYARD AND MANUFACTURING site on railroad, containing 60 acres, with creek and rock within 2 miles of Piedmont park. Will sell any part 87,600 WILL PURCHASE AN ELEGANT 9-room houae,, lot 100x700 feet, in Inman Park, I>reld Circle. three Sew a-liGGil iToT'SeJ) 5n Inuiutlfnl corner In Weat End, $4,2S0 to $4,600. Five neat • and 7-Rooii cottageh In the lieat part of West End, from $2,850 to $9,100. »-i!()().M 2-8T01IY NEW HOUKK, TlSttUt) wnlla. cabinet uiuntda, Meldrim atreeL only 81.700. Tcrma. BEAUTIFUL NEW 10-ROOSI HOUSE ON IVnchtree with over one acre of ground. Price $9,600. • Liberal terms or will .ex change for vacant property or smaller borne. oviin 8.000 VStef' ftAtriioXt) FroS't- ngc outof and within city limits. Prices, $S0u to $36,000 j>er lot at bargain counter prices. Buy now and double your money within n year. IF YOU WANT A BUhTHeSS HITE. Wbi have clients wh«» will buy nnd Improve for you. Call and aee us. 1 CLAUDE L. NORRIS, BELL 'PHONE 4489. 7J8 FOURTH NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. NORTH BIDE HOMES. 2-BTORY’ TEN root on West North nvenuo, $10,600. MollRHN 8-110051 IIOUHE ON EAST Pine street, $6,600. WE AMIO HAVE SOME HAItOAINH’ IN cheap Inveatmenta In tbc Grant 1'nrk section. a • RAILROAD SCHEDULES Showing the Arrlvnl and Departure of Paa- aenser Train, of th. Following ltondi: WESTERN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD. No. Arrive From— No. Deport To— * 3 Na.hvllle 7:10 am • 7 N..brill, , 8:36 am 71 ilarletM . 8:36 am 74 Marietta ..13:10 pm « Naahvltle 11:45 am *92 Naahvlll, . 4:60 pm 76 Marietta . }X0 pm 77 Marietta .. 6:30 pm < 1 Naihvlll, 7:76 pm' 4 Na.hvllle . 8:60 pro CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY. Arrive From— Depart To— davannah ... 7:10 am Macon 12:01am Jacksonrllla . 7:oo am Ravonuah ... l;00 am 31acon ......11:40am Macon 4:00 pm Savannah ... 4:06 ptu Savannah ... 9:13 um Macon ...... 7AS pm Jacksonville . 9:99 pm ATLANTA AND WEST POINT BAIL- ROAD. Arrtvs From- Depart To— •Selma ......11:40 am •Montgomery i:$0am Montgom'y .7:45 pm •Montgomery 12:45 pm •Salma 11:35 pm *8elma 4:20 pm LaGrangt ... 1:20 am lanGrnnge .... 5:.t3 •Montgom'y . 3:40 pm *Montgoin'y ,.ii:15pm •Daily. All other trains dally .except Sun day. AH trains of Atlanta and West Point Railroad Company strife at nnd depart from Atlanta Terminal station, corner Mitchell atreet and Madison avenue. GEORGIA RAILROAD. Arrlv. From— Depart To— 'Auguata ... 6:00 pm 'Auguata 7:47 am JJoovara 4.-46 am Llthoula 10:06 am Covington ,. 7:44 am ‘Auguata 8:30 pm •Auguata ...13:» pm.Uonyrra 8:00 pm [Jthanla .... 8:76 pm Covlnglon ...4:10 pm •Auguata ....1:18 pm *Auguata ....11:45 pm •Dally. All other tnlna dally except Sun- dey. . SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY. Arrive From- Depert To— Wnihlngton . l:80em.Rlreilnghnm . 4:40 era Abbevtire ... ,.-00 am Monroe . . ,7:20am Memnhle. . ,11:46 am New York . .13:00 m New York .. 8:30 pm Abbeville . . 4:00 pra Monroe. . . . 7:40 pm Memphla . .. pm Olrmlngh'm . 8:36 pro Wellington . ,:86 pm Shown In Uenlral time Deaths and Funerals. V.lma Ramey. Velma Ramey, aged 11 year., died Monday afternoon at the residence of her grandfather, C. C. Archer. 31 North Moore street. The funeral waa held Wednesday morning at the resi dence of the letter, eervlcea being con ducted by Rev. H. K. Pendleton, terment was at Oakland cemetery. Alfred E. Dollar. Alfred E. Dollar, the • month* old eon of Mr. and Mr*. H. C. Dollar, died Tueeday night at the home of hi. par ents, 103 Ellen atreet. The funeral was held Wednesday morning at 10 o’clock. Interment being at Weatvlew cemetery. J. W. Singleton. J. W. Singleton, aged 47 years, died Tueeday morning at his home, neet Clarkson, Go. He was the father of It children, most of whom are living near Clarkson. The funeral will be held et 0 o'clock Thursday morning at Zion’s church, near Clarkson, and In terment will follow In the churchyard. UPHELD INCONVICTCASE The poaltlon of the state prlaon com mission waa sustained In the eult for permanent Injunction by the Georgia Iron and Coal Company against the prlaon commlaalon and Hamby * Toomer, though Judge Pendleton, be fore whom the petition for Injunction waa argued last week. In an order sign ed Wednesday morning, granted the Injunction restraining Hamby A Toom er from Interfering In any way wHh the convicts In question. Hamby tk Toomer leased 60« con vict* from the prison commission and 60 of thla number were »ub-leased to Deen Bros, for two yean, who. In turn, aub-leaaad them to the Pritchett Tur pentine Company, and the latter let 'P*?.**.*™** 1?**’-.*? f. n,t g-y the Georgia Iron and Coal Company CALL Foil Mil. 11 hooks IOR ABOVE, have them on a third iub-leaae. Ham- Mississippi Jackson, cl* Greenwood. cloudy and r ._ . cloudy and cool; damaging rain yesterday afternoon and Isat night. Alabama—Mobile, clear and warm. Mont gomery. partly cloudy and pleasant. Hunts ville. rain and cooL Birmingham, cloudy d misting; rained last night; cool. Troy, ipn. partly Mobil*. clear and pleiltant;! Huntsville, cloudy and cool; rained last nlcht. Georgia—Macon. Tartly cloudy and cool; hard rain yesterday afternoon. Albany, i loody and warm; had heavy rains yester day; no damage by norm. Awerirus. cloudy and cool; heavy rnlna yesterday. A f i;i nf m. ■ 1.•'• < 1 \ run! j.|« nunn t ; h.-;iv\ r.i'n* yesterday. Columbus, rained hard nil night now p-irtly cloudy and cool. Rome. , |..udv rained all night: now cloudy and cool. Tennessee—Chattanooga, cloudy and cool, rained laxt night. Knoxville, cloudy ami cool; rained last night. Memphln, cloudy and cool; no rain. Nashville, raining and wld; rained all nlrl * Louisiana—New • ATLANTA MARKETS. Officially FRUITS AND PRODUCE hy Atlauta Fruit ISttS'lfsk 8 10 nog Limes 76 to SI. I’lue apple. J.-.S0 to 33.69. Barm mi i4. straights, per Imnch tt tA 11.75. Culls, per liuupb*tt to 11 S. 1150 *• Htrawlwrrlea. Georgia sttik >o C; TenumSTh POULTRY AN!) COCXTUY Pitonri-. Live hen* 35,- lo 37He 4"h- IiStT^- I’ckin. 3Pn (o 35c: I ?e dock* 10,77',.-: frle. 33ti to 33 c; DreneU hen,, per lh., Ue to™i- dfStl ‘faS.’- p?7d& ^'SHcimok. ^ftouer-New hgioc ih.j |„ j.| b , n;k| |( VKGETABLES.—Irl*h potato*, •tori. MAO barrel; No. ! Mock No. «| WEATHER IN WHEAT BELT. Extreme Northwest—Generally cloudy; 60 to 62 aliore; local ralai. Northwest—Generally clear; 64 to 66 above; local rains. West and Southwest—Generally clear; 82 to 78 Above; raining at Springfield. Ohio Valley—Tartly cloudy; 64 to 66 above; raining at Nashville and Loularllle. WEATHER FORECAST. 1 northeast wind*. Georgia—ItnIn 1 __ east to southeast winds; Thtirwlny warmer, except rfcln In northeast jmrtlon. West Florida and Alnbama—Showers Wednesday; fresh to brisk uorth winds; Thursday fair. East 'Texas—Fair Wednesday, warmer In northwest portion; Thursday fair; variable winds ’ west Texas— Partly cloudy Wednesday; warmer In north portlou; Thursday partly cloudy. Arkansas—Generally fair Wednesday end warmer In west; rain In oast portion. Kentucky—Cloudy Wednesday; probably local showers; Thursday wanner and fair, except showers in extreme east portlou. Wisconsin—Fair tonight and tomorrow; tomorrow; not much change In tempera ture. South Dakota—Fair tonight and tomor- WEATHER CONDITIONS. .... gulf storm has movod north tc tral over this section this morning, advance has caused general rains over Georgia, the Carolines, the eastern half of Tennessee and as far north as Norfolk. Over the rest of the country clear weather E rernll*. The high pressure area covert ie northeast quadrant of the United States and Is central over the Great Lakes. ‘ling this morning at Blrm- Nashville and Knoxville, Acmi.. .4unum, Va., Wilmington. N. C„ and Auguatn. Ga. At Atlanta 3.63 Inches of rain felt during the last 24 hours, white Augusta reports 2.64 Inches for the same period. The temneratnre has fallen at most sta tions In Tennessee, North Carolina and northern Georgia and In the northwest. The. northeastward movement of the _:orm area will cans* nartlv cloudr wm * »*r In this section tonl gh J. B. MAHBUItV. Local Forecaster. COTTON REGION BULLETIN. For the 24 hours ending at t a.m., 76th meridian tlmp, June 13, 1W1 STATIONS OF DISTRICT. •Atlanta, cloudy.,.. Greenville, rain.. Griffin, cloudy ‘'JMacon, cloudy .Montlcello, cloudy........ Xewnan, p. cloudy Tome, rain Spartanburg, rain Tallapoosa, cloudy Toccoa, cloudy,. West Tolnt, p. cloudy.... to 14. — . .«a:* 13.51 " bb *** cr *“«- per cr»t. 773 „ IVan- per drum. 76c la SI: r.ry .low „i. PomntoM, per crate, »: to life “*• Henna. (TWO. per crate, tl to Ji.25, mirk» Id better rondlSoai wax 60 to J6r mar «*t Bqnoak, yellow. 71 to 11.3; whit, «. to 31: market nrenitorked. ’* "• Corn, new, 30c to 30c per douo Okra, per crate, 3160 to tl Cncumlwri, per crate, II to JI.8. lettuce, head, per drum 31.25 to ti m U*** 1 |K,tab **’ |wr kurtci, :: t . Sweet potatoes, per buahcl. ft to ti Spinach 71 ;»r Im.hcb * '° *'" s - Atparneua fTI4 to I6Hc hunch. Peaches, per emte. »2 to 33.50. ( berries, Tteiunrt crate, 57.60 to «. ( nntulonpen, per crate, K to I’oO Bku-kberrlc. io (o 17lk ouar* Mewehrrlei li to 1214c naart. FLOUR, GRAlie, PROVISIONS FLOLR.-Po.tela Kleynnt 56.35: til.nnnt P«‘enl W: fancy pet.nt W.l" hair *p? t 7 0 { *4.10 toft.*: fancy. 33.5b: .prlng oh™ patent 55.6u<p. Market Krone. 1 CORN.—Choice red rob J*-; No •> 74c; % 3 yellow 73c; mlxell 7;c ” ’“S OATS.—Choice white clipped Sic- chow white 60c; choice mixed 49?. * b0,e * MEAL.—Tlalu water ground, per bnrh»i 73c: Imlted 140-lb. Jutesf ner ImKel a*' HAS.—Timothy, choice large bales, nio. Am choice , small bales 11.14; do. v 0 j :hy bales. $1.06; do., No. 2 ft: do No ! clover mixed $1.06; do., No. 2 closed niU*l (’LOVER—Choice 90c. ■■■■■■ The above prices are f. o. b. Atlanta, tod subject to luimedlste acceptance. PROVISIONS.—Supreme ham**. 14t4c rm Cross bams 13V4c. California bamTioi? D»r aalt extra riba 9.60, bellies 29-25 ft 10.60, fat bnekt 9, plates 8.. Supreme lard basis 9.75 BedCro^ lar.1 9V4 bails. 7) Compound 7% basis; Snow Drift compound GROCERIES. . SUGAR.—Standard granulattvl 4.85; »• York Refined 4 to 4%c; plantations 4 to 4Sc Market stronger. COFFEE.—Roasted Arlmckle's $i5fcv bulk, in bags or barrels, 1294c; green io ts 12c. Market weak. RICE,—Carolina to 7Hc. according t* grade. Market very strong. CHEESE.—Fancy full cream, data 14c: twine 1394c; bricks 4c. Market strong. STOCKS AND BONDS. Bid. Asked. ^ 6a, ifiO'. \ *. * ! M6 104U Savannah Is. 1909 102V4 103? Macon 6s. 1910 . . io* . . Atlanta 6s, 1911 106 Atlanta 494s. 1922 309 no Atlanta 4s. 1934 ittu mu Atlanta and West I*olnt . . . . i«5 no Atlanta and West Point Debts. 109 C. It. of Georgia first income % do. 2d Income . . . . do. 3d Income . ... , Georgia Augusta and Savannah Southwestern ...... Georgia Pacific lats . . . O, C. and A. at. , . . M •Minimum temperatures are for 12-hour period ending at f a. m. this date. IRecetved late <wlre trouble); not Included In averages. Heavy Rainfalls—Klngstree, 8. C., 1.90; Yetnassee, ». t\, 3.52; Florence. N. C., 2.10; Newbern, N. C., 1.62; Auguata, Ga., 2.64: Araerlciis, Ga.. 2.64; Eastman, Ga., 2.22; “• dale. 8. C., 7.14; Athens. Ga., 2.64; ....arsburg. 8. C., 2.14; Blackrllle. S. <’., 4.92; Camnk, Ga., 3.10; Greenwood, 8. C., 2.20; Washington, Ga., 2.22; Wayueslmro, Ga., 1.70; Eufouta, Ala., 1.66; OpeUka, Ala., bar lest on Galveston laltrie Rock Memphis Mobile Montgomery New Orleans Oklahoma Dlst Averages. 70 Hi .10 R.marki, Lower temperature, prevailed over moat of the belt, the fall. Iieln* decided oyer the eaeterii portion. Precipitation wn, jp*n- ernl except In New Orleana and Oklahnica dletricta; the traoonte were lmmnterla>3n Galreeton .nil Little Rock dlutrlrta, while heavy to excenlve folia occurred Id .tint Carollnae, Ueorda and Alalmmt. }. R. MAKRtTRY, Local Forecaster. by ft Toomer sought to have the con vict* removed from the coal mine, of tho plaintiff, end a bill waa filed aek- tnc that both the prlaon commission and Hamby 4k Toomer be restrained from removing the 60 convict*, on the ground thet the plaintiff had given le gal notice that It desired the leaae ex tended to five yean. In the decision handed down by Judge Pendleton Wednesday morning the Injunction against the prlaon com mlaalon was denied, though Hamby A Toomer are restrained from attempt ing to remove or Interfere In any way PROPERTY TRAN8FER8. 71.600— James L. Mayson to Mrs. Car rie I. Aken. Lot on Windsor street. Warranty deed. 78.900— James L. Anderson to Jennls Owing,, lot on Piedmont avenue and Fifth atreet. Warranty deed. 31.600— Aea O. Candler to Mr,. Mary E. Anthony, lot on Fraser and Glenn streets. Warranty deed. 33,000—Mrs. Martha Louise McDon ald to Robert 8. Stewart, lot on Love and Reed etreete. Bond for title. 5600—M,con C. flhsrp to The Souther, Express Co., lot at corner of Chapel and llnnsum streets Warranty deed. 51.900— Mies Susan A. Harris to Philip H. Alston, lot os Chapel street, between Man- gum and llsynss streets Warranty derd. 55,400—Philip II. Alston to Southern Ei- B ess Co., lot on Chapel street, between sngum and Haynea atreeta. Warranty deed. 5150—c. B. Turman to 8. n. Turman, lot on Oak street, near corner of Culberaon and Oak streets. Warranty deed. 55,000—T. D. Moore to the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance .Co., lot In Anstey J’nrk, No. A Deed to secure loan. 5500—Mrs. A. T. Clark to Georgia Sarinfs Bank and Treat Co., lot on Greenwood Me nus near Boulevatd. Warranty deed to secure loan. 1400—J». J. Baksr to T. J. Henry, lot on W. Mitchell street near Jeptha. Wnrrnnly title deed. buildinTTermits. 396—Mrs. Bucholdt to move frame {dwelling, 187 Simpson atreet. 3X12—J. A. Johnson to raise trams dwelling, 406 East Fair street. 7100—Mrs. A. D. Adair to add to brick wall, 23 W. Alabama street. 326—Dooley Advertising Company to build' bill board, Bartow and Walton itreets. 310—E. H. Rosecrans lo build addi tion to frame dwelllnr, 67 Park ave nue. 3100—Isaac Croaby to add to frame dwelling, 386-88 Terry atreet. 3800—O. D. Booth to add to frame dwelling 161 West Fair street. 3100-5-C. McDonald to change door way, 79 Decatur street. 31.000-E. A. Mathews, to move s tram* dwelling at 77 Capitol avenue. 53.000—Mrs. M. E. Holcomb, to build two- story tenement house at 185-7 cooper 33,400—Z. P. Gnnn. to build two one-atwy frame dwellings at 773-6 E. North svenoe. DEATHS. P. P. Pendley, aged 71 years, died et 214 Bryan street. Edwin M. Clayton, aged 38 jears. died at College P,rk. Thomas J. Blac..mon, aged o 0 years, died at City Hoapltal. Augusta, Ga. Velma Bumsey, aged 9 years, dmd at 3L North Moore atreet. ,. M Mrs. Amelia Kemnner. 57 year, old, at reatdence, 76 South Pryor atreet of monta. yearn old; died ** Grady hospital of nephritis. BIRTHS. To Mr. and Mrs. J. Huff, of 77 Benjamin "*To'ilr. anS’, Mrs. George U. Baow. of -o To Mr. nmf'Mra. Morris Bloomberg. * 87 Piedmont avenue, a boy. ing to remove or intenere in any way o.iiind .Jeunr a slrl. with the convlcta now In the possession I To yjr and Mrs. tv! F. Olson, of 10 i!r l - of the Georgia Iron and Coal Company, avenue, ‘h boy. COLLEGE PARK HOMES DON'T PAY RENT. It Is exceedingly bnd form to do 10 when jro« ran pfif your own money '* tw tW*! .. tv** 4-room modem new bonae, same terms. . . ,„„„thlT 6-voom, new. modem house on large comet tot; 7765 cash: balance easy mom. j payments. 7, 8 and 10-room bouses. r,.) The College Park Land Company have L000 lota' to select from. 31® 1 ,n 1 each. < otne ont and see me, or call me up. _ i-„iiege Offkw at end of car Itne. Bell phone 37-J Ent Point Exchange, tour** Park, Ga. I sell everything at Collec* Part EDWARD H. WALKER, The College Parle Real Estate Dealer.