The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, June 15, 1906, Image 10
THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. FRIDAY, JINK U WANT ADS ONE CENT A WORD No Ad Taken For Lew Thin 25 Cent.. CASH MUST ALWAYS iccom- piny out-of-town order*. Watch The Georgian Want Page Grow. EDUCATIONAL. BHOKTHA Nil LEARNED IN 5 WKKKH l»-«t. ea.leat, rhrepe.1; llan tangbt by to.U. Btokrly'a Bra. College. 71 Marietta at. Situations Wanted will hereafter bo inserted on this page free of charge. If you want a situation, send your ad. to The Georgian. Each ad. will be limited to three lines, one inser tion. WANTED HELP—MALE. WANTED—GOOD STRONG WHITE ME aa helpers In th* foundry to learn mol- rra' trade. Good pay to start with and hotter pey In two or three month*. Only ‘ tt. —- —^ apply. MEN AND DO VS WANTED LEARN Chicago, 8t Lout*. Siamy Bu.iuei. Agency,' 1190 Candler "rl&TBKUMAM, hOV TO MUtiUnUTE cards. Star office, 30 Petera street. PflKdr^li^T^A^rnioLITnTjffRlIff $50. Foremen for brick yard. MO. We have a number of fine openings for young men stenographer*, tieglnner* nt 140 to $60. These all otter the beat chances for promotion. Hells my Dual nets Agency, 1330 Candler nidg. WANTED HELP—FEMALE. 112.00 per week, and wa will girt good ilny cragea to those without experience until they learn. If you live out of At* innta. write ua and w* will give you In formation about place*. Nuniinlly 1 * MeCrea. M W. Alabama street tiros. . __ „ lepl — a - — - — . tug. A course of Instruction glren In train ing school with salary beginning with en trance to school. Good salaries paid to competent operators, salary being deter mined upon merits of the operator and not upon length of sendee. Apply (th floor, Training School. Telephone Bldg. WANTED—AGENTS. AGENTS WANTING RIG AND QUICK money send for onr free circulars. Gen eral Salta and Supply Co., Mobile, Ala. WANTED—SALE8MEN. INTELLIGENT. HUSTLING SALESMEN for magnificent new maps; new features: easy seller*; exclusive territory and liberal proposition; extraordinary chance for work- ■t State — — * Hudgins Co., WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. ffimri-TO' ~ Ttmtre • • wntssw that th, Anrtlon and Ralv.f. CM., at 90 8. ITjor, ran dtapnue of your household good., office fixture.., car pet!, ruga, pi.lira. Me., to .draouge. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. HAVE YOU ANYTHING TO BELLI .. you have, rend It. to th* Southern Auction fs.IT) M iTarbMtiisfcB- Co., 90 S. Pryor .treat. Thun. A tin. Engine Work., Empire Bldg., Atlanta Class UFOTSeSh IToTSkR SKET ngna. Tryoi have Kent Sign C< Ftoooe 90, lu^te gaoVi piano Frtk HAt.te:—xyr *wer quick. Addrcu llano, care Geor- ion F"< s AI», a • four-seated aatomoblle. I^tok* like new; la excellent running 1*01141111011; canopy top With front and aide curtain*: Ituahmore ... . yrlenc lamp*. A targalu nt 1650. Apply Maddox. DON’T GO BLIND. 1 . uuy, wii «»r esrnangi 37 aad 31 Weat Mitchell street. Dell 'phone im WANTED—BOARDERS. Tw«T with table lH9ard In C*rr*»Mtot> apartment*. — »n apari * addret MISCELLANEOUS. . IKON SAFES. ItAKK SAFES. VAULT DOORS. SAFES. •re-proof safes, deiH»«it lioxe*. William K. nils. M S. Broad St.. Atlanta. I.IIUIIKU-WE llAVfc TliKKK MILLS r .ttlng.rantb Georgia pin, ablnyleu aim I. AU tTTi.ES GATES. WIRE AND IRON feneea sold and erected. Fencing far firm. lawn, garden and poultry. Exclusive :if. ita for “Page Fence. * Dixie Feme Co. r*aaor%Tllly Pettcc Co., 41 Weat Hunter Wrre—oauTHl musss PERSONAL DAVID W. YARBROUGH. MASTER PLUMBER. Phones U66. 9* E. Hunter BL WILLI 8 WALL PAPER COMPANY. targe*t stock la South. 64 N. Broad Ht. “KENT LIGHTS.” THE DEBT OF ifANTI.E LIGHTS NOW aold at 914 N. Pryor St- Aleg Kent, Phone 4641. PIANOS. nilAMRAf.'H PIANOS. KHTAIILIBIIED 1629. BEC11T PIANO CO.. 62 N. FORSYTH. FOR RENT—FURNISHED ROOMS. COOL. PLEASANT ROOMS $2 TO $3 A week. Lodging $1 a week. Meal* $2.60 a week. 10W Trinity nreooe. Bell phone 22(8. Atlanta phone 2767. cI.KaS, cool. Nicely fCrnirhf.U room* for men. $2 per week. No extra charge for two In room. 10 Trinity avenue. . intone 224*. Atlanta nhone 2767. SHOE REPAIRING. GWINN’S SHOE SHOP. 4 LUCKIE. OPPOSITE PIEDMONT. Men'll rewed half anle,. 75c. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. GO SEE SOUTHERN AUTO AND EQUIP- meat Ca Wu repair, reconatPiot, ax- chance, boy and aell automobllas. Oarage, 10-13 Mltrbell atreat, AtlauU. Oa. All phone 4*84-1, Milo. ATTRACTIVE hIgSJPSTOTnit I No VOtt hualneaa. For high grade work call on Kent, 81 % *N. Pryor. Phone 2828. FOR RENT. ? fiR'iiEffF-irsmi'fr r.TtW'fTJiTxnnnrF four room*, for hotuekeeplng. near Boule vard and llonaton atreet; cloee to two car llnee. Call nt $7 Kn*t avenue. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TALKING MACHINES AND RECORDS- ! Wholeaale and retail dlatrtbutora of Vic tor Talking Machine* and Recorila. Juxt received Urge conalgnment of machine* and over 10.000 record*. Immediate attention ! glren mall ord#a. We want the name* of all talking machine dealera In* the south. Write for catalogue. Alexander-Elyea Co. BICYCLES AND SUNDUIES-LAROEST bicycle and aundry distributor* In tbe aonth. Southern agent* for Plarce. Vile, Snell end Hudaou bicycle*. Writ* for our 1906 catalogue god prlct Hat. Alaxaudar- Elyea Co. KltOMOPATHIC UKMKlllEH CURF. acalp disease* and make hair grow. Kronr* Medicated Soap make* you by- ftenlrally clean. (SO yearn eucceaa.) J. J. Krotn, eptclallstg 613 **The Grand," At lanta. Ga. JOB 'rkiN’hiJd—L O W K W I'ftlCfcS. Mend for aamplea. Star Office, 20 Petera atreet. Atlanta. a n YOUR TEETH CROWNED 23-K GOLD CROWNS $3 UP. without pain. All work guaranteed 16 * yearn. I-eider Denial Parlor,. 994 White. . ball Ht.. over Emmone' clothing atora. Util b phono tm4. t WE MOVE, STORE. PACK AND SHIP r houbehold goods; tnaorance rate one per cent. Offlc* nnd warehouae 16365 Walton *1 ■treat Both ’phone*. Cathcart'a Trans fer. c REYNOLDS. THE SION PAINTER. - Mlgnn, bannara, flag* and flag decoralloua for apcclal occaalona. 904 B. Alabama Bt ^ a . TEETH * EXTRACTED POSITIVELY WITHOUT tl PAIN—All dental work done without pain. All work guaranteed 16 year*. Lanlar lien- I) lal Parlor*, 234 Whitehall St., oeee Em- moat' clothing ntore. Bell phono 256S-J. A CASH REGISTERS. ‘ W (Second Hand.) t NATIONALS. IIALLWOODB. IDEALS ,r nnd nil otber make* nt bargain iirlvea. ft We can sell you a register, suitable for any buslneu, nt a price that cannot help lr but pleats you. . Ca*h or monthly payments. Every register C runrantcetl for two year*. Houthern C**h - teglMer Co,, Branch of American Hecond- • land (?*ah Register Co., 24 8. Broad street, h Atlanta, Ga. MONEY TO LOAN. SOUTHERN LOAN AND DIS COUNT COMPANY MAKES LOANS \ TO RESPONSIBLE 8ALARIED PEO- 1 PLE. 1in4 WHITEHALL 8TREET. ° OLD HATS MADE NEW. PANAMA AND MILAN MTltAW 11ATM " cleaned and rc*batH>d. 86e. 8oft and stiff felt hats cleaned and re- ^ shaped. 36c. C Banda or aweata. 26c each extra. ACME IIATTRR8. Whitehall 8L TEETH BE8T MET OF TF.KTH $5.00. GUARAN- R teed to fit. All work guaranteed 16 years. I-anler Dental Parlors. 3»H Whitehall ML, over Emmone' clothing otore. Bell phone M 2663-J. - YOUR TEETH FILLED WITHOUT PAIN BY AN iU- proved metho*.. All work guaranteed 16 rears. Reasonable prices. Lanier Dental Parlors, Whitehall ft., over Emmons’ clothing store. Dell pkote 264S-J. ™ h NOTICE. a If you have ■ home ou the north aide for about 84,000 caah and 1* not too far out. call to geo u* at once. We hare a cuitomcr for thl*. W. E. SAUNDERS & CO. 57 INMAN BUILDING. llell Phone 1485. FOR SALE. « LOST. iiimnnr STREET NKAll artland. a black in-nrl and diamond n. liberal reward If returned to S WALL PAPER. QUICK A CO.—WALL PAPER. Haga,c!cfnre*. picture frame*, etr. one 73. Standard TH. 21 E. Unnur. ON EAST CAIN ST., NEAR FORT ST., l kavc for sale 3 bouaea almost new. renting to hlgh-cta** i-olsrid tenants at $34 per month. I ran tell this for $1,710. See me (or bargains. CHAS. M. ROBERTS, II AUBURN AVENUE. Bell Phone 46*'. Member AUsats Rent Entile Exchuge SKELETON MAP OF ATLANTA Showing'the Five Mean Radial Streets Which Open Up the City • to the World. BY W. P. WALTHALL. Magsxlne articles relating to the rebuilding of 8an Francisco state that the proposed plan Is to do away with the artificial checkerboard system of streets and adopt the radial system. It lx a distinct ad vantage to a city to bare main thoroughfares leading straight out from the heart of a city, opening it up to the world at large. By comparing the above skeleton map of Atlanta with the engineering plans for rebuilding San Fran cisco, It will be seen that Atlanta already Is built along the most approved twentieth century lines. The checkerboard system, with numbered avenues Intersecting lettered boulevards, may furnish the maxi mum number of building lota per acre, but the radial system furnishes what la Infinitely more desirable —accessibility to all parts of a city. By obliterating cross-streets a map of Atlanta shows fire main radial arteries leading out from the old Artesian well (the center of Atlanta) In approximately the shape of a five-rayed star. These main thoroughfares furnish routes for the car Hues that connect Atlanta with the surrounding towns. It will be noted that the Marietta car, also the river car, go out Marietta street; the Brookwood, also proposed Buckbead extension, use Peachtree; the Decatur car. soon to be extended to Stone Mountain, naturally takes Edgewood avenue, and the College Park-Hapevllle line goes out Whitehall. In the course of development of a big city, all real estate within Its limits advances In value; but out of proportion to tbe other property. The passage of travel along these main highways develops business enterprises and Justifies high rent THE WEATHER. McNEILL & SHERWOOD G14 Empire Building. Phone 887. _ of Piedmont park. Will Mil tny part M WILL MliellAftfc an 1 ' tll.ritlAKf I-room bonne, lot 100x300 feet. In Inman Iv'Ii n'KAt 4 ANA rhOOiTcortWifctl In the beat part of Went End, from tL&Q hijijm i-n 11 mi I r. >v i it 11 nr<i li.sir.i. walla, cabinet mnntela, Meldrim street, Literal term* year. "Ivan ■Kt a IiIhINiMh HiTfi, WB have client, who will buy mid Improve TOR RENT BY JOHN J. WOODSIDE. 40x140, which lies level In front, la on tbe north aide of E. Georgia avenue, lietween Capitol avenue and Crew street a; baa por celain bath, hot and cold water, sink In the kitchen; la In first-class repair, bains practically new. ami Is In a flrat-cln** neighborhood. Will be vacant July 1. Rent $2160 per mouth. JOHN J. WOODSIDE. THE RENTING AGENT. 12 Aubilrn Avo. Both Phones 818 STATISTICS. RAILROAD SCHEDULES Showing tha Arrival and Departure of Pas* aenj— — —‘— "** WES’ No. Arrive From— • 3 Naabvllla 7:10 am - 73 Marietta . SJSatn 74 Marietta ..13:10 pm *93 Naabvllla 11:46 am *92 Naabvllla . 4:50 pm 76 Marietta . 2:60 pm 72 Marietta .. 6:30 pin * 1 Naabvllla 7:35 pm * 4 Naabvllla . 1:60 pm THREE MONTHS RENT FREE nly One Left of Eight Brand New Suburban Homas. The first month will be given FREE id If occupied one year, two more onths will be given FREE at the 7 and I rooms; have fifty-foot Park, which la set In trees. In the center of this Park are irro Phoaphat* Spring*, which It now haa a new church, neatly J. T. Mill,, who live* on the i. will ahow you through the Rent 820.00 per month. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, 12 Auburn Avenue. CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY. Arrive From— Depart To— Ravaanab ... 7:10am Macon 13:01 nm 1:00 am 4:00 pm . . , ... 9:15 pm 7:15 pm lackaonrlllo . 8:90 pm POINT BAIL- itgomnry 1:90 tm otber train, dally except Sun- trains of Atranta and Weat Point Railroad Company arrive nt and depart from Atlanta Terminal station, corner Mitchell street and Madlaon avenue. GEORGIA RAILROAD. Arrive From— Depart To— ’Augusta — “* *- vonrere . Covington ’August* ...12:90 pm Conyers fnr-‘ 6:00 pm *Augusta 7:45 6:45 am Llthonia 10:06 7:46 am ’Augusta 3:30 -2:30 pm Couyera 6:00 pm 3:25 pm Covington ... 6:10 pm •Augusta .... 1:16 pm ’Augusta ...,11:45 pm Daf- “ Llthonia illy. All otbar train* dally except 8un- NOTICE—A BARGAIN— comfortable Uiuhc. twncr leaving city and has turned n rr to me for i»xc!ualvc salt*. Thla Is •at able of Grant park ii4*nr Cherokee i*nue. and In a inoilci uelghbortMiod. »*»u ...ll have to aeo this t»* luipredute It. Come let us ahow It to you.* J. II. LATHAM, Real Estate and Ldans, 238 EQUITARLE BLDG. ATTENTION, HOME- SEEKERS. ' Have a few building lots ft on terms of $10.00 cash id $5.00 per month. Priees w. See LIEBMAN, REAL ESTATE—RENTING. 28 Penchtree Street W. E. WORLEY, 325 EMPIRE BUILDING. Atlint* 'Phone 8MS. ..n N’4»rth I»ecatur car line and Georgia railroad: good t-nnim boaae; price $5,760; *4 < If a worth 610,00# right now. vntwTimifnis^ITTcKSoK'HfliftPF: Donee avenue, coot . lot lf?xS» feet; price P.U> BEST* US- iTy.k 2-YEAR l.liABE: price $1.M>: lot 67x217: bargain. 4“VKW llol'Pia < UwB IN: KoTstiTiB: would ml at IB; price g,Wi In cub If dm red. REABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY. Arrive From— Depart To— ton . 6:30 am Birmingham . 6:40 W’aablngto Abbeville .. 9:00 atn Monrtie . .11:45 am New York . 3:30 pm Abbeville . 7:40 pm Memphis . . 7:20 am .12:00 m . 4:00 pm Shown In Central Administrator’s Sale. GEORGIA, FULTON COUNTY. By virtue of an order of the court of ordinary of snhl county, granted at the June term, 1906, will Ik* aolil l>efore tht» f»ourt bouse df»or of said county, on the first Tuc*4|ay In July next, within the legal houra of sale, the following property of the estate of Thomua A. Cruaaelle, deccjt*i>d, to wit: A part of land lot No. 66 of the 14th itlstrlct of Fulton county, Georgia* In tbe city of Atlanta, aud described aa fol Iowa: Commencing at tbe southeast corner of llaygiMMl avenue and Sylvan avenue and running thtnro east along the south side of llavgooc! avenue two hundred and 1250) feet to Fern avenue; thence a along the went able of Fern avenue hunilreft G00) f4*et to a ten-fiwt alley; th west along anbl alley two hntiilred and fifty (260) feet to Hylvan avenue; thence north along the cnat able of Hylvnn ave nue 41114' hundred GOO) feet to the pol * * iH'gitinlng. l»elug lota 15. 16. 17. M and bl4K*k <-* of plat, recorded In Fulton county tleefl record X3, juige 4564. Also lota 1, 2 and 3 of blot'k C of said plat, recorilcfl In Fnlt4>n county iIthnI reciinl X3. page 456H. anbl laat nameil three lota have a frontage on the east aide of Hylvau ave- line of oue huntlretl and ten O10) feet and extend iMick 4ine hundred and twenty (120) feet to a ten-foot nfley. Al*4i a trai t of laud In the city of At street 4>ne humlreil and twenty (129) feet south of Carter atreet and running thence south along the 4>ust aide of !>oray afreet eighty (90) fwt and extending thence hai*k east same wblth aa front one bnndre4t GOO) feet, lielng lota Noa. 32 and 33 of the 1.4>arh j>ri>periy as platted by Harry Krouae, April ’Al«> a part of land lot No. 52 of the 14th district «'f Fulton county, Georgia, t niencing at a |mlut ou the south abb North avenue 339 feet west from Fort atreet: theur* extending south one hun dred G00) feet; tt^uiH* west 48 feet; thence north one hundred GOO) feet to the south part of lot No. 17 of the Tolbert and Drummond plat of the Lnrklt property. Alao a part of land lot No. 62 of tbe 14th district of Fulton county. Georgia, com mencing at a ptdnt on the south aide of 1iitunn avenne two hnmlrei! and ninety-six 1296) feet weat from Fort atreet and ex- teiullng thence south two hundred and fourteen (214) feet to Undeu avenue; thence weat along the north aide of linden ave nue forty-eight (48) feet: thence north two hundred and fifteen (216) feet to Inman avenue; thence east along south side of Inman avenue forty-eight (48) feet to tbe Iteglnning point, being lota No*. 36 nud 31 of the Tolbert and Drummond plat of the tackle property. ** tra ‘ lt»p - _ . _ . the 141 h dlatrict of Fulton county, Geor gia, and commencing at the northwest cor ner of Flckert and Cameron atreet* and running thence north along the weat aide of Cameron atreet ooe hundred (100) feet; thence weat two hundred and, forty-three (343) feet to a ten foot alley; thence south along the east aide of said alley one hun dred GOO) feet to Plckert atreet; thence eaat along the north aide of Ilckert atreet two hundred and forty-three (241) feet to the lieglnnlng point, being a part of tha \ I*. Grant subdivision, r.nn. mMl col . K ^ LA j,p n WINK. Administrator. w ^ w. DEATH8. Mra. Kate Buck, aged 36; died at the resi dence, Fort McPherson. T. F. Dotihs. aged 64; died at the Soldiers' Home of heart failure. • Mra. M. C. Stokely, aged 72; died at tbe residence. 79 Clark avenue, of senility, Marie Bell Thomas, aged 7 months; died at the reaidenee, 14 Zachary atreet, cholera Infantum. _ ‘ buildincTpermits. $25—Wolfahelmer ic Co., to build Inside stairs at 116 Whitehall. $36—W. H. Brown, to re-cover dwelling at 163 Fonnwalt.. $2,200—Beck A Gregg, to btilld vault and tunnel at 66-70 Marietta. $800—George p. Moore, to build one-story frame dwelling at 160 South avenue. $120-1\. -E. Flowers, to build one-atory frame dwelling at 42 Green woo* , $60-Charlea Vlttnr, to build m Iron *bed_at 69 Central avenue. $230,000—Louisville and Naahvllle Railroad, to build a five-story concrete terminal ware house on Waverly place aud I*tedmont ave nue. $100—J.H. George, to re-cover brick dwell tng at 10 Williams. - $1.760—Oharlea F. Rice, to build one-atory frame dwelling at 16 Powers. PROPERTY~TRAN8FER8. $26—Wright Miller to Radford Iirowu, part of lot No. 64, Fourteenth district. Title $2.000—M. V. and R. A. Barnett to F. C. Wllkerson, lot near city pumping station. Warranty deed. $1,150—W. C. Martin to 31. V. and R. A. Barnett, lot No. 160, Seventeenth dlatrict. Warranty deed. $850—Koultalde Loan ahd Security Co. to W. C. Martin, lot near elty pumping sta tion. Warranty deed. , $3.700—H. J. and D. E. Pattlllo.nnd R. 8. Williams to W. M. Bruce, lot on Argard avenue, near Luray avenue. Bond for tltlel. $2,000-4}. M. McAlpIn to P. A. Stegall, lot on Garden^ street, near Bass street. War- -Southern Flour nnd Grain Co. to George Ware nnd W. J. Harper, jot on Fourth, uenr 8tnte street. Warranty deed. $420—Mattie Rq|d to the Heal Estate Trust Co., lot on Farrington, near 31artln. Warranty deed. . $5,000— Dr. J. Powers to D. C. F. Benson, lot on corner of Ponce DeLeon avenue and Jackson street. Warranty deed. $16,000—J. H. Owens nnd J. W. Walker to Mrs. Lei In H. Butt, lot at corner Tenth street aud Columbia avenue. Bond for title. $29.383—Gustave F. Weber to Forrest Aila Ir. lot uenr corner Peters and Fair street*. Warranty title deed. $2,000—Mrs. Pnuflne M. Weber to Forrest Adair, lot on Peters street near Fair. War ranty deed. $15,000— Robert M. Gann to Forrest Adair, lot ou Peters struct, near Fair. Warranty deed. $66—J. W. Ewing and C. F. Benaon to J. C. Clarke, lot on McDonald, oar Chas tain. $160-8. C. Clark to Mrs. A. M. Larrott, lot on McDonald street, near Chastain. Warranty deed. MKA 11* n tkl LOCAL FORECAST.* nnd VMnltx—rn«.ttlcd wwither nnd mUUf ,hoirre» tonight and Bator* daj. ■ WEATHER IN COTTON BELT. f.xaa—Ban Antonin, rlrttr nnd hot. Fbrt Worth, elrar nnd plrerant. Iloo.ion, rlrar and hot. Tjder, fl«r and plmanut. Dallas. C *JllariMipp*—Natrbre. Jarkaon nnd Ynroo City, rirar and warm, lir.nada and Green- xrnoil. and cool. Meridian, cloudy and xrarm. Ilattlnlmrx. partly cloudy and hot. AlaMina-Opellkn. i-nrtly eloudy and xrarm; rain last nlffct. Mnnlrtmery, partly cloudy nnd wnrm. Blnnluxbntn. warm nnd threatening: light shams tenlay. Mobil., partly eloudy; ralu nlabt; Ilnntarlll*. partly eloudy and warm. Troy, partly cloudy and pleasant: .how.ra ynfrrday afternoon. Enfaula. henyy rnln yesterday aft.rnodn; now cloudy nnd plons- *"hoirgln—Colnmbua. henry rain and wind •tortu yesterday er.nlna: now eloudy and hot. Albany, partly cloudy nml hot. Thorn- aarllle. eloudy nnd warm. Macon, partly loudy; had rains last ulght. Americua, Inudy and plea.ant Florida—Jackaoarlll., partly cloudy and W Te”n.a»«—Naahrllle, clear and pleasant WEATHER~FORECA8T. rsinlilana. West Florida, Mltoil.tlppl and Eaat T*xs»—Fair Friday and Kntimlay. Georgia—Hhawrra Friday, except fnlr In southwest portion; Saturday fair; warmer In north portion. Alabama—Fair Friday; warmer In Inte rior; Saturday fair. T.nn..«e—Fair Fridr - ern i.irtlun; Saturday .... .Kentucky, Arkansas and Weat Texan Fair Frl.lay and Saturday. Extreme Northweat-Generelly clear; I to 64 alure. Northwest—Generally clear; 14 to I shore; light abowera Booth Dakota. Weat and Kouthweat—Generally elrar: U .j t» altove; ahowers Dodge City; nine Illl- nola and Eastern (own. flhU Un I la* I'tirtlv «•!, WEATHER CONDITIONS. The pressure hns become flat nnd stag-L Inant over moat of the map nnd la uowhere itKive normal. It ha* decreased ^onsIder-| atdjr over the northern half of the country. The center of lowest bnrometer la nenr Ell |Paso, Tex., while a second doprpRsed area Is south of Florid*.and Is already causing rain to the northward Into Florida, riowll- Iness prevails over Georgia, the Carolina* and Florida and rain ia falling at Tampa. Asheville nnd Wilmington. In tbe laat 24i hours ralna have been general In enp^H Alabama, over Georgia, eastern Tenne* the Carolina* and Florida. ■ The condition* favor unsettled weather COTTON REGION BULLETIN. /or the 24 hours ending ‘ “ meridian time. June 15. l» STATIONS OF DISTRICT. •Atlanta, cloudy..... S Columbna, cloudy Gnlnenrllle, cloudy Greenrllle. eloudy Griffin, eloudy -Macon, cloudy ‘ luntlccUo, cloudy cwunu. p. cloudy ..omc, cloudy Hpartanhurg, cloudy./.;... TnltapooKi. cloudy Toccoa. cloudy West Fol nt. cloudy......... •Minimum temperature* are for 12-bour period I'ndlnx at > a. m. this date. Heary Ilalnfalla—Greenabnro, <!*., LOO; Rt. Matthews. N. C. t 7.90; Yemaiiee, 8. C„ 190: Wilmington. N. t’„ 9.19. TT 15 _ s III ~w ATLANTA MARKETS. FRUIT8 AND PRODure L AtSSSf^uran fefA” » Kr ho, ; Umaa 73 to $j. pples $2.60 to $110. £^- s T5c T . QpwS- tmkey.l pc7°n.., P 5e Ih ,o Kgga. per dozen. 16 to I7U<- Hotter, talilo. per lb., » to log. per lb.. liuj» to 16c — ^rioncy-Ncw WlOc lb.; I, Wb . „ VEGETABLES.—Irikh uotatn.. v to°it. * tM l,orrrl: *• “ Vy C ” bl '” C ' *"**•• ernte „ Peas, per drum. 75e to H; ,erv ,| 0 . Tmpstor*. per crate. 92 to «: 41 Henna, xrwi, per crate 91 to !1 n In better eondltlon; wax to to *1*' n " rt * bipiueh. yellow, it to tl a- - to ll; market orerttoeked ’ *° lle J'orn, new. It to 90c per dozen. Okra, ner crate, 19 to tt.60. 11 ucnml.era, per crate, tt t« 11,5 Peaehe.. per crate. to |1 to' 1 Ir " h P* r bushel, ,i. a „ Aapnragux £1)4 to is4e bunch, reaches, per crate. ,2 to L'.M. Pherrie* 94-(|uart crate. |:.0o t„ « Cantnloupe,, per crate. J2 to ra lllnckberrles 10 to i»(£ quart * Jewberrir* 10 to in? quart FLOURGRA|NrpaOVI8ION8. LOCK.—Poatel* Elrxnnt It!,- 1,1. 7<c: No- 7^' biw Tie; mlxe.1 He. OATH.—Choice white clipped 41e- P |yj~ rhlte JOc; choice mixed 4*V ’ MEAI..—llaln water (round, per liuik.1 79e- bolted It^lh. Jutea. per bi.Cl, HAY.—Timothy, choice large lalex. ||ip do., choice amall bales 11.14; do. V„ ) timothy bdiaa. 9L0l; do„ No. 211 ; do., it} elnrer mixed D.06; do., No. 2 clowd nhW CLOVER.—Choice 90c. The above pricca are f. n. h. Atlxnta. xxd Iforuln luima 10**.■ ........ bellies 20-2S lb,/ 10.60. fat back, I. plain 0.60. Funremo lord 10. Snow Drift coxb pound ;Va- GROCERIES. RI’GAIL—Rtanrinnl Rrniiulntol 5e. \,« York Refilled 4’x to 44: plantation, I to 4V Market atronaer. COFFEE.—Rousted Arhuckte', IB.B; bulk. In baga or barrel!, 1244c; green 10 10 12c. Market weak. RICE.—Carolina 44 to 74c. nerordln, I, grade. Market very strong. CIIEEHE.—Fancy full rronm. tlatx Ho; twine 114c; bricks 4c. Market .triing 8T0CK8 AND BONDS. Bid. A*«d. Georgia 44«, 1915 114 Ui Georgia R. R. 6t, 1910 106 im Harunnnh 6s. 1909 1024 101 JIncon 6a. 1910 101 .„ Atlanta 6s. 19U ... 106 ... Atlanta 44a. 1919 109 no Atlanta 4a. 1114 KfU 10IU Atlanta and West Point . . . . 16S 170 Atlanta and Weat Point Debt,. IN C. R. of Georgia Drat incoma . . ... N do. 2d Income 90 90 do. 3d Income M (I Georgia X X Augusta Hud Savannah C.. C. and A. 1st. . 1U lll'4 13 CENTRAL STATION. For some time thieves have made a practice of stealing the copper "bond*" which connect the rails on Ban Fran- cl*co , p electric railroad system. When the thieves were caught the other day thev had In their possession 100 pound* of the wire, worth 10 cent* a pound. They admitted that It was their third hauL Jiao—\V. It. Dtmmlck and P. F. Clarke to Forrest Greene, lot ou Ormond street, neer Pryor atreet. Bond for title. Don’t forget the time of the great auction of Winter property on Decatur car line THE DRY GOODS MARKET. By Prlvati* Lernwd Wir*. New York, June 15.—The dry good* i kt»t today wna generally quiet, with hnudn, but an arrive trade went on In Jobbing hou*e*. Convertor* are buying for July and August delivery. Wash good* and white good* aold freely among Jobber*. Yarn* are quiet and steady. STOCKS REVIEWED BY NEW YORK SUN Katies* and with, a declining movement rather mote conspicuously in control of af fair* thiin ha* beou the e**e In the recent C *t. Then* were Mine notable exceptions the general trend. Baltimore ami Ohio common stork was strongly bought from the Itogtonluf of tbe day to the end upon the couvlctlon that It will be for the Inter est of the Pennsylvania railroad manage- meat, that la practically In control of the Baltimore and Ohio property, to enlarge la view of existing rlrru in stance* the divi dend distribution upon the company's com mon shares. Other stocks that stoutly re- slated the declining tendency was Brooklyn Rapid Transit and United States Steel pre ferred, while the atork of the Pennsylvania company lt*elf waa very little nffected by the llmildatlnn or apecnlatlva selling for tho fall that occurred. A preliminary break In the market took place shortly after mid* day. but the recovery from this waa only was In Reading emutnou, which at one time aold 8«i point* ticlow Ita original quotation yesterday,’giving rise of course to the .idea that the well known pool In existence In ih* stock waa selling out.—Glbert A Clay. A man whose heart was recently sewn up In the hospital at Milan has been discharged perfectly cured. Charleston Galveston , Little Rock Memphis .. Mempi Mobil* Montgomery New Orleans Oklahoma Savannah Vicksburg Wilmington Dlst. Averages. were about the same. Rainfall was general over tbe eastern half of the belt, the amounts being heavy In tbe Carolina* and eastern Georgia MODERN MILLER ON WHEAT 8ITUATION. Chicago. June 16,-The Modern Millet says: •'Better reports are received gener ally from the winter wheat states, Nebraska excepted, where the crop haa further de teriorated.. because of the long continued drought, n here tbe plant has headed many of tbe cars are reported to he blighted by tbe lack of moisture. Otherwise pros pect* have Improved as a rule. Moat ad vice* state that the heads oh abort attaw have filled out well with plnmp berries. With favorable weather for harvesting a good yield of unusually, fine quality Is EXCELLENT SERVICE TO WRIGHTSVILLE BEA0H, NORTH CAROLINA. During tho month! of Jane, July and August the Seaboard Air Unt Railway will operate on Ita train leav ing Atlanta at 9:35 p. m., every SAT URDAY, a through sleeping car to Wilmington, N., C.; returning the through nleeper will leave Wilming ton at 3 p. m., arriving In Atlanta it 6:30 a- m., Friday. Arrangements have been made with the itreet rail way people at Wilmington to hare cars ready at the depot to Immediate ly transport paniengera to the hotels at Wrightsvllte Beach. Baggage will be checked to destination. WEEK END rate, good , for five days, 18.36; SEASON tickets. 318.58. SEABOARD. THE LIVE STOCK MARKET. B*'* Private Leased Wire. t’lilrngo. June IS.-llna.-rtreelpl. S' 96.6o46.4D; jrorkrn K.5:44(6.5(4: r*« " Ch C*«le2ltreeSt St'^MOO. Mu r **|L,* .”*2 itCM IK* 0 ’ « rime aleera X.Mli.tO: l>>' r '"jl" asss. asssar S6.60B7.90. Edinburgh ha* adopted a «hem4f* collecting for charity through arti>«»> office on the line* of the Liverpool »>•• tern. COLLEGE PARK HOMES DON’T PAY RENT. It I, exceedingly bad form to do go when you c*n pay your own money tack I* your pocket, by coming to me. Juat run your eye over tblal We’ll build you a house Juat like you want It, on eaay payment,, from ■ to 16,000, If you buy Ihe lot. 9-room, modern, new house on corner lot, II’* 1,1 balance eaay monthly payment*. 4-room modern new house, aame terms. 6-room, new. modern house on large corner lot; 1250 rash; balance eaxj payments. 7. I and 10-room houses. The College Park Land Company bara LOOO lota to aclect from. W* each. Come out and aee me, or call me up. Office at end of ear line. Bell Phone 97-J Eaat Tolnt Exchange. Park, Ua. I aell ererythlng at College rark. EDWARD H. WALKER, The College Park Real Estate Dealer. coiw AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, JUNE 16th, 4:30 P. M- K. G. BLACK and W. H. ALLEN Have purchased and subdivided the J. L. Winter Home between Atlanta ami De catur. Streets graded. This beautiful old homestead contains 18 acres, noted for its magnificent shade oaks, no lot but what is well shaded, and great care has been taken in making every lot receive every advantage possible, being 600 feet on the Georgia Electric Railway. Five-eent car fare,' 10 minute schedule, no change of cars- To reach this property take the Decatur car at the corner of Edgewood avenue and Peachtree street and get off at Winter Station, which is oh the property. All *ots will be staked, and. numbered. Terms 10 per cent cash and 5 per cent monthly, o. per cent interest, 10 per cent discount for all cash. For plats apply to * FAVER & 3O8-3I5-316 Petera Building, BLACK, Both Phones 35*9-