Newspaper Page Text
FRIDAY, JINK 15. 190ft
Although Witnesses Were Im
peached They Laid Bare Al
leged Scheme of Plaintiff.
firecfftl to The Georgian.
U; Chattanooga, Tenn., June 15.—In the
case of Nannie Hutson, administratrix
of th® estate of Will Hutson, who was
killed by Annie Brown, va. florae#
Smith, In which the plaintiff seeks $25,-
000 damages, alleging the defendant
aided and abetted In the murder of
Hutson, witnesses, although Impeach
ed, tilled that the scheme of the
pla<ntijf was to recover damages and
offer Governor Cox a good sum to par
don Annie Brown, deceased, and also
pay witnesses a good sum.
It was shown by the plaintiff that
th® defendant t<dd Annie Brown, with
w hom he was Intimate, to kill Hutson,
and the revolver used was Identified as
belonging to the defendant. Annie
Br .un was serving ten years In the
penitentiary when she died a month
1 TO
By Private Leased Wire.
Washington, June 15.—The Intar
eintc mmmerce commission today sent
out a circular letter to every railway
company In the United Htates calling
f.»r Information that will assist the
c ommission,Ift Its Investigation of the
coal and oil business.
B> Private Leased Wire.
< 'htcifo, June 16.—Judge John Gib
hone today urged a thorough reform
In the criminal laws of Illinois In
retort which he aent to the date au-
)>riei« court. The meeaaga la a radical
departure from the cuetomary annual
retort of the chief juetlce of the cir
cuit court.
He would punish attarks on women
l>y hanging; hr would make • three-
f..nrilis Jury verdict legal, except In
. appal cases; be would reform the dl-
vorce laws, making absolute divorce
impossible, except for proved unfaith
By Trlvate Leased Wire.
Hellefontalne, Ohio, June 16.—Miss
Nellie Bullard died last evening from
injuiP s sustained more than one year
nr-) while a nurse In the stale hospital
f.u the Ineane at Toledo. Mlse Bui
lnr.l was alone In a ward with a num
ber of - Insane patients, and one of
them attacked htr, Indicting Injuries
t.> her spine. The legislature voted
Ml.- Bullard 13.601) because of her In-
By Private Leased Wire.
< 'hlcago. June 16.—James Bums was
killed and Jamea Decker waa fatally
Injured by the breaking of an Iron
bean, on the South Side elevated rail
road extension In Sixty-third street.
Tin men were adjusting a beam sixty
fen above the ground when suddenly
n under on which they were standing
lip- way, throwing them to the
B> Private leased Wire.
Muskegon, Mich.. June 16.—Mrs. Jane
In.wle, In the Muskegon county circuit
court this afternoon, died a bill peti
tioning to have Dowle's 1200,000 White
-on Granger, given back to her. A
bltt.r light Is expected oyer the prop
By l’rl\ate Leased wire.
Ottawa. Ont., June 16.—It Is an-
noun. edl that the 13,300,000 contract for
ateei rails for the Orand Trunk Pa
rfl< railway will be divided betweei
the n-uninlon Iron and Steel Company
and th<- Algoma Steel Company. It le
understood that the price is In the
neighborhood of $31 a ton.
Heels Beaten Into Pulp by Strik
ing in the Rapid Rev
I Special to The Georgian.
I Rome, Ga, June 16.—Howard, the
seven-year-old aon of R. A. Lindsay, of
East Rome, while engaged at work at
I the crate factory this morning, met
with a very painful, If not fatal, acci
dent. His clothing caught.ln a line of
shafting, which waa suspended a few
feet above the floor, and his body wax
whirled around at the rapidity of mov
ing machinery.
The little fellow was so tightly
wrapped around the shafting that the
ekln on hie back was completely torn
off and his heals were beat Into a pulp
I against the floor. The machinery waa
stopped as soon as possible and the
body released from Its holdings.
Little Howard waa carried to hie
home and medical aid summoned. From
last report# he waa In a very critical
By Private Leased Wire.
Washington, June 15.—Th?'senate canal committee decided today to
Inform William Nelson Cromwell, when he appears before it Tuesday,
that he must answer the questions about canal affairs that he has hereto
fore declined, on the ground that he would be violating professional
l ' a r
Photograph of the Rev. Dr. Robert H. Haaaau, the returned missionary,
who him epent forty year* In the Congo, make, new revelations of the
atrocities i>erpetrated upon natives by the black and white soldiers of the
Belgian king, Leopold, and the kaiser.
(Copyright, 1808, by Amerlcan-Jour-
Home. Die Veek.
EIN Lleber Son, Looey: Ve ha?
revolted your letter from
Charleston, S. C., und your
I mother und me vaa glat dot pltaneaa
on der road la atilt flourlihlng like der
bay rum tree.
I met a friend of youra lately by
the name of Mike Skeexegeleter, vloh
llvea In Brooklyn.
He Inkvlred after you kindly mlt aa
much wolce as he has been able ter
safe after der efTecta of going home
I ofer der Brooklyn brltch at der elg*
o'clock massacre efery efenlng.
You know. Looey, die mad rush of
der Brooklyneers for roaat beef und
T Y a r r r x T > w/tv. t-i r . r-T-* v a jt n I msahed potatoes at der cloalng of der
| der bonea rattle In your friend, Mike
Skeexegelater, after two year* of It,
you vould call It a hum veexe.
Mike Skeexegelater haa der Idea In
hla noodle to write a book abould dla
efenlng riot at der Brooklyn brltch,
und mebbe vlll he.
He tolt me vun chapter of dla book
In vlcb he mokes himself hie own
I I like! you to listen, please:
i - i - I Mike Skeexegeleter felt der ould-
1 eklrte of hla ofercoat leaving tilth for-
Thoae offering,’ premium! for The of*" - , but mlt der ayeet sound of der
Georgian Dollar ore: supper pell In hla ears he rushed for-
The Atlanta Georgian (6 months vard Into der wortex of der surohlng
subscription) 11.60 Push.
Elsenmn A Well, 1 Whitehall St... 1.10 I "Zowle!'' i
Baaa Dry Goods Company, 18 West Maddened mlt der thought of der
Mitchell 1.26 veat cakes getting colder und colder
Globe Clothing Company, 86-31 I brafe mens elbowed der vltnmen, und
Whitehall 1.25 stepped carelessly on der portions vlch
Etowah Restaurant. Whitehall and der policemen used as feets.
Alabama streets 2.001 "Zowle!" ,
A. L. Curtis Drug Company, For- Der aroma from der corn-beef hash
syth and Mitchell streets .. 1.10 I seemed to float over from'der distant
Walter J. Wood Stove Company, flre-aldet, beckoning, beckoning! Un-
Whltehall and Mitchell streets.. 1.36 der die Influence. strong men puffed
Wolfshelliter & Co., beef market, clgaroot smoke In der faces of der
111 Whitehall street 1,36 I vltnmen und smiled hysterically.
Brnnnen A Anthony, 102 White- Vot pltsnrs has a voman on der
hall .. .. .... 1.26 I battle Held, anyway?
Lleberman Trunk CompAny, 82 Does she carry der sign of dor Red
Whitehall .. 1.35 I Cross Into der var at der brltch?
11. W. Rountree A Bros., trunks, 77 No.
Whitehall 1.36 Dt-n give her der double cross.
““ tie!”
It is Purchasing Goods Worth From $1.25
to *$3.00—If You Get It Pass
It Along.
The Georgian Dollar Is surely having
Itself a time, gallvantlng about the
town with every one looking for It.
Isn't It nice to be so popular?
The dollar, which you may not have
seen, hna a small silver ring and card
attached to It, and enjoys the distinc
tion of being the moat valuable dollar
In Atlanta, In point of purchasing pow-
If you get hold of It, don't fall
to go to one of the stores offering the
premiums and spend It.
The Georgian Dollar was started on
Its round of pleasure Tuesday, and
since that time has turned up at the
Globe Clothing Company, Harry 811-
verman's Etowah restaurant—Its extra
value more than paid n tip hererHran-
nen A Anthony's drug store, and aft
er a turn at Wolfshelmer's market for
refreshments, was next landed at Law
Bros. Co. It turned up nt the last
flamed store Thursday afternoon, after
having been lost to sight for a couple
of days, und was passed on to Cecil
Meyer. Watch out for the dollar, for It
means money In your-pocket.
To Draw up Charter.
The committee of five that will pro
ceed with tt|e work of organising the
Atlanta Bar Association was appointed
Thursday by Colonel B. F. Abbott,
chairman of the meeting of the asso
ciation last week. This committee,
composed of Clifford L. Anderson,
chairman; Jamea-L. Key, Alexander W.
Stephens, Walter W. Vlsanska and E.
Marvin' Underwood, will draw up a
charter for the new association.
Dying Csb Driver.
The announcement of the critical Ill
ness of Charley Franklin, an old-time
cab driver, who haa been a familiar
figure on the streets of Atlanta for the
post twenty years, haa caused much
sorrow among his associates and for
mer patrons, who are assisting him
materially In his troubls by generous
gifts of money and provisions. Frank
lin la In advanced years and not In tha
beat flnanclal condition desirable.
Spend* Day In Atlanta.
L. J. Jones, proprietor of ‘one of the
local fish markets and manager of ona
of the Inrgeat wholesale fish concerns
on the Atlantic coast,, was In the city
Thursday en route from Tampa, Fla.,
to Chicago. He spent several hours
with hla friends In this city.
Memorial Service Sunday.
Atlanta lodge. No. 720, Brotherhood
of Railway Trainmen, will meet at the
Pajrne Memorial Methodist Episcopal
church, on Luckle street, at 3:30 o'clock
Sunday afternoon, for the purpose of
holding the annual memorial service In
honor of tha members who have died
during the past year. The pastor of
the church will deliver the sermon, and
Brother J. W. Williamson will speak.
Hors# Traders in Court.
In Justice Landrum's court Thursday
afternoon a warrant was sworn out
against Ike Hughes by T. M. Smith,
who alleged that Hughes used force
to take a horse away from him. The
trouble arose from a horse trading In
cident and will be aired In the court on
Friday afternoon.
Goss to Crescent City.
Manager F.’ A. Fairchilds, of the
bureau of publicity of the Southern
Cotton Association, left Friday after
noon for New Orleans on business con
nected with that association, and In
cidentally to advertise The Cotton
Journal, with which he Is connected.
The annual report of the cotton asso
ciation will be published In a fen* days
at New Orleans.
Conduotor Injured In 8light Accident.
Conductor Cleveland Niles, of car No.
143, West Fair to Lee street, was ae
ha's Hied suit against that road for ® a 3 r * Cost of Meat Inspection
$20,000 Damage Suit.
J. H. Thompson has tiled a suit
against the Georgia Railway and Elec
tric Company for 320.000 for alleged In
juries received from being thrown
from a car on May 17, 1806.
For Damaged Wagon.
Shouldn’t Be Paid by
the People.
By Private Leased Wire.
Washington. June 16.—In the houes
today the minority of the committ**
The Union Pressing Club filed suit agriculture, through Renr*Jn» .. 1
against the Central of Georgia railroad nf a in in™- Representative
Friday morning, alleging that a wagon 1 . e ’ 0^ AIiU»ma, presented a report
belonging to It had been Injured by the the house substitute for the
defendant to the amount of $180. Beveridge meat Inspection bill, in
—• dltion to Mr. Bowie, these members oi»
Charles H. Bonds' Address Wanted. P° 8 ® the minority measure:
Sad news Is In store for Charles H. I (Virginia), Candler (Missis*
Bonds, who is believed to be In At- I Democrats; Cromer (Indians).
lanto. Mayor Woodward Friday re- H*nry (Connecticut) Qn( j '
celved a commounlcatlon from A. Pier- n« 8 °ta), Republicans,
son, of No. 112 South Second street,!. * lh ® report, Mr. Bowie pro*
Philadelphia, Pa., asking that an at- | a £ a,n8t "addling the cost of i n .
tempt be made to locate Bonds, as his spectlon upon the people; opposed the
wife, who lives In the Quaker City, | cou f* rovlew provision as “a new de
ltas succumbed to death. The commu- nurture # ln legislation not justified by s
nlcatlon relates that Bonds' address Is | *Jngle fact, and opposed the abrogs-
unknown. Mayor Woodward, after t '°. n °* ™ c J v i* service law in the an-
finding that the alrectory was of no j PJlntment of inspectors as "unneces.
avail In locating the Bonds, said that'l 8 * 1 ^ aaa dangerous," "unsound and
mid notify the police and try In vicious.
The Beveridge measure is declared a
much better and more efficacious piece
of legislation. 1 f
Cole Book Company, 69 Whitehall/ 1.25 "Zow
McClure Ten-Cent Company,
Frank Fdmondson A Bro.
M. If Blmenhoff
Kagle Lunch Rooms .. ..
"was one in.
• In v
jtaji « hi
ftton nt th* I'iir.
"Mr first rase.’* any*
volvlug n . -I mu |»1 Ira ted (mention Af Inherit
an<« nt.'! It was tried before (be tuosl
ftoti-i jurist In CnPfomla. ■
••Notwithstanding the complex question*
#f law Imnlved. I determined to get at the
bottom «f H4wilfinookMM^®®|*
anan mt t raiiie nue. It certain!/ was a
prehemdM* one—a point which rare m+ co*.-j
SderaMt- uncaMnee^Joj^^yd t^dghtl
^ and holdlj
mj argaraeat. which nrvered
e hundred printed pun.
the fudge see—cd really I
-When my tnru •
|$tUUg«‘d IntO
MJ detlglH.
Mted nt flr*t. 1! . .
lived. In a while I All ronarloos that the
attention nf the court was sat an Intense.
An hnur or two later I ©barrred * signs of
ntlnu. and this, tno. la the
n*nat Intricate part nf my
as 1
la l*4»i)«*r. I .'if I
t If I canid I
t rig i.* b*-f€.
Ask the average mail you meet on the
afreet who Thomas Paine waa ami the
answer will probntdy l*e: **OU, lte'a the
fellow who wrote that dirty scurrilous hook
entitled The Age of Henson.*
That la as much aa the rank and file of
the people of this country know at>out the
man who waa -the friend of Washington,
and who. next to Washington, was the
heart and soul of the struggle for Amcrl
n Independence.
t la quite true that Thomas Paine wrote
I took called ‘The Age of Ucason.'
work, by the way, that Is t»ol half
Reason" Is
hook." however. I
a calm, dignified, Judicial criticism upon
the ltlble: und Its author. In lieu of having
lieen a blatant nt heist and wholesale un-
believer, deetnred bis faith In the following
T believe In one God, and no more. The
world la iuy country, and to do good my
Hut It Is of l'aIue the Patriot that I wish
to apeak. The onltnary run of Auicrlcnus.
even of native Americans, are altogether
unmindful of the fact that Paine rendered
to the cause of the struggling colonies the
sen-Ices for which we can never In* too
grateful—services without which, possibly,
the flitted States might never have taken
their proud place utuoug the nations of
the earth.
Thomas Paine was l*orn of Guaker pa*
rents In Thetford. KngtnnU. lu the year
63 | Mike Skeexegelater felt os ihough
1.25 he had avallowed a bottle of hair dye,
1.25 becauae all grew dark before him.
1.601 Yen he avoke der ambuinneo ntur-
2.25 geon vaa looking careleaaly ofer him.
"Much of you vos missing.” aet der
I sturgeon.
I feel |t In my bones," responded der
"Even your wolce seems to be crack
ed," set der sturgeon.
"It happened to be der# ven I got It
In der neck,*' set Mike Bkeesegelster.
"Perhaps It Is you monkeyed nut n
busx-saw, maybe?** Inkvlred der stur
"No such luckiness fer me," sighed
Mike Bkeesegelster, moanfully.
"Ach!” set der sturgeon, quivering
mlt Internal nerfousness; "I see It all!"
"No, you doan’d,” set Mike Skeuxe-
"dare Is some of me dot vlll
Der sturgeon helped himself to a
the stanchest I bunch of trembles.
.llH»rty. ami to hla d.ring day was | *T vos a Brooklynite!" gasped Mike
them to Kngtand the better.
•■t’onnnon Henae** was printed by the ,
thousands of copies, and wherever It west
It aroused men like a bugle call, nut J-L.- J. t
courage Into timid hearts and woke up the |
colonists from Massachusetts to Georgia.
Washington hailed Palue
frieml of Lllierty, nnd
not alow In expresalui
tnde for
to l»ear. without money and without ni.^ . t . . v „ . . , ^ --
«l«>n Ih. oiln.l uf lhi* Anisrlrsn iiulillo. I cltem.nt ylch follow'd I !#rt samplea
l-atrr mi. In ih<* ilnrknt hour nf ih' of roysslf all d'r vay from Park Row
Atnnrlnsn reas*. »h'n shout sll is to Ws.h- to my collar bone. Belle? me. It Is
pgr? .’Tt"’.; 1 ", 1 ,?? —Ow tor « «nst to enter der eye
I'hlots known is "Th» r?l»Is."^! li?of » camel den It Is for s gnlt to enter
Cot shot thst woke on ih' nronl' fvrry I der brltch mltould leaving hts vishbonc
..w III i-xpr's.lits his profound grnll- skeesegelsler. "und hearing afar der
ror the powerful Intlnence that the I rn ii -„ n fw»r T nttsmntMl to
of "Oommon Sense" hsd bronsht ft *
r. without money and without price, °f er der Br»x$kl> brltch. lo w eggs-
people every-
■■■ Washington's
sublime intlnt* and fnlthfulurMi, saved the
day to I.llterty nnd to Mnu!
"These are the times that try men’s
souls!" exclaimed Paine In the (test nuin-
l*er of "The Crists, * and then with an elo-
os a sou fen Ir.
"Vot?" vlapered der sturgeon, "vot
Is der true meaning of der vord ‘Brook
lynite r"
"A Brooklynite," said Mike Skeesc
gelster, der human chop-suey, "a
In pamphlet after I Brooklynite Is a man dot usea New
. , r people how nee's- York t«f vork In und at night tries to
JSPl'SS;ns ssSSff S’dS’SSIt
d,*,|mlr to pluck the roiinig' of Tic , bot c !?* nr * ll F VBkf ‘ “P ,n “* r ambu
tory. I lance.
In Paine returned to England, aud | Dla seemd to bring der sturgeon to
upon the breaking out of the French Revo-1 hla sense#, for he St vunce oat down
lotion went to France to cast hla lot with un fl made ould hla bill.
lirnffTn'T hi/dT'In ,or But far svay der vest cakes sat on
Nsfroily L.*ilyr.« The ffiillloilrio In Psrts ««ble, growing colder and colder.
, went Islck to Knslsu.l, from which ceiin. I _ _ „ .....
-7 ho Milloil for A morion In l»2. dying in 1 Der book starts off veil und Is full
Now York lu IMS. at ihc ripe otd age of I mlt der mad dash of der plains und
wvonty iwo. I dsr roar of der prelrte waves, aln’d IL
day night at the corner of
Chapel streets, by the sudden derail
ment of the car, and was hurried to
Grady hospital, .where his Injuries were
dressed. None of the passenger* woe
hurt, although badly shaken up.
Full Vacations for Postoffice Men.
The employees of the Atlanta post-
offlee were very much surprised and
pleased Friday morning when Postmas
ter Blodgett received word from Wash
ington that the government had de
cided to give the employees fltteen
days’ vacation, exclusive of holidays.
Thla Is the rtr.tC of an agitation all
over the country by the department
employees who have been objecting to
getting fifteen days' vacation In the
summer and then have Sundays and
holidays take sway three or four days.
They would naturally have those days
to themselves and did not consider that
they should be counted on ..clr sum
mer vacation.
Southern Railway Sued.
Alleging that while a passenger on
the Southern railway, October 2, 1806,
he was severely Injured, J. 8. Danlelly
ry In
other ways to locate him. Bonds la In
the furnace and repair business.
Assaulted with a Wrench.
Alleging assault on the part of W. S.
McNeal, owner of the Southern Autf
and Equipment Company, Homer E.
Thompson, a machinist, has filed suit
In the city court for 3600 actual and
15,000 punitive damages. Both W. S.
McNeal and the Southern Auto and
Equipment Company are made defend'
ants to the sulL
Thompson claims In his petition that
on June 12, 1608, he was employed a* The Stone Mountain Baptist Sunday
a machinist by the Southern Auto and School convention will be held with th.
srsrssssas'ttarjsrs .“rssi? c jtt ? ju * • ^
automobile, a piece of It was broken; *• All Sunday schools In the Stone
that McNeal became angered at this Mountain Association are requested to
and the plaintiff, In order to avoid J en< * repreientatlves to this conven-
havlng Words and to eecape hearing tlon.
the Insulting remarks that might be All those who expect to attend are
made by McNeal, .turned to go to an- J** , * <l to notify Rev. J. E Sammone,
other part of the shop. It Is claimed I Decatur, Go., not later than July 1.
by Thompson that as he was' walking I *» that homes may be provided,
away, McNeal picked up a> wrench I The program Is as follows:
weighing three pounds and hurled It at Friday Night, July 6.
him, striking him on'the back, Inflicting -
great pain and Injury.
To Enjoin Wm. 3. Rea.
The hyiring of the Injunction pro
ceedings In the case of the North Geor- I
gla Electric Company agalnat William |
S. Rea, waa started In the Fulton coun
ty superior court Friday morning. The
company seeks to enjoin the defendant
7:30—Song service.
8—"The Sunday School and Citlun-
ship"—W. J. Northen.
8:30—"The Modern Sunday School
Movement"—B. W. Spllmnn.
Saturday, July 7.
8:30 a. m—Devotional services—S.
. Cowan.
10—Organisation of convention.
from Interfering with certain towers I fading the Sunday
It Is building along the property of Rea fnmH.o
in rtsKflih mntitv •«_***".. Sunday School Aa An
Evangelistic Agency"—W. W. Len-
G.ts 81 000 Vanllet I drum,
in nun r-oihoon*. Aioi.ioo 2:30 p. m.—“Open Conference Min
rltv . W. Andrews,
city court, a verdict a aa rendered Frl-1 .WTh* SiinorintAnrfi»nt Rnn*r
day morning for $1,000
plaintiff in the caae of
the Georgia Railway and Electric Com<
iimsHimV tsvi I ■g c ”*eni —ueorge w. Andrews.
I ln g^La°W. U st‘l!mnn' I ' nt BaptT "" ,ni -
l A M f: 30—"How to Conduct a Teacher*'
Meeting"—John T. Pendleton,
7:80—Song service.
ktr Dl ,?°7" , lAndre^'nTrM.S.r^'''
■■ K Su : d,y ' J , u l ! y \
court against her husband, Lem F. I _ 1°.80—^_ Keeplng the Recordi—
Steele, from whom she wants a total | Andrews,
divorce. They were married Septem
ber 18, 1887, according to the petition
tiled Friday morning.
11—Sermon by W. M. Dyer.
2:10 p. m.—Song service.
2:46—Teachers' training class by M.
L. Brittain.
3:30—"The Subetltut* Teachers'
Bank Increases Capital. , „ -----
An amendment to the charter of the .o
Bank of Brunswick was granted Frl- '” M k
day morning by the secretary of state. ,h S.J? ,p, i W ' B P |lman
allowlna that institution to inorasa'it. 1 ’ H°ng xerrlce.
ng sc
The Big Boy Problem”—B. w.
6:30—Sermon by A. J. Moncrl'f.
' (Copyright. 1806, by W. R. Hearet.)
There seems to be a wave of deprav
Ity sweeping not only over our coun
try, but England In‘the practice of
haslng. It would be deplorable enough
If this heinous rrllhe were confined to
boys or Junior classes, who In recent
cnees of criminal treatment of their
fellows In military and naval acade
mies, college* and universities.
It Is to be hoped that recent prose-
S5k*S J? tfAm’rire^tJmtasf* 'fer —ehthis country
& 'tSEl" rtt?klta' 1 -C:“tBKSL M, tariS 1*7' "«? £h!St '.tae'rtS’Vhe Amerirsn I Mike Sk^segjdster might be
- Sreni rrsoxun. wpo'.. «» i» peopk* hail lema to att"t tb'lr sppm-la- a falrst-closs authorer If der brltch
lion of what thla man did for the ctnldlah- doan'd take away his license to live,
uieiit of It* plan* nuion* tbe imtlou# uf the | Youra mlt luff.
| Per Georg* V. Hobart.
!?.: RECEIVER ASKED FOR Said a distinguished politician to his
AMUSEMENT RESORT »° n: “took at me! I began as an al-
th** uinu thu elciuunt* uf uaufulm
colon le#.
Into the «trucxl** whlrh #oun #fter lH*g#n
brtwruti tbu colonlf** an! Grunt Britnln
Paine threw hluiaelf b»*nrt nod auul. aektng
Do reeotn|8rn#e. rxpertlnv no mnnl
i In
i*>ul ■tirrlnx
, word#
further put lew v with Hritlnb
• fiha — a — —eenlty of au
the Mother
t'oiutnon Hen#e.*
'ta*® pamphlet be told th' American ! Crescent City, has been placed' In the
Mipls that they were fools not to os* that. hands of a receiver. Qua Lehmann. Jr-
derman. and here I am at ft* top
. , , _. * the tree: and what la my reward? Why.
SpcLlal to The Georgian. when I die my son will be the greatest
New Orleans, La... June IX—'The rascal In the city."
management of Athletic pork, one of To this the young hopeful replied:
the aurnmci amusement .resorts, of the d * d ’ J 1 "!,!"™,! *' * >ut not t,u
then.—London Tlt-BIt*.
. . . I HI that ; hands of a receiver. Qua Lehmann. Jr, ! The four sods of Chsrtre Darwin, author
•epsration was s foresone rooeleslon hr . creditor of the Athletic Park Amuse- »f the "Urlxta of npeHef." are all Drleot.
tfctsgs that Aaeries sbosld he an tadrp.*ad' ' h ** ho* beer, operating the reoorttlila I |rin B.K Im amort. I'd with him-la Ms
ewt ssttsa. and, that the they set wawin. has applied to th* civil courts j wroth: Pram's Dareti s a botahiM. swl
th* seveniBce of the ties that haul for the appointment of a receiver. I Major Lo i. ird Dsrwla Is s gvogrepher.
fenders against discipline and proprie
ty; and that In th* future. In our
country at least, the practice so long
In vogue of hating lower classmen will
be abandoned.
We notice that In England the
wretched cuttom has extended to offi
cers of regiments, and In one Inatance
In particular the victim was so mal
treated by his persecutors that his
physician has reported him to be In
a very serious condition. This case
was perhaps more cokrardly than oth
ers, because of the tact that the un
fortunate officer, being unable to share
In the extravagance and expense In
which hie brother officers indulged,
excluded himself from th* company of
the officers of the regiment and con
fined himself to Ihe seclusion of hie
own rooms. Without Inquiring into Ihe
cause of hla action, they proceeded to
humiliate the officer In the most dis
graceful manner. They sought him
in the privacy of hla own room,
stripped him, smeared him with motor
oil, covered him with- feathers and
plastered hla hair with Jam. He man
aged to escape from hla tormentors,
and In this denuded and disgraceful
condition sought refuge In a nearby
It U promised by the English au
thorities that a thorough Investigation
will be made of the rase, and we trust
that the perpetrators of so humiliating
a disgrace upon a brother officer wll!
It* punished to Ihe full extent of the
law. and their names posted so tha*.
they may be oatreclxed from society
and denied Ihe recognition they have
probably heretofore enjoyed.
The most devoted students of cause
and effect seem unable to account for
tbe spirit of Inhumanity that has
characterised especially the conduct of
those who have had tha finest oppor
tunities for education and preparation
for future Important positions. People
allowing that Institution to Increase Its
capital stock from 160,000 lo 3100,000.
Captain Johnson in Lee.
Captain Joe Johnson, fertiliser clerk
i Ihe agricultural department, left
Friday morning for hla old home In Th „ ,a„
r „„ nminiv in nM nn.i r.nw.Hi, *— . I r roni The Scientific Auierlcnn.
Why does n ninth fly toward s
Because It la Inqalsltlre, was the r.tb<-r
" answer given by the xrest ttn-
im.., . Because of some Inexplicable ln :
heriteil Instinct, wss the reason ailvanoel
by other naturalists. Beratin' It la thw
nature of the Insect, waa s third amt
equally unsatisfactory reply. One Trajan
was as good as another, but that of Ita-
ninnen undoubtedly curried off the popular
palm. I'erhups we owe It to him that a
moth and the flame here pointed many a
moral sml adorned many * asd tale of
curiosity tragically satisfied.
Investigations of Professor
bid fair to rellevs the moth of fk*
generally are Inclined to believe that
thene opportunities are necessary
to fit I moral harden that has rested on Its wins.
rairs of advanced d\ luxation of the I in#<tct#, flip* toward a flame for the
twentieth century, and are greatly reason ibst some plant# turn their leerM
shocked over the recent occurrence#, I toward tbe llyiit. "IleUotmpHmi l*
which have been of the moet brutal awesome name In which thla tendeucy or
character. plant# and animal# rejoice#. ,, , .
Ohio haa passefi nr. ) I It happens that there are two kind, of
since the murd
at Kenyon Colli
or states will ft
dents do not desist from manifesting t 00- . "“F "" ,
ouch savage spirits. They have ca^ .to”™ ^?h T . Sy
tied this spirit to such on extent In ilt Si/?. TTrtt
athletics that many of the colleges have lie mjli'ot Professor 7 !<oeb'. rtnori-
been obliged to Institute new regula- meats explain with astonishing rimplMj?
tlons, and some have prohibited match the mates of m Jnne late's merry *mb*
games with other colleges, confining «■ * fl1 ** the ,«PP«renUr almlewi ioo ';
the question otAM.Uc. to ,h,h- owS -?!* lf^‘!Sv.“S Wfi&S
,ue,thm LSte.iyjwiur.feig
— —■ I Changes Ita morse likewise. Bot taelIf*
must be of s certain Intensity to W»d»f*
n very marked effect. Iippsse. IWj;
•m&oY^nV'VT" 1 hr beWpKS* T youVUTk 5?
mutder of one of her pupils towsrtl the light It Is positively hellotrop'/'.
" < 1 -, ol J e 1 g*. and doubtless otb- If. Uke the earthworm. It shrink, from J 1 '*
wll! follow If pupils and stu- glare. It I. negatively hellotroplo. I l<nu.
not desist from msnlfeatlnw too. may he elssslllml Into Ikese dlrl.b)u.'
Institutions, which
the part of wisdom.
AFTER LONG FIGHT I you T r rr 'jpeA'n"nt* r, y»o' eipSKT"y<m r l 'J|
* to dlffuid lleht. fie would move towjrt
SDeclal to The rienewton 'to light, to lie sure; hot he woahl orerp
° , TB * , r * lan ' toward It rather Irisnrely. Bxpos* him »" *
New Orleans, La, June 15.—The four bright ids re. however. a»l hew" 1 ™*'"
■? , th * court * «• r*
damage# for Injuries sustained during direct saatlrhr. t’orloosly eneurh. the [f
an eventful voyage to 8outh Africa of “id* 1 ,9 Hwttid by st»o#pn**n
and back during the Boer war, with l, 2 , £2*}gr rt - nmillnc _ that laiect. teo4
ultimate victory on his side, has been toHrrang* th-tnwdres and to move In tte
the experience of Peter Kentael. who direction^ of light It woSd olaioet fjJgJ
seiwed as a muleteer on the British that their structure must hare *om* , “*f
steamship Montcalm. During the re- !2 *» wl "> 'to* r bellotroplstn. And
turn trip of the ve M |, K.ntre? toll heff’TfTn* ta*!3>
through a hatch, which had been left I !X> nraMBre thin thi tslb Here '*•
op *S t il ro '}*? t»tolen»nenn, and he was omnipresent skeptic will probably reraarl
so badly Injured that for a time hla that an Isseet sees with JHs hmd and
«2!£tnU> efLss'piste
ctalon In Kentxel’s favor for 12 000 1" i.VLjri' lSt mS^ tW.'re. «S
Dr. Howard Turner. Clifton. Hri.toU bxhl' ot*tot^.purest ll‘ ln »
l.nglstMl. nude s will ront.lnlsg the for IL . ... rt Is
strange direction that no person hem-Otlsg I Sometimes It happess that
under It should attend hlsfuneral "under stlmuUted by light only « certain F"®
~* * ■- - - “““"'of Ita existence. In.winged auto tor
{win of forfeiture of Ids Interest."
though the lady msspulgned vlgorntmly fit
limt." bM,w " *‘ "Mary's Little
taU growth has bees
Charon waa navigating the^tyx
•'Seems to me,"
. - remarked to J
'seems to me I have
"Yes." was the reply. "I
very time the Giants ploy."
I come here