Newspaper Page Text
FRIDAY. JCKB 15. 1 30*.
Mis* Virginia Polak entertained at >
r ji hre party Friday afternoon at her
hfine on North avenue, In honor of
Miss Lola Crosby.
Mias Polak’s guests Included: Miss
Marlon Nutting, Miss Ellse Landrum,
li t Margaret Nutting, Miss Mabel
Alexander, Miss Caro Hutchins, Miss
Alloc Ormond, Miss Julia Middleton,
Miss Lou Middleton, Miss Elvln De-
(Imlfenrled. Miss Scofield, of Macon;
Miss Mary Crew ('undell. Miss Car
olyn Perdue, Miss Louise Johnson, Miss
Margaret Hallman, Miss Alice Thomas,
Miss Annie Thomas, Miss Lois Wllll-
f rd. Miss Clara May Winn, Miss Grace
Thorn, Miss Mary Ilrlsroe, Miss Louise
McGovern. Mrs. Francis Hamper.
A , happy family reunion will taks
pla< 4 at the home of Mrs. Mlttte Rey-
nnlilH at Acworth, Ga., Sunday, June
17. Then will be present the three
d.nuditers, two daughters-in-law and
mi. • n-ln-law of the late Mr. Elay
I! Re.molds, and his wife, Mrs. Cath
erine Reynolds. The three daughters
are Mrs. Mary A. E. Steed, of Pal
metto. oa.: Mrs. Adella C. Barnes and
Mrs Ro a L. Harris, of West End.
The nmhlers-ln-law are Mrs. Mattie
FIUynoMsTof West End, and Mrs. Mlt-
tle Ra n Ms, of Acworth. Mr. Wil
liam R Hurrls, of West End, Is the
e n-ln-lHW to be present at the family
reunion on Sunday.
Mrs. St, Elmo Massengale enter,
mined Friday afternoon at a card par
ty In the Bohemian room at Durand'a
In honor of Mlsa I-eola Massengale,
whose marriage will take place the
Inner part of June.
The hostess wore a gown of cream
messallne trimmed with Irish point.
Miss Massengnle wore a toilette of
white silk mull fashioned princess and
trimmed with French lace. Handsome
prises were awarded and delightful
refreshments - were served after the
card gfcmes. 1 1
The Invited guests Included: Mlsa
Carrie Henderson, Miss Florrle Hen-
ders in. Miss Helen Hartwell, Mlsa Mil-
ili ed Noble, Mlsa Viola Monsalvatge,
Mlsa Ceclle Monsalvatge, Mlsa Hasel
Vorus, Miss Emma Phillips, Miss Imo-
wi no Kane, Mlsa Anstlne Anbury, Miss
u lllle Shields, Miss Emma Shields,
Mil Marie Fulenwlder, Miss Willie
K Jones, Miss Kate Denlg. Miss Kath
erine Cunningham, Mias Gcorglnna
null. Miss Nell Brown, Mlsa Estelle
Cooke, Miss Alice May Maasengnle,
Mlsa Irene Ingrain, Miss Evelyn Warde,
Mlsa Bessie Patrick, Mlsa Bessie Har
din, Miss Mary Thompson, Miss Marie
Beall. Miss Annie Sue Beall, Miss
Bertha Cooke, Miss Leola Armstrong,
Mrs. DeWit Vocns, Miss Louise Sulli
On Wednesday afternoon, June 10,
Mias Ethel Wilson will entertain In
formally at cards In hbnor of Miss
Elle Goode. Mis* Wilson's party will
he small, her guests to Include only
eighteen of the girl' friends of herself
»nd Mias Goode, Miss Wilson's home,
on Currier street, will be decorated
with daisies and sweet peas, and she
will be assisted In entertaining her
Kueets by her mother and by her sla-.
ter, Miss Isabelle Wilson.
"Bolton Terrace," the beautiful coun
try place of Mr. and Mr*. W. L. Peel,
was the scene Friday afternoon of a
beautiful garden party, given In honor
of the newly Installed officers of the
Joseph Habersham chapter of. the
Daughters of the American Revolu
The ladles and their husbands were
met at the Brookwood car by vehicles
and driven to "Bolton Terrace.” Mr.
and Mrs. Peel wero assisted In receiv
ing by Mrs. George O. Dexter, regent;
first vice regent, Mrs. W. F. Dykes;
second vice regent, Mr*. Logan Bleck
ley; treasurer, Mrs. J. G. Hollenbeck;
aecretary. Miss Martha Morrell: corre-
apondlng secretary, Miss Carrie Hlaton:
assistant secretary, Mrs. Peter A. Er
win: historian. Mr*. W. W. Martin:
auditor. Mrs. John Watts; genealogist,
Miss Nina Hnmady: librarian, Mrs. C.
J. Hayden; board of directors, Mr*.
John M. Graham, Mr*. W. L. Peel, Mrs.
J. J. Spalding, Mrs. Robert Zuhner,
Mr*. Madison Bell, Mrs. E. 8. Gay and
Mr*. H. R. Callaway.
Mrs. Peel proved a charming and
gracious hostess, and the altatr was
one of delightful Informality.
Formal announcement of the en
gagement of Miss Leonora Eugenia
Johnston to Mr. Marcus Wiley Brown,
of Asheville, N. C , hag been made. The
will teach from June 1 to
August 15 in his residence
music studio, 271 Ivy St.
Terms by mail or Bell'tele-
jihone 918.
wedding will take place at Trinity
church, Asheville, Wednesday evening,
June 20.
Both the young people are prominent
In Asheville society circles, and the
wedding will rank with the most nota
ble social events of this season, and Is
anticipated with keen Interest. Miss
Johnston Is a young woman whose In
tellectual grace and pleasing personal
ity give her place as one of the lead
ers of the younger eoclety eet. She le
a daughter of the late Captain R.
Johnston and the granddaughter of
William Johnston, both noted In the
history of North Carolina. Mr. Brown
I* a prominent lawyer of Asheville and
Is held In the highest esteem. He Is at
present solicitor of tho Fifteenth Judl
clal district.
The wedding will be a- brilliant
church function, a typical June affair,
with a profusion of pink and while
roees, which will form a beautiful set
ting for the brilliant bridal party. Mlea
Johnston will be given away by her
brother, Mr. William Johnston, Jr. Hhe
will wear a gown of white messallne
over taffeta, made prlnceese, with trim
mings of duchesse lace. The maid of
honor, Miss Frances Johnston, eldest
sister of the bride, will wear a hand
some gown of pink net over pink silk.
The maids. Miss Lucy Johnston, Miss
Belly Hites of Asheville, Miss Ade
laide Gaither of Mockavllle, Mlsa
Willie Slnlth of Durham, Mias Mattlei-
la Cocke am} Miss Eugenia Johnston
of Asheville, will wear white point
d'esprlt, over white sttk, and will carry
pink carnntlbhs.'
Immediately after the wedding there
will be an Informal reception at the
home of the bride'* mother for the im
mediate family and wedding pnrty, aft
er which the bridal couple will leave
for an extended trip.
The marriage of Miss Ruth Holcomb
to Mr. Charles Martin, of Sheffield,
Ala., which took place Thursday eve
ning at the home of the bride's pa
rents, was witnessed by a number of
friends, and was followed by a de,
lightful recaption.
Air. nnd Mr*. Martin left on the mid
night train fur ail extended ' tour
through thV North and East, and after
severaf week* will go- to Bhrffleld, Ala.,
where'Mr. Martin Turn business Inter
ests, and where they will reelde In the
A beautiful home wadding was that
of Miss Mae Tompkins and Mr. John
Davis Carter, Jr.,; whleh took place
Thursday evening at 6:30 o'clock at
the residence of the bride’s parents,
Baltimore block. The ceremohy was
performed by nev. 7„ 8. Farland, .rec
tor of All Saints church, nnd wjt*' fol
lowed by a reception to which the Inti
mate friends of the contracting parties
were Invited. Mr. and Mr*. Cnrter left
Thursday night for an extended trip to'
Chicago, Mt. Louis and Mackinac
Island. Upon their return they will be
at home to their friende at 3 Baltimore
Mies Corrie Hoyt Brown entertained
nt an anagram party Thursday after
noon In honor of her little cousin, Miss
Marguerite Hoyt. Mlse Hariret Cal
houn won the first prise, a pearl pin,
and the second prise, a book, went to
Rnlph Bagno. Mias Browns guests
were: Misses Harriet Calhoun, Irene
Austin. Aurelia Hpeer, Elalso Oliver.
Bettle Peabody, Van Wllkman, George
Hpeer, Russell Hoyt, Doven and Ed
ward M. McCarty and Perrin Nlchol-
An effort which promisee success Is
being made by Mr. John Clifton Elder,
brigade commander of the United Bona
of Confederate Veterans, with head
quarters nt Hlrmgnlhain, Ala., In behalf
of the erection of a monument at
Gadsden, Ala., to Emma Ransom.
Mr. Elder ha* recently Issued a cir
cular letter to sons of Confederate vet
erans and others who may he Interest
ed, setting forth the fact that this la
the first opportunity that the eon* of
the Bouth have had to evidence their
appreciation of tho Houthern heroines
In a worthy, appropriate way, and
urging that donations he made to the
monument fund. Tho Gadsden chap
ter of the United Daughters of the
Confederacy ta behind the movement.
miss robinson'slawn PARTY
Mis* Emma Robinson will entertain
at a beautiful lawn party next week
as a compliment to Miss Mary Read
and her bridesmaids.
The ball game to be played Satur
day afternoon by the members of the
Athletic Club and the Firemen will
be witnessed by a large number of
the friends of the contestants. Bo
popular am both sides that the sympa
thies of the audience will be evenly
divided, and It la safe to predict that
the game will be one of the most ex
citing of the season. The game will
be played under the auspices of 8a!nt
Elisabeth’s Guild of Rt. Luke's church,
the proceeds to go toward the new
church now In course of erection.
Mlea Marguerite Hemphill enter
tained Informally at card* Friday after
noon In honor of her attractive guests,
Misses Thlsbe Bhlveley and Malsl*
Oallaher, whole visit to Atlanta has
been the occasion of much gayety
among the younger eet. Mlee Hemp-
hllt's party was small and delightfully
Informal, there being only three table*
of euchre. The drat prise was a pair
of silk hose, and the consolation was a
burnt wood mirror. Miss Bhlveley was
presented with a pretty hat pin, and
Miss Oallaher was the recipient of
some dainty baby pins. After the game
a delicious luncheon was served.
One of the pleasanteet Informal par
ties of the week was that at whleh
Mlsa May Haverty entertained Thur*.
day afternoon at whlat. The guests
of honor were Misses Malsle Oallaher
and Thlsbe Bhlveley, who have re.
celved much attention during their visit
to Miss Marguerite Hemphill.
The prise, a pair of silk hose, was
won by Miss Sarah Collier. Miss Hav-
erty's guests were Mlsees Marguerite
Hemphill, Malele Oallaher, Thlsbe
Bhlveley, Sarah Collier, Ethel Kelly,
Irene Hand.
After a rehearsal at All Saints
church Friday evening the attendants
of the Blehop-Ellls bridal party will
be entertained at the home of Captain
and Mra. W. D. Ellis. The spacious
home of Captain and Mrs. Ellis will be
beautifully decorated with ferns and
cut flowers, and a buffet supper will be
The wedding party Includes Miss
Harriet Ellis, Mrs. William J. Snow, of
Fort Riley, Kan*.; Mr. Edward H.
Bangs, of New York; Mr. F. P. Gamble,
Mr. John Welslnger, Mr. Shepard Bry
an, Mr. Richard Palmer.
Mrs. George M. Brown will entertain
at tea for Miss Ellis and Mrs. Andrew
Calhoun on Saturday.
Among those Invited are: Dr. and
Mrs. A. W. Calhoun, Mr. and Mrs. Col
quitt Carter, Mies Anna May Hall,
Mrs. William J. Snow, Mr. nnd Mra.
Chessly Howard, Mrs. Mary Oliver,
Miss May Read, Miss Hattie May High,
Mrs. M. A. Lipscomb, Mrs. W. D. Ellis,
Mrs. W. D. Ellis, Jr„ Mra. Algood,
Mr. Willis Ragan. Miss Ellis, Mr. Ed
ward Matthewa, Mr. Carol Latimer,
Mr. F. P. Gamble, Mr. Tony Wllllame,
Mr. John J. Eagan.
The eecond annual ptombnade con
cert, which will be held on the campus
qf the Technological' School June 30,
from 3 until 11 6'clock,.ls being antici
pated with much pleasure by many
young people of the city. The affair
will be largely attended. The patron
esses are:
Mrs. Joseph M. Terrell, Mrs. Lyman
Hall, Mrs. George Wlnshlp, Mrs. W.
H. Emerson, Mrs. Clark Howell, Mrs.
J. B. Coon, Mre. Hoke Smith, Mr*. K.
G. Matheson, Mrs. T. P. Branch,‘Mrs.
8. 8. Wallace, Mrs. H. U Collier, Mrs.
W. N. Randle, Mrs. J. T. Graves, Mrs.
B. M. Blackburn, Mis* Isma Dooley,
Miss Jennie Armstrong, Mrs. F. L.
Seely, Mrs. W. B. Miles, Mrs. Clifford
L. Anderson, Mrs. W. R. Hammond,
Mrs. R. M. Hargrave, Miss Ann* Wal
lace, Miss Laura Hammond,
The Interest of a wide circle
friends centered In the marriage of
Mrs. Jennie Wilson Owing* to Mr.
John Aldrich, which took place at the
bride's home at t o'clock Thursday
The ceremony was performed by
Rev. J. W. Lee, of Trinity Methodist
church, In the presence of relatives
and a few Intimate friends.
The bride wore an elegant toilette
of pale gray voile trimmed with luce.
She has a wide circle of friends In At
lonta and throughout the state.
Mr. Aldrich Is one nt the most es
teemed buslnees men In the city.
Reliable Druggists,
We Send for Prescriptions and Deliver Free
Atlanta Agents for
80c Pound
Mr. William J. Fuller and Mrs. Bes
sie L. Martin were married Thursday
afternoon at 3:30 o'clock at the home
of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. H. Buck, 75 Nelson street. The cere
mony was performed by Rev. A. C.
Ward. A number of relatives and In
timate friends were present. The bride
wore a stylish suit of dark blue silk,
with white lingerie waist. Her hat was
also of blue, with louehes of white.
She carried a large bouquet of white
roses. Miss Kats Griffin played the
wedding march.
Mr. and Mrs. Fuller left Thursday
afternoon for Gainesville and nther
points of Interest In North Georgia.
They will be absent about ten days.
Sunday, June 10, at 3:30 o'clock, at
the home of the bride's parents, Mr.
and Mrs, George Loyd, Montlcello, Oa.,
Eddie N. Elder was married to
Mis* Clara Loyd, Rev. J. C. Pound per
forming the ceremony. The brides
maid* were Misses Bailie Wilson and
Mary Elder: the groomsmen, Mr. Jesse
Clay and 31 r. Clarence Loyd. Previous
to her marriage Mr*. Elder was one
of the beet beloved young women of
Montlcello, who by her mnny womanly
qualities hus drawn about her a large
circle of friends.
Mr. Elder I* one of the promising
young gentlemen of that section of the
state, and a trusted employee of Jor
dan A Co., of Montlcello.
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Klaer will
entertain at an to.'gant dinner at th*
0 i Capital City Club next Friday evening
, In honor of Mis* Mary Read and Mr.
; John Kiser. Mr. and Mrs. Kiser’s guests
I will Include the bridesmaids, grooms-
; men and the, ushers and their wives
After the rehearsal Tuesday even-
j log. June 36, Mlsa Florence Hobbs will
i give a buffet supper to th* attendants
of the Kiser-Read wedding.
Mrs. Robert Bryan Harrison left
Thursday for a visit to her son, Mr.
Ernest Harrison, who lives at Pitta-
burg, l 'a. Later In the summer she
will visit points of Interest on the
Great Lakes nnd In New York, with
Mr. Ernest Harrison.
Janie Cooper, the little daughter of
Mr. and Mr*. John Cooper, at 161 East
Fair street. Is Improving rapidly after
a severe attack of . typhoid fever. A*
soon as she la able to be moved the
family will go to Porter Springs, Ga.
where they will spend the summer.
Rev. and Mrs. Everett Dean Ellen-
wood, who have been living at the
Peachtree Inn since their arrival In the
city, have taken a flat In the Georgian
apartments, 40 East Harris street Mr.
Ellenwood Is pastor of the Unlversallst
church, Peachtree and East Harris
3fl*a Rubye L. Phillips Is the guest
of Miss Elisabeth Parr, In Woodstocket
R. X. Miss Phillip* and Miss Parr were
schoolmates at Meridian Female Col
lege, In Mississippi. Later Mis* Phil
lip* will visit Washington and Phila
Mr. Edward Inman will leave Sat
urday for Atlantic City, to join Mrs.
Inman and their young son. Later Mr.
and Mra. Inman will visit New York
Miss Mary Myrtis Corker Is on a
visit to relatives at Waynesboro, Ga.,
where she will remain until after the
wedding of her cousin, Mias Mamie
Corker, and Mr. Simeon Bell, Jr.
fishing trip to his old home In Burke
Mr. and Mrs. A..P. Davis and Miss
Josephine Davis are at The Bon Air,
on Peachtree street, for the summer.
Mrs. Ennis Willey has returned from
a vlelt to her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
A. L. Smith, at Winder.
Mrs. John B.‘Davis, of Covington,
the guest of her son, Mr. Rogers Da
Professor and Mrs. K. Y. Matthew
son and children will spend several
weeks at Culver, Ind.
Mr*. E. H. Good hart, who has been
operated on for appendicitis at the
Cooper-EJkln Sanitarium, Is Improving.
Lieutenant and Mra. Hayes and
young son will return In about ten
days from Fort McKinley, Manila.
Mr. Frank Phillips and his bride will
arrive In Atlanta soon and will be the
gueata of Mrs. E. H. Phillips.
Mrs. Lillian Meador and daughter,
Louise, will leave the latter part of
the week for Porter 8prings, Oa.,
where they will spend the summer, re'
turning to Atlanta In September.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hay Ellis are
at Mt. Aliy and are the guests of Mr.
and Mr*. John P. Fort. They will re
turn to Atlanta Monday for the Bishop-
Ellis wedding.
Misses Lula and Grace Callaway will
leave Monday for LaGrange, where
they will be guests of Mies Mary Rid
ley until after the Allen-Callaway
Miss Agnes Lffdgon will leave Satur
day for Atlantic beach, where she will
spend several weeks. Misses Margaret
and Leone Ladson are In Athens.
Miss Thlsbe Bhlveley, who has been
the-guest for several weeks of Miss
Marguerite Hemphill, will return Sat'
urday to her home In, Indiana.
Professor Paul Rosser, who has been
teaching In the high school at Heph-
tlbah, arrived In A tlanta °n Thursday
to spend a portion of his vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles King and Mr.
and Mrs. Guy Mitchell have returned
from Hot Springs, Va, where they went
to attend the Manufacturers' conven
Mr. and Mrs. George Lowndes and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wil
liams, of Columbus, will spend the
summer at Warm Springs.
Mrs. William T. Jones returned Fri
day afternoon from Forsyth, where she
was the guest of her parents, Mr. and
Mra. John J. Jeter.
ProfSseor M. M. Parks, president of
the Georgia Normal and Industrial
College, at Mllledgevllle, spent .Tues
day In Atlanta.
Mrs. Guthrie and Miss Helen Guth
rie, who have been the guests of Mlsa
Gertrude Guthrie, will leave Saturday
for their home In Kentucky.
Mr*. Oeorge Lowndes will attend the
wadding of her nephew, Mr. John Lit
tle, to Liles Jordan Saturday In Macon.
General and Mrs. W. P. Duvall and
family are occupying the Cramer home
on Peachtree street.
LIr. and Lira. J. H. Smith and fam
ily will spend the- summer at Llthia
General W. P. Duvall and General
Thomas Barry will spend the autumn
months In Berlin.
The friends of Mrs. Joseph Hines
will regret to know that she Is Indis
Mrs. Harry Owsley, Jr., of Elberion.
Is the guest of Captain and Mrs. W.
H. Brotherton.
Mr. S. A. Corker has returned from a
The following program will be ren
dered at the social meeting of the
Young Lien Helpers’ class Friday eve
ning Iff the lecture room of Trinity
Plano, "Impromptu," op. 33, Ore—
Harry Jims*.
Voice, (a) "Armorer's Song," De
Koven; (b) “Asthore"—Leslie Hub
Violin, "Simple Aven,” Thome—
Charles A. Hoyt.
Beading. "Making Good”—Paul
Plano, (a) "Consolation," No. 6, Llsst;
(b) "Doll Valse." Paul Dennee: (c)
Rustle of Spring,” Binding—Mr. C. A.
Sheldon, Jr.
The words of greeting will be Infor
mally responded to by Miss Lucy Irby
for the Bnptlst guests, Mr. Marlon
Jackson for the Presbyterians and Ma
jor E. W. Halford for the Methodists.
A short resume of the class work will
also be given.
The entertainment Is a purely social
affair and n cordial Invitation I* ex
tended to all the friends of the class to
be present.
Mr*. William E. Wllmerdlng will
entertain at a bridge party next week
In honor of Miss Mary Read and her
Mlsa Janie Thornton will be among
those entertaining for Miss Mary Read.
Her luncheon Saturday, the 13d. will
be one of the prettiest affairs to b*
given for Mies Read.
Be sure and attend tomor
row at 4.30, Winter Station
on Decatur car line.
Mrs.' Clarence Blosaer will return
Saturday from Robertson sanitarium.
Miss Lillian Harris will return from
New York next Thursday.
Miss Mildred Harris Is the guest of
Miss Nella Bacon, In Eastman.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Haas are in
Mrs. Russell and Mias Edith Russell
will spend the summer abroad.
Mr. and Mra. Oeorge Brine are visit
Ing in Boston.
Mr. William S. Lee will leave for
Waycross Saturday afternoon.
Miss Mildred Harris Is via
friends at Eastman.
Miss Janie Laird Is the guest of
friends at Norcross.
Misses Maude Haverty and Sarah
Collier have returned from Hot Springs.
Mr*. Harry Scott Is the guest of her
brother In Louisville, Ky.
Miss Bess Smith, of West Point, Is
the guest of Mra. E. E. Huguley.
Mrs. C. W. Hatcher and her lltle son
•re visiting relatives at Hawklnsvtlle.
Mra. John Evans Is the guest of Miss
Bessie 8proull In Huntsville, Ala.
Mrs. S. H. Beam, who has been III,
Is Improving.
Miss Lucy Hines leaves next week
fow a visit to New York.
Mira Nan duBignon will entertain
the Bridge Club next Tuesday.
Dr. C. M. Paine his removed hit
office to 629 Prudential Building,
Office hours 11 to 1 and 5 to 6. Bell
telephone 1020. Residence 381 Pled,
mont avenue. Bell and Atlanta tele
phone! 920.
Magnificent collection beautiful Pic
ture Postal Cards. It will Interest
you to see this display. For sale by
in Lobby Piedmont HoteL
Mlsa Lila Park Is at home here for
the turnmer, after (pending some time
at Tripled.
Mlsa Mary Eugenia Reid was the
guest of friends here this week.
W. M. Belvln was a recent visitor
Miss Mattie Edmondson has returned
from a visit to Eatonton, where ahe
was th* guest of Judge and Mra. J. B.
Mlaa Eugenia Park has returned to
her home at Meda. after her graduation
from the Eatonton high school.
Miss Joslo Reid, of Eatonton, visited
the poach farm or Mr. A. H. Reid here
this week.
Mrs. A. S. Edmondson has returned
from a visit to Sparta and Mllledge-
Mlsa Mae Scott la the guest of the
Misses Edmondson at their delightful
home, Inglehunt.
Richmond Hdt Is the guest of Joe
Mlaa Julia Turner haa returned from
a vlalt to Atlanta and Macon.
Mr. and Mra. J. T. Dennis have re
turned to El barton, after visiting rela
lives here.
Miss Julia Brown, of Quitman, has
returned home after visiting Miss Josle
Mr. Marvin Turner will vlalt rela
tlvea In Marietta next week.
Hon. J. T. Dennis has returned from
a visit to Atlanta.
The Epworth League held a social
meeting at the home of LIr. Z. J. Ed
mondson, 8r., this week. Readings,
recitations and music were rendered,
after which delicious refreshment* were
The members of the Wymodausls
Club were entertained on Wednesday
afternoon by Lira. W. 8. West at her
home on Patterson street. After a
short business session the guests were
Invited to a contest called the “Oame
of Poet*," Mra. T. O. Cranford being
the winner of the prise, an artistically
bound volume of Niles Standlsh’a
Courtship. Delirious refreshments
were served during the afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. A. 8. Pendleton enter
tained a large number of guests at a
house party at the Ocean Pond Hunt
ing and Fishing Club house this week.
Among those present were a large
number of ladles and gentlemen from
Jacksonville and other cities.
Mr. and Mrs. 8. W. Sargent, Mra. H.
C. Sargent and two daughters have
gone to Michigan to spend the summer.
Mrs. Julian Prewitt*. of Jackson
ville. Is vleltlng her parents, LIr. and
Lira. O. K. Jones. In this city.
Just Received. Look at Thera.
Charles W. Cranhshaw,
Diamond Merchant and Jeweler.
Century Building. Whitehall SL
A Rock 111 The Baltic
There is a great satisfaction in purchasing
from a house of undoubted responsibility.^
satisfaction of more than sentimental value in
the matter of precious stones and watches,
where much is taken on faith.
The Diamond Palace
37 Whitehall St.
He shoe (tore of Adler & Leers,
No. 73 Whitehall street, was en
tered by a burglar some time on
Thursday night and $300 worth of line
shoes stolen, a push cart being used to
haul away the booty.
Entrance Into the store was effected
from the rear, which Is enclosed by a
high fence. The burglara climbed' a
pair of high stops and smashed a win
dow, through which they crawled Into
the store. On getting Inside, they
unfastened a rear door and this af
forded a means of exit through which
the booty was taken.
The burglary was discovered Friday
morning at 6:30 o'clock by Slg Leers,
when he opened the store for the day's
business. The burglary, was at once
reported to the police and later detec
tives were put to work on the case. A
thorough Investigation was* made by
the sleuths In company with Mr. Leers,
but no clew was found that would tend
to reveal the Identity of the burglaix
Numerous tracks of a push cartV.-
found in the .oft earth ta?he
the store, showing that thin kind 2
vehicle had been used In hauling »»■«
the goods. The number of tracks m5
the quantity of shoes stolen fndicul
that several trips were made with the
push cart.
In addition. to, their ravages on the
stock of shoes, the burglars entered
the store office and ransacked the
offlee, scattering papers and other ar
ticle* about In confusion.
Every line of shoes handled by the
firm la represented In the stolen boot?
Among the missing goods are men's
ahoea, ladles' patent leathers, oxfordi
ladles' fancy slippers and boys' and
girl's white and blue.. The men's shoe*
are of. Nettleton'a make, of high grid*
The name.of the.Arm Is.In ell ot the
. The police and detective* are work.
Ing hard tp capture the btlrglan add
recqver the shoes. •
By Private Leased Wire.
Oklahoma City, Okla., June 16.—The
receipt of the newa that the statehood
bill had passed both branches of con
gress threw the population of Okla
homa City Into a furore of excitement.
Every mill, factory and railway whistle
In the city blew for half an hour. Peo
ple crowded Into the streets and held
an Informal love feast and flags and
bunting were soon displayed from busi
ness houses and residences.
Last night bands were marching
through the principal down town
street* playing "There'll Be a Hot
Time,,’’ and national sire. The iky ru
Illuminated with continuous firework*
anil there Is a constant roar ot cannon
crackers. Arrangement* will be per
fected today for a formal Jubilee meet
ing. Dlapatche* from Lawton, Guthrie
and Enid, In Oklahoma, nnd Eufaula,
Muskogee, Ardmore, Vlnlta and Hold-
envllte, In the Indian Territory, uy
those place* presented scene* of Jolli
fication when the news was received.
Coincident with the Important nevi
froh, Washington la the report of the
local school enumerator, Indicating that
Oklahoma City now haa a population
of 69.000.
, i " . »
By Private Leased Wire.
New York, June 15.—A Harlem man
ufacturer has shipped to Mra. Rafael
Dells Circe, In Tampa, Fla., the largest
candle ever mode In America, In order
that she may keep a vow to burn at a
token of gratitude for her husband'!
recovery from lllnesa.
The candle cost $260. It is 15 feet
high, weighs 182 pounds, 1* 18 Inches
In diameter at the base and 12 inches
at the top. Its weight corresponds
exactly with that of LIr. Circe. It will
burn continuously for IS months
vuiuajp’i n.
- —, . — Boyd, Knox-
vllle; A. T. Johnson. Conjrero; II. II. Hnr-
•ha. San Francisco; 8. W. VanSrckcl*
Georgia; c. K. Iluut and wlfe.Ncw York;
T. .T Copeland, North Carolina: 8I» WeU-
enhurf, New York; It. E. L. Goidaborough,
New York: J. It. Smith, Knoxville: O. K.
Weedon, Fltsferald: W. F. Way, Georgia;
8. J. Carlton, Florida; Mra. It. Freeman,
Tampa; C. I. Mell, Athena; W. G. Day,
New York; It. A. Courtney, Baltimore;
G. W. Alley, Dayton: It. Htranh, 1’ennajl-
rnnla; It. I*. Brewer, Waycroaa; J. B. Park,
Greenuboro, H. C.; Bd Cohn, Columbua; It.
C. Allison. Amerlcus; Mrs. George K. Me
Kinney, Chattanooga; J. O. McCord, Au
gusta :R. P. Nichols, Dayton; A. O. Har
per. Elberton; Charles Gelaman, Macon;
8. Mnretis, Birmingham; A. H. Hunt, Char
lotte; W. J. lleoburn, Boston: E. M. Ilolle-
man. Atlanta; J. II. Darla, Richmond. Va.;
C. H. Henry, Richmond, Va.; W. Bobbins,
Chicago; T. B. Sale, North Carolina: A. II.
Cox. View, Ga.; C. A. Vanderlelth. Athena;
D. K. Dugger, Birmingham: D. M. Young,
Charlotte; J. L. Rankin, Chattanooga; L.
G. Crenshaw, Richmond: Clarence Edwards,
Toccoa; B. It. Simona. New York; I. Lot-
ensteln, Nashville; Mike Starr, Nashville;
E. O. McLean, Jr., New York; J. E. Wilkes,
St. Louis; Ike Gilbert. .New York: H. M.
Gould, Louisville; J. W. Porter, New York;
C. F. DuBose. Baltimore; J. K. Talley,
Knoxville: It. W. Freeman, New nan; O. II.
Persona, Cincinnati: J. J. Fitzgerald, Chat
tanooga* Boykin Wright. Augusta; W. F.
Smith. Mlssfaslnpl; A. F. Klee, Lonlavllle,
Ky.; 8. H. Sibley, West Point; Vernon
Arnold, Now York; J. A. Monroe, Tennes
see; I. J. PhllllpK. Cliattuuooga; II. B.
Susanka, Julius FelMmao, city; M. M.
Ansley, F. G. Browder, Jr., Montgomery;
I*. A. Dean. Rome; C. T. Howell, New
York; 8. Kiulth. John l*aschsll, M. Suffer,
city; J. F. Fleetwood, New York.
Mlsa N. R. Lovelace. Jacksonville, Fla.;
... I*. Holmes, Knoxville; Mrs. L. W. Ar
nold. Evelyn Arnold, Barclay Arnold, J.
It. McKcldlii, city; Auule May ltcnfroe,
Georgia; II. R. Davis, Alalmina; K. E.
Cola, Atlanta; J. M. Anderson. Birming
ham; Mtsa Lily Browne, Mlsa Louise l*ugb.
Miss Harsh Wheeler, Amerlcus; Miss Kara
Harley. Tbomasvllle, Ga.; Miss Alma Boyd,
Spartanburg; II. I.. Hnalu. Columbia. M. C.;
A. C. Carson. K. D. Easterling. II. P. John-
son, D. T. Knowles. A. F. Holmes, Colum
bln, 8. 1\; F. O. Potta Columbia, 8. C.;
“ N. Hardeman. Louisville. Ga.: Charles
— Walton, Mrs. C. E, Walton, Columbus;
W. 8. Stewart, city; L. A. I.owls, Atlanta;
Myrtle Brooka. Canton. Ga.; John E. Gos
sett. Georgia; Anna 7,ti Dillard, LaGrange;
Lollle M. smith. Mary E. Creswell, Athena;
Mrs. J. II. Hollingsworth. Stella HolHogs-
iUgustn; II. C. Davis. Columbia, 8.
After having been absent from her home
la East Polat glace Monday morning, Min
Mamie E. Ramsey, a pretty girl of 17 year*,
who la employed In a downtown establish
ment, - was taken into custody by I’ollce*
man Bayne Thursday afternoon nt the cor
ner of Whitehall and Mitchell street*, and
was later turned over to her father.
The irfrl Informed the police *be left her
home because she was Ill-treated
mother. Bhe explained that she had bee*
boarding at the home of a friend In n«»
End since leaving home.
8be stated that she loved her father
dearly and that he was no more glad to st
her than she was to aee him. Hne readily
agreed to return home under curtain conui-
tiona. The nature of these coodltlon* aha
dbl not divulge to the police.
Mlsa Ramsey said she nad not been timt
ed properly by her mother, and Unally de
cided It would be beat for her t» leajj
home. Accordingly, she came Into tbe city
Monday morning to go to work and
night failed to return home. The jwlwj
had been on the lookout for her and Thur*-
day afternoon Officer Bayne saw her stand
ing at Whitehall and Mitchell atrwta aatf
took her Into custody.
reaches mm
Kverjr dsjr •<!•!, a lira* *“ m ,n ,l "'
of the damage aulta against the Atlanta
and West Point and tbe Central of c.«or-
gla railroads on account of the ****
the Pearl Hprlngs picnic train at the r
street crossing In Atlanta on the
June 6. The suits filed Friday morninp
aggregate! IS4.500. making a total of I3w.
The suits Hied Friday were:
Mrs. Peart Harrison
Juntos Sf. Moryla
Mattie Buchanan
Mrs. M. T. Bhaw
Blanche Ray
!!!! io.«*
The Cleverest Story of Recent
Year*. A Sl.M Book for 56c.
It can be purchased only of the
69 Whitehall Street
worth. Augt
t\: W. A. Davis. Birmingham: II.
Primorae, St. Lonta; Heaton Taylor, Ha.-
kinsvllle; 8. J. Nlchotls, Hpartanburg, 8.
Hugh T. Cline, HawktnaWttc; M. L.
Collier, Hpartn; T. G. Polhlli. Sparta; C.
Daniel, charlotte; Anna Cook, Mllledge
vllle: Mra. Hetty T. Browne, Mlaa Bran-
son. M. II. Maua. II. II. Matts. South Car
olina; W. G. Hwauaon. Alabama; G. W.
lUglnud. AlnlMima; Nannette I Ind son, Mrs.
" E. Hudson, D. W. Youmans, Sparks,
Julius Austin. C. L. Ilray, city; L. W.
ii. .»». nun, nii; a. .u. j
H. II. IIIII, Houtb cnroUl_ . „
lMaM*mt: G. II. Glower and family. Ar
kansas; L. hi. Petkts. Arkansas; J. E
Crowell. Charlotte: W: G. Barnett and
wife. 111(1, Point. N. ;('. Ml.. Emm* Bar
nett. I Itch Polat. N. I'.: II. E. Buchanan.
I'htrnxa; w. C, Gilmore. Vlralnla; L LI.
Prince. Greensboro. N. P.: Ml.. Pryor.
Trilnpoom: w. Mathers. Phattauoran: W
A. Goodrich. Griffin: W. V. iJrUcnw-
ford. On.: II. o. Knell,h ami wife. GeanU;
I. Chamber* Baltimore: w. T. Pox. Ala-
b#m»: W. I*. John*. Ittehmoad: A. U.
Whitehead. Athene. G*.: M. Ilndmn. rity: i
It A. SMtier. Tamp*: A. M. M' ltrM, am)I
wife. Charlotte; tt. W. Bmlth. Marietta.
llllll* May Yamthan..
Howell Vaughan.
Special to The Georgian.
Shiloh. Oa., June 15.—Wick
formerly of thla place, but of late
the Golden Foundry, Columbu*.
died yeaterday at Colurabu*. Last
urday he telegraphed for hi*
While ahe waa preparing to go o hW
his father waa taken violently HI* l “
had to be taken to Atlanta to have “
operation performed, hi* condition
Ii5 so serious she could not leave him.
Yeaterday morning ahe '* ft ?i,
for Columbus, but waa Informed »t
death and did not go any further.
The Rush sf Thursday.
It la opportunity for the rich T * ri **T
of our selection In tbe appropriate
teriala for present*. Their art
their superior value are matter*
general recognition-
Davis & Freeman