Newspaper Page Text
Wallace Rhode*, of Atlanta, li stop-
ylng for the eutnmer at the Llthla
Springe Hotel.
Mine Maud Humphrle* haa returned
from a vlelt to her brother* at Attapul
gue, da.
Rev. J. Lee Allgood ha* returned
from a hi* father 1 * at Rock
mart, Ga.
Mr. and Mr*. Jamee Bogart, of Be
vlervllle. Tenn., are ependlng aume time
at Mra. L. M. Scott'*.
Ml** Lucy Mable, of Mableton, Ga.,
haa returned home from a vlelt to Dr.
R. B. Cloud*.
Mr*. J. J. Vemer ha* returned home
from a vlelt to her daughter, Mra.
Budd, of Macon, Ga.
Dr. T. W. Col*art. of Cohutta
Spring*, vlilted hi* plater, Mr*. J. J.
Jackson, recently.
Mra T. 8. Morrison, Ml** Nell Mor
rison and Allan Morrl*on left Thursdoy
for New York, from whence they will
sail for Europe In a' few day*. The
party will Join New York friend*-and
visit the places of Interest on the con
Mountain Meadow* Inn, the beauti
ful country place of Mr*. Annie D.
Martin, will be the scene of several
■|vo give* visitors
a most picturesque Journey on the re
turn trip from the Inn.
Lieutenant Governor and Mr*. R. D.
Winston, of Raleigh, have been In this
city for the past few days attending
the commencement exercise* of ithe
Normal and Collegiate Institute. '
Governor and Mr*. William Dorsey
Jelks, of Montgomery, Ala., have ar
rived In Hendersonville und taken
apartment* for the summer. Miss Kath-
< rlne Shorter Jelks, daughter of the
governor, will arrive In a few days to
Join her parents. Governor Jelks haa
l>een In feeble health for the past three
year*, and ha* spent much of that time
In Los Vega*, N. M.
Randolph will be pleased to hear of
the convalescence of their baby boy,
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Berry, who were
married In Winder last Thursday, spent
neveral days with friends In the city.
Bothr Mr. and Mra. Berry have a great
idgfllr'friends here who wish for them
a happy life. .
One of the delightful social events of
last week was the moonllkht picnic
given by the young men to the visiting
young ladle*.
Misses Ida and Hester Burton, of
Monroe, are guests of relative* here.
Colonel and Mrs. Burts, of EtIIJay,
are guest* of Mr. and Mr*. A. J. Hell.
Commencement exercl*es at Martin
Institute closed last Wednesday even
ing, twelve young ladles and two young
men receiving diplomas.
T. A. McElhannon. of Abbeville, Ga.,
visited Jefferson last week.
Mrs. Towns and Miss Louise Towns,
of Athens, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J.
K. Randolph.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Williamson have
returned to Winder.
Charlie McCoy left last week to ac
cept a position with the Southern rail-
lion. Allen M. Flanigan, candidate
for the legislature from Jackson coun
ty, ha* been very III for the past few
days. His many friend* wish (or him
Miss Hannah Gould Leonard was the
hostess at a birthday party Friday
night at her home. The house was
decorated for the ocysslon, and games
were played. Among those present
were Misses Minnie Daniel, Leonora
Wright, Kathleen Hudson, I.udft and
Georgia Hutchinson, Lillie Williams,
Mary Dennis, Mattie and Sara Hearn,
Cecil Ingram and Charlotte Brown,
Messrs. Howard Wilson, Carl Ingram,
Robert Dennis, Joe Williams, Olln Rob
inson, Frank Holt, Dennis and Will
Turner, Grimes Dennis; Grady Weaver,
G.irland Wynn, John 1 Carlton BpIveV,
ami many other*.
Tho Misses Randall, who have been
the guests of Mra. Elisa Morton, have
returned to their home In Birmingham.
Rob Dennis spent Sunday at Spivey,
Professor and Mrs. Cowles Llttlo and
little son. Robert, are the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Bonner.
Miss Mary Dennis leaves soon to be
the guest of friends In the county.
Dr. and Mrs. Dodge Hearn have re
turned to Atlanta after a visit to Mr*.
Howell Hearn.
Miss Willie Moore’s friends regret to
hcur of her Illness at the home of her
Miss Berta Kilgore, of Columbus, la
rpcndlng the week with her sister, Mrs.
J. R. Hosch, of our city.
Miss Clen Logglns, of Gainesville,
rpcnt Sunday with Mis* Curtis Adam*.
Mrs. Julia Adams spent Tuesday In
Winder. •
Guy Blalock, .of Gainesville, spent
Sunday with hi* grandmother, Mrs.
Clark, at this place.
Miss Lena Thompson, who has been
attending the LaGrange Female Col-;
lege, at LaGrange, Ga., haa returned
home to spend vacation.
II. J. Brandon, traveling salesman for
tho Nashville Saddlery Company, Is
spending the week here with his fain
Jeff Davis, of Atlanta, I* spending
everal days with F. M. llanea and
family, of this place.
J. Chester Hmlth spent a few days
with his brother. Dr. Walter Smith, at
Mr*. W. F. Qullllan entertained the
Ladles 1 Aid Society delightfully ut her
home, on Candler street, Monday after
noon. After the regular routine of
business, delicious Ice* were served.
Mr*. A. D. McCurry, Mrs, W. T.
Hamby and Annett Qullllan leave Sat
urday tor Norcross to attend the dis
trict conference of the Woman's For
eign Missionary Boclety.
Mra. A. L. Smith and Mlsa Birdie
Smith are on an extended visit to At
lanta and Cortersvllle.
Miss Dedwyler I* spending the week
with Miss Ola Daniel.
Mrs. Ennis Wiley, after a visit of
several weeks to her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. A. L. Smith, has returned to her
home In Atlanta.
The Ladles' Industrial Society of the
Methodist church met Monday after-
noon and elected officers for the fol
lowing year. Mrs. W. L. Blaaaengame.
iraaldent: Mrs. K. W. Rondurant, vice
president: Mrs. F. E. Durst, secretary;
Mrs. Albert Woodruff, treasurer.
Miss Roxle Ethridge has returned
from South Georgia.
Dr. and Mra S. J. Smith have re
turned from a month's stay In New
York, and are now domiciled In their
new home, on Washington street.
Mis* Clyde Daniel, of the Presby
terian Hospital, Atlanta, Is visiting her
mother, Mr*. Emma J. Daniel.
Hon. and Mra John N. Holder and
Mrs. J. Emory McElhannon left last
Thursday for a trip to New York.
Washington and Baltimore.
The friends of Mr. und Mra J. E.
a sptedy recovery.
t>r. and Mrs. J. 0. Bennett enter
lamed’ ifl*' younger set with an “a
fresco" party lost Friday evening.
Miss Margaret Watts and her mother
hnve returned from Bluffton and will
Heave Monday for Eatonton to visit
Mias Berta Lee Rambo, of Menlo, Is
the guest of Miss Lela Montgomery.
Mr. F. R. Wimberly Is In Anniston,
Ala., the guest, of S. L. Crook.
Miss Ira King, of Rome, will arrive
tomorrow to visit Mrs. D. C. Stroud.
W. F. Hnrbour and W. Huntington,
of Rome, were here yesterday.
Mlsa Minnie Moore has returned from
C. L. Reeves and family, of Florida,
are stopping at the Green hotel.
Mrs. J. M. Hightower, of Cartersvllle,
la with her sister, Mra W. L. Jones, for
the week.
John R. Barclay, of Rome, Is the
guest of A. N. Tomlin.
Mr. and Mr*.-T. M. 1 Treadaway have
returned from Newnan.
Miss Lillian Sparks, who has been
confined to the., house with a sprained
ankle for the past month. Is now able
to be out again.
■sla Dean Williams, of Gads-
Miss Gussl
den, will arrive tonight to visit her
cousin, ^llss Vivian Tilly.
Miss Mercer Knight, of Brunswick,
Is the guest of Rev. and Mrs. Gilmore.
Miss Sentel Is at home from Val
Miss Mildred Harris, of Atlanta, and
Mlaa Hasel Alexander, of Forsyth, are
the popular guests of Miss Net la Ba
Mlsa Mary Edwards leaves Monday
to attend the summer school at Brenan.
Mr. Henry McRae, of Balnbrldge,
spent last week with friends In East
Miss Byrdle Daniels Is at White Sul
phur Springs, Florida.
Leroy Pharr spent Sunday In At
Mr. and Mrs. Brantley are spending
some time In Sparta.
Roy Abernathy, of Atlanta, will
spend Sunday with friends In the city.
Mr. and Mrs, C. O. Horne are visit
ing In Carleravllle.
Ellis i/ockhsrt spent Friday In the
city In the Interest of The Georgian.
Misses Lillie Mae and Pearl Peacock
leave next week for McRae, to be the
guesti of Mlsa Luclte' Hodges.
Harry Preaton will leave aoon to
spend the summer with relatives In
Orange, N. J.
Miss Nelta Bacon gave a tnllyho ride
Thursday evening, complimentary Ip
her guests, Misses Harris and Alex
ander. Those enjoying her hospitality
were: Miss Minnie Harris, Miss Sarah
Daniel, Mlsa Ware, Mlsa Hargrove,
Mias Harris and Mlaa Alexander,
Messrs. Hirsh, Harris, Wooten, Hmyly
Preston, Roberts, Milner.
and Bertha Dalton, of North Carolina.
Messrs. Alvls D. Barnes and Thomas J.
Jones, of North Carolina. Mrs. Rufus
Hawkins, the matron of honor, was
followed by Miss Vallle Ferrell, sister
of the bride, who was maid of honor.
Miss Ellxgbeth Dlmmock carried a
large while rose, In the heart of which
reposed the wedding ring, preceding
Misses Virginia Staten and Thelma
Brown, carrying basket* tilled with
pink and white sweet peas, which were
strewn in the pathway of the bride.
The bride entered with her father,
Mr. E. D. iFerrelL and the groom came
from the vestry with his brother. Mr.
Charles Dalton, of North Carolina.
Schumann's "Taumerle” was rendered
by the orchestra, as Rev. L. R. Chris
tie performed the ceremony.
The bride wore a beautiful gown ot
white satin made en .train. The skirt
was a mass of tiny tucks between box
pleats, and flnlshed at the bottom with
large tucks'. The corsage of Irish point
lace was trimmed with bands of satin
embroidered In roses and French
knots. A veil of tulle was fastened
with a coronet of lilies of the vailoy.
The gift of the groom, a handsome
crown of pearls and diamonds. Was
also worn. The gowns of the maid of
honor, bridesmaids, matron of honor
were vary handsome, the'hoaor
wearing A’ gown Of pink radium silk
elaborately trimmed w!|h tucks and
Irish lace. The matron of honor, Mra.
Hawkins, wore white silk trimmed
with hand embroidery. The maids
wore gowns of net over peau de mous
seline, trimmed with lace, pleating*
and tucka,
Mr*. E. D. Ferrell, mother of Ihe
bride, wae gowned In lavender silk,
the skirt trimmed with plaits and
tucks, while the corsage of Irish point
lace was studded with lavender se
quins effectively combined with pip
ings of panne velvet with line tucks
and chiffon.
Two hundred guests attended the re
ception after the ceremony at the
Valdes hotel, the parlors, reception
vmuen utnci, me panurs, ircciniuii
halls and dining room being appro
priately and effectively decorated. De
licious refreshments were served. The
handsome gifts were displayed In the
private dining room, testifying by
their number and worth, the esteem In
which the couple Is.held. The pres
ent of the ’ bride's . parents was
handsome mahogany chest of sliver.
The bride Is the daughter of Mr. and
Mra. E. D. Ferrell, of Valdosta. She Is
an accomplished young girl of unusual
beauty. The groom la a leading young
business man, being at the head of
the Dalton Grocery Company, of Val
dosta. . r
Mr. and Mrs. Dalton left for a trip
to California and the Rocky moun
tains, and will be nway for a month
or more, after which they will be ut
home to their friends at the Valdes
hotel, In this city.
The marriage of Mice Emma Mao
Ferrell and Mr. Oscar Davla Dalton,
at the First Baptist church at Valdos
ta on Tuesday was a moat brilliant oc
casion. The decorations In the church
were very handsome, with a profusion
•>( palms, ferns, pot plants and roses.
The chancel and aisles were covered
with while. In effective contrast with
the green of the other decorations.
Music for the occasion was rendered
by Abel's orchestra of Jacksonville,
the musicians being stationed in the
rea^ot'a screen of sword ferns and
palms. In the .center of the chancel
whs An,arch, from which was suspend-
lVIM4HI,, kSt’llS n lilt. II nunjKiiu-
ed a cross of electric lights, the de
sign being entwined with smllax and
banked beneath with white roses.
At 9 o'clock, Ihe wedding party en
tered the church to the strains of Lo
hengrin's wedding march, the grooms
men and ushers being preceded by
Misses Lamnr Lewis, Eulalle Converse.
Helen Lewis and Evelyn Grantors os
ribbon-hearers. The gromsmen and
ushers came In couples, while the
bridesmaids entered alone. In the fol
lowing order—Messrs. C. L. Smith, C.
R. Ashley. Jr., Scales Dalton and E. I>.
Ferrell. Jr., as ushers. They were fol-
lowed by Misses Elisabeth Coffee and
Pearl Lewis. Messrs. Arthur Davis and
E. B. Witte, of Tampa. Fla.: Misses
Csro Lewis, of Valdosta, and Margaret
Chambers, of Montgomery, Ala.;
Messrs. L. W. Shaw, iff Valdosta, and
Warren Hall, of Montgomery, Misses
Leila Fender, of Valdosta, and Pauline
Wilson, of Savannah: Mr. M. A. Pear
son and DR A. G. Little, of Valdosta:
Misses Evelyn Farmer, ot Dothan. Ala..
The Only French Dry Cleaning
Process in Georgia
Dry Cleaner of fine Gowns, Silk Robes and all garments of
the finest textures. Prices reasonable.
15 North Pryor. Phones 41
Miss Barrett, of Athens, Is visiting
Mrs. Merck, on Floyd street.
Miss Luclle Peek Is In Atlanta, the
guest of Mrs. John Barclay.
Miss Love. William^ of Newborn. Is
with Mrs. C. A. Harwell.
Mr. Will Raney visited his parents In
Eatonton Sunday.
Mlsa Kate Talleson, of Montlcello. Is
the attractive guest of Mrs. Eugene W.
Carroll, on Church street.
Miss Mary Bull, of Orlando. Fla., Is
the guest of Mrs. A. II. Foster.
Mrs. John B. Davis 4s In Atlanta, the
guest of her son, Mr. Rogers Davis.
Mr*. L. A. Clark has as her guest
Miss Marie Houston, of Atlanta.
Miss. Ruth .Haygood.. of Conyers.. Is
Addle Bell Cowan, of Salem, la
the guest of Miss Ida Thompson, In
Mrs. J. J. Corley complimented her
music Mass Thursday afternoon with a
lawn party.
Miss Kate Everitt, of Almon, Is the
attractive guest of Mrs. G. H. Cornwell,
on Floyd street.
Mrs. Norman visited her son, Mr. A.
C. Norman, In McDonough, recently.
Miss Bertha Anderson has returned
from Union Point, where she was the
guest of friends.
Miss Willie Willingham, who has
been teaching In Norwood, Is now at
Miss Luclle Potlltser, of South Caro
lina, was at the Hlgglns-Pollltser wed
Mr*. W. H. Whaley and children vis
ited Jackson last week.
Miss Emmie Stewart, of Montgomery,
la the guest of Mrs. R. R. Fowler, on
Floyd street.
Miss Winnie and Allen Perry, of De
catur, are the guests of relatives here.
Miss Ocle Wills und Mlaa Irene Hays,
of Haystnn, are the guests of Miss
Lena Greer for Ihe week.
Miss Gladys Tilley, of Conyers, la the
commencement guest of Miss Dessa
Miss Leo Caldwell, of Slloam, Is vis
iting her grandmother, Mra. 11. E.
Johnson, on Floyd street.
Mrs, John B. Gordon has returned to
Atlanta nfter a visit to Captain and
Mr*. James M. Pace.
Ml** Llssle Mae Cook, of Marhen.
I* the guest ot Misses Annie and Viola
Misses Dot and Maud Atkinson, of
Madison, are the guests ot Mrs. A.
Boye, on Railroad avenue.
Misses Lottie and Lillian Garrett, of
Llthla 8prlng*. are Ihe guests of their
sister. Mr*. Mortimer Hays.
Miss Jennie Fltspatrlck has returned
to Llthonln. after a visit to her sister,
Mrs. W. T. M liner.
Mr. sifd Mrs. Hutchens, of Atlanta,
are visiting the latter*e parents In Mid
Mis* Sarah Wood, of Walnut Grove,
1s the guest of Mrs. James White-
Mr. and Mrs. Hartford, of New York,
were among the attendants on the
Hlgglns-Pollltser marriage.
Mrs. H. II. Roberts and E. J. Qull
llan, of Cordele, are the guests of Mrs.
Mortimer Hay* this week.
Miss Lena Milner leave# in a few
days to spend the summer with her
grandmother, Mrs. Swindles, of 8L Al
ban*. W. Va.
Mis* Mary Walton Trammell haa ar
rived and Is the guest of Mrs. P. Wal
ter Godfrey.
Mis* Saltle Mae Pope, of Slewsrt. Is
the guest of Mlsa Viola Maddox, on
Railroad avenue.
Miss Ada Sam*, of Jackson, and Miss
Minnie Stephen*, of Newnan, were with
Miss Lillian Clark during Emory com
The skirts of many of the newest gowns are trimmed In overskirt
fashion, on this costume three long panels fall almost to the bottom
of the skirt. They are ornamented at the edges with circles of silk
appllqued on the chiffon cloth of which .the gown Is made.
Tho short coat opens over a vest of free Irish lace. The sleeves are ’
finished with wide flaring cuffs over a little deeper, ones ot niany colored
In color the suit Is ot palest tan. The hat Is. of a deeper shade of"
straw, trimmed with Dresden ribbon bows and,black ospreys.
We are pleased to hear that Mrl.
Efried Swygert, who haa been quite
III for some time. Is somewhat bet
Mis* Merl Rawls, who has been
teaching music at Meanavtlle, Is at
home for the summer,
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Callahan have
been visiting at Oakland.
Kiser Webster has returned from
Columbus and will spend the summer
at home.
Miss Ida Wootten will entertain at a
muslcale reception Friday evening.
Mr. Gus Dean, who has been living
In New York, will spend the summer
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C.
Mrs. C. A. McDaniel and Mlsa Lola
Key will attend the Tlllman-Key wed
ding In Quitman hext week.
Newell Warner, of New York, will
give a song recital at the auditorium
at nn early date. He Is a tenor of
great favor and has hod several years'
training by the best masjers.
Miss Janie Laird, of Atlanta, Is the
guest of friends.
,1 Continued from Page Five:
Fsy khutse, Nenle Scott soil
Bailie Sue I/mgahare *pent s few days
thl* week lu UGrange with Mil* Kit
alls way.
Misses Edith snd Ruth Martin have re-
tamed to their home In Columbus. <1*.,
niter a visit to Miss K|i|ile Lee Heott.
Ml** lie*. Smith Is In Atlanta, the guest
of Mrs. K. B. Iluguley.
Mr*. I» W. Arnold and rhlldren. of At-
lauta, have toturned home after a *1*11 lo
Mr*. Arnold’* mother, Mr*. Lottie Melton.
Mr*. Jamee lludmon (pent Tbureday In
Wil' Melton. of Atlanta, ipeat Sunday
hen- with Id* mother.
Ml** Miriam lltoomrnfeld ha* retupieU
i her In Opelika after a visit to
[I** Itetieern llagedorn.
Ml** Helens llerefekl. of Alexander City,
AU.. *l>ent Monday here.
Mrs. Spratlln, who has been visiting
her sister, Mrs. Bwygert, has relumed
lo her home In Alabama.
Master Everett Rawls Is reported as
very much better.
Miss Anna Foster has relumed from
Covington, where she haa been teach-
feasor Allis Foster has been re
elected as principal of the Covington
public schools for a lernrof five year*.
of the week from a
pooled homo the
Sh'eoty entertained friends
Miss Estelle
Thursday Morning cisbon TneaHey after
noon at domino whist. The prixa. * Chnjty
picture, ws* won hy Ml** Kite Wraith. Tit*
eousolntlou by Mrs. L t\. Arnold.
During the months or Jane. July
and August the Seaboard Air Line
Railway will operate on lu train leav
ing Atlanta at 8:88 p. m.. every SAT
URDAY, a through sleeping car to
Wilmington; N. C.; returning the
through sleeper will leave'Wilming
ton it 3 p. m., arriving In Atlanta at
8:30 a m., Friday. Arrangements
hare peen made with the street rail
way people at Wilmington to have
cart ready at the depot to Immediate
ly transport passengers to the hotels
at Wrigbuvllle Beach. Baggage will
be checked to destination. WEEK
END rate, good for live days, $8.25;
SEASON tickets. I1S.S*.
glnla. We have £ent scholarships to
Bt. Mary's, Tenn., and lo Industrial
schools In Arkansas. We have donated
to Bishop Satterlee'Aflchool and we are
providing for the Industrial instruction
In seven schools under Bishop Hen
son, In the gorganton district of North
Carolina and In other school*. If we
could- help eVery school which appeal*
to us we. would. Indeed bo glad, for
every moil bring* a request for aid
from *bme worthy struggling school,
and letter* from every part of the
Bouth, sending God speed to this most
noble work. But what we have done
and jvhat others have done Is a mere
drop In the ocean of necessity. Fifty
million dollars would not bring educa
tion, to every Illiterate while child In
the Bouth. Those who think otherwise
nnd those, who are satlstled with pres
ent conditions can read a few of the
letters to this nssocltlon.
Thomas Nelson Page, In an address
on education, said the danger of the
South #as the "oetf-aatlafacllon of our
people," but our people are not satis
fied with present conditions, and there
l».a great awakening, a great educa
tional tidal wave coming. And we arc
going to help get It here. The South
ern Industrial Educational Association
ha* (though In It* Infancy), and with
only 400 members, won recognition In
this country and abroad, and with the
trustee* and workers who compose our
board we are bound In' succeed, and
we believe that when our great phtian-
thropbist* see the earnest effort of the
united co-operation of our Southern
people, they will put millions Into our
treasury for the rural schools, us well
a* In the treasury of the Southern edu
cational board for nimiat school* ami
negroes, and that Is what wc hope to
be. the custodian of million* for the
uplifting nnd Indlstrial development of
the Impoverished Illiterate white* of
our Southland.
The Sooth's Ideal College-Preparatory Home School
Georgia Military Academy
College Park (suburb of Atlanta), Ga.
Your aon’a destiny ia fixed m he panes from 12 to 18 years of ag**- The
paramount question with every parent—What teacher*, what com
panions, what environment will fully satisfy the peculiar needs of mr
.son and insure hts fullest development, social, moral, intellectual,
physical ? Correspondence with us will aid any parent.
In this academy every teacher is a specialist, every opportunity is
afforded every boy. the full limit of attendance is reached every year.
Splendid equipment, perfect health, delightful Southern winters of
the famous Piedmont region. 1,300 feet above aea level. About 80
boarding pupila live with president and faculty of 10. Highest moral
and social tone. Select patronage from many States. Regular military
drills, good gymnasium, modern reading room, wholesome athletics
under trained director, thorough preparation for any college or the
hookk ”& n £'. srsFBfeftHHwaar
College and Conservatory
Delightfully .lluatetl in'* beautiful
suburb of Atlanta, with most salu
brious climate, * COX COL-
TORY offer* many sdvin.
lages to atudeuta from any
’ part of America.
Sixty-fourth ie*sion
begins Sept, nth, \pi,
with ay instructors
from American and
European unlrersltiea
and conservatories.
Broad courses of study,
high standards, fioe
Conservatory, under distinguished di-
patronage. Music, Painting, Elocution are specialties,
rectors, has 9 teachers, 59 pianos, pipe organ. Building equipped with *11 modern conveni
ences ; many improvement* made recently. Por catalogue and illustrations, address
ADIEL J. MONCRIEF, President, or WILLIAM S. COX. Managsr.
town*, a* well a* Europe, contributed
guest to this much-talkea-ot wedding.
No prettier ceremony was ever sol
emnized In New York. Fifty thoueand
dollar* 1* estimated to have been spent
on flower* alone.
The bride, a daughter of Mra. Burke-
Roche, wae gow.ned In white radium
satin made very simply. It* plain skirt
and immensely long train fell In
graceful fold* that caught and held
the light, which Imparted to It an
almost silver sheen. .The bodice was'
of beautiful point lace with elbow-
sleeves composed of overlapping ruf
fles of this material, and in her. nigh
satin girdle a. sprig of natural orange
blossoms was fastened. Her veil was
superb of point applique lace, and she
wore an Immensely high dog collar of
pepirl* with diamond clasp*. Her bou
quet was a shower of Hites of the val
ley and white orchlda.
The bridesmnld* were dressed alike
|n; simple frock* of white chiffon, the
Skirt* boasting of three deep tuck*
only by way of garniture.
Roche, withWhom she walked
to'the chancel, and who gave her
away. ,
During Hie ceremony, which was
performed by the-rector, Rev. Dr.'Wll-
lliim R. Huntington; the-chrrtr-sank "O
Spread Thy Wing* O'er Them,” and
Stainer 1 * "Sevenfold Amen.'.' the
Conclusion of the service Mendelssohn'*
"Wedding March." Then the.chime*
pealed their gladness u* -the- bride ahd
bridegroom left the ehurch for . Sher
ry'* for tho reception and wedding
All the flower* at the chtfrch—which,
by the way, afterward* went to
Roosevelt hospital-to .cheer the ilck—
were white, but at Sherry's pink pre
vailed In tho decoration*.
' The entire small ball room suite on
the second floor wo* reserved for the
wedding party. The breakfast was
served In the.,hall room. The bride
had her attendant* nt her table, and
Mr*. Roche had a few special friend*
nnd relative* at hers. The other
The Leading Business
School of the South.
(VNGOK-KEKPINT. Shorthandamdcom-
44 plete Fngitsh Departments. Over
JsJ lO.OOQQrad'ioWa; «w student* annu
ally. Receive* from two to flee
application* drily for ofiice a**istanta. in*
dorsad *bf Governor*. Senator*, Bankart,
*1. Catalogue free, jtfrol __
paner. Address A. C. BRISCOE, Praat, *
L W. ARNOLD, V.Praat*. Atlanta. 0a.
Kucf'tN, numbering about one hundred
and fifty, were seated at amall ta
The gowna. at the church were unus
ually handnome. » The bftde-a mother
was dreaded In orchid mauve mousse -
llne de sole appllqued with thread lace
of the same shade. Her large pic
ture hat, of neapolltan straw, was of
the same color and was trimmed with
long mauve ostrich pfumes. She wore
a pearl necklace. „ *,
Lead tha way In making line eye
glass, with absolutely no seam.
Kryptoks are a distinct advance over
all other glasses. 42 N. Broad Bt., Pru
dential building.
Step* have been taken by the Indus
trial Worker* of the World to organize
Canadian workingmen under the ban
ner of Socialism.
The brotherhood claim* a membership
of 89,000 In the United States and Caj-
Every shop In the building trad**
lit), of Sacramento,, Cal., I* .now oper
ated on the strictly union principle.
The annual convention of-.the-Mis
souri State Federation of-Labor will be
held In Moberly In September. Presi
dent Sheridan predict* that it will be
the greatest labor gathering ever held
In the state.
The ninth annual convention of the
Ohio Btate Association of Letter Car
riers, to be held at’ Columbus on July
4, will be attended by National Presi
dent j! D. Holland. ' <
Jenny—Jack, you ought to make
*ome aacriflco to prove that-you love p
me. Come, now, what will you give
up when we are married?
Jack—Jenny, 111 give up being a
New York haa a habit of getting up
mild excitements over the weddings of
very rich girl* of the .metropolis, pro
vided the marriage ceremonies take
place In a church, as they usually do.
On Monday, at high noon, at Grace
church. New, York, Min Cynthia
Burke-Roche, perhaps the most pop
ular and original girl In exclusive met
ropolitan society, wa* married to Al
bert Scott Banlen. Rev. Dr. William
That there Is a healthy revival of
trade union activity all over Ihe coun
try Is shown by the number of char
ter* being Issued by the American
Federation of Labor. During the first
five months of this year 121 charters
were Issued, as against 91 during the
same period of last year. 5
It Is reported the Western Federa
tion of Miners willYnake an effort to
organize the native miners of Mexico
Into a union as a result of the strike at
Cnnanea. The Mexican law* prohibit
labor unions, but this will be evaded.
It Is said, by organising Mexican un
ions In Arlzotm and New Mexico, and
taking In the native miners through
out Mexico.
— Huntington performed the .....,
mony. A dense, sweltering mass of 1
humanity assent bled in the street!
about Grace church, the crush becom
ing *0 serious that several hundred
policemen were required to quell the
Nathan D. May, superintendent ot
the Job department of the Macon News,
will probably be elected president of
the Georgia State Federation of Labor
at Ita annual convention at Augusta
cere- j next week.
Insistent mob. snd to clear a passage
way for the bridal party, of course,
many women filmed, and the wonder
waa that there were no serious fatal
ities. ,
Newport_._ Tuxedo, Long Island. Mor-
.-xewpon. tuxedo. Long island. Mor
ristown, Westchester, Hudson river
The labor unions of Pittsburg have
decided to erect a building to be used
exclusively by labor organizations.
The above reward will be paid
for such evidence ns will lead to
arreat and conviction of the party
or purtica who maliciously cut a
number of wires on cable pole at
corner of Peachtree and Seventh
streets, during Wednesday night.
April 19, or Thursday morning,
April 20.
A like reward will be paid for
*ucb evidence as will lead to the
arrest and conviction of any per
son or persons maliciously inter
fering with or destroying the
property of this company, at any
Southern Bel! Telephone and
Telegraph Company,
General Manager.
The Boot and Shoe Workers'. Union
will hold a general convention next;
week at Milwaukee.
An aggresslvd campaign to enroll all I
trainmen In Chicago In the Brother- I
hood of Railway Trainmen Is now on. 1
cured st home WHO-
ita, fea. Office 104 S. Pryor Street