Newspaper Page Text
Another Shroud of Mystery Flaps Around the
Breezy Young Chicagoan Who
Fought the Cops.
A new feature of mystery waa add
ed Saturday morning to the caae of
Hr*. Pretretn M. Johnson, the young
Chicago*woman who a few days ago
•lapped two policemen at the police
station, and who has since been con
fined In the matron's ward In default
uf a line of 110.76.
The line was paid Saturday morn
|ng, and Mrs. Johnson, who is now
declared to be demented, was taken
away from the police station by a well
dressed youijg man. of pleasant ad
dress, who was supposed to be her
husband, but who later denied this re
lationship to the young womaa He
pmtested that he waa merely acting In
the opacity of a friend.
The appearance of this man at the
Station followed the receipt of a tele
gram by Chief Jennings, supposed to
be signet! by Mrs. Johnson's husband,
and which
Atlanta for
When the
Mrs. Johnson said It waa from her
The supposed husband declares Mrs.
Johnson Is demented, and this opin
ion Is also shared by Miss Sanderson,
the matron, who has been caring for
Stranger Wouldn’t Answer,
The stranger had a conference with
Recorder Broyles, and made an effort
to have the line reduced. During the
conversation, the recorder asked him
If he was Mrs. Johnson's husband, but
he declined to enlighten the recorder
on this point. The latter then declined
to reduce the line, after which It wi
When asked by Judge Broyles If ...
was Mrs. Johnson's husband, the young
maw replied:
"I have never told anyone I was her
“Well, I would like to know for my
own Information whether you ai
husband?" Insisted the recorder.
“I prefer not to answer the question,'
was the reply.
"Then I prefer not to reduce the
line," rejoined the recorder and the In
tervlew came to an end.
“l’m_Only a Friend."
The young man stranger waa asked
by a Georgian reporter If he was “Mr.
Johnson" and he responded In the neg.
T am only a friend looking after
poor, demented woman," he said.
Miss Sanderson waa left under the
Impression the stranger waa Mrs. John
son's husband. She said the young
woman seemed very glad to see him,
and threw her arms about his neck.
The telegram, supposed to havi
sent here by the husband, was wired
from Augusta, and Mrs. Johnson hi
' ten taken back to that city.
The telegram was signed "J.
Johnson” and was as follows:
“Protect and caru for Mrs. Petrels
M. Johnson. Will come for her tomor
row night.”
Son to Occupy Pulpit.
Rev. T. C. Cltveland, son of Rev. T.
P. Cleveland, will preach for his father
Sunday morning and evening at the
Wallace Presbyterian church, corner of
Walker and Stonewall streets.
Rev. George H. Mack Returns.
Rev. George H. Mack, pastor of the
Cumberland Presbyterian church, has
returned from a week's trip, and will
occupy his pulpit Sunday morning.
There will be no evening service.
General Babb to Command,
Orders from the war department at
Washington have been received In At
lanta to the efTect that General J. W.
Babb, of St. Paul, Minn, will be the
officer In charge of the camp of troops
at Chlckamauga from the middle of
July until October, as General Duvall,
commander of the department of the
gulf, will leave for Germany In Septem
ber and be unable to occupy his usual
Nsw Filing 8ystem Installed.
Under the direction of Chief Clerk
Beers, of the bankruptcy division of the
Federal court In this city, the records
of the past years are being systemat
ically filed for future reference. The
filing system which has been In effect
since the organization of the office has
proved unsatisfactory, and with the
modern system which Is being Installed
a great Improvement Is expected to be
Closed to Adjust Insurance,
As the result of the fire and par
tial destruction of the plant of the
Stoddard Dye and Cleaning Works on
North Pryor street, a few days ago,
the place Is closed pending the adjust
ment of the Insurance.
Petition for Fees.
Westmoreland Brothers and Hamit
ton Douglas, counsel tot McAllen B
Marsh In the litigation over the E. W.
Marsh estate, have filed a petition In
the superior court asking for 11,600
attorneys' fees.
Notice to Lawyers.
Chairman B. F. Abbott, of the last
meeting of the Atlanta Bar Assocla
tlon, announced Saturday morning tha
the new by-laws and rules would b<
left with Mr. Tom Jeffries In the court
house, that all the lawyers of the. city
might have an opportunity to sign It.
Conclude Argument
Argument was concluded Friday In
the supreme court In the case o*
Greene and other counties and a num
her of towns against Richmond county
snd the city of Augusta for some 1600,-
000 back taxes on 16,000 shares of
Western Railway of Alabama stock
held by the Georgia rallrdad. It Is ex
pected that the final Issue in this nota
ble case will not be decided with the
decision of the supreme court of Geor
gia, for whichever litigants win, the
others will appeal to the United States
supreme court. Comptroller General
Wright simply bears the attitude of a
stakeholder In the case.
Atlanta Psychologies! Soelety,
On Sunday afternoon at 8:80 o'clock
the Atlanta Psychological Society will
meet at US Peachtree street There
Will be short talks by many speakers
upon the subject, "What Is the Dif
ference Between Telepathy and Soul
CommunionT" The musical program
win be under the direction of Professor
Walter F. Grace.
Fined for Reckless Driving.
In the recorder's court Friday after
noon H. B. Willis, the negro boy who
ran over Attorney Ugon Johnson on
Tuesday morning, waa fined 616.76 or
thirty days In the stockade.
Carried Concealed Weapons.
For carrying concealed weapons con
trary to the city code, Sam Kirkland,
the negro watchman for the Georgia
Storage and Transfer Company, was
fined 666.76 In the recorder's court Fri
day afternoon.
"Who Trew~Dat BrlekT"
While paselng the Nunnally building
on Mitchell street, between Pryor
"treat and Central avenue, on Friday
afternoon, Cranston Johnson, a negro
youth, waa severely Injured on the bead
hv a piece of brick dropped by a work
man from the top story. The blow
knocked the boy senseless, but after
being treated by Dr. Robert Westmore
land and a cut In his head sewed up
he was able to go to his home In a cab.
Recovering From Typhoid Fever.
Railroad men In particular wilt be
glad to learn of the Improvement noted
in the condition of Harry Cummings.
#f 'he Southern Railway, who has been
'“Mined to his home on Hulsey street
f“r several weeks with a severe attack
of typhoid fever.
Bail Jumper Caught. *
For Jumping his hood In Blrmlng- „
ham, Ala, some time ago, Lucius Mann, wl
barracks Friday afternoon by Sheriff
F. B. Brown, who caught the man In
Fayette county,
Torray-Alexander Mission.
tA meeting of personal workers whose
enthusiasm waa aroused through the
Torrey-Alexander Mission waa held
Thursday night at the home of hire.
H. R. Emmons, on Peachtree street,
and organised a new Sunday school to
be known as the “Torrey-Alexander
Sunday School Mission.” Officers were
elected and teachers appointed. The
first meeting of this school will be held
Sunday afternoon at 6 o'clock at No.
10 East Fourteenth street, the home
of John T. Moody. All who are Inter,
eeted In this work are cordially Invited.
Especially do they wish to have present
the newsboys of Atlanta and all of the
children In the neighborhood of Four,
teenth street. Mrs. H. C. Calloway
first thought of this Idea and It was
through har efforts that this Sunday
school was organised. W. D. Manley
waa elected superintendent.
Million snd s Half Left
One snd a half million dollars la still
left to tide the city of Atlanta over the
remaining months of the calender year
During the past two weeks the total ex
penses to run municipal affairs
amounted to 6111,877.16, as will appear
tn the report of Comptroller
largest Item la that of the water works,
amounting to 822, 171.16 during the fort
night. Other Items of note are: Pub
lic schools, 666,566.69; streets, 615,616.
76; police, 816,944.66.
Stats Treasurer Park Out.
For the first time In over six weeks
Captain R. B. Park, state treasurer,
was at hla office In the capitol Batur
day. Captain Park has been sulferii
from a wound In the left leg recelvi
yean the Injury gave him no
trouble, but some six weeks ago the
wound grew sore, and after great suf
fering a surgical operation waa per
formed. Fragments of diseased bone
and a piece of lead bullet wen remov
ed. Since then Captain Park has been
slowly Improving. He Is compelled to
use crutches now.
Rspaln on 8tste Buldlng.
State School Commissioner Merritt
left Saturday for Athens to examine
some npsln recently made on Winnie
Davis memorial hall. ‘ Some trouble
arose- through the roof leaking after the
building had been accepted, and It be
came necessary to do considerable
work afterwards to make the building
weter tight.
Captain Moon's Brother Deed.
C. C. Moon, brother of Former Po
lice Csptaln Z. B. Moon, died at his
home In Hiram, Paulding county, Fri
day morning after a. short Illness He
Is a well known farmer of that section.
Captain Moon left Saturday to attend
the funeral, which will be held Sunday.
Memorial 8srvlca Sunday.
The annual memorial services of At
lanta Lodge, No. 766, Brotherhood of
Railway Trainmen, will be held Sun
day afternoon at 8:86 o'clock at the
Payne Memorial Church. The memo
rial sermon will be preached by Rev.
Dr. T. W. Hunnlcutt, pastor of the
church, and a talk to the members of
the order will be made by J. T. Wil
liamson. Tbs members of the Atlanta
lodge who have died during the past
Leaving Atlanta at 8 o’clock In the
evening. July .16, the city salesmen will
operate their tenth annual excursion
to Tybee Island, via the Central of
Georgia railway.
All of the past city salesmen's ex
cursions have been noted for the ele
gant class of Atlanta people that they
carry with them, and In every case
they have reported a glorious, good
time at Tybee.
It goes without saying that plenty
of coaches and sleepers will be fur
nished for the occasion, and that the
excursion will be operated as a spe
cial train In both directions. Ths
railroad companies have been very
liberal this year In giving excurson-
lets live days on the Island.
They have appointed as a commit
tee J. H. Owen, chairman: J. W. Ran
kin, W. O. McNair and J. J. Bamps.
ft pedal to The Georgian.
Chattanooga, Trnn., June It—Mamir I>or•
_.y waa held thla morning In habeas rorpoa
artlou. charged with poisoning her hnslwod
death with arsenic. Arsenic was found
the stomach at the dead man. It Is
urged that arsenic was placed la cake
hlcfa the man atm
(Copyright. 1966. by W. R. Hears!.)
The Rev. R. II. Nassau, who for
forty-five years has been a mis
sionary In the Congo Free State,
has Just returned to New York
and says that cruelties by lielglnn
officials are depopulating the slate
and that the atrocities committed
there defy all description, on the
upper left Is a photo of Dr. Nas
sau. on the right one of King
Leopold of Belgium, head of the
Free State, who ordered hands and
ears cut off the natives who did not
bring enough rubber. At the bot
tom Is .a cut showing a Congo nu-
tI- 1 1 t•. death before a
white man, who sits on the right In
the background enjoying his bran
dy and eeltzer.
By Private Leased Wire.
New York, Juno 16.—Armed with a
revolver which she bad grabbed from
under ber pillow, Mrs. Andrew Benson,
of 344 East 119th street, routed one
burglar,, with whom her husband was
struggling, early today and held the
other at the point of the pistol until
her husband summoned n policeman.
Her revolver stuck In his fare, Mrs.
Benson mado tbo thief stand and
watch her husband dress and depart
for a policeman.
Continued from Pans Ons,
knowledge of the English language,
etc.. It Is not necesary to make any
Wants Rigid Impaction.
"I have today seen a member of your
committee, Mr. Adams, seeing him by
request of the speaker, and I went
over with him, together with Mr. Mc
Cabe and Mr. Reynolds, ths various
points In which ths bill, as you havo
reported It, falls to accomplish our
purpose, and made the specific recoin
mendatlon necessary In onch cast to
remedy the fsllura; and In each com,
Mr. Adams stated that ho personally
would accapt ths alterations we pro
posed. He agrees with'mo that ths
court review proposition should be ex
cluded. He agrees as to the dozen
other changes which should be made.
"If these changes which Mr. Adams
says he thinks would bo adopted are
adopted, your amendment will become
as good as the Beveridge amendment—
In Mr. McCabe’s opinion, somewhat
better than the Beveridge amendment
Is, If unchanged. I care not a whit
for the language of tho amendment.
What 1 am concerned with Is to have
It accomplish the object I have In
view, namely, a thorough and rigid,
and not a sham. Inspection. In my
Judgment, the amendment es reported
>y you falls to accomplish this ob
ject; whereas, the Beveridge amend
ment and tha house amendment, with
the changes which Mr. Adams haa
stated he will gladly accept, both sub
stantially accomplish the purpose I
have In view. I will accordingly gladly
accept either or accept any alteration
of either or of both which will accom
plish this end. Yours truly,
The annual conference of th© Atlanta
district, Methodist Episcopal Church
South, will bo begun Tuesday morning
at 'Walker Street church. Presiding El
der J. H. Eake* In tho chair. The tint
service will be held at 0 o'clock and
will be followed at It o' the In
troductory sermon, preached by the
Her. M. L. Troutman, pastor of the
Park Street church.
The dletrlct conference will be mado
up «'f all 111«* traveling and !• ««.'il
preachers within the dletrlct, two dele-
gutea fn.m «'.i< h <iu;u t» r Iv < ■ • n f. i ■ m- • •
and one from ea£h church. The total
membership will this year be about
The object of the conference la to
look into the apfrttual, financial and
educational condition of the churchee
in the district.
It will also elect four delegate* to
tho annual conference, which will be
l.i'l’J at MII!i*ilg«-\ II!*' In N<>\ "ml" i
Sausage and Tinned Goods Trade
Said To Have Fallen
Off Sharply,
Dy Privet. ImkiI Wlrn.
Washington, June 16.—In reply to
President Roosevelt's letter. In which
declared that almost ovary chango
tho houoe amendment to tho meat
Inspection bill was for tho worse.
Chairman Wadaowrth, of the commit
too on agriculture, haa given out a
copy pf • reply hs haa mads to the
In hla letter Mr. Wadaworth says
You are wrong, very, very wrong,
your eallmate of the committee e
It la as perfect a piece of legis
lation to carry Into effect your own
views on this question as was ever
K spared by a committee of congress.'
ery member of the committee la ab
solutely honeat and sincere as yourself
In hla desire to secure the passage of a
rigid meat Inspection bill. They know
the meaning of the English language.
‘To show you how unreliable the In.
formation Is upon which you base your
opinion of the bill, I call your attention
* the following language In your let-
: There Is no provision for mak
ing the plants accessible at all hours
•- the Inspectors.'
If you will turn to page 4 of this
y Inclosed), line It. you will
_ _ 'allowing words; 'And for the
purpose of such examination said In
spectors shall havs access at all times
every part of said establishment.'
'Can English language be made any
■Turn also to page 6. line 16, and
you will find thla language; The sec
retary of agriculture shall cause an
examination and Inspection of all cat
tle. sheep, swine and goats and ths food
products thsreof, slaughtered and pre
pared In the establishments herein be
fore described, for the purposes of In
terstate or foreign commerce, to be
made during the night time as well as
during ths day time, when the slaugh
tering of said rattle, sheep, awlne and
goats, or the preparation of said food
products la conducted during the night
time.' . .
"Therefore, In at least one or two
criticisms of the bill you must admit
that you are absolutely wrong."
Mistakes Art Mads.
Dowle has been declared sane.
There still remans more or less of
mystery about medical science.—Chi
cago Foal.
Capitol officials are discussing the possi
bility of the selection of Hon. John I). Lit
tle, of Atlanta, for the chancellorship of
the University of Georgia.
Tho trustee, will meet In Athens Monday
evening at 6 o'clock, at which time the
question of the clumcellorship trill be net-
tied. Many names bare been suggested for
this place, but not nntll • llatnrday morning
dill Mr. Little's name figure among the poa-
It Is singular that this talk of ike brl|.
Hint Atlantan rninra nn the day of hla mar
rlage to Mrs. llah ImnlspJnnUn In Macon
Bren tn the even* that the place
ottered to him. It la not believed
Little would giro u ~
k m' practice here
fielding A Little.
By Private Leased Wire.
New York, June 18.—The packers
are making ths public pay for life beef
Within tha past three weeks the
wholesalers have been steadily advanc
ing the price of all kinds of rresn meat.
The retailers are paying today from 1-6
to 1 cent a pound. more for beef and
from i to 8 cents a pound more for
lamb then they were paying two weeks
ago. Lamb Is at record high prices.
Iietall dealers say there must be an
extraordinarily large demand for this
kind of meat, or an extraordinarily
small supply of It to Justify present
Well Informed retailers report that
the sausage and tinned moat trade has
fallen off Immensely slnco the Chicago
packing house exposures. One dealer
said that among his customers the de
mand for sausages had ceased entirely.
Identified as Sons of Wealthy Pa
rents Residing at Bluff
By Private Leased Wire.
Mobile, Ala., June 16.—The bodies of
two boys beheaded were found near a
water tank at Hurricane, Ala., 16 miles
from here, yesterday. The boys evi
dently went to sleep with their heads
on the track and were struck by a
freight and passenger train that came
along during the night and early morn-
1 "*h. bodies were taken In charge by
the railroad authorities snd last night
were Identlfted as those of C. H. Hus
hes and John Webb, sons of wealthy
people of Hlulf Springs, Fla. Both
warp 16 years old.
Paper Will Be Taken Up Before
General Council Next
Monday. ^,
ted to
III be
On the evening of July 4. following
the baseball games at Piedmont park,
there will be held the annual sham
battle among the militia from the va
rloua companies In and around Atlanta,
the proceeds of ths event to be used
In paying a portion of the expenses of
the Fifth regiment of Infantry on the
trip to Chlckamauga at the annual en
impment In July or August.
Ths annual sham battle Is alwa.
matter of great Interest to the cltlsens
of Atlanta and vicinity, giving aa It
does an Insight Into the mysteries of
actual warfare. Ten thousand rounds
of blank cartridges will be used In ad
dltton to a battery of artillery and ,
gaining gun, which fires 1,660 shots
ter minute. Ths opposing forces will
w under command of Majors V. Y.
Shearer and E. K. Pomeroy. Prominent
cltlsens will be Invited to view the bat
tle from the top of Jhe hill north of the
race track.
The sham battle will taka plara a
o'clock, or right after toe baseball
games. The street car company has
promised to take rare of the throngs In
good shape ami an afternoon of rare
sport Is promised.
A negro arrested by Detectives T.
I). Laoford and Lockbart aa Jesse
Grant was Identified Baturdaytnornln*
by Policeman Wood as Claude Oaraer,
one of the six negroes who escaped
from the police station on January 1
by digging through the outer well of
the prison.
At the time of his escape. Garner
was In the police station, suspected of
theft. Only two or three of tbp es
capes havs been recaptured. Andrew
Bstes, who was being held on a charge
of murder, la one of the escapes still
at large.
By Private Leased Wire.
Toledo, Ohio, June 16.—"We shall
use peaceful means as long at they are
accessible to resist oppression and to
achieve, our complete freedom, but If
stich means are taken from us, ws will
not hesitate to resort to those which
circumstances may demand."
Bach was one resolution adopted by
a mass meeting of about 1,660 people
held last night to protest tbs Moyer-
Hay wood Incident In Idaho. X&e
meeting waa called by the Hoclallsts,
and wax addressed by Eugene V.
Debs, who made an appeal to tha
working class to rise and act against
ths capitalistic
Special to Ths Georgian.
Montlcello, Ga„ June 16.—The meet
Ing of the Cotton Reed Crushers' As
a notation of Georgia will be held at
Lllhla Springs, aa., Juna It and 60.
The program Is as follows;
Tuesday, June 16—Morning session.
16 a. m. Meeting called (o order by
A. B. Thornton, president of the a
elation. Roll call. Enrollment of nsw
members. Address of ths president.
Report of the secretary. Raport of the
treasurer. Address by Dr. John M.
Me,.'endless, chemist of the state of
Georgia, "The Chemistry of Cotton and
Its Seed; the Natural and Mutual In
terests Between Farmer nnd Oil Mill
Suggested by tha Chemical Relations.”
Discussion. Adjournment for luncheon.
Afternoon Session, 6 p. m.—Address
by Professor C. L. Willoughby, dairy
and animal husbandman of Georgia
experimental station, “Feeding Cotton
Seed Producte to Farm Animal." Ad
dress by O. K. Jelks, "Feeding Cotton
Seed Meal to Hogs." Address by C. I).
Jordan. "Cotton Seed Feed Meal.” Ad
dress JjyJ. Carter, "Uses of Cotton
Wednesday, Juno *6— Morning ses
alon, 10 a. m. Report of rules com
mittee. Address by Dr. Zoepffel-Quel-
lenateln, German consul. Report of
publicity committee by J. H. Walker.
Address by J. A. Aycock, "What a Pub'
llelty Bureau Can Do for the Industry.'
Address by Fielding Wallace, "Tariff on
Press Clbth,” Address by W. E. Me-*
Caw, “How to Avoid Reclamations."
Address by C. M. King. "Cotton Seed
Meal as a Human Food/' Adjournment
for luncheon.
Afternoon Session, 1:86 p. m.—Expe
rience meeting. Adjournment.
Special lo The Georgia*.
Americas, Os.. June 11—An old negro
woman bn* been creatine eseltemeni among
I be negroes bare by telling them that tbs
end of this rlty wo*Id lie tomorrow, fibe
mill that Ibis was a message I bet the lewd
bad given lo her to give lo tbeso people
She advised everyone that Attests was
tbs lies! place to go. Mbs collected a nickel
or dime from everyone to whom she gate
her "valuable Information."
By Private Leased wire.
Newport, It. 1., June 14.—Waldo
Steam, th* millionaire lumbar mer
chant of Boston, obtained a divorce de
cree yesterday from hla wife, Iczemla
HI earn, who I* a aimer of Blanche Mol-
lueaua Scott. Mrs. Steam mads no
defense, but the sons of the parties
tried to effect • reconciliation.
Special lo The Georgian.
Chattanooga, Tenn., Juna 18.—Charles
Jackson, a negro, was bound over to
Ihs criminal court here today on
charge of aiding nnd abetting In
plot to dynamite and rob J. N. Stone,
paymaster for W. J. Oliver A Co., who
are building th* Hlsvsnson extension of
Ihs Houthsm railway. Jackson was to
est off a dynamite under the buggy of
the pyamaeter as hs drove with 66,660
for payroll to ramps. A woman gave
tha plot away. Jackson's bond was
placed at 81,600, which he failed to
make, and was remanded to Jail.
Charging that Julius L. Brown and
Joseph M. Brown, executor* of th*
sstat* of Joseph K. Brown, war gov
ernor of Georgia, resorted to a subter
fuge whereby they might for 86,021 ob
tain possession of a piece of land
worth 811,060, Mary V. Connolly, Elijah
Brown, Halil* Eugenia Brown and
George M. Brown, Ihs other four heirs
of th* Brown salats, Friday filed bill*
In ihs superior court and court of ordi
nary, praying that Ihs land deal men
tioned above be mads void and that
the eetste be divided among the hairs,
according lo th* terms of th* will of
Joseph E. Brown.
It Is claimed that Julius L. Brown
and Josaph M. Brown, sxsculors, deed
ed a certain piece of land lo Peter
Brown, Leon Eplan and Mika Shuman
and that tha land was almost Imme
diately deeded back to th* executors,
allowing Julius L. Brown to purchase
thla land at a profit of 816,666.
Ths petitioners allege that they only
recently learned of tha real sslals deal
mad* by Julius L. Brown and that
they Immediately offered lo return him
th* money hs had paid for the land,
but b* refused It. May 18, 1608, Is
given aa Ih* data of the alleged sal* of
and by Ihe executors.
Soon Atlanta will not he
put her beat foot forwnrd
newly, shod after the long |
on th* subject and reachtrec m
will be repaved,* repaved with aspl
The petition circulated by Edward
man and William It. Kiser some w■
ago haa the names of enough prep
owner* between Ellis nnd Sixth Mr
to settle for at least th n dr,
the Important question which In
cited Interest for the past month
From Kills to Sixth street ihert
counting both sides of the sire *, u
feet of property facing on Poo, hi
It waa necessary to obtain lit,' com
of property owners repre-cnting ., ,
Jorlty of the frontage before tho n
ter could be enacted on by com
Now that this hn* been iirc,,mi,li
the petition will be taken
ell Monday, referred to the street-
finance committees Jointly nnd the
port considered at the follow Inn >
slon of tho city father*. After
process, all things being favui
work will commence on the ragr >d
patched paving. The summer men
when many citizens are away, t-
lleved lo be the Ideal time to
work and It la doubly fortunate t
th* petition has met success at i
As to Psaohtrs* Road.
Now that Peachtree street I- t-.
paved from Rills to Sixth, cltlw nx
yond th* limits mentioned ai,' gr<
Ing dissatisfied with the prevail
conditions. From Sixth street out tii
are many places In th* chert pav
which need attention. Th* hole- th
are dangerous, but even more ,
graceful and dangerous Is Pryor -n
along the block before It Join- I 1 ™
block was left In Its old saSiCi
th* request of Asa O. Candler, because
of the Candler building then bring
In tho course of construction Tin
Candler building Is now completed, and,
so far ns It would affect the street, has
been for some six month*, but the
street Is still In It* old state of ragged -
none. It la understood that Mr. Cand
ler la ready nnd willing ns well t
rk do
matter linn been taken .
th* city authorities, who have
lard to give It attention. It I- hoped
that thla work will be done at the -nine
time na the Peochtre* Improvement Is
being Inode.
Continued from Page On*.
and made Ihe following statement:
*'l wlah to correct tits Imprr—Inn
which hna gone forth In regard to the
manner In which Mr. Hull was running
to >' the tlm* of th* accident.
Mr. Ilutt Is considered one of the moat
rarrful of drivers and during the trip
Inst night drove stow and waa not
speeding at all at th* time of the nw.
ful plunge of the car down th
Ing. He w*a going at a model
of speed. When lie attempted
out for Sir. Stewart's wagon
arrd to be excited, but ths
ppetted so quickly that It wai
slble to understand how It all hi
Impression of tho Accidsi
In regard to her* experience!
wreck, Mr*. Goodwin wold:
Mr. and Mr*. Hull ram* nvs
house for Grade and me to go a
Ing last night at quartor put 6. Wa
went to College Park and were on our
way hack when th* accident occurred.
A* we were laughing and chatting in
th* most merry of moods our laughter
waa turned lo rrlea of alarm a- the
machine ahot over Ihe banking with
out warning, and w* were thru ■ n in
all direction*. I remember atrlking rt,«
ground, and the next Inatant the b.-avy
rear wheel of the aulo struct,
ths chest. Aa I felt It rqjiound I I
presence of mind enough tc
rolling and thus escaped being
under th* wreckage.
Poor Grad* waa not so for
Mpedal ts The Georgies.
Way cross, Gs., Jans M—Th* swat terrific
rale storm srer area bare fell last nlgkt
sad this morning, doing great daaug* to
crops, road* and streets.
The tremendous downpour lasted for aa
hoar and a quarter. The meal and the
Imaefees around Warms* wrre not tide
to rtrry off tbs water. Many Waycross
merchants suffered Storage to their stocks
Kerry bridge la Way cress Is either washed
sway or undermined ami thousand* of dal
lars will be required lo get things la shape
Gs' two streets In old Wsyrmts th* dwrll-
leg houses wrre gi—ted snd a host required
lo transfer people to their home*.
The fiatllla river near here ruse two fret
sad th* whole country I*
th* sight, i
Oh, the hnrror of th* night
beyond description! As an* lav them
so white snd still with the flames of
the fire approaching on nil i.l-a and
w* power!—* to do anything, n was
simply awful. Th* only words aim ut
tered while lying there were those -h*
said when turning to m* ahe mur
mured, ‘Hiater, get me out of here She
then apparently fainted, as nm another
word did she speak. After hMp ,iim*
and she waa taken to the open .me
of danger of th* awful llnmes, -tic re
vived and waa able to walk to th- mr
with a little assistance. Ilerlmt
horrible, and I fear aha will be ill-fig
ured for Ilf*.
Gssotins Tank Exploded.
“The automobile waa entirely -lu
st royed In th# hot fire which followed
the explosion of ths gasoline tank Tit*
flames (taped high In the air, making
It almoat Impoealble for cars to pass
ths spot until ths flames subsided
Mr. and Mra. Hutt and Ml— Goodwin
were brought to Atlanta In an ambu
lance tfaturday morning and taken to
th* home of the former.
Mr*. Hutt Talks.
Mr*. Hutt, a pretty little woman of
80 years, waa seen bt.iturd,tv
ut her home at 141-H Washington -trect.
the night before, whlc
will never forget, there waa nothn
show that she had figured In ths
(•■mobile accident which result',
seriously for Mr. Hutt nnd Ml— i
"We were going at but a mod
rate of speed, when th* accident
curred, as w* had Just found
rnmba Mr*. Ooudwln and I had
The wagon wa* Just ahead of u»
S ve us no room to pass. The u
l paper stated that Mr. Ilutt be,
very much excited, which la not
He ws* perfectly calm an-1 t die
but It waa either necessary to run
th* wagon, or take the smbankr
which ws did. The driver of tiic »,
was alone st fault.
"Th* first thing Mr. ilutt dl l ,
the accident wa- to do all he , mil
as-I-t Mira Go* duin. war an seri
ously Injured Flint!' I obtained help
from SMS" men on a -tr.-t «r and w#
e to lift the reinali
0.1 M G'mdwjn.'*