Newspaper Page Text
| Additional Sporting News
Iatlanta men
all defeated
TATICN golf tournament
Th* Georgian. %
I NhsIi'IIIp. Trim.. Juno W—The aecond
Inamli for the Hnrillnff Bond Cup, the
■ Dixie Cop anil the conaolatlon nip were
I viKterilay. In the Drat illplit of the
InornttK'i plar laaac Bead, ot NaabrUle,
lilefeoed W. P. HID. of Atlanta.
I f 0. Watta. of Nashville, and nobert
IBaoA' of Birmingham, qualified In the
liftevoon for the Bnalt for the HanUnf
IKoajCop. D. I). Humidors, Jr„ of Mem-
IdiL and IL F. Tate, of Mempbla, quail fled
luj he second flight for the flnala and Tor-
|„ Henderson, of Naihrllle, and W. 8.
I iv-arer, of Memphis, qualified In the third
I The visiting golfers were entertnlned at a
Idnner last night at the club house. The
l&ala are being played off today.
Get Busy Soon
On Coast
By Private Leased Wire.'
Near York, June ll-Jluimy Coffroth. the
fight promoter, announces that the game will
be resumed In San Francisco about the mid
dle of August.
Coffroth would like to get Cans and Nel
son for his opening card, but the Dane
does not csro to meet the negro, os he
•ays that If Gnns agreed to nuke the
weight he would Insist on, 112 pounds ring
side, the public would think there was a
frame-up and the ffght would not draw.
■pedal to The Georgian.
Rutledge, Ga., June 16.—In an Interesting
oil exciting game of baseball played here
Jyeiterday afternoon between Butledge ‘and
hhe much-talked-of champion amateur team
i Covington, Ga.,' Rutledge played rings
Uroond the Covington boys and woo out
fcj the bloated score of 8 to S.
r jelther team scored % tlll the fourth In-
Dig. when the Covington boys put two
>o across the rubber, and In her half
Rutledge piled up seven funs. The game
Waa never In doubt after this lnulng, as
Rutledge's lead was too much to overcome,
(ad Covington only scored once after this,
the fifth Inning. Rutledge scored her
at run Id the sixth, and after this It
Las three up and three down.
| Special mention should be made 6t the
tatter; work of Rutledge, and the batting
fcf Hollis and McMahan.
T The Covington boys Were a nice, gentle
manly lot of players, and made many
friends and s good Impression while here,
he; took their defeat good-naturedly.
I The line-up follows;
Took. 3b Murphey, 3b.
ce. Chester Stanton, ss.
... Brndsbaw, 2b Hollis, 2b.
Stone, lb Carl Stanton, lb.
.Stephenson, Smith, c.
■I. Bradshaw, cf McMahan, cf.
ftutler, rf ......W. Portor, rf.
rornwsll, if...., Wallace, if.
Klaoson, p Dr. Porter, p.
Score by Innings:
It. H. E.
...000 701 00*—8 16 3
,.000 210 000—3 10 6
I'ff Hanson 2; hit by pltciicu hii> u; ubii-
- W. Porter: struck out, by Hanson 6,
Porter 12: double plays, Leo to Brad-
|hnw; time. 2 hours; umpire, P. Runy Sto-
; attendance, 1,000.
special to The Georgian.
Ltthonln, Go., June 16.—In an exciting
land well-played game of baseball, the At
lanta Brokers defeated the locals by a score
■of 4 to 2 here yesterday. Whlttleaey, for
■the Brokers, and Cobb, for Llthonla, both
|pltched a good game, while Eplan, the
behind tho bat for the Brokers,, ban-
|dled the big mitt to perfection. --
Jenkins, at second for Llthonla, saved
|the locals from worse defeat by catching
1 ; if .■••<*m* , d a certain three-bnggor, the
■Brokers having filled the bases, with two
Nash, at short for the Brokers, made a
{sensational catch of a little drive, saving
■the gome for tho Brokers, the bases being
Iflooded with Llthonlana.
R. B. E.
■iJthoula. • • . . .00 0 1 0 1 0 0 0—3
■ brokers 0 0000040 0—4
I Batteries—Cobb and McDonald; Whittle-
|s**y and Eplan. Umpire, lvay.
Horse of the Century, for Which
$200,000 Was Refused
Now Worthless.
The Dover-IIollgolsnd yacht race for the
Internationa! cup presented by Emperor
William la scheduled to start today. The
entry Hat this year la unusually small. Of
the aeven entries four nre British and three
German yachts.
The great Brooklyn derby la on today.
Chester Taft, of Boston, has l>en chosen
captain of next year’s baseball team of the
University of Michigan. Taft has been
playing first base.
Lou Crlger, the great catcher of the Bos
ton Americans, Is Improving In health rtfp
idly, but the chances are that he will not
be able to play th!s season.
The New York Americans traded Harry
Howell for Jack Powell and then gave
Jack back to Ht Louis gratis. Cincinnati
traded Pelts to Pittsburg, for Phelps, theta
shipped Phelps back to'Smoketown free of
charge. Appears to be a plain case of
heads I win, tails yon lose.
If either major league could have the
pennant race that the little Western As
sociation la running they could clean up
about all the money In eight cltlea.
new course will be required for the
Vanderbilt lnternatloual automobile cup
race this year, as a trolley company has
begun laying tracks that will spoil the old
course on Long Island.
A Chicago pugilistic critic says that with
out doubt Noah Bmsso la the most unpop
ular champion the ring ever saw, ~
■pends hla time strutting about the streets
telling every one he la the greatest heavy
weight champion. Back to the ark for
The prediction wae freely made thle
spring that the Philadelphia Athletics
would be “all In" this season on account
of the trouncing administered by tho Giants
In the world’s championship aeries last fall.
But at tho present time the Giants look to
be worse off than the Athletics.
Castle, of Harvard, pitched one of the
greatest games In the history of the Cam
bridge University against Brown. He abut
them out 1 to 0 without a bit or a pass
to first, besides making the only two hits
and one run scored by the Crimson nine.
By Private Leased Wire.
Detroit, Mich., June 16.—The Bine Itlb-
bon light-harness horse race meeting,
which wan scheduled to take place here the
third week In July, has been called off and
the stakes will be transferred to tho Cleve
land meeting. These shakes are the Mer
chants and Manufacturers for 2:24 trotters,
the Chamber of Commerce for 2:24 pacers,
and the atake event for 2:06 pacers. The
meeting waa called off because Prosecuting
•VelaI fo The Georgian.
J Little Itock, Jana 16.—The question, “Did
■Atlanta make a marvelous road record aev-
>: years ago, winning almost all of 12
*4 games?" seems to be agitating Atlanta
President Kavanaugh recently received a
Utter of Inquiry on this point from a prom-
ant state official. Unfortunately, how-
ter, President Kavanaugh, in addition tc
btlug president of the Southern Basebql!
jAioociatlon, Is president of the Southern
{trust Co., president of the Southern Con
■wructlon Co., director of the .Little Rock
I Electric and Railway Co., and director In
i dozen other corporatkraf In the state. In
0'iueuce be was unable to give up hla
him* to the question.
It la now np to some of the old fans of
|B.r Private Leased Wire.
Orleans, June 16.-Cbarlea Olsen
|fail*.] to throw Otto Schoenfeldt In an
In at night. The battle was hard-con-
|twted throughout.
Picked team beaten
to Tb* Georgian.
I <om*r, G,.. Jan. 11-In tb. faateat gam*
lot the mm. Comer defeated a picked
|t«m from Modi ion count, Thornier offer-
I boob.
a while It looked is If Comer had
■everything her own way, bnt the visitors
| rained in the eighth said ninth and made
Itbe game very exciting. The features of
■tb! game were the fielding of Carrington
| for the locals and the batting of Mercter
■for the visitors. \
I The battery for tbs visitors wars the
■famous Wilson brothers, sod had they been
■ proper!; supported the game would un
|*mbtedly hare been theirs.
I Score by Innings: R- H.E.
I Madison County......0 10 0 0 0 0 2 t-4 4 10
r — 0 1 1 1 0021 1-6 7 6
Attorney Hunt announced that he would
allow no betting in the territory under hla
Special to The £corgUn.
Edgewood, Ga., June 16.—The Edgewood
Second team met and defeated the West
End Slnggcrs In a alow and very one-sided
game yesterday afternoon. The score ended
10 to 4. The game abounded In errors and
was otherwise featureless. If a man once
reached first bo waa alrooat sure to go In
home on wild throws. The box score to 1-
New York.
the strangest and most
mysteries of the turf Is Just
the minds of owners, trainers
here on the actlre scene of rnclu
la. no more or lew*, than the passing of
tho mighty Fysonby, the “King of the
Turf.” In but n short while, according to
several good authorities, the great horse
will have Joined Hanover ami other spfeu-
did patricians of the American turf In
years gone by in the equlue heaven. Hyson
by Is slowly dying of an unknown am
baffling disease while hla owner, James
It. Keene, and the tbousands of metro
politan racegoers who learned to Idolise
the horse through hts renowned conquest
ol| last summer, MlppH
cor him. Hysonby Ik suffering from soma
sort of a virulent skin scrofula. Tho first
evidence of It came late Jast Sopten-Ver
when a slight rash spread over hla coat.
Ills hide turned dry and the hair fell cut.
However, Hysonby did not aeem to worry
about It and kept on hla feed ami main
tained bis racing edge as well as when he
started out early In the spring; months be
fore. lie actually won the Annual Cham
pion of 320,000 last autumn with au erup
tive blister all ovkr bis back. As months
rolled past, Rysonby commenced to lose
weight. He was withdrawn from the Met
ropolitan handicap. Then from the Brook
lyn handicap, he waa declared, and now
It Is known he will not rate In the forth
coming Suburban handicap. Hysonby will
uot race again this year, and perhaps never
again. Many are even lesa optimistic and
say will not lire to see another
springtime. In the meantime Syaonby’a
ailment Is puzzling the veternarlans.
Whether It Is the dreaded "horse leprosy,'
Inherited from hla English sire, Melton, or
simple bnt protracted cnee of common
ecxema remains to be seen. James It. Keene
says Sysonby will live through It and race
once again. He will spend a fortune to
save the great colt from death at the point
of the pistol. It Is now many years since
Hanover waa shot In his stall after a pro
cess of peculiar decay had actually severed
hla hoof from the pastern of the lower leg
joint Not until tho famous horse wqs
seen to bobble on the stump, did his owner
order the use of n revolver In bringing to
him the <Jblet of the grave.
An English syndicate, through J. A. War-
sr, offered 3200,000 for Sysonby aeven
months ago. Mr. Keene scorned the offer.
Hyaonby won about 3200,000 lu his two
years of racing. He la now n four-year-old.
He la a big colt, streaked with Iron-grny
hair blotches, by Melton, one of the great
est of English sires. Sysonby had all the
■peed of his dody and all the stamina of
hla dame, Opttme. He waa only beaten
once, when he ran third to Artful and Tra
dition In the 1904 Futurity. Race King, a
selling plater, made a dead heat with Sy-
sonby In t^e Metropolitan handicap of last
year, when Syaonby waa far from being fit.
After that he won everything before him,
Including the 350,000 Lawrence Realisation
Morgan, ss.-2b. , . *
Allen, e.-sa.
Nelms, If.
Frazier, c. . . . , . *
Keen, 2b-Sb
McRae, rf.-lb
Teague, lb.-cf. . • • •
Fnlvey. p. ..... .
llaskall, rf. . . . . •
AB. R. H. PO. A. B.
. . S 0 0 « 2 J
. . * 0 0 1 0 0
. . 4 0 0 111 o
. .82 4 2 24 10 1
I'helps, If
Ball. Jb.*c
Cuestn, p. *2b
Alexander, ss. . • •
Hans, 2b.-p. * * . • •
Gollghtly, c. * . • • •
Smith, cf. .,*••••
Moll, lb
Bean, rf....... .
Locke, rf
AB. II. II. PO. A. B.
.. 4 1 0 2 0 1
. . t 1 0 1 2 0
. . 1 1 0 10 0
. . 1 1 1 3 0 1
. 0 0 0 0 0 1
Totals. .......
. .B 10 6 2$ • 6
Score br liraliin:
Edgewood Second....
Wett End
....4 * 0 6 1 0 0 2 *-10
....1 0 02 000 1 9-4
~ HE bride will be vast
ly pleased if her sil-
T ver and china are
J from our house.
Our name stands un-
Ialterably for perfection of
riualitv. The smallest offer-
| m g bears the same tokens of
I i and honest wnrk-
Ifflansliip as are evident in
P" 1 ' most ambitiouslv sized
Maier & Berkele
Nummary: Htmck out. Iijr Carets «, hr
Haas L by Fairer J. Baici on bulli. off
Carets J, off Haas >. off Fairer I. Hit by
' IL by Hum 1, by Fslrey L Innlnjt*
ched. by Huh 2, by Caret* A hr Kalrry
Illti, off Caret, !, off Ilii, L off Filroy
6. Double pliyn, ilaoi to Carets to Metf.
stolen boie,, Phelp* 42), Morgan it). Allen,
Bill, Cnmli, Moll. Paaeed hill, Kollghtly.
Wild pitch, Cueiti. Umpire, Dr. I. 6.
Smith. Scorer, J. i. Fodte.
Robbed again!
The "Stolen On me, or the Myitrey of the
Phoney Belie." by Cturlre Frink. One
of the twelre bret eellcr*.
Were we robbed, or did they throw **
down end take It awiy from u?
Even money Otlo Jordan doe, not haqe to
pay hi, floe.
Say, thit'a rich! Otto Jordan arreted
for atnllng haaebaHa!
Of course. It mny hare been only u eoin-
denee that O’Brien usd Manuel knocked
home runa In the name Inning, bnt If it
fa. It la the aaddeet and most remarkable
coincidence at the eeneon.
Joahlng sable, though. Atlanta made a
Mg mfatate In not dnfebfog oof the game.
Even If Frank had admitted (hat he waa
robbing them, and eren If the wore bad
teea M to 0 agalnat them, ami eren Jf
the crowd had beea throwing aoda water
bottle, and bomba Atlanta thoold hare
played ost the (amt. Quitting a game
Merer before In the history of racing In
this country baa so much money appeored
In circulation among tho bookmakers. Year
by yanr. tho lost for speculation on the re
mit of horse raring grows apnre. Tho Into
William C. Whitney need to any the pros
perity of tho country is strikingly reflected
In tho amount of money New York enthus
iasts contribute to tho bookmakers through
the summer months. If auch la the case,
things aro booming na they nerer did be
fore. In recent yearn, tho Sow York bet
ting ring big gotten to be a tremendoue
For Inatance, It la an off day when J3W.OOO
la not handled-won and lont-lo ready cn»h
on the floor of the ring. Juat now thoro
are 222 bookmakers laying oddi erery dny.
••Sol" Urhenatoln and Henry llnnff ore
making powerful book, llnnff started with
g megger bunk roll four years ago. Ilia
policy haa-J>eon to. offer odds, top odds,
sgainst oue horse Is the Held. In other
words, If there nre ten horses In the Held,
any one of nine by winning tho nice
would net him n windfall from the bettors
of 'the one horse ho offered odds agnlnst.
llnnff la n Tory wealthy men today and
often times accept! a J10.000 pommlsnlon
on ono hone from some strong bettor nt
the rlnb bonae with na tnorh Indifference
aa he would display In. lighting a dgnr.
-■Billy"’ Cownn. who was a tremendous
winner last season. Is behind In the grind
so far. Hit harvest I, nt Saratoga where
he secures the "kid glove" trade of the
millionaire patrons of tho Spa.
Special to The Georgian.
Now Orleans, Ia.. Jane IS.-Jordan wna
arraigned this morning, charged with potty
larceny. He waa placed under bond for
trial nt the next visit of tho Atlanta club
to this city.
Bvera - lag that was hart yesterday Is
In fair shape today, and be will he able
to catch Bnrnum, who pitches thla after-
D< Ooree will be New Orleans- pitcher.
Sparks nr Ilnghea will work tomorrow
against Breltensteln. The row of yesterday
will cauae no dlmlnlihment In this after
noon's attendance. In fart, a larger crowd
la expected today and tomorrow.
To the Sporting Editor of The Georgian:
Allow mo a line la your valuable paper
to express my disgust for BILLV SMITH.
"SCninES" who let oot n wall. -nOBBED
• ad other hard lack stories every time tho
team Is beaten.
Let them be "SPORTS"—lake their moill
cine Ilka men and play bnll-for wa have
had a home aeries and will have another.
Hops tbsy will atop "crying."
Battle Was Waged Before Council
Police Committee Fri
day Afternoon.
Additional Market News.
Atlanta and Vlrlnlty-Condltlona r
areralde for shower, tonight and Sunday.
WEATHER IN COTTON BELT.— Meridian, rlcur am
Nlltchel, Jnrkseu. Crenndn. V
and wood, elenr nn.l hoi
burg, partly eb.udy and hot.
- — cloudy and hot. Dalis
Nun Antonio, elenr
Photograph of Ethel Rockefeller,
daughter of Wllllnm Hrukefrller,
who recently slipped Into New York
under an assumed name.
/ f»t a baretfftl trem aa;thlnx.
Atlanta had pl«;«l out tfcore waa a rbancc
that thoy mlxtat, h*v* won.
At any rate they alioukl hare triad.
Charity Frank aaya that the avtiou of
the Atlanta pl*;«*r» was without ju«tlflra
tion. Ha flora oot tab* op tho chanre, how
ever, that “phoney" halla were «*J.
It’s too bad to too# a fame that loeked
to be woo fa the fret Ionia*.
Well, anyway, Atlanta It still la third
Mach obliged to Babb for boating Blrra-
Iogham. It would bo tod to be ptaoed by
Explaining that tho subscrip
tions were not forthcoming somo
time ago because It was tho
belief of the Arm that the com
mission men of x Atlant& would
subscribo to the 1910 exposition
In a body, Secretary Walter G.
Cooper Saturday morning re
ceived a communication from
the Petropol A Cameron Com
pany, Greek wholesale commla-
mlsRlon house, with an Inclosure
of 3250. This la the largest
subscription yqt received from
any Atlantanlzed foreigner." 0
00000 00000O0000 0000
Although the committee of fifty has
decided to give the 1910 exposition a
rest until “autumnal leaves strew the
streams," the exposition seems loth to
take advantago of the proffered vaca
tion, Saturday $1,830 was received by
Secretary Walter O. Cooper, which
makes a total of 33,886 turned In to
mveJJ the guarantee turn) since the de
cision ot the governing committee.
This U the most encouraging feature
of tho many featured enterprise. No
canvassing committees will brava the
heat of Hummer months, but nny sub
scriptions which good citizens may feel
Inclined to send In will be treasured
up gladly. In tho big strong box which
holds tho pledges.
Following Is the encouraging list of
subscribers received Saturday:
Subscriptions reported by J. R. Nut
ting, chairman; W. L. Moore, A.
Uebrnan. C. C. McCfeheo, Jr.
Wllraer L. Moore ., ,,
Another battle In the liquor campaign
as waged at the meeting of the coun
ell police committee Friday afternoon
lien a number <-f prominent minister*
combatted every Inch of ground In the
renewal of liquor licenses. In the In
stance of Gann A Gaurax saloon on
Simpson street there was a drawn bat-
tl*- .mil at tlu* lemifHt --r 1m. i. <}
Uroughton the tight will he agulti taken
up Monday, when tho police committee
will hold HpiM-iMl HiH.tion at I" oYbul
In the morning.
The saloon men were out In numbore
Tho ministers of Atlanta were repre
sented by Dr. Broughton and Dr. A. C.
The committee unanimously voted
adversely on license for Dan ltoppa to
open a beer saloon at X< Elliott street,
and Patrick Lyons to open u saloon at
116 Went Mitchell street. The decision
was reached after tho opposing factions
had each been heard In ardent argu
Dr. Ward, the first speaker, declared
that the people living In tho neighbor
hood were opposed to tho saloons. Ho
then rend resolutions adopted by three
Churches, all protesting against them.
Attorney It. B. Blackburn, represent-
lug l>;m I’appu, based his argument
a! id, the line tlmt In leitaln limits
saloons were allowed and that 24 GMlott
street was in theso limits.
Marietta 8aloonitts Win,
The saloon men won a victory aa to
saloons on Marietta street AU licenses
asked for that thoroughfare were
granted. Irrespective of the petition
signed by 200 citizens and presented by
Dr. Broughton.
Asldo from the saloon at tho corner
of Mllflmli am! Broad streets, all tlu»
licenses will bo reported favorably on
West Mitchell street between Whitehall
and the terminal station Tims.* wen*
taken up separately, Tho ono turned
down for further Investigation was dis
cussed by Alderman Harwell, who
stated that he was In favor of grant
ing tho licenses with tho exception of
this ono, nt which saloon both whites
and negroe* were gerv.-d. and then*
was always a crowd of negroes hang-
ig ai
Junk shop applications were re-
' ly with the exception
B. Htory, at the cor
ner of East Mitchell street and Cen
tral avenue. Objection was mads to
its by Superintendent of Public
shoots Slaton and others.
The ordinance prohibiting minors
from working In wholesale liquor
houses will be taken up after the next
session of council.
_ sad 4
not: hard rslo ln«t
id hot. Macon,
Texas— llouat
clear and wari
Alabama- Huntsville.
Opelika, cipnr and ph
night. Mont*.
Mobile, clear
and hot.
Georgls—Calambu■, clear
partly cloudy and cool; light ahowers last
night. AnirrlrtiH. parti; cloudy and cool
Ight showers »*nlt night. Albnny. clear ant
hot; had good rain yepterdl/ afternoon.
* honiaavllb*, portly cloudy ana warm. -
^rmRoft Jacksonville, partly cloudy and
Tennesseo— Nashville, dear and pleasant.
Lonfafana—Partly cloudy 8atunlay an
s a inlay.
Georgia Kho
; probably showers Sunday In south
Texas—Partly cloudy Saturday and
il Kentucky
Wont Texas. Arkanaaa i
Pair Saturday and Hundny.
-Voir Saturday: Sunday fair
ant portl<
ret. shi _
West Florida—Mhi
> Saturday and Sun
The prevnlent mudlttouN throughout the
ountrv hare tbanged but llttli
.«*t 24 hours. The pressure li
mcl at nearly nil ottttous eent of the
ItorkloM and over tile eastern half of the
map It la rery tint. Aa a rreult of the ex
latlng atiiu>aphcrl<* conditions showers bar
•centred at n largo number of stntlons east
of the Mla8!n*lppl, henry In portions of
Georgia and the CuiolliuiN /ugustu re
t.orta a 14-hour rainfall of 4.16 Inches nn«‘
St. Matthews. S. C. ( 4.50 Inches. Italn
falling this morning nt Augusta, Horan
Charleston and Wilmington.
Aa a rule rery little change In tempera
ture lias occurred.
For tho 24 hour* ending nt 8 n.m., 76tb
torldlan time. June 16, 1906.
A. F. < III. m
Ralph H. iirown ..
Nick Mat raff on ..
C. C. Mrdehee .. ,
Fred \V. Colo .. .
Ed E. Pnnrhnll .. ,
All.,17H HI, lia III - ,11
A. II. Dnnrkor .. ,
nine 8. Atkinson
Milton IJnrffan
W. V. Cudter .. .
J. L. Campbell,. .
George A. Black
II. J. White
A. F. Pound
Petropol * Cameron Company U80
Acknowledge Friday !,0IG
Total received In two daya. tl.ltl
Prcvloualy reported .. .. ... 117.000
Special to The Georgian.
Jenningii, Ijl, June 16.—The Hey-
wood Oil Company's recently developed
gusher, which Is their third In the Jen
nings field. Is now spouting at the rate
of 3,000 barrels & day. For forty-eight
hours after It was brought In It gushed
at the rate of 1,500 barrels a day when
it suddenly and without any Interfer
ence doubled Its output.
Special to The Georgian.
Wnihlnuton. Ga.. Jane 11,—One of
e pretty and imposing event* r
nrcted with the celebration of the tl
tleth annual commencement at
Joeeph'e academy In this city, waa the
dedication of tha new chapel church
which occurred Friday morning
(:10 o’clock. The exercUei *
largely atended and were directed by
Right Rev. Benjamin Kellley, of Bu-
annah, bishop of the dloceae of Geor
gia. He was assisted In (he ceremon
ies by Rev. Father Jackson, of Atlanta;
Hon. M a. 11 Hyrpa, of Savannah; Rev.
Father McMahon, of Augusta, and Rev.
Father Kennedy, of Savannah.
The newly dedicated chapel is a part
of the new auditorium building which
baa Just been completed. It cost,(IS,-
COO. Immediately after the decl
the flrst maex was held In th
build I nr.
Special to The Oeorglan.
High Springs, Fla., June IB—The At
lnntlc Coast Line, terminals at thle
point have been tied up on account at
u strike of all yard foremen and
switchmen for more pay. Foremen
have been paid (10 per month and
ewltcbmen 146. The strike has been
successful one for past forty-elght
hours, and while the officials have
granted the Increase of IIS and (do de
manded, It la stated they refuse to al
low the atrikers to return to work, and
claim they have inen comlnit to fill
their places at the Increase of pay
Him an;a: “Tin*
__ r __ marker was nor*
..up* tinrerlMlii and disturbed rather tlinn
weak. It wna the ronaenana at oiilnlon'ituit
If there had breu n plan on the pnrt of
fh( •-
ate the
ftlHvitlatora for the rlae to In
the quantity of outstanding commit
for the decline In the market thla
hid l»een amcenafnlly executed, for specu
lation for the fall waa admittedly much
more of a feature of the market than It
Ima been at any time within the last ten
days, and there were observers who char
acterised the dny’a movement of prices
aa more tho result of a raid than of lUpilda-
tion. The decllno was materially helped,
undoubtedly, by another rn|dri spurt up
ward In the grain market, canoed by the
renewed circulation of report! of crop dam-
oats closed at hlgh-
uatlona am the produce exchanges,
they lost a good share of their earlier rise.’’
—Glbert k Clay. ,
, -ol was a little
better thau expected with fair spot sales
at alight advnnce, while fatnrea werei
steady. Our opening waa firm and the In
terest seemed to he centered In tha new
G alt Ions. July waa conspicuously weak,
■rrrpool ami continental advices of a
strong character In regard to the spot trade
there. The week end figures were regarded
as bullish. In New York the talk of low
grade of cotton for July contracts has a
depressing effect on that option, and wa
doubt If there fa any short Interest of
great extent In that option and It wlU
suffer the same fate as March and May.
BHtooks-- 1 The Ijcartah factors were again at
, Jeton wi
work this morning and Prices were very
weak all day, with no rallying
with no raflying power any
>e market la breaklnf without
* development and the bull pariy
w signs of weakening, which
....... selling
I to have the greatest effect
ffteef stocks. We
* Haiti-
et away when any rrel stock of-
...adlug has suffered a decline of 14
aa tb* atarket la tb* ...
uorira ssppuft In l-raosylvanls awl Haiti,
awte Sint Ohln. amt think lb* storks that
is.* «off*r*d tb* most d*rila« sbaaM In,
H.TiKht Mnnday far rally, as turns ran I*,
mail* without mark rbanre of I..-I,,g Ian,1*4
with storks
n entsrprlslng manufarturcr con-
n! th* ld*a of placing hla product
on the mark*t through a road aalrs*
man without hotel *xpens*s. Packing
hla samples In a trunk, he express*, 1
It prepaid to one of hie cue tom era with
an envelope containing the following
Instructions: To carefully examine the
samples, then > spree* prepaid to tha
address In the envelope—which con
tained the necessary money for ex-
press charges. ^
Enough of thee* Instruction enve
lope* were pieced In the trunk for hun
dred* ef merchants, each on* forward-
o tb* next one.
ua-thla silent drummer traveled
trousend* of miles, bringing In about
iso.coo worth ot orders—without one
cent for hotel Mil*.
The most remarkable feature of this
trip wAs th* fact that thla sample trunk
mad* tM* I
urney and ,
th* Pinnacle Trunk Mnnufu,
Company, 61 Peachtree Bt.. Atlai
ntn, ciouiiy I
•riinttmioogn, elenr
rnlumbiia, clear....,
Gainesville, cloudy.,
Green > I lie, cloud;
GrllTI ii, cloud;
•Macon, cloudy
Montlcellu, cloudy
Ncwnsu. clc*r
tome, cloud;
Ibinrtanbnrg, cloudy
Tnllupoosn, clear..
Toccoa. cloudy
Wret Point, elenr...., 1 ...
•Xllnlnium temperaturre
period emllng nt 8 n. m. thla dnte.
Heavy Italnfnlls—Auguatg, da., 4.16;
Mayureboro, «| a ., rnfi; rolumWa, 8. C.,
Mf; Allendale. 8. C*. 140; BntreUurg. H. C7.
160; lllnrkvllle, H. 2.i); WnyrroM, Gn.,
iW: Ht. George, 8. C„ 1.00; Ht. Mnttlicwa,
8. c ., 4.fin; YcniMsee, H. t\, 2.60; (?heraw,
V ?" i S' ^ ofMNV '
A * In nI n
• fill VCHinn
Utils Rock..,.,
Mon til
Ne«y '
Ok In ho
Hnvnmmli .
Dlst Averages. 1
iti r a
a-.a 1
The tempernturrs ■bowed little change
I a rule, being Romewhnt lower over 111
orthUfd.-iii |iui Hun ,,f Ibe belt. I'redn
totlon ocmrrefi except in Vlckahn
Utile Ilncb dlftrlctn, with benv
rrealve amounts In tho Coroll
J. B. liA&BUQY,
r t \ n ;
New York. Jnn* 11 -Tb* New York Kuo
Bays: ll. nrr aplllnc of <in.,Wr ond H,-r
b*r, attrtl,ul<-,| to Mr frlr*. raner,! a
rlln*. Dronth to .oiitliern Texas, ib* i
dlellon of cnntlatie.1 dry weetber for I
section, farther rains In tbs ra.lrrn I,
- . statistics, all Its,I tbs effect
etee,lying. If not n,trancing, the Market for
n time, until |,„ at l.mkcr* l.rpin to .*11 In
'll* hlas-ka I'nder tbc IiiMii. ik-c of •t illn, »■.
it N|i(','iilntloii rt ml weather In
many mflin of the l,. tr nod moro or lens
hnnmtrrlng Ity r<s>m traders, tbc market
waa In no c,million to tb* bhf Min
of flctober nint November whirl, took plor*
As to tb* spot tmatneea, l.») >>ete, wr
NSW Orleaas, June 16.*-Ttin New Orleans
Times-!H-mocr,u mye: Yesterday’s cotton
market turned soggy cnougb to i
l»enr, but the fear that tbc J a
Ight lie playing a cute little gn
ily awaiting the Arrival of a day too lote
for fhs bringing of outnlde tenders to the
New Orlenna market, hebl abort ncllera
pretty well In check. Hefinlte opinion now
hinges on too many •Ifs” for practical
ItW. The market's saving clause derive*
.-j Ius{dration from the pigmy proportions
of the Speculatlvs Intercut, t fiinparulively
e|Htiklng. • tporti nre large and port re
ceipts small. Ho much for the obi. The
new crop appears to bo pm greening nb-dy
enough. Tb# waok-oud atatlgtlra were quite
Interprctsd this
KpccUl to Tb, Georgian.
Havtnnah, Ga. June li.—Spirit* tur
pentine registered an advance of 1 -2c
for tho weak Just closed, though the
weakness In the late trading hour this
afternoon would Indirate that the mar
ket tomorrow will rule at 17 1-Sc. The
week opened with the price at B7 l-4r.
advancing l.(c for th* outside price
th* following dny. maintaining the lead
the next and th* next, and on Thura.
Pointers on Provlatona.
By Private Wire to Glbert A Clay.
Chicago* June 16— Looks n» if wa
will have another hurrah market to
day, especially In corn and oats. It
might not he n bad Men to clinch prof
its on nny good advnnce.
While sentiment continues buUInli *»n
ihcftt, thero Is no question but what
bulls nre undergoing a change <»f
heart. Prices yesterday showed unit*
n loss from those of a week ago. de
spite the fnct that a very material ad
vance has been experienced In coarse
grains. 'Hie trade, while large, shows
absence of outside Intents, hence the
market Is left In the hnuus of Mg pro
fessionals, who, for the moment, ap-
penr to he playing a big scalping game.
Com—Absence of ram In southwest
will doubtless result In another flood
of pessimistic reports being received
from that M-rtb.n. The situation In
corn I* not serious nt present, but a
continuation of existing conditions will
without question cause serious Injury.
Oats—With practically no oats her#
In public houses. Congestion In July ap
peal •• natural HulN are in position to
hue** pi lies much higher Jt looks
ns If shorts were In danger of being
badly squeezed.
Good buying by commission traile In
wheat ot the opening, with offerings
light. Market helped by dry weather
reports fi • .in Neln Ji‘>k i and lighter
AuMti. 11-• 11 an<I Indian.i shipments than
exported. Foreign markets show eas
ier, but tho strength In coarse grains
hero has encouraged local bulls.
Lincoln, Nebr., wires: "Owing to
cool weather, com has made but very
little growth during the past two
weeks. The color Is j«or, showing low
vitality. Hhould we hove good tnlna
In the next week or ten days, follow
ed by warm weather. It will not taka
many days to restore It to good con-
11 tion. The stand of corn l« fairly
good. While there Is no Indication of
rain ns yet, It seems hardly possible
that wa wlu not get It within the next
.for week or ton days* and wa nre still con
fidant that we will raise a good corn
I i M "
Minneapolis wires: "Weather con
dition Ideal over entire northwest ond
Canada for growing crops, and no
Com opened sharply higher with a
big general demand. It has been met
In a measure on tho bulge. Wentlwr
dry throughout tho corn belt, and more
predicted for tomorrow.
The big selling of wheat this morn
ing Is again by Kneelotid, who was tho
big seller yesterday. Demand Is scat
tered and fairly general.
Wild opening In oata with a wide
range In prices. July comparatively
dull, but big trade In Beptember.
By Private Wire to Ware & La land.
Broomhnll estimates the world's
shipments of wheat for Monday next
at 9.200,000 bushels, of which Europe
will take about 8,000.000 bushels. The
actual shipments last week wero 9,-
tt Moo.
The arrivals of bread-stuffs Into the
United Kingdom during the past week
will aggregate about 5,200,000.
There will bo a fair decrease In tho
quantity of bread-stufTs on passage.
Tho strength In conrso grains Is
again the factor, and causing strength
i wheat.
Captain J. M. Phillips, Newton,
nns.: "Harvest commences tomor-
>w; weather perfect; yield will break
I records; quality fine."
This refers to that Immediate locull-
\ Hall Baker and Crowell, of Kan
in City, says 58,000,000 to 60,000,000
r Kansas, and crop going back.
See rotary SmUoy* of tho Kansas
Grain Dealers’ Association, In his de
tailed lepoil, mhvs that th« claim <>f a
short crop of corn In Kansas Is based
on tho belief that there Is only u half
Hoyt, who covered Illinois for W. H.
Lake A Co. has been through the
Q&lesburg territory, ntn) reports tho
best stand of corn In five years. Oats
and boy have Irnprovod.
the way Washburn, C’ro.xby
nnd Woodworth bought .tally wheat In
Minneapolis, the trade there I bought
that millers must have sold a lot of
Cush business In wheat In Chicago
•wterday was 40,000 low grade spring
and winter, mostly chicken feed, nt 60
♦f»0r. No. 2 hard winter wns offerer!
at J l •< mi -I'll', and the
f.n i that .1 >il% v cut to a dl un
der Heptember was a benrlsh factor
Rales of corn were 66.000 bushels,
I oats 126,000 bushels.
The He* board sold 24.00* wheat and
100.000 cofn for export. Duluth made
more sales of oats, but quantities were
not reported.
Charters were for 250,000 corn at
!-4c to Uuffalo.
Finland cables that the duty on corn
per bushel will be suspended
till tho end of May, 1907.
Tho Northwestern Grnlq Company,
bullish circular on oats, says:
"The strong conditions as reported at'
not discounted by present prices Oats
n go a few cents higher, and still
easily bo worth the money."
week at the 35 mark. In
Ing today there was a (1
dency noticeable In thl
the other pales advnne
though one bid ala'hec
grades. There Is no r
tlclpate anv special
In in ii*.* i f->r Hi*- < -
there may be small fl
to day.
t rad -
I ten-.
t of
Tonight—Matinee Today.
Assisted by tha Musical Maidens in
the Musical Comedy Success,
Next Week:
day closing at a still further i
l-4c, thla price prevailing today
It la tha belief of factors that the I
price will hover about 171-2c during |
he present week, and perhaps not go i
below that figure for the remainder of
the actlre season. It Is freely predicted
that when prices get lower, if they do,
the producers wilt take concerted ac
tion to rale*, prices even above the
nt level. This, of course, would
bring about the very thing which the !
porters are fighting, nnd hence It
mid be In the long run to the Inter-
back est of the buyers, apparently, to keep
by prices about the present level,
urltyc In th# r* — In market there have not
been any very marked changes, the
| highest grado opening and closing the I!
l pwrk n
Of Atlanta.