Newspaper Page Text
Annie May Taw
R a
|Bishop C. K. Nelson I
To Be the Officiant
in Presence of Bril-
limit Assemblage.
|Hr. and Mrs. Little Will Go
Abroad and Will Tour Scotland
in an Automobile—Many Cost
ly Presents Received and Many
I Handsome Gowns Worn.
Petal to The Georgian.
I Macon, Ga., June IS.—The wedding
f Mr. John D. Little, former speaker
f the house of representatives
■gla, and Mrs. Ilah Dunlap Jordan
take place this afternoon at the
||otne of Mrs. Jordan, on College street.
The ceremony will be performed by
K. Nelson, bishop of the Epis-
«1 diocese of Georgia, In the draw
\ room, where a largo circle of rela
tives and friends will assemble to wlt-
I I the ceremony.
The decorations In the drawing room
rill be white and green. The bridal
rty will stand before an Improvised
ar of palms, white roses and asccn-
|ion lilies. The mantels, cabinets and
rindows will be banked with these
ndsome blossoms. In the loggia an
|irchestra will ploy Lohengrin’s wed-
\ march as the bride will enter with
wr brother, Mr. S. 8. Dunlap, through
i aisle formed of white satin ribbons,
icy will be met at the altar by Mr.
Uttle and his best man, Mr. William
Chapin, of Atlanta.
The bride will wear an Imported
vn of white duchesse satin, elab-
itely trimmed with point applique,
tio will wear a necklace of diamonds,
id at the corsage a diamond crescent
pill hr the only ornament.
After the ceremony the guests will
L entertained at a buffet supper,
ilch Will be served In the dining
and In tho loggia. Tho decora*
n hei-C will bo pink hydrangas,
I the electric lights and candelabra
dll be (shaded with pink silk. In tho
lbrtry the flowers will be mngnollas,
‘»mantels will be banked with these,
I tall vases of them will bo placed
i the cabinets.
Mr* 8. S. Dunlap, the mother of the
‘ |p will wear an elegant gown of
chantllly lace, made over taf-
VloIIn. "Suite
Miss Vivian Marsh.
"Two Larks," Lescheltxky—Miss Le-
bio Ewing.
Waltz. Strauss-King—Miss Annie
May Taurman.
Leble Ewing.
"Sonata.” op. 10
Mias Jeter.
Violin, "Legend,
"Slumber Song,
o' the Wisp," Mar
Waltz, Rub*
ng," Binding—Miss
June 22.
No. 1, Iteothoven—
* WIenlawskI—Miss
’ Schumann; "Will
> i\\ -li 'ii*--
-Miss Jeter.
Violin. "Scene «3e Ballet,” de Herlot
Miss Marsh.
"Pierrette,” Chamlnade—Miss Jeter.
The pupils of Miss Furlow Anderson,
assisted by Air. Dave Silverman, vlo
Uniat, will give a charming concert
Wednesday evening, June 20, at
o’clock, at Cable Hall, 98 Whitehall
street The following program will be
Duet, "Srhotflsrhe.” Dorn—Sallle
Fannie McKinnon (Miss Anderson)
Plano Solo. "Second Valse,'* Goddard
—Mr. Roger Gardlen.
Duet "Dance of the Gypsies”—Eula
Maddox Jackson (Miss Anderson).
Plano Sola* "Lose Blatter," Koiling,
op. 147—Alary Frances Gresham.
, Plano Solo, "Spinning Song,” Llch
ner—Miss Priscilla Paine.
Duet "Le Petit Concert," Bthr—Miss
Augusta Gardlen. Air. Roger Gardlen.
Song, "Because 1 Love You, Dear,
Hawley—Miss Rose Sugarman.
Duet (a) "Hunting Scene,” op. 174,
No. 3, Gurlltt: (b) "Andantino,” op. 174,
book 2. Gurlltt—Miss Sadie Jarvis sn>
Miss Allline Parks.
Song. "Supposing," BIschofT—Mlsr
Annie Lou Colllor.
Violin Solo, Selerted—Mr. Silverman,
Duet, "Faust, by Gounod,” Bonawlts
—Miss Edna Mooney nnd Miss Mar
garet Ashford.
Duo (piano and violin), "Auf Flugeln
de Nacht” Carl Faust—Alias Rose Sug
arman and Air. David Silverman.
Mrs. Dadgley, of New York, a sister
* the bride, will wear a toilet of white
Wffon, made over silk and trimmed
filth Valenciennes lace.
Mn. Henry Wortham, of Macon, sis
t <)f the bride, will wear a prlncosse
Ijwn of embroidered net over silk.
Mr*. Ashton Starke, of Richmond.
pk, another sister of the bride, will
|»ear a gown of Irish lace, made prln-
Mr*. Lewis Stevens’ toilet will be
Int applique, with girdle of turquoise
The only ornaments worn with
gowns will be diamonds.
After the supper Mr. Little and his
"de will leave on a private car at 9
|'*‘k for the North. They will sail
;t week for Europe, where they will
§ Scotland In an automobile. Later
. Iw in visit Paris and London, where
■r*. Jordan Is well known, having
ipent several summers abroad.
Among the many handsome presents
ph'ed by this well-known couple Is
»rge sliver loving cup, lined with
There were diamond bracelets,
lire bracelets and pins, rare china
nunntltlea of cut glaas and silver,
redding gifts were so numerous
i - "t xuch value that ten officers of
««law have been guarding them while
■ ’he home.
Friday evening Mr. and lira. Harry
[ortham entertained fourteen guests
-tinner In honor of Mrs. Jordan and
If. Uttle. Mrs. Jordan wore a gown
*hlte net over yellow «Ilk. The
"an elaborately embroidered In yel-
roee*. , |
faturiiay at noon Mr. and Mra. Ro
■nu Elba entertained ISO guesta' at a
wet luncheon at the Cherokee Club
1 hon ir of Mr*. Jordan and Mr. Little.
We Atlanta party who attended the
M'ilnK will return tonight on a ape-
*l e«r. They were Mr. and Mr*. Rob-
■t J. Lowry, Mr. and Mra. T. M. Hor-
Captaln and Mra. J. W. English.
*nd Mra. Charles A. Conklin. Mr.
;■ -'hapln, Mr. Thomas Kgleston,
eeeph Brown Connally, Mr. l.'Irlc
«tason, Mr. Logan Clark. Mr. R. S.
Rft Mr. A. Word Cobb; .Mr. Clem
•"Up*. Mr. Willis Ragan. Miss Isma
Mill Thomas, Miss Nlcolson,
1 Sarah Peel,- Mr. Kullon Colville,
I'harlea W. I'rank* haw, Miss
"thereii, Mr*. Orton B. Brown. Mr.
■* Mn. Jama* W. English. Jr, Mr.
5*"n. George Lo« ndcs, Mr. and M:-
UJ* King. Mr. nnd Mr*. J. J. Hpald-
!*• Mr. and Mr*. J. Carroll Payne,
[f »od Mra. Frank E. Callaway, Mr.
“.Mn. g. T. Weyman, Mr. and Mra.
g lon ArkwrlghL BI*hop and Mr*.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Dargan,
^»hd M„. e. . Peters. Mr. and
*• J- K. Ottley, Mr. and Mr*. W. S.
“ Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Cooper,
fend Mra. R. s. Sheddtn, Mr. and
■nJ - L. Gateley.
-foe gueata from Columbus will be
P william A. Uttle, Mr. and Mrs.
-kialer and Mr. Lloyd Bowers.
L. m Savannah the guests will he
Pyiel and Mr*. A. R. I-a* ton. Mr.
I^erri* Cann and Mr. John D. Cars-
Auguata guest* will he Mr.
c dr ‘ Phlntay. Mr. L. II. Charbon-
*f ar.,1 Judge.a C. Hamm..nil.
E. ,h * town of NMMnj England, e
of 2,000 Inhabitants, there t* only
r hf.'-Mclan and there Is no drug.
cr dentl.t within nine mllea.
Club Saturday evening In. honor of
Mr. and Mra. Orton Bishop Brown.
The table'whlch- will be placed on the
terrace will have da a centerpiece
bowl of pink rosee. Mre. Arkwright
will wear a toilette of cream batiste
and Mra. Brown will wear white silk
mull over silk.
Invited to meet Mr. and Mrs. Brown
are: Colonel-nnd Mr*. Robert J. Low
ry, Mr. and Mr*. William Kiser, Mr.
and Mre. Marion Jackson, Mr. and
Mr*. Clark Howell, Mr. and Mr*. E. R.
Black, Mr. and Mr*. Frank Inman, Mr.
and Mrs. W. D. Ellis, Jr, Mr. and Mra.
Oeorgo Howard.
The marriage of Mis* Eva Ethel
Wynne and Mr. Fred J. Logan occur
red at the residence of the bride's sis
ter, Mre. Walter Q. Ashley, on Orme
wood avenue, the ceremony being per
formed by Rev. Dr. J. E. White.
Many relatives and friends were pres
ent. ■
The only attendants were Mlee Hat
tie Wynne maid of honor, and Mr. F.
H. Shumate, beat man.
The bride'a gown waa of aoft white
allk, trimmed with lace. Her ahower
bouquet waa of white rosea.
Miss Hattie Wynne wore a white lin
gerie costume, with girdle of pink
satin, and she carried a bouquet of
pink roses.
The floral decoratlona were chiefly
In daisies, Jasmine* and sweet pea
blossoms, In conjunction with palms
and ferns.
Mias Katherine Camp served punch
on the veranda.
A delightful Ice course In pink and
white was enjoyed during the evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Logan are residing
for the present at 6 Ormewood avenue.
Mr. Logan holda a responsible post,
tlon with the Pittsburg Plate Olasi
Company, of Atlanta.
Mrs. Lucian Harris gave a pretty
bridge party Friday afternoon In honor
of Miss Annie Mae Thorn. The house
was decorated with pink sweet peas
and the score cards were In pink.
Mr*. Harris wore a gown of flower-
ed mull trimmed with tiny ruchlnga of
pink ribbons.
Miss Thorn wore a toilette of pink
mull made over allk and trimmed with
Valenciennes lace.
Miss Zula Atkins won the flrst prise,
a pink fan; Mis* Julian Perdue won
the consolation, a fan also. Miss
Thorn was presented with a pair of
silk hose. ...... „
The guests Included Mls* Grace
Thom, Miss Basel Atkin*. Mis* Zula
Atkins, MU* Julian Perdue. Miss Wil
lie Rusiell Law, Mis* Sarah Johnson,
MUs Josle Lee Williford, Miss Lillian
Green and Mrs. Maher.
Miss Elizabeth Davis was hostess at
_ delightfully Informal party In com
pliment to Mis* Mary Ramseur and
MUs Penelope Crocheron, on last
Thursday afternoon from 1 to 7 at her
home at Thomaaton, Ga. The enter
tainment was in the nature of a fare
well party, as Mis* Ramseur left Sat
urday for her home In Atlanta, and
Miss Crocheron left the same day for
Gadsden, Ate, her home.
Assisting In receiving the guests
were Misses Lillian Collier, Mattie Joe
Tate# and Ola Mean*.
In the progressive games MUs Edna
Allen won the flrst prise, a gold hat
pin. which the guest* of honor cut for,
MUs Crocheron being the fortunate
winner. MU* Kellie King won the
In the cake cutting. Miss Kevelle
Matthews secured the dime, MUs Ram
seur the ring, and MUs Lottie Thomp
son the thimble.
Dainty Iced refreshments were serv
ed at the conclusion of the games.
An enjoyable musical program, con
sisting of vocsl and instrumental so
los, was rendered after the refresh
ments were served, •
Miss Willie Russell Law will enter
tain at bridge Tuesday nftemoon In
honor of MU* Annie Mae Thorrt, whose
wedding to Mr. Knox will bo an event
of the 26th of this month.
The Invited guests Include the brides
maids and a few Intimate friends, who
are: MUs Grace Thom. MUs Josle Lee
Williford, Miss Hnxrl Atkins, .Miss
Zula Atkins, Miss Julian Perdue, MUs
Sarah Johnson, MUs Alice May Rush-
ton, Mrs. Lucian Harris, Mrs. Sydney
Stubbs, Mr*. Troy Hiving*, Mrs. Fos
ter'Law, Mrs. Pam Smith.
Mrs. Charles P. Byrd will be amohg
those entertaining for Miss Annie Mae
Thom. Wednesday afternoon she
will give n bridge rarty In honor of
MUs Thom.
•in honor~mTss THORN.
Misses Hazel and Zula Atkins will
entertain at a bridge party next Thura
day afternoon In honor of Miss Annie
Mae Thorn.
The social event of widest Interast
throughout the state Is the marriage
of Mrs. Ilah Dunlap Jordan, of Macon,
and Mr. John Little, of Atlanta, which
will take place In Macon at the home
of the bride's brother, Mr. S. T. Dun
lap, Saturday' evening at 6: JO o'clock.
Mr. W. E. Chapin, of Atlanta, will act
as best man, and Mr. Little has been
accompanied to Macon by a largo
number of Atlanta people.
After spending the summer In Eu
rope. Mr. Little and hU bride will re
turn to Atlanta, and will be at home to
their friends at the beautiful home
mrebased by Mr. Little on Pcnchtree.
lira. Little will be warmly welcomed
by Atlanta society, la which she has
always been so admired and so be
The plpno pupils of MUs Maude
Blckels will give three Interesting mu
steal programs on Tuesday, ThurstJTiy
and Friday mornings of next week at
11 o'clock, at 111 East Fifth street.
MUs Vivian Marsh will assUt at each
of the recitals, giving several violin
numbers. The friends of Miss Blckels
nnd of the pupils are cordially Invited
to attend. The flrst program will be
given by the class; that on Thuradav
by the Mlssee Annie May Taurman and
Ldble Ewing and Friday MUs Lucia
Jeter will play.
The programs are arranged as fol
Tuttday, Juns 18,
"The Doll’s Dream,” Oesten—MUs
Lois Carrol.
Bcherso," Gurlltt—MUs Brock Je
“Avalanche,” Heller—MUs Mary J«-
"Bagatelle,” Scharwenka; 'Tltanla,”
Lefebure-Weley—Miss Eileen Roberts.
Violin. "Serenade," Schubert”—MU*
Vivian Marsh.
•The First Violet.” Behr; 'idlllo.'
Sack—Miss Grace Terry.
"Rustle of Spring," Binding—MUs
Leble Ewing.
Violin, "Romance Bans Paroles,” Van
Gsene— Miss Vivian Marsh.
Walts, Rubemleln—MUs Jeter.
The Violet." ifossrt-Kullak—MUs
Annie Hay Taurman.
Thursday, Juns 21.
Spring Song,” Mendelssohn—Mlsa
Leble Ewing.
"The Violet,” Mosart-Kullak—MUs
Annie Msy Taurman.
Violin, "Ballade et Polonaise,” Vleux-
temps—MUs Vivian Marsh.
The FUbers," LescbetUsky; "Indian
Personal Mention
Mn. Nannie Ren well Boyd and chll
dron, Elizabeth nnd Elbrldge, of Atl&n
ta, are In Chicago for the mjmmer,
where the latter me attending school.
Mra. Boyd, who has n wide circle of
friends In Chicago by whom nhe la be
ing cordially received, ha* leased i
large and attractive realdence in the
University community for the summer
and will entertain a family houae par
ty for the summer. Her mother, Mra.
Sue K. Senwell, Miss Elizabeth Moore
and Elbridge Moore, of Clearwater,
Fla., will upend nome time with her, aa
will Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Brandou and
children, of Naahvllle.
Mlsa Faith Harrla has returned to
Nashville to Join her parenta. Dr. and
Mr*. L. H. Harris, for the summer. She
ha* been attending tho Woman'a Col
lege In Daltimoro and en route home
visited In Atlanta rh tho gueat of Mra.
John Templo Graves, Mra. J. O. Mc-
Crory and Mra. Alonzo Richardson, the
laatofwhom cntertnlned at n Week-end
houae party, which termlnatod Monday,
in her honor. 3J1hr Harris’ mother, who
Is one of the be*t-known literary
women In the South, and her father,
prominent In Southern educational af
faire. formerly lived In Atlanta, and
Mlsa Harris attended school hero until
year ago.
Mra. Thomna M. Owen, of Montgom
ery, Ala., la the guest of her brother
nnd sinter, Lieutenant and Mra. II. M.
Bankhead, at Fort McPherson. Mrs.
Owen la one of the moat cultivated and
prominent women In the social, the
club nnd the literary life of Alabama.
As Mlsa Marie Bankhead, sho whs one
of the notable belles of that state. Her
husband. Colonel Thomas M. Owen, la
commander-in-chief of the Sons of
Confederate Veterans and has accom
plished splendid results for his state aa
the director of the department of his
tory and archives of Alabama.
The friends of Miss Sallle Eugenia
Brown will be gratified to learn that
she la steadily improving under the
care of Dr. Weir Mitchell at Philadel
phia, the recent operation on her foot
having proved entirely aucceasful. Miss
Brown will go to Bar Harbor later In
tho aummor, not returning to Atlanta
until the autumn.
Mlaa Fannie Hinton, daughter of
Mr. and Mra. E. H. Hinton, of C04
Piedmont avenue, Atlanta, is the gueat
In Nashville of Mlaa Cornelius
for the Vanderbilt commence
ment. where her brother Al
len, la attending college. The Hinton
family formerly resided In Nashville
and have many frlonda In that city.
Sum of $229,180 Is Sought bj
Tax Collector Andy
Holding that 1229.1S0 in hark taxes
la due the state of Georgia from Swift
Fi-milrn U'.-rks, th** Virglnla-Caro-
llnn <*hem!rnl Company and Armour
Fertilizer \\ iLs. Tax Collector Andy
Stewart Flrday afternoon filed double
tax 11 fas. against these compnnlen.
The n. fa* were lsetied on the advice
of County Attorn. \ i. Z Floe^r. "ho
b-iH.-.l I.!-* .j. ni n n : h»* ruling
of the supreme court In the cnee <ir
Richmond county against a packing
house, the court holding that tnxes
should be paid on all note*, money* and
The amount of taxes nahl to he due
the state nnd county fro'm the fertilizer
companies is as follows:
1900 s 4,4r,.>
H01 10,ISO
1902 .. 12,404
1901 14,2r.<>
1004 H,:ao
Six years ; ..$71,200
Tho Vlrglnla-Carollna Chemical Com-
,. 17,Son
.. 23,no-)
.. 21,000
Seven years .. .... .. .. .,
The Armour Fertilizer Works:
1904 ..
Three years
f j—■
Hanna, Count,** von Hatzfeltd, daughter of VIsrount Arkl, Japan’s
flrst nmbassador to Amsrica, has planned to visit her father while h» oc
cupies his present diplomatic post. She Intends to Irnvo Germany for
Now York probably this w*«k.
Miss Irma Hall ta entertaining Mlaa
Kathleen Jonea, n ‘graduate of Lucy
Cobb. Many entertainments are being
given In her honor.
Miss Eleanor Branch, of Green.boro,
Go., who has been the guest of Mrs.
Wallace Kirkpatrick, bos returned to
her home.
Mr. and Mna. T. J. Hightower and
little son, who have been the guesta
of friends In Louisville, have returned
Mrs. J. J. Mangum, Mrs. J. W. Man
gum and Mrs. Joseph Boyd were In
Atlanta Friday on a ahort visit. They
returned to Griffin Saturday.
Mlaa Theodosia Morrison left the city
few days ago after a pleasant stay
In the city, where she was entertained
by Miss Irma Hall. 1
Mrs. Klrcaldle and Miss Margaret
Klrroldle will sail from New York on
July li on the Flnessla for Scotland,
whero they will spend several weeks.
Later Miss Klrcaldle will go to Farts,
where the will visit for a month, re
turning to America the flrst week In
The following guests from Atlanta
are 'now registered at the Monterey at
Mt. Airy. Oa.; R. B. Swift, W. M.
Wilson. F. B. Foster, Mrs. C. R. Hum
phries. W. E. Irvin, A. T. Cox, O. W.
Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Stubbs and
little daughter, Loutae Gay Bubbe, ar*
In the city, the guests of Captain and
Mr*. B. B. Gay. They will remain In
Atlanta until the middle of July, when
they will go North.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. High.and Miss
Hattie May High will leave Saturday
night for Wrtghtsvlll* Beach. After
spending two weeks at Wrightsvllle
they will go to Toxaway for the re
mainder of the summer.
Miss Josle Stockdell. Mr. Hugh For*,
man. Mr. Bowie Martin and Mr. Walter
Colquitt left Friday night for Cornelia.
Ga, where they will be tb* guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Aqullla Orme and Mias
Florence Jackson.
Miss Inez' Sanders, of Atlanta, who
has been the recent guest of Miss
Elisabeth Haynl*. was tb# bonoree of
a handsome dinner during the week,
given by Mr. William Porter.
Mrs. W. 8. Monry and her son*.
N'nl and James, are visiting In Phila
delphia. They will go to New Tork and
Boston before their return.
Among those who will entertain In
honor of Mr. nnd Mrs. Orton Bishop
Brown upon their return from Athens
will be Mrs. Robert J. Lowry.
Mra. James A. Thomas, of Atlanta, la
In Nashville, where she was called by
the serious lllne-e of her grandmother,
the venerable Mrs. Catherine Ewln.
Mrs. A. W. Calhoun, Miss Harriett
Calhoun, Mr*. Colquitt Carter, Mrs.
Thomas Hlnman and Mrs. Marlon Hull
left Saturday for Wrightsvllle Beach.
Miss Rosalie Eubanks, of Atlanta,
and Mrs. T. M. Zellars and family, of
Grantvllle, are spending twd week* at
Dr. and Mr*. B. L, Morris and family
are now at thalr summer homo. East
View cottage, at Mt. Airy.
Mr. L. D. Rcott la In Virginia. Mrs.
Scott and children are spending a tew
days at ner old home In Alabama.
Dr. W. L. Scruggs has returned from
Rome, where he attended the Yancey-
Harris wedding.
Mrs. S. L. Dallas Is th* guest of her
parents, Mr. and Mra. F. M. Garner, at
Mrs. W. A. Williams and the Misses
Williams are spending the summer tn
Clarkesvllle, aa.
Mr. and Mra. Frank Lester are now
residing nt the Ansonla apartment
house In New York.
Mr*. J. H. Lane and children have
returned from Newnan, where they
were the guesta of Mrs. N. K. Powell.
Mrs. Inman Handera and little Miss
Katherine Bunders will spend nest
week In Corinth, Mis*.
MUs Nannie Nlcolson 1s In Macon,
where she went to attend the Little
Jordan wedding.
MUa Catherine Trigg, of Chattanoo
ga, will arrive Sunday to visit her sla
ter, Mrs. Andrew Calhoun.
Mlsa Isma Dooley Is the guest of
friends In Macon. Hh* went to attend
the Llttle-Jordan wedding.
Miss Catherine Trigg* will arrive
Sunday from C'hattanopga to visit her
sister, Mrs. Andrew Calhoun.
Misses Christine Mslson and Ellis
beth Ramey have retamed from a vtalt
to Newnan.
Mrs. Hoyt Is sick at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. George Brown.
children are visiting Newnan this week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Aldrodge are at
the Majestic.
Mr*. Ernest Powell, of Newnan. waa
In Atlanta on Thursday of this week.
Mis* Kale Waldo Is In Newnan, vis
iting the Misses Martin.
Mr. nnd Mrs. O. W. Oglesby, of
Quitman, are guests of Atlanta frlonds.
Miss India Turner, of Quitman,
visiting friends in Atlanta.
Mra. Harry English will return on
Tuesday from Atlantic Beach.
and Mrs. Charts* Gately and Mr.
and Mrs. J. K. Ottley wilt be the guests
of Mrs. Walter Lamar, In Macon, until
after the Llttle-Jordan wedding.
Dr. and Mr*. Hugh Loksy art at
bom* to their friends at the home of
Mra. S. B. Dunlop and her son, Hugh,
ar* visiting friends In Atlanta.
Mra. F, C. Barrett, of West Point, U
visiting In Atlanta for several weeks.
Rev. Robert A. Kennedy Is In Au
Mr. Edmund Shelby U In Lexington,
Mrs. J. T. Kirby, of Newnan, U tb*
guest of relatives In AtUnta.
Mr. and Mra. Horry Uilgg.
Mr. Thomas Kenan U In New York.
Magnlflcont collection beautiful Pic
ture Postal Cards. It will Intorost
you to sco this display. For aalo by
In Lobby PIodmoDt Hotel.
Special to Tho GeorgUn.
Valdosta, Go., June It—Walter Pra-
vatt, a young man from Mitchell coun-
ty, was tried before United Stale*
Commissioner R, K. Powell In thL
city Thursday on the charge of oper
ating an Illicit distillery, and bound
over under a JZOO bond.
Prevail'* father, J. B. Prevail, wns
arrested some time ago and bound over
to th# United States court on the same
charas. Th* elder Prevail protested
at the time of the trial that while th*
still he was charged with operating
was found on his place. It waa the
property of bl* son, and that the lat-
ter waa the man who hod been mak
ing whisky.
Special to The Georgian.
Greensboro, on., June 16.—Judge W.
M. Weaver died at his homo Monday
morning. Hs was on* of ths eldest and
most prominent citizens of Greensboro.
Ills funeral was largely attended, nnd
was conducted by Dr. J. 8. Hopkins,
of Athena who was his classmate, at
tendant at his morriags many years
ago and his lifelong friend.
Judge Weaver was a prominent Ma
son. and was buried by their Impres
sive ceremony.
wedemeyertT band
Wedemeyer’a Concert band will r«n
der a Rplendld program at Grant park
Sunday afternoon at 1:80 o’clock.
Following-!* the program:
March, "The Beat o’ the Drtim”^
Overture, “Poet and Peaaant"—
Hong, ‘‘Angel’* Serenade"—Braga.
Helectlon, "Bohemian Olrl”—Half*.
Intermezzo, "Cupldletta”—TobanL
Walts**, "Dream* on the Ocean”-
Flower song, "Heajt* end Flower*'
Selection, "Emanl”—Verdi.
Medley selection, "The
March. "Down Where the
burger Flow*”—Von TUzer.
On account of the serious sickness
Of Mrs. George C. Looney, the 8unny
South School, at 97 Washington, will
not open till the 2d day of July.
You know him? ,
Every one know* him.
There Isn’t a man In all the confines
of thle Bun-UUiiod continent of America
who doe* not know him!
And, more than that, nearly all are
glad they know him!
Ho le n« refreshing n« Iced lemonade
on it h<»t Niiimni-t'M day, *»r ns u whiff
of.lilac* In the middle of a January
Wherover ho goes ho ha* a host of
Old men nnd women have cheerful
"Good morning?*, Mr. Glad llund,” when
they neo him nwlnglng down the ntreot
hi* bin fa<.' niiliiiilng Hunnhlne and
•< n-.r.N iiM « hfcrful as if they had
bloomed In gnrdcnH of tho gods.
Young men nnd young women, know
ing him only through reputation, yet
admiring him for his geniality, about
ulih grt-n't-i exull.'inee In th** vole*
when the> ...nw hit.) tii** ofTlro In the
morning, "Hay, w hut do you think, I
came up on the clnvntnr with Mr. Glad
Iland," nnd Immediately thnt dizzy old
for th*# moment Ih 11k** u bower of
rosea* •
Hoy* and glrlx, little toddler*. Ju*t
running out to piny for the flr*t time,
look tip Info 111* bright face nnd grt a
Million, IJud!" In return for their In
fection* nnd Innocent. "Jlnllon, Mlidcr
fllnd llund!"
JCven tho dogn wig their tall* nnd
give dngglidi HlgtiM of dHlght when lie
linme* them on tho Mfreet. Ho know*
them nil by sight nnd glveth to each
nnme. If for a moment he step*
Into n friend'* bonne for a little chut
nnd fdt* down, the ncrinte old tubby
cat* jump on hi* knoe nnd purr ron-
t*mr« dly, m If limy hud known him nnd
wi n* going to know him through every
ono of their nlno live*.
Mr. Glad Hand get* the glnd hand
There 1* something *o compelling!/
wins mu* nli mt hfin thnt you iiin'i help
putting out your hand nnd enylng In
your brlght. M t..n* «; 'Chid to *e*- vou,
Mr. Glad Hand.” And you are glnd to
nrt* him You wouldn't ml- xeHng
him f -• r j* good ninny thing* thin world
ha* to offer. Like the old woman In
the nursery rhyme, he "tnnkM muelo
nnd melody wrherever*he goee,"
It ninttern llttb* what trouble** Mr.
Glad Hand may have of hie own, nnd
he hnn them the name jih other people,
lie lias learned the gentle *rt of ke*j -
Ing them to himself. And the result le
he la welcome everywhere.
But one day, aa you go out .,n the
street or come down to your oftb e,
them seem* to bo a cloud In the eky.
and there’s n darknean over everything.
T! •• • -hi in*-ii .hi-! ft Id women are
very sober, the young men nnd young
women are gathered* together in ohm-
icrs, but IriMti-iul -.f laughter them la
idl*nce, n iillence no Intense It ««n tie
Mt; the children are all quiet and
Mill, ‘•Itting out on the curbstone With
a atrang»*, awed look on their fare*;
the doge roam disconsolately about the
streets, and the tnhhv m?r n< k thHr
paw* nnd'say nothing.
Whnt 1* the trouble?
Then conm* the answer: "Mr. Olad
Hand Is nick nnd the doetbrs nay he
cannot get well.”
No wonder everything Is dark!
It In always dark when we are lofting
our bent friend!
Presently the doctor comes from the
ho'jfte nober. oh *o gober! Then a
gentleman In black, carrying n Nt range
looking ram; cornea down the ntre#»t.
Then—out on the lintel of the door of
Mr. Glnd Hand’* homo there lx flutter
ing n piece <>f bl««-k . rape "And the
mourner* go about the street*."
People who know* not the circum
stances n**k nfter It’* all over: "Where
la Mr. Glad Hand? We don't *ee him
to recelv
vbo hf
n will n
rig faith
tala of jov through tl
stricken world”
But our heart* are hast
we know that our sorrow
eternal of Mr. Glad Hand.
For he ha* come Into hU
Death of Mr
Special to The Geor
Mr - lg- .:!!•. tii
many friend* of M
& Richardson regi
death of Mr. Riekai
red In Atlanta Thui
Mr. Richardson
Madison several u
line Hi The
1 Mr*- James
learn of the
which oceur-
m Miming,
nken *lok In
ago with ty-
ed to Atlanut