The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, June 18, 1906, Image 10
WANT ADS ONE CENT A WORD No Ad Taken For Leu Than 25 Centa. CASH MUST ALWAYS accom pany out-of-town orders. Watch The Georgian Want Page Grow. V: J Situations Wanted will hereafter be inserted on this page free of charge. If you want a situation, send your ad. to The Georgian. Each ad. will be limited to three lines, one inser tion. WANTED HELP—MALE. WANTED—OOOIJ STRONG WHITE MEN na helpers In the foundry to learn mold* era* trade. Good pay to start with and better pair In two or tb r '~'“ those with good refere DeLoach Mill Mfjr. Go. .MEN AND BOTH WANTED LEARN plumbing. plastering, bricklaying. Bpe- rial offer life scholarahlp fifty tfollnrs, easy payments: position gtis ran teed: frea cata logue. Coyne Ilros. Trade Schools, New York. Chicago, Ht. Louis. BFmm'Avnkn"Pok railAvAV”!?: flee $66; steuo-lNiokkeener 180; piano, vio lin and comet players $60. Bellamy Busi ness Agency, 131) Candler building. ay wages to those without experience -ntil they laarn. If yon lire out of At lanta. write us and we will give you In formation about I wording placet. Nunnally Bros A McCrea, M W. Alabama street. WAXTED-YOUNG LADIES TO LBARN local and long distance telephone operat ing. A course of Instruction given In train ing school with salary beglnulng with en trance to school. Good salaries pnld to competent operators, salary being deter mined upon niertta of the operator and not upon length of service. Apply Ith floor, Training School. Telephone Bldg. \^J5T¥Kt>-^EUAliLE- White "w»Man 8ITUATION8 WANTED—MALE. to start on small salary. 303 Cherokee avenue, clt;.. \VANTED 1‘OMITION-IIY YOUNtl MAN aa city salesman or collector. Can give best references. Address O. J„ care Geor- I'bftiTk&N i*T pftlNTiSiG office by l»oy of 19 years of age with several years’ experience. Address Printer, # Luckje street. WAStYKb-WV YATInu'Ua* Poftu SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE. is7!?mrrSTTTXm5rTH “m: i.r G r; n dh-MumklniE .linn or mllllurry .tort-. A|i- - — ajirraL^^^^^^ cut WANTED—AGENTS. AGENTS "wanting'Bio" AND 'qVKK •2XL I | WANTED—SALESMEN. pro pod lion; extraordinary chance for work- in. State — k — * Hudgins Co., WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. trgSVEtCTtrR"TOTif.iS""TO' 'KSSW tb,t tb- Auction and Hairs*. Co., at 30 8. Pryor, can dlapoao of your bouaabold goods, office fixtures, safes. car pets, ruga, ptaaoa, ate., to advantage. FOR 8ALE—MISCELLANEOUS. HAVE YOU ■ ANYTHING TO SELLf IF you ban. aood It to tb. Southern Auction and 8*1^* Co- 31 8. 1’ryor atreet. l'hoo. ATLAS ENGINES ATLAS llolLERH atylea and allot. Phone 29& 1 fob Sale-two car'"i.dadh FTSic Brockwar surrtes. runabouts aud depot wagons. Nothing better made. Georgia Vehicle Mfg. Co., 60 aud 62 West Mitchell street. POB 8A Lb—BEST BrOBEH TIRE; workmanship guaranteed. Georgia Ve hicle Mfg. Co., 60 and 62 West Mitchell »t. SEIF MARKET fiNt\heh; take down box, for sale cheap. 196 Deters DON’T GO BLIND. WHEN YOU SEE THE ATLANTA Wrecking Ca’a new Hue. Just added a full line of tranks, travelers* aupplles and general office supplies. The cheapest ever ■old. We buy. sell or exchange everything. *T and » West Mitchell street. Bell 'phone BRAMBACII PIANOS. ESTABLISHED BECHT PIANO CO.. 83 FOR RENT—FURNISHED ROOMS. COOL, PLEASANT BOOMS <2 TO 13 A Ix>dflng tl s week. Mesls 12.50 s £&. T . r Itttty svruue. Bell phone 2246. Atlanta phone 2707. CLEAN, COOL. NICELY FURNISHED rooms for men. 62 per week. No extra charge for two In room. 10 Trinity avenue, il. Phone 2248. Atlsnts phone 276T. IRON SAFES. BANK 8AF£8. VAULT DOOJUL SAFER fire proof safes, deposit boxes. William B. Ellis. 96 R Itraad HU. Atlanta. Lt'UllKIt—tVK HAVE TI1BBB M1LIA catting »uth Georgia pine .hlngles Alao manufartur* flooring, railing, aiding and lath. Write na for delivered prices Kil lian Lumbar Company, Box 107. Cordele, Ox. ALL STYLE# GATE#. WIRE AND IRON fences sold and erected. Fsnrtng for farm, lawn, garden nnd poultry. Exclusive agents for "Page Fence, Dixie Fence Co. successors Tilly Fence Co., 41 West Hunter street. Phones 3891 VITA7SAT7iltA~BOOK—HEOItET OF PER feet development for 6 4-cent stamps. To Introduce, will send with book, free lesson worth 65. College of Physical Culture, Lynchburg, Vs. EDUCATIONAL SHORTHAND LEARNED IN 5 WEEKS; l»est, easiest, cheapest; also taught by mall. Stokely’s Bus. College, 71 Marietta at. PERSONAL DAVID W. YARBBODOH. MASTER PLUMBER, Phone. 1X5. 10 B. Hunter fit. WILLI# WALL PAPER COMPANY. Largest stock In South. 64 N. Broad St “KENT LIGHTS.” THE BEST OF MANTLE LIOHTB NOW Kid at 9114 N. Pryor 8L Alex Kent. LOST. "Dixie;" black ears and tall; round black spot between ears and on rump, nt tall. Suitable reward. Orville II. I tall ,9 Au* guntn avenue (Grant Park). Phone 2086 J. 8HOE REPAIRING. GWINN’S SHOE SHOP. 4 LUCKIE, OPPOSITE PIEDMONT. Bell 2366. Men's sewed half soles, 76c. BU8INE88 OPPORTUNITIES, OO BEE SOUTHERN AUTO AND EQUIP- m.nt Co. We repelr, reconstruct, ex change, buy and sell automobiles. Garage, 10-12 Mltrbcll street, Atlanta, Oa. Dali phone 4894-L Main. ATTRACTIVE SIGNS WILL BRING YOU business. For high grade work call on Kent, 91Vft N. Pryor. Phone 2928. FOR RENT. FOR RENT-ENTIRE DOWN STAIR# OF four rooms, for housekeeping, near Houle* vsrd and Houston street; close to two car lines. Call st 87 Bast avenue. WALL PAPER. J. M. QUICK A CO.-WALL PAPER, mouldings, pictures, picture frames, etc. Bell phone 729. Standard 704. 27 E. Hunter. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. iAi.KING MACHINES AMD RECORDS— Wholesale and retail distributors of Vic tor Talking Machines sod Records. Just received lame.consignment of machines sod over 10,000 records. Immsdlst# attention given mall ord<fs. We want the names of ■II talking machine dealers In the south. Write for catalogue. Alexsnder-Elyea Co. BICYCLES AND SUNDRIES—LARGEST bicycle and sundry distributors In ths south. Southern scents for Pierce. Yale, Snell and Hudson bicycles. Writs for onr 1906 catalogue and price list Alexander- Klyes Co. Jott PtllNTlNG-L O W B to T MtiCBfl. Send for samples. Star Office, 30 Peters street. Atlanta. YOUR TEETH CROWNED 22K GOLD CROWNS 63 UP, without pain. All work guaranteed 16 rears. I-auler Dental Parlors, 69H White hall Ht., over Emmons’ clothing store. Bell phone 2S63-J. WB MOVB, STORE, PACK AND SniP household goede; insurance rate one per cent. Office and warehouse 163 65 Walton street. Both ’phones, cithcarvs Trans fer. REYNOLDS, THE SIGN PAINTER. Hlgua, bannara, flag, and flag decoration, for nwclal occaaloda J0V4 E. Alabama 8L TEETH EXTRACTED POSITIVELY WITHOUT PAIN—All dental work done without pain. All work guaranteed 16 years. Lanier Den tal Parlors. 89ii Whitehall 8t„ over Em mons’ clothing store. Bell phone 2S68-J. CASH REGISTERS. (Second Hand.) NATIONALS. ITALLWOOnS, IDEALS and - all other makes nt bargain prices. We ran sell you a register, suitable for any business, st s price that cannot help but please you. Cash or monthly payments. Every register cunrnntcci! for two years. Southern Cash Register Oo a Branch of American Second- Hand Cash Register Co., 24 H. Broad street. Atlanta. Ga. MONEY TO LOAN. SOUTHERN LOAN AND DIS COUNT COMPANY MAKES LOANS TO RESPONSIBLE SALARIED PEO- PLE. 117J4 WHITEHALL 8TREET. OLD HATS MADE NEW. PANAMA AND MILAN STRAW HATS cleaned and reshaped, 60c. Soft and stiff felt hats cleaned and rt- ■hapml, X<s Bands or sweats. 25c each extra. ACME HATTERS, 6Vfc Whitehall 8L TEETH BEST SET OF TEETII 85.00. GUARAN- teed to fit All work guaranteed 16 years. Lanier Dental Parlors. Sftfc Whitehall St. over Emmons' clothing store. Bell phone 2663-J. YOUR TEETH FILLED WITHOUT PAIN BY AN IM* proved met hoi.. All work guaranteed 16 years. Ressonslde prices. Lanier Dental Parlors, 39V6 Whitehall St, over Emmons' clothing store. Bell phoie 28CS-J. FOR RENT BY JOHN J. WOODSIDE. WE HAVE FOR RENT- 4 ten-room bouses. 3 nine-room houses. 4 eight-room houses. 14 seven-room houses. 22 six-room houses. 38 five-room houses. 9) four-room houses. <2 three-room bouses. COME TO SEE US. JOHN J. WOODSIDE. THE RENTING AGENT. 12 Auburn Ay*. Both Phone, (It *- . - « /£ -. Advertisers on this page are reaping results; why not try an adlet yourself? THREE MONTHS RENT FREE Only Ons Left of Eight Brand New Suburban Home,. The flrat month will be given FREE and If occupied on, year, two more month* will be given FREE at the end of the year, making only nine months you will have to pay for. None but good families will be allowed In thea, These are located on the River electric car line only twenty minutes ride from the center of the city; contain 7 and I rooms; r have never been occupied; are located in West Atlanta Park. Every house fronts a nfty-foot Park, which Is set In trees, evergreens and flowers Purs air; na tive oaks; an Ideal spot for children. It la cheaper than living In the city and the surroundings are more whole some. In the center of this Park are the Ferro Phosphate Spring,, which will cure any case of stomach or kidney trouble, no matter of how long stand ing. It now has a new church, neatly furnlehed, a (tore, a school-houae cost ing tl,500.00 will soon be completed. Captain J. T. Mill*, who Uvea on the grounds will show you through the houses Rent $20.00 per month. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, 12 Auburn Avenue. CAMPBELL & WILSON, REAL ESTATE AND RENTING AGENTS, 1208 Fourth National Bank Bldg. Bell Phone 1932. IIBAUfIFUL INMAN PARK HOME; S» story 9-room bonne; Urge lot, 280x360; flue <«k shades; spring, well and city water. This proiM»rty la for Immedlats sale. Call property ... nt our office. Price 68,600. Wmiitfivrxm w aar-'FlSHrWF Ilouleva rd, for 61,160. Terms to ault S' 1Nk-lto6Nr "llof iftta" "aIX SIodEEN Improvement*; two aquarea off Peachtree: close In; lot 60x200; for Immediate aale. Call at our office. NfcAR Glu.vf I’Atett-SiKtf F1VK-U65M house, nil modern Improvements;. very nmall cash payment, balance easy. Price 62,000. fi. mniikit AVk.-JtTiw ftGtrra - - vnrd; nice, new 6-room house on lot 60 by 176. Term*. Price 62,400. NU'fc LlUioM' TOmufcf 6N Hendrix avenue; lot 40x100; for few days at’-61.900. —*• JoUS'fcGN —XVkS JDAV '■ uWFTB'OTns: vsrtl; 6-room house; modern; on lot 50 by 190; 2-room servant's bonne and stable. Price $3,000. Terms 61,000 down, balance eaay. W. Mhfll Xvk.~T\voHf6RY“irRooT! pi; minim/ nut* grnniii ■ ii"’ius snu 2,600 cash, balance to ault. Price 67,600. H. 8. LYNCH, J. W.BRADY, H. C. WILSON, Sales Department. DON’T SHOUT HELP. McNEILL & SHERWOOD Do you feel like shouting Help? And suppose you did shout Help? How many people would help you? You’ve got to help yourself a little bit. You do the little bit. We’ll do the rest. When you fesl like shouting Help, sit down and do your little bit by sending your help want' *ad to the manager of the classified columns of The Georgian. Your little bit Is fin ished. We do the big bit. . Next day your want will be supplied. You will be kept busy answering ap plications, provided you have any sort of proposition. We won’t help you to sell gold bricks. We are not In the gold-brick business. We will supply a legitimate want. Lady of the house, you’ve been wor rying some about the servant girl prob lem, haven't you? Forget it. Life Is too short and the weather too hot to worry. We’ll take all that worry for a quarter. If you are particular and want a host of applicants to select from we'll worry three times as much for half a dollar. Send a help wanted ad to The Georgian. It’ll fix you. W. E. SAUNDERS & CO., Real Estate aud Renting. 57 Inman Bldg. Bell Phono 1485 vard; H-room house on lot 70x160. $4,000. EAST 1’lNK-NKAIl JACKSON STREET; it brand new 6-room house on lot 50sJ25. 64,000. j ■ liAXittK~~8fufciit—KKAIt' n\ bbULK lot 60x100. 85.000. CB^TRXirAVKN'UlJ^TWO TORSITMEW cottages of 7 rooms; on Urge Iota and all modern conveniences. Each 64,000. cUNFETTEfiTFE aYE! INTi 5IFSI75RI5 avenue; three lots. In one block of Llttls avenue; three lota. In HnitxerUnd. Each 6600. gol fin i inT)Tt“Nl5AiroRartND. A \'A. cant lot framing 74 feet on South Pryor; covered with natural oaks. $1,150. I*6aS‘K ItTRttKY-NEAU Hrtl'TII PRYOR, miles of Atbrat*. II,TOO. J. T. GITTMAN. Manager Sales Department. FOR SALE. $2,400 WILL BUT 5 SEW COTTAGES ON" good street, near Peters street, with side walk and all street Improvements down; CHAS. M. ROBERTS. 12 AUBURN AVE. g. m. McKinnon, 620 Peter* Bldg. RENT PER ANNUM $900, TRICE $2,050; corner .tor. and dwelling, fifth ward. 5 ptfit ciSnt iNvK&fMEN* aJHT white property st that, close north side, 66,300 cash and assume $3,000 mortgage. You don’t get this kind often. Don’t telephone, hut call and see roe about this. tilTitDING AND BUVlNO AtfttVfc 55? Peachtree road. Collier land lot, can sell you any of them that are on market at close figures. $8,600 FOR I’ltAdflc'Al-LY NEW 2-STORY 4-r. and h., on High Folnt, north aid, end on corner. t-tl. tl., $ Moils SIOT FINISHED AND large lot, between two car line* at Copen- hill; price $2A00. VAcAnt LoT, Mxm. shade, near Tenth atreet school, new home* all around. $2,050. 5-ituokl aN1> Uai.u all improve- nients, lot 40x106, W<at End, one-tblrd cash. $2,900. GLosh IK hlrtllTii xi fkIct DIBF with 68 feet frout one street end (6 feet, malUng In all 128 feet frontage, for $12,600. ACREbTJfJhT tith'oSb HiGff- land avenue car line: wood and water, lays nicely. This Is 6100 an sere less than prevailing prices In this neighborhood. Buy this end wait for 81.000 an sere. Wo have jjilt had placed with ui foe quick Mle aeveral pieces of vacant property In the city. Alio aeveral fine farm* near Atlanta. Come to aee ua If you wlah to buy or have anything for aale. W. E. SAUNDERS & CO., 67 INMAN BLDG. Bell 'Phone 1435. HELP WANTED. We need help, both male and fe male, experienced and Inexperlenctd. Apply In person at once. EMPIRE PRINTING & BOX CO., 155 MADISON 8T. CONTRACTOR WANTED. We have Juat received plana for our new Stable Rock and Brick Building, to be built near the Miller Union 8tock yards. Marietta Bt If you want this contract, see us at once. HARPER-WEATHERS mule co.; 192 PETER8 BT-. ATLANTA. OA. REAL ESTATE AND CONTRACTING 514 Empire Building. Phone 887. FOR SALE. BRICKYARD AND MANUFACTURING site on railroad, containing 60 acres, with creek and rock within 2 mile* of Piedmont park. Will sell any part. fUBTWiLL HmfrfAHg a* Elegant 9-room bouse..lot 100x200 feet, In Inman Park, Druid Circle. WG NeAT 0 A^I)"f-uo'65fcoT'rA(TfoH in the .best part of >Vest End, from 82,660 Aitodii 2-flfbRtf New teotidB. Minted Wills, cabinet mantels, Meldrlm atreet, only >1.700, Terms. IlKAUTIFUL We,W 10-KOOM llOUHB Ol4 Peachtree with over ohe acre of ground. honie.jpi OVER 8.000 FEET ItAlLlldAt) FRONT- prices. * Buy now and dou! within .a year. rF r *You"ivAN*r m have clients who and Improve for you. Call and see us. RAILROAD SCHEDULES Showing the Arrival and Departure of Pas senger Trains of the Following Roads: WESTERN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD. No. Arrive From— No. Depart To— • 3 Nashville 7:10 am • 2 Nashville . 8:35 73 Marietta . 8:35 am 74 Mariotta ..12:10 •93 Nashville 11:45 am *92 Nashville . 4:60 pm 75 Marietta . 2:60 pm 72 Marietta .. 5:30 pm 1 Nashville 7:36 pm • 4 Nashville . 8:50 pm CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY. Arrive From— Depart To— Savannah ... 7:10am Macon ..12:01am Jacksonville . 7:50 am Btvsnnqb ... 8:00 am Macon 11:40nm Macon 4:00pm Savannah ... 4:06 pm Bavannah ... 9:15 pm on 7:55 pm Jacksonville . 8:10 pm FOR RENT. 2(-R. H„ (2 and (4 Walton st. 10-R. H„ 70 Con* »t. U-R. H., 39 Logan are. 4-R. H„ 163 Formwait *t. LIEBMAN. Real Estate, Renting. 28 Peachtree St. Phones 1075 ATLANTA AND WE8T POINT UAIL. ROAD. Arrive From— Depart To— •Selma 11:40 am •Montgomery 6:30 am Montgom’y . 7145 pm •Montgomery 12:45 pm •Selma 11:36 pm •Selma 4:20 pm LnGrnnge ... 8:20 am LaGrange ....6:30 pm •Montgom'y . 8:40 pm *Montgom'y ..11:15 pm •Dally. All other trains dally except Sun- from Atlanta Terminal station, corner Mitchell street and yadlion arenas. Jonyers «;wsn L,unoms io:oosm Covington .. 7:46 sm •Augusta 8:30 pm •Augusta ...16‘JO pm Conyers 6:00 pm Lttbonla .... 8:* pm Covington ...8:10 pm •Augusta .... 8:15 pm •Augusta ....11:45 pm •Dally. All other trains dally sxcept Sun day. SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY. Arrive From— Depart To— Washington . 6:30 am Birmingham . 8:40 am Abbeville ... 9:00 am " Memphis. . ,11:45 am New York . . 8:10 pm Monroe,*.. . . 7:40 pm Birmingham .9:26 pm Shown In Central Monroe . . .7:20 am New York . .12:00 m Abbeville . . 4:00 pm STATE OF GEORGIA. FULTON COUNTY. To the Superior Court of said County: The petition of 11. iGoettlnger and Her man Cohen, both of Fulton county, Georgia, and A. Flatauer, of Franklin county, Flor- Ids. respectfully shows: First. That they desire for themselves, their associates, successors and assigns, to be incorporated under the name and style of "AMERICAN HAT MANUFACTURING COMPANY" for a term of twenty 420) years, with the privilege of renewal at the expiration of tab! term. Second. The capital stock of said corpora tlon Is do be fifteen thousand (616,000.00) dol lira actually paid In, either tn money nr In property sf a fair valuation, and Is to be divided Into shares of the par value of one hundred($100.00)dollars etch; petitioners desire the privilege of Increasing said capi tal stock from time to time by a vote of a majority of the capital stock, according to par . value, to an amount not exceeding on* hundred thousand ($100,000.00) dollars. Third. The object of the proposed cor poration Is pecuniary profit and gain to Its stockholders; and the particular business which petitioners propose to carry on la the manufacturing, buying and selllug of hata of every character and description, with all kinds of feathers, laces, trimmings and such articles aa are usually carried In • millinery and dry gooda store. Petitioners desire the further right to manufacture, hay and sell any and all other kluda of personal property aa they may deem neces sary or profitable In connection with their said business. Fourth. Petitioners desire the further right to make such contracts as may lie necessary, to acquire, own, buy and sell •ath ,articles-of personal property, goods, wares and merchandise as from time to time may be deemed advisable In and about the business of aald corporation, and thi> right to acquire, own. buy and sell such real estate as from time to time may be deemed advisable, ana the right to make by-laws, borrow money, execute notes and encumber any or all of Its property by mortgage, loan deed, deed of trust or other wise for the purpose of securing any evi dence of Indebtedness of the corporation and to have and enjoy all the rights, privi leges and Immunities Incident to like cor porations under the laws of Georgia. Fifth. The principal office and place of business of the proposed corporation will he In the city of Atlsuts, said state and county, but petitioners desire the right to establish branch offices and places of doing business st other places within and with out thin state. Wherefore, petitioners pray to be made a body corporate under the name and style aforesaid, entitled to the rights, privileges and immunities and subject to the liabili ties fixed by law. This June 11th. 1901 WALTER W. YISANRKA. Petitioners' Attorney. Filed In office this June 1L 19M. _ ARNOLD RROYLK8. Clerk. STATE OF GEORGIA. COUNTY OF FUL- I, Arnold Broyles, clerk of the superior court of aald county, do hereby certify that the foregoing Is a true and correct copy of the application for charter In the matter of American Hat Manufacturing Company, as the same appears of file In Witness my official signature end the eeel of eald court this June 11, 1106. ^ _ ARNOLD BROYLE8. Clerk Superior Chart * niton County, Go. TBIBBLE ENTERS RACE FOR SECRETARY OF STATE Special to Th, Georgian. Anderaon, S. C. June II.—Colonel M. H. Tribble, of thle city, today filed his pledge aa candidate for secretary of state. He has been quite III and will not be able to enter actively Into the campaign for several weeks yet. V Special Notices THE WEATHER. B. P. O. OF ELKS. A special session of Atlanta Lodge, No. 73, B. P. O. E., will be held Tues day evening, June 19, at 8 o’clock. Business of importance. Please be prompt. Fraternally yours, PHILIP M. ES8IG, E. R. THEO. MAST, Secretary. CONFESSED BURGLARS BEHIND TOER BARS TWO NEGROES ADMIT ROBBING ADLER «L LEER'S SHOE STORE. By a. clever piece'of work Plain Clothes Officers Rowan, Rouer, Coog- ler, Starnes and Bayne Saturday night and Sunday captured two negro youths, who Monday morning confessed to Re corder Broyles they were guilty of bur glarizing the shoe store of Adler A Leers, 72 Whitehall street, last week and stealing a big lot of .hoes. The prisoners, Charlie Johnson and Richard Patterson, were bound over to the state courts on th. charge of bur glary. Johnson's bond was fixed at $300, while Patterson was held in $500 bond, as a case of larceny after trust was also developed against him. - Oscar Jones, a negro shoemaker In M&ngum street was alto bound over under $100 bond on the charge of receiving stclen goods, the two burglars declaring they took the stolen goods to his place and from there disposed of them. Several pair of shoes, stolen by the negroes, have been recovered by the officers from people to whom they had been sold. , ' . When asked by the recorder what they had to say, the two boys admitted their guilt. Jones denied he had any connection whatever with the. stolen goods. - - EXCELLENT SERVICE TO V. RIGHTSVILLE BEACH, NORTH CAROLINA. During the months of June, July and August the Seaboard Air Line Railway will operate on lta train leaV' lng Atlanta at 9:36 p. m., every SAT URDAY, a through sleeping car to Wilmington, N. C.; returning the through sleeper will leave Wil mington Thursday at 3:00 p, m., arriving In Atlanta at 6:30 a. m., Friday. Arrangements have been made with the street rail way people at Wilmington to have cars ready at the depot to Immediate ly transport passengers to the hotels at Wrlghtsvllle Beach. Baggage will be checked to destination. WEEK END rate, good for five days, 38.35; SEASON tickets, $18.66. SEABOARD. LOCAL FORECA8T. Atlanta ami Vicinity—Partly cloud. I night and Tuesday.. , 7 WEATHER IN COTTON BELT, Tciss-Fort Worth, partly cloudy, n, nee and l-.l Reno, cloudy; hard rain t*.. night. Muscogee, cloudy; light ralu tv murnlDg. Waggoner, raining all South McAllister, clear; light* rain morning, llalance of state clear and h™ MNalaalppl—clear ahd hot.. Alabama—CU*nr nnrl hot. TcniM*v S d.p_Xnshvlllo aikl OffksvHW. nn«I pliT.sant. Knoxville, ahowprv sad Huntsville, clear and wart cisttnn^i and Memphis, partly cloudy'and warm ** Louisiana—New Orleans, clear and hoV Georgia—Home, dear and warm. ThnnJ asvllle and Columbus, clear and hot ai bany, clenr and warm. • . REMARKS TO LINEMAN GETS STRIKER FINED DAWSON SAY8 8KATE8 TOLD Hl(/I HE WA8 “LOWER DOWN THAN A DOG." A. L. Skates,'a striking lineman, was lined $5.76 Monday morning by Record er Broyles on the charge of attacking and abusing Albert Dawson, who for merly belonged to the linemen's union, hut who Is now working for the Bell Telephone Compahy, the union linemen of which are on strike. The affair occurred Monday morning In a Pryor street restaurant. Dawson says Skate* approached him, and,'seis ing him by the collar, told him he was ’’lower down than a dog." Dawson, who Is sworn In as a special officer of the telephone company, says he exhibited his badge to Skates and threatened to arrest him, at which the striker re marked; "I’ll take that badge away from you.” Skates was later arrested by Police man Stelnt. Storm Warning. Wn.hlngton, June 18.—Dlsnrbanc. parently off cast Florida, moving north.... nnd likely to enuae rough weather tort:., off South Atlantic and Virginia ««••• WEATHER IN WHEAT BELT, Extreme tteethudsl 'I,morally cloudr a to G6 above; genernl rains. Northwest—Partly cloudy; 5! Jo 68 atm.. genernl rnlno. West and .Southwest—Generally cloud. ’J to 70 shore; general rains In Xel.raVk. Kaunas and Oklahoma, local lows and yie Ohio Valley—Clenr. M to 70 above. WEATHER FORECAST. Louisiana—Fair Monday and Tneadav »> cept ehowers and cooler Tueidoy lh n ' 0 ;,V portion. • -West Florida. Alabama and Mlaaleilpei- Fair Monday nnd Tueadsy. ’ Georgia—Fair ln_ weat, abowera In portion Monday; Tuesday fair. Arkansas—Fair In east, showers In wm portion Monday; Tuesday ihowera. ™ West Texas—Showers and thuodrrstoriu Monday; Tuesday fair. * Tennesaee and Kentucky-Fair Mondar and Tuesday. r ' East Texas—Fair Monday, ere'ept she. era ami cooler In northwest portion- Tun. day fair on the cosat, ahowera and’ ceoler In Inner portlor. Illinois—Thunderstorms tonight and ta. morrow: cooler. Mlnsourt—Thunderstorms and cooler to night; fair tomorrow In went; ahowera la east. . Wisconsin— 1 Thunderstorm* tonight; tomar. row cooler with showers east. Minnesota—Fair north; thuadrmnrai south tonight; fair tomorrow. lotva—Tumlcratorms tonight; tomorrow fair west; showers east. Dakotas. Nebraska, Ksnaas-Ftlr tonlrtt and tomorrow. WEATHER CONDITIONS. The weather has become unearned arm the entire country-east of the lloekr Moon, tains nnd tho protracted dry, weather la Montana, the Dakotas, Nebraska and K«n- ■as hs* Wen broken by good rains, and It Is still raining at Huron, H. If. The fap lowing heary rainfalls are reported for Ilia last 24 hours: Dodge, Kins., 2.68 Inch..; Omsbn, Neb., 2.02 Inches;-Huron, K. XL. iu Inches. East of the Mlhslsalppl rains hit. been general on the cooat from Florida to Maine. The pressure la low except on the north Pacific cosat and In New England, 4 , Tho condltlnux favor partly cloudy weath er In this section tonljht^ nnd^ Tueaday. ! Local Forccnater, COTTON REGION BULLETIN. meridian time. June 1 STATIONS OF ATLANTA DISTRICT. •Atlanta, clear... •f'bnttanoogn, cloudy Columbus, clenr Gainesville, elenr Greenville, clear.. tfit-ruiiur. x icui ........... Griffin, clear •Mneon. clear... Montlcello, clear.;.*. Nevrnau. clear Home, clear... Hnnrtnniiurjf. clear. Tallapoosa, clear......j.... Toccos. clear «» West Point, p. cloudy.,..[ 39 •Minimum temperature* *r< .... period ending at 8 a. m. this date. IleavylUmfolt— for "]2-bwil CENTRAL 8TATION. Atlanta Augusta Charleston ....... Galveston ......... Little Rock.;.....;: Memphis Mobile ; Montgomery ...... New Orleans....... Oklahoma ......... Havanpah .......... Vicksburg Wilmington Diet. Averagti. ENGINEER MORRIS KILLED IN ACCIDENT AT STATION Special to The Georgian. A.heville, N. C., June 18.—Engineer John Morris was killed In a train ac cident at the union depot this morn ing. ROAD REFUSES TO RUN ANOTHER PASSENGER TRAIN. Special to The Georgian. Anderson, S. C., June 18.—A dispatch from Columbia today says General Manager Coapman, of the Southern railway, has refused the request of the railroad commission for an additional local passenger train between Toccoa, Oa., and Charlotte, N. C. The Charles ton an£ Western Carolina railway an nounces It will put on a new train be tween Spartanburg and Greenwood In September. ANNOUNCES CANDIDACY FOR COMMISSIONER. Special to The Georgian. Anderson, 8. C., June 18.—Mayor J. M. Sullivan has announced as a can didate for railroad commissioner and will be at the opening campaign meet ing at St. Georges tomorrow. . cate. Inappreciable rainfall. Remarks. The temperature changes for tb. psht * hour* wera small nud unimportant. Ir. clpltntlon occurred except In Montgomery, Mobile, Vicksburg, and Little Rock <11. trlets, the siuounts being small to moderiu ** “ rUl *' L R MAltM'RY. . .Local Forecaster. 8TOCK8 AND BONDS. nbl. Askm. Georgia 484*. »15 JJ4 JJ. Georgia. 11. H. 4s, 1910 Savannah 3s. 1909 10H4 Macon 6s. .108 Atlanta, B«, 1911 1« ;;; Atlanta, 4H*. 1922 1« 1J®> Atlanta. 4s. 1934 1«'4 Atlanta and Weat Point h® J;* Atlanta and Weal Point Debts. 10. ID C. R. of Georgia first Income - J do. second Income J® 2 Augusta and Hnvanuah ]]* ::: u Southwestern ..;• JW ]WI Georgia Pacific lsts 12} 13 C., C. and A. 1st.. M2 BUYERS AND SELLERS OF VOTES ARE ROASTED Special to The Georgian. Savannah, Ga., June 18.—Vote buy* era and sellers were roundly rosatra last night by Rev. Guyton Fisher, pH" tor of Trinity Methodist church, onl being classed as the seducer and th. other as the seduced devil and slnnrt A strong plea for the sacredfless of tn* ballot was made. - The recent primary where votes w* 1 ® It Is charged, bought and hold openif was the suggestion for the discourse. COLLEGE PARK HOMES DON'T PAY RENT. It Is exceedingly bad form to do so when you can pay yonr own money heck your pocket, by coming to me. Juit ran your eye over this I ” We'll build yon s house Juat Ilk. yon want tt, on easy payments, from P* to $5,000, If yon boy tho lot. 1-roocx, modern, new house on coco or lot, $1® et*k» balance easy monthly payments. 4- room modern new house, tame termi. 5- room, new, modern house on large corner lot; $250 cash; balance easy monthlf payments 7, 8 and 10-room houses The College Park - Land Company ban 2,000 tots to select fleet, $**-»"*“ each. Come out end sea me. or call me up. Office at end of ear Mae. Bell Phone W-J Eaat Point Exchange, CoJIef* Park, Ga, I sell everythlag at College Park. EDWARD H. WALKER, ■ f . •• > The College Park Real Estate Dealer.