The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, June 19, 1906, Image 10

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= WANT ADS ONE CENT A WORD No Ad Taken For Lcai Than 25 Centa. CASH MUST ALWAYS accom pany out-of-town ordera. Watch The (Tor^i-m Want Page Grow. \= Situations Wanted will hereafter be inserted on this page free of charge. If you want a situation, send your ad. to The Georgian. Each ad. will be limited to three lines, one inser tion. HELP WANTED. We need help, both male and fe male, experienced and Inexperienced. Apply In peraon at once. EMPIRE PRINTING & BOX CO., 155 MADI80N ST. MISCELLANEOUS. IRON HAFKH. BANK FAITH. VAULT DOORS, FAKES. fireproof an fra, deposit lioxra. A llllam E. Ellla, 25 H. llrtmd fit, Atlanta, TliftBir MILL* uJmIikh-vCE HAVE catting south Georgia pine shingles. Also manufarture flooring, celling* aiding anr* lath. Writs us for delivered prices. KII llan Lumber Company* Box 107. Cordell WANTED HELP—MALE. thf I >e Loach »i|H?ra in me rounary to icarn mom- ode. Good pay to start with and pay In two or three months. Only with pood references need apply. Mfg. Co. MEN AND BOYS WANTED LBAHN plumbing, plastering, bricklaying. Bpe- rial offer life scholarship fifty dollars, easy payments: position guaranteed: free rata- (ague. Coyne Bros. Trade Schools, New York. Chicago, St. touts. tow office. |A). Plano, violin and cornet players, $&o. Foreman for brick yard. HO. Bellamy Business Agency, 1330 WANTED HELP—FEMALE. WILL _ — ww wi ■ T--—— ; In our Hewing room to girls and woman on easy work, short hours snd good nay. Experienced operators make from $3.00 to llioo per week, and we will give good day wages to those without experience until they learn. If you live out of At- lanta, write us ahd wt will fire you in- lag school — trance to school. Uoo0 salaries paid to competent operators, salary being deter mined apon merits of the operator and not .upon length ofeenrfce. Ajudy 6th floor, JaMII.IAU Training School. Telephone WAN*ftl>-A Yf „ T YOUNG UI)Y with Remington typewriter for work; stenography not required. Appl Mr-10 Empire Bldg. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. by young mnn 22; ran . . references. Address Box No. 3, Martin, On. SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE. lant* Georgian. WANTED—AOENT8. AGENTS WANTINU BUI AND QUICK WANTED—SALESMEN. BcTlI-I.IOENTr hub+lVno balkhmen for magnificent d,w lunpa; n.w feature*; .... sellers;, territory «nit lllwrnl I-r -i--.lilnn; extraordinary chance for work- WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. HAVE VOU ANYTHING TO FELL? I yon have. send It to the Auctli •n t H.lna, Co.. M B. Pryor atraaL Phoi (Ball) ax. WU4I tf.mSM At « — —-All styles Jind DHono Vo* CAh I.OADH PHTE Bwekway surrlcs. runabouts snd dei»ot wagons. Nothing l»etter made. Georgia Vehicle Mfg. Co., 60 and 62 West MfUbciJ atisrt^ Fou Siil.E—bKi Whip ni Co, a West rubber thus; ktetTlftfi. CoT, ft .nit 62 Wet Mitchell at BBkv Market fISturcs. take down bo., for Ml. cheap. iss I'.iora DON’T GO BLIND. WHEN YOU FEE THE ATLANTA . Wrecking Ca'i new line. Just added a fall line of trunks, travelers* supplies and general office supplies. The cheapest ever sold. We buy sell or exchange everything. 17 and 31 Weat •Mitchell street. Bell 'phone BRAMBACII riAXOB. ESTABLISHED 282*. BCCHT 1*1 ANO CO.. 62 N. FOR8YT1L FOR RENT—FURNISHED ROOMS. COOU PLEAHANT ROOMS $2 TO S3 A week. Lodging 91 • weak. Meals 92 60 s week. 10S Trinity avenue. Belt phone 9919. Atlanta phone 2797. i i Heine for two la room. 10 Trinity avenue. WANTED—ROOMS. PJOTHBK AND FIMTKR WANT THREE tunilahed rooma centrally : united uedt BqaltaMe building with light bonaekeep. luf Addma J. L l\, Georgia* ALL STYLES GATES, WIRE AND IKON fences gold nnd erected. Fencing for fnrm. lawn, garden nnd poultry. Exclusive agents for “Page Fence/' Dixie 1-enee Co. socoesaoM Tilly Fence Co., 41 Weat Hunter atreat. Phones 3893. REAL E8TATE FOR 8ALE. room tionge with bagement. Remodeled nnd In perfect condition. I*ot 50x 214. through to Forrest avenue; cheapest place In the city. Term*. Apply to Edgar lMinlnp. 2)2 Prudential bulldlug. Phones 229 Hell. 121 Standard. EDUCATIONAL. SHORTHAND LEARNED IN 6 WEEKS; best, easiest, cheapest; also taught bv mall. Btokely'a Bua. College, 7$ Marietta at. PERSONAL. DAVID W. YARBROUGH. MASTER l'LUUBER, Phone. 1366, M B. Hunter Ft. WILL IB WALL PAPER COMPANY, largest stock In 8outb. 64 N. Broad 8t. “KENT LIGHTS.” THE REFT OF MANTLE LIGHTS NOW anld at DUk N. Pryor St. Alex Kent, Phone 4848. 8H0E REPAIRING. GWINN’S SHOE SHOP. 4 LUCKIE. OPPOSITE PIEDMONT. Ball 3336. Men’a aewed half aolra, 76c. BU8INE88 OPPORTUNITIES. GO BEE SOUTHERN AUTO AND EQUIP- ment Co. Wo repair, reconstruct, ex change, buy and aotl automobiles. Garage. 10-12 Mitchell atreet, Atlanta, Qa. Bell Dbone 4854-L Main. ATTRACTIVE SIGNS'WILL BRING YOU buafneas. For high grade work call on Kent, 9114 N. Pryor. Phone 292$. 8HOE REPAIRING. N. LA/.ARUF, !l H. PH YOU FT. 1 DO I root and abort repairing. When I My ra- pnlrlnx. I mn thu bait repairing only. Superior uwlarUI «nd oak -leather, with th, beat workinanahlp. I know bow to repair becante I know k ,boft. I am « akllful mender and con m.k, r-omfortkbl, • lid aervlceable .ho, brok, down knd worn out one. Don’t for(*t th. No., SI B. I'ryor stmt. McNEELL & SHERWOOD REAL ESTATE AND CONTRACTING 614 Empire Building. Phone 887. creek and rook within 1 mile, of Piedmont park. Will Mil kny pkrt. moo W1U. PUUUHaRB AN BMJrtXNT (-room bonne, lot 100.(00 fnt. In Inmen P«rk, Druid circle. ' WALL PAPER. j. M. QU1CK A tfo-WALL PAPER. mouldings, pictures, picture frames,' etc. Bell phone 72^ fffandaru 70L 27 ff. Hunter. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TALKING MACHINES AND RECORDS— Wholesale and reUlI distributors of Vic tor Talking Machines and Records. Just received large consignment of machines and over 10,000 records. Immediate attention S ven mail ordifa. We want the names of I talking marhlne dealers In the south. Write for catalogue. Alexander-Blyen Co. IIICYCI.BB AND BUNDRIEF—LAROEFT Hn.ll aml lluilMO 1IN catalogue and igrnta for Plerca., bicycles. Writ, for our prlca IUL Alniodar- jrllt TUINrim-L ti IV Kft 'T" YOUR TEETH CROWNED SK GOLD CltOWNF 63 UP. without pain. All ^ work fuarante+d 16 WH MOVB. STORE, PACK AND BIIIP hnusrhold goods; insurance rate am t»er Office snd warehouse 193 06 cent. street. fer. Both 'phones. Cathcart'e Trans- _ . I'hURrii, h,|. huh ui| iirwiaiiuui I speitfal oct'ntlona. 20M K. Alabama St Kirraoi^fmc—stKWEmEB—mm | scalp dlacsaea and make hair grow. Krnm a Medicated Soap makes you hr- glcnlcnlly dean. (30 yesra success.) J. J. Kroiu, specialist, 613 '^fba Grand,** At- TEETn V al ien’ K Whitehall St., over l‘ ore. Bell phone 2593-J. CASH REGISTERS. (Second Hand.) NATIONALF. HALLWOODB. IDEALS and all other makes at bargain prlcea. We esu sell you s register, suitable for any business, at a price that cannot help but please you. Cash or monthly payments. Every register aai»“*—' “— *— —■*- “— — — JMI Hand Atjsn MONEY TO LOAN. SOUTHERN LOAN AND DIS COUNT COMPANY MAKES LOANS TO RESPONSIBLE SALARIED PEO PLE. 117ft WHITEHALL STREET. OLD HATS MADE NEW. PANAMA AMI MILAN BTttAW HATS cleaned and reshaped. 50c. Boft snd stiff felt bata cleaned and re- aha|ied. 35c. Bands or sweats. 25e each extra. ACM 12 HATTERS, «4 Whitehall BL TEETH BEST SET OP TEETH KM. QUARAN- tewl t, BL All wtwk (WiMstMd lb part LuldT Daniel Parlon, MS Whitehall BL. or.r Ettutau' clothing non. B*U phoa, SB J. Advertisers on this page are reaping results; why not try an adlet yourself? iV- Special Notices J B. P. O. OF ELK8. ! A special session of Atlanta Lodge, No. 78. B. P. 0. E. f will be held Tues- | day evening, June 19, at 8 o'clock. Business of importance. Please be prompt Fraternally yours, PHILIP M. ESSIG, E. R. THEO. MAST, Secretary. THREE MONTHS RENT FREE Only On« Left of Eight Brand New Suburban Home,. Th. tint month will be given FREE and If occupied one year, two more month* will b, given FREE at the end of th. y*ar, molting only nine month, you will hov. to pay for. Non. but good famlllM will be allowed In then Theee ere located on the River electric car line only twenty mtnutea ride from the center of tb. city; contain 7 and 8 room,; have never been occupied; are located In Weat Atlanta Park. Every boue. front, a fifty-foot Park, which la a.t In tree*, •vergreen, and flower* Pure air; na tive oaka: an Ideal ,pot for children. It la cheaper than living In th. city and th. aurroundlnga are more whole- t. la the center of thfa Park are the Ferro Phoephate Spring., which will cur. any caie of stomach or kidney trouble, no matter of how long .land ing. It now ha* a new church, neatly fumUhed, a atore, a achool-houae coat ing $1,600.00 will aoon be completed. Captain J. T. Mill* who Uvea on the ground* will ahow you through th. hou,e* Rent $10.00 per month. ’ JOHN J. WOODSIDE. 12 Auburn Avenue. STEPHENSON BROS., Plumbing and Gas Fitting, 51 S. Forsyth Street. Phones—Bell 2528 Main. Atlanta 37. ''■TVS xi?At 4 A.s‘f> MtoCT OfttTAnE* of W«t End, from 12.K0 In th. beat pert CTfotiM lAtOltf NhW IiMWe, fINTKP wall* i-abln.t mantrla, M.ldrltn atreat, only 11.700. T.rma. m&UtWMfTttttto 1b ROOM notfsIToM I’eacntrra with over one acre of ground. Price M.600. Uberal terms or will ex- change for vacant property or smaller home. mtu 8.60.) "m*r fcAtUfoXti FTiSY?- age out of and within city limits. Prlcea, $800 to 936,000 per lot nt bargain counter prlcea. Huy now and double your money within a year, IF'YOU WANT A ht'BINKHH FITE, WE FOR SALE. $3,600 WILL nUY 2 NEW UOTTAOEF ON good street, near Peters street, with side walk and nil street Improvements down; car line In front; white nelghltorhood; splendid bargain. Itent Income 925 per month. CHAS. M. ROBERTS. 12 AUBURN AVE. CONTRACTOR WANTED. DON’T SHOUT HELP. Do you feel like ihoiitlng Help? And auppoae' you did ahout Help? How many peopl* would help you? You’ve got to help youreelf * [fttle ML. You do the little bit. We'll do the rent. When you feel like .shouting Help, alt down and do your little bit by sending your help want ad to the manager of the claailfled columns of The Georgian. Your little bit la fin ished. We do' the bl$r hit/ Next day your want will be aupplied. You will be kept busy answering’ap plication* provided you-have anyaort of 'propoaltlon. We won’t help you to ■ell gold brick*. We are not In the gold-brick bunlness. We will supply a legitimate want. Lady of the houae, you’ve been wor rying some about the eenrant girl prob lem, haven't you? Forget It. Life la too short and the weather too hot to worry. We'll take all that worry for a quarter. If. you are particular and want a hoat of applicant! to select from we’ll worry three times as much for half a dollar. Send a help wanted ad to The Georgian. It’ll flx you. Wo hero Just bad placed with u* for qulok sale several piece* of vacant property In the city. Al*o several line farm* near Atlanta. Come to lee u* If you wlih to buy or have anything for *ale. W. E. SAUNDERS & CO., 67 INMAN BLDG. Bell ‘Phone 14$S. FOR RENT. 26-R. H, 62 and <4 Walton it 10- R. H., 70 Cone *L 11- R. IT., 69 Lokan ave. 4-R. H., 163 Formwalt at See— LIEBMAN. Real Estate, Renting. 28 Peachtree St. Phones 1075 STURGEON & LANE, REAL ESTATE AND INVESTMENTS. 727-728 EMPIRE BLDG. BELL PHONE 437$, FTANDARD 1370. FOR RENT BY JOHN J. WOODSIDE. We have Just received plana tor our new Stable Rock and Rrick Building, to be built near the Miller Union Stock yards. Marietta St. If you want thli contract, *ee ua at once. HARPER-WEATHERS MULE CO., 182 PETER8 ST.. ATLANTA. OA. o. m. McKinnon, 620 Peters Bldg. RENT PER ANNUM **». PRICE $t4S0; <i>rn»r .lor. and dwrllln*. Ofth ward. rnw~cKSf~Tm:mnmr—jxn white property at that, rlosa north itdb, $5.8)0 rash and swain* 93.0ft> mortgage. Yon ‘ “ d often. iHm't telephone, me about this. nruivnra> mws&~r<*inr" < 85f IVaehtre* ~ I ‘ “ flgtire Tm close 4-r. and h., mi lllfb Putm, north Pbai^IuaI.I.V SEW TSTOHY •Ido and ra Urg* lot, Itetwran two car lints st Copen- hill; prlc* $2.50' VAi’AST—JvT Tenth atr**l s round. 92.65ft sTtflfthl "-AWFWAtld. kll tMfrKBW ments. lot (0)18, West Knd. onc thlnl BIDt teWTim with 63 feet front one street and 96 feet, making In all 139 feet frontage, for 912.60ft YOUR TEETH ILLKD WITHOUT PAIN BY AN IU Prmd math*.. All work auarantMd U K , Ji*%T b “- p «'* “ clothing .tor* tow.. Ait worn lumtim u lontbl. prlre* Lanier Qntal Whllehnl! Vt, «jr CaMM’ r* U.U pb*M a«w. « PBAUIITHEB 8TREET—AT THE above number on Peachtree street, be tween James nnd Foravth streets, von will find one store roem 27x47, with Msement nlmut the same site. This place Is suitable for a nice grocery or almoat any kind of retell business, and a live man css do s good business st tnls stand: -will be vacsst July 1. Rent 9150 per month. JOHN J. WOODSIDE. THE RENTING AGENT. 12 Auburn Ave. Both Phones 611 RAILROAD SCHEDULES Showing th. Arrival and Departure of Pae- n-ntror Tralna of the Following Ro«iia: WESTERN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD. No. Arrive From- No. Depart To— • 3 Nashville 7:10am *3 Nashville . 1:36am - *1 Martens ,.U:101 E Nash?III. . dill | .J Marietta .. 5 JO pm S pm * < Nash rifle . * Ad pa CENTRAL OF OEOUOIA RAILWAY. Arrive From— Depart To— Favannah ... 7:10am Macon.... 13.1 am Jarkaonvttle . 7:>i am Favannah ... I ll ta Macon M:«am Macon «:oi pm Bavmnnnk ... «KCpm Savannah ... >:Upm Macon 7:55 pm Jack.onvilla . fJOpa ATLANTA AND WEST POINT RAIL ROAD. Arrive From— Depart To— vgrltna 11:40am ’Moiitgomery 5 Mam Mnntgom’y .7:*5pm ^lontgotoery 12 .5 pm rgelmn 11:35 pin ‘Felmn 4:54pm LaOrange ... t:Naoi Loilrange .... l.j)rm •BanlgotD’y . i:.)pnt ’Montgomr ,.U:15 pm •Dally. All other trains -tally except Sun- **Iil tralna of Atlanta and West rotnt txs Mltcb.ll street and Madison avrone. GEORGIA •Anguata ...UJIprt Uthonla .... 1:5 pm •Augusta ....' ItU pm FEADOARD AIK LINE KAILWAY. Arrive Prom— _ Depart To— Vavhlngtoo . 4:10 am ntrmlifhaaa . 4:44 am tbtH-r’.lU ... (Olam Monroe . . . ?;!0am as&h*: iflS wnti&m : i$?S bhowo In Central Uas* $9.000—FOR16-R. FLAT. JUST COMPLBT- ed and leased for two years at a monthly did renting section. It.Oii FOR 8-nbOM I’ltVOIl FTREEf home, with all eonveniences. House un usually well constructe«l, lielng built for a home, and Is storm sheeted and double- floored. Lot has east front, 60x186. Terms $500 cash, balance monthly. 16.760 FOB TWO-STORY 10 R. HOUSE. ON . corner lot, 100x140/ near Inman Park. llotiee we, built for a home and fa etorm ■herted, the lot Is lev.l. and haa good ■errant's home In rear. Terms 1600 ca.h, balance monthly. 62.650 FOR NEW CAPITOD AVE. HOME. $2,500 FOR 6-R. COTTAGE AND STORE. near 8. Pryor atreet, on corner lot 60x160* renting now for $25 per month. Terms. 62AOO FOR 6-R. COTTAGE, NEAR INMAN P*rk, large lot. Term*-very eaay. 62.500 FOR TWO-FTOllY 7-ft. Ildl'flE, Juat off Washington street, almoat new. Terma $300 cash, balance eaay. cotTage, juft oW LI'ckiK Street. J2.tio Full NEW 1 s-ii. 'ODttaoe iN WEST End. Terma. i2j400 FOIt 5-R. c6T^AGB 'OtJ CREW 8T. Terms. *2.250 FOR IlEAtjTltfUL COTTAGES Ot’ 6 rooma and ball, on Oakland a venae, level lot knd shaded beautifully. Terms. 63.100—0*11. COTTAGE, NEAR illl.LELxiE avenue. Terms. $2,100 FOR 6-R. COTTAGE ON GRANT street Terms. $2,000—6-R. COTTAdB NEAR GRANT ruirk, on shaded lot.' Terma very easy. $1,600 FOR 6-R. COTTAGE, CL08E TO CAR barn, In good white .section. $160 cash, $16 per month. 61,600—7-B. HOU8B, ON CORNER LOT, naar (ana block froml Dacatur street. Can easily b* made a store. Now renting for 616 per month. Sidewalk, gas and water. IlNOd—FOR 6-B. COTtAGE. N’iAR SOUTH Boulevard school, on lot east front, 84x100. Terma $160 cash. $10 a month. 11,100 FOR 4-R. HOMfc AN‘t> TWO BASfe- mftot rooma, near Grant park, on nice corner lot. with -Improved streets. Terms. Ii.300 FOR NEW 4-R. COTTAGE. NEAR Inman Park, 6160 cash, balance raay. 61.060 FOlI 6-lt. t'OTf AGE, NEAR 1IEMP- hill avenue. 6300—4-U. COTTAGE. NEAR GRANT park. Term, vary easy.- 68TO—3-R. COTTAGE. ONE-IlALF BLOCK off Highland nvenne. $50 cash, balance eaay. ttMTWSR. llOUFjC. N'EAIt ftot’TII Boulevard school, renting for $4.60 per month.. Cash.' 6^0—VACANT dAVITOI. AVENUE LOT. East front. STATISTICS. ATLANTA MARKETS. FRUITS AJND PRODUCE. Officially corrected by Atlanta Fruit snd Produce exchange. ^ Is*mona $5.50 to $6.71. Limes 75 to ll. Pineapples $lo0 to $3.60, market st present time well stocked. Wt „„ Htrawl**rrles, Georgia stock. 24-qu*rt crates. $1.80 to $2; Tennessee $1 to $1.60 per crate. _J 36 tO WH 1 ', *•»« A4.71 W. dW- J broilers 16 to 22tyc. Idre ducks, Pekin 30 to 36c; puddle 26 to 27%c. Dressed hens, per lb.. 12c to 13c; dressed turkeys, per lb., 13c to 14c; very dull. Kggs, per dnxen. \VA to 18c. Butter, table, per lb.. 30 to 2214c; cook ing. per lb.. 1214c to 15c. Honey—New 8©10c. lb.; In 1-lb. racks 10 ^VKGKTABfiEfl.—Irish potatoes. No. 1 atock $1.50 barrel; No. 3 stock $163 to $4. Beets, cabbage.crates, per crate $2.26 to $2.60. Tomatoes, per crate, $3 to $2.60. Beans, green, per crate, $1 to $L2S; wax Banish; yellow, $1 to $1.28; whits 75c to 91: market overstocked. Corn, new, 16 to 30c per doxen. Okra, per crate, $L6Q to $2. Cucumliers. per crate, 60 to 75c, market well stocked. Peaches, per crate. 91-25 to 91.60. Old Irish potatoes, per bushel, $1.26 to 91.90. Sweet potatoes, per bushel, II to $1.26. Splnnch $1 i»er bushel. Asparagus 1214 to 15*ic bunch. Peaches, per crate, $1 to $1.60. Cherries, 24-quart crate, $2.60 to $3. Cantaloupes, pec crate, $2 to $2.60. Blackberries 1ft t*» 1214c quart. Dewberries 10 to 121s<' quart. FLOUR, GRAIN, PROVISIONS. FLOUR.—Post els 'Elegant $6.35; Diamond *“ half- patent wheat THE WEATHER. LOCAL FORECAST. Wrdnw>5ay llnd * V,Cln,,T "’ Flllr ,onlsh ' ■ WEATHER IN~COTTON BELT. Texa.—Tylrr nu-I Dnllne clp.r In ,i Ilnu*t<vn partly etattlf nml pl,a.nnt- Ught .h.Avyr l«.t iiltrhf. Sun kntonU’i* nu,l hot. 1 ,»rr Worth, elrar and nlf.i. .Ml-ri-l|.|.l lluttl.-i.urg, ’elMr. drv .- :i- ri.iiun, cloudy and mol; fc/5 thunilcratorm nnd rain a.t night v7.2 City, ilrcnntla and Greenwood, “W .m hot Natch,* elmr and plraunt. J.Jti". 4 partly cloudy and warm. •■•‘•on, Atereraa-Opcllka. dmr and Iluntarlllc, cloudy and warm. Itontgom, 1 ? imrtly dondy and warm. Mobile, Itlrmlngham, partly cloudv - white 74c; No. 3 yellow He; mixed 73r. OATS.—Choice white clipped Me; choice white 60c; choice mixed Or, MEAL.—I’lnln water ground, 73c; bolted 140-lh. Jnte* per bull—., —. HAY.—Timothy, choice large- bale., 51.10; choice imnll bale. 11.11; do., No. 1 ..mothy hale* 11.051 do., No. 2 $1; do.. No. 1 clorer mixed $1.06; da.. No. 3 cloaed mixed Me. CLOVER.—Choice Me. The above prtcca are f. o. h. Atlanta, and ■ubject to Immcdlnto acceptance. GROCERIES. COFFEE.—Itoaated bulk. In huge nr barrel* 15tic; green 10 to 13c. Market weak. HICE.—Carolina 4H to 7V4c, according to DEATH8. Mm. Id* Sevllatx, 66 year* old, died of dysentery at 101 North Butler. Richard Church, : ll yearn old, died of perltonltli at (9 Luckle street. Mra. B. Lawrence, 23 years old, died of tuberculoale at realdence on Jonee- boro road. Eol* Brown, 21 year, old, died of ap- pendlcltl. at $9 Luckle atreet. Mou. H. Wright. 3$ years old. died of Ineanlty cauaed by cut In the throat at Llthla Spring*. Spencer EL Blackman, 2$ year* old, died of typhoid fever at 201 Peachtree. BIRTHS. To Mr. and Mra.' John Kohke at I Latimer atreet, * boy. To Mr. and Mr,. Charles Children, of 71 Tennllle atreet, * boy. property"transfer8. $500—J. C. White to Royal Camp and Gordon Camp, lot on James street, near Pierce. Warranty deed. $326—E. 8. Hildebrand to J. Wolaon, lot on Linden, near William*. War ranty deed. $260—Jackson Hill Land Company to J. B. Bowen, lot on Rorelle, near Wal do. Warranty deed. $66—Wcstvlew Cemetery Aeeocla- tlon to John DeSaonsure, lot No. 1»$, section 11. Warranty deed. $t$0—Edgar Dunlap to M. C. Craw ford et al, lot on Weet Fair, near Lawihe. Warranty deed. $$.600—William J. Campbell to T. J. Phillip* lot on Courtiand, near Linden. Warranty deed. $3,600—L. M. Harrlaon to hire. Sarah Krick, lot at corner of Gilmer 'and Butler streets. Warranty title deed. $4,000—The Neal Bank to George EL Knott, lot on Gordon, near Peeplee. Bond to recover title. BUILDINGPERMITS. $4,000—J. T. Wlckle to build two atory dwelling at 440 North Boulevard. $36—W. U Traynham to re-cover a dwelling at 21 Gilmer street. $600—B. F. Byhleld. to build one- •tory dwelling at 12 Jepth* $200—Ed Brown to re-cover dwell Ing at 1$$ Capitol avenue. $100—B. GreenblatL to repair lire damages at 64 Culver street. $100—0. A. Clayton to build tool house at Viola, near Baaa street. $1,300—Dr. O. Truex to build dwell- ng at 426 Cherokee avenue. 3L600—A. J. William, to build a dwelling at 116 A.hby .treat. $1,000—M. L. Thow.r to build two oqe-etory frame dwellings at 311-336 Ormond atreet. $10,000—J. W. Kriegahaber to erect a building at 3i6 Whitehall. $10—J. F. Gaeton to. build stall at 266 8impeon street. $60.000—Georgia Railway and Elec tric Company to build three-story of fice. building at corner Piedmont ave nue and Armstrong atreet. $6,000—The Empire State Invest ment Company to build four dwellings at 2?7-2fI-$fl and 217 Highland are- mi* $400—W. M. Terry to repair damage, by fire at rear 24$ Decatur atreet. Freight Wreck Block* Track. Special to.The Georgian. McCormick, 8. C„ June 1$.—There waa a collision of two freight tralna near this place fast Saturday that cauaed a delay of many tralna on the C. and W. C. railroad for several hours. Quite a number of can were torn to pieces and th* read wan badly torn up. No on* was Mriously Injured. m , m „ brick* 4o. Market at rang. PROVISIONS.—Supreme Hama. 1414c. Cal ifornia haraa 1014*. Iirr salt extra rflia 9.75, tielllea 20-5 Ilia. 10.60, fat backa 8.50. plates 8.60. Supreme lard 10. 8uow Drift com pound 714. 8T0CK8 AND BONDS. Bid. Asked. Georjda 414a. 1915 114 116 Georgia. It. It. 6s, 1910... Savannah 5«. 1909 Macon 6a. 1910 Atlanta, 6a. 1911.. Atlanta, 414». 1922... Atlanta, 4a. 1934 10614 Atlanta and West Point 163 Atlanta and West Point Debts. 107 C. R. of Georgia flrat Income.... ... do. second Income 90 do. third Income...*;.;.88 Georgia.. 2® • Augusts and Savannah 117 Southwestern 118 Georgia Pacific lata 120 C„ CT and A. l«t. 112 PIEDMONT BROKERAGE CO.’8 DAILY MARKET LETTER ket showing great weakness, while the new crop optloua are very strong. Liverpool continued to take spot cotton on atmut the same quotations aa yesterday, while fu tures showed a. deellulng tendency. Our market opened down 3 to 4 points, and weakness aoon developed In the nearby op tloua. The apathy of the outside lutercst leaves the market In the hands of the pro fessionals. who are bearish, and the idea prevails that the entire crop la doing line, and the proper thing to do la to go ahort of the new crop options. Texaa has been 8tocka—Confirmation of the $60,000,000 Pennsylvania loan, announced thla morn ing, cauaed a stampede of the shorts In the atock market who have become very bold owing to their success In marking (town and attacklug values. The iipeulnr was wide snd advances were from 14 to 211 per cent, Penusylvanla enjoying the great eat recovery. While the rally waa In progress a weak spot developed In Inter- norough-Metropolltan Issues, which tins l»een pegged at 60 for the past week. Thla.atock opened down 1% per cent nnd auffereil an extreme decline of 5 points, but the mar ket paid no atteutlou to It, and the whole Hat rebounded with sharp advances. Read Ing and Baltimore nnd Ohio, and the granger shares all recovered from 2 to 3 per cent. The pessimistic ntterancea by one of the New lork psj>ers yesterday morning had much to do with depressing prices, but after such a severe decline a on which to buy stocks. Tartly cloudy, tight r»iu |„„ WEATHER IN WHEAT BELT. Extreme Nortbweit-ctuudy and s.n.riii, lower temperature*; 42 to M abot.- „ ’ era) rain*; • Northwrat-Falr to clear; 46 to m abort# •bower* In Dakotas. "1 Weat and Kmithw«.t-P«rtly rlondr- u ,. 64 above; f.B.ral rains In lows. 'niiuJu and Misourl; local showers Kansan U | Ohio Valley-Cloudy 66 to 6$ atWe- oral rains WEATHER~FQRECA8T. Lnulslann—Showvra Tuesday: not «„ win. In tbv raft portion; Wednesday fair ™ .n^May"” 1 Tucd., ro^Tn^! iMSy^r - **< in” v T «¥! Art *“- Tvmiraae* and Kvittucky-Fbnwc r , cooler Tiicwlay; Wednenlky fair. ™ llllnols-Hbowvrs and cooler tonirtt. Wednesday partly cloudy. ’ Ml.oouri, Dakota,. Nvbra.ka. Kanwi Jlluintaota—Generally fair tonight and ,* morrow; cooler. Wisconsin-Threatening with showor* t«- night and possibly northeast tomorrow cooler. Iowa—Generally fair tonight nml tomor- row, preceedod by showers In extreme east tonight; cooler. WEATHER CONDITIONS. An area of low preamre of marked Monday ntornln*. cauilng aonir rain aloar Its track and tbundvritorms to tin- unuth. vast of Its center. The pressure eoatliuM low at all stations eaat of the Hooklu. while an area of high barometer coren the north Pacific states. 1'loudlness covers the Mississippi raller and much of the country eastward to n* Atlantic. The temperatnre has remained practical!, lattonary dnrin- “■ *- The eastward i In the Mlsslsslp weather In Wednesday. COTTON REGION BULLETIN. For the 34 hours ending nt ! merldlnn time, June 19, 190(1. FTATIONF OF Greenrllle, clear tirlfiln. cloudy N-wnan. cloudy Rome, cloudy....... Hpsrlnnburg, cloudy Talln|HXMw, clear Toccon. dear Went Point, p. cloudy,.... •Minimum temperatures are for 12-hour perlo<l ending at 8 a. ui. thin <Utc. CENTRAL STATION. Atlpntn .... Augnata ... t'hnrleaton . Galveston . Little Rock Memphis .. Mobile Montgomery New Orlenna Oklahoma Savannah Vicksburg Wilmington Dint Average#. L. J. ANDERSON & CO.’S DAILY COTTON LETTER New York, June 1*.—Felling of July and buying of October cotton were the features of today’s trading. Everytardy mini to have July for aule. while on the other hand there were enough litiylng order. In the market for October nud December to hold tboee option, atrady. The decline car ried July down below October, where It rested on aome buying, supposed to be for milling Interests. The weather new. waa about the same, very little, precipitation over the belt, with aome further romplalnta from portion, of Texas regarding the drouth. On the whole the situation aeema very little changed. The liquidation In July has removed the fear of manipulation In that option and placed prices on a more secure foundation. Attention will be turned now more undividedly to crop report*. The Mg bulla continue to circulate ImllUh literature concerning the fall anti winter months, and claim to be entirely rangulne at to higher prices tor thorn- option* COBALT MAY EXIST NEAR DECATUR, ALA Fpeclal to The Georgian. Decatur. Ala., June 1,.—Thomaa A. Edison was In middle.Tenneraee recently, and It la Hid that be ha. discovered cobalt In aome of the countlee there. It Is believed here by aome that this valuable mineral tor storing electricity exists td aome extent near this dty and Parttra here will ram- musicals at once with Mr. Edison regard, lag the cobalt of this arettoa and aped- mens will be sent to him. T indicates Inappreciable rnlnfntT Remark*. . Temperatures continued practlcnlly tlnnnry over the helf, with light r»luf#il J* all portions except Auguatn nnd (narkrtw* ,. B. MAKIU IIV. • Local Knreea*t#r. NORTHWEST CARS. Following table gives the norfhw..t eft of grain todny, last week nml,!##: y«r^ Today. Week. YrtJ- STOCKS REVIEWED BY NEW YORK SUN New York. June 19,-The New York kte says: The market waa In many riapeco jreatrrdnr more Irregular limn weak. Among the railroad atocka. the llnlttnKjt nml Ohio common abnrea were throughout, gaining 214 point* n1 "* 1 b< r;, 1 , nearly all the rise upon fpnt*rnl 1 lioMIrtf ■nl Ml« T^e f*» that they were aoon to lie placed per rent dividend paying ftaala. In the market aa a whole waa adml idil due almost solely to the concentrated Ing In the last hour nt the l';»»*riJ!H railroad and Interborough-M.tropal"* stiN‘ka. M The break In Penawlranta waa do# ■ rumors that, although the I Itallroad fompony’a «M.00I).0M lea* »• finally been placed In I’arl*. the franaari had only lieeu conanmmated by <■' ft, ment of such a heavy cnminlwlon to a. French hnukera a* to make the teran - the loan onerous. While there were » great rhangea one way or the other hi . monetary sltnatlon. ateriln* eiehanp ' more than n qnarter of a cent pound and time money waa qnotably firaiw Olbert A Clay. THE LIVE STOCK MARKET. By Private Leased Wire. *y iTivaie icbiwi km Chleegn, Jnn. i*.-H«*s: Here!id., lvw good to prime, steer*. $6J6«4 < M. uiH^bl $4.0005.10; Stocker* and "keep- atcad item, lb*. 16 THE'DRY QOOP8 MARKET. ..»y?ort, L lSS l li'-The dryre''.* •« eft* on wide aheetlnga for the present A tirade for the Uta^wat^^ntee, FOR SALE Beautiful 8-room house, modem in every detail. 4tn Spring street, just completed; Apply to W. M. Fain,’ 3 N. Forsyth street. Teleiihone 487. . " L