Newspaper Page Text
By Harvard Eight
1 Clubs— Played. Won. Loot.
I Toledo .... *7 it
I ('olumbuo ... <1 IS 24
Milwaukee . . US it 24
Louisville . . . ST 11 24
I Kansas City. . BS 24 27
I Minneapolis . . 58 24 10
| Indianapolis . . «M 21 is
St. Paul . . . SS 19 14
Xo. 4. Billow; Xo. i,‘ Captain Mora*;
Baseball Disasters Multiply
L . Edited By L ^
Probable Starters in Suburban
< nlrtianM m
Colonial Girl ..
Aurniimmr ....
I Mir spanker
Kitrnk I
Wafer I .iff lit ..
li.inr* Horn ...
Go nrtwmi ...
W. II. Jeanlngx
.1. II. Ilrsilr
r. W, Williams
Ab*X ShleM*
J. Mf|jiiifflillu
J. \V. Kiillor
h. riifi't
• \ K. Il'mc
!l. GMenu
II. T. Wllffon. Jr.
F. It. ItltclirtMk
J. It. Room*
l*rub, JiK'krjr. t hlil*.
It’ll I la . 4
Dandelion Looks To Be Sure Winner From
Ordinary Lot of Dogs Which Start
Thursday in Rich Feature.
By *1. 8. A. MACDONALD.
fir Prim to I .rum'll Wire.
NVu York, Juno 20,—A few hour* now
Hixi oo.nno *>r 40,000 race-goer* will rrane
fl lr neck a ami wttli* tkptn*e!ve* Into n fa
vorite |Hmltlon at tin* ahrlll aound of the
i*"st bugle of tin* Niilitirlinn linn<ll«*«i|».
In ll»o meant law everylowly In bttay *e|>-
f rating the Hiaff from the whi'Ht, the c-on-
aenau* Itrlng that th«» atualleat flehl In III**
klatory of the feature will a|t|uwir under
►Ilk. Not mom than twelve horae* will go
to the pout, with Frank *11 ItelxiK’k'fl Dan-
• li'llon mi altnoAt *ur« winner and a certain
Today la "getaway lln.r , * at Gravesend.
Tomorrow the nnnual mid-summer meeting
• f the Toney lalmid Jiwkey Tluli at Kbeepa-
head Itav will Ite limnaurnteil with the Huh-
urban hanibup aa the hurrah thing of the
4»rf-«talon. ,
The Huburlwui handlenp wa* flret run hack
in **7. when old General Monroe won.
I,’very year aline then the fixture h*« l*e-
rome more and more tieloved of the unaae*.
until today It la to Greater New York wbnt
Hi" Kpaotn Iierliy la to l^mdon. the Grand
lTlx to I'arla nnd the Melliouriie rnp to
tie* .turf devotee* of faraway Auatrslla—
THK home nice of the year.
Kach year the Muhurliaii la the feature
event of the tnltlnl dny of the mld-anni-
liter meeting at Mheopnhend Hny and a
mounter throng Invarfaldy puta In an ap
iwarauce. Thla year-thla la the hey-day of
rtielng—a reeord crowd won hi liave Ih-i-ii
surely on.hand were It not for the mean,
commonplace character of the eptraufa.
There la not it real good claoa horoe In
the race of tomorrow.
I.ate yeaterday llarry Knapp withdrew
IiU great umre Klameaba. while John
Drake declared bla Ort Welles not In fit
condition to go.
The Pickett am) lloheinlan nre out. too.
These 'were the atara of the entry data of
two months ago. hut accident or tlrkueaa
Iirn eliminated them from the problem aa
the hour of couteat nenre.
Alex Hhlelda any* Go llctwren will win
the Muhurhan handlenp If he enn heat Dnn-
dellon and Tnlrngoriu. Hhuw la going to
let some of the other* make the early run
ning nnd then lie w(ll come along with (So
Between In the stretch with n final hurrl-
rone effort. The little Meddler horse,la a
wonderful afrefrh runner nnd no uiUfake.
Dandelion will carry hut W7 pounds, and
either Itmlke or O'Nell will ride lilm.
John.K.< Madden nnd Mr. Hitchcock talk
ed over the prospect* 'winy III the club
house, the Kentuckian advising'the 1 latter
to hnve no fear* about Dandelion. "Ha’ll
lie thcroalNMitM at* the finish. I wye." laugh
ingly replied the big trainer to Inquirer* of
DandMIon** chance*.
Ait opponent has Iteea found for Hobby
Wnltbour In his farewell appearance lu
Atlanta before leaving for Germany for a
summer of raring, and the man la Blmer
Tolllna, of Hoaton.
Collin* la the latest and by far the bright
est (always excepting Walthonri of the
group of atara who have fwen raring around
UoHton thla spring, lie has defeated Thom-
l Ion. Htluoon and all the rest—everybody,
la fart, but llohhy Walthour. And an
^Valthour has signed hint to race hera
1 uraday and Wcdtieoday nights of next
Walthour wired I’rlnce Wednesday: "El
mer Tolllna la the best man. 1 bare algtied
Mm to ride Tueaday am) Wednesday.”
"You neter heard of Tolllna. did yon?"
Inquired Jack Prince explosively. "Neither
did many peoph* In thla town. And yet he
Is going to In* n chnniploit racer. 1 saw
him Wee two years ago mid I kuew he could
follow pace. Hut lie could never get proper
l-artug or half n chance. Now that be has
got the right kind of paring he ha* lienten
them all. It will uot be long liefore the
people will he saying, ‘You know that fel
low Tolllna, who raced Itophy hqre? Well,
he’s going to lie champion of tho world
some day. excepting Hobby.'
"And thou those who Missed the race
will kick themselves and It will be too
late. •
"Then think what It mean* that- this Is
Hobby's last appearance liefore he goe*
over for a auroiuer of racing abroad. Hup
Hpcdal to The Georgian.
Memphis, Tenn., June 'JO.—Playing gamely
to the bitter end. with a line-up which was
almost n Joke, the Georgia Trackers met
decisive but not disgraceful defeat at Bed
Kim park yeaterday afternoon. Tbo score
w*ai 4 to 1.
Het-nuae of the Injury to Captain Jordan
Mini Jim Fox was put at aoroml base and
Mtlnson brought In from the‘outfield to
play flrat. The hole In the nutfleld was
tilled by Manager Hinltli litnioelf, who haa
been out of the game for weeks. And as
though - It * were not n sufficiently weak
outfit, t'mplre - I'fennlnger ordered Evers
out of the game right at n critical stage.
Thla necessitated another shift. Hid Smith
weut behind the hat. Crosier came In from
the outfield mid played third base and
Tom Jlrighea went Into the nutfleld.
All thcac change* left Atlanta playing
with only the plteher, shortstop and right
fielder In their regular poaltloua mid nat
urally their attempt to l»eat a team wUleh
la In aa gootPriinnlug order as the Memphis
team was hopeless.
And to add to the troubles of the Geor
gians. the Memphis Imneh was iislue Its
l>est pitcher. IJebhnrdt. while Hmltli had
Baxter Hpnrks. the Mississippi Midget, In
the h$u
Jlsrd. hitting by the Bluffers ami lumpy
work by the misfit arrangement of jilayers
on the Atlanta line-up ncrtiunted for the
victory of the locals. This Is how:
rmder. If-3b. .
Winters, rf. . .
H. Smith. 3b;-c.
Morse, as. . . .
Fox. Lt».
Stinson, lb.
W. Smith.
Kvers. c. .
Ilnglieif. If.
Sparks, p.
Totals. .
Special to The Georgian,
j Memphis. June 2#.—Manager Smith will
send Harley to the' furling box today In
the hope of westlnjr at leant one game of
the series from the:rejuvenated locals.
' "Just a streak nt hard lines," he said
i thla morning. "We'll soon hit a winning
Louekw will pitch for ’Memphis.
Ily Private Leased Wire."’
nLos Angeles,- Chi.. June 3fc~-f1ftrry linker
the amateur featherweight champion from
the Olympic Club. Kan Kianclaro. r ]<>nr1r
outpointed Kid Daltou Mat' night In n rj*./.
erly fought ten-round bout. The l»aitr. n I
Baker sornp was - the feature of n ,„ r .l
made up principally of nsplrlug youngster*
Ah Wlng'a second* threw up the up..,,**
after Caeanr At tel I had put the Thlnnnmn
down In the third. Billy Wnluh bent KM
Harry In two rounda and Johny WaUli got
the decision over Tommy Leahy. Jim Trim,
ble beat the Turk. Fred McDonald went
out to Billy l/M-lie |n two rounds.
Work-outs At
One Hundred Miles an Hour
In Great Automobile Races
That’s What Jack Prince Promises Atlantans
if He is Permitted to Build Board Track
at Piedmont Park.
, "One hundred mile* sn hour.
"AutomdHile race* on a board track In
Atlanta at Piedmont Park.
"That** what you will see In. Atlautn In
the next few months If the park board
will sell mo a five-year lease ou .the track
at Pled moat PAth." Jack Prince Wed
nesday manning. t .
"Barney (Jlddejd, Kiser sod all the great
automobile racers of the world .w'lll' he
here, and Atlanta will wltnfoa the greateat
riicea ever ecru In the Workl.
There la* not today a board track for
automobllea In the world, and when this
is constructed In Atlanta. It will be
the flrat. putting Atlanta at least ten years
ahead of the times. \
have ampbt capital to build the track,
and If the park board 'will lease It for g
period of Are years I will put up a cash
forfeit. of . $1,000 that the' track. will be
built Inalde of two months.
"Whst do you-think of that? * T
"Atlanta Spirit? Certainly.
"It will reqnlre more than 1,70G.0J>0 feet
of fntnher to build the track, which will
reduce the dengcr of races to the mlnlpiuro.
and the greatest racers of the world will
come to Atlanta.
"In addition to professional • races, there
will be gentlemeo's races etch Saturday,
together with the many social features
which will naturally follow.
"An automobile aeeociatlon will be formed
and the elite of Atlanta will be members.'
It Is tbe lutentloa of Mr. Prince to appear
before the park board, which meets Wed
nesday afternoon, and make application for
the lease or the track at Piedmont Pairk.
. . .31 « H 27 13 3
Hi-orr by Inning*:
. . .noniooooM
M fin phi a
. . .000 30 1 00 •—4
Tenn. Tennis Tournament
In Nashville Next Week
With the Tennesse4» srate tennis tourna
ment at Nashville only a week off and the
."onthem championship at Atlanta only two
weeks away, doings In a tenuis way are
wnxtug warm.
Most em-ournglng re|mrts come down the
pike from Nashville about the coming evvut
l-ee and Hunt, the Mb-hlgau stars, wilt
surely nttend the Nashville tournament, as
well n* I hat In Atlanta. These men won
the Western Inteivolleglstc cbamploushlp
la singles sad doubles In 1*04: l-ee wou
the trl state chsmpbmsblp In Slonx Tlty
the same year; lu lthl nnd 1*12 Hunt wou
the gulf states championship In New Dr
ies ns; lU 1908. IWK Silt! 1*06 lie wou the
Wlsconstu ebnuiplonshlp In Milwaukee; lu
1*04 the Northwestern championship In
Minneapolis, aud In 1*C» the Intertuountalu
t hatnidoushlp lu Snjt l^ike Tlty,
It rnn readily l»e seen that Lee *ud Hunt
will make a most powerful team, both In
the singles and dontdes. and their presence
will add much to the luterest of Imth the
Teneaae«- nnd Southern tournament*.
Frimi New Orleans Post. S«-gtdii, l.evcrh h
and 'Gondfellow have already eiiteretl the
Nashville tournament. l*oat and Segutu
have played well In iHist tournament* In
Naabrllle and. they will make It Interesting
for any of the contestants In Nashville or
In this city. Goodfellow la a eaptalu In the
I'nlted State* army, and I* stathmed at
New Orleans, lie la au old Washington
*1*. <*.» player, and haa been welt up lu
several Southern championships.
Memphis will send * team to Nashville.
On It will lie Karlwr aud Ben Cornelius,
the old Vanderbilt baseball and tennis
player. Hew*nee will send her usual team.
Joe ftelden.and Palmer, and also the Per*
rick brothers. \wo promising young players. 1
Selden was one of the best baseball play
er* Jtewanee ever had and In addition to J
that Is a erark tennis and golf player.
of course the Rodgers brothers of Knox
ville will he in Nashville to defend their j
title there and to get In practice for the j
Southern championship here.
Bryan Grant and Nat Tharnton have lipen
chosen as the ofAclal representatives .of
the Atlanta Athletic Tluli at the Tennessee
slate chamidouahip and will leave next
week for the tournament. Both men nre
lu tip-top form and playing great tcnuD.
In (onaequehre they nre likely to make It
Interesting fer uny of the contestants at
President Williams, of the Southern I.awn
Tennis Association, haa la-eo notified that
a -team of fonr players may be expected
from Augusta for the Southern champion
ship. Three of the players who will prwb-
ably make the trip nre J. A. YarUirtiugh.
Marlon Itldgley and John Whitney.
Among those who will <W|^H
idouahto from a cousIderniiL „
II. I» Frremaa. of Ithaca. N. V. Mr. Free
man la a pntfeasnr nt Tornell and was
here for the tournament two years ago.
Nadeau, rf. .
IMaas. 2b. . ,
Mnutish. rf.
Ilurlburt. e.
I.leliliart, p.
Thiel, If. . .
|K»se he takes a full on one of those cement I *
tracks lu Germany. And then thetv will Nh-hoils, m.
be no more Bobby. I have seen men killed
In a second there and ! have seen them
take falls that were awful. I'gh." mid
Jack, shuddered. "Mup|»uae one of linin'
tumble* should kill Bobby—the ouly, real
champion of any kind that Atlanta ever
turned out. Then won't It be worth a lot
to any. .'I saw the last race Hobby rode lu
America.' I tell you. people ought to pack
that Coliseum. Just because It Is the last
appearance of Walthour liefore that trip
hhroad. And lieatdea that we are going
to race him a gainst the lu-st man that tho
country ha* turned out since Hobby him
self mad* Ids aJVpenrant-c."
Summary: Ttvo-lmse lilt, Xudenti. Three-
luioe hits. Ilurlburt. Croxler. Stolen Imisc*,
S. Smith. Itnhb. Xlcholl*. and Plans «2>.
Base* on hallo, off IJeldiardt 2. Struck out.
by Siairkw.X by IJeMiardt K. Hacrtflce lilt*.
Crosier. Fox, Pin**. Double ptnya, Stinson
inmtsalstedi. Time, 1:36. Cuiplrc, Pfeuufn-
The Atlanta Getirglnn ' will ion* nil new*
of the uiunteur Imsehttl! p'.n.wr*. but the
write-ups ought to. collie In conventional
form. The flrat * uTenee of every story of
a IhxII gume should contain the name* of
the tennis which played, the score, a state
ment of where the game was played and
when. A story of a bum-bull game re<-etyed
Wednesday went to the waste Imaket Iw-
cause It did md contain the more.
Aa far as (Hisslhle, storle* of nmntenr
Iwseball ’games should eontalu the score
by Innings, hit*, errors, and batteries. Full
Imix m ores will Ih- used only In ense of Im
portant amateur games.
n|H»logles to
ready that , unsigned e4iiniiiiinl«-atlona ar«'
not used on the s|M>rtlng tinge of The Geor-
Itig _
again stated that nil comuiunl-
t iw ‘ ' m
glsn. lt la
rations must l»e slguml. The signature will
uot Ih» used In the paper unless the writer
so desires. Ion It must up|ie«tr <m the corn-
uninlcatlon when It n-ache* this office. That
rule will not Ih- varied.
Aii IntercMtlng eonimunlentloii I* now lo>-
Ing held up I»eonuse of Its hick of sik’ua-
Also. It may l»e stateil In passing, lultlal*
onstltute h hlgiiatnre
Hjouinl to The Georgian.
Valdosta. Hi., June 20.—|n the fastest
game of IniII ev4>r played In’the Georgia
State League. Valdosta won from t'onlele
here yesterday afternoon by the score of 1
to o.
Bo|h Myddletou and llamsey pitched great
ball, and the latter lost IiIh game on an
error of an Inflelder.* The fen lure of the
game was the work of Mitchell on second
base for Valdosta. Ill* pUylpg retired live
men without uii error «hi line drives and
pop ups. Crowder, also of. YnldnatH. made
a phenomenal catch of - *- *
First Bnm-iimn S«i»tr dl
"I* inilll'BIH. ,11.0 0
fly liark or third,
rlld the Iteaf work for
< 'r«*W4|t*r. *a. . ... .
Bagwell. If
Mitchell. j|.
Tydi-man. «-f. ....
Perry, rf \ .
Myildletoii. p. . . . , ,
AH. B. II. I'O. A. K.
. . 2 a it 6 0 1
. . 4 o l • •• (1
. . 3 o I» 6 n o
. . 3 1 » 2 0 n
. . 3 II n I o 0
.. 3 0 0 7 3 0
. . 3 .0 I 3 0 0
..30 0 0 0 0
..30 0 0 3V0
Total*. ......
. -S 1 2 27 7 1
Harbor, a*
(belt, lit
MnvfniMirtt rf.
Ueugau..2lt. . .*
H'< lianla. 3b
l4iue. rf. ......
IlitrwiMiil. i-
IH»yo. if
Kniuvey, p
Alt. B* 11. PO. A. K.
..4b 1 0 3
. . 4 0 a 14 0 0
. . 4 0 0.1.0 1
• ..4 .0 >.fi 2 10
. . 4 0,1 2 4 .«>
. ♦ e r 's e o
..30 1 2- 41 o
. . 3 0 0.0 0 0
.’.3 « I o 3 0
Total* .
..*10>6 21 12 ,3
Nei»re liy liinlflge*
0000 iu*
. , .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o-k
n, I’rlTIt, LtM«l Wlr».
I.oulivlll,, Ky„ June 20.—Oeorte Te-
t>e*u, owner of the Loulivllle baiebell
Club,. fined IU in Die city court
yeeterday for disorderly conduct at
Kcllpee park oh June 9. when Pitcher
Kenna. of I.oulivllle, artd t'aptaln Pad-
den, of St. Paul,' engaxed In a flcht and
Tebeau objected to the police taklnc
Kenna olf the field. Haddens did not
appear and a beneh warrant -and' for
feiture were ordered. 1
ooooooaooooo 0,0 ooooo
Atlanta In Memphle.
Btrmlnchatn In’ New Orleaha.
Xunhvllle 1 In'Bhrevepori.'
Montgomery In Little Rock.'
Smimrv: ftr.t on twit*, off llnin>..v 2.
HI ruck iiiii. by llrdilli-liui ». by Itmu.i-y 2.
Ihuiblc |il«y., Itiwean to Htuui. , Time of
lame, 1:14. riuptre, t'roatcy.
O 6
■ — 0
Special * to The Georgian. „ .. O
It takes real grit to go upagnlnst luck like
this and not howl.
Can't hope to win on the road with a
crippled team. So aettle down with a de
termination to grin ' and bear It.
Team mill be bark home aoon.
It was the laat straw when Rvera was
pat out of the game. That Just put the
team all to the bad.
After Memphis. > thank goodness, the
Cracker* go to Little Rock. Even with a
lot of cripples, Atlanta can surely beat the
Wish they would release that man Quick.
Every .baseball writer In - the league has
tried to make a pun on* bit name and the
efforts bare been:awful.
seldom ran out. <
League Standings j
CLUBS— Played. Won. Loet
46 14 21
47 33 24
(7 32 25
*« 30 128
55 it 28
New Orleane
Atlanta . .
Memphlt . .
Little Rock
Club*— Played. Won. LoaL P.C.
tAucuita .... 63 ft 22 .535
Columbia % . . 52 20 21 .548
Savannah ... 54 26 26 .519
Charleiton ... 49 22 26 .469
Macon ...... 49 22 28 .440
Jacksonville . . 51 20 IX .292
CLUBS— Played. Won. Lo»t.
WaycroM . . . 35 25 10
Columbu* ... 32 20 12
Cordele .... 22 19 14
Valdosta . . . 24 18 17
Albany .... 33 11 22
Ametlcus .... 41 9 22
Clufee— Pilyed. Won. Lo»L
Baton Haute .40 28 22
Jackton ... 62 29 22
Meridian ... 60 28 22
Gulfport \
Mobile . .
Ily Private Leased Wire.
Oraveneml, N. V„ June'20.—Weather <!e,r{
trark heavy. Try unta:
Aeenmitnnt, live furloiiya In 1:0t; 3.5 iireoi-
Intr. In grand furui.
Hurvelllanee, four furlnnys in ; s- breexlat-
WIII do soon.
Water Unlit, fonr ftlrlentra lu ;5« lircri-
lattus, four furlnnffs In :57 anllni.lna
Campaigner, four furlmiKa In :54 hreeilnf.
nlee roll.
Tinker, four fnrluuya In :S6 hneslny. itaa
Ilunuln* Water, mlln In 1:41 handily. Iie.t
work of the rnernlnn.
Orereome, ai* furlongs In 1miliepin^
Couietllenne. three furlenga.ln :4) hren-
lug. Plenty of apeed.
Jaek MeKenn. aeren ftirletiss In 1:!7 gal
loping. In good form.
in All Rings
By I*rlvat® Leased Wire.
New York, June 30.—Owing to (he fact
that Charlie Neary tneked It on Chsrll*
Goodman, th«» match-maker of the l.lm-nln
Athletic Club has offerer Netry a match
with Tftmmy Murphy. They nre to inert
for fifteen rounda on Tuesday. June 'X.
The Benton Harlwr Athletic Club of Mich
igan has appointed Tommy Kynn match
maker. The first match will Ik* Benny Yati
ger nnd Kid Herman of Chicago.
Ilufe Tomer, the California llghtwrigbt,
and Dave Holly, of Philadelphia, arc (o
meet In n twenty-round, battle ut Hpokaoc,
Wash., June 31.
Willie Fltxgerald. (be Hmith Brooklyn
boxer, nnd Amhy McGary, of thla city,
bare Ihh»Ii matchml to meet liefore the
National Athletlc^Club of Philadelphia .»n
Friday night.
Joe Grim Is Jn hard training nt Bath
Bench for his IKHlt with Sailor Burk**,
which la to take plnee at the Broadway
Athletic* Club of Philadelphia tomorrow
Jeff Dougherty, the lightweight chsmplos
of New England, nnd Willie FltxgeraM
have lieen matched to light liefore the Lib
erty Athletic Club *of Bridgeport Tuesday
Rock,. AJ-k., June' iO;— O
O CfltcKoi* Ar^dtrsdn, who O
O was relsased .by* Uie.-Truvtklen O
O Monday, has gone to Shrove* o
O port, where he. has been offered O
O a 'position with the Pirates. O
O vi., . O
Chicago . .
Pittaburg .
New York
81. Louie .
Cincinnati .
Brooklyn .
Beaton . .
Placed. Won. LoaL
.67 40 17
Yale Crew Will Probably Be Beaten
Cleveland ..
New York .
Detroit ..
Chicago -. .
8t. Louis .. .
Washington .
Boston . . .
In the picture the Yale crew Is rowing a* folL^ya: Stroke, Boulton; No. 7. Itfe; No. «, Noy**; Now 6. t
No. 2. Graham: bow. Week*; coxswain. Harkalow.
NAT KAISER & CO. _ , ,
. _. I By Prtrsta LhiH Wire. .
Confidential loans on valuablti. , x , w Harm. Caoa.. May U.-lUrrard',
Bargains In unrtdetmed Dlamonda. [’* 11
72 Decatur 8L Klmb.ll Houao ZiUZ £ HW&
thl, mm. Aldnt liy a fast tide aiid
wind •'ondlttona. lb. rnagrd
down mtiram la twenty mlnntr. tra wr
onda. Jc.t rqaaltiK tk. ttenm mad. liy tfc.
for witting tbo Wg rare, for Valr a
tlmr In her two fooroill* aplaa kaa
23 mlnwtr* 94‘armada. ■
Harvard-* morfera stand pat oa tbo
lug aud* today and are not likely to
Seuth arn.
Memphis 4. Atlanta 1.
Birmingham 5. Naur Orleane t.
Shreveport I, Nashville 7.
Montgomery 3. Mile Rock 2.
8outh Atlantia.
Charieston 1. Jarkainvtlla «.
Savannah 5, Auguata l.
Georgia State.
Valdosta 1. Cordele o.
Waycroes 9, Amertcus 6.
Chicago 5. Boston 0. ,
St. Louts 2, Philadelphia 1.
Philadelphia 2, Cleveland 9.
Detroit' 4. New. York 1.
SL Louts A Washington 2.
American Association.
Columbus A Minneapolis 4.
Toledo 7, St. Paul A
Louisville 2. Milwaukee 1.
Cotton States.
Meridian A Gulfport 1.
Meridian A Gulfport 0.’
Jackson 4. Mobile A
Vlckaburg'9, Paten-Rouge 1.
boat Atlanta'* '' ; °'
team Tueoday. ia regarded a» *-"•
cf the Memphie pitchers, and ««
w. the beet in the league. He **»
curve*, speed* a good head and F* ’
tically unlimited endurence.. M*«»8
1 Babb expects that H. will prove
‘valuable ascet and that he will be
to one of the big league teams thie