The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, June 20, 1906, Image 5
U KHM- SUA). JIMS TIIK ATLANTA GEORGIAN, Book °f the Hour THE JUNGLE Are you reading it in The Atlanta Georgian? Began in the issue of Monday, June 18, and will run daily until concluded. The ‘most talkcd-of book of the century, is this novel of Upton Sinclair’s. It is the thrilling story of Packingtown—the story that laid bare the crime of the Beef Trust. It is the story of the Home of Poisoned Meat that aroused President Roosevelt and the National Con gress to action. It is the story of the Chicago Stock Yards, in which hideous truth was subtly disguised as fiction to interest and then arouse the American public. The joys and tragedies of humble people are made to portray a national outrage. Hideous secrets long hidden were turned up to the light and air when the first copy of “The Jungle” left the press. The book is well written—the tale well told. Begin reading it today in The Georgian. , If you are not a subscriber, subscribe today and get a copy of The Georgian in which the story was be gun. Telephone Boll 4927 or Atlanta 4401 and order The Georgian delivered at your home or your office. Do It Today! You Can’t Afford to Miss THE JUNGLE CITY FflOO INSPECTOR WANTED BY ROME l|>wt«r to The rirnrglau. Rome, June 10.—At the Jut meeting of the city council resolution* were pained Instructing the board of ichool trustees to choree full tuition fees for all non-realdents who.attend the public school*, also a committee was appointed to confer with the water commissioners In regard to Increasing water rates to all parties using city water outside the city limits. New Chapter Organized. Worthy Grand Patron John P. D* vis, of Rome, ha* Issued a dispensation for a chapter of the Order of the East ern Star, at Augusta. The chapter starts out Under very favorable pros pects. North ; Rom* Council Sued. The Rome Supply Company has died suit In the superior court against the mayor and aldermen of North Rome for an alleged debt of tit? on a plumb log Job..., ; . Fairbanks Company Buys. The Standard Scale Works, of. Rome, has been sold, to E. A T. Fairbanks, of Johneburg, Vt., and the name of the eatahltshmint has been changed to the Rom* Scale Factory. The capacity of the works will be largely Increued and more hand* employed. City Food Inspector. As a consequence of the packing house agitation over the subject, Al derman Moore-will, at the next meet ing of-the city council, Introduce an ordinance to provide for the appoint ment of a meat And milk Inspector. There Is no doubt but what the new ordinance will be unanimously passed. Sues N. C. and 8t. L. Richard Smith hgs'filed two damage •Ulls In the superior court against the o. C. end St. L. railway. One of the suits Is for 3150 damages for the. al- Isged destruction of his house, and the ••'her la for 111! for the deitructlon of his household good*. He claims that his houae wan destroyed by Are from a •park from' nn engine. Denies He is a Candidate. George tv. Fleetwood, of this city, dsnle* the report that he Is a candidate for commissioner of agriculture on the ""pullet or any other ticket. He said yesterday that no such no- <mn had aver entered hie head-and he could conceive of no reason why such a rumor should hav# been circulated.- Teacher*’ Inatitut*. Profeiaor O. W. Macon, of Macon, end Mlaa June H. Tucker, of Rock- msrt, will conduct the teachers’ Insti tute of Floyd, Polk and Paulding coun- >le*. which will be held In Rockmart from July 2 to g. It la probable that IIS teachers will he present at the Institution and possl- Wy 150. It will be the first combined institute of the teachers from the three <ountt* has ever been held. HOTEL ARRIVALS. AT THE KIMBALL. . Urs. Minnie Morgan; Cbattonouttn: H. II, HinHh. t'hnttnnnogn. Team.; J. It. All.-ti, Home, tin.; 'A. *ti. flail, J. A. Browner; Hnltlmore; H. Walter, Louisville. Ky.i II. E. Heal.,Virginia: II. T. Waters, North t'ltrollns; I).- I,. Worthington, Chattanooga; J. II. Conk, Mcntgmuery, Ain.: g. It. Whit. Arnold. Turk:!). .V. Ilssrott. Statesboro. «*.; J. A. lllller, Chattanooga; K. II. Mesrn. New Vork; J. L. Pitkin. New York; J. J. Reese.i Newnnn; K. I’. Hlnipnou, Tsecon: H. Cohere, (leurgia: A. C. Taylor, Nashville; E. II Freemen, tleorgls; Mrs. Freeman, timrgln; MlgimmPncs, Florida; Jerome Htarngm It. lUymnnd Newberry, few York;'II. M. Kiilsw.* knunsn City: T. T. Capstanrt. North Carolina: I’, nuslin. Cnrdele, tin.; B. L. tilnngrr, tienr- gin: II. W. Hill, tieorgla; J. E. Smith. Jr.. Dublin, On.; J. W. Brooks' New York; Ben Krdmsn. New York: T. A. Jnnee. tieorgla: T. W. Ilarhln and wife, tieorgla; T. II. t-'lsber. Chicago: F. I* Coffin. Pin- clnnatl, 11.; Mrs. M. Ilualey, Montgomery; II. C. Harlow, Memphis; J. IV. Smith, tieorgla; W. P. Woodard, South Carolina; J. P. Perry and wife, Pnwnon, On.; B. Anderson, ilduiulius, 0*.: Miss N. Williams. Cnlutnlma, tie.; T. B. Snle. North Carolina; W. 1,. MeKrun. city: C. E. Stewart, tisds- den. Ala.: 1. V. Hatcher, Augusts, Us.; W. M. Denton and wife,• Daltnn. (In.: II. 1. Smith. Ilonlou; J. !>. Williamson sml son, -- — indei Hd.; J. Monahan, 'savannah, ... Htatealwro, Os.: J. M. Mnrpbey, Statcalmro. tin,: B. I.. Cooksey, New Orleans, La.; O. C. Knight, Lgnrens, It. w. Tygsrt. tieorgla; Kyle Par*. Waco, Tex.; W. 11. Williams, tieorgla: B. Moore. Esm Orange. N. J.; E. T. Sylteater, New ■York; N. Hlrann, New York: II. R. son, HI. lamia: w. A. McCarty, tieorgla; J. “ l-scey; Cedtrlown, ti*.: B. W. Ward. tieorgla; W. C. Andernon. New York; F. A. Ilsrgrarrs. B. It. McLeod. K. Bmrboro. K. Carson, Tlfton. tin.; J. T. Moote. Norfolk; J. II. Klbley, Cnlon I’olut. tin.; W Espy. Detroit: Ml** T. Hamilton, Ms I). B. Tope and wife. K*ysnnnh; W. A. lane. North Carolina; W. A. Brooks, Oeor- gta; Mrs. J. L. Manslleld, Jasper. ti*.; J. W. Callahan. Bslnlwldge. Os.: «. F. Ten- nllle. Savannah: J. II. Hall, Maron; C. H. Flsdlsy, Ssrannsh; J. K. Rolduaon. Ken- tucky‘5, M. Young. Louisville; W. if. Bod- her. Chicago: F. C. Day, Otmrgla; E. Moore. Jacksonville: F. B. Taylor. Craw- fonlvllle; B. L. Vanxhn, t artrrtvllle, «*.; W. II. Chile*, city; w. J. Mnrphey. Geor gia: l>. 8. Sommers. tieoigU: J. Taylor. Americas; H. D. Letcher. l&IUmore- MU* J. Schley. Mis* Brlueon, Ml** J. John*on. Min M. Moore. MIn II. Certer, Min W. si.bley. Mln U Schley., tvd.mhn.; W. TV. Stark, Commerc*; J. C. Wllaon, Valdosta; O. F. Belley. S*v*nn*h; J. C. Key*. Sooth Caroline; ti. W. Alley. Deytoa; It. Bing turn. Aaheyille, X. C.j W. F. Mslliwy. Cln clnnatl: H. Cebeeo. Oeorxta: W. A. Thoms*, tieorgla; C. K. Heard, Jschsoomie; W. A. tireanam. Wsshlagton. tie.; J. A. Besnn. Wublngtnn. ti*.; Mrs. E. M. Vaughan. clt“ «r p. Wallace, Bmledge. C. Boeder. J. A. DsvU. F. DnSen. BotUd**. O*.; L. W. Smith. Oreeaahoro, tie.: J. M. Mrt‘ommona. OreensborOjtie.: D. E. Dag ger. Birmingham: J. D. Whitaker. BsIclgB. X. C.; C. M. King, tireeeabero. tin.; J. M. Augnatn; E. K. Cary. _ con; J. II, Fuller, Americas; Fond*, Madison Amerlcu*: . , . Columbus;. Idey, Datrolt: J. II, Uue.l. Tlftoi ‘ , Virginia; W. E. Dellut Ilrtuner, nsltlmorr; o. A. Carter. Ms- ■; ti. ti. Riley, , _tadlsnn: E. (I, Smith, Htatesltoro, u*.; W. H. McCaney. Tlfton, tin.; C. -II. Jacltnn. Forsyth, tin.; J. F. Lunev, North Carolina; J. J. Doming. Ilmitun. tin.: It. E. Skinner, city: T. done*, tlrroiuboro. On.; J. «. Whltfli hlrmlngham: J. II. Walxrr.FXew S'ork; T. Mobley, Monroe. On.; C, L. C. Thomna. Madison.*6*.; F. A flinlfb. Sow York; <L ". Knight and wlf*. Naw York: J. M. .lonea and fatnllr. Iloaton. (la.: W. A. M«g- lanrjv Ijoulavllla; O. Q. H«IJ, Colambua; J. ‘ nklnej. Detroit: J. it. at vn.; i. A. Floyd — Ht. IjouIs; J. A. '•rry. Camilla. S lnuatl: Mlaa Oroanwald. . C. Ilun bell, New TOrk: It. -L. Walker, Cuthbort. Oa.; Mra. R. J. Abrama. Fltager- aid, <ia.: I', M. Calgar. Wajrroaa, Ua.; Mlaa I). Illnea. Fltsgerald, (ia.; J. 1*. Coop* ar, city; II. U. Hodeatrom, New York: N. V. Pratt, II. I>. Marka, J. II. Christian, city. AT THE MARION. J. O. Darla, Lynchburg, Va.; 0. K. Par ker, Hanover. Pa ; W. A. Mill* and family, Isakewood, Fla.: It. A. Morrla. Thomaaton, H.. Halrd, Cleveland: It. F. Walker. In A. Riley, . .iHlioro. Cia.i ... „ %1L MS bnrg. Hty; K. I>. Crane, city; R. II. Lowe, Columbua; C. IV. Hmlth, Foreyth: R. D. OalMirn, f'lnrlnatl: i. II. Iturton. Laron!*; B. T. Jutland. Htateaboro; Mra. W. F. Oufland and child, HtateBboro; II. O. Eng lish. Crawford. 0«.; M.'T. Ba and era. Chat tanooga; J. E. Maddox, . W. . J. Thomas. Cl. II. Bishop, city; C. II. Wilson, Birming ham; B. C. Mlllett, Hty: Mra. O. K. llith- nian. Culloden; W. I>. Fowler, Renoia; V. A. Alnalee, J. A. Utley, Richmond; O. V. Parker, A. C. Rudd, Balt r - - luges, Danville. fJa.: W. II. iMrrvn. Jer sey: O. C. Greener, Rogeravllle, Tenn.; P. 8. Pearson, city. AT THeTbAGON. E. J. Bnab. Lynchburg, V*.; Janie, A. Johuaon. Cnlnmbu*, ti*.; E. X. Sttlb and wife, iMvton, Tenn.: U. Sank Jr., Jotfrntl; Fraud* Martin, Cbattanoogn; A. J. Smith, fin: H. W. Meadow* ’ (. tin.: J...F. Illll; PEDAGOGUES MEET BY SAD SEA WAVES BIO CONTINGENT ATTEND CROM ATLANTA. Ogorgia Teacher* Have Arranged a Most Intereiting Pro gramme. Many Atlanta teachers have lett for the fortieth annual session of the Geor gia Educational Association, which will be held at Cumberland Island.. near Brunswick, on June 21, ?2 and 23, and as the railroads have granted the usual lotv rates for the round trip. It le er lid that all of the local members oi the association will attend the sessions. The‘stay at Cumberland Island prom laea to bo one of the most enjoyable of the many delightful affairs which the association has held each year. The sessions, with the exception pf one con ference. will be he|d during the fore noon and evening. leaving the after noons free r.nulling, surf bathing, rnibbing, etc. ClimbcrUnd Island \* one of tne best placeA oh tlie coast for a good time, and with the special low rates,which the hotels have grant- **.i nil should embrace th.* opportunity " enjdylng an outing at 'elnall expanse. President M. L. lhlttain. <-f Atlanta ;pects to .have one of the largest Atlanta delegations present In the I Alexander, of this city. Is the second vide president nnd E. B. Bell, of Ath ens. Is secretary. The program for the three days’ session Ja as followe: Thursday Aftarnoon, Juns 21, 1906. I p. Ht Annual meeting Of th'* dl rectors! ' ’ y ‘ ' 4 p. m.—Annual mbetlng of the trus tees. p. nr—Oyster roast, complimentary, he Georgia Teachers’ Association. fa. Bom*, a.; W. «. iflle. New . - - , — —, trS. ! (j. C. Greener, Roferavllle, Tenn.: Mrs. Ixm I». Fen, Georgia: Mlaa Ethel Ken, Georgia: Mlaa Rtalla Catar, Perry. Oa.; Mlaa RTlta “ ; Mra. R. I*. Cater. Parry, Pate, Hawklosvllle. Ga.; laoula. Mo.i Mrs. Plmlln Gaj I>ra. w. w. Farms a. i. W. H. Baldwin. Albany, DO VOU WANT $16.00? alar’i proot of I1AC0. Why give you the 4eel*r*a profll lot asks thU profit yourself by buying direct from our faotery? . w oa Handeoeaaly finished and tight tua- atag. Don’t buy a Buggy until joen* eatmogue and grant Harness offer. Write to day fee eetologoe Fa •/ and Hamate offar. iaii i, Goidtn Eagle Buggy Co. imn*.c«. F. Ulllyer and wlfjpmiH ^a.: J. D. Hlxou. Amerlctta, Ga-Tw/GI Keel, Richmond, Va.; FaUer riaflln. New York: J. II* Ilorgovee, Eastman. On.: 0. UiiiBBi - "ann.; Mra. foon ivi r*awu ^■rnr, O*.; Catar. Farry. Oa.; Mra. H. 1.. ('aSriSj] (In.: Mra. H. A. Faie. Hawklnavlllr. 'ImJ o. V. Hah. St. r Ileidt. Wavcroee, < Rmwaon. Oa.; Mra. W. It. Ga.; II. V. Raymond, hew Orlcnna. g«n.; Fred W. Hoyt, Feraandlna; Wo. Ilradr, | New York. E. V. Kcbaroeger. New Terk; O. R r Glenn. Dablonega; w. E. Marlon, Monti K HWcry: L. B. I tall, New Tork: C. B. Mally.l H Mally, Boston: E. K. radglll and wtf'e, rnlnmbus: II, J. Charlton. Savannah; Mlaa Annie McIntyre, Mian (taste Melatyre. Nr- Haven; J. L oekee. rieveland; W. A. K arlton. Dahlonega; A. X. Page, G. J. ■ge, Georgia; J. J. Sears and wife. Atb* 8 is; II. i. !.angston, Monroe. Ga • D F. Jrown, Nashville:' F. B. Howell. Chlrugn:[ v ‘ >1. Heard. Vienna. Ga.: 8. Manuel. V Nichols, raadllla. Ga.; R. Whltahaad, ebnrat, Ga.; C. A. Htepbena, Jasper. LINEMAN CHAS. BELL IS KILLED BY FALL Chari,, R. Bell, a lineman In the em ploy of th* Atlanta Telephone Com pany, wan Inntantly killed Tuesday aft ernoon at ( o'clock by falling from the top of a telephone pole at the comer of King nnd Courtland street*. Bell had Just completed the work of splicing a wire, and wa* preparing to descend when a rope holding the araf. folding on which he stood broke and be plunged headforemnet to the ground. * etrurk a stone used at a carriage atep, splitting the akulL When an ambulance arrived from Grady hospital he waa dead. No Inquest was held, us the accident waa witnessed by eereraL Bell wa* about !( year, of ,ge, and aided at It Inman avenue. His body was removed to Patterson's undertak ing citabllahmenL Thureday Evening, 8l1S O'Clook. 1. Plltyar l>y Dr. W. TV. Landrum. 2. Address, "Welcome Home"—Jere Pound, O. X. & L' College. ' • 3. Response In behalf of the associa tion by T. J. Woofter. University of tieorgla. 4. Address, "Rousseau and Education According to Nature''—Superintendent Lawton H. Evans, Augusta. 5. Announcements. Friday. Morning, June 22, ti15 O'clock. (Addresses, -IS to 11 minutes; dis cussions, 10 to 15 minutes In length.) 1. Address, "The Place of Manual Training In tha City School* - '—Super intendent Carleton B. Gibson. Colum bus, Discussion: R. G. Coates, Ma con; Ralph Newton, Lumpkin; W. P. Thomas, Jackson. 2. Addreds, "The Plare of Manual Training In Country Schools”—M. L. Duggan, Sparta. Dlscusalon: M. B. Dennis. Eatonton: B. 8. Fitzpatrick. FHzpnlrirk; R. I.. Paine, Uncial Circle; O. D. Rucker, Alpharetta. 3. Address. "Industrial nnd Agricul tural Education"—J. 8. Stewart, Uni versity of Georgia. Dlacuaalon; W. L. Weber, Emory College; E.-B. Greaham, Waynesboro; Jr E. Brannen, States boro; li. □. Adams, Jonaaboro. .4. Address, "Hehool. Teaching aa Profession"—Predtd.ntl R. Wa .Smith. LnGrange Female,College. Dlacuaalon: Superintendent J. E. Purks, West Point; President: B. F. Pickett, Gor don Institute. ■ 5. Address. 'The Curriculum of . the Woman’s College"—President DuPont Guerry, Wesleyan Female College. Dla- cufHdn: President H. J. Pierce, Hiw- nau College; President F. It. .Gaines, Agne*.Scott. . . ' «. Address, "Educational Progress of tho Tear"—W. D. Merritt, commissioner. Appointment .. of commltleoa, an nouncements, etc. Friday Afternoon, 3t30 O’clock. High School and College Depart ment (Round Table)—J. S. Stewart, chairman. In charge.c-. Friday Ev.ning, *:15 O’Clock. 1. Address. (Technical Education In tho Georgia School of Technology" (II- lustrnted with .terooptlcon)— Profeeaor B. Edwards, Atlanta. 2. Addrees. "Sonie Problem. In.Edu cational Work"—President Charlea.Le* Hmlth. Mercer University. Dlacuaalon; President O. R. Glenn, North 'Georgia Agricultural College; W. H. Bocock. University of Georgia. Saturday Morning, 9t15 O'Clock. I. "School Improvement Work ' In Georgia"—Paper by Mr*. W. D. Hill, Athena. Dlacuaalon:, E. C. Branson, State Normal School; President M. M. Parks, Georgia Normal- and Industrial College. 1. “The School Library*'—Paper by Mr*. E. G. McCabe, Atlanta. Discus alon: -Mra; E. 11. Heard, Middleton. W. G. Davla. Thoma*vllle;eJ. jg. Col- lum,' Ellavllle. - ' I. "Departmant of- Supervision"— Chairman, U M. Landrum. Atlanta; secretary. George D. Goddard, Moul trie, (a) Address, 'Tha Selection and Training Of Teacher*,” Superintendent G. G. Bond, Athena. Dlscusaion: Hu O. B. Chapmen. Macon Superintendent E. A. Pound, WaycroM. (b) Addre.s, "What Can a Huperln- UCMn Correct Clothes for Me. SMART, SHOWY, STYLISH SUITS. | ~~~ Perfect fitting, well wearing, shape-keep ing gahnents that will delight the most fas- tidions man. Every popular pattern is rep resented in our stock. The newest ideas in men’s dress calls for the Ventless Coat. Tho reason is that^ the best dressed men have worn coats with venfts for the past few years, that the best tailors will eliminate them, and many have done so this season, and wo arc the only concern in Atlanta to show the Ventless Coat. Regard the clothes we sell with n critical eye. See if -you can find a feature that will not be worthy of the best tailors you know. We have provided for every taste. $12.50 'to $30.00. ESSIG BROS. “Correct Clothes for Men." 26 WHITEHALL STREET. TO WRING STORY FROM AGED LIPS THIRD DEGREE FOR MOTHER OF MURDERED WOMAN Police Think Old " Fence " Knows More of the Tragedy Than She Has Told. By Private Leaned Wire. New Tork, June 20.—Mr*. Rtenton, mother of the murdered Mra. Klnnan and the dominating spirit In the Bronx houso of murder and mystery. Is to be subjected to the police third degree. It L n iw Hu ponltlvii belief 'if III" police that the ngod woman knows ab solutely who struck the blow which killed her daughter and the detectlvee working on the cat* have determined upon u [linn to I'xiiiu't th" led In formation. which will lead to the ar rest of the murderer, from the unwill ing woman. 'hat sho may romo Into th* hands of the police charged with a crime I* now said to be probable, for Captain Price derlaros that he hns evldnnro that old Mrs. Htenton Imil for yciiix nml until the day of tlm d"ntli of h.-r daughter conducted a "fence" In the mysterious Bronx man-ion. The finding of the remarkable col- le' lion of good- dr. III.',I lo have lifell stolen—the anndbngs used by highway men, the daggers with the spring ('niches and oihr.-i' rlgnllliunt pain- phsrnalla— hus furnished a series of disclosures at least to the police of the career of Mrs. Htenton, If not nrtually throwing light on th" of mliriler. Efforts ore now making by the de tectives to get Mrs. Htenton Into their official control so that the third degree may be administered. The police; do not believe that the old woman la aehlln. on tha contrary, thay deScrlbo her as a most remark able woman and a natural born ac trese. THE VICTOR SANITARIUM 321-323 Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga. OPIUM, WHISKY SLrtr fflr as; Patient* do not Buffer aa they do at many Instltutlqne. Comfort of patients carefully looked af ter. Ranltarlum Is home-llko and pleasant, and not a prison, ns soma Imagine. Treatment entirely free from any harmful results. For full particulars call or address Tha Vlotor Sanitarium, or Or. B. M. Woolley, Look Box 387. tendent Do for tho Community," Su perintendent X. H. nellerd. Brunswick. Discussionk Superintendent W. T. Du mas. Marietta; E. W. Chlldo, Cnthbert: t'”n \gk School'—W. B Griffin. Stone Mountain. Discussion A. J. Berwick, Albany; D. L. Earnest. State Normal School; M. L. Parker, Hartwell. 5. Address. "The Denominational High School"—Comer Woodward, 8parks Institute. Dlscuslson: Claude Gray. Locust Grove Institute; O. F. Venable, Rockmert Institute. «. Election of officers 7. Reports of committee*. >. Adjournment. Faint Spells ■ r* TMT OflFQ IttrfbflW to blUOQIOMf, nnd tb* U trextad to catbtr- !!•*». ThU !« wTOOff. Faint aprili mar bt aecompanlH by bllloainra*. hot noMf» ■hortm^fl qf bfr«tb. •■rhinatu breath- Inc, opprMiM) f+tilng In rbrxt. vuk a* • rr apalla. wblrb •« all —tlj aymp- l.ungrr ap#II*. aro ima of n»*art waakoaaa I>on't maba tba uUtaka of frrmdDf tba atomarb wb«» tba Wart It tbo aoarra at tba tnmbla. Dr. Miles’ New Heart Cure «... . rrugthm tba oarraa and .tonar1*§ of lb* baart. and baart trouble* will dia- waa ran low with boa ft troiMs. I had falntiof apalla. aod tbooabt J would dla. I Wan tsJsf Df- Cura, and altar Takiof tbraa bottlaa. I faal tbit I am r?red.’ MR« RFFIE ri.Ot’OH. » Ellsworth Falla. Maloa. Tha llrat bottl# win twaafit. If oot ( tba drufflat will return /otir'aon?/. U8E ONE EYEGLASS ONLY. The Kryptok Invisible Rlfocals, man ufactured In Georgia exclusively by Jnn I. M'lure * Hums, glv hath fur it ti. I near vision In one glues. No tasm to annoy wearer; pieusmit for th* ay**; young looking. Many opticians try lo Imitate them, without success. Finest glasses made. Jno. L. Moore A Sons, sole makers, 4! N. Broad St., Prudential building. ••• EXCELLENT SERVICE TO V. RI0HT8VILLE BEAOH, NORTH OAROLINA. During the months of June, July nnd August the HcnlK.ard Air l.lnu Railway will operate on Ita train leav ing Atiauln III !•:.'15 p m. "ii-ry HA'I I'llDAY, » 1 hrough sl""plug cm In Wilmington. N. C.; returning tho through sleoper will Tears Wil mington Thursday at 3:00 p. m.. arriving In Atlanta at 6:30 a. m, Friday. Arrangements have been made with the street rail way people at Wilmington to bnvo cars ready at tho depot to Immediate ly transport passengers lo the hotels nt Wrigbtsvllle Beach. Baggage will be checked to destination. WEEK END rate, good for Ave days, 13.25; 8EAS0N tickets. 119.65. SEABOARD. CITY TAX NOTICE. Books are now open for payment of second install ment of city tax. Will close 1st July. E. T. PAYNE, City Tax Collector. BIG COTTON FACTORY FOR SUMMERVILLE Bparial to Tha Gaorgfan. Rome, Ga. t Jun* 30.—A bl* cotton factory la to ba built at Sumroarvllla, Ga, with a capital ftock of 9100,000. A large there of the stock le owned by Rome cepltalUte. As eoon ea the Anal arrangement# are completed, work on the new plant will begin. Daring Burglars Qet Busy. I One of the moat etrocioua burglartea reported to the police In some time la that which waa reported to have oc curred at the realdence of Frank II, Rowell. 224 Crew street, some time on Monday night. The burglars entered the houae by removing the putty from around the window panes and after gaining entrance threw the contents of the home around In a promiscuous manner. Trunks and dreesera were torn open and the contents scattered far and wide, while bedding and table! ware waa distributed about the houee in all manner of fashion. The police (have no clue to the guilty partlea. TELEPHONE TRADE The wise merchant known the vnluc of orders that oomo over tho telephone. If the fclephono is always “busy” it's equal to closing a main entrance. Bo sure your facilities are ample. Perhaps you need ad ditional Bell telephones or a private branch exohnngd Bell Service Is Satisfactory. The Rates Arc Reasonable. Call Contract Department, Main 1300. Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Co, Are You Still Paying Rent? If so, I am Surprised! Rent Receipts Remind me.of Money Thrown Away. Do you know tliat tho Stnndard Real Entato Loan Company of Waah- Ington, D. C„ will loll you a home-purchasing contract whereby you can buy or build a home anywhere In the United States and pay for ;t In monthly payments f"r lc»n limn jmi «n- now paying rent? They will lend you from 11,000 to |5,000 at 6 per cent, simple Internet, al lowing you to pity II lull'll In monthly lnHlnllmeiila of 17 id on each Ihoueand linrrowed Fur prnapertua nml i>lniiH of our proposition, call on or write J. 8L Jullen Yale*. Slate Agent, 321 Austell Bldg , At lanta, Oa. Bell phone 2663-J. Atlanta phone 1918. Truthful Hnitliag i|inlt Wanted in Every County in Ik, Stale. Fulton County JaU. V ULCANITE ROOFIN'* has the call by popular fllii vor. Costly buildings covei'„" h with Vulcanite Roofing tes'j; ' to it« merits. The accompany cut represents a monument the quality of Vulcanite, tli building being coverpd with ii- It is recommended by the Na, tional Board of Underwriters' and tho Southeastern Tariff As sociation. Enough said. “You can put it on.” ATLANTA SUPPLY CO., Sole State Agent*. W and 31 South Foray th Street.