The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, June 22, 1906, Image 11
• N Mr. Lit THE GEORGIAN’S RECORD OF MARKETS AND FINANCE J£g years’ experience • pfh In Atlnuts And j nth hat mud# htm n ree- J authority In hl» specialty. • NEWS AND GOSSIP 0( the Fleecy Staple. Prf-ata Wire to GItart & CIny. . —Liverpool 12 30 , 7 *«“*«.—urorpnol 17 no n m id 4Mglier. ei P < ’ ct,- 'l to be -Tani JHW YORK DID NOT MAKE FULL RESPONSE. uui Ao,,lD> Shn - "port, of rain drought aectlona of Tetaa. Opened at a Slight Decline and Fluctuated Narrowly • All Day. .J h0 K m *. r ! I ' t '* hrld iteaUy by buying of July by Urerpool to cloaa atrnj.llea New Orlean*. June ^.-Liverpool 5 u,. JMrmoiiHi an.I 3 to 4 on new crop la a full rPUD'UlRP. An nrireneo nf ak .... «a _ _, _ . # gpot la Liverpool advanced 7 points to- lay to 6.12d on sales of 10.000 bales. futures opened S to S points up, which vsi better All nround than expected. Ksir York should hero opened at some 2 pilots sdrsnce on this showing, but In- itesil the session started 3 to 6 points low- Ir the decline being attributed to reported the decline being attributed to reported C j Texas nnd sunshine In rhe At* at!.- ststeu—conditions ninklng for Ideal crowing weather for cotton. *A continuation of this condition will In- mre « fslr yield of the world's most lm- Mrtaot product alone produced by thf farmers 1h '* f * onth an, > by nil peo ple of the world, the demand and con* sumption of which Increases each year, un til now condltlona that would benefit the crop does not result In paulcky markets, — las been the case in past seasons. * ■ Much stress hns been laid on the Texns droncht. s condition always considered ad verse; for the same reason too much moist* ■re in the Atlantic states waa freely com ■sated on, yot a reversal of theso con dlfons was .without perceptible effect on spenlng prices. This, with active trading SfbV w!ither°bureau gives specs! rainfall a ll'ini UN IUIIUH*. IJiniau, 4.011*1* ■as. .10; Pallas, trace; Ft. worth, 2.M; g&fihT .76: Lamps*. JO;-Longview, .08; la, .22; Nacogdoches, 1.18; Palestine, Bast i’arls,' .84; Sherman,' .26; ’Taylor, .01; V , . Wnxahnchl**. ,'N; I .*mi.I»*. truce. 8P0T COTTON MARKET. New York—flit _ w ...... New Orleans—Essir, 10 Liverpool—Kesy, 6.1M. Augnsta-Stesoy, lH4c. Ha vansh—Quiet. 10*4c. 8t. Lnuls*^Quiet, 11c. Norfolk—Steady, lOfcc. RANGE IN NEW YORK COTTON. M Lasl Previous «w. Sale. Close. Close. MMiMM 10.87*40 1044 1041*94 104 10.34 10.0*34 10.* 10.18 10.16-81 10.41 10.4S-4S .1041 10-84 10.81 10.34*86 10.»-40 10.0,10.84 _____ 10.86 10.86 1041 104MI 10.41*4 0.47*4 10.47-47 104141 r«D •• .... ..... Mill ••••• 4V.H “ < iV.BiW Meh ..10.61 10.66 1048 10.66 104446 10.6840 Closed steady. RANGE IN NEW ORLEANS COTTON The following Is the range In cotton futures In New Orleans today; Open. High. I,ow. Sale. Close. Close. ..... ..... 10.74 10.81 .,10.17 10.V1 10.82 10.86 10.86*86# 10.91*92 10.62 10.47 10.47 10.48-60 10.53-64 10.45 10.48 10.44-46 15.47-80 vet. ..**«• iv.- 10.27 10 82 10.31*82 1*36 37 Not 10.83-35 ia87*39 bee „10.» 10.» 10.31 10.86 10.3546 15.89-40 Jan. ..10.48 10.41 10.42 10.42 10.41-42 10.46*47 fab .. .... ..... 10.584) if ‘ u-h "1o.ii islet islis islis dread doll tat ntredy. LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET. Liverpool, Juno 21—12:15 p. in.—DC ran nd Spnt MlM of lO.OUO bftlM nt r- -».-«»-*i w* i points should not be c looked as a remarkably strong feature. The western and eastern forecasts are all for fair weather today and Friday. * Oar advices from the eastern belt lndl* cate a slight deterioration owing to a little much moisture and the prevalence of Weld says In reference to yesterday'6 ilnirSfftiM* at opening oii continue*! liquidation nf July. Do sot think It over y®t* HWBnfsi la afternoon on buying on continued itr.iiir-hf In -Totno •• * * continued drought in Texas.' Map shows excellent rains In western rc-ntrn Tex,,. Fort Worth rereivtng jo*. .nUMUM .OS tad Toy lor .01. But of tta Ml.alnlpnl hnrdlT nny rain b„ fallpn, nnd the nrentber la clear nnd warm. The market hold! remarkably ateady. de- ,plto th. fact that Central Texan baa had I nln »- I-J—rpaoTreblaa are all bullish owing to the excellent foreign look. like old bnlla are telling July and bnylng new cropa. PrlTtt. Wirt to Ware it f/eland. New York. June 31.—The Commercial saya: -There baa been n mnnlfe.t lmll,po«|. tlon to pay any attention to th. Taxa. alt- nation ao far. biit eery day th. mark.t la reallxlng Hint Texaa la needing rain very badly, and ihnt the atory that it la only the nan-cotton producing section that ia Buffering from drought will not do to hand around nny longer. The Itranaed warehouse slock here de creed 1.326 bale., touching 130,(73 bnles. or 1I.300 bales Ira. than on June i. Tha rertlnrated slock decreased l.VS bales, and cables: “Market nerrona, fear, ecllne In New York, bat f/lrer- i he benrlah, with snots 23 over New Orleans. June a.—Hoary rains are shown In East Texas. Otherwise the weather map Is dry. Relief lias undoubted ly l*een glr.n to aome, but not all of tha drought area. . Future, an qolet, and their undertone li easy on reports of rain In Texaa, especially In thoie aectlona front which the hot win'] telegrams came yesterday. Those who ore to sell out. Spots quiet at nuotatl sales of about 200 bales. The 27th. Is notice day on July. It Is ml* tost Impossible to trade In It now. urc. Lota of grass; labor scarce. Ealnlng at Haslebarst, Hiss. Liverpool cables? "The feeling hero la bullish on summer months. The chances are In favor of market Improving unless rains hare sot In." GIBERT A CLAY’8 DAILY COTTON LETTER Receipts, LOW; American, 5)0. Futures opened steady. m*£m ar © Uly 5.814.83 6.80 5.78 T •“ JUr-Augast Any.-dept. Rest.-Out Oct.-Nov. 5ot. Pec. Dec. Jan. Jid. Fsb. 71-6.79. 8.75 5.W 6.684.64 4.64 Jill lil? BiM “ ti is 6.604.61 (l i.Li TODAY’S PORT RECEIPT8. The following tablo shows receipts nt the ports today, compared with the same dsy Ust j-ear; Mobib- ... -J. HAraimnh , SSSSbrjL v;. Norfolk Hoatoif ... ,,, ... .. Philadelphia ' To- Pensacola 8. E I 1883 6744 2277 INTERIOR MOVEMENT. v ESTIMATED RECEIPTS. New Orleans expect, '■» to 1.000 b«l«d. *«aln,t 7413 tales actual la«t |„r. OaWaw Ion expects 1.000 to 14M tale,, sgalnt MM bole, actual last yrsr. lion pm, uB to woo — •ctusl last year. COTTON SEED OIL MARKET. . New Tark, June 21.—The market for cot ton wed oil was notice nnd weak, and ■lea in the early call amounted to 1,300 barrels. There waa farther liquidation of long OH. with an ab«cnce of aupiiort. It Is 'je*Sp a, the door among traders waa that on. offering no support, :,iel to be Home eililenc* of ham- 1 ring far the purpose of staking out lose "II. SSow -T..|. iI.Mv.Tl,-. were com pstn* tlvely steady. 'Price, at the dose were um ■»dtoItc»r '•t-nngtd Opening. 7une i OK 7sir ...' MWBmi b-itember .; ...3( t-toher ... ...34 fin's 13*.U34 Noremhse ,3|t,e31S. 21 0314 .21 011 >1 J)*.5ll4 steady. INiv Orleans, Jane 23.—'The feeling Ini Liverpool, nr. ordlug to some cables, stilt 1'i‘iuaImn bullUh. but with mop* cNporinl reference to the summer inonthA, nnd whenl o.iinbl.TAtloti is tnkrn *.f the lnrg<* m»1iiiu«* of huslnes done In spot cotton from day! to day. It appears ns though the foreign sentiment Is well grounded. Today's sales amounted to 10,000 bales at an advance of 7 polqjs, while options recorded a gnln of odp point on near positions nnd one polut less on the distant months. Tho continued but spnsnindlc* liquidation of July alone prevents the market from lapsing Into an[ almost complete state of stagnntTon. Tha trade Is attentive, but with little concern recording the outgrowth of this position nnd with It finally closed, a better specula Htc basis with regard to new crop monthi will in all probability have foen estab lished. Halos have at Inst fallen in Texas, nnd while they have not occurred in those SHARP ADVANCES SCORED AT START STOCKS OPENED WITH SEN TIMENT VERY BULLISH. A Flood of Stock for Sale Later andJPrices Sagged Sharply. By rrivate Leased Wire. New York, June 2L—The development of an unfavorable nature In the steel trade, hlch did not become publicly known until nfter business had* closed last night, ab* yesterday** lucideuts had caused. __ don the whole market was encouraged by tti4* r4*duction of th** Hank <>f Knglnnd rut** ments were higher on this news, American stocks Jn particular going tin H point to 1 polut. Hut lu spite «»f this lend, the open- «»U here was extremely Irregulnr and the pressuro on all classes of the steel Issues nt once became apparent. The Southern Iron stocks, which were particularly coo rented with tho dissolution of the Southern Furnace Men’s Association, broke rntber sharply. Hut tlw li.-u\y ►••Illng <’f ' murulug converged upon I'nlted Hteel snares, which l»roke frsctloi low tho low points of last week.* It was urged as a reason for selling tftatee these stocks that, while the rupture in the foundry Iron market wna n matter of small consequence In Itself, it might tw the more general and more formidable reaction later on. Wbati waa equally disturbing to the stock: mil* La, IvniiM/u 41ts ilsiilliiss In 1 * n I * Sil <tn ta,s ket, besides the dacUuas In United States Steels, was tho weakness In Pennsylvania, whbh yielded with surprising •■ns** moderate telling movement. lief that other of tho Pentyl van lary companies will toko similar action, the small demand for tho slinrea of the preseut stock was uaturnlly disconcerting. DROUGHT IN TEXAS THE DOMINANT FACTOR New York, June 21.—The New York Ban _jys: The advance lu cotton wos due to continued drouth In Texas—maximum tei continued drouth In Texas—maximum tem perature of 100 to M2 degrees—unexpectedly strong Liverpool cables, with larjpt s^»ot sales there, reports of boll weevil ly, August, October an*] leading spot Interests and miscellaneous covertn ton estimate was good deal of es, tho I Ions* many felt that after the recent decline. lit the eastern section of tha belt It Is clearing up. and that Is the kind of weather wanted there. Tho attention of most people is riveted on the situation in Texas. Koto is neodod all over that state, hut especially In the south ern part. But for the uncertainty about July there would douhtles ho more atten* In Texns. Mr. Price Is stippoL sold several thousand bales to Foil Hlver at 18 points on July. This rumor waa In circulation avnrywhere In the afternoon. Boom shorts covered on the Texas drouth. Hatns In Georgia were resumed.—Glbert A Clay. friended th** staple nnd nf th** <-f y* - ItenSay'i cotton- market the talent passed up the usual formality of airing Its vlawa York bought the new crop persistently enough, high temperatures and reported hot winds over Texas giving impetus fb the supporting movement. Meanwhile, in the face of aueourafiiig cables, ovarcsmfldaoi Now Orleans scalpers sold the July option RANGE OF NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Amalgamated Copper Atlantic Coast Line 4 mart cap Bugnr Iteflnlng..., Anaeonda L ___ American Locomotive do preferred. Anicrlcrtn Smelting Heflnlng.. 1o preferred Atchison do preferred ___Jtlmort and Ohio.... Brooklyn Rapid Transit Canadian Pacific Chicago nnd Northwestern ,,, Chesapeake nud Ohio Colorado Fuel nnd Iron Central Laatber. lirai litatner do preferred Ch/c«gr# and iirent Wetton * Chicago, Milwaukee and SL Paul Delaware and Hudson Distiller's SecurlttaaT., Illinois central American lee Hecurltles Louisville nnd Nashville Mexican Central Missouri Paetde New York. Ontario and Western v ntlonnl Lead Northern Pacific.. [ow York Central Norfolk and Wastern Pen nay Iran la People's Gaa Pressed Bteel Car do. preferred..... Pacific Mall...,. JtepublTc Steel Mock Island..., «!■*. ithern Railway do. preferred Hina* Sheffield mnassee Coal and Iron xas and Pacific nlon Pacific Jnlted States Steel do. preferred Virginia *'urollna Chemical do. preferred Western Union Wabash do. preferred... Wisconsin Central do. preferred NOTES ON GRAIN Pointers on Provisions. Private Wire to Ware & Leland. rtonm early bidding for wheat, but they don't want it No special demand for wheat ao far, and the market is nttle Siift. If get cliauce to buy around b3c would take ou some. there Is a little demand ami iij Nunrr |Mnvn. tniuf iu rib* only fair: July pork ateady: September and January lower. No particular feature. ^Chicago Inter-Ocean* Cash business In wheat In Chicago yetterday was 152,WW bushels, including 40,000 No. 2 red. said to TIPSJTiASHED From Wall Street »ort* of a reduction tt.i- nmrnlug In the nk of England rate, following the plac- r of llnltliuore nnd Ohio on a higher dlvl- i ancceeded tha sue* There ia bullish ulk on Union Pacific, t. Paul, Pennsylvania, Baltimore and Ohlq^ Norfolk ana Western, Chesapeake and Ohio, a nd Copper, hut hardly think any dividend Is likely on (Southern Pacific for •ome time ahead. but ou good a • I Yl. .. -...—.... _... „ on all the active stocks, and Irregular market, h proved the general financial ware congress out of tho way we believe tho mnrk.-t would *iuI• 1;!\ |iN.*ir from the trading rut Into which It has fallen, despite the unsettled Russian news, ket has widened the field of discussion, but hns probably not deepened conviction*. This policy on the part of the Interests In eon trol of toe Pennsylvania group of Increas ing dividends, at a time when large borrow ings aru being contemplatod, should bo columns this morning contain reports of dlsturbancu In the Iron trndo and sales In Birmingham under prevailing nriecs. This relates to foundry Iron, as markets are bare of Bcucmcr. Pacific yesterday was of ilie bent ilia er, nnd 1 expect to see It sell 10 polm htgt., Uptown Sentlmont: The very favorable hnve nevertbeles been < IBS CRUKUt -.or, than Debt precipitation, r. nclrj, hower.r. »n,r ,,i"h a pro- ^ ' '• * high t longM dry iprll to offMt th, high trapara- Jurv, that ,xt,n<l atl am th, gmt ,tat«. Oar adfirea from th. lnt,rlor conr.y tha lni|irc,Htnn that crop prospect, on th, whole continue good, ami that thq plant It morally In nn cxcllcnt Mata of eoltlra gene lion. In um. localities, however. In tbo Atlantic atattfl, sonic alight deterioration la otaorvcfl owing to a Uttle too much raotatnr, and to tho pretateaco of grata In the acid,. WARE A LELAND'8 DAILY COTTON LETTER Now York. June 21.—Ilcporl, of a few •faowera In Texaa surlcd a decline In tho cotton markot this morning, tat in, under there woo very Hill, cotton ror aaie arter prior, had slipped off a few pot a la. Weak- nest la th* stock markot tat to man or loss liquidation In July, and this option loot pm of th, advance (cored yesterday, rainfall la Ton, was comparatively InViTof.alack aid U of an Inch rcpcc lively. Elecwkrre the map waa dear aad predfctlooa for fomotrow obowod no change ,th«, aad while the hoary "lao uarly la the ooaooa led to good nr.dcrgrooad cob- dltlona It. la not unfair to asy that tha Texas sltaatton la growing serious, na re acted by the wntker bureau on Turjdgy. a,,, good. m»U V T*. HUBBARD BROS.’ COTTON LETTER Now York. June tt-The liquidation of he July holding, coatlusoa. Aowlag the Sfth^“I™?** t*' vine, la that delivery, aad It,L drellao ta« ■ ffcctrd the new reopo. tbonrt the latter have wrakrnM also under tb, opparent been rumored In various localities and tbe 'Sided general rain U thought sow not far £ff. ltuatnees I* OMderate. bough a much greater lta~oltloa to reU Is ,£«wn. At- taama crop report, are very flee, with OS KTS* «TOS.»S f.,r fnil restoration of wsgts. GIBERT & CLAY iTdCNa mono*. i ■. ALAtaMA »r. ggy^agsaais ones. Home of tbam bought hark ths % cod< — -.-J*?* tractsi nt n loss of nrarly 81,s bale, rirarly. tho simple llf« Is tho real thing for t ■mall fry now. Tbo public is out of th* gamp nnd tbs big fellows ara entirely too rMsurcsful to lssvs say crumbs for the . sen brought Into sports! prominence Is the sustaining forrp of ih*« rllff dwsllsra* memory as opposed to the hslf-hesrtsd bops of tho old-tuBt bur, Crop-scsra Is ovorl due. and aome enterprtrtag longs trtod tol develop one on tho hot "winds of Toxss'1 taken wholly serious. —Wars ATLANTA MARKETS. Limes 78 to SL Bananas, straight*- per hunch $1.50 to 81.75. Gulls, per bunch, |1 to $1.25. . 8trawborrles, Georgia stock. 24-qnart crates. $1.60 to $2; Tennetses $1 to $L60 per crate. ’ Wntermolons, $15.00 to $20.00 per 100; do- POuCtKV AND epONTBY PRODOCF— Ur. hen, K to 37Hc: Mob 224 to 74c: Kt^p l 5dd?.^to «Sl?. d ’ Kk *' Prt ' n ** Drmrd heua. per lb., lie to Uc; dreared turkeya, per Ih, 13c U 14c; very doll. EsstrfTujrw’ifc «4c : •«. "fioSTA'V &; I. 14b. rack. 1. PO 7 1 '7Sck N0 '»M ^Reeta, cabbage cratco, por crate 32.23 to K ’ la toes, per crato, 32 to 32.C0. as, grm, per crate, 31 to 31.23; wax M 8qusvii. yellow, 31 to 31.23; white TSc to 31; mart,t oreratneked development, elilrh occurred, taken Id eon- ■ -,* “ ■' B, Summary of yesterday stock markot by Dow, Jones fe Co.: Aiucricnn stocks In London firm, % to H sbovo pndty. Kentucky railroad commission makes _ sweeping cut on rates chargsd by Iroulsvlllo and Nashville and#1111001* Central. STOCK 8ALE8. 11 a. m.. . 12 noon.. 1 p. m.. . 2 t». ni.. . Total.. . 219,M shares 4.'4/"M Nlnr**B 616,000 aba res U4.IOO shares 1,044,700 shares v 61 _ future. Tin* decline in tin* i.unk rat** It particularly sijinlflcnnt. being not only PMHHHPmw tMvy IM* tlons In Europe.^ but clcsrlv indicating that tho managsrs of that Institution are wise disturbed over ths Russian situation. Prlvats Wire to Wars ft Lslnnd. Now York, .fun** .1 London firm itf ‘4 to H up on foreign, and home operators buy ing. duo to tho Bank of England rodnclng its rats to SH. Largs i United f ket was n lUtis Batter than fool tho opening, with a steady demand for r ts at on sdvonrs of 7 points. However, ro seems to bo strong opnoultlon In Now York to any advance at tUs time. There wos every Incentlrs for s strong opening _ raathy conditions In snath ern Tasns, but, Instend, h**nvj Nulling start**! iu at tbe opening end the market waa under pressure nil the morning. It Is tras (here was some buying on the recss* brokers scemod to hare lots of July for sale and tho market was unable f» ad vance. Th# moch'toutsd Mli appear to are said . _ . months, claiming that developments soon Indlrate that cotton Is cheap nt pres ent prices. But they seem to bs willing to rapt on this assertion sad nro doing t**rv little. In/the meantime weather reports nnd crop sows ore being watrhsd cloasly, and any little ebanso in conditions will bt aptly reflected oy prices. CucuraKrif par crste. 60 to 71c, market wall storked. Fetches, per crate. $JJS tO$M Old Irish potatoes, per basbel, $1.23 to $1.8$. Mweet potatoes, per trashd, $1 to $L*. Kplaacb $1 }>#r bosbol. Cherries, 24-qnart crate, 32.W to ft Cnntnloupen, pc- crate, 37 to 37.40. ItUektarHre fi t. 34c quart. Dewtarrteu *) to lr*- qaart. FLOUR, GRAIN, PROVISIONS. rLOCR.—nuMto Elegant 14.*; plamond . ,wh.«. JUaa.-CSOKV rwi COO Ift, IV 14c; No. t yellow TSe: mixed 72c. OATH.—4’boles- white clipped •!*; choice mixed 48c. nilRMfi; ATLANTA. OA. TB# SDore prir**« arv s- •- n. «n *•*• - • • • o ROC ER I ES- M'GAR—standard muulatfd «c. N.W York HvOacd 44 to <4; plantation, 4 to 4S". i*OFFnE*-Eul,t-t ArUuekla’a 3l*J»; hoik, ta tag, — barrels, 17V; green 17 w |De. Starlet weak. It ICC.—C, retina 44 t- 74*. according to grad.. Mark.t very ntroog. HAVE YOU ANY MONEY AHEAD? I« It InYested where It la perfsctly itfs? Ia It available now It FORTUNE ahould knock at your dooft Prepare youraelf to tako advantage ot opportunity by Inventing your ttavlngB In this bank, where they will earn tH per cent COMPOUND INTEREST, bo per fectly aafo and avallablo practically on demand. CENTRAL BANKS TRUST CORPORATION, CAPITAL $500,000.00 Ata 0. Candler, President. W. H. Patteraon. Vlc-Pr.aid.nt, A. P. Colas, Cashier. John 8. Owana, Vice-President. Wm. D. Owens, Aaat. Cashier. is. Ind ho at »c. In store; 6d,0U) No. 3 hard nt 2Uc * “ north- under July la ,toru. end 4D.OM No. I i ilao 12,000 mixed lots. Jh9 provision pit figures that. Hwlft has slfjhs pork sod may squrase ths July deMver thsm on Beptembcr shies. This will idvei him two months In which to dlsposo of tha un# 2!.—NVhest cables show poor response to our advance yesterday and early weather reports are favorable. This may create a little selling tendency St the opening, hut we art having a broad trade and the I Hill possibilities on weather can put prices s good deal higher than excess taken 2,000,000 to S,000,« E remiiii grit III Iin/ r •Is of v 6oc for Heptemher. Tho Cincinnati Price Current says: ter wheat harvest Ittglnnlng with li tlons of^good quality nnd yields good MMPfiVPWdtnel packing 604,000, against I ■Wheat opened t little firmer with corn strength, and on limited offerings. Trade IMl and only little demand to hold prices on ths opening. Weather uortb#eat southwest clear and fsvorsb for new crop wheat ' STOCKS REVIEWED BY NEW YORK SUN York, Jans 2L—The San says: New Htartlng la with considerable advances all nround, prices yielded at tbe end of tbe first hour, not so much on account of the presence of stocks as a suipenslon of de* nd, whether It came from pare bases, shorts to cover or from a legitimate ir trlhutod tho murk•—I strength trading opened. Perhaps LflHMHV factor In the whole day's btiBluess was ths Perhaps the dominating .. VJ . — — .e day's biislne— «*— llaltlmoro nnd Ohio <IlTi«leo*l qi early In the session it It Ml rnlin lil luDcMnHNpmmviMiiPiRi of the common stock would be Increased from 6 to 6 per rent. Another favorable matter was the Inaagumtlon of dividend [payments on the common stocks of the Mife/. bnt this ■millRPMPiia that It ss- erted llttlo Infiuenco on the price of the Istock'Itself, although It was naturally not. entirely without effect at the general sent I- pent Bjmtberu Pselfle mSde about the llargent advance of nny active stock on tnlkj of ths ns«r approach of dividend action REALIZING SALES CAUSED DECLINE WHEAT GIVEN SUPPORT AT EARLY LOW POINT. Slump Was Quickly Recovered and Forced Above the Previous Close. Ily Private Leased Wire. Chicago, June 21.—Closing price* showed considerable Irregularity along the entire grain lino, 1-4 up to 1»90$*41 off for wheat, 1-8 01 *4 off for corn and 1-80S-8 off for oats. Late in the day there wore messages from different parts of Oklahoma claiming that wheat Is threshing out only 6 to 10 bushels por acre in soma sections and 10 to 12 In others, in which much more Is expected. The •"l ' Hi'li hu.I t*Mtlf<iry reports an average of Id bushels per acre. There was heavy buying on these re ports and prices advanced later. This was mot by good selling. In the Northwest conditions were reported ss ideal, th# Market Record e.tlmnttnff tha crop of tho three stare, at 22,393,- 000 buahala In oxceas of last jrear'a final ffovarnment report Woodbury, of Mlnnmpolla, wired that tho mills Minneapolis, wired tost tno mills up there are still cloalnk down owing to a lark of demand for Hour. Argentlno shlpmenta ware catlmatad by Broomhfill ut 1,600.000 bushel, of wheat anil 2,300,000 hut-hrls corn, com pared with 2.316.000 and 2.136,000, ro- »p«ctlvcly, a year ago. t'oare. grain, ct»,cd rather alow and to |\ l‘ loll* dull Cakti ,ntoa here wore 30.000 wheat, 103.000 corn nnd 14,000 oata. Primary recent a: \vhent, 211,000, and corn, 623,000,' compared with 27.1,000 and 609,000, respectively, a year ago. Clearances for tho dny wore 141,000 wheat, 167 corn nnd 1,000 oata.- CHICAQO GRAIN MARKET. Tha Chicago grain market a. fol low ■ today; Previous ■ Open. High. Low. Cloaa. <.ln»*. WIIEAT— ily. . 344 134 Kept. . 331a 94% - B(. Dtal - • 944 *4 M4 k34 jSr 6 ™- 111 Dee. .. IliJ .•*. M D#e. .. OATS— 62 5l T i 504 PORK— July. .17,10 *lept. .11.70 LARD- 394; Hept. "et, ii B.rv M1DBH- S:2 1.90 $.70 8.82M 8.» 8.70 s *i74 8.874 E .: ii ir 0.17 8.974 Wheat Corn .. Oats .. Hogs .. LIVERPOOL GRAIN MARKET. Wheat opened S higher: 1^» p m. »* to higher; eluaed 4 to *i higher. * higher: 1 p.m. 4 t*i 4 to H higher. igi ■corn opened higher; eiosed 'referred stork might ... •I holders nf the common, whlln It was •ISO rapovtad that staipments of earnings, delayed on account of the destruction of records In the Han 'rrsnsfsro lire, would make n good Impression when published In thi> iipnr fniiipn *■ i:it.i r• - — the near future/'-4Jlhert a Clay. NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET. Tbo following tsjire gives the opening nnd eloslng quotatldhs for roffoe f»»r future delivery today In New York: Opening, tBSl:::::::::: Juno July August.. .. .. M , September October.. Norembsr.. .. ,, Dersmhsr.. .. .. , Closed steady. PRIMARY MOVEMENT. The following figures give tbe primary ATLANTA NATIONAL BANK ATLANTA, GA C. E. CURRIER. PraaldanL A. E. THORNTON, Vlca-Pr«aldanL H. T. INMAN, Vlgi-PrMldant. OEO. R. DONOVAN, Caahlar. JAMES 8. FLOYD, Ait’t Caahlar. Capital $500,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits $500,000.00 We Solicit Your Patronage. ICMhCMi N-* Tort Rtort *xyh.ata[N*wOrl*.a.CottoB Ex-haareirhlreitaBoard^Jrad-^^ York C C&re llctaSr si: Or'™*’. nSTrd of TreS. U.l.S^n Cot.-.a F.„ ta„* ; Private Wires to all Exchange*. „ H ''P r Local and Lang Diatanoa Talophona 8BS. W. R. FAOAN, Managor. pvvsd TV IIEKm-Pancy foil cress*, fists 14c; twine 18%r; kVia 4r. Market strong. PROVISIONS —giitireme turns, 144c. Cal- I for ills hams 104**. D rj salt extra ribs 8.76. bellies lbs. 10A0. fat litrks W. pUUS lsnl 10. fccow Drift com* WM. L PEEL President. ROBT. F. MADDOX. Vice-Pree MADD0X-RUCKER BANKING CO. CAPITAL SURPLUS AND PROFITS . ACCOUNTS IMVITEO $200,000.00 $500,000.00 We fnvite accounts of individuals, corporations, barik« nnd bankcre and offer the best terms consistent with conservative banking. In our Havings Department we allow Intsrsst at the Rats of Z 1-2 per cent, c’L>mpojindsd 8eml-Annually. j flgui _ .... ■ Ilf '.r ll'-il I Mild ■ ■ Wheat receipts tods/, WM I.ushels, against 2&l.«w bushels fast year: shipment■ today. $M.(n) huibsls* against lliooo bushels last yssr. rsrn reeeipts today. 633,000 bushels against Onp.000 hushels last year: shipments today. ■6.000 huahete, against fn.^u bushels lost yssr. • NORTHWE8T CARS. Following table gl\re the nqrtirw of grain tudsy, last week and last Todsy. Week. Year. SOUTHERN EXCHANGE Oldest Established Office South. CO non—STOCKS MMDS—Mill Ground Floor shiuld Ilulldlng. Dally market letter and market manual mailed on application. L J. ANDERSON ft CO Bankers and Brokers, COTTON, STOCKS, GRAIN Cormpoidnt's Capital - $250,000 •SSCrKMEMCK. TM* NBAL SPANK PHONE f 4«T. eSUOCNTIAL I HUBBARD BROS & CO., COTTON Atlanta Office., 219-721 Century Building. Member. New York Cotton Exchange, New Or- lean- Cotton Exchange, Liverpool Cotton Aaao- rlation, Chicago of Trade. Nt-w York Cof fee Exchange, New York Produca Exchange. Du»ine,a aoliclted for the above exchangea. Direct wire aervlce. Correspondence Invited. Phones 334, Long Distance 39. A.S. Hustaca, Mgr coTTON^Gfum, 'pro^is^&nsStocksPbonds, *«. 2 Wtll SPtftra fBi/dlef, AHaafa. Ca Ntm Orlt$nt Caftan lithtif« iftrraoaf Caffaa Aiaa<<*noa hlvaft Wlttt fa Saw fid, Ntm Otlttnt, Chitaqo. Ckltaqa Baard af Trada. Ckittqa Stotk (idatti Nam Tat‘ “ * ifatk I 'ark Caffaa Ci<Sa**a. f. C COT Mi A* Maaaai Standard Tkaaa 23ft PIEDMONT BROKERAGE CO., (Inosrporstsd.) Bsssmsnt Floor Plsdmsnt Hstsl, STOCKS. SONOS, CRAIN. PSOVISfONS, NVCSTMCNTS. Fsst Wlrs Sorvics from Nsw York, Naw Orlosns, Chicago. COSSESPONOCNTS H. «|. SAGE A CO- 42 SSOAOWAY, NEW VOSH tow. NOTH. Maaatar. La<al aad Laag Pittance Ball Tkaaa 1SB1. ■.-SS . la.