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the atlaWA 'Georgian,
HwiM S$nrt, Nra Tsk.
Completely renovated and refumlihed
_ Tk» largest and moat attractive
na» been newly opened up.
Special Inducement! to COMMER
CIAL MEN with eamplea. Thirty large
and well lighted SAMPLE ROOMS,
with or without bath. Forty large
front suites, with parlor, two bedrooms
and private bath; suitable for families
or parties traveling together.
The Old English
Grill Room
Is an innovation. Unique and original.
All exposed cooking. Sea food of all varieties a specialty.
Our Combination Breakfasts are a popular feature.
The German Rathskeller
ji ^roadway's greatest attraction for special food dishes and popular Music.,
European plan.
_ r 400 Rooms. 200 baths. Rates for Rooms. S1.50 and upward; $2.00 and up-
I w td with bath. Parlor, bedroom and bath, $3.00, $4.00 and $5.00 per day; Par-
I Id. two bedrooms and bath, $5.00, $6.00 and $8.00 per day. $1.00 extra where
1 t persona occupy single room.
Write for Booklet.
Register your views on this subject by tilling In this bsllot with (X)
marks and mall to “Park Editor, Atlanta Georgian.”
Do you favor tho general propo
sition of the desirability of acquir
ing small tracta of land In central
portion of the city for park and
public comfort purposes, and per-
poiunlly maintained at such?
Do you favor the calling of a
meeting of cltlxens and Interested
persons within 30 days to form a
teminrary organization?
Do you favor the chartering of a
permanent "Civic Commission,"
under legislative authority, to se
cure donation* and maintain a per
manent organisation for the exten
sion of the work as outlined In plan
suggested by J. O. Rossman In
The Atlanta Georgian, June 11?
Do you favor the Issuance of
1000,000 bonds by the city of At
lanta for the purpose of securing
at least two sites, one on the north
side and one .on the eouth side?
X In Squtre Indicate* Your Choice.
. Address..!
nerlil In The Georgian,
snuiunnh. Os., June It.—By posing ns nn-
other primmer who lmd money depoelted In
b>- police safe, L. It. Kee.1 (MCMW In
Iraslng the money of D. C. Fletcher, of
'Vinnsvlile. who unit been arrested on n
Haree of druukennes*. lie w«« flushing
it money nt the time end the nffleers
l.kctl him up for safe keeping, Early this
■ ‘ Ig Heed prevailed on the turnkey to
_i sergeant know that be conld give t
*h I tend, and was brought Into the offlre,
«-rr he signed Fletcher , name and tot a
ckage containing oeer I1W and a ticket
ThomtSTlIle. The trick wee discovered
• niornlsg after Fletcher's. release, when
asked for his money. Heed I* still st
a.rial to T|t* Georgian.
Jasper, Ala., June 31.—Jim Sumner,
white man, met a horrible death at
Cordova by bflng struck by a freight
train on the ’Friaco Railroad. The
unfortunate man waa sitting on the
platform when last seen alive, and It
was Instantly killed.
General Assembly of Georgia Will Be Called
to Order on Next
When Speaker John M. Slaton calls
the house of representatives to order
next Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock
five members seen there last session
will be missing*, and five new fares
will appear In their places.
Representatives J. 23. Lumpkin, of
Sumter, and D. C. McLennon, of Tel
fair, have died since the last legisla
ture. Representative Knox Ramsey,
of Murray, was shot and dhd «>f the
wound, and Representative J. M.
Spence, Jr., of Ware, resigned. James
Taylor comes to this session from Sum
ter; T. P. Ramsey from Murray, and
W. H. Bradshaw from Ware. 8. A.
Way has been elected to fill a vacancy
In Pulaski, while Telfair has not yet
named Representative McLennon’s
No vacancies have occurred in the
senate either by death or resignation,
and President W. 8. West will rap for
order with every seat probably occu
The five new members In the house
will appear before the speaker at the
opening of the session and be sworn In.
As the full machinery of both legisla
tive branches remains intact from last
session business will movo right off
without any preliminaries.
Of the twenty-four members of tho
next senate nominated to date, J. P.
Knight, of the Sixth; J. A. Bush, of
the Eighth; J. E. Hayes, of the Thir
teenth; E. K. Overstreet, of the Sev
enteenth; J. J. Flynt. of tho Twenty-
sixth; E. T. Steed, of the Thirty-sev
enth, and John W. Akin, of the Forty-
second, are all In the present house.
Speech of the German
Consul Important
Feature of Session.
ftpsvlxl to The Georgian.
Columhns, Os., Juna U.—A delegation of
prominent eltlrens of Harris county *p- °J1,
peered before Judge I.title, of the superior
ronrt, yesterday olid petitioned him tu bold
n special term In llnrrln comity to try tht
cases of Che men held under bond oh
flpedal to The Georgian.
Llthta Springs, Gx„ June 31.—'The
annual convention of the Cotton Seed
Crushers' Asaoaoqlatlon of Georgia
came to a dose yesterday afternoon
after a two days' most successful lea.
The election of officers was the laat
act of the conference.
The officers elected are aa follows:
President. J. A. Aycock, of Carroll'
ton; treasurer, Thomas Egleston, At'
hints; secretary, J. L. Benton. Monti-
cello; vice presidents, George F. Ten-
nllle. Savannah; M. S. Harper, 'E.
IlcBurney and L A. Ransom, Atlanta;
H. E. Wells, Columbia; 9. B. Tow,
Lavonla; J. L. Hand. Pelham; H. Bus
sey, Columbus; W. E. McCaw, Macon
John Bostwlrk and C. Douthlt.
Tho following were elected members
1 the executive committee: W. M.
Hutchinson, Atlanta; Austoll Thornton.
Atlnnta; Fielding Wallace, Augusta;
L. O. Neal, Atlanta; R. G. Riley, Al
bany; W. M. Towers, Rome; A. E.
Thornton, Atlanta; W. W, Abbott,
Louisville; James R. Atwater, Thom-
aston, and J. H. Taylor, Cordele.
Both President Aycock and Secretary
Benton mode responses.
Tha first address of yesterday’s aes
alon was that of Dr. EoepfTel-Uuelten-
steln, German consul at Atlanta, and
his address proved to be a finished pro-
charge of being implicated In the llssty-
Irvln-Murrah killing, which occurred at
ftilpley. In that county, recently. The pe
tition was vigorously opposed by counsel
for the accused, who contended that a
trial of ths case now would only engsndtr
more feeling and create more excltcmcut
among the people. Judge Little reserved
hta decision In the matter for consideration.
Special to The Georgian.
Waterloo, B. C., Jane 31.—Mose
Madden, of this place, had a valuable
horse killed by lightning Tuesday af
terneon. Mr. Madden wns ploughing
and during a thunder storm took shel
ter In an old barn. The bam was
struck by lightning, killing the horso
Instantly. Mr. Maddan was not hurt.
prt.__,._ ,
the tremendous prosperity
of the South at thla present time, which
Is attracting the attention of the entire
world. Uiyin concluding hie address
Dr. ZoepfTel-Quellensteln was given
one of the most enthusiastic ovations
of tbs convention, many ladles who are
now gueets of Sweetwater Park hotel
adding their approval to thla disser
tation on the prosperity of this sec
J. A. Aycock. of Carrollton, talked
Informally on "What a Publicity Bu
reau Can Do for the Industry," and fa
vored such an Institution, although it
necessitated considerable expense. He
also urged general and diversified ad-
veitlstng by tho mills mid individuals,
as well as by the association, to con
tend ngnlnst certain prejudices against
the cotton seed products, due In port to
the novelty of this Industry.
L. A. Hmisom, of Atlmitu. "n" f
the organisers of the association, fol
lowed along the same line. Mr. Ran-
torn referred particularly to the work
accomplished Individually by W. M.
Towers, of Rome, whose address on ths
opening day. reviewing some of the ex-
pcrlmrnts which he nindn when the
Industry was Just developing, was rec-
"b'lllred "11 nil sides ns nlK ,.f III" b. s|
and most practical features of the con-
1 cut lull
A letter read from Secretary Frank
Weldon, of the Georgia state fair, ask
ing the association and members and
mills to make exhibits, turned the trend
or discussion In this direction. Secre
tary Weldon wns present and explained
the opportunities offered for such a dis
play. A number of the members advo
cated such an exhibit as the most prac
tical and populnr tvay of educating the
lieople by displaying the finished prod
ucts and by having a demonstrator
presi lit 1,1 I X j i] it 111 the lllllllj II-I - "f 111"
variety of articles.
A motion, placing tho plans and ar
rangements for such an exhibit In the
hsnda of tho executive committee, was
passed unanimously, and It la expected
that the cotton seed products will bs
one of the features of the great fair
next October.
Fielding Wallace, of Augusta, read a
paper on "Tariff on Press Cloth," and
W. & McCan, of Macon, made an ad
dress on "How to Avoid Reclamations.'
Both of these nddressos, while technical
In nature, wero replete with valuable
farts amt practical suggsstlons and
were enthusiastically commended by
all of the delegates present.
J. A. Bpurlln, of Little Rock, formerly
of Atlanta, spoke Interestingly on the
manufacture of denatured alcohol In
llo Soul h mi'l 111'- Ir.'iio'n.l'iin fiilui,*
which it made possible to Southern
One of the most Interesting papers
of the session was that of C. <M. King,
of Atlanta, on "Cotton Herd Meal as a
Human Food." Mr. King told of In
teresting experiments which he had
made and of the delicious and nutri
tious Ingredients of these products.
The afternoon nnd closing session
proved to be entirely nn experience
meeting, excepting the election of of-
Acre. The beat methods for getting
the public to accept, understand and
appreciate the cotton seed products,
and especially to substitute refined and
' yglenlc cotton eetd cooking oils In
lace of lard, were especially dwelt
Books are now open for
payment of second install
ment of city tax. Will close
1st July.
E. T. PAYNE, ,
City Tax Collector.
Board of Education Holds Inter
esting and Important
Several Important decisions and a
vast amount of routine business made
the session of the board of education,
held Wednesday afternoon, both Inter
esting and Important. It was decided
to set aside two of the school yards for
use throughout the summer months as
play grounds for the children of At
lanta, and that teachers would not be
required to attend normal school dur
ing the summer. The resignation of
Professor EL B. Uttcrbach was ac
Mr. Utterbach has been connected
Ith the public schools of Atlanta for
many years, and to his Individual ef
fort the excellency ,.f the n lin
ing department I* dm* The resigna
tion came as an unpieavuii suipn***
The ileteriiiliiMtlmi t. * art aside two
of the school yards as play grounds
was reached after a letter from the As
sociated Charltlen was presented to the
board by Secretary J. C. Logan. J. K.
Oit. Rev. C. B. Wllmer and V. H.
Krelgahahei It |m the Idea Ilf the
iiHHm'latIon to have the ground* under
the supervision of competent persona,
so that children may gather and play,
thus keeping them off the streets. The
school yards to be given for the pur
pose mentioned will be decided upon
Teachers Are Glad.
The dispensing with the rule requir
ing teachers to attsml summer school
In either this or other cltlas met with
general approval. On August 29 and
30 all the public school teachers will
meet and discuss the work of next ses
sion. On August 31 teachers will hold
entrance examinations at their regular
schools. The public schools will bs
formally opened September 4.
At the request of Miss Christine Ro
ma re, of the Cllrls’ High BSlMMi M
was granted a year's leave of absence,
w 111. h w ill lit' ►prill In Hindi Hill •Hid
Miss Sarah Converse was elected to
All the vacancy. Miss Hattie Buch-
nnan, assistant principal of Formwalt
Street school, resigned. Miss Ora
Stamps, of \\.i;ud school, was, ap
pointed to fill the vacancy.
A number of additions will be made
to schools If the council provides for
extra appropriation. It was decided to
buy 800 new desks. The contract has
been let to Clanton A Webb, of this
city. Other repairs will be decided upon
after thorough Investigation of the san
itary conditions. The committee on
boundaries will make a report at the
next session of the school board. The
matter of temporary quarters for the
Pryor Street school was Isft to Mr.
Winn, and the meeting adjourned until
the next regular meeting, June 21.
Write for Catalogues.
Writing In Sight Company,
Y. M. C. A. Building, Atlanta, Ga.
100 Smith Prtmlir So. 2 Modili (or Soli, S50 Cask Euh.
During tho month* of June. July
and August the Soubonnl Air Line
Railway will operate on Its train leav
ing Atlanta at 0:35 p. in., every SAT
URDAY. n through sleeping car to
Wilmington. N. C.; returning the
through sleeper will leave Wil
mington Thursday at 3:00 p.
bl, arriving In ASMSi m
6:30 n- m„ Friday. Arrangements
have been tnado with the ntreot rail
way people at Wilmington to have
ears ready at the depot to Immediate
ly transport passengers to tho hotels
at WrlghtsvIHe Ue»ch. IJaggai;e will
be cheeked to destination. WEEK
END rate, good for live days, (8.26;
SEASON tickets. $13.53.
Hpeclal to Ths Georgias. v *
Cornell*, Ga,* Jons 2!.—Hon. Jauira 11,
ftmltb, candidate for governor, arrived nt
Cornelia, Ga., yesterday and wan met at
the depot by n largo crowd) who escorted
him to the echool auditorium, where bn
delivered on oddreet to a crowd of aeveral
hundred people. ^
The audience wee oil attention from the
'beginning to the end of hie well delivered
speech and It la certain that by bla plena-
lug manner he nude a number of frlcmle
Special to Tho Georgian.
Covington, at, Juno *21.—At a meet
ing of the county board of comtnlsslon-
•ra the contract for building the new
bridge to be erected by the county waa
let to Auatell Brother*, of Atlanta.
The tax for the eelllng of domeetto
Special to The Georgian.
Dine Hldge, Ga.. June 21.-Judg« Kw-e
candidate for governor. addressed aboi
seventy ftv* voters at the court bouse lie
yesterday. Owing to the boa/ season <
tbe year very few people from the count i
turned out. Ilia apcecli apparently mnr
quite n favorable Impression upon thoi
who beard It.
He also spoke nt Mineral Yllnfr In the si
ernoon and at Morganton at night.
8perlal to Tho Georgian.
Covington, Ga., June 21.— At a con
gregational meeting of tho Presbyte-
rlan Church, Rev. John B. Gordon, of
Lowlaburg. Tenn., waa elected poet or
by a unanimous vote. Thla election
waa for tho full term.
The Preabyterion church linn pur-
choeed the Jnmea G. I#ester home a* a
paraonage. Thla la one of the moat
desirable dwelling* In the rlty. It waa
built by Colonel J. (J. Letter, formerly
I ” —— DU |j| D y colonel J. u. leOMter, lornu
or thla place, now of the Madd
Rucker Banking Company, Atlanta.
Jurgls talked lightly about work, be-
he was youn^. They told him
•tnrl.a about the breaking down of
nan. there in the stock yards of Chi'
ragu, and of what had happened to
them afterwards—stories to ir
'our ilcah creep, but Jurgle would only
augh. He had only been there four
months, and be was younr. and a giant
be<IUe>. There was too much health
In him. He could not even Imagine
bou It tvoald feel to be beaten. "Tbit
' i "HI enough for men Hke you." he
-nuld eay, "silpnns, puny fellows—but
my back la broefl."
Jurgle waa like a boy, a boy from
the country. He was the sort of man
tho like to get "hold of, the eort
they make It a grievance they cannot
get hold of. When he was told to go
to a certain place, he would go there
on the run. When he bad nothing to
no for the moment, he would mend
round fidgeting; dancing, with the over
flow of energy that was In him. If
he were working In a line of men, tbe
line always moved too elowly for him,
and you could pick him out by, bla Im
patience and restleatnee*. That waa
why he had been picked out on one
Important occasion; for Jurgle had
•ton.! outside of Brown tk Company’s
“Central Tim* Station" not more than
halt an hour, tbe sscond day of hi*
arrival In Chicago, before be had been
i beckoned by. one of the bosses. Of
thl« he was Very proud, and It made
him more disposed than ever to laugh
*> the pessimists. In vain would they
*11 tell him that there were men In that
crowd from Which he had been choaen
who had stood there a month—yea
Minton China.
Lovers of artistic China
are invited to call and see
our new importations of
Minton. Odd and very at
tractive are the designs.
Other,now China that will
interest von.
Maier & Ber^lc
many months—and not been chosen
yet. "Yes." he would say, "but what
sort of men? Broken-down tramps
and good-for-nothings, fellows who
have spent all their money drinking,
and want to get more for It. Do you
want me to believe that with these
arms"—and he would clench hta flats
and hold them up In the air, so that
you might see the rolling muscles—
"that with these arm* people will ever
let me starve?"
"It Is plain,'’ they would answer to
thla "that you have come from the
country, and from vary far In tht
country." And this was the fact, for
Jurgls had never seen a city, and
scarcely even a fair-sited town, until
he had set out to make hts fortune Ih
the world and earn his right to Ona
His father, and hts father’s father be
fore him, and a* many ancestors back
as legend could go. had Uvtd In that
part of Lithuania known as Brelovlcz.
the Imperial Forest. This I* a great
tract of a hundred thousand acres,
which from tlmo Immemorial has been
a hunting preserve of the nobility.
There are a very few peasants settled
in It, holding title from ancient times;
and one of these was Antanas lludkus.
not do. and tramped the full fort'
night's Journey that lay between him
and Ona.
Ho found an unexpected state of af
fair*—for the girl's father hod died,
and hts estate was tied up with cred
itors; Jurgls* heart leaped as he real
ised that now the prixe was within
hts reach. There waa Elxbleta Luko-
sxatte, Tata or Aunt, ea they called
her, ona’a stepmother, and there were
her six children, of all agaa. There
waa also her brother, Jonas, a dried-
up little man, who had worked upon
the farm. They wen people of greet
consequence, as It seemed to Jurgls,
fresh out of ths woods; Ona know how
to read, and knew many other things,
that hs did not know; and now the
farm had been sold, and the wthde
family was adrift—alt they owned In
the world being about seven hundred
roubles, which Is half os many dollars.
They would have had three times that,
but It had gone to court, and the Judge
had decided against them, and It had
cost tho balance to get him to change
hts decision.
On* might have married and left
them, but sho wiuld not, for she loved
Teta Elxbleta. It was Jonas who sug
gested that they all go to America.
who had been reared himself, and had i where a friend of his had gotten rich,
reared his children In turn, upon half I He would work, for his pert, and the
a doxen acres of cleared land In the
midst of a wilderness. There had been
one son beside* Jurgls. and on* sister.
The former had been drafted Into the
army; that had been over ten yeare
ago, but since that day nothing had
ever been heard of him.
women would work, and some of tho
children, doubtless—they would live
somehow. Jurgls. too. had heard of
America. That was a country where,
they said, a man might earn three
roubles a day; and Jurgls figured what
Tbe slater ' three roubles a day would mean, with
was married, and her husband had price* as they were where he lived,
j• • I",. M Antsna* Kiel del'!"'! /"rlliwlth Hi..' I.e w -'id
had decided to go with hi* son. go to America and msrpr, and be a rich
It was nearly a year and a half ago man In the bargain. In that country,
that Jurgls had met Ona, at a horse I rich or poor, a man was fra*. It was
fair* hundred miles from home. Jur- said; he did not have to go Into the
gti bad never expected to get married —• Og *’'■
—he had laughed at It a- a foollah
trap for a man to walk Into; but here,
without erer having spoken a word to
h»r. with no more than the exchange
of half a dozen smiles, he found him
self. purple In the face with embar
rassment and terror, aiklng her par
ents to sell her to him for hts wife—
and offering his father's two horees
hs had been sent to the fair to sell. But
Ona’* father proved a* a rock—the
rirt wo* yet a child, and he waa a rich —---- - - - - - . „ . . . -
man. and hts daughter was not to be nearly four hundred ml» from home
Sir. i» .hat wav. Bo Jurats went i with a gang of men to work upon s
Smolensk. This
army, bs did not have to pay out his
money to rascolly official*—he might
do as he plenseO. and count himself
as good as any other msn. So Amer
ica was a place of which lovers and
young people dreamed. If one could
only manage to get the price of a
passage, he could Count hta troubles
at an end.
It waa arranged that they should
leave the following spring, and mean
time Jurgls sold himself to a con
tractor for a certain time, and tramped
hod In that way.
home with a hea
spring and summer
home with a heavy heart, and that railroad ... - - —
* 0me - tolled and tried fearful experience, with filth and
hardYo foraet. in" the fall, after the I food and cruelty and overwork; but
harvest waaover, he saw that It would * Jurgti stood It and came out In fine
The story of "The Jungle,"
Upton Sinclair's novel which
has caused the government In-
Investigation Into tha methods
employed Iff tha beef trust, had
Its origin In an actual Packing-
town romance.
In Ashland avenue—"back of
ths stock yards"—the wadding
took place.
The first chapter merely
shows a broad-shouldered
butcher being wedded to a
young girl who aces In him a
hero. Tha wadding In all Its
grotssqueness Is described In
this chapter. The wedding cer
emony Is typical of Packing-
town. At midnight the formal
ities ended.
The chapter closes with a de
scription of Pscklngtown fes
tivities and tails bow beer Is
promiscuously passed around.
Sinclair portrays In wsll-ss-
lectsd words the dress of ths
denizens of that section.
Nearly all of the character*
Introduced In the story are em
ployed In ths stock yards, and
set out. for America. At the last mo
ment there Joined them MarIJa Berc-
xynskas, who was a cousin of Ona’a.
MarIJa was an orphan, and had worked
tlnre childhood for a rich farmer of
Vllna, who beat her regularly. It woe
only at the age of twenty that It had
occurred to Marija to try her strength,
when aha had risen up and nearly
murdered the man, and then come
There wera twelve In alt In the party,
five adult* and alx children—and Ona,
who was a little of both. They had a
hard time on the passage; there was
an agent who helped them, but ha
proved a scoundrel, and got them Into
a trap with some officials, and cost
them a good deal of their precious
money, which they clung to with such
horrible fear. Thla happened to them
again In New York—for, of esuras,
they knew nothing about the country,
and had no one to tell them, and It waa
easy for a man In a blue uniform to
lead them away, and to taka, them to a
hotel and keep them there, and make
them pay enormous charges to get
away. The law asya that the rate-
card shall bs on the door of a hotel,
but It does not say that It shall be In
It war In tha stock yarda that Jonas'
friend had rotten rich, and so to Chi-
cago tha party waa bound. They knew
that one word, Chicago—and that waa
all they needed to know, at leaat, until
they reached the city. Then, tumbled
out of the cars without ceremony, they
were no better off than before; they
stood staring down the rleta of Dear
born afreet, with Its big black build
ings towering In tha distance, unable
the prelude, which tells of their
O social life, la to be followed by
O a story of their toll In the big O I to realise that they had arrived, and
r% vardiL O ! wI >y, when they ssld "Chicago,** people
X * Lr * ., Tint nn o longer pointed In some direction,
O (Copyright, 1I0«* by Vpton O j but | ngtefl4 i looked perplexed, or laugh-
11 Sinclair. All rights reserved.) a ^ ^ WC nt on without paying any nt-
O O j (entlon. They were pitiable fn their
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO helplessness; above all things they
I stood In deadly terror of any sort of
trim, and with eighty roubles sewed ' person In official uniform, and to
up In his coat. He did not drink or whenever they saw a policeman they
fight* because he was thinking all the I would cross the street and hurry by.
time of Ona: and for the reat, he was ( For the whole of the first day they
a quiet* steady man, who did what wandered about In tho midst of deaf-
he was told to^ did not lose his temper 1 enlng confusion* utterly lost; and It
often, nnd when he did lose It mode , was only at night that, cowering in the
the offender anxious that he should doorway of a house, they were finally
not lose It again. When they paid him discovered and taken by a policemen
off he dodged the company gamblers to the station. In the morning nn In-
and dramshops, end so they tried to terpreter was found, and they were |
kill him, but he escaped, and tramped taken end put upon a car, and taught
It home, working at odd Jobs, and a new word—"stockyards.” Their de- |
steeping slwnys with one eye open. i light at discovering that they were to i
So In the summer time they hod all 1 get out of this adventure without los- *
ould not bo possible to describe.
They sat nnd stored out of the win
dow. They were on a street which
seemed to run on forever, mile after
mile—thirty-four of them. If they had
known It—and each side of it one un
interrupted row of wretched little two-
story frame buildings. Down every
side street they could see, it wns the
same—never a hill and never a hollow,
but always the same endless vista of
ugly and dirty little wooden buildings.
Here and there would be a bridge
crossing a filthy crock, with hard-!., JBHU
baked mud shores and dingy sheds and { but still the great
docks along It; here and there would They spread In
and n voice shouted—"Stockyards!"
They were hn suinding upon the
comer, staring; down a side street
flier** «#*r*• (Mo rows "t brick houses,
and between them n vista: half a dozen
• birrin'”.-, I.ill Hip HiIW-M of build
ings, touching the very sky—and leap-
Iiik ft • > 111 them In If k «lo/.i*n columns of
muoUi*. ililt k, oily nnd bluck as night
If might hit\ i* . .in*' from tlip center of
tho world, this smoko, where the fires
of tbe ages still smoulder. It came as
If self-impelled, driving all before It, a
perpetual explosion. It was Inexhausti
ble; ono stared, waiting to see it stoj*
>ll»*d out.
be a railroad crossing, with a tangle writhing, curling; then, uniting In one
of switches, and locomotives puffing, giant river, they streamed awny down
and rattling rrelght cars filing by; the sky, stretching a black pell as far
here nnd there would be a great fac- as the eye could reach.
1 ,.M oliur- b inding uKli Innumer
able windows In It, and Immense vol
umes of smoke pouring from tho chim
neys, darkening the air above and
making filthy tho earth beneath. But
after each of these Interruptions tho
desolate procession would begin again
—the procession of dreary little build
A full hour before the party reached
the city they had begun to note tho
perplexing changes In the atmosphere.
It grew darker all the time, and upon
the earth the grass seemed to grow
less green. Kvery minute, as the train
•pad on, the colors of things became
dingier; the fields were grown parched
and yellow, the landscape hideous and
bare. And along with the thickening
smoke they begsn to notice another
circumstance, n strange, pungent odor.
They were not sure that It was un
pleasant, this odor; some might have
called It sickening, but their taste In
odors was not developed, and they were
only sure that It was curious. Now.
sitting in the trolley car, they reall
that they were on their way to the
home of It^-thst they had traveled all
the way from Lithuania to It. It was
now no longer something fsr-off and
faint, that you caught In whiffs; y*>u
could literally taste It, ns well as smell
It—you could take hold of It, almost,
and examine it at yqur leisure. They
were divided In their opinions about It
If was an eletnentqf od-
crudo. It was rich, almost
sual and ntrona There
who drank It In an If It '
toxicant; there were othe
their handkerchiefs to thel
Then the party became aware of an-
"fh'i N'Minge thing. Tills, too, like ths
• »•!<*r, "n- ji tiling elemental; It was a
sound, u sound made up of fen thous
and little sounds. You scarcely noticed
I' nt flr-* It Mink Into your ronsrloua-
m **m, H \.igu" disturhuuie, u troubls.
It was JJke the murmuring of the bee#
In the spring, the whisperings of ths
foi**si; If suggested endless activity,
tho rumblings of a world in motion. It
was only by an effort that one could
renllz*’ that It was made by animals,
that If was the distant lowing of ten
thousand « attic, the distant grunting of
ten thousand swine.
They would have liked to follow it
up, but, alas! they had no time fur ad
ventures Just then The poll, email
the corner was beginning to watch
them; and so, as usual, they stained up
th* street. HcarcMy had they gone a
block, however, before J'UlHs wa« heard
lo give a cry, nnd began pointing ex-
rlte<Uy Heroes fh«* -tnef /Wore they
f. I could gather the meaning of his
d ] breathless ejaculations he had bound
ed iiwn>. and ’■!'•') miw him enter a
Shop, ov.r will h w;i* ;i -Ign "J Hxed-
\lias, I'.-ih When he cams
out again It was In company with a
very stout gentleman In shirt sleeves
and nn apron, clasping Jonas by both
hands and laughing hilariously. The*
Tetn KlzblSta recollected suddenly that
Szcilvljus had been the name of th#
had made his for-
To find that he had
In the delicatessen
xtraordinary piece of
his Juncture; though
ri the morning, they
ted, and the children
in wonder, when suddenly the tar came w**re beginning to whimper,
to a halt, and the door waa flung open, 1 (Continued In Tomorrow's Georgian.)
and j mythical friend
ancld, sen- [tune In America,
were some i been making It
ere an In- buslne-* was an .
s who put i good fortune at
faces. The | ft w a
Bating It, lost had