The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, June 27, 1906, Image 3

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. WANT ADS ONE CENT A WORD No ,\d Taken For Leu Than 25 Cent*. CASH MUST ALWAYS tccom- ptny out-of-town orders. Watch The Georgian Want Page Grow. Situations Wanted will hereafter be inserted on this page free of charge. If you want a situation, send your ad. to The Georgian. Each ad. will be limited to three lines, one in^r- tion. WANTED HELP—MALE. WANTED-OOOn STRONG WHITE MEN as helpers In the foundry to learn mold in' trade. Good pay to start with and better pay in two or three months. Only those with pood references need apply. MEN AND BOYS _ plumbing, plastering, bricklaying, rlnl offer life acholarafup Afty-dollar WANTED LEARN ng. Spe* la re, easy K free eata- Coyne Bros. Trade Schools, New York. Chicago, St Louis. STENOGRAPHER FOR TEMPORARY position, $85. Stenographers for perms* rent positions. $50, $65. Driver for Ice wag* on. 140. Bellamy Business Agency, 1230 Gandler Bldg. sTknoguat’Hfe5R" $4. oraL WWdKK In photograph gallery, 320. Gift for type* writing, $25. Man to drive lee wagon, 340. bookkeeper, $50. Musicians for City, $50. Pianist to go on roed, $85. Bet' ** " ness Agency, 1830 Candler Bldg. WANTED—>|XCH I ,\ B i<EN 6‘^AHH Apply at factory, Randall WANTED HELP—FEMALE. vriie us nnd we will give you In formation about boarding places. Nunnally Bros. & McCren. SC W. Alabama street WANTED-YOUNG LADIES TO LEARN local and long distance telephone operat tng. A course of Instruction given In train' Ing school with salary beginning with cn ■ school. <b>o,| miIiirl>-s paid to competent operators, salary being doter* mined upon merits of tbo operator nnd not upon length of service. Apply 6th floor, Training School. Telephone Bldg. WXOTBD T\VKN-n i'ivi: \vhmi:n“ glrln In our sewing room. Anyone who make from $8 to $12 per week, nnd we pny GOc per day while learning. Apply Xunnnlly " & McCrea, 26 W. Alabama street. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. ig mnn with pxp*rfoaet;| ilgo reference,. H. C., SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE. Indy as housekeeper In .hotel or large lady as housekeeper In hotel or large boarding house. Hare had experience In the business. Mrs. A. Twiss, care general delivery, city. WANTED—AOENT8, AGENTS WANTING^ 1UU AND QUICK WANTED—8ALE8MEN. •or miKiuncent now umps; new icmure., "IT Mller*; exclusive territory end liberal proposition; extrnordlnsrjr chance for work- era. Bute If you have hoil experience, ■iuddnx Co., AtlnnU, Ga. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. wanted-thb public to know that the Southern Auction nnd Halvago Co., it D H. Pryor, can dlepoee of your liouaehoM good,, offleo flxturea, anfea, car- rnffa. piano,, etc., to advantage. Boat BoUtjr Spying*. 84.60. rat Bolater Spring,, H.t An Eaay Mark. _ E. D. CltANE A CO. Front New Depot FOR 8ALE—MISCELLANEOUS- r R SALE—1,000 CRATES PEACHES LARGEST PEACHES. FINEST CHOP IN ..yeora. Addreia ti. It. Durham. It F. D. 13. Box 84. Ac worth, (la. iiAVi: YOU iS'YTiilK'tTW tieLLi IV you hare, ,eud It to the Southern Auction a^ gtlTya Co.. 20 S. Pryor ,treat Phooe VriXs^KNGINi:^ ATI.Alt KgUHB -All styles and sites. Atlas Engine Works. Empire Bldg.. Atlanta ‘ msT CLASS bTsiness iiot;sts should have high gmdt* signs. Call oa PhSne aS C °" N * 0rth ** rir0r Georg Is a. jl Reft sad sale. Address fTne Carriages, Large Vurlety. Billowy. E. D. CRANE_& CO. Front New -TU r O Ca.. , - ---- surries. runabouts and depot wagons. 'Nothing better mn-le. Georgia Vhlele Mfg. Curs') and 52 West Mitchell Itreet. V'oit - HAI.E—DEBT Bl'DBBRtUtK: ra # 5r d we.; i sis!Sei. ,r .r I'iB SA I, K—INFANT'S WAItllHOHK. fine qnajjty node: hand emUroMi r.-.J er..l "iltehed: hn« nerer been oowi; l.nrenln foe ■onto owe, Ad.1r.-i-. M- care tleornlon. DON’T GO BLIND. WHEN you SEE THE ATLANTA Wrecking «'o.> new line. Jnst added a foil line of trunks, trav«*l-ra’ »upplb*« and general ofri*-.* suppli***. Th* rhenjH-sr ever Md. We Iiiit, sell or exchange ^♦•r> thing. K and 22 West Mitchell str»tt. Bell phooj —ih * .MISCELLANEOUS, LUMREU-WE HAVE cutting south Georgia pine shingles. , manufacture flooring celling, siding f.n T? r i ts U JS * delivered prices. Kll usn Lumber Company, Box 107, Cordele, STTUM GATES. WIRE AND IRON “ n<1 rrected. < Fencing for rarm. lawn, g.tnlen nnd poultry. Exclusive ~ Fence. IMxie Fence Ca oacceosora Tilly Fence Co.. 41 Writ Hunter street. Phones tIM., Wagon Umbrellas. $1.00. _ A Shady Thing. E. D. CRANE & CO. Front New Depot. at ViiSY—siy sMi-i; f ( i* nruS'"5A>i!S nnd vault doora to be sold at coat during 8. Broad Is your time. 26 EDUCATIONAL. sni rami a s.’ r'irnrrmniTM^rTnT? nnd Business School. Si Peachtree street. LOST* on# Iron gray mare, with sore on right. Return to Melt Plumbing Co., 65 South Pryor street. BU8INESS OPPORTUNITIES. GO 8EE SOUTHERN AUTO AND EQUIP- meat Co. W# repair, reconstruct, ex change. buy and soil automobiles. Garage. 10-12 Mitchell street, Atlauta, Ga. " RTI Dbone 4894-L Main. Tsn ATTRACTIVE SIGNS WILL BRING YOU business. For high grndc work call on Kent, 91H N. Pryor. Phone 2928. To Fit Any L 1. I*. CHANT, A CO. K5Ssaas9saas£a9B WANTED—REAL ESTATE. I WANT TO EXCHANGE IIAND80ME cottage, excellent repair, large lot. fine shade, etc., on south side, for corner lot In good location north side, about 100 feet front. Will pay cash for difference, dres* Exrlmngf\ mre ijpnrglnn PIAN08. BRAMBACH PIANOS. ESTABLISHED 1S23. BECHT PIANO CO., 62 N. FORSYTH. FOR RENT—FURNISHED ROOMS. COOL, PLEASANT ROOMS $2 TO $2 week. Lodging $1 a week. Meals $2.50 week. 10H Trinity avenue. Ball phoi 2248, Atlanta phone 2787. DAVID W. YARBROUGH. MASTER PLUMBER, Phones 1265. 20 B. Hooter St, “KENT LIGHTS.” THE BEST OF MANTLE LIGHTS NOW ■old at tVA N. Pryor 8t. Alex Kent, Phone 4848. IF EITHER OF THE TWO GENTLEMEN ... fo good as to glvo me bis address, It would be dated. W. K. Mower, No. 1 South street, city. 8HOE REPAIRING. GWINN’S SHOE SHOP. 4 LUCKIE. OPPOSITE PIEDMONT. Bell 2335. Men's sewed half aolea, 76c. . 8HOE REPAIRING. N. LAZARUS, 21 8. PRYOIt 8T. bbot and shoe re^latrlnjb *”* When l say re tiring, I mean the b&t repairing uperlor material and oak leather. ily. jr. with the beet workmanship. 1 know bow to •air because I know a shoo. repair because I Know n bmoo. _ i om a skilful mender nnd can make comfortable and serviceable shoe broke down nnd worn out ones. Don’t forget the No., 21 8. Pryor street. WALL PAPER. ’mouidlnffaptcturc. pkluro framy. rtf. Bell phone W. Standard "01. S7 E. Hunter. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TALKING MACHINES AND ltECORDB— Wholesale and retail distributors of Vic tor Talking Machines nnd Records. Just received large consignment of machines and over 10.000 records. Immediate ntteattoq given mall ord«*a. We want the names of isl! talking machine dealers In the aoutb. Write for catalogue. Alexander-EJyea Co. UICYCLEB AND SUNDRIES—LAllOEHT cle and sundry distributors I?, the Southern agents for Pierce. Yale, and Hudson bicycle*. Write for our 1905 catalogue sod price Hat Alexander- Blyea Co. 1 YOUR TEETH CROWNED «-K GOLD CROWNS 13 OP. Without pain. All work gunr«nt»ed U year,. Louler Deotxl I’arlor*. White- L.ii at n< T* m mnne' i* rilhtnF itnrF. 11 11 hall 8t.. over Emmone* clothing store. Bell phone 2563-J. UoVft'tfAKI. Pack and ship household goods; insurance rate one per ‘nt Office and warehouse 163-65 Walton reet. Both ’phones. Catbcart a Trans* -JT. . REYNOLDS. THlC *1GN PAINTEU. Hlxni. bennera Pnx, nnd J 1 ", , ’ 1 '';L‘ l ". n , for special occasion*. ZOH E. Alabama 8t. TEETH EXTRACTED POSITIVELY WITH< PAIN—All dental work done without p,ln. All work ffuxrnnteed IS reara. Lanier I)en- Ul Parlor,. 35>4 Whitehall 8L. oyer I.m- mon,' clothlnff a tore. Bell phono S43-J. CASH REGISTERS. (Second Hand.) NATIONALS. HAI.LWOOP8. IDEALS and all other makea at L.argaln price*. We can acll you a refftat-r. anltablt for bualneaa, at a price that cannot help Cnab or monthly payment*. Kerry reciter K ranteed for two yann. ■ootnern Caah later Ca, Branch of Amcricao SrconiL land t'n.h Krgtator Ca, 34 H. Broad street, Atlanta, Ga. OLD HATS MADE NEW. PANAMA AND MILAN STRAW HATS cleaned and rrthaped. We. Soft and stiff felt hat* clranad and re shaped. 36c. Bond* or sweats. 35c each extra. ACME HATTEBS. 614 Whitehall SL TEETH BEST SET OF TEETH $5.00. QUARAN- teed to fit. All work gunrnnfeed 15 yeara. Laoler Dental Parlors, 394 Whitehall AL, - * Bell phone unacquainted with tanning eHcnc*-. may view of the marvels wait, but practical sues k&ow better. THE PEOPLE YOU RESPECT. Did you ever look about you and note who are the happiest people In your neighborhood? Ha* It ever occurred to you that the man with tho cheery nmllo, the woman with tho clastic atop, the chil dren with bright faces arc those who live In homes which they own? Doesn't it frequently occur to you that tho man who commands the most respect In tho com munity Is the nmn who has worked and saved nnd Invented for the henetR of hlmaelf and hla chil dren? Don't you realize thaT* this is tho class of man who displays public spirit and can alwaya be found ready and willing to do his sharo toward building up his neighborhood? It is a known fact that people who have accumulated wealth do It through the medium of real estate Investments. They aro probably small beginners who work on salaries, but were wise enough to lay aside a small amount each month to be applied to the purchase of some tract of real estate. They had faith in their city. They knew that the march of Improvements would Include them. Thej knew that Improvements meant Increased wealth to the Individual, .^t the proper moment they disposed of the small holdings at a handsome profit, and re invested the earnings. From that date for ward It was simply a question of doing business on n larger scale. As the accumulation Increased they were enabled to branch out probably In some manufacturing enterprise or lu a business for themselves, which relieved them from tho necessity of being hirelings. Read the real estate columns of any paper In Atlanta. We are. otcourse. prejudiced In favor of The Georgian, but wo realize that other papers offer opportunities, and as evidence of our desire to geo you prosper that wo might prosper along with you, wo cordially recommend to you the columns of any newspaper that olfera an opportunity for you to enrich yourself. FORREST & GEORGE ADAIR. We are offering at private sale 30 fline building lots in Inman Park; also a number of building sites on Waddell and Rrag street, near Atlanta Stove Works. We aro closing out all the real estate of the East Atlalita Land Co., and have put the prices to sell quick to you. Call and examine the list. CENTURY BUILDING. EAST CAIN ST. NEAR HIGHLAND AVENUE, 3 SPLENDID COTTAGES. ALMOSf NEW, oecuplM regularly by high olnaii colonM manta, nt a rental of $34 per month. This a Bpeulnlly gootl renting property HpU in he bought nt $3,750. Cash or terms, bee io for bargains. CHAS. M. ROBERTS. 12 AUBURN AVE. NORTH SIDE HOMES. Have several very handsomo North Side homes. For Information 800 LIEBMAN. Real Estate, Renting. 28 Peachtree St. SANDERS, SMITH & CONWAY. Phones E4S8. 412 refers Building $M*-1N OAKLAND CITY.ON CAR LINE. we have a lovely 7*rooni. 2-atory house on lot 60x300. This la something strictly first class: best neighborhood from here to Col* lege Park. $2,400—WEST END. BRAND NEW 6 ROOM cottage, with water, sewornge, etc., on level lot, 50x200, close to rnr line, on terms of $400 cash and $20 to $25 per month. $5,000 — COLLEGE PARK. VACANT. shady, level lot. near rnr line, 800X300, on corner. Owner eons west to live. Instructs us to sell. Will consider any reasonable offer. Money In subdividing this. Terms. FOR RENT. 26-R. H., 62 and 64 Walton it 10- R. H., TO Cone at. 11- R. H., 39 Logan ave. 4-R. H., 163 Formwalt at See— ■ LIEBMAN. Real Estate, Renting. I-- T . r ’ - I. . 28 Peachtree St. Phones 1075 BUY A SWEET HOME. UlUi Lvpouuui. I'naj iiiuuiui; same as rent. 6 rooms, hot and cold wa* porcelain bath and toilet, Dutch man tiles and cabinet, right In city, on thi ear Hoe, 12 minutes from confer; only one left. Be qnlck. COPENHILL LAND CO. 16 EDGEWOOD AVENUE. Bell Phone 603. Atlanta Phone 346. THREE MONTHS RENT FREE Only One Left of Eight Brand New Suburban Horn,*. The first month will be given FREE and If occupied on* year, two more month* will be given FREE at the end of the year, making only nine montha you will have to pay for. None but good families will be allowed In theae house*. The** are located on the River electric car line only twenty minutes rid* from the center of the etty; contain 7 and g rooms; have never been occupied; are located In West Atlanta Park. Every house fronts fifty-foot Park, which Is set in trees, evergreens and flowers. Pure air; na tive oaks; an Ideal spot for children. It Is cheaper than living In the city and the surroundings ars more whole- In the center of this Park ar* the Fsrro Phosphate Springs, which will cure any case of stomach or kldnty trouble, no matter of how long atand- (ng. It now has a new church, neatly furnished, a afore, a echool-house coat ing 13.600.00 will aoon be completed. Captain J. T. Mill*, who lives on the ground*, will show you through the houeea Rent 320.00 per month. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, 12 Auburn Avenue. 32.760—COLLEGE PARK HOL’SK, 8-ROOM. 2-story. lot inoxl90. on corner, near car. Rous* L, „ . ... __ 1 year old. If you aro Interest) terms wo enn milt you. 327,600—Closo In. Just off of Peach treo, a practically brand new prop oaltlon; leased to delightful ten ants for 13,960. Get out your , arithmetic and figure some on this special reason fur Hi lling. Terms If desired. Call in person for 1m formation. SALESMEN. L C. McCrory, L. M. Johnson', McDon ald Eubanks. STEPHENSON BROS., Plumbing and Gas Fitting, 51 S. Forsyth Street. Phones—Bell 2528 Main AtlaLtn 37. THE WEATHER. EMMETT HEIGHT, BRASS AND IRON BED ’ BARGAINS. ITS'Hflt ALE-BHahh BKTrgT.'.TraEB firdOoMTi Ai.IcBUAfts UElut: I&M 835.00'gKXI‘IXB Al.LllltAkil'TIEl)g...ia.M faiMniugg TBuiutPnwnn5Pi.ra.fl LTwmyuMH martin 1U6N iu:r>A..ii4.M »TrT»rVkiinTsTmahtIsHh,nirraTf:To IiiIaTtii'IT. iiaIiv liriliH. IT LOCAL FORECAST. Atlanta nn<l Vicinity—Partly cloudy to night* Woflursflay ahowert, WEATHER IfTcOTTON BELT* MlaalaalppI--Greenwood, cloudy and pleat null ahower* yttsrdsy. Yaxon City, cloud niul hot. Yickaburg and Jackson, cloudy ami pleasant; hard rain last night. Merid ian, clear and warm. Tupelo, cloudy and nleaannt. Amorv. partly cloudy; rained yes terday. Now Albany, portly cloudy and hot; rained yesterday. Htarkvllls, partly cloudy and worm, luxlehitret. cloudy and warm; hard rain last night. Grenada, cloudy and warm; hard rain last night Natrbes, rain yesterday nod last night; now- cloudy and cool, Corinth, partly cloudy and warm. Alabama—Montgomery, threatening, ma and Opelika, clear nnd hot; had good rain* yesterday evening, lllrtulnghar nnd hot; not much rain. Tennessee -< 'hiittanoogn, cloudy nnd warm. Knoxville, cloudy and plensnnt. Memphis, clear and pleasant. Nashville, portly cloudy nnd pleasant. Goorgla—Rome, cloudy and warm. Jnntn, clear nnd warm; good rain yesterday. Macon, partly cloudy and hot. Atnerlcua, cloudy and hot; rnlu last night and high winds. Louisiana—Cleor and ’hot; had good rsln yesterday evsultur. Shreveport, clear and plensnnt; hnrd rain fast night, Texas Special Rainfall- Ban Antonlt* .36, urU, 3 (I TnmhU IM/i M*.„a •» ft I tA». irTTftE.sTfSfc ygCT Matt re hr during thla sale for only $6.45. wnranavitam jsct a MtrwmE many bnrynlna we nro offering now. ROBISON & BARNES,. 18 E. HUNTER ST. McNEILL & SHERWOOD REAL ESTATE AND CONTRACTING 614 Emplro Building. Phono 817. LOOK AT THIS!* 200x250 FT. R. It. FRONTAGE. CLOSE IN. Modern building on Mine, containing IV sonars feet of apace, worth not less than $12,000. If taken within n week ctin elegant 9-room bouse, lot 100x200 fL, In NEW beautiful corner In West NMjhhhh FIVE NEAT 6 AND 7!<OOM COTTAGF-H In tne best part of Watt Bad, from $2,860 SUOOM,' 3 HT.lltV SKtniol'wl:. TISTKT) walla* cabinet mantels, Meldrlm at. Only $1.700. Terms. lJKAI TirCL NKW M-hoOlf Hftt'dK <5S change for vacant property or smaller home. It.'lLPItoNfAflE dWTO A.N'irWlfJfiy HH ■ ■ rrtc?s I36.0W per lot. Buy now and ilouf ^our immsy within a year. IF ¥OU WANT A BUfilNtlSS have clients who will buy and Improve terraLayMaMtoHj 15 PER CENT INVEST- • . MENTS. I OPFER FOR TUB NEXT FEW DATS ONE OP THE BEST PATINO INVEST MENTS ON THE MARKET TODAY THE ABOVE PROPEJtTY CONSISTS 08 NORTH SIDE FLATS WHICH I GUAR ANTE!* TO PAT IS PER CENT. IF TOC ARE INTERESTED. CALL ON ME AT ONCE. NO INFORMATION GIVEN OVER PHONE. CLAUDE L. NORRIS, BELL 'PHONE 4489. 7!« FOURTH NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. FOR RENT. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, YOUR TEETH TILLED WITLOUT PAIN BY AN IM- proved metho-.. All work guaranteed 15 re. Reati/>iiablc prW«. Lanier Dental lore, 39S Whitehall 8t, e*er Emmon# clothing store. BeH phoie 2543 i. _ BALTIMORE PLACE—TJ1I8 EIOirT- room. two-etarr, frame, doubl* ho—, la on the south -l ie of Baltimore place, tw^ tween West Peachtree and Hprlng etreeta; la thoroughly Modem bou*<>; baa gma. hot and cold wnlsr. etatkmary waahstan I. por celain bath. rU elnk In tbo kltPheu; the Jot la 35x150 feet; has a servant’* bouae; has a hot-air furnace In the basement; the location Is first-rlass In every resi*ect; will rent or leans to Hepteinber I, l>/7, at $40 per month. » JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THE RENTING AGENT, 12 Auburn Avenue, Moth Pbocte* ill. hachlf 144. Bnlllngor ,38, Beovllle. 98, lllanro .66. Hren ham 1.02, Brown wood. 34, Corpus Cbrlail .54, Corslcnim 130, Cuero 1.12, Dallas .76, Fort Worth .46. Giilvestnn 1.70, Greenville (trace), Houston 1.01, IluntSTlllo 1.64, Kerrvllla .50, Lamnasaa l.r>0, Longview 1.00. Lullug .40, Mexla 1.96, Nacogdoches 1.06, Palestine 1.10. WEATHER IN WH8AT~BELT. Extreme Northwest Partly cloudy rising temperature 52 to 62 above; local rains. Northwest—Cloudy, 54 to 6$ above; gen ernl rnlus In Nebraska and local In lows} mining tu Omnhri. Ohio Valley—Cloudy, 66 to 72 above; local rains. WEATHER FORECAST* Louisiana—Showers Tuesday and Wednes day; variable wind*. Gcnrgln nnd Alabama, Eastern and West ern Florida and Mlsslsalppl-Hhowers Tuea- "ay nnd Wedneadny; variable winds. TenneMi***— Hh<*ners Tiiea«lay; Wedneadny iirtly cloudy; ahowera In cast I— Kentucky and West Vlrgi cloudy Tueaflay and Wednesday; probably ahowera Wednesday. New Mexico nnd Arlxona—Partly cloudy Tuesday nod Wednesday. Arknimas-Hliowers Tuesday; Wednesday probably fair. Weat Texas—Fair Tuesday; warmer In cant anil north portions; Wednesday fair. llltnolH, Indiana, Missouri—Gsnerallr fair tonight and Wedneadny; not much change In temperaturo. * nnd Upper Michigan—Probably tonight or Wednesday; Dot luuch warmer tonight. WEATHER CONDITIONS. The pressure has decreased -at nearly all stations except In New England, and now tho grantor portion of tho United Htate* la covered, by ait extensive nres of low barometer,* ~ M * Rocky Mom to Mexico. Knlns have Dean general througho of the cotton belt, heaviest In Te 4 32: Waco, Tex., , » n .* ll ..u.r. ah*., J 44; Ketches, Miss., Goldsboro, N. C.» 2-38; and 8t. George, 8. r„ 130 Inches. Tho condition* favor PArtlv cloud_ er In tbla section tonight, abowsrs Wednes day. COTTON REGION BULLETIN. COLLEGE PARK HOMES DON'T PAY KENT. It Is exceedingly bad form to do so when yon can pay your own money bark Id your pocket, by coming to me. Just run your eye over tbl*’ We'll build you a bouse Just ilka you wsnt It, on cany payments, from IM to $5,000, If you buy the lot. 3-room, modern, new house on corner lot, $100 esafc, balance eaay monthly payments.. 4-room modern now house, asms terms. 6-room, new, modern house on largo corner lot; $250 cash; balance easy monthly payments. 7, 8 and 10*room houses. The College Park Land Company have 2,000 lots to select from, $100 to $866 each.. Come out and seo me, or call mo up. Office at end of car line. Bell I'bone 37 J East Tolnt Exchange, College Park, Ga. I aell everything at Collego Park. EDWARD H. WALKER, The Collego Park Rent Estate Dealer. WANTED. Wantod—Mora vacant house* to supply our demands. If yours Is vacant, 'phono us. CAMPBELL & WILSON, Real Estate and Renting Agents, 1208 FOURTH NATIONAL BANK BUILDING . Deaths and Funerals. ■TATIONS OF ATLANTA DISTRICT. ‘Atlanta, cloudy...... ’Chattanooga, p. cloudy.. Columbus, p. cloudy Gainesville, clear Greenville, clear... Griffin, clear •Macon, p. cloudy......... Montlcello, cl4*«r........... Nrwnan, clear..............I Howe, cloudy............... Hpnrtanburg, cloudy....... Tallapoosa, cloudy..••*.... Toocoa, clear. Weat Point, cloudy Ill a s J •Minimum teniDcratures are for 23-boar period ending at I a. m. this date. Heavy Balnfalla: fit. George. H. C., loldsboro. N. <*., 2.38; Vicksburg, Miss, 68; Ifnxb-hurst, La., (.$0; I^Ksyette. La., DO; Mansfield, La., L50; Natchez, Mies., T Indicate* lnar»nr#*cUhle rainfall. Remarks. Maximum temperatures were somewhat higher over the eastern portion and lower over the western districts, while minima '•rishb-rabfy lonyr In all sections of ♦ he belt Rainfall *** general over the entire l»e|t with heary amounta In portions I of rli- Carollnas, Mlssletlppl, Louisiana and j T* x n s. Miss Llxxlt Evans. Mian Ltxxle Kvann, 37 yearn old, died at 192 Haynen street Monday morn- Ing at 10 o'clock. The body will be carried to Terpplo, Ga., for Interment, Wednesday morning at 4 o'clock. J. jTKIno. J. J. King died Monday morning at the Wesley Memorial Hospital after an tllnean of three months. The body won taken to Jasper, Ga., for Inter* ment Monday night. Roland HolL Roland Holt, the 13-year-old eon of \V. H Holt, Of winder, Ga, died In a private nanitarlum Monday. The body wan taken to Winder for Interment Monday night. Mrs. Arcadia Baker, The funeral services of Mrs. Arcadia Baker, who died nt her home, near Hattie Hilt, on Monday morning, at the age of 90 years, were held Tuesday afternoon at the residence at 3:30 o’clock. Rev. W. T. Caldwell officiated. The Interment wan at WestVlCW. Mary Bloodworth. Mary Bloodworth, the 10-year-old daughter of J. G. C. Bloodworth, died at her father's residence, 260 Ashby street. West End, Sunday evening at 7 o’clock. Hhe wan a niece of Judge Bloodworth, of the Flint circuit. Tho funeral services were hob! from tin- residence at 10 o'clock. Tuesday morn ing. Mrs. T. P, Cleveland. Mrs. T. P. Cleveland, wife of Dr. T. P. Cleveland, died at tho family residence, 143 Nelson street, at 6:30 o’clock Monday evening. Hhe Is sur vived by her husband and four chil dren, Mrs. E P. Ashley, Mre. George Dlckert, Mrs. D. F. M. Rmlth nnd fiev. T. C. Cleveland, of Gloucester, Mass. The funeral services will be con ducted by Dr*. Holderby and Bridewell at Wallace Preabyterlnn church, cor ner Walker nnd Stonewall ntreets, on Wednesday morning at 10 o’clock* The body will be carried t<» Athena, <ja., for interment. The following pall-bearers are re quested to meet at the undertaking parlors of Barclay A Drnnnon: Messrs. WJJJinm C. Potta, CnrJ Cunningham, T. W. Speights. Edwin Klngsbery, J. C. Huff and Hamuel B. Scott. DEATHS. Dr. Willis Perry Burt, 63 years old, died of heart failure at hla residence, 73 Mllledgo avenue. Joseph T. Mayhugh, & years old, died of meningitis at 177 Griffin street. Mary Bloodworth, 10 years old, died of typhoid fever at 260 Ashby street. William Ellis, 87 years old, died of old age at 443 Courtland atreet. Roland Holt, 13 years old, (lied of heart failure at Preabyterlnn hospital. Pnt O’Hara, 9 years old, died at Greenville, 8. C. Mias Helen M old, died at 345 ty)»hold fever. Mrs. Laura E. Livermore, old, died at Cedartown, Ga. Franklin, 21 years Peachtree street of THE METAL MARKET. York. Jun« 26.—Thors was a further and near-bj deliveries off ad a ■ tun Lead and spelter neglected. RAILROAD SCHEDULES ith<) w I ng t U » Ar r I v s |"« i iiMjVpsr i ure'ij f fhTT” aenger Trains of the Following Uoada: WESTERN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD. No. Arrive From— No. Depart To— • s Nashville 7:19 am • 2 Nashville . $:» am 71 Marietta . 1:16 am 74 Marietta ..12 b) pm •M Nashville 11:44 am *93 Nash tills . 4 50 pm 71 Marietta . JA0 pm 72 Marietta .. 6 9) pm • 1 Nashville 7 J5 pm * 4 Nashville . I SO pm T'ksrfUf. off lAlolwtA raIlWaY. Arrive From— Deport To— Savannah ...7:19 am Mncoo.... 12:01am Jacksonville . 7:S0 am Havnunah ... 1 00 am Macon 11:40 am Macon 4 <>> pm Savannah ... 4:06 pm B*v* .... niK”.’" till t Macon 7 « pm Jsrksontrlll* . % 2) i M « VFLa Ml A aN 1> w KOT~"P61NT"~ It A i t- ROAD. Arrive From— Depart To— •Selma U 40 am •Montgomery 6 19 am •ilnntgom y . 7:49 pm •Montgomery 12 46 pm •Selma ......11 K put •Selma ....... 4 20 pm l.nGrange ... 120 am fAGrange .... 4 4) pm •Montgoui’y . I 93 pm •Montgoin'y ..11:11 pm •Dally. AH other trains dally except Sun day. All trains of Atrants and West Point Railroad Company arrive at nnd depart from Atlanta T»rtnla*l station, corner klltrhell etreet and Madison aveeue. GEORGIA It AI LUO AD. Arrive From— l»ep»rt To— •Augusta ... I 09 pm •Augusta ..... 7:45 am Convert 6 45 am Llthonta .....10:06 nm Covington .. 7 46 sin *Augusta 1 prn •Augusts ...12 10 pm Conrer* B COpm fJtbonla .... I 3 pro Covington ... 4 19 pm •Augusta .... 1:15 pm •Augusta ....U:«fipm •Dally. All other trains dally except Sun* ±tjr _ *fiAfi<T*RL Alii link n'AiCWXr: Arrlr. From- li.ii.rt To- auhlngfon . < 99 am Rlrmlnglmm . 4 49 am Abbeville ...9:00 am Monroe . . . 7 29 am Memphis. . .11:45 am New York . .12 90 m New York . . 13) pm Abbeville . . 4:90 pm Monroe. . . . 7 40 pm Memphis . . . 6:00 pm BIRTHS, To Mr. and Mra. Henry Huffman, at 56 Henry Mine!, a son. To Mr. and Mrs. Joe J. Donnelly, at 205 Cooper atreet, a boy. To Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. lV»n- nally, a son. To Mr. and Mr*. Walter P. Burnett, at 69 Jett atreet, a daughter. To Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Klee man, at 329 Waahlngton atreet, u won. BUILDING PERMITS. $85—T. E. Hha*v to add to one-story frame dwelling at 24 Dumt> atreet. $100—G. A. Coleman to build frame shed at corner Vine and Foundry streets. $25—8. E. Lllley to build brick wall at 343 oaklund avenue. $50—Lufltte Htone Company to build frame ahed at 1 .T1 Enat Hunter atreet. $6,609 Mra. M. P. Hinedly to build two-story frame dwelling at 412 East Fair street. $76—A. H. Taney to re-cover frame dwelling at 423 Munguin atreet. $6.on'i Mra Kate I, Dykea to build two-etory frame duelling at 629 Peach tree atreet. $26—0. E. Johnson to ndd to veranda at 180 Hunnlcutt atreet. $2,300—J. M. Ilendrlx to build a twn- story frame dwelling at 11 Luclle ave nue. $1,500—It. F. Plckert to build «>ne- •tory frame dwelling at 2*5 Waldo streot. $260— M. nich, to build addition to house rear 136 Houth Pryor street. $2,709 John W. Ilarrlaon to build three one-story frame dwellings on Plant street, near Fraser. PROPERTY TRANSFERS. $200—J. N. Malone and N. P. Wal thall to WoJf Shctxen, Jot on corner nt Walnut and Rhodes atreet. Warranty deed. $560—WoJf Hhetxen to Mra. Theresa H. Stern, lot on corner of Walnut and Rhodes streets. Wa.rarfy deed. $200—Arthur P. Dyer to Wolf 8het- *an. lot on Walnut atreet, near Rhodes. Warranty deed. $1 nnd Other Considerations—A. J. CoIIler'a hefre to Mededlth Collar, lot on Peachtree road. Warranty deed. $3,100—Mra. Fannie Beardsley to Mra. Margaret It Hanning, lot on Capi tol avenue, near Uennlpg atreet. War ranty deed. 9 $50—College Park Land Company to Mra. Nalllo C. Danforth, lot In Col lege Park Cemetery. Warranty deed. $ 15.990 — East Atlanta Land Company to McClure Ten Cent Com;iany, lot on corner of Edgeuom! avenue and How- 11 street. Bond for title. $920—51 rs 8. K Godard to Appleton Church Home. lot on Woodward ave- le. Warranty deed. I2.9flu Mrs Jane K Sims to J. A. Smith, lot on East Cain street, near Hilliard. Warranty deed. $2,300—W. I*. White to Mra. J. F. Deal, lot on Nrth avenue. Bond for title. $626—J. R Campbell to J. R. Multe- nex, lot at corner of Rellwood avenue and Oliver atreet. Warranty deed. CLARK HOWELL SPEAKS AI DOUGLAS, GEORGIA H;w*f|al to The Georgian. Dougina. Ga.. June Hoo. Clark Han't *11 Is addressing a Urge crowd of rotate iff this county here tudaj. The speaklm began at noon. • Mr Howell speaks at S s «?wa