The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, June 27, 1906, Image 10

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. WEDNESDAY WANT ADS ONE CENT A WORD No Ad Taken For Leu Thin 25 Cent!. CASH MUST ALWAYS iccom- piny out-of-town orders. Watch The Georgian Want Page Grow. MISCELLANEOUS. Situations Wanted will hereafter be inserted on this page free of charge. If you want a situation, send your ad. to The Georgian. Each ad. will be limited to three lines, one inser tion. WANTED HELP—MALE. •th' trade. Good pay to start with an better par In two or three months. Onl thorn* with good references used spplj Mllf Mfi. — MEN AND BOY* WANTED LI plumbing. plastering, bricklaying, rtnl offer life scholarship fifty dollars, payment*: position guaranteed; free logue. Coyne llros. Trad# Schools, York. Chicago, fit. Louis. WASTED-MACHINE MEN ON 1 and doora. Apply at factory, Hi \v.\N-fUr>'Al' oWE, SWAS.'Ii-HaST) A|.| ly Mann i the New Klmb Ttjnrmv linger, the J wpmsmi lifMH bar; must be experienced and stead lllirl.KU; 133n Candler llldg. WANTED HELP—FEMALE. Biperlenced operators •12.00 per week, and _ day wages to those without experlai until they loom. If you lire out of lanta. write us nnd we will gtre you formation about boarding pin ft McCrea. ibama street local and long distance telephone operat ing. A course of Instruction given In train ing school with salary beginning with en trance to school. Good Mlarlea f “ competent operators, salary being mined upon merits of the operab not upon length of serrlre. Apply 6t Tmining School. Telephone llldg. Want i : i >~t\v»: nt V v i V iw dm FT: girls In our sewing room. Anyoi osii run a machine at home ran' learn our work. Experienced op 8ITUAT1QN8 . WANTED—MALE, BIT CATION school education; references I an use typewriter, office work pn . «. « Houth Pryor street. M. O. r.. CM Houth Pryor street. fcom-.R Akl) KNKUlIKTir- HCotl liSlAS. *. wants Work, ^nsf YVanit.IT SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE. iduate six years* rr E. II.. I*. O. Box WANTED—AGENTS. nr.fT Si Bales and Supply Co., Mobile, AM. WANTED—SALESMAN. INTELLIGENT. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. I- 1 *. "C e«»o«- Hr., lu '“ IfWIS MW - B. D. CRANE A CO. WAKYEh-PAItTY Sew Klmh.ll I»| Front New, Depot. tfiinw FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. Ii A VB TOC ANYTHING TO SELL? IF .n i ton, ml It to tlwjtontkere Auction •'"< B*J-*fl* Co - *> ■■ I'rjof street. I'boo. atlas engine* All styles and at sea ITUS buILkux Atm Bogin. Works, EtatUre Bldg., r IItST LI-ASS BraisTtsu ilorsftft ■In. c » Tryoc U.\Vl noon il'ltlGHt PlA.N'o Folk »">■ Address l*Uno. cor. Oaorgtan. M E D. CUANfc' A CO. Front New Depot. DON’T GO BLIND. "•nKK . VOC SEE THE ATL i*«B?t5avSSC , J5SP'aSS LUMBER—\VK HAVE THREE MII.I.R cuffing south Ge«irgf« pfne nt,Ingle* Also mnnufn* lure flooring, celling, siding nnd lath. Write us for delivered prices. Kil lian Lumber Company, ilox 107. Cordels, Oa. ALL 8TVLR8 GAT EH. WIRE AND IRON fence* sold and erected. Fencing for farm, lawn, garden tad poultry. Riefamr# • gent* for “Page Fencr. ,, Dltb» I'cnre «'o. surrensora Tilly Fence Co., 41 West Hunter street. Phone* 8998 (Vsgon I'nibrell**. 8I.06. E. D. 8 CH , !fNB h **<’0. Front New Depot. AT COHT-MY HTOCK OF ilttlN HAFfcH nnd vault door* to lie wild nt co*t during next week; now Is your time. 26 H. Broad street. K. W. Kill*. Atlnut*. EDUCATIONAL. MIWiMUSiY M K flEMff iir^VPir. 7 writing, mathematics, grammar and spell ing taught In evenings. Htokely * Hbortband - and LOST. STRAYED FROM NO. 418 CREW STREET. one Iron gray ms re, with *ore on right. Ib>turn to ifell Plumbing Co., 65 Mouth WANTED. t , Boy* to work In aprlng bod fac tory. SOUTHERN SPRING BED CO. Bell Street and Georgia Railway. J BU8INE88 OPPORTUNITIES. ^ GO SEE BOUTIIEHN AUTO AND EQUIP- ra meat Co. We repair, recon.troct, az- ro change, buy tad sell automobile*. Gang*. 10-11 Mitchell .treat, Atlanta, Oa. Dell phone 4M4-L Mala. • ATTIIACTIVE glONS WILL BB1NO YOU bnatneae. 6'nr high grade work call on Kent, am N. Pryor. I’tan# 2921. Custom Mods Harness. To Fit Any itorae. E. U.' CHANE A CO. Front New Depot. GlirtcEUV HtoRK RAltGAlKfiT" Other good buslnens op|Hirt uni ties. W. Jones, Ru*lne*s Broker, 222-226 Centnrv Rids. Phone* WANTED—REAL ESTATE. 81 WANT TO EXCHANGE HANDSOME cottage, excellent repair, large lot line •hide, etc., on snath eble. for corner lot In good location north aide, about 100 feet front. Will pay cash for difference. Ad dress Exchange, rare Georgian. PIAN08. BIIAMIIACII PIANOS. ESTABLISHED 1322. IlECnT PIANO CO.. 22 N. FOBSTTH. FOR RENT—FURNISHED ROOMS. COOI., PLEASANT BOOMS 22 TO M A week. Ieidgln* It a week, Meal, 22.60 a week. 1W4 Trinity avenue. Bell phone 2242, Atlanta phone 2767. CLEAN, COOL. NICELY FURNIBBBD rooms for men, 22 per week. No extra charge tot two In room. 10 Trinity avenue. B. Intone 2241. Atlanta phone 2767. DU PER80NAL. DAVID W. YABBBOUan. MASTER PLUMBER, Phone* 1256. 90 B. Hunter St WILLIS WALL PAPER, COMPANY. _ ltargrat atock In South, 64 N. Broad St “KENT LIGHTS.” THE BEST OF MANTLE LIGHTS NOW aold at 91M N. Pryor 8L Alax Kant, f hiU)*-4848. If rittilfcu of Till! two okntI.kHi-Jn who wera on Ih# Peachtree atreet car Sun- ay morning when the conductor bad a dispute with a negro man. who had with him a little baby boy. will 1* to *ood aa to give mo hla audrena. It would be oppre* NF dated. W. K. Mower, No. 1 Houth Broad t street, city. SHOE REPAIRING. JJ,' GWINN’S SHOE SHOP, c 4 LUCKIE, OPPOSITE PIEDMONT. Bell -:xtn Men'* eewwl half aolea. 76c WALL PAPER. Be J. hi. QUICK * CO-WALL PAPER. mouldlngejptctnre,. picture frame*, ate. Ball phoo* 739. Standard 104. 27 E. Hunter. BUBINE8B DIRECTORY. " TALKING MACHINES AND RECORDS— Whaleeale and retail dlatrlbntora of Jlr- lor Talking Machines and Record*. Jnat n resolved large ronalgumant of machine* and orer W.OOO record*. Immadlat* attention given mall ordWe. We want the name* of all talking machtna dealer* In Ik* aontk. Write for catalogue Alexander-Elyea Co. DIcYOLiin and tiilNDRlfci*—LARGBSt On bicycle and auadry dlatrlbntora In th* aonth. Southern agent* for 1'lerce. Tala, 4n.ll and Hudson bicycle*. Writ# for out IM6 rafalogua and price Mat Alaxandar- mm YOUR TEETH me CROWNED 22 K GOLD CROWNS 21 UP, without pain. All work guaranteed 16 year*. Lanier Dental Parlora. 2916 White- ball St., over Emmona' clothing (torn. Boll mc phono 062 J. WS KGl'fc, BfOBB. I'ACK AND *HtP honorhold gooda; tnauranre rate on# per .k, cent Office and w.rebouw 162* WalGn ln< atreet Both 'phone,. Cathcnrt'a Trana- Reynolds, the shiv paISter. m t Signs, bsnnsrs. Sags and Sag decorations for special occasions. Sftfc K. Alabama It r it TEETH w< EXTRACTED POSITIVELY WITHOUT » I’AIN—All dental work done without pain. Ab work guaranteed 15 years. Lanier l>en- ®yi tsl Parlors. 9% Whitehall St., over Em mons' clothing store. Bell phone 2MS-J. tlv CASH REGISTERS. 1 •or (Second Hand.) t h« NATIONALS. IIALLWOODS. IDEALS Wll snd sll other makes at bargain pries*. . We can sell you a register, suitable for ‘f® any business, at a pries that cannot help but please you. In * Gksh or monthly payments. Every register rut ran teed for two years. Southern Oaih n,r Hand Cash Register C*. 24 H. Broad atreet. ,nB Atlanta, tia. Ca OLD HATS MADE NEW. b<M PANAMA AND MILAN tltltAW 1IAT* cleaned and reshaped, 6»c. .taped"the fHi hate cleaned aod ro- Rand', nr .we,ft. %r each extra. wm ACME HATTERS, «k Whitehall It TEETH BE*T SET OF TEETH 2».66l GI'ARAN. , teed to at. All work guaranteed 16 yearn. Lauloc Dental Partora. ns, Whltekall «L. aarer^ Emmona' clothing itoce. Uetl phono WANTED. Throe colored mon an portara- 'I, SOUTHERN SPRING BED CO* ve. Bell Street and Georgia Railway. TO BELIEVERS IN ADVERTISING Advertizing will Mil anything one time. Millions of dollars have been made through use of printer’s Ink. The dally newipapera are recognized as the most valuable sourco of advertising. It Is an assured fact that no matter how Judiciously your advertising Is placed; no matter how attractively your displays are arranged; no matter bow great the circulation or Influential the medium you employ. If your goods are not aa represented advertising will do you no good. The Georgian la In the Held to secure the advertising of desirable articles. The Georgian guaran tees a circulation of 23,000 as high class readers as any paper In the United States. If you have some thing which you honestly believe the public wants, and you want to communicate the fact to the public that you possess that article, and will place this squarely before the people, The Georgian solicits your business and will guarantee you returns. Hundreds of sdvertMers have Just begun to appreciate this paper as an Influential medium. Its columns are being patronized. The fact that some advertisers repeat Insertions Is proof positive of the satisfaction with which they have been served. Place your name squarely before the public. The Georgian hsa no free Hat. The only way to get it Is to buy 1L This Is evidence that the paper has a value. Let the public aee your ad. In Tho Georgian and you will reap results. 1 EAST CAIN ST. NEAR HIGHLAND AVENUE}. CHAS. M. ROBERTS. 12 AUBURN AVE. NORTH SIDE HOMES. Have aeveral very handsome North e homes. For Information sw UEBMAN. Real Estate, Renting. 28 Peachtree St. WANTED, TH SIDE HOME. Eight or nine-room houM, well C. H. WELLS & CO., 1104 Fourth National Bank Bldg. SANDERS, SMITH & CONWAY, tones 6488. 412 Peters Bldg. BUY A SWEET HOME. NEW AND COOL. AT HIOH AND BEAU •■'•■I Copenhlll, assy monthly payments, ss rent. 4 rooms, hot snd raid w. lorralsln bath and tollrt, Dutch mum It,, and cabinet, rlsht In city, on tho Ina. 1Z mlnntaa from center; only — Be qulch. PENHILL LAND CO. 16 EDGEWOOD AVENUE. Bell Phone 603. Atlanta Phone 346. THREE MONTHS RENT FREE Only On# Lift of Eight Brand New Suburban Home*. given FREES at tho t. making only nlno thexo bouse#. Theoo are located on tho River electric car line only twenty minute# ride from the center of the otty; contain 7 and I rooms; have a fifty-foot Park, which la eet In trees. oaks; an Ideal spot for children, cheaper than living In the city In the center of thte Park are It now has a new church, neatly lehed. a store, a school-house coet- tS.S00.00 will toon be completed, aln J. T. Mills, who lives on the nda will show you through the •a Rent IS0.00 per month. JOHN J. WOODSIDE. 12 Auburn Avonua. 627,600—INVESTMENT—CLOSE IN ON north side, paying 63,960. Special reason for selling. 117 GLENWOOD AVE.-63.IiO ON EASY terms. This Is a lovely 7-r. cottage on ahadr lot, north front, 50x180, 1* In perfect cltl reason for offering this. 61.800—NO. t CURRAN ST.. RENTS FOIl 618; Is nearly brand n#w; 5*r., good lot. Just outside city limits; save taxes. This Is n strictly first-clan* proposition for in vestment or home. Easy terms. 64.250-BRAND NEW 8-R. HOME ON north side, car line; splendid elevation, near Jackaon street. Owner refused this week to rent It for 640; preferring to sell It. Now If you really want a splendid north able home, storm-sheeted, double-floored, beautifully finished, see us at once and we can help you get It on terms If desired. 62,600—WEST END, BRAND NEW 5-R. cottage, water, sewerage, etc.; lot level and shady and la 60x200, right at car line. We ran make terms of 6350 cash and ££ per month on this for Immediate sale. 64,000—RBNT8 FOR 110. CLOSE IN ON •outh able, good atreet. S-r. up-to-date bouse. With every convenience and a beauty. Don't My south aide property 1, not good when It rent, at thl, figure and 1, Inside the aoo number; double car track, etc. BRASS AND IRON BED BARGAINS. . $50.00 Finest aLl-huaHh ni-il»H.TT...*3S.oo 342.00 SOLID ALL-BEAKS lUlllS 3SS.00 gknt'LVk aLli'uiass 226.00 IUtAS.s'TlHSfMKIlUl(!N‘ , "KfiBti.3l5.o4 Verkin MaktiS IRON ItfiftH..liI.oo *16.00 VEItNIH MARTIN llittN llEltd. l 7.00 RttAl'tiFL'L iiAiiV itEitk ...$7.00 ur aSI) The bf.kt $:.w FULL IiIiJR iuon' Bed in the state. OCR FULL bfZK JJto OfS-N'DIS'E i^ElT Mattreaa during this sale for only 66.45. flit: ahoVi* aIu: o.VLV a F^tvciF tilB many bargains wo are offering now. ROBISON & BARNES, 18 E. HUNTER ST. SPECIALS. FOR IMMEDIATE SALE INMAN PARK—NINE-ROOM HOUSE, ON a lot 280x860 feet; apling, well ami city water; fine lawn and plenty of oak shade. This Is certainly wall worth teeing. Price, 65.500; reasnnalde terms. ON FORT 8T.-WK OFFER FOR QUICK sale, three brand new, 2-atory negro fiats, rented right now for 6110 per month. Pries 68.600; reasonable terms. ON WOODWARD AVB.-WE HAVE 3 little houses In first-clans condition we ea# offer at 6700 each or the three for 62.0lm cash; now rented for 620 per month. Call on ua first thing Thursday morning. CAMPBELL & WILSON, REAL ESTATE AND RENTING AGENTS. 1208 Fourth National Bank Bldg. Bell Phone 1932. FOR RENT. JOHN J. WOODSIDE,. 90 BALTIMORE PLACE—THIS RIGHT- room, two-story, frame, doubln hoime. Is on the south side ot Baltlmare place, be tween West Peachtree and Spring streets; la thoroughly modern hfinis; baa gas, hot and cold water, stationary wasbstand. por celain hath. closet, sink In the kitchen; the lot la 35x150 feat: has a servant's house; has a hot-air furnace In the basement; the location Is first-class In every respect; will rent or least to September 1. 1997, at 610 per month. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THE RENTING AGENT, 12 Auburn Avenue, Both Phonea 618.' DEATHS, MIbs Llxzle Evans, 37 years old. died of consumption at 193 Haynes street J. J. King. CO years old. died of Inflam mation of the brain at Wesley Memorial hospital. tfrs. Snrnh Forsyth. 65 years old. died Bright's disease r* •* —* ilrs. T. r. Clereli at HO Nelson street. Mable Jennings Ward. II months old. died of cholera In fun tutu at Nn shrllle, Tenn. BIRTH 8. To Mr. and Mrs. Edwin It. Haas, Waverly tray, Inman l'ark, a son. BUILDING IpERMIT8. 115—W. M. Wilson, to put In skylight st . •* >tli street. Linton, to add to one-story at 674 South Pryor street. 675—Marie Isiiw*. to odd to frame dwell- at 103 Elliott street. ,JO—W. Q Henderson, to build addition to one-store frame dwelling at 41 West Pearhtree place. Il floo— Hoard of Education, city, to add to Starr school. 61.060—J. F. Green, to repair damage by Are at 192-4 Kennedy street. 6450—C. J. Besh, to build one-story frame dwelling rear of 160 Whitehall terrace. $125—W. R. McAlister, to build stone wall at 140 E. Linden street. 6125—Dr. William Cawhorn, to build ad dition to one-story frame dwelling. .. 6750—Thomas J. Henry, to build addition to one-story frame dwelling at BOS West Mitchell street. 650—J. T. Kirkpatrick, to build addition to frame dwelling at 140 Lorejoy street. DEKALB AVENUE LOTS We have only two of the DeKalb avenue lots left; one is a corner 63x170, at $900, and the adjoining lot 63x180, at $800. These are in the fine grove between Hurt street and Moreland avenue on car line; water main in front and in city limits. No such values can be found in Atlanta as these two superb building lots. FORREST & GEORGE ADAIR 63.80)—John 8. Owens, to Imlld two-story frame dwelling at 37 Eleventh street. 62,500—Mrs. J. P. Allen, to build two- story frame dwelling nt 65 Luclle avenue. 62J»—A. C. Watts, to repair three frame dwellings nt 14-18-1S Itlrhiuond street. 63:000—W. 41- Drews, to bnllil two one- tory frame dwellings on Jackson place. 63.000-John A. Smith, to build three one- story frame dwellings nt 123-127-131 Fowler atreot. 63.0ft>—John A. Smith, to build • three *one- Story frame dwellings at 125-128-130 -Lovejoy street. PROPERTY TRAN8FER8. 634.15— County Jars D. HaaklB lot on Jackson street. Sheriff's de4>d. 627..*0-0»unty (‘oiiiuiIm<I«»imtn t<> Mrs. Clara D. Haskins, lot on Jackson street Sh«-rlft'« deed. 08—f. M. Coker, trustee, to J. D. Coney, lot In land lot No. 1(9 Fulton county. Trus tee's deed. 61**50—8. G. Torman and JI. H. Hubert, trustees, to Empire State Investment Com pany. lot on corner of Highland nvenuo and Sampson street. Trustee s dreg. ttjflob—Mabel M. White to Wllllstn Drls- 6635—4'. II. ltelcher to H. II. Sherwood, lot on Chestnut street, near Carter. War ranty deed. • 62x5—l'rnnk and George R. Edmondson to J. II. Drummond, lot on Mayson and Turner's avenue. Warranty deed. 610>—College Park land Ombml. James II. Greer, lot In College Park ceme tery. Warranty deed. jU8-MM Callle U Bennftt to Mer chants snd Mechahlcs* Banking and Loan Company, lot on corner of Fourteenth street «» to M.rchant, .nd claim deed. 65O0—C. D. Maddox to Mrs. C. L. Den nett, lot on Fourteenth street. Warranty deed. THE WEATHER. LOCAL FORECAST. Atlanta mid Vicinity—Partly cloudy t night, Thursday showers. 1 y 1 WEATHEF IN COTTON BELT. Jlseman, lot at 45 and 47 East Mitchell street. 64,500—Thoms■ J. Wealy to Nathan Title- BRIEF NEWS BY WIRE EMMETT HEIGHT, CUy tfeater In ^oanty Reu. . ~ ... Forsyth St. Bell Phone 1450-Atl. 1*4. 90 acres la ixKalb county cheap. YOUR TEETH Ibl* priCM. U,lH tMMI bU.b.ll ,L. a nr r B.U ZbjM tUH. AT THE THEATERS At th, C.tino. th. bet and ,trongc«t vaud.vlll. attraction yet prewnted at the Ponce DeLeon Casino or anywhere elee In Atlanta la tha attraction that Is drawing great gatherings this week. The bill le In keeping with the beat that can be saen anywhere, (or there are three of the acta that are recog nized headline features on any bill In any theater. Uadame Rent, whose Hippodrome aucceee le a matter ot theatrical his, tory, has eclipsed tha hit of any vaU‘ French Chief Is Retired. Pari., June 27.—Tho commander In chief of the French army, Generalis simo Brugere, today reached the age limit, and was retired from the army, hie successor being General Hagroon. To Punleh Clergymen. London, June 27.—The royal com mission on ecclesiastical discipline, appointed by the Balfour ministry In 1904, In flts report to parliament yes terday recommends that the service of the church be brought Into harmony with modern requirements; also that a contumacious clergyman Instead of being Imprisoned should be deprived of his living and prevented from ac cepting a new living. 8paaker Cannon to Spoak. Youngstown, Ohio, June 17.—The annual banquet of the chamber of commerce will be held on Monday night, July 2, at the Progress Club. Those who will make addressee In clude Speaker Joseph G. Cannon, Con gressman J. Adam Bede, Champ Clark, James Kennedy and Mayor Frank U Baldwin. Kill Unmuzzled Dog*. Buffalo, N. Y, June 27.—Orders were Issued by Chief Regan this morning to the captains of each police precinct to kill all, unmuzzled dogs on sight. The order Is a result of failure on the part of citizens to ob serve the ordinance, which has result ed In numerous children and some adults bMng severely bitten by vagrant cure. ' * Ant!-8meke Convention. Detroit, Mich., June 27.—In pur suance of a movement started some time ago by Charles Poethke, of Mil waukee, delegates representing a num ber of cities assembled In conven tion here today to dlscuaa the smoke nuisance. The object, f* to unite all city ofllclala to work for uniform and effective l.glslatlen to eliminate the municipal smoke evil. Maine Republicans. Port\nd, Maine, June 27.—The Re' publican state convention to nominate candidates for governor and other state officers was called to order here early this afternoon.. Governor WII llam T. Cobb, who has .been a strong defender of the prohibitory law and of the Sturgla commission, doubtless, will be renominated by acclamation. Nashville Man Speaks. Kalamasoo, Mich., June 37.—There was a large attendance of bench and bar at the opening, here today of the annual meeting of • the Michigan Bar Association. The- principal feature will be the delivery of the annual address tomorrow by Judge Horace H. Lurton, of Nashville, Tenn. RAILROAD NEW?. H. C. Hunt, for some time passenger ticket agent of the Southern Railway at Jacksonville, Fla., and for many years the assistant ticket agent of the same road at Augusta, tin, has taken a position as clerk In the baggage room at th* terminal station. Mr. Hunt Is brother of R. W. Hunt, dls trlct passenger agent of tho Southern at Charleston, and la well known In railroad circles. . . District Passenger Agent Joe Bll lups nnd 'President Charles Wleker- sham, of the West Point road, left on Tuesday afternoon for Chicago, whjre they will attend a meeting of railroad men on Friday. James U. Horne, chief clerk In the local office of the land and Industrial department of the Southern Railway, will leave next week on his annual va' cation, which will be spent with rela tlvee In Washington, D. C. THE LIVE STOCK MARKET, By I’rlrate lasted'Wire. \ • 'hlcsgo, June i!.—lings: Estimated re cetpts. 22,000. Market Ic higher; quality le fair; left orer, 6,040; estimated for tomor row, 6.70; [inrh. Cattle—Receipts, 22,000. Mrrket good and steady; others weak; quality fair; beerea, «***«;.rowsjjl.ici.60;: heifers, 12 400 6.11); calves, 2o.oAi«.3: good prime steers, 26.2066-10; poor to medium. t2.26Q6.10; stock- era snd feeders, I2.60Q4.II). Sheep—Receipts, 11,000. Market strong apalltr fair; ns Hre, 12 6*06.40; western. umt "- 15 80 BEARS TOO NUMEROUS DEFEATED OWN GAME KS RAILROAD SCHEDULES (showing't!i<# Arrival' nn 1 l'.,;„'.'ri„re ot Pas- . be Follow Ins Hoads: IMMPi:’ !.ANi ItAILHOAD. No. Arrlre Prom— No. Depart To— > 3 Nashville 7:10 am > 2 Nashville . 1:15 am 71 Marietta , 1:26 nm 74 Marietta ..12:1] pm >93 Nashville 11:46 am >32 Nashville . 4:60 pm 176 Marietta . 2:50 pm 72 Marietta .. 6:30 pm > 1 Nathvlllv 7.35 pm * 4 Nashville . I A# on *~Ot:STKAL OF OE&ktiiA raiLwaY. _ Arrive From— .. Depart To- Ravannah ... 7:10 am Maran 1241am JaekeoavUle . two am Saraaaah ... 1*0 am me«wa» M .ll:t3am Macon 4:0) nm AYUSta luiKY lul” laGrange"::: tipv am lAOveig”’.V. I : »pm up*nr arrlre at aa<] d«part not Attain* Terminal statlcn. corner ltc#eU at reel aMl MtHnou q T ren#. UKOKUIA RAILROAD. Arrive From- Ivp.rt To- s-egeeu ... 6*3 rm -Augnata 7:43 am Senate Man IJtboats Covington .. 7:46am Ungsata •Dally. #•::: I; jttT. AUmtoTimtoto^T atwt York, June 27.-The '»»« Jte, . __ _ heavy In an orertold market that the de~- cIIm In the next crop months was amnll, nnd Jnly nclnally adrnneed slightly. Arts, trnge operations, favored br nnnanally targe differences between New York and IJver- pool. were active, taking the ehapr of p chaaee here and sales of July-Anguat aer the water Then, again, the 8oalb core raMdenMe of Its Idg short Interest. Price Interests evented to be nelllug (let* crop |e 74 | t taat month i day. lint there were too many bean. Thei defeated their own gome.' -dltvort * cloy New Orloano, Jane 27.—Times-Democrat "The bears were tenght another leeeon In sfn'fcf. r “jf^'c's: the market failed to itoy down Kxcewdra precipitation over the Cnrollnaa waa lanw- ly reeponaltde for this rather otvatlnatr show of reetatanre, Ivot the belief that holla would probably noon begin to e.iRtt rain damage, and the artlvlty of the weevil ptayevl a stellar role la the trend of the day'e .rents, for the thought brought to the mind e eye of the abort The poaotMI- l', r "f'f ot l« theerent the trade should acquire the habit of lin ing up the world’s requirements for another with an orer-pbia of nnfnvorahle crop letlne—twelve millions of tailes le a w« lot of cotton to come from any arreege. weather and tabor coodttlona tjelng Iras than perfect thronghoat the emeon. Mean while. scalping operations no a .null arair are In n fair way of expanding somewhat pending the gorerament'a crop report. The ■ .h?.* .P>*yed kta last trump rani and lent 'W game. What the next deal I# remain* to Im» ar»u. Homo few notire* will I* breed lorelly in tlbrereK ot bnmnem, hat they are sot iTkely to he la anfflHeat rolatne to Influence spec ulative value*."—Ware a Letaad. xory, naa ccnpaeu trve nu or any vau deville feature yet recorded In Atlanta. The beauty of the act has had much to do with the aucceee, and merit hae counted tor a great deal. The act la one that holds interest from tha Mo ment It la Introduced until the very last second of the sensation. All tha other numbers are good, some flue and w, others up to the standard. 1 ■■ There will be the usual tfme* pea rants during the rent of the __ . and Interest la growing stronger with • BtraTTVm ' iSKS wTTvoVi—• • It!?" go..l. sre movtnc with ran.i.b »i.|.- each performance, Moia la Ceftra? Um«“ * t0B Am ricaa and West In i wj iisss • ?5;s 1 bf «P- N»e«|dde. . .U:tt*m New Turk . ,‘i2:'oa*m e week . .4«pS »»>> : B 1 ?t'ta*h:«: iiSKS Baa&^ • •«?- THE DRV GOODS MARKET. By Private Lneed Wl“ New York. Jane 27.-There was a heavier tnoremeat today In the dry goods market In the Meeehed sad prilled gondaT jf.i,! bln* house naira wera well attaSSd. aid goods sold freely. The trails f!w the rtjy Is more promts*ag tkaa Jobber, looked Cottoaynras were somewhat easier sad the export trade to Cblaa Is still rrnr dnll. pact garde v wlca to " dtaa ports. Texas—Tyler, cloudy and cool, gan Aa. tonlo, clear a lid warm. Honaton, cloinl r fight X 1 . ,n “ D *"" IVxax UnlnfnU: RpovIRp. 82; Blanco (*• R" - 1 ' hrlstt .02; Cttfro l'«v' GnlvoKton trace; Houftoii 60; Huutivilim 142; Mexta .02; Kerrvlll* trice! 5522 ww* .28: Palretluc .02; Tnylor .12; Wacu. Waxabarhlc tracy; Wharton .60, ' MlMlBflliml—'Yncoo city, cloudy and coot Greenwood ami Winona, cloudy and warm- drizzling MerltULan. ewudy and warm- r.ili.f-i hint itll’Iii. H izi. liuret, partly eloudi nnd nleaxnnt. Vlcb8bnrg. Jackaon nn] Hrookbaven. partly rIou.*y and warm Natchez, partly cloudy and cool. Grenada.’ partly cloudy und cool. Uorluth, cloudy ami pleasant. Alnbnma—Selma, cloudy nnd warm; hard rein yesterday. Montcomcry, partly cloudy ami pleasant. OnatlEa. denr and warm. Birmingham, rloutly and warm; hard rain yetterday. Iluntnvllle, cloudy ami a little cool; rain last nfebt. Mobile, partly cloutjy and warm; rained yesterday. tleorfda—Horae, clomiy and plrenant. lauta. partly cloudy and warm; rained tenluj. ^Mncoii.jdllmny and Amerlrui, cfi- cloudy ■IMS, Columbus, partly warm. Tcnncaaee—Memphis, cloudy and cool. Clmttnnooffn. clear and hot. Knoxville, cloudy nnd plcntant. Nashville, t-Jesr and cool. WEATHER IN~WHEAT BELT. it T Clear; 62 to *2 i rains Ulsmarrk and l.. West nnd Knuthweat—Partly cloudy; *> to <0 above; ffeueral reins Iowa local Ksnaus WEATHER FORECAST. fair nnd wanner; variable winds. Grorjla— Showers Wetlnemlny and cooler .a northeast portion: Thursday partly cloudy And warmer; light to fresh south west winds. Kentucky—Fair Wednesdajb showers at night or Thursday. Tennessee—Partly cloudy Wednesdnr; showers lu east portion; Thursday partly cloudy. w Fast Texas— Partly cloudy Wednesdnv and ThuradAy; light to fresh southeast winds. West Texas—Fair Wednetfliy* Thursday partly cloudy; showers nnd cooler in ex treme north portion. Illinois, Indiana—Continued warm and generally fair, except probably local thun derstorms In north ;»ortlon tonight or Thursday. * Lower Michigan and Upper Michigan— Probably shower* and thunderstorms to night snd Thursday; warmer tonight. Missouri, Knnsns, Nebraska, Dakotas. Montana—Generally fair and continued Montnnn—Generally fair ami continued warm tonight nnu Thursday and probably local showers. Minnesota. Wisconsin. Iowa—Cloudy with local thunderstorms tonight or Thursday; warmer tonight. WEATHER CONDITIONS* The pressure , has Increased somewhat over (lie southeast nnd today the center tered near Havre, Mont. The temperature hnn this section. In the Missouri and New Knglnud. Cloudiness prevails throughout the south and rains have fallen lu the south Atlantic and gulf states and at moat stations west of the Mississippi In the last 24 hours. Tunderatnrmi occurred In Georgia, northern Texas, Kansas, Nebraska and Minnesota In the last 12 hours. The conditions favor partly cloudy weath er In this section tonight. Thursday show- COTTON REGION BULLETIN. meridian tltiws June 27. STATIONS OF ATLANTA DISTRICT. •Atlanta, cloudy... •Chattanooga, p. cloudy... Columbna. p. cloudy Gainesville, cloudy a. *i,„ f cloud};......... 'Macon. C p?cloudy .*11.’ .* Montlcello. dear- Newnan. p. cloudy... tome, cloudy Kpsrtanburg. cloudy Tocco*. cloudy I =,3 S M si? West Point, p.’cloudy IIII •Minimum temperatures are for 12 hour period ending at 8 a. ra. thin date. Heavy Rainfall*: Macon, Al*., 2.00; 1.1 r- - CENTRAL s|| STATION. if! Atlanta Augnata Ohnrlettan Galrntan Little Hork Mobile K61SES. Oklahoma Havannah Vicksburg Wilmington • *1 s !S 16 17 12 10 Dlst. Averts” I{| flit t Intricate. Inanprrvtahle rainfall. R.mark*. lower teraperatarea preralleil over tie belt genrrallg. I’rwiniiailaa orrarna all aertbtna except Faarleaton aa. ••k'"- hoina ill.trtrta: the amoanta were lii«pt>r'" viable In Utile Hock and Mcmphta <He- trteta awl heav, I* p^qtbHw of Atabama- PIEDMONT BROKERAGE CO.'S ■ DAILY MARKET LETTER New York. 27—Hmall spot eels, nt cotton at Uvrfpnd. hat wtlh prtce. «tc«' 1 f tad fatarra lietter than expected. This lug flrat aotlca day la New Orica aa. nod'' • were lasned early on abrait 1.6*> We* “ July, and they were all atopped. A eharp rally la Jnly at New < trice ns affected V" New York option, and ntrength deretoped abortly after the opealng. The new crap ■ gnarar strength, and. *'• are reported In Tex»«. they nt. The Jnly 1 report of the -arrive th# erop to siia#26. * — rain. In the aoatkwrat ,tarted after rka 26th. they ran hardly he expect.d to «how ‘n the report. A higher range of price, front. If*'':" and oar opening waa buoyant, tat the prceeure of bxi* et.-vk w«, conriaaed »"•> te*are ilo not lo^ime at frlghteae,! a. for merly. Ft. rani eras the weak feature or the atnrk aflitfcat and derllned near r 4 polnle. The f.-et!n* exhibited la Wall «reet a gainst the admhdatratton', policy la utncetl- ('aptTel eeem, to have etae“' withdrawn I "in the eto. lt aarket. «« eni. that atnrk, ,re tela* bnetxk> la view of tM; rdcr fer thr tall ee. a, th, ruoa be fl.llug with st«>