The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, June 28, 1906, Image 10

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dpi THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. WANT ADS ONE CENT A WORD No Ad Taken* For Leas Than 25 Cents. CASH MUST ALWAYS accom pany out-of-town orders. . ... — , —, _..n ... Watch The Georgian Want Page Grow. Situations Wanted will hereafter be inserted on this page free of charge. If you want a situation, ■end your ad. to The Georgian. Each ad. will be limited to three lines, one inser tion. WANTED HELP—MALE. WANTRD-GOOD 8TRO.NO white hi as helpers in the foundry to learn molt ere' trade. Good pay to atart wltf “ tetter pny In two or three months. those vrlfh rood i III Ufa. Delxmch Mill B0Y8 WANTED Applv M : 111 i • ■ hAim:N 4 i>i2'it’T*h * wwr i experienced wantk ti 'T53cTfeTl f R Nc m > 5TP:m 23fe Candler Bldg. WANTED HELP—FEMALE. WILL GIVE REGULAR EMPLOYMENT In our Sewing room to girls an' on easy work, short hours and \ Pro*. A McCren. 38 W. you iitw out vi ftp wo wilt give you in line places. Nunnally . A In I. a run street Ine school with ealary In-ginning wl trail. •• Co seboot. Good aatartea p: competent operators, salary tolng mined upon raerlta of the opera to not upon length of service. Apply 6th Training School, Telephone Bldg. Wan i iff! glrla In our sewing room, can run a machine at horn lenrn our work. Kxperleti HtTUAT»0N8 WANTED—MALE, SITUATION nr bool edncntlon; ran uae typewriter. M. O, P., South Pryor fCTre* work tin afreet Tsnnun—I—— 3*. want. work, rleriral nr manual, ■'Qr., fit.mow- i-arr Georxlau. SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE. WANTED - POBITWN IN wbooi hy b OtmftMt* »lx mnolal*. Aihlrm. Ml., 104, Colon Point, U«. WANTED—AGENTS. ■none, Mml for our free elreulare. U •ral B.Ui and Supply Co., Mobil*, Alt. WANTED—SALESMEN. en»y ariisn, exclusive lerniory ano unerai prop «ltloo; nlraordin.rr rhanc* for work er. SUM If. roo b.r. bail .xprrlrnce. lludltn, Co., AUaata, 0«. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. wanted-the to that lb. Sontb.rn Auction anil Prjo^c^UUpoa^nOour it*. »tc., tu adrantaa., An K*»x Mark. E. II. CRANE A Co. Front Now I >-i WAKTBb-l-AtrtV N.w Kimball r*c . H rhee r*t«*h. with N.n.(rr, tbs N.w Kimball. ►spot. kTTTI rr FOR 8ALE—MISCELLANEOUS. you hart, wad It to t • nd..Sajgjja C > Soutbrrn Auction (B.III Atf2arwisiia- —All mtjhm and mass. ATLAS ilOILKKH tla. Enala. Work* Empire Bl,l», AtUnta , L ,M LPr M .. BVMNEHa noma .ti.iuld bar. blab trad, olrita. Call on to. CRANE A CO. Front New Depot. DON’T GO BLIND. wniw tot see the atla tr.rrl.rm’ acppUr. and \ MISCELLANEOUS. I' LUMBER—WE HAVE THREE MILLS cutting R'"itli t;«Mii-gia [iltif* Ahlnjcb** Alsu I manuffw-tiirc flooring, celling, siding nn<l 1 lath. Write ii* for dsJJrefiB prices. Kil- 11 *in I-uiiilj-r Compnny, Box I T, Cordele, Ga. ALL STYLES GATES. WIRE AND IRON fences sold and erected. Fencing for farm, lawn, enrden and poultry. Exclutlre Agents for "Page Fence, 1 ' Dixie Fenco Co. successors Tilly Fence Co., 41 West Hunter street. Phones 2X93. Wngon I'mbrellns, $1.00. A Hhsdr Thing. E. I>. CRANE 9c CO. Front New Depot. AT C08T-MY HTOCFt OF lltON HAKES and vault doors to be stdd at cost during next week; now Is your time. 26 8. Broad street. It. W. Ellis, Atlanta. EDUCATIONAL. / writing, mathematics, grammar and spell ing taught in evenings. Mtokely's 'Shorthand 9 am LOST. STRAYED FROM NO. 436 CREW STREET. one Iron-gray mure, with sore on right. Return to MeU Plumbing Co., 65 South WANTED. Boy* to work In iprlng bed fac- lory. SOUTHERN SPRING BED CO., Bell Street and Georgia Railway. s BU8INE88 OPPORTUNITIES. f OO SEE 80UTIIBIIN AUTO AND EQUIP- c msnt Co. We repair, reconstruct, ex* n change, buy and sell automobiles. Garage. 10-12 Mitchell street, Atlanta. Os. Bell Dhnns 4894-L Main. ATTRACTIVE SIGNS WILL RUING YOU huilnen. For high (trade work rail on Kent, *1V4 N. I'ryor. rEone 29M. Custom Made Harness. ■ To Fit Any Hon*. E. D. CRANE ft CO. Front New Depot. GUOCEttV 8TORE BARGAIN^. Other good business opportunities, w. Jones, Business Broker. 232-2B Century Bldg. Phones 66fln. WANTED—REAL ESTATE. fl WANT TO EXCHANGE IIAND80MB cottirge, excellent repair, large lot, line shade, etc., on south aide, for corner lot tn good location north slda, about 100 feet front. Will pay cash for difference. Ad- dress Exchange, cure Georgian. PIAN08. BKAMUACH PIANOS. ESTABLISHED 1823. BECIIT PIANO CO., 62 N. FORSYTH. FOR RENT—FURNI8HED ROOM8. COOL. PLEASANT ROOMS (2 TO B A week. Ievlglnir 11 a week. Meal* tlM a week. 1014 Trinity avenue. Rail pbon* 2248, Atlanta pbon* 27(7. CLEAN. COOL. NICELY FURNISHED moral for men. 12 per week. No extra eh.roe for two la room. 19 Trinity avenue. . R. Phone 2248. Atlanta phone 27m. b PERSONAL. DAVID W. YARBROUGH, MASTER PLUMBER, Phones 1256. 30 B. Hunter 8L WILLIS WALL PAPER COMPANY. _ Largest stock In South. 54 N. Broad St — “KENT LIGHTS.” THE REST OF MANTLE LIGHTS NOW oold nt 81(4 N. Pryor St. Aln Kent. Phone 4848. IF KlflluU ok illtT two gbntLkmen' who were on the Peachtree atreet cur Mnu* day morning when the conductor had a (llapute with * nemo man. who bad with ^ tint a llllle baby Ivor, will lie no *ood aa In *lve me hla audree*. It would be nppre- N elated, w. K. Mower. No. 1 South Entail ■treel, city. ■* SHOE REPAIRING. g GWIKN’S SHOE SHOP, c 4 LITCKIK. OPPOSITE PIEDMONT. Bell 2336. Men's sewed half soles. 76c. WALL PAPER. Bi J. M. QUICK A CO.—WALL PAPER, mouldings, pictures, picture frames, etc. Bell phone 729. Stnudsra 704. 27 B. Hunter. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. " TALKING MACHINES AND RECORDS^ Wholesale nnd retail distributors of Vic* tor Talking Machines and Records. Just r recelvefl large consignment of machines sod over 10,000 records. Immediate attention given moll ord<#«. We want the nsifles of oil talking uachlns dealers In the south. Write for catalogue. Alexaoder-Ciyea Co. ulcYcLks aSD flbNRkHks-LAHo'Ktfr 0 btrycle and inndry dUtrlbntor* In th* couth. Southern axenta for I'lere*. Yale. Snell and Uudxon blrycle*. Writ* for onf 1108 ratnlojfu* and prlra Uxt Alaxandar- Elye* Co. hi YOUR TEETH CROWNED 22-K OOI.D CROWNS (2 UP. without pain. All work guaranteed 15 years. Lanier Dental Parlors. 39H White* _ hall St. over Emmons' clothing store. Bell m phone tfO-J. K> WK (JoVb, STOIlte. PACK AND SHIP bouaabuld *ooda; Inriranee rat* oat par ,v. cent Office and warehouse 163 65 Walton in street Both 'phones. Cathcnrt's Trans* n fer. R RKYNOl.ltS, TllB SION PAINTER, m Signs, banners, flags and flag decorations for apodal occasions. 30tfc R. Alabama St r \ TEETH ' v EXTRACTED POSITIVELY WITHOUT » PAIN—All denial work dou* without pain. All work guaranteed 15 year*. Lanlar l)*n. •• tal Parlor*. SM Whitehall st.. over Em- mona' clothing atore. Dell phone 2582-J. II CASH REGISTERS. *r ■0 (Second Hand.) th NATIONALS. llAl.l.WOODS. IDEALS «< and all other make, at bartaln price*. . We ran a*U yon a re*Uler, aultable for to any buolnraa. at t price that cannot help but pleaw you. In 4’a*h or monthly paymanl*. Every reftiter ... tumranteetl for two yearn Southern Caah “ letrister Co.. Branch of American Second- m, Hand Caah Rexiiter Co., 24 8. Brood xtraaL Atlanta. Go. Cl OLD HATS MADE NEW. b ° PANAMA AND MILAN STRAW 11 ATS cleaned au«l reshaped, 60c. Soft and stiff felt bats cleaned and re* •ba|»ed. 35c. Rand* or swealn 26e each extra. em ACME HATTERS. 514 Whitehall St TEETH B E2 .5*2 °F.. TEE TH *00. OP ARAN- La^rVntal I'.rlocn^**SS"WhHehU"'L. •vnr^ Emmons’ elolkln. Mot*. Dell phone WANTED. Three colored man a, porter*- * L SOUTHERN SPRING BED CO. t£ Ball Street and Georgia Railway. *jj TO BELIEVERS IN ADVERTISING Advertising will sell anything one time. Millions of dollars have been made through uae of printer's Ink. The dally newspaper, are recognized as the most valuable source of advertising. It Is an assured fact that no matter how Judiciously your advertising Is placed; no matter how attractively your displays are arranged; no matter how great the circulation or Influential the medium you employ. If your goods are not as represented advertising will do you no good. The Georgian Is In the Held to securo the advertising of desirable articles. The Georgian guaran tees a circulation of 23,000 as high class readers as any paper In the United States. If you have aome- thlng which you honestly believe the public wants, and you want to communicate the fact to the public that you possess that article, and will place this squarely before the people. The Georgian solicits your business and will guarantee you returns. , Hundreds of advertisers have just begun to appreciate this paper as an Influential medium. Its columns are being patronized. The fact that some advertisers repeat Insertions Is proof positive of the satisfaction with which they have been served. Place your name squarely before the public. The Georgian haa no free list The only way to get It Is to buy It. This Is evidence that the paper *has a value. Let the public see your ad. In The Georgian and you will reap results. DEKALB AVENUE LOTS We have only two of the DeKalb avenue lots left- one is a corner 63x170, at $900, and the adjoining j 0 t’ 63x180, at $800. These are in the fine grove between Hurt street and Moreland avenue on car line; water main in front and in city limits. No such values can be found in Atlanta as these two superb building lots. FORREST & GEORGE ADAIR. EAST CAIN ST. NEAR HIGHLAND AVENUE, at i.l.isiitu i ui i A<>r«n. rtu.<iuo| f*r. n , occupied regularly l>y high data colored manta, at a rental of $34 per month. Thin i a specially good seating property and in lie bought at $3J50. Cain or term*. Bee me for bargains. 7 CHAS. M. ROBERTS. 12 AUBURN AVE. NORTH SIDE HOMES. Have several very handsome North ide homei. For Information 8ee LIEBMAN. Real Estate, Renting. 28 Peachtree St. WANTED, NORTH SIDE HOME. Eight or nine-room houee, well C. H. WELLS & CO., 1104 Fourth National Bank Bldg. SANDERS, SMITH & CONWAY, 412 Peters Bldg. BUY A SWEET HOME. CnnenbRI, may monthly payment,. « rooms, bot and cold wa- ..itth and to ' II,■ nnd cabinet, rlfb 16 EDOEWOOD AVENUE. Bell Phone <03. Atlanta Phone 346. THREE MONTHS RENT FREE Only One Left of Eight Brand New Suburban Hornet. The flret month will be given FREE these houses. These ere located on the River electrle car line only twenty mlnutea ride from the center of the city; contain 1 and I rooms; have flfty-foot Park, which Is set In tract. In the center of this Park are It now haa a new church, neatly lahed. a ator*. a aohool-housa coat- 12,(00.00 will soon be completed, aln J. T. 61111% who lives on the nda will show you through the a*. Rent $10.00 per month. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, It Auburn Avenue. EMMETT HEIGHT, Dealer In City and County Real Estate. 9 X. Forsyth Kt. Dell Pkone 1<&-Atl. 114. tO acres In IteKalb county cheap. YOUR TEETH »rn» RMMMbl* price*. Lamb rtura. 9% Whitehall ft. over $27,600—INVESTMENT—CLOSE IN ON north side, paying $3,960. Hpectsl reason for selling. 117 GLBNWOOD AVE.—$2,150 ON EA8Y terms. This is a lovely 7-r. cottage on shady lot, north front, 50x180, Is In perfect clsl reason for offering this. $1,800—NO. S CURRAN 8T„ RENTS FOR $18; Is nearly brand new; l*r., good lot, luat outside city limits; save taxes. This Is n strictly flrst-claas proposition for in vestment or home. Easy terms. $4,250—BRAND NEW 8*R. HOME ON north aide, car Hue; splendid elevation, near Jackaon street. Owner refused this week to rent It for $40; preferring to sell It. Now If you really want a splendid north aide home, storm-sheeted, double-floored, beautifully finished, see us at once and we can help you get It on terms If desired. $2,600—WEST END. BRAND NEW 5-R. cottage, water, sewerage, etc.; lot level and shady nnd la 50x200, right at car line. We can make terms of $350 cash and $26 per month on this for Immediate sale. $4,00fr—RENT8 FOB $40. CLOSE IS OS south side, good atreet, 8-r. up-to-date house, with every convenience and a beauty. Don't say south side property Is not good when It rents at thin figure and Is Inalds the 300. number; double car track, etc. BRASS AND IRON BED BARGAINS. 150.00 FINEST ALL-BBABS 11F.DS 24100> ALL-RtlAHH IIKDS 22S.00 125.00 GENUINE ALI. RIIASS IlF.DS...83.00 825.00 BRASS TRIMMED IRON REDS.I1S.00 126.1)0 VBIIS'ltt MAllTIN'lllGN lllUlK..«H.U) 815.90 VullNlN MAliriNTliilN IiedS:.'* t.ob RKAIITIFIJI. RADY IIED8 M.W IIP AND THE REST (lOO lfULL SIZE IRON Red In the state.. OUU FlIU. SIZE ’27.60 GENUINE FELT Mottreas during this ante for only $6.45. Tin: Aiitivi: are oni.VA feW OF’i'HH many bargnlns we are offering now. ROBISON & BARNES, IS E. HUNTER ST. SPECIALS. FOR IMMEDIATE SALE INMAN PARK—NINE-ROOM HOU8B, ON a lot 280x350 feet; spring, well and city water; fine lawn and plenty of oak shade. This Is certainly well worth seeing. Price, $1,600: reaaonsbfe terms. ON FORT ST.—WE OFFER FOR QUICK aale. three brand new, 2-story negro flats, rented right now for $110 psr month. Price $8,600; reasonable terms. ON WOODWARD AVE.—WB HAVE 3 little houses in first-class condition wt rag offer at $700 each or the three for $2,00.» cash; now rented for $20 per month. Call on us first thing Thursday morning. CAMPBELL & WILSON, REAL ESTATE AND RENTING AOENT8. 1208 Fourth National Bank Bldg. Bell Phone 1832. FOR RENT. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, 10 BALTIMORE PLACE—THIS EIGHT* room, two story, frame, doable houee, Is on the south aide of Baltimore place, be* tween West Peachtree ami Spring streets! Is thoroughly modern house; has gas, hot and cold water, stationary wasbaUnd. por celain bath, closet, sink In the kitchen; the lot la 36x150 feet; boa a servant's houee; iaa a hot-air furnace In the basement; the ocatlon le first-class In every respect; will rent or lease to Heptember 1, 1807, at $40 per month. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THE RENTING AGENT, 12 Auburn Arenu*. Both Phones 618. STATISTICS. DEATHS. Mlts Lizzie Evans, 87 years old, died of consumption at 132 Haynes street. J. J. King. 63 years old. died of Inflam mation of tbo brain at Wesley Memorial hospital. Mra. Sarah Forsyth 1 . 65 years old, died of Bright's disease at 18 Venable street. Mrs. T. P. Cleveland, 50 years old, died at 140 Nelson street .Viable Jennings Word. Is months old, died of cholera Infantum at Nashville, Toon. : BIRTH8. To Mr. nnd Mra. Edwin Jt. Haas, Waverly way* Inman Park, a son. BUILDING PERMIT8. $15—W. M. Wilson, to put In skylight at 69 Koutli Forsyth street. $900-1:. M. Wanton, to odd to one-story .■nine dwelling nf »rT4 South Pryor street $75— Marie Laws, to add to frame dwell* ■ . joard of Education, city, to add to 8tarr school. • . $1,000—J. F. Green, to repair damage by fire at 192-4 Kennedy street. $450—0. J. llesn, to bntld one-story frame dwelling rear of 160 Whitehall terrace. $125-(v. E. McAlister, bufld stone wall at 140 K. Linden street. MX—Dr. -William Cawhorn, to build ad dition to ona-story frame dwelling. $750—Thomas J. Henry, to builu addition to one-story frame dwelling st 603 West T^Ktrkpttrlrk. to build addition to frame dwelling at 1(0 Love Joy street. J3.S9)—John 8. Owens, to build two story frame dwelling at 37 Eleventh street $2.500—Mrs. J. P. Allen, to bulbl two- storjr frame dwelling at 65 I.uclle avenue. $25—a. C. Watts, to repair three frame dwellings at 14-16-18 Richmond street. $2,000—W. II. Drews, to build two C story frame dwellings on Jackson place. $3.oOO—John A. Smith, to build three one- story frame dwellings at 123-127-131 Fowler street. $3.000—John A. Smith, to hnlld three one- story frame dwellings at 128-128-130 Lovejoy street PROPERTY TRANSFERS. $31.15—County commissioners to Mrs. Clnra D. Haskins and Emlllne P. Haskins, lot mi Jm-ksoii street. Sheriff's deed. $27.39—County Commissioners to Mrs. Clam D. Hoskins, lot'on Jackson street Sheriff’s deed. $123— F. M. Coker, trustee, to J. D. Coney, lot In land lot No. 149 Fulton county. Trus tee's deed. $1,750—S. O. Turman nnd B. H. Hubert trustees, to Empire State Investment Com pany, lot on corner of Highland nvenue nnd Sampson street.. Trustee s deed. $2.600—Mabel M. White to William Drls* kell. lot on Tattnall street, near Markham. Warranty deed. $925—C. II. Belcher to II. II. Sherwood, lot on Chestnut street, near Carter. War ronty deed. $285—Frank nnd George R. Edmondson to J. II. Drmnmond, lot on Mnyson and Turner's avenue. Warranty deed. $100—College Park Land Company Janies H. Greer, lot In College Park ceme tery. Warranty deed. $1,100—Mrs. Callle L. Bennett to Mer chants and Mechanics' Banking nnd Loan Company, lot on corner of Fourteenth street and Clarke. Mortgage. $2.839—B. II. Sheridan to Merchants and MechnulcV Banking and Loan Company, lot on Sooth street, near Grant. Morb £*. P. Rice to Thomas J. Wesley, lot on East Cain street, near Courtland. Quit claim deed, __ _ • _ $500—C. D. Maddox to Mrs. C. L. Ben nett. lot on Fourteenth street. Warranty deed. pony to"sT M.”Beute; . cemetery. Warranty deed. $5,000-0. F. Owens to M. B., J. B. and Gerson Klseman, lot at 45 and 47 East Mitchell street. .• . . $4.500—Thomas J. Wesly to Nathan Title- baum, lot on East Calp atreet, near Court* land. Bond for title. BRIEF NEWS BY WIRE Fr«nch Chief !■ Retired. Parle, June 27.—The commander In chief of the French army, Generalle- etmo Brugere, today reached the age limit, and wa* retired from the army, hie auccesaor being General Hagroon. To Punieh Clergymen. London, June 27.—The royal com- mlaalon on ecclealaatlcal discipline, appointed by the Balfour ministry In 1,04, In Its report to parliament ye»- terday recommends that the service of the church be brought Into harmony with modem requirements; also that a contumacious clergyman Instead of being Imprisoned should bo deprived of his living and prevented from ac cepting a new living. 8peaker Cannon to 8ptak. Toungatown, Ohio, June 27.—The annual banquet of the chamber of commerce will be held on Monday night, July i. at the Prog res* Club, Thos* who will make addresses In clude Speaker Joseph O. Cannon, Con- J ressman J. Adam Rede, Champ Clark, nmea Kennedy and Mayor Prank L. Baldwin. Kill Unmuzzled Dog*. Buffalo, N. V., June 27.—^Order* were Issued by Chief Regan this morning to the captain* of each police precinct to kill all unmuuled dog* on sight. The order I* a result of failure on the part of citizen* to ob serve the ordinance, which ha* result ed In numerous children and some adults being severely bitten by vagrant cur*. Antl>8moke Convention. Detroit, Mich., June 27.—In pur suance of a movement started some time ago by Charlss Poethke, of Mil waukee, delegates representing a num ber ' of cities assembled In conven tion here today to discuss the smoke nuisance. The object Is to unite all city officials to work for uniform and effective legislation to eliminate the municipal smoke evil. Maine Republicans. PortVnd, Maine, June 27.—The Re publican state convention to nominate candidates for governor and other state officers was called to order here early this afternoon. Governor Wil liam T. Cobb, who haa been a strong defender of the prohibitory law and of be the delivery of the annual address tomorrow by Judge Horace H. Lurton, of Nashville, - Tenn. RAILROAD NEWS. H. C. Hunt, for some time passenger ticket agent of the Southern Railway at Jacksonville, Fla., and for many years the assistant ticket agent of the same road at Augusta, Ga.. has taken a position ns clerk In the baggage room at the terminal station. Mr. Hunt Is brother of R. W. Hunt, dis trict passenger agent of the Southern at Charleston, and Is well known In railroad circle*.’ District Passenger Agent Joe Bil lups and President Charles Wicker- sham, of the West Point road, left on Tuesday afternoon for Chicago, whjre they will’ attend a meeting of railroad men on Friday. James U. Horne, chief clerk In, the local office of the land and Industrial department of the Southern Railway, will leave next week on his annual va cation, which will be spent with rela tives In Washington, D. C. THE LIVE STOCK MARKET. By Private Leased Wire. Chicago, June 27.—Hogs: Estimated re ceipts, Market 5c higher; quality la fair; left over, 5,040; eittmated for tomor. row, >,000; bulk. rough. M.: good to cholct heavy, latoo AT THE THEATERS At th* Casino. Absolutely the best and strongest vaudeville attraction yet presented at the Poncq DeLeon Casino or anywhere else In Atlanta is th* attraction that Is drawing great gatherings this week. The bill Jm In keeping with the best that can be seen anywhere, for thero are three of the acts that are recog nised headline feature* on any bill In any theater. Madame Rena, whose Hippodrome success Is a matter of theatrical his tory, has eclipsed th* hit of any vau deville feature yet record*d In Atlanta. The beauty nf th* act has had much tp do with the success, and merit has counted fer s great deal. The act Is on* that holds Interest from the mo ment It Is Introduced until the very last second of the sensation. All the other numbers are good, some One and others up to the standard. There will be the ueual times of ap pearance during the rest of the week and Interest Is growing stronger with each performance. Nashville Man 8peakt. Kalamazoo, Mich., June 27.—There was a large attendance of bench and bar. at. the opening here today of the annual meeting of the Michigan Bar Association. Tn* principal fsature will RAILROAD SCHEDULES iihowVsg the Arrtvsi end brpirturw of pas- sengcr Tralni of th* Following Iiondi: K fESTEBN AND ATLANTIC ItAlI.ltOAD. o. Arrive From— No. I>rnurt To— • 2 N»hvllle 7:1) nm * C Nuhvllle . 1:25am 71 Marietta . i:3S«m 74 Marietta ..IfdOpm *S1 Naihvllle 11:45 am *92 Nnihvllt# . 4:5) pm K Marietta . j.-50 pm 72 Marietta .. 5:30pm • t Nashville 1:35 pm • « Nashville . 5AO on central oV >jkGkuia iiaILITaT. •e Prom- i>ep*rt To- 11:45 am •Montgomery IdStm asa'r . 7j40pm4JI*ot*oiaery 12:45 pm US* 0 ' S*™ 4:20pm Macoo ......Uj40am Macon ........ 4*0 nm Savannah ... 4* Savannah ... 1:15nm Macon 7 55 pm Jacksonville . 1*0 des ATLANTA ANl» VkST “POiS'T UAiU' Arrive ~ •Selma . JMootrxn'. is&fi iisSs •Dofly. All ether trains dally earept Ssi- ’’Yil trains of Attests soJ Wcat Point Railroad Company arrive et end depart from Atlanta Terminal station, corner Mitchell street eed Madison eveone. ‘ IIEOUU1A 1IAI1.KUAI). Arrive Prom- Depart Te— 'Auguste ... 5:0) pas 'Augusta 7:43 an Covington .. 7*5sm •Angosta ..... llaopm 'Dally. All other trains dally except 8um nay. .KJAliriAHDAllt'Ll** BaILWAV. Arrive Proas- Depart To- wikMictoo . 4-JOam Birmingham . 6*43 am flSK.-iHHSyK-.iriK ESL:SEtaL:.:£g Mdsm *— r? Washington . Ids pm Central Um*. sirwuj , taiuct a vt rag $3.300160; cowa. $1,204.50; heifers. $2,400 MjjgyiT—» X00O6.*; food prime atcera, $5.a)C«.lO; poor to medium. $3.&&6.10; stock- — and feed era, $3.6004.50. Jeep— Receipts, 18,(WO. Market atron*; apjUtY jfilr; natlre, tt.5006.40; wcatem, fa'agF umi1 - BEARS TOO NUMEROUS DEFEATED OWN GAME New York,. June 27.—The Kun sa 'Tease, rains broke the drought In t state, hat the demand to cover was — heavy In an oversold market that the de cline In the nett crop months was smalt, and July actually advanced slightly. Arbi- tntso operations, favored by unusually large dltfrrrncrs between New York and Liver pool, were active, taking the shape of pur- ehases her* And sales of July-Auznst neross th* water. Then, again, th* Bonth covered considerable of Its Mg short Interest If Price Interests seemed to be selling October and December st one time they were sup- p«ed to be buying July, If not Deombor, later on. Mr. Price says the condition of the. crop Is 74 per cent, against 77.4 per 9*“t Ust month and 77.2 per cent last year, that he bsa aohl 10.000 hale* more of apot cotton and wi t therefore deliver on Friday only 28,1**) bairn. If aa ranch, aa the spot demand, be Intimate*. Is good. It eertalnly lo,l . k ' .*?• N"t only Texas, but Loulslau* and Arkansas had good rains, which are bound to have a benellclal effect, and ham mering July waa noticeable early In the '!*/• Bnt there were too many hears. They defeated thetr own game."—(Jibert A Clay. , New Orleant, June 27.—Ttmes-Demoerat; 'The bears were taught another lesson In csntlon reslerdajr. In the face of coploua rainfall In the dronght section of Trias '6c markrt failed to stay down. Kxeraatrs preelpttatlon over the Carollnas waa large. [T„£e.l»nsfl ,, t '. for this rather obstinate now of resistance, bat the belief that bulls woald probably soon begin to exploit rain damage, anil the activity of the boll weevil played a stellar role In the trrod of '•>» day’s events, for the thought brongbt to the mind a eye of the abort The poarihll- Ity of some sort of trouble In the event fi* »™de ahoold acquire the habit of lin ing up the world's requirements for soother .! rl,h .“ t,r p, .?S of “hfsvorsble crop bulletins-twelve millions of bole* Is a htg lot of cotton to come from nny acreage weather and labor condition. belnglS than perfect throogfaont the season, ^lean- whlle. scalping operations on a small wale •"•'a »,f*tr way of eapandlng aoinewlwt pending the government's crop report. Th* hear has played his Itat tramp cam and has lost the same. What the neat deni wttl hr remains to he seen. Home few notices will be Issued locally In the rrgnlar but they are not lTkely to I>e In anfflrlentTolume to Inflnsoes (Dec- nlatlve ralnes "—Ware A Leland. THE DRY GOODS MARKET. THE WEATHER. : , LOCAL FORECA8T. AUnntn »n;l VIHnlty-PuGy cloudy to- night, Thursday showers. * WEATHEF. IN COTTON BELT. Tfxns-Tyler. clomly and c6oI. Ban An tonio. clear and warm. Ilouzton, cloud* aud cool; hard rain Inst night. Dallas light min: cool. ^ Toms Rainfall: Bocvllle. 82: Blanco 06- Rrciiham .16; Corpus Christ! .02; Cucro lV Golvnton trace; Houston GO; Huntsville 1.32: Mexla .02; KcrrtfUe trace; Nscoa- dqcbcs .2»: Paleatlnc Taylor .12; Waco Wnxohnchlc tract*; Wharton .50. ’ MIsslsslppl—Ynzoo city, cloudy and cool ■ ~ “’J 011 flnd| Wlnotm, cloudy and warm; drizzling. Murid Inn. cloudy and Ml lnst night. Hszlphurst, partly cloudy Jackson and ralL 01 _ nnd pleasant. Vicksburg, Jackson Brook haven, partly cloudy and warm. Nntrhes. partly otoudj and cool Grenada pnrtly cloudy and cool. Corinth, cloudy aud pica euint. J Alabama—Selma, cloudy nnd warm; hard rain ycHterdny. Montgomery, partly cloud* nnd tdwisnnt. Opellkn, clear and warm Birmingham, cloudy nnd warm; hard rain ypstcrclny. Hun tortile, cloudy and a llttls cool; rain last night. Mobile, partly cloudy nnd warm; rained yesterday. Georgia—Rome, cloudy nnd pleasant. At- Inntn. partly cloudv nnd warm; rained yes terday. .Macon, Albany and Atnerlcus, ch ar and hot. Columbus, partly cloudy and Tennessee—Memphis. Chattanooj cloudy-an< cool. -——- ------ and cool. . clear and hot. Knoxville, pleasant. Nashville, clear and WEATHER IN WHEAT BELT. Extreme Northwest—Clear; 62 to 62 above. Northwest—Pnrtly cloudy; 64 to 64 stove; rains Bismarck aud 8t. Paul. West and Southwest—Pnrtly cloudv; 6) to 70 above; general rains Iowa local Kansas and Nebraska. Ohio Valley—Clear and warm; 70 to ft above. WEATHER-FORECAST. Louisiana, West Florida. Alabama, Mis sissippi—Showers Wednesday; Thursdiv fair and warmer; variable winds. Georgia—Hhowera Wednesday and cooler northeast portion; Thursday partly showers In east portion; Thursday partly ’artly cloudy Wednesday nnd Thursday; light to fresh southeast winds. West* Texas—Fair Wednesday; Thursday partly cloudy; showers nnd cooler In ex treme north portion. Illinois, Indlaua—Continued warm and enernlly fair, except probably local thun- erstonns in north portion tonight or Probably showers nnd thunderstorms to ut nnd Thursday; warmer tonight. . asourl. Kansas, Nebraska, Dakotas. Moutnon—Generally fair nnd continued warm tonight nnd Thursday nnd probably local showers. Minnesota. Wisconsin, Iown—Cloudy with locAl thunderstorms tonight or Thursday; warmer tonight. WEATHER CONDITIONS. The pressure has increased somewhat* _rer the southeast nnd today the center of highest barometer la over northern Geor gia nnd Alabama. The lowest pressure Is still over the ltockv Mou~‘“‘ jgm tm tered near Havre. Mont. The temperature has nsen slightir id this section. In the Missouri Valley, Texts ahd New England. Cloudiness prevails throughout the south and rains have fallen lu the south Atlantic and gulf states nnd nt most stations west of the Mississippi in the last 24 hours. Tanderstorros occurred in Georgia, northern Texas, Kansas. Nebraska sml Minnesota in the Inst 12 hours. The conditions favor partly cloudy weath er In this section tonight. Thursday show ers. J. b. MARBFRY. Local Forecaster. COTTON REGION BULLETIN. STATIONS OF DISTRICT. •Atlanta, cloudy •Chattanooga, p. cloudy... Columbus, p. cloudy Gainesville, cloudy Greenville, cloudy Griffin, cloudy •Macon, n. cloudy ontlcelfo, clear ewnan. p. cloudy tome, cloudy Spartanburg, cloudy....... Toccon. ckmdy Writ Point, p, ctosAr.;.,HWBMM •Minimum temperatures are for lS-tomr 1 ending nt 8 s. m. this date. vy Rainfalls: Macon, Ala., 2.00; Uf' Ingstone, Ala., 1.70. 4 til a-i CENTRAL STATION. Atlanta Augusta .... Charleston . Galveston .. Jttlu Rock Memphis ... ntgomery New Or let us Oklahoma .. Savannah Vlcksbui L If! wiimiii«£n‘ sWI EE SB V InUlcmtra Inappreciable rainfall. R.marks. ... Lower temperature, nreralled over »• belt (enerallJrT Free Ini tatlon oceurp. 1“ all aectlnn* except f&rteato* *o4 <»“■ boot* dlatrletx: the amount, were ln«l l l 1 . 1 ^' el*hi* lo Utile Itoek «*d Memobla ilia- trlct* *ntl heavy tn poHlMuMrf^Aixbama- ' Lanl Koreenati't. PIEDMONT BROKERAGE CO.’S DAILY MARKET LETTER New York. June !7.-Sm»ll *pnt •!*•*< cotton nt UverpooL li«t with privet atra-W and future, better than expected. Thla wr In* Brat noth* day I* New Orirana. u'^ vJ were toned early on tliout 1AJ0 bnFJ ™ Jol/, nnd they were nil mopped. A * h "^ rally In July at N.w Orkon* aff*"'- N.w York iqttloo, and atreofth Uev.Hie abortly after the openln*. The new crop optlona thnwed treater atrrncth. *®d. tbouib rain* are reported In Tex**. ■ re In-uffMent. The J*ly 1 report of tM sovernntent carrier the crop to June -.. J *■ rain* In the a.wthwMt otarted uftee 3th. they ran htrdly b* expected to ab»» In the report. , _ , _ A blzher rant* of pricra fnwjfr amt our opealnx waa booyint. but nreaaure of ton* atoek waa eoatlaued and leatra do not become aa fthfht.ned a*'*, naorty. st. Pool waa the weak feature « the atoek market ami declined **oW ! point.. Th. f—IIntr exhlMted |*_WaU ritvri aim In.t the aituilnletratlon'a potley ® — pronounced. ’Capital oeeai* to hate oPn<** le-en withdrawn from the atoek market, a** It aeetua that are l«-ln* '"""A,, from the atronic l»>ie* In view of thw fact. It wa lo tnu. h htnler te* Um fhrtor. to adtanee pH. .-v .14 the term, tu be ailing »ith at-ka. few York. June 27.—There waa a heavier waSi sonda St5Tft*ety. *TbeVraiWor "hi! day la naore prumlalng than Jobber, looked i'otton yarna war. oomewhat ea.ler and the export trad, to rhlna la .till very dull, y.xport goods are moving with ron«l<fcnil»lr frr-atlom to Sooth Americsn sad West In disn ports.