The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, June 29, 1906, Image 10

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Tti & ATlxAJN 1A W-CAJ-KUri AJ*. MISCELLANEOUS. Georgia |»ln«« ablnglc*. wring, r *-lllng, Hiding (or dellvirml price*. Cm. No Ad Taken For Leu Than 25 Cents. ■ — 1 ■""" 1 " ■ CASH MUST ALWAYS accom-. * pany out-of-town orders. Watch The Georgian Want Page Grow. J Situations Wanted will hereafter be inserted on this page free of charge. If you want a situation, send your ad. to The Georgian. Each ad. will be limited to three lines, one inser. tion. AM. 8TYI.E8 OATK8. WIRE AND IRON fences Bold nnd erected. Fencing fop farm. lawn, garden and poultry. Farina!re agent* fop “Page .Fence/' Dixie Fence Co. •ucceaaora Tilly Feno* Co„ 41 WMt Hunter ■treet. Phone* ““ Wagon linlireli**, $1.00. t Shad/ Thing. >. t'HANB it CO. w ITi Peachtree etreet. opposite Arison hotel. AVrgHf-MY'OTtii’g ok ih.iN Hkfa WaVh i wnx Carroll, the tador.i te Aragon hotel. | afreet, fl. W. BUM. Atlanta; liA.VKiil W HAf.k OF’ ^ooJ> W(ml?i:v machinery. The entire plant of W. P. ’aldrln, cabinet maker, will l»e aold by .je referee In bonkrnptey on July 3 at 12 o’clock to thd hlgheat bidder tor 1 caab.r Mealed b|da will be received until that honr. WANTED HELP—MALE. WANTED—OOOD 8TRONO WIIITE MEN oa helper* In the foundry to lenrn mold* era* trade. Good pay to atart with ant! better pay In two or threo niontha. Only thoae with good reference* need apply. DeLonrh Mill Mfg. C< MEN AND nOY8 WANTED LEAKS plumbing, plnaterlng, bricklaying. Kjm- dal offer life scholarship fifty dollars, easy payments; position guaranteed; free cata logs- Coyne Ilroa. Trade Schools, New York. Chicago, fit Lord*. X~xt lIoi;AltHlllF 6P prompt applicant. Call tinrionnlly on Dr. II. t'rcnahnw. 14 (tract Bldg., City. CAhStNTltnft WANfEICTW—TATmmTEirS—aST> borer*. Apply at Howell Station, Bea rd Air Line yardr n-im Ita iIV“thatTTEirTffit two hours each fornnoon In exchange for course at Stokely'a Business College. 24Vi Pcnchtree street. WANTED HELP—FEMALE. WANTED — TWENTY- five women and girls in our sewing room. Anyone who can run a machine at home can quickly learn our wort; Experienced opera tors make from $8 to $12 per week, and we pay 60c per day while learning. Apply Nummlly Bros. & McCrea, 36 W. Alabama street. \vnx~i»m5' Ritat ah kui-iajvmkn't Id our sewing room to girls and women on aaay work, short hour* and good pay. Fj/w-rJcnced operator* make from 9&0D to 112,00 per week, ami w# will ‘io*e without ex... If you lire out write u* and we will give you iniorroaiion nt«.ut boarding places. Nuunally Broa. A Mnvea. 86 \V. Alabama atreat. vvATTi i EB^Br»i!cyfBh~~~rnrvir nm to enter magailne business. Csll h»t*»n m. on l>r. Crenshaw, 14 Grant EDUCATIONAL. HI flKfflXSD." " Kt MiRKK^gSg;"¥?TO: writing, mathematics, grammar and ap*U- inm taught In evening* fitokely’a Shorthand and Business Bchool. 34H 1'eachtree afreet. L08T. HTIIAYKD FROM NO. 486 CREW BTKKETj one Irmi gray mare, with aore on right. Return to Mell Plumbing Co., 6S Houtb ITyor street. IjMT-A ftbWAKit OP e WIM, IIH PAID for the return of white and llrer colored •potted pointer dog. strayed or *tolen from ¥* Courtland afreet Thursday night. “F.l M. Bawyer” on collar. Apply 406 Courtland ls6HT-Unflg" TJVEIT poluter dog, 4 awt> "mm ked head, emu* with ... ., erenly raarki tlon on feet nnd leg*: had collar on my name on It. Reward will lie paid for hla delivery to me at the Majeatlc Hotel, J. B. 8. Roll BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. ATTRACTIVE SIGNS WILL BRINO YOU business. For high grade work call on Kent, 9IH N, Pryor. Pfaon* 2121. Custom. Made l(arn< H< JTo Fit Any lloi_ , E. D. CRANE A COl ■ Front Now Depot. rfiTloTTElT EDOBWOOD AVB.Ntlb Y HTOIlfc. FOR RENT—FURNISHED ROOMS. COOL. PLEASANT ROOMS weak. Lodging SI a week, week. iW4 Trinity arenas. SMI, Atlanta phone 9 fiJfVL ie. Dell phon CI.HAN, COOL NICELY FURNISHED room, for men. II per week. No extra charge for two In room. 10 Trinity neenue. II. Phone IMS. Attnntn phone 2717. i 2945. Atlanta phono '• FOR RENT—ROOM8. yxwnresTrtm'T? without board, on Pine *t., near Pied mont nvo. Apply 821 Prudential Bldg. Bell phone 906 M. . ■FQR-..RENT?rPFFICg8. x . j . in r ACCEPTABLE PERRON CAN BTTARB two beat office* In Atlanta: use of type writer: both phones; nicely furnished. Ap ply 222 Century Bldg.. 8 to 11 o'clock Bat*. PERSONAL. DAVID W. YARBROUGH, MASTER PLUMBER, Phone* 1X5. 90 C. Hunter BL WILLIS WALL PAPER COMPANY. Largest atock In South. 64 N. Broad St “KENT LIGHTS.” 9 and 11 a. Bid/. City. ejTUA-noNs WANTED—MALE. WANTED—SITFATION IN HARDWARE •tore; Atlanta preferred: four year*' ex perience and the beet of references Ad- **FMw«Rwawi^aBanBSaaiiRaaiSBfltiBHimgBm WANTED—AGENTS. AGENTS WANTING BIO AND QUICK WANTED—8ALE8MEN. intelligent, uustunq salesmen fir magnificent new mape; new featarea: easy seller*: exclusive territory and liberal prt»|n**i111• n; •■\ , raordlMry chance for work- ere. state If you have bad esperieaca. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. Co., at 36 8. Pryor, can dispose of your nouaebold goods,.office fixtures, safes, car- pat*, rega, planoa. ate., to advantage. raatage. Apring; M.44. E l" V11A T NE *'C< FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. HAVE YOU ANYTHING TO BELLI IF yon hare, ml It te the Southern Auetloa end Salrago Co.. 30 It. l-ryof atreet. 1'bone l BMP HOC 11 ATLAS UOlLltRM *l«no. cere Uearghinr " Soft end - «T«'»oT> ■lie. Altilre.. Fine farre Variety. , lltliowy. SKi*. '■ E. D. CRANK A COT^ Front Sew Depot. FS*’ tALk-ONE llttVS MaFk. I'Ol'ft ,ae err laape. one and one counter: Cole Rook Co.. « Whitehall et. TOR «ATy,^iyVAST fi W A it 1> k 6 11 tf: ' ‘ ‘ and f ine anallty gooda; band-embntldered tebed; has never fieen used; Imrgafu some one, Aildreea M , care Georgian, for DON’T GO BLIND. YHIBN YOU SEE THE AT1-ANTA Wreckln. Ca'a now line. Jnet added a traveler.* Bn,,lie. and SHOE REPAIRING. N. LAZARUA 11 A PRYOR ST. I DO hoot amt oho* repairing. When I ear re- patriot. 1 mean the De«t repairing only. Superior material and oak leathor. with the hoot workmanehlp. I know bow to teoelr t>eeau,e | know a akoe. I am a •ARfe'. mender end ran man* comfortable end eervlceoltle ehae I poke daws and wots Don’t f. r.-.t the No.. 3 P. I‘ryot St. Alex Kent, 8HOE REPAIRING. GWINN’S SHOE SHOP. 4 LUCKIE, OPPOSITE l'!i:i»MONT. Dell 2MA Hen'j m-wed half eolra, 75c. WALL PAPER. j. M. QUICK It c6’' mouldlngi, nlctnree, plclure frames, etc. Dell phone RA Standard 701 17 K. Hunter. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. hoi emit Tnfklni (Iran mall ord«n. We want the namea of all talklnf marhlno denlera In tha nouth 'rite for ratalotuo. Al< tan.ler-Eljea Co. niCYOLEll AND dtlNDRIE^-LAROKRT blryele and eundry dletrtbnton Ip the aouth. Southern egente for J’lereo. Tnlo, Snell nnd Uudaoo Wcycleo. Write for oar Hot ratalogno nod price Hat Alexander Klyan Co, nSESmiUJN* CTTOT K’lioMofATnre •cslp diamaaa and Irnarr gwnlci Krora. specialist. 619 lanta. Oa. ■MIL, lake hair . ms I Varan, >. J. id,'* i YOUR TEETH CnOWNKD a-K GOLD CROWNS t> UP, without pain. All work guaranteed It ycara. Lanier Dental rurlotn. SH White hall Ht . over Emmona' clothing store. Doll phono WE Mbys. HTOItA rAtlK AND BIIIP houarhold gooda; tnauraneo rate one par rent. Otrire end wnrahonaa 1UC Walton loth -phonra. Cathcart'a Trant atreet. fer. kRVnolda—fHi ... Mlgna. bnnnern. Paga and for .portal ocraoloao. 20H ffuasss E. Alabama St TEETH DETRACTED POdlTIVI ui moo.' clothing (torn. Btl •era. Lanier et Jill 8t„ oror - Bell phono SS7. CASn REGISTERS. (Second Hand.) XATIONAIJt. HAI.I.WOOPA IDEAIJt and all other maker at bargain prlceo. We ran aell yon a regular, aaltnbla for ary btitlnrm. at n prln that cannot help but pleaoe you. Oath or monthly peymrntn. Every refiner guaranteed for two ycara Ronthern t'aah Regtater Co . Rraneh of American Monad- Hand Cnah Regtater Co.. 24 A Brood at root. Atlanta, (it. OLD HATS MADE NEW. hats cleaned nnd ra- fe ntb Sc each extra. ACME IIATTEIU. fid Whitehall EL TO BELIEVERS IN ADVERTISING Advertising trill .ell anything one time. Million, of dollar, have been made through use of printer'. Ink. The dally newapapera are recognized a. the mo.t valuable .ource of advertising. It I. an assured fact that no matter how Judiciously your advertising Is placed; no matter how attractively your displays, are arranged; no matter bow great the circulation or Influential the medium you employ. If your gooda are not aa represented advertising will do you no good. Tho Georgian la In the field to secure (ho advertising of desirable articles. The Georgian guaran tees a circulation of 23,000 aa high class readers as any paper In tho United States. If you have some thing which you honestly believe the public wants, and you want to communicate the fact to the public that you possess that articl., and will place this squarely before the people. The Georglar solicits your business and will guarantee you returns. . Hundreds of advertisers have Just begun to appreciate this paper as an Influential medium. Its columns are being patronized. The fact that some advertisers repeat Insertions Is proof positive of the satisfaction with which they have been served. Place your namo squarely before the public. The Georgian has no,free IlBt. The only way to get It la to buy 1L This Is evidence t)iat the paper has a value, Let the public seo your ad. In The Georgian and you will reap results. DEKALB AVENUE LOTS Wc have only two of. tho DeKalb avenue lots left- one is a comer 63x170, at $900, and the adjoining lot’ 63x180, at $800. * These are in the fine grove between Hurt street and Moreland avenue on car line; water riiain in front and in city limits. No such values can be found in Atlanta as these two superb building lots. FORREST & GEORGE ADAIR. WANTED—REAL E8TATE. KXFHANGi: IIANDHOMK ________ out' ffMlr. •bade, etc., on Month sl«lj». for comer MKAMllACII 1*1 \M»H KflTABLISilBD 1828. ' PIANO CCU « N. FOI EAST' CAIN ST. NEAR HIGHLAND AVENUE. I SPLENDID COTTAGER. ALMOST NEW, occupied regularly by high else, colored tenanle, at a rental of tit per month. Tide If n spedlslly good renting property and can be lK>ught at 53,7,0. Cash or terms. Bee mo for bargains CHAS. M. ROBERTS. 12 AUBURN AVB. NORTH SIDE HOMES. Have several very handsome North Side homes. For Information s*« LIEBMAN Real. Estate, Renting. 28 Peachtree St. SANDERS, SMITH & CONWAY, 412 Peters Bldg. 627^08—INVESTMENT—CLOSE IN ON north sldr, psjln* $8,160. Hp^clsl reason for BMllInf. . 11T OLENWOOD AVE.~W.I60 ON EA8Y term*. This it a lore!/ 7-r. rottMge JMdjr lot, north fron* >ndlt!on; possession risl reason for offering this. lost ootsids city limits: mmtm taxes. This s a strictly first-class troposlttoa for In vestment or home. F.nsy term*. near Jackson atreat. Owner refused this week to rent It for $40; preferring to sell if. Now If you really want a enlcndld north INMAN PARK HOME. 7 LARGE ROOMS, ALL M OD E R N IMPROVE MENTS ;SERV ANTS’ AND OTHER OUTHOUSES; LARGE SHADY LOT, 80x 200 FEET; AX IDEAL HOME IN EVERY RE SPECT, PRICE $6,000. THOS. W. JACKSON, 1416 4th Nat’l Bank Bldg. Phone 5214 Main. 52,600-WEST END, BRAND NEW 6R. 'ottnge. water, sewerage, etc.; lot lerel jd shady and Is 60x300, right at car line. We can make terms of $350 caah and $25 per month on thla for Immediate sale. • THREE MONTHS RENT FREE Only One Left of Bight Brand’ New Suburban Homer. Th, first month wlll be given FREES and If occupied one year, two more months will bo given FREE at the end of th, year, making only nlns months you will have to pay for. Nono but good families will bo allowed In throe houses. These ore located on tha River elactrlo car Una only twanty minutes ride from tha' center of the oity; contain 1 and 8 rooms; have never been occupied: are located In Weet Atlanta Park. Every house fronts e fifty-foot Perk, which te set In trite, evergreens end flowers. Pure air; na tive oaks; an Ideal spot for children. It Is cheaper then living in the city end the surroundings are more whole some. In the center of (hie Park are res Ferro Phosphate Springe, which wfll cure any case of stomach or kidney trouble, no matter of how long Blend ing. It now has a new church, neatly furnished, a .tore, a school-house cost ing 52,100.01) will eoon be completed. Captain J. T. Mills, who lives on the grounds, will show you through the houses. Rent 550.00 per month. JOHN J. WOODSIDE. II Auburn Avenue. EMMETT HEIGHT, Dealer Id -City end county Reel Kelela Bell Phone lih-Ali. 154. (0 scree In DeKalb county cheap. YOUR TEETH FILLED WIThOUT PAIN BY AN 151- proTed_methou. AJI^ work ^naraeteod eSi nk ^ RgMooabt* price*, hlng Sor#^ TEETH BIST SET OF TEETH 55.00. OUARAN- teed to at All week guarantee.; u rears. 1-enter Dental parlor«, »H Whitehall St.. over Emmons' nothing storm Bell phone honor, with every convenience and n beauty. Don't say south aide property le not good when It rents at thin fl.uro nnd Is Inilde HOW IS THIS? A NICE 4-ROOM COTTAGE AT NO. 508 WEST HUNTER STREET, JUST COMPLETED. WOODWORK FINISHED IN FLEMISH OAK AND MANTELS IN MAHOGANY. WALLS TINTED. PRICE $1,600. HERBERT A MINOR, 218 Peters Building. Administrator’s Sale. GROItOIA. FULTON COUNTY. Dy virtue of an order of the coart of ordinary of said county, granted at the June term, 1906, will, be sold before the court hoase door of sold county, on the first Tuesday In July qext, within the legal houra of sale, the following property of the estate of Thomas A. Crussclle, deceased, to wit: A part of land lot No. 65 of tho 14th district of Fulton connty, Georgia, In the city of Atlanta, rt>i*i ili'srrllM-il n* fol low*: i.'ouimcnclng nt flu* RoiitlicHst o'rnci of Haygood avenue and Sylvan avenue and running fli**in>#» onst tin* m-ith *M»- of Hn/good avenue two hundred pnd fifty I250> feot to Fern arenne; thence aouth along tho west side of Pern avenue one hundred ilOO) feet to a ten-foot alley; thane* west nlong said alloy two hundred and fifty (260) feet to Bylvnn avenue; thence north along the east aide nf Sylvan ave nue one hundred G00f feet to the point of beginning, being lota ]6. 16. 17, 18 and 19 of Mock C of plat, recorded in Falton county deed record X3, page 466*i Also Iota 1, 2 and 3 of block C of aald plat, recorded In Fnlton county deed record XS, P*f* 4K*i, aald last named thrae lota have * frontage on the east aide of Rylvan ave nue of one hundred and ten 1110) feet nnd • Eni'k "ii" IniiMr.M I fcot to a ten-foot alley. Also a tract of land In the city of At lanta lying and being In land lot No. 110 of the 14th district of Fulton connty. Geor gia commencing on the east aide of Doray str.-i-t one hundred and twenty i,. f. south of Carter atreet nnd running thence south along tho east aide of Doray street eighty (80) feet and extending thence back Qwerty aa platted by Harry Krouae, April “ No. “ •A. NORTH SIDE HOME, 570 NORTH BOULEVARD THIS IS A BRAND NEW 8-ROOM 2-STORY HOME, JUST COMPLETED. HAS ALL CONVENIENCES AND IS MODERN IN EVERY RESPECT. PRETTY TINTED WALLS; WOOD WORK FINISHED IN OLD IVORY; DOORS AND MANTELS IN MA HOGANY; BEAUTIFUL CHANDE LIERS AND FIXTURES; CHINA CLOSET. BUTLER’S PANTRY; POR CELAIN BATH; LAVATORY AND OTHER CONVENIENCES TO MAKE IT A MODEL HOME. THE LOT IS LEVEL AND IS IN AN EXCELLENT NEIGHBORHOOD THIS PLACE MUST BE SEEN TO BE APPRECIATED. PRICE ONLY $6,000. HERBERT A. MINOR, 218Petere i BUrg ;sii>iii( Also a port of land lot No. 62 of the 14th district "f Fnlton county. Georgia, com- menclng nt a point on the sooth side of North avenue 339 feet west from Fort street; thence extending south one hun dred (100) feet: thence west 48 fet*t; thence north one hundred GOO) feet to the aouth sldo of North avenue: thence cast 43 feet to the beginning point, being tho north nart of lot No. 17 of the Tolbert i rumtnond pint of th* Luckl* property. Also a part of land lot No. 62 or the 1 _istflet of Fu‘ menclng nt a fourteen I2J4) feet to j,inden avenue; thence weet along the north-atda of Unden ave nue forty-eight (4$) feet: thence north two hundred and fifteen (216) feet to Inman avenue; thence east aloof aouth aide of Inman avenue forty.elght (48) feet to the| beginning point, being lota No*, as and 36 of the Tolbert and Drummond plat of the Lurkle property. Alao a tract of land In the city of At lanta. being a part or land lot No. 21 of the 14tb district of Fulton county, Geor gia, and commencing at the northwest cor ner of llckert and Cameron street* and running thence north along the west able of Cameron atreet one hundred (100) feet; thence wcat two hundred and forty-three (243) feet to a ten-foot alley; thence eouth along the east aide of aald alley out hun dred (160) feet to Ptekert atreet; thence eeat along the north aide of llckert street two hundred and forty-three (242) feet to tha beginning point, being a part of the I„ P. Grant subdivision. Terms cash. COURTLAND 8. WINN. , Administrator. RAILROAD SCHEDULES . oTKe singer Train* of the Following Roads: WKfiTF.RN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD. No. Arrive From— Ra Depart To— 'ashvtlle 7:10 am *3 Nashville . 8:26 am [arietta . 6:85 am 74 Marietta ..13:10 pm ashvllle 11:45 am *92 Nashville . 4:50 pm 76 Marietta • 3:60 pm 72 Marietta .. 6:10 on 1 1 Nashville 7:35 pm » 4 Nashville . (Showing^ tfie^rrlvaTanti beparVare $M*nrcr Trains of the Following I 31 DEATHS Isaac Strike, aged 3 years, died of carbolic add poisoning at Grady hospital. Ayllne Soduons, 5 months old, died of Infantum at 6S Central place. To Mr. nnd _ Beecher street, u To Mr. nnd Mrs. Nelson, Ua., a son. buildingTpermit8. $175—Clyde Brooks, to repnlr frame dwell ing at 17 Schofield street. $.V>_\V. |{. Junes, to Imlld frniii- shed on corner of Highland avenue and Randolph street. S1>—Mrs. Sarah Kelley, to odd to one-. tory frame dwelling nt 3X1 Auburn uvenue. $1.d9o- C. )*. Corfu, to remodel mu- Holy friijme dwelling at 465 Courtland street. $500—W. L. Traynhnm, to remodel threo brick stores, 72-74-76 Decatar street. $3,400—City of Atlanta, to add to brick school building, corner South Boulevard and ran street. 1.000— City of Atlantp, to add to Form- PROPERTY TRAN8FER8. $750-^1. J. Edwards to C. E. Boynton, lot on Crew street near Woodward avenue. 11. K. r. Mneger to Charles Maeger. lot on Greensferry avenue. Warranty deed. 680O-W. R. Heard to W. E. Heard. lot on Wells street near McDaniel street. War ranty deed. $900—East Atlanta Land Co. to Fltxhugh Knox, lot on Edgewood avanue near Fort atreet. Warranty deed. $575—Some to same, lot on Edgewood ave nue near Jackson street. Warranty deed. ATLANTA MARKETS. FRUIT8 AND PRODUCE. Officially corrected by Atlanta Fruit and Produce exchange. Lemons $5.25 to $5.60. I-lmee 75 to 51. Peaches, per crate. $1 to $1.60. Pineapples $2 to $160, market time well stocked. Bananas, straights, bunch $1.60 to $1*76. Culls, per hunch, $1 vn $1.26. Wtaermelons, $10.00 to $20.00 per 100; de mand good. POULTRY AND COUNTRY PRODUCE.- Llve bens 85 to 37ttc: fries 22fe to 25c: broilers 15 to .22ttc. Live ducks, Pekin 80 to *c; puddle 25 to 27Hc. Dressed hens, per lb., 12c to 13c; dressed turkeys, per lb., 16 to 18c. Eggs, per doxen, 17 to 17H. , Butter, table, per lb., 20 to 22Hc; cook ing. per lb., UttT'to 16c. Honey—New 84$10c lb.; In 1-lb. racks 10 ^V^OETABLES.-Iriah potatoes. No. stock $3.60 barrel; No. 2 stock 2.75. Tomatoes, per crate, $2 to $2.60; demand good. Beans, green, per crate, $1 to $1.25; wax 80 to 75c. THE WEATHER. LOCAL FORECAST. Ailenln nnd Vicinity-Filr and centin.,^ warm lonl^kt nnd Hnturdny. coo,l "'Je4 WEATHER IN COTTON BELT. The wenther In Tezne. Alalienj*. c~.- nnd Mlael.Bhtnl > rancriini clear and hot thl. n,nrn\:"c. rain Inal night, with high arindi WEATHER IN WHEAT ~BELT. Kztrcmc Northtccat—cloudy, u „ ,; ccncrnlly heavy rnlne. and ralulor Northwcei—l'nrrly idondy, M to 70 aho... pncral n,"ia In North llakoln, lujal 'i '•util Dakota nml Minnesota. " West and Southwest—Generally clear u to 78 above; local rnloa In Iowa brnskn. u Ohio Valley—Clear, 76 to 80 above. . WEATHER FORECAST. | MBllHii. »H'l Kaatcrn Texaa-Lo,,: ,k„_ era yrlday and So today; fre.b eotitncait to south wind*. Meat Florida nnd MlaalwlDOl—Parfl* cloudy Friday nnd Hntnrdny; light to frail aouth winds. West Texas—Fair Frida nest lexaa—Fair I rid nr, except showtri nnd cooler lu the panhandle; 8aturd*r f*ir nnd Kentucky-Fair Frld.ii Saturilny ehnwcrc nnd cooler, 1 Arknnene—1-nrtly cloudy Friday; P.tnn ■I" v cjoud.v; 1-iitluT tikowera and cooler la the efternonn or night; Beturdey fxlr. to ft; market orentocked. Corn, new. 15 to We per dozen. Okrn, per erate, 51.50 to 5J. Cucutnnera, per crate, 50 to 75c, m*rket well nocked. Iriah potatoes per huebel, SI.M. 11 — — "— " — — oevr , Cherriee. i'ii ntn!"ii huxhel, :. 59c. brown, CBNTBAL OF OKUKOIA KAILWAY. Arrive From— liepurt To— Pavannah ... 7:10am Macon...'. 17:01 a Jackionvllla . T.-.0 am Kavacuxh ... 1:00 • Mncoa 11:40.1. Macao 4:0) p Savannah ... 445 pm Farannah ... (:lip Macon TO pm lackaoovlUa ■ I JO p LABORERS WANTED. $1,25 PER DAY. Wages Paid 'Weekly. ATLANTA CAR WHEEL WORKS. Take ! Luekie St. Car to Waterworks. FOR RENT. / JOHN J. WOODSIDE, NO 1» l-KAI'IITUEK STREET—AT TUB almve aamher oa l-eachtrcc atreet. lie- twee. Jamea and Foray th atreet a. you will find one atoreruam. 77x47, with Imaement • Iciat the Nil atae. Thla place la aulialde for a nice grocery or atrnoai any kind of retail Inudneao, and 4 live man ran do . good liualneaa at tbla ataud. Will be vacant Inly I. Rent 5U0 per monlh. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THE RENTING AOENT. It Aubum Arenne. Both 1’honca 618. REMEMBER WHAT AYE * SAY. DOt'BLE YOUR MONEY WITI1IN A YEAR. RAY U A' ltBR. WITHIN Llkf ITR ANI> a. FEET OF RTREBT CAR. 1400 KELT STREET FRONTAHB. 81 It- vey for sin nick IX rnurr.itTY. lilt INti FBKT TIIAi'K FHONTAiii: l-IIICE ONLY «1P0A WITH TERM*. M. MeNEILL & W. S. SHERWOOD, (14 EMPIRE BLDQ. ATLANTA AND WR8T FOIN* I ROAD. Arrive From- ...Deport To— iontrom-y ,.i:Mpu •Mo.Jcom’y ..11:15 pm •Dally. All other tralot dally except Bua- "/li train, or Atraata and Weet Point Railroad Company arrive at and depart from Atlanta Fermtsal elation, corner Mitchell (treat and Mndleon avenue. OEOROIA lUlLROAD. Arrive From- ’ Depart To— •Angueta ... 5M pm 'Auguatn 7:45 am Jooyera 5:43 am I.lthonla VM am Covington ...7:44 am ‘Auguatn I:lipn -AiiteraW *31 K 8EABOARD AIR |.DiE RAILWAY. %:3>as» DlraSliSuHK 6:40 an rUI* ...Ifiis Mosr«? . . . 7:20si )hl*. . . 11:46 am New York . .12:00 u York .. {:80 pm Ahbcvlll* . . CMpn trn Is Central time "i i i ian |niiniwn, i»-r iiuau*-i, fl<] sweet potato**, t»er bushel, $1 to $125; V sweet potatoes $1.76 bushel. ■herrle*. 24i]tmrt crate, $1.60 to $1.75. Cantaloupe*, tut* cr*te. $2 to $2.60. Blacklierries vt to :*4c quart. Dewberries 10 to 12h«* quart. FLOUR, GRAIN, PROVISIONS, |FlOUX.-fMtM Klegnnt $186; Dlnni . . patent $6: fnnev p**ent $6.10; half potont $4*10 to $4.85; >*/>rv J190: spring wheat patent $5.60<i6. Market strong. LCORN.—Choice roff cob 76e; No. 2 white o[at * |whUa^m LHU’AL—Plain water ground, per hd 79c7 bolted lUdb. Jutee, per bnaheU Bhorte. white. 51.10; medium. 51.*: brW 5101; pure braa. 5i.t0| mixed linn, 51.15. IIAYI—Timothy, choice large Inlet, 51.10; do., choir, email haler 51.11; do.. No, : timothy holer, 51.06; do.. No. 7 51; do.. No. Hover mixed 51.06; do., No. 1 clored mixed ■ CIdJVER.-Choice to. ■ The above pricer ere f. a b. Atlanta, nnd ■ubject to Immediate acceptance. 6 GROCERIES. *87GAR-Standard cranulated 5c! New '“fit Refined 414 to 414; plantation! 414 to 4%c. Market vtronger. _ J . COFFEE,—14 ‘ ' lmlk, in I,-tea . 11c. Market weeh^® IIICB.—Caroline 414 to 714c, according to grade; JIarket very etrong. CHEE8E—Fancy fall cream dairy. 14c; I4 °- Market etrong. 1 KOI ISION8.—Supreme harae 1414c. Ilbyo jwma iSc. California ha mi 1014c; Red Croaa /*"• ’ 75; bellies 904 lha. 10.60; fat hacki 914; phitet (14c.| Supreme lard 10. Red Craaa 10c. Snow compound 714. lied Croea 7%. STOCK SAND' BONDS. Did. Asked. 10014 KM 104 Atlanta.’ 414a, i*ii!.'!!!."!!.'!!."!!! iot iio AlSSIS'.WeiV'Ktni:::::::::^ IS’ 1 Atlanta and Went 1-olnt Debta. 107 110 do. aecoml fiicutne , do. tblril Income Georgia. R western... 1* Pacific 1st* sod A. 1st... iff 4 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQ O O O THE NEW8 FROM HOME. O lo When you leave Atlanta for your rammer vacation, drop a petal with your address to th. circulation deportment of The Georgian, and lb. paper will bo moiled to you At the regular carrier rate to rlty .ubeertbere, of -ten cent. . week. When no tifying the office In thla man ner. add your home addreoa also. POQQOOOO O 0 O 0 OOOOOOO STOCKS REVIEWED BY NEW YORK SUN New York, June 79.—The Bun (ays; As wae thought probable by the majority of ,h - vtock market after the close of butlocee Wednewhiy, (here was •renewal In the forepart of the eeaelou yeeterday of preeelng liquidation that baa bren recently ao notably In erldrnce. It -I*. ^ S5P32 «w? ass eml the meoaible' expectation war tbit a fair prop.wtloii of those to whom these de mands were addressed wookl decide to close the account. In qoration. Thru an. tktMtiona were fulfilled, end In the lint naif hoar of liuat.era end eg.In mon sc rcrety «u hoar later price, were sharply depressed, falling un the racund ocesrio. to the lowest point, yet tmebed In. the -®°ree of- the present deeltne morement. It ^developed, on the other hood, that thl. rnforeed pressure to raU stocka was not MtOrirnt to l.rlng the market to the point of rtetnoraltxatlou. and that It gave eyery appearance of reprcacntln* the maximum iwwce. for the time bet.g.t Ira.t, of the force, that hare been recently exerted In ssu«33. . ontinuiiiiiv the w.vl,,n were not ch: urge ary, and many time. ........ the market row- to new hU’l become doll, t-loring prl, H from the terr ' ' * “ r.nn g from ' New York. June a.-Tfie market for cot ton seed oil wns very outet, with only a few email sales of Jnfy and Heptembe? during the early dealings. With notice day today there wns n disposition to awilt the effect of the July notlcee. and thl. ut- urnlly restricted operallona In all dellres ee. The near positions nre Infinenenl very largely by the technical poaltlon of the market, while distant month! i«< infin- enced by new crop news. The market it the close was steady with prlera uncliauod to Me higher.—Wore A LeW " WEATHER CONDITIONS. — controlling wenltlier conditions changed very little lu the Ian It t The renter of highest pressure Is ..., northern Alnlmmn, while that of lavest barometer Is In North Dakota, baying moved slowly eastward since Thursday morning. clenr skies prevail. Thunderstorms have occurred In the Da kotas. Ncbraske, New York, and at Wu. mlngton, N. C. COTTON REGION' BULLETIN. For the 21 houra ending at I a. m , nth meridian time, June 79, U00. STATIONS OF atlAnta DISTRICT. ^Atlanta. ei**r •riiattaimoijn. rie«r Columliu*. clear tialneavllle, clear Greenville, clear Griffin, clear * M:u nil. cli'ilr Montlcello. cleor; Newnan. clear Koine, clear Hportnnburr, clear Tallapoosa! dear Toccoo, dear..... West 1’olnt, clenr..... . - . •Minimum teinpernture* are for 12-hour perlini endinc at 8 m. thla date. 89 68 M 1 72 -.A .09' Lntf Tnllupt iiM/i, fltwir.. , June 2$: [etnpnl* Montsomary New Ortcftui Oklahoma Havannab Vlckaimrff Wilmington.......... ... . - ¥ indicate* Inappreciable ralofnliT Ramarkt. . • , Teniperatnrea were two to four dcfraea hlfber over the belt. Uffht rain* fell oeer th. raetern portion ■ 1/w.l Force.iter. ::-.i * i i9 i’io~ DliL Averagee. PIEDMONT BROKERAGE CO/8 DAILY MARKET LETTER New York. June 3.-rotton-Tberottoe R srket today has been entirely prof'”!'™; cher.clcr .nd dallneae preralled during ilon. After opening do« . . „ little rally wcurrcj ^'- Orlrana .bowed eoneldorable •'""‘"’.i: July option, bat the distant month. "H not .BeetesL Tbe market la •• nl ' 1 1 ?,‘ h T i, government report on the Jd. JJ expectetl tn show that the JS. etwi conditio., are nmlntelned An era mate of tbe condition by Mlea ««" JJ Borne month*. ^ . .. inin j Htocka—The market a«aln to<l*r a heavy lone, and It la dimcul.lor w* bull petty to get stock, up. The iu,*t cm •picnotu thing nbont the market I. eoutlnucl and Irreototlliie UqnhUtJe. « storing The only etrengtb l« */ ^,1 peuee of the abort Interest and tb' ™ t «rty I. dally meeting with long ™ |, The Incrrara,! floating rapply , u , difficult for the bull element to even tain price.. Each decline which slock, lower than they wej- hsu.t. more me rain, and necewltaif* f— wiling of an Inrolunt.ry strength In cell money nloo operated agu the market. L. J. ANDERSON 44 CO.'S - DAILY COTTON LETTER New York. Jane St.-First notice djf,“ New York opened with an •****'*14*- Julr option which carted It ' This mid w.i made oo the annooncei. that notice, rorerlug about MJ® ^ l( cotton h.,1 been he.#* «nd «• ““ra the nature of tn attempt to trat to g< , per of the market than anything "Sffi hTd-'r'Jco^rS^J A ^ id lH*<*«>nic wry quiet. . v( r it- With JuD *. trtementa mrt will Im* tun.ctl to JJ* oa n report, which .a to y*,., ,ht* rv •lay dltlon -f fr-m 3 i*t•/*«»» •.-‘VlllHf ^ '* anti In nntlcli»atlon "f tWaJtJ* ” nf to - Mint nill u- altowad .»• i 1. c’I»>*hijr frlrc* w.-r.* not fur that price* will I** n!I*>we« to ae"‘ ■ g ,*r cry l‘‘«t of th.* .lay, nml saIi,* timt time. HhmiM th** U !c **•* ai 1 tfl : iN.Intto whip ct.mtown In ,-r-nt .,r mor- .l.*cref»«e It Uf that the m-mt active i prirea will ..Iram-c Bharp J' <m * •p—.-tilatlon.—Glbert A Clay. atorta. |