Newspaper Page Text
The bridge party which Mr*. Charlea
?elpl* gave Friday afternoon at the
Driving Club brought together a repre-
rentatlve number of Atlanta'*, attract'
ive women. The table* were placed on
thfc terrace and the »cen# wa* one of
picturesque beauty, the tree* and lawn
of the club ground forming a back
ground for the many-colored gown* of
the women
Mr*. Sciple waa assisted In receiving
her guests by her mother. Mrs. An
thony Murphy, and her sister, Mrs.
Henry Tanner. Mr*. Sciple was gowned
In hand-embroidered white mull, trim
med with lace. She wore a hat of light
blue Neapolitan straw, trimmed with
Mu* plumes.
Mrs. Murphy wore a gown of black
embroidered chiffon over white, the en*
tire gown being fashioned with lace.
She wore a hat, trimmed with
Mrs. Tanner wore a toilet of white
dotted awlss, trimmed with Insertion of
Valenciennes lace. Her hat waa of
whlte.laee, trimmed with roses.m
The top score In the game was made
by Mrs. Alex Brnlth, the prig*- being a
white silk parasol painted In roses. The
second prise, a silver plaque vase, was
won by Mrs. George Nicholson, and the
consolation, an empire fan, waa drawn
by Miss Annie May Hall.
Mr*. Smith wore a white mull gown
and a hat of whit* chip.
Mrs. George Klcolson Was gowned In
black and white lac*. Her hat waa of
black, trimmed with lace and roses.
Mr*. Milton Dargan wore a pretty
toilet of pink flowered organdie, lace
trimmed. With the gown she wore a
hat of white, trimmed with pink rosea.
Mrs. J. Carroll Payne waa attractive
ly gowned In white mull and lace. Her
hat waa white lace, trimmed with
Mrs. Mitchell Horner's toilet was of
white mull, hand-embroidered, and
trimmed with French lace. With this
gown eh* wore a black Neapolitan hat,
trimmed with plumes and aigrettes.
Mrs. John Fltten was handsomely
gowned In black lace. Her hat was
of black, trimmed with ostrich plumes.
Mr*. Evelyn Harris wore a pretty
toilet of whit* mull, trimmed with Irish
lace, and made princess*. She wore a
list of cream-colored chip, fashioned
w Ith pink roses.
Mr*. Harry English wa* gowned In
pale blue silk mull and lace. With tha
toilet she wore a hat of corn-colored
straw, trimmed with ostrich plumes of
the same color.
Mrs. Milton Saul wore white organ
die. trimmed with lace. Her hat waa
a pink Neapolitan, fashioned with
Mrs. Lewis Beck was much admired
In n prlnresse gown of white mtgll and
Valrnc-Jennea Ipce. Her hat of white
waa I rimmed with pink rosea. •■».
Mrs. W. S. Elkin waa prettily gowned
In white batiste, fashioned Wl|h
French lace. A hat of white, trimmed
with pink rose*, completed this toilet.
Mrs. Charles Conklin wore a beauti
ful Parisian toilet of blue chiffon and
Ince. A becoming hat of blue chip,
trimmed with ostrich plumes, was
worn with this gown.
Mrs. Harry Steams wore a princesae
gown of blue mull, trimmed with
FTench lace. Her hat was white, fash
ioned with lace and »Jnk rose*.
- Mr*. Leon Lawman waa gowned In
white mull and lacs, and wore a hat
of white, trimmed with pink roses.
Mr*. Walter Taylor was much ad
mired In pal* gray silk, fashioned with
baby Irish lace. With this gown she
wore a hat of black Neapolitan straw,
trlmemd with ostrich plumes.
Mrs. James English, Jr., was attract
ively gowned In white silk mull and
Valonclenne* Inc*. 'She wore a becom
ing hat of pale blue chip, trimmed with
Mrs. W. D. Ellis. Jr.,' wore pale blue
mull and lace. Her hat was of the
same color, trimmed with plumes and
Mr*. John Clarke wore a pink flow
ered organdie, lac* trimmed. Her hat
\. as of white, trimmed with pink roaaa.
Mrs. Archibald Davis waa gowned In
white silk mull and lace. With this
toilet she wore a pink Neapolitan
nlraw, fashioned with plumes and
Mrs. Henry Porter wore black lac*
over chiffon. She wore a hat of black,
fashioned with lac*.
Miss Annie Kitten wa* much admired
In white lac*. Her hat was of male
blue Neapolitan etraw, trimmed with
plumee of the Sana color of blue.
: wa* of pal* blue
straw, trimmed with blue plume*.
- Miss Nannie Nlcotson wore whit*
mull and lace. With this gown she
wore a hat of pink, fashioned with
Miss Laura Payne was prettily
gowned In white ellk mull, fashioned
princess* and trimmed with French
face. She wore a hat of white, trimmed
with pink rosea
Miss Isms Dooly’s toilet was a deep
cream silk, fashioned with baby Irish
lacs, With this toilet she wore a hat
of cream, trimmed with pink roses and
a touch of brown mellne.
Miss Nellie Hightower wore white
mult and lace. Her hat of blue was
trimmed with plumes.
Miss Harris Fumade wore pink mull,
Iso* trimmed. She wore a hat or
whit*, trimmed with pink roses.
Miss Annie May Hall's costume waa
of white mull and lace, with hat to
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQO) mer house In the center of the formal
O All communications Intended O
O for the society department of O
O the Saturday Issue of Tbs Geor- O
O glan must reach the office be- O
O fore 11 o’clock Saturday mom- 0
O Ing In order to Insure public*- O
O tlon. O
The marriage of Mias Sarah O'Della
Hendrix, of McCormick, 8. C., to Mr.
H. M. Houric, of Atlanta, occurred
Thursday evening, June 21, at the
home of the bride's parents at Me,
Cormlck. The ceremony was per
formed by Rev. J. E. Peeler. The maid
of honor was Miss Lillian Rourk, of
Charleston, sister of the groom. Mr.
A. J. Hendrik, brother of the bride,
was the best man.
The attendant* were Miss Clara
Hendrix and Mr. Ernest Ashmore.
The bride’s gown wa* of white silk
trimmed with lace. Her bouquet waa
of bride roses and lilies of the val
The bridesmaids wore toilettes of
light blue silk, lace trimmed.
During the ceremony, the bridal
ty stood under a floral wedding
After the ceremony, a (juffet supper
was served.
Mr. and Mrs. Rourk arrived In At
lanta on Friday.
The marriage of Miss Rose Wilson
and Mr. Claude Rayst will take place
July IS at the home of the bride's
parents, ISO Georgia avenue.
Thursday evening, June 2S, at the
beautiful home of Captain and Mrs.
R. F. Wright, near Blberton, occurred
the marriage of their daughter. Miss
Norma Wright, to Mr. Harry Ellington
Hawes. The ceremony was performed
by Rev. Isaac 8. Hopkins, of Athens;
the spacious drawing room, where the
bridal party stood, being decorated
with quantities of cut flowers In pink
and white.
The bride and groom stood beneath
an archway of evergreens, from which
was suspended their Initials—H.-W.
The bride entered the room with her
father. Captain Wright, and was a pic
ture of girlish beauty In her bridal
town of white radium silk, elaborata-
y trimmed with princess* lac* and
seed pearls. Her bouquet was of bride
Miss Rebecca Tate, who acted as
maid of honor, wore whit* silk mull
and lace.
The bridesmaids, Misses Ruale May
Pope, of Atlanta; Constance Chestnutt,
of Savannah; Marguerite Wright, of
Augusta; Bessie Pope, of Atlanta;
Weenona Blackwell and Ella Oliver, of
Elberton, were a charming group In
iwns of Nile green silk mull, their
uqbets being of pink roses. Tint
little ribbon bearers were MIssThelmtf
Wright, Miss Marjorie Weldon, Mis*
Martha-Jones and Miss Bertha Gard
ner. *
Immediately after tlje ceremony the
couple left for an extended trip East.
The bride, a* Mis* Norma Wright, wa*
one of the most popular young women
In the state. She numbers friends by
the score In Atlanta, where she lived
until recently.
Mr. lfaw*s Is one of Elberton's most
continent men, socially and In a bus-
.ness sense, and he and his bride are
followed by the good wishes of host* of
friends. ,
elks, commanding a view of the Cum
berland river, whlclr forms a horse
shoe around the place.
Friday a tempting menu was served
at .2 o'clock at a .flower decked table,
where were seated the hostess, the
honoree, Mrs. Robert F. Jackson, whd
Is spending the summer at Westover
with her parents; Mrs. Robert L. Tay
lor, wife of Tennessee’s new senator-
elect; Mrs. Mary Harding Jackson,
with half a doxen other friends of Mrs.
Mrs. Henry 8. Jackson was an
honor guest at a handsome luncheon
at the Golf and Country Club at Nash
ville Thursday, of which Mr*. T. B.
Neal, formerly of Atlanta, was hostess.
Mrs. Jackson was the only matron
present beside the hostess, as the af
fair wa* arranged In compliment to
Mis* Mary Fraser, who recently re
turned to Nashville from school
New York.
miss mitcheuTentertains.
Thursday afternoon. Miss Pearl
Mitchell was hostesk at a card party
given In honor of her attractive guest,
Miss Lott,'of Florida. Six-hand euchre
was played on the spacious verandas,
and after the game a delicious lunch
eon was served.
The flrst prse, a dainty picture, waa
won by Mrs. Cone Maddox, and the
consolation, also a picture, went to
Miss Mary Howell.
Miss Mitchell's guests were Miss
LktLMrs. Willis Timmons, Mrs. Cone
Mbddod, Mrs. George Cunningham,
Mrs. W. R. Maddox, Miss Minnie At
kinson, Misses Irene and Josle Mitch
ell, Miss Kate Johnson, Miss Mills,
Miss McMIchael, of -Toronto; Misses
Mary and Jane Gwlnn, Misses Mary
and Caroline Howell.
The Inforinol bridge party given
Thuaday morning by Mrs. Andrew Cal
houn waa a pretty compliment to her
slater, Miss Catherine Trigg, of Chat
tanooga, who for two weeks has been
a much-admired visitor to Atlanta. The
prizes, a set of waist pin* and a pair
of silk hose, were won by Miss M. A.
Phelan and Miss Sadie Morris.
Friday evening a number of young
people will enjoy a moonlight picnic at
Grant park. They will consist of
Misses Asher, Mnupln, Lillian William
son, Helen Williamson, Frances Clarke,
Carol Stearns, Lolse Murphy of Arizo
na, Caryl Greene, Elisabeth Osborne,
Ruth Parker, Mi mm
Sartclle, Emma
Clarke, and Messrs, u'lnrke William
son, Earl Greene, Hamilton Douglas,
Jr., King, Parham, Bradford, Fuller,
Bagwell, Osborne, Nelson George, Wat
Ruth Parker, Mary McCandllsh, Laura
The announcement has been made
of the engagement of Miss Clara Edith
Morrison, of Rome, Qa, to- Mr. Thom
as Jackson Bryan, of Atlanta The
marlrage will take place at the home
of the bride’s mother, Mr*. 8. R. Mor
rison, at Rome, Wednesday evening,
July 11, at »• o'clock.
The annoqncement that the marriage
of Miss Alice Neva Thomas and Mr.
John Flynn Seawall, to which Invita
tion* were Issued for next week, occur-
red Thursday evening, will be a sur
prise to the friends of the young peo
ple. The couple were married at the
manse of the Cumberland Presbyter
ian church by Rev. George Mack, and
left Immediately for Marietta where
they will remain a few days befor
Ing to Hendersonville, N. C. The
Is known and loved by a large number
of friends In Atlanta, and the groom
Is a former Atlanta man who Is high
ly esteemed here.
Mrs. Henry 8. Jackson, of Atlanta,
who Is the guest of Mr*. Mary Hard
ing Jackson at West Meade, near
Nashville, Is being much entertained as
always In that city. Friday, Mr*. Nat
Baxter, who Is well known In At
lanta society, through her visits to her
daughter, Mrs. Robert F. Maddox, en
tertained a dozen ladles at luncheon
at Westover plantation In compliment
to Mrs. Jackson. The Baxter Country
home I* 'one of the moat picturesque
neaf Nashville, and Is most attractive
ly arranged for the occasion, the great
porch forming a charming al fresco
sitting room, and the spacious house
being decked with flowers from the
Westover gardens. This garden
of the I
the west -
i bouse, Is laid out after
Reliable Druggists,
We Send for Prescriptions and Deliver Free
Atlanta Agenti for
80c Pound
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son, Shearer, Forrest Adair and Francis
Friday evening Miss Eleanor Raoul
nnd Miss Courtenay Harrison will be
guests of honor at a dance to be given
by Miss Lily Peeples at her home on
Piedmont avenue. Invitations are lim
ited to the young people who were
schoolmates of Miss Peeples, about
twenty-four of whom have been In
vited. Those who wlllibe present are;
Miss Eleanor Raoul, Miss Courtenay
Harrison, Miss Mildred Hpratllng, Mtss
Julia Rosser, Mis* Charles . Owens,
Mlsa Frances Connally, Miss Elizabeth
Rawson, Miss Busan Spalding and her
guest, Mlsa Telma Kltson, of New
York; Miss Annie Caverly, Miss Ida
May Blount, Mr. Robert Jones, Mr.
Wlnehlp Normally, Mr. Georg* McCar
ty, Mr. Howard Parker, Mr. Robert
Parker, Mr. Edward Goodyear, Mr.
Ray Werner, Mr. Hughes Bpaldlng, Mr.
J. C. Harris, Mr. Marshall Johnson,
Mr. > Henry Fallow, Mr. Car-
roll Cabanlss, Mr. Harison Jones, Mr.
boring Raoul, Mr. Louis Turner, Mr,
Robert Moran, Mr. Julius Scott.
Wednesday evening Miss Minnie At
kinson will entertain In honor of Mr.
and Mr*. Willis Timmons, who have
Just returned from their bridal tour.
to mrsTdecampi.
Friday nftemon Mr*. B. C. DeLeon
entertained charmingly In honor of her
guest, Mrs. DeCampl. The game of
500 waa participated In by over forty
women, and at Its dose a luncheon
of several courses was served. Mrs.
Deleon's home on Piedmont avenuo
was artistically decorated with cut
flowers. Mrs. .DeLeon wore white lac*
over heliotrope silk, and Mrs. DeCampl
wa* charmingly gowned In pale blue
silk made princesae.
Dr. R. D. Spalding entertained at din
ner Thursday evening at his home on
Peachtree In honor of Archbishop
Blenk. The occasion brought together
a congenial number of gentlemen and
was most enjoyable and brilliant. Dr.
Spalding's guests were; Father Ra
pier, Mr. Lziuts Gholsttn, Mr. J. Carroll
Payne, Mr. J. J. Bpaldlng. Mr. John
E. Mufphy, Mr. Martin Armorous, Mr.
W. J. Morris and Mr. Thomas Corri
Nellie Howell. Miss Charlotte Stew
art, Mr. Paul Rosser, of Boston; Mr.
John Fltten, Mr. Eugene Black, Mr.
Smith Pickett, Mr. Hovel I Peeples, Mr.
Rob Keely, Mr. Turner Fltten, Mr.
Hugh Foreman, Mr. Eugene Haynes,
Mr. Charles Sciple, Mr. Charles Sciple,
Jr. •
Mrs. James R_ Gray will give a bar
becue next Wednesday, July 4, at her
- " I'lnr", i;ro-st-in.'. . n I'em li
tre* road, In honor of Mr*. Boykin
Robinson and Mrs. W. 8. Elkin, who
leave the latter part of July to spend
some time In Europe. *
The Boys' Club of Atlanta opened
Informally Thursday, with an all-day
reception at Its headquarters, 72 H
North Broad street. Refreshments
were served during the day, ifnd a
large number of men and women who
are Interested In the movement called
between the hours of 10 a. m. and
6 p. m.
Friday morning Mrs. Juno Oglesby,
Jr., entertained delightfully the Young
Matrons' Bridge Club. The prize was
a dainty silk kimono. After the game
luncheon was served. The members of
the club are Mr*. Harry English, Mrs.
Tom Paine, Mrs. James McKcldln, Mrs.
Charles Conklin. Mrs,. Vaughan Nixon,
Mrs. Robert Shedden, Miss Ruth Hall
man, Mrs. Edward Inman.
Miss Ernestine Randall was given
surprise party Friday evening at. her
Jtome on Boulevard. Those In the par
ty were:. Miss Leble Ewing, Miss
Grace Terry, Miss Edna Mooney, Miss
Barbara Hunter, Miss Mabel Jones, Miss
Blackshear McKnlgbt. Miss Hayden
McKnlght, Mr. Malcolm Rauschenbury.
Mr. Claude Evans, Mr. Ernest Trottl,
Mr. Julius Trottl, Mr. Hlght Trottl, Mr.
Morris Emory, Mr. Vance Hunter, Mr.
Mrs. It tie K. Reno, one ot the best
known literary women In Nashville, ac
companied by her niece, Miss Ellse
Lipscomb, will arrive In Atlanta Sun
day morning to Join Miss Blanche Car-
son for a trip to Virginia Beach and
other points. They will be gone sev
eral weeks, and will also return by At
lanta Mrs. Reno nnd Miss Lipscomb
will spend the latter part of the sum-
»t Uw-r.Het-lm, In th>- i 'umbci !.-in-1
mountains, nnd Miss Carson will be
with them there. Her parents. Sir. and
Mrs. D. B. Carson, are removing this
week from the Hotel Majestic Into an
apartment house.
* '
Miss Laura Wttham will go to Ashe
ville, N. C„ In a few day*, to atend
a house party to be given by Mr. and
Mr*. W. A. Chenoweth, of Birming
ham, at their summer home, near
Those who contemplate/the purchase of dia
monds should remember that we afford certain
definite advantages , to buyers not to be had else
where, Our expert grading insures correctness
in values. When von- buy a diamond of us you
are sure of getting just what you think you.
are buying,
The Diamond Palace. 37 Whitehall St.
Mr. and Mr*. John Flynn Seawall at
Hendersonville, N. C.
Mr. W. Neyle Colquitt and,hi* *U-
ter. Miss Harriett R. Colquitt, of Sa
vannah, nre at the bedside of their
mother, Mr*. W. W. Colquitt, at 457
Piedmont avenue.
Miss Grace Landrum, who has been
the guest of Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Wat
kins, In Virginia, is at Cottage City,
Mass., where she will spend tha sum
mer. •
Mr. and >jre. Orton Bishop Brown,
of Berlin, New Hampshire, left Nash
ville Tuesday morning en route to Bos
ton. From thsr* they will go by auto
mobile to their home. They have been
charmingly entertained during a sub
sequent brief visit to Loulertlle. They
visited Mr. and Mrs. Thomas'Floyd
Brnlth at Glenview, near Nashville,
who entertained at dinner Monday
opening In their honor, -The farewell
compliment tendered Mr. and Mrs.
Brown In NaahvUla wan a musical* on
Monday evening at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Adolph Brandan. where they
visited during their Nashville it Ay.
The programme wa* given by Mr*.
Brandau, Julian Cantrell and Guy Mc
A number of the ladles who were al
Mfe. Sclple’s bridge at the Driving
Club, Friday afternoon, were joined
by the men arter the game, and en
joyed n chat and refreshment*.
Among those who remained were
Mrs. Robert Lowry, Mr*. Walter Tay
lor. Miss Isma Dooly, Mrs. Crandall,
Mr*. Dexter, Mrs. J. C. Hunter, Mrs.
Sciple. Mr*. Dargan. Mre. Peters, Mrs.
John Fltten. Mr*. Evelyn Harris, Mrs.
Eugene Black, Mrs. Barbour Thomp
son, Mis* Annie Fltten, Mlsa Martha
Woodward, Mias Laura Payot, Mies
Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock,
on* hundred , and fifty friends
sembled at the home of Mr. and Mrs
Edward Flor to witness the marriage
of their daughter, Mlsa Amelia LI
itte, to Rev. James Garfield Phil
llpg. It wa* a perfect day for the oc
cation and the ceermony took place on
the lawn In front of the house. In the
shade of a large oak tree. The bride
went' to the altar with her father, and
was accompanied also by her tft-other,
Mr. Oscar Flor, and her cousin, Miss
Amelia Burdorf, of Cincinnati, Ohio, aa
maid‘of honor: bliss Sydney Evans, of
Philadelphia, Pa.; Miss Laura Black-
ehear, Miss Ethel Adame, Mias. Vera
Fisher; Mis* Emma Coan and Mies
Eula' McKinney were the bridesmaids,
The path was covered with white cloth
and Waa. guarded by daley chains sup
ported on stakes decorated with dnl-
lrel boughs. The bride was
altar liy the groom and Ills
brother, Mr. Hugh Phillips, ns best
man. The ring ceremony was used,
Rev. O. W. Phillips, father of the
groom, and pastor of the Congrega
tional church here, officiating. The
wedding march from Lohengrin waa
played by Mrs. Emma Stambaugh.
The color scheme was white and yel
low. Tha bride wore a gown of white
silk. The maid of honor waa In white
over yellow, and the bridesmaid* In
white with yellow sothes. After the
wtddlng there waa a reception, lasting
until t o'clock. After the reception,
the bridal party, tha relatives of the
bride and groom and a few special
friends. In all nu
Joyed a luncheon served at tables dec
orated In white and yellow. The bridal
tabla waa diamond shaped. In the cen
ter was a palm banked around with
daisies, and to the electric chandelier
over the palm was suspended white and
yellow ribbons, the lower ends being
fastened to the table corner*. Hand-
painted souvenir weddings belle were
furnished each of the guesta. About
5 o’clock, Mr. and Mrs. Phillips Isft
for their honeymoonvtrlp to West Vir
gins and Philadelphia. They will _
to Granby, Conn., where Mr. Phillips
la pastor of a church. They received
many handsome presents, among others
being a substantial check from the
church Mr. Phillips goes to, whore he
preached while a student, at Hart
Mr. and Mrs. Jack T. Jons* are visiting
In New York.
Miss floe Littlefield Is visiting la Hunts-
Miss Hartley-Pitfoh, of Tbomasvllls, Os.,
Is visiting her*. .....
Miss 'Surah Uochsmn Is In Union town,
Ills* Fannie IlusseU. of Athens, was visit
Dancy, ot Iztnlsvllle, Ky„ Is
isimig nere. , ...
Mrs. K. I'. Sayre, of Winston, Al*., la
vlrltlug Aero.
Miss Dell Kyon Is at Florence.
Mrs. llllnn and daughter, Mias Annie
mints, of Birmingham. ere the guesti
Mrs. II. B. Scott.
Mrs. E. C Crow, of Birmingham, was
here the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Miller, of Enatey,
nre visiting In the Decatur*. ,
Mrs. Mary Hardwick Is with friends ID
Mrs. W. U. Been, of Prlcevllle, was hare
the past week.
Mlsa Lillie Howe, of Fslkrllle, Is here on
* mIss'Della Its matt, of Cullman. IsvIstUog
Mis* Flats rtsper, of Anniston. Is the
seat of Mr*. H. K. Wasson.
Mtss Francis Dobbs.- of Birmingham,
visiting here.
Miss Jsnle Kals Gtston waa married
Dr. John H. Shelton at the home of u.
t>rl,le'* rmrents. Dr. and Hr* I*, o. lias-
ton. In Mouth Iterator, on Wednesday after
noon at 4 o'clock. They will make f
home lu Sooth Iterator. _ .
During the peat week Mrs. John L. Brock
entertained a number of nests at a week
end party *t her home la Meet Iterator. A
plea snot week was enjoyed by *11 who were
tertnlned at * dance In honor
ney. of Nashville. About twenty-tve cou
ple* were present.
Miss Van* ljttlejohn entertained a boat
ing party on the river lest Tuesday la
honor of her gsest. Mias Hardy.
Mist Mayme, low Meant a ns. daughter of
Ir. and Mm. W. T. Beaman.. waa married
.4 Wednesday to Mr. Fredertrk w. Hinith
at the home of the brides psreuts. The
wedding was s qolet home one. Mr. sad
Mrs. Mmlth will make their fatal* home
la New Iterator.
Just Received. Look at Them*
Charles W. Crankshaw,
Ella, and Miss Roberts, of Atlanta,
have returned home after a visit to Dr.
and Mrs. George Lafton, In Nashville.
Miss Hattie Price and Miss Louise
Price are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Alfred
Truitt. They hove ns their guests the
Misses Neal, of Cartcrsvllle.
• Mrs. Hugh E. Lyndon, accompanied
by her little daughter, Evelyn, Is vis
iting her mother, Mrs. Lamar Hunter,
on Woodward avenue.
The dinner at which Miss Lida
•Brown will entertain Friday evening st
her home In Inman Park will • be s
charming occasion.
Miss Katherine Trigg, who has been
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Cal
houn, will return to her home In Chst-
tanoogs Monday.
The many friends of Mr. Otey Mitch
ell will regret to know that he Is 111
with typhoid fever at hla home on Alex,
ander street.
Mra. J. P. Crichton and her grand
daughter, Miss Maude Kennedy, are
occupying their summer collage at Mt.
Mletee Adelaide and Carry Glenn
have returned home after six weeks
spent In Chicago and Battle Creek,
Mr*. DeCampl, aftr a visit of two
weeks to Mr*. B. C. DeLeon, has re
turned to her home at Greensboro,
Mrs. N. R., Broyle* and Mis* Hattie
Broyles left Thursday for Highlands,
N. C., for the remainder of the sum
Miss Charlotte Marshall, who has-
been the guest of M lss Nanelle Craw
ford, returned to her home on Thurs
Mr*. M. Thrower and her non and
daughter and also Mr*. Coulter are the
guests of Mra. McConnell, at Mt. Airy,
Mr. Walter B. Walker, who has been
seriously 111 at'hie home on Peachtree
street, has gone West for his health.
Mies Lucy 'Mlllen and Miss Marie
Houston have returned from s vtelt
to Mr*. L. A. Clark, at Covington.
Mies Lillian Harris, who ha* been
the guest of Mre. Paul Irvin In New
York city, has returned home.
Mre. William Riddle le the guest of
her parents, Mr. and Mr*. James J.
Russell, oh North avenue.
Mre. J. R. Little Is the guest of her
mother, Mrs. Elisabeth Perryman, at
Heflin, Ala.
Mr. J. C. Hunter and Mr. Thomas
Egleston are at Borden-Wheeler
Mre. Alfred Truitt I* the guest of
friend* at Anniston. Ala., for a few
Mies Nellie Greenlee hoe returned
from a vlelt to her mother at Ashe
Dr. and Mr*. T. J. Crawford and
Miss Nanrielle Crawford are In Martet-
Mr*. D. C. Vorue continues 111 at
her home, 222 Washington street.
Mr. S. T. Harris Is spending a few
weeks at Battery Park, Asheville.
Mr. Frank Cundell hot returned
from a visit to 8ewanee, Tenn.
i ■
Mias tal* Williford Is visiting Miss
Maybelle Hawkins, at Amertcun
Mr. and Mre. F. P. Kern leave soon
for a visit to Wrighteville Beach.
Miss Zana Crumley, of Rome, Is the
guest ot Mle* Belle Davidson.
Mies Marion Nutting left • Thursday
for a Charleston, 8. C.
Miss Ethel Wlckertham visited Bir
mingham during this wek.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hatcher have
returned from Atlantic Beach.
Mlet Jeanette Swift return! Sunday
from Atlantic Beach.
Mr. and Mre. B. H? Hill are at In
dian Spring
Magnificent collection beautiful Pic
ture Postal Cards. It will Interest
you to see this dlsp.ay. For tale by
Id tabby Piedmont Hotel.
Mrs McClendon Dies,
Special to The t.corginn.
Rome, Ga., June 29.—Mrs. John Mc
Clendon died Wednesday mornl/j at
her residence In West Rome after an
Illness of several weeks. She was 55
years of age and the daughter of Jo-
stah Shocklej'.
Fireman Assaulted.
Special to The Georgian.
Cordele, Ga., June 39,—Walter Bla-
muke, a fireman, on the Seaboard Air
Line Railway, waa knocked down and
badly Injured In the yards here Wed
nesday night by an unknown party.
Mr. Blsmuke was on duty at the
time of the assault. He was struck
Just over the right eye with some sharp
Implement that cut a deep gash about
three Inches long.
Ex-Confederate Diet,
ftpeclal to The Georgian.
Cordele; Ga., June 29.—y. A. Dixon,
one of Cordele's oldest and most high
ly respected citizen*, died at hi*, home
here after an illness of several weeks.
The deceased was an ex-Confederate
ler, 71' years old; and moved to
lele with his family from Worth
county about fifteen years ago.
8poke For Colonel Eetlll.
Special to The Georgian.
Nashville, Ga, June 29.—Colonel
liornae S; Morgan, of Savannah, spoke
here Wednesday afternoon In behalf of
Colonel J. Hu Eetlll, candidate for
Erect Stone Building,
8pecl«l to The Georgian.
Nashville, Ga, June 29.—The wood
en storehouse occupied by W. E. Mor-
& Co, on Main street. Is being
rolled back and a nice stone building
will be erected In Its place.
New Home For Bank,
Rfledal to The Georgian.
Covington, Ga, June 29.—At a meet
ing of the directors of the Bank of
Covington a semi-annual dividend was
declared. This bank will move Into
It* new quarters on the 1st. The
new building Is one of the prettiest In
the city.
Teachers Elected.
Special, to The Georgian.
. Covington, Ga., June 29.—At a meet
ing of the board of education of Cov
ington tho following teachers were
elected to take the place of Mieses
Persons nnd Hamm, who did not te
cept the places to which they vTrt
elected; Misses Minnie Young Ilf
Waynesboro, and J.Milan Walker
Locus! Grove. r ’
Fire at Hawklnsvillt.
Special to The Georglnn.
Ilawklnsvillo, Ga., June 29.—Fire d«
etroyed the barn of D. R. Pearce and
a two-story wooden work ehop and
storage room of J. L. Huggins at 5
o’clock yesterday morning. The fir*
was In a section of the city where sev
eral fine residences were In imminent '
danger, but for the stillness of the wind
and the heroic work of the Are lighter*,
tho flames were soon subdued.
Will Hold Rally,
Special to The Georgian.
Indian Creek, Ga, June 29—The
Farmers' Educational nnd Cooperative
Union of America of DeKalb county
will hold a rally here July 20
The program Is a very Interesting
and Instructive one.
Fir* Destroys Barn.
Special to The Georgian.
Tucker. Ga.. June 29.—Tho barn nf
John Jackson, a fanner two mllei .
north, of here, was destroyed by fire
at 5 o'clock Friday morning,'and It 1
was only by heroic work that hla
dwelling waa saved. About seventy,
live bushels of corn and some feed waa
destroyed. The origin of the Are
Tho lou was total.
Teachers’ Institut*.
Special to The Georglta
Hartwell, Ga. June '29.—The annual
Teachers’ Institute for Hart county
will be held here next week, beginning-
July 2 to 6. The matter of local tax
ation for maintaining public schools'
will be discussed With a view- of adopt
ing that plan In this county.
On the 4th of July, Hon. Julian Me-
Curry will address the teachers H
educational work.
Y. M. C. A. le Robbtd.
Special to The Georgian.
Columbus, Ga, June 29.—The office, I
of Secretary Stradtmnn, of the Y. M.
C. A, In this city, was robbed of III)
In cash Wednesday night. >
Several checks for considerable, j
amounts In the same drawer from
which the money wa* stolen were left
by the thief.
By Private Leased Wire.
London, June 29.—Mra Nicholas
Longworth hae accomplished one of
the ambitions of her life. She has
been presented at court to the king
and queen of England. Aa Alice
Roosevelt, she begged and etermed for
this honor, but her strenuous father
told her to "wplt."'and she did. 80 it
waa as the bride of Congressman
Longworth that she waa presented last
evening to King Edward and Queen
The function at which she appeared
wa* tar more brilliant than any court
of recent yeara. She witnessed the
imp of royalty at its very height.
.. deed, their majesties spread them
selves more over the entertainment of
the president's daughter and her hus
band than they did when the German
kaiser paid them a visit.
It was a gorgeous assemblage that
the young American bride and her
husband faced. . On the scarlet dale
were the king and queen. Behind
them stood a glittering array of mem
bers of the royal family. These In
cluded Princess Christian, of Schless-
wlg-Holstein; Princess Victoria ami
Prince Arthur, of Connaught Prince
and Princess. Alexander, of Teck:
Princes* taulee Auguste, ot Schltss-
wig-Holsteln, and Prince Frances, of
Mra Longworth wore her wedding r
gown of white eatln Ikes'and silver.
She woe radiant and thoroughly sell-
possessed. Her courtesy wee mtu*
gracefully—to gracefully. In fact, that
It Wa* apparent sht' hat! gone thrown
a thorough rehearsal of her part Bit*
bent the knee and bowed her heed as
gracefully a* pny, veteran duchess
who has been attending the court fur
forty years. ‘ t
Congressman Longworth we* plain
ly embarrassed. HI* court costume uf
braided coat, satin knee breefhes.
silk stockings and buckled shoe* wet*
not exactly to his liking, and he snow
ed great nervousness. Mr*. Reid, the
wife of the American ambasaador,
made the formal presentation, and th*
king bestowed an-unusual honor upon
Sira, tangworth by speaking a few
words. Queen Alexandra graciously
followed the king’s exampt*.
All the American duchesses wer*
present to observe her triumph. Tin
duchess of Marlborough and duchess
of Manchester were absent. The dux*
of .Manchester, however, wet jpresww
ne commander of the Yeoman Guards.
Among the Amertcnhs witnessing Mrs.
tangworth’* presentation was Specl*'-
Ambassador Whltrldge, M* *•** J®*'
daughter: Ambnssaddr to • j
_. .. Wright. Covington, (Is.; P. L
Branch, Orlnuda, Fla.; A. Sela-ue. Clu-
" M. Deaaliurg, Chicago,
Letahraau, and, hla w(fej, Ctan-
leas Oxford. Lady Newborottgh. W
John It Drexel, Mra Benedict, Ml”
Townsend nnd 1-adJ- George ( ooper. , (
Iambus. Ga: L, II. Kaufman".'■‘•jWjJJV
«».; Churls* F. Jordan, Colo mhos, us..
Miss Nell Joseph, Warm Bur ;
II. I'lcree. Warm Spring*. Ga: Mis* 11 "",
Dent. <Jreeuville.ll*.: W. J-
Mtlusan. Ga; It W. June*. Jr, oloniiuw
Ga.: Frank U. Gorrard. Cobunhus.
I- II. Tjrce, Isralarlllc, Ky. :»-.*•
Chariest-. Jt. C.: A. C. Hobbs ustnin^
Ga.: J. vt. Thompson. Catsol*. Gs.- uejnw
l>. Jordan. Columbus, lie.: {![• *9 pg*.
J. I. Darby, Columbus. Ga.: !>•'' ‘ K
ley, fohunpus. tin.; Mr. and iurris.
Ilarrla, Co|nrnlma,-Ga.; MI*s Ly*..'“JJg
Colnmbna Ga.; Mra Frink “rnow
maid and two ehlldren. toluaihua
,, .... . Frank U. Garrard, ' obmilu s. 1 '”,' -7”
. C.S C. K. Keren Garrard. Cohimbua. i.a, t .M
»hm«n. ,\>w **»ll Uurninl. i olunilm*. Ui. ( {■[■ hnBOn w-n
o. .ww .uta. D. Htrwnrt, fonl. Columbn*,
: cl. H. Nom. Cincinnati, raotwh, tim. r.if. S°lSSnS
t. Tlftou. lin.: G. W. Clark, |W. Hr.K>kp Prlcr. < eotrnl oM-* r£
».: AIm Alltaon. * Nnw Or- rood; V. W. Brlckfonl. Htlnwn.
•iuuutl, Uhio: G, M. i>en»l»urjr, Chicago,
III; II. W. Lexter, city; A. T. Vickery.
Ctlr; Jack Levy. Philadelphia. Pa.; \V. T.
Johns. Athens, (in.: W. It. Miller, Owens-
horo. On.; L. Walk New York eltjr; II.
Yancey. Home. Ga.: J. A. Parker. Columbia,
H. C.; J. P. McCord, Augusta. Ga.; William
Mrs. J. R. Utter, of Atlanta, Is visiting
; firs. — “
her mother.
Kltsabeth Perryman, of
Mrs. J. P. Weavsr and son, John, of
Atlanta, are la Heflin for a few days.
Mrs. Garner, an aged and mark esl^eml
lady of Buford. Ga.. la visiting her grand
daughters. Mrs. Owen Black sad Miss Alice
Owens, of Ilsflta. Though Mrs. Garner is
•0 years old, she walks with the g# ate«»
ease about la her Immediate neighborhood
The Baptists are holding* series of met
Ings here this week. The Alabama, told
gent. Rev.'Mr. Glass, has been here Uk-
Irj (3 the meeting.
H. smith.. Homo. Ga.: W. A. McAllister.
Fort Gaines, Ga.; II. Cornelius, Ht. I.ouls,
Mo.: J. F. I*nney, Mouroe. N. C.; “
Dunbar. Aucusta. Ga.; Lee llohman,
York: J. C. Rock. Sew York **
flntttuiore. Md.:
Ohio: H. H. Tift.
Nashville. Tenu.. I m
leans. La.: J. II. Burnside. Hamilton. Ga.;
Mrs. T. It. Hart. Colon Point, Ga.; J. U.
Cooper,. Athens. Ga.; D. U. Jar and wife,
Pltxserald, Ga.: Mrs. J. I*. McCarty. Klts-
-‘*iald. Ga.; G. M. Browne, St. Lin In. Mo.:
J. P. Pegram. New York: A. F. Clark ami
wife, city; II. C. Smith, Birmingham, Ala.;
R. Porter. Washington, li fi I F. si
Way sad wife, Kastman. Ga.; M. B.
Home. Ga.; C. I>. Bailey, Harlem, Ga.; K.
D. Graham. Mellae, Ga.; W. C. Rpecker,
Marietta, Ga.; W. A. fame. North car;*-
Una: M. Horouttx. Xehr York; W. W.
Hanks. Tlftoo, Ga.; K. A. Holmes and wife.
LsGrsngr. Ga.; K. A. Lanaers and wife.
Albany, Ga.; G. W. Stubbs and wire. Chat
tanooga, l>nn.; 11. F. Haller, city; Mrs.
J. M. MacDonald. Fttxgedd, Ga.; J. B.
I*acy, Cednrtown. Ga.: f. W. Hsittb. Cedar-
town. Ga.: W'. W. Westmoreland. Birm
ingham; F. ttnodrrnss. Knoxville; C. N.
Shearer. St. Diufs; Shelby Smith, city;
R. T. McDonald. Georgia: C. A. Kimball.
Farmer and .wife. Ge° r {|j
Vs.; F- E. Asptnvllls, Pawtockst. ««■.
Kastman. Ga.: W. J. Hester. Blriulnsnatu:
G. B. Delner, Chicago; William Jesaap.
Georgia: 8. C. Dunlap. Gnlncsrllle: T, a.
Jones, Cartcrsvllle; J. Schwab, CtncInnaG.
Ohio; L. C. MeCune. Birmingham. Ala.:
Miss L. Batson. Alabama; J. Norris. Car
tersriUe. Ga.: E. O. McLeou. New York;
IL II. Perry. Gainesville. Ga.; J. N. Holder
SETfcTho i,est business
— Ragan. Which caters to the demand wr ^
llama iTerlnatl: L A. I» u '
hate &
wen. New ort-anj. I*.; Mra qus
Toups: ll»rry C * = £
iVi 'assft.
Value in Presents.
Tyson, t
Brnlth, r Bailee. WHbeliB. HR! ■ _
Walters. Meek. Oyler. Alrork. MaJttew*. | . elide and lt'» * tri l,D * |
Garvin. Birmingham Baseball Club. Birin- omt principle,
irgham. Alsu one at this time of weddinf l ^
George W. Mathew*. Colombo*, ua.; J.
K. Page. Cnlotnbua. Ga.: IL J. Iie!«er. Co
lumbus. (Is.: W. W. llriUtlci. Atjant*.
Ga.; F. It. Xucknll*. (’••lor »• *..i : L
W. McPhiraaa. (Vdaiabu* »
Savannah. Ga.; Mra. L. II "