The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, June 30, 1906, Image 3
SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. 8Al't'lll>.YY. JI NK SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. 8CHOOLS AND COLLEGES. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. 1 tl if kL I 51< TV Gainesville GEORGIA “Queen City The Campus is Covered with a Beautiful Grove of OaKs which do not Appear in Cut X5Z)Q Mountains Brenau stands forth among Southern Colleges as the South’s great and peerless school for girls and young women. It consists of two separate and distinct institutions of the highest order, under one management, and offers splendid courses in Languages, Art, Literature, Oratory, Science, Chemistry and Business Training, and by far the very finest Musics advantages to be had in this section. In fact, to be a Brenau College girl means practical attainment and perfection in all that is highest and best in those mental ana domestic accomplishments which have raised the standard of Southern womanhood to its present exaltation. % A thoroughly democratic spirit prevails at Brenau. No College costume is required and all expensive dressing is discouraged. Decollete and conspicuous costumes are prohibited. .^ es I* 36 !? before the fathers and mothers of the South and asks for patronage on the ground of Merit. It is a Christian institution, and the young ladies entrusted to its care will receive anritLn 'u™ 0 *' 10 ! 1 that pertains to the spiritual development of their nature. It is a private institution and is not hampered by political control or tne sectarianism of denominational ownership, ana mose who are in charge of its affairs are consecrated to tne work they have found to do and are earnestly and honestly striving to do it with all their might. . f ! uild / n ?, s ttrc com P. lct * »n d perfect; all the best home influences and surroundings " I H~ at™-recreation halls, etc., well equipped laboratories and the finest concert hnll in the South, ha’ .... ,nwayGrand of the largest make ; five other Grands ; fifty new Stciif Pinnos for practice rooms, and two splendid Pipe Organs. There is also an elegant librar ’ extensive Colli —*-*■ * • tions. All the cold water, is a bank, which insures teachers and students against losing money! the College becoming respon sible for all valuables deposited in this bank. The health, comfort and happiness of the gins is constantly looked after; parents being promptly apprised of sickness, etc. The facultv con sists of 26 as able and conscientious teachers as were ever gathered together in the South. *»»»»>»»• JL S BE A S A * iBRENAU| 1 GIRL | *faececc€««it* II reimu College is located In Gainesville, Georgia, the "Queen City of the Mountains,” a town of 10,000 population. It is situated upon what ia known as the Piedmont Escarpment; altitude over 1.600 feet; a re.-iort noted for its mineral springs, health and pleasure resorts and beautiful scenery. The Illue Hiiljc ihiun of liluiHilHins ||,1 ill |,iinni-aniii' v-v at a ilisl ■iin-e from It to mile-. along llm Northern horizon. An electric line connects Gainesville with mountain stream, the Chattahoochee river, and with Lake Warner, a beautiful sheet 0/ water, affording boating, swimming, etc. Believing that a certain amount of recreation is a helpful pleasure, it is the policy of Brenau to give pupils several exearsions into the mountains every year. Trips arc taken to the natural wonders of the country; to tho gold fields and mines,'and to the beautiful Tallulah Falls region, rightly called the “ Switzerland of Amorica. Scientists declare the air contains more ozone than of any other spot east of the Rockies. For handsome catalog and full information address A. W. VanHOOSE or H. J. PEARCE, Gainesville, Ga. BAPTIST. TEMPLE BAPTIHT—Corner W. Hunter nml Muiigum streets. The pastor, Dr. Mini, will occupy the pulpit nt l»otli the morning nnd erenlng services. Communion nt tin* dose of the morning service. Sun day Mhool itt 9:30 it. m. Prnyer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:45. IMMANUEL BAPTIST—A. Cowan, pas tor. Sunday Nobool at 9:16 a. in. The morn- Ijjf norvlce will lx» In the Interest of an of* fering for tho completion of the building. r.vungfllBtlc service nt 7:45 p. m. sortoou. Subjeer, "Needless Halting/' . PONCE DeLEON AVENUE BAPTI8T- R**v. JnnltnW. Millard, D. J>., pastor. Di vine worship morning and evening, with preaching .hr the pastor. Subjects: ll a. "By Still Waters, an Expository Study "f Hu* Book of Jimhua;" 8 p. nt., the third fig — on vital questions, SOPTII SIDE BAPTIST—Capitol avenue. tif«r Weytitan, Preaching at 11 a. m. and • :4» I*, m. hy the pastor. Rev. J. S. Dunlap. Hnndny school nt 9:30 a. in. Ladles' meet ing at 3:90 n. m. Prayer and praise service st * :45 Wodneday. PRE8BYTERIAN. NORTH AVENUE PRESBYTERIAN— •«nKt Peachtree afreet nnd North avenue. «* 9:30 a. iu. Men's League at — ... .... Tenchera' training class nt the same hour. J uristlan Endeavor at 7 p. m. Prayer meet '"i: Widuenlay at 8 p. iu. At the morning service the Iutnl'a supper will l»e celebrated nnd there will be a preparatory aervlce on hut unlay evening, Juuo 30, at 8. INMAN PARK PRESBYTERIAN—The pastor, llev. Jnmea B. Flcklett, will preach tomorrow at 11 a. tu. Sunday school at Young People's Society nt 7:15 Wednesday nigh Moore MEMORIAL*PRESBYTERIAN— i." r, K F Lockle nml Ijitimer streets. Dr. A. B- Ilolderhy, pastor. The sacrament of »»*• Lord's «up|M?r will be administered at th«* morning service. Preaching by tt« pastor «t 11 n; in. nnd t p. m. Chrlatlan Eu- d-uvor at 7 p. m. JACKSON HILL"BATTIST-OIlver J. J 'M»elauU, pastor. Services at 11 a. ui. and • I*, iu. Preaching hy the pastor. At the umrnliif service the pastor's subject will lie , I ke living Klodneaa of a Sovereign Clod. At the evening servlcv pastor's subject will *' "My GoapeL" At the close of the even- ng aerrtce a numlMT of candidates will Ik? l/'ldlsed. Baptist Young People’* Union nt ‘ P- m. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Mid* week prayer service Wednesday at 8 p. ui. ..NORTH ATLANTA BAITI8T—Corner Ib'inphlll nvenur and Emmett street. I aching by the pastor, William II. Bell. " r * l *• *“• P* Ettmaiy school *** n. m. • u. ni., nni'ini inJ by Atkinson, of McDonough, G*. Sunday school *' 9:JI a. m. Personal Workers' Club at • P- tu. I»ray**r taeetlng and Hiwch '■""JJwner Wednesday evening*! 8 o'clock. Lidles* meeting Monday at 3J9 . BAPTIBT TABERNACLE—Sunday night I r . Mronghton will preach on Dr. Torrey *hd his theolArr. ,r l» It of <iod or the I^viiy* m. Broughton waa eluent from the eity engagrtl Iu a meetlug In Medlwm. •luring the recent Torrey dficusslou. but uow go Into the eabfrct fnmt WjL 0 *® pintform. Dr. Bnmghtou will alao dll his J"‘BHt at 11 •Vloct. The •**)«*.. •ennon will be "Our korward ‘ ATJTOL AVENUE IlAfT-WT-Ber Jrobu Briggs.- pastor. Services at 11 a* m. ■ni > p i. ^ rlzht hand *rf Wloadilp l« >-w.rd..l at ibr und-nlnz —*lrr^ Thj „f m. .rmlnic trtll be .Tb. Iijlpe Thoucbt. of Ibr Xwxtle l'.eL- - s >.inlay at 9*39 a. w* Barsca meet* [P* »• » p. n. UMviaf. Udl*.' XMwn W,V,', p p.S:^S.r n Son.i«> - ’..«l »t *:« [i*atj% u , • phiup i-... Society meets Thun FIRST BAPTIST—Corner Peachtree and Cain streets. W. W. Landrum, D.D., pas tor. Morning worship nt 11 o'clock. Sub ject, ‘•Christ In Us/’ Evening worship nt 8 o’clocgT Subject, "The Itevivlug River." METHODI8T. 8T. LUKE MKTHODIBT-At the June* tlon of Powell street aud Beresn avenue. Sunday school nt 9:30 a. in. Preach ing ut 11 a. m. hy Rev. J. II. Eakes. D.D., the presiding elder. Preaching at 8 p. to. by the pastor, George W. Grluer. THE EOEL8TON MEMORIA1^—Corner of Washington nnd Fulton street. Special church meeting 11 o. m. Sunday school 9.10 a. ui. Kpworth League 6:30 p. m. COLLEGE PARK MBTIIODIST-Preacb* lug at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. by the pastor. Rev. W. II. LaPrade, Jr. The Sunday school will ic*»et at 4 p. m.. Instead of tha usual nmmLg hour. Major U. J. Guinn, who has been superintendent of the school for seven years, has moved Into the city and tbla will be hl> last Sunday Id College Park. TRINITY M ETI1ODI ST—Corner White- hall and Trinity avenue. Dr. J. W. Lee. the paetor, will prenob nt both the 11 a. in. nnd 8 p. iu. services. Sunday school ut 9:30 a. m. Weekly prayer meeting W edi day 8 p. m. WALKER STREET METIIODIBT- Preachlug nt 11 h. m. by Rev. Auguetua Earnest am! at 8 p. in. by the pastor. Rev. Wilds Pierce. Sunday school at 9:30 a. in. nnd special program for the Juvenile Mis sionary Society at 3:30 p. w. Stewards meet In regular inouthly meeting Tuesday at the parsonage at 8 p. m. Regular prayer meeU Ing Wednesday nt 8 p. m. ENGLISH AVENUE METIIODI8T- Weateru Heights. II. E. L. Tlinmoiis, pas tor. I’rr»rblns at Jl a. m, by Rev. (I. H. I^*wls. Sunday school nt 3 p. m. 7:30 p. in. services couducteil by the Railroad loiiug Cbrlatlw Anwclnlbm. nlrnirn lux pomluplwl by 6. II. Hryiii'Hir. 1 rny**r mti'tlnz WiiliiPKluy 7:30 p. m. Y nun* Hi'n • prny.r ukh'Hiik Krliluy 7U» p. ui. Hi prnyer nieetluf. JKKFKRHON 8TIIKET JIETIIODIHT-II. E. Ip Tlmuionn. puitor. I'rrarhlni «t 11 «. in. by the pnntnr. Hnmlny arbqol »:» «. in. 1're.eblng ut 7:» by iter. <*. \\. I*wla. HiinrlM- prayer ineeilii*. Monday IM p. m. the Heady YVorkem. Tnea-lny 7:30 p. m. rnyer ineetln*. Ilollneiw prayer ineetlllf hnradny at 7 :S0 p. m. YY'EHI.ET SI KYIOIII Ale-Corner Auburn nvenue nnd Ivy atreel. Her. Frank Kakea. pnntnr. Sunday acliool ID a. in. IInay I eo- ple'n elaaa. Vounx Mena lluraea Bible elaat. Yonnz Kadlea' Fbllnthen elnja. Al 11:15 a. in. nnerauienj "f the Imrd a anp. per. ITeaeklu* at *:15 by pa at or. Kp- worth I .ensue Devotional aerv ee (:« p. iu. Mid-week prayer nieetlnx YY eilnewUr even, lux nt < o'cloelc. Itexulnr ehnrrb aortal a.fe Xoon-dor prayer meellni erery day 17 to 1 o'clock. 8T. JAMES METHODIST—T B Kendall, laaior. l’reaeblnx 11 n. m. and r paator. Sunday whool »:» n. in. Prayer /eeilnx YVedneaday 7:45 p. ui. Jleu a pra/er night nt 8 meeting Saturday rise |»rayer ui**etlr at 6 o'clock, t'ott , .’clock. .rw.Jng every Sunday uki. .. w Cottage prayer meeting every Friday night, 8T. MARK METHODIST—Corner fra eh Iree and Fifth alreetn. The paator. Iter Chnrleu O. Joliea. D.D., will preueh at II a. in. and admlnleter the rommunion. No nervlee nt nlxhr. Suiebiy nebool »*>• “• lienf mule elan ranaht by ». F. I rtiaaeMe. YY'ouinn'a i'orrlfn jllaalonary ibiHety Tuen- dar 4:31. Oeneral prayer meettat iVedaeu- day » p. m. FIRST METlioDIST—Junetlon offracb- tree and Iry atreetn. Rev. cbarlea E. Dow- man D.D.. pastor. Sunday ochoid at 9:31 Tra. ' iraidle woreblp at lt« a. ». and » p. in. At the morolna .nervlee Rev. M. Sievsssrffi^ *lve an addrean. Climn mratlux liu[tiedlately after the morulnx aevvb-v. Junior mole atudy at 4 p. iu. Kpw.wtb Ijraxoe devvitbin. al nervlee at 7 p. a>. Mld wrak nervlee YVedneaday at » p. ro. .VEIJ.IE DODD MEMORIAb-Coeuer of YVanblnxfn afreet and Rhine avenue l*rm*'blns nt 11 k. m. aftd * p. m. wtwiajr ■rbool at 9:t5 a. m. Christian yommonlon toot ebanth comhlnalom at floss of immilag EPISCOPAL. t-ATHEDRAI^Forner YVanklaxtjn nnd HST-./kK ^-naJ: U a^uttr”: lowing. SnB'lay oihool at »:•. All other days: 7 Jl a. im, holy morning prayer; 6 p. m.. evening prayer. Wednesday and Friday litany nt 10:80. ST. LUKES—Corner Pryor and Houston. Rpv. C. II. Wllrner, ri*cior, 7;30 n. m., holy communion; 11 u. m.. holy conuminlon and sermon: 8 p. m.. evening prayer and ser mon. Sunday school at 9:45. Friday litany at 1L INCARNATION—Lee. near Gordon, West End. Rev. J. 4. P. Perry, rector. 7:» n. ■i h lyer . ei ^.JOOl v . Friday litany nt 4:30. ALL 8AINT8—Corner West Peachtree and lorth avenue. Rev. Z. S. Far land, rector. 8 a. m., holy communion: 11 a', in., litany, sermon and holy communion; 6 n. in., even- S , Sunday school at 9:45. Wednes- .. v . .. rfa. ui.. holy communion and sermon uy the bishop. Sunday school at 9:46. lay school, every Sunday, at 8:80. HOLY COMFORTER—Corner Atlanta J venue and Polllnm. Rer. Gilbert Higgs. >.D., In charge. Evening prayer nml ser mon nt 4:30. Sunday school at 1:30. Friday evening prayer ami choir work at 8. ST. ANDREWS—Corner Glenn and Kent. Rev. Glltiert Higgs. In charge. Holy com munion nnd sermon at 11. Sunday school nt 4:30. Wedneadny, litany and choir work at 8. and sermon at 11. HOLY TRINITY—Decatur. Rer. C. „ • -uigNton In charge. Morning prayer and sermon nt 11; , PRESBYTERIAN. WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN—Rsv. Charles It. Nlsbet, pastor. Service at II a. m., this l»e!ng the fifth anniversary of the organisation of the church. Special services will l»e held. There will be uo ulght ser vice, as this church will unite with the Grace Methodist church In a union meeting at the? new Ornce church. Sunday school nt 9:39 a. in. Y, P. S. at 7:16 p. m. Mid week prayer service Wednewlay nt 8 |». tu. ner or Harris anu spring streets, tier, u, II. Mack. iMstor. Morning worship and ser mon at 11. Subject of the sermon, "The ISvIne Program." The quarterly com- iiiuulnii of the laord's supper will also lie celebrated at this service. All members are expected to fie present. No s«>rvlce at night. Monday school at 9:33 a. m. FIRM!* PRESBYTERIAN—The pastor. Bar. C. P. Bridewell, will preach tomorrow at 11 a. m. The evening services hare lieen discontinued till the first of Scpb.**nlwr. Westminster longue Sunday evening nt 7'!& Prayer meeting Weilnesday evening o’clock. Kaudny nrhool 9:16 a. tu. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN SU> \ AY SCHOOL—The Unit Presbyterian ebureu la In the heart of the Htr. one block from the post office on Marietta street. If you — 1 stranger (ji the Htr coma meet with unorrow morning and we ll take away that lonesome feeling and make you fuel at tonne. 11mm from the primary through the Hllde class. All yon need do Is to listen slid enjoy. We luvlte ypn personally. FOURTH PRESBYTERIAN—Corner Jack- aoo and Chamlierlla street*. Rev. T. II. Newkirk, pastor. Preaching Sunday nt 11 n. m. and 8 p. in. Regular Wednesday evening prayer meetlug nf» p. iu. Sunday school nt 9:39 n. ui. Young People's So ciety meets »'rlday at » p. m. nt 9J9 n. m. Preaching at 11 a. tu, by tbe pastor. Prayer meeting Wednesday nt 8 P- m. m CHR?8TIAN. FIRST CHRISTIAN—Not 44 East Hunter street. Rev. II. K. Pendleton, pastor. n * WESTERN HEIGHTS CHRISTIAN MIS SION—Sunset avenue, near Kennedy street. Bible school nt 8:30 a. tu. Preaching at 11 a. in. and 8 p. m. .. JInnant, paator. Bible school every .jord's day at 10 n. m. Preaching first Ixird'a duy at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. CONGREGATIONAL IMMANUEL CONGREGATlONAIj-Stew arts aveuue. Iter. Sturr u. Williams, pas tor. Sunday school at 9:10 a. m. Preach ing U n. m. and 7:39 p. m. MARIETTA STREET CON'- Al/— ltov. W. II. Tillman, pastor. Preach Ing at 1 a. m aud 7:90 p. in. Sunday school at 3:30 p. - Carnet- _ . H I)., twator. Sunday school 9:10 a. reaching U a. m. auil 7:80 p. m. Yc People's meeting 6:46 p. tu. * — mon. "What To Do With a »/ Evening se Makes Where. •rnlng _ Guilty Con Heaven Open MISCELLANEOUS. CHRISTIAN TRAVELING MEN—Glfi will meet Sunday. July 1. 3:30 n. m.,—I Klmltsll house, room 104. Visiting and local traveling men cordially United. Y. U. C. A.-.Corner Pryor and J avenue. At J:30V'clock the Bible do be eondneted by Rev. C. 4. Oliver. /** Vcloek Dr. J. W. l,ee of Trinity Methodist church will sepak to men on * subject of Interest. The singing will lie led by W. C. Manafleld, assisted by Mrs. A. Boatman as planlat. All men are Invited to attend these services. Building open from 3 to 6 o’clock. CHRISTIAN AND MISSIONARY ALL! ANCK—Regular services at Alliance hall, 72% North Broad street. Holiday afternoon and Wedneadny afternoon at 3:39. This Huiutyw Is missionary day; subject, "The , —, jy afternoon at 3:39 at 122 Peachtree afreet. "Character" la the topic which the mem bers will reason about tomorrow. IJNIVRRHALIHT CHURCH-Rev. .Everett I lean Kllriiwood. imator. Prcui hltig by the pastor at 11. Subject, "Tbe Uhrlatbiiiftir of Jnat Retribution for Hilt." Sunday school «t 9:46. No evening service. _. T . . ... Chris tian Life." and at. 8 p. ui. on "The Finest Sinner In Comparison with the Weakest Christian." CHURCH OF CHRIST—West End nv. line, co*'. r We|Porn street, lllbb* atialy at “■ ‘ * and rommnulon /er meeting Thun Take Walker street at 9M a. bi. Cbrlaflaa i.aJ WBtrr END CHRISTIAN—Corner fDw.b»a and Dtuta streets. Rer. Heraanl P. Smith, paator. Preaching at 11 a. in. and Ip. A FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST (Scientist) —17 West Baker stret. "life" Is the SUb' Jeer of the Immni Mrrmon Hnmlny, July 1, at 11 a. m. There will lie no Sunday even ing service during tbe months of July nml ‘iignst, Wednesday testimonial meeting t 8 p. m. Reading rooms 812 814 English mertcau building. Tent Meeting—Rev. Itolfe Hunt, pastor Of the fougregationaUst Metb'HlIat church anil president of tJ*** Atlanta Bible school, will continue bin iiu-etlng under tbe tent at corner of South Pryor and Uawaon afreets for several nL-jht*. lie Is he!t)g asststed l»y Mr. Edward Young Clarke, Jr., who Is a inoat efflcleat helper. Hnmlny at 11 a. m. Dr. Hunt will preach on ’•prayers In Gol deu Vials." Sunday night, "The Ever-liv ing Intercessor." . JOHNS GERMAN EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN—Corner Forsyth and tisrnett atreeta. Sunday school at 9:39 s. nt. Her vice* will l»e road net ed ami . K cached by the imator. Rev. W. Voli- rebt, at II o'clock. After the service a congregational meeting will be held. Young People's Society will meet at 4 p. 8myrna Camp Moating. This camp meeting will be conduct ed thin year by Rev. R. F. Otta, who haa recently taken charge of this church and the one nt Conyers. Rev. Dr. Holderby, Rev. Dr. Flinn. Rev. Dr. Walker, Rev. Dr. Convene, Bor. Dr. Nlabet and Rev. Dr. Beattie are on the program for the week. These meetings are largely attended ami very profitable and Interesting. The Catholic bishop at Vllna, Rus sia, haa sent a report to the synod showing that since the ukase of re ligious toleration over 20,900 members of the orthodox church havt Catholics. DANGEROUSLY INJURED BY A TURjEUOBBEER Special to The IlcorgUn. Newberry, H. C„ June 10.—While feeding her chicken, Mra. A. J. Long- •hore waa atruck by a Inrge' turkny gobbler which ran up behind her, the blow throwing her to the ground. Being very old, ahe aiiatalnnd a a*, lioua fracture of the hip, which will In all probability lake aome time to mend. HOKE SMITH SPEAKS ON INDEPENDENCE DAY Special lo The Georgian,, Reldvllle, Oa., June 10.—Hon.' Hoke Bmlth will apeak at Olennvllle on July There will be a barbecue. Many amuaementa have been provided for, and a braaa band will fumteh mualc. SPEER CANDIDATE FOR STATE AUDITOR The Sonth'f Ideal College-Preparatory Home School Georgia Military Academy College Park (suburb of Atlanta), Ga. a dimtiny la fixed aa he paisea from 12 to 18y pantoi f opportunity I* Your Hint question with every parent %. what environment will f\i!ly eatUfy the peculiar tieetin tl insure hU fullest development, eorial, moral, intelh phy«n al ? Correspondence with ua will aid any p In this academy evert teacher ia a apecialiat. everv afforded every boy, the full limit of attendance la rearh> Splendid equipment, perfect health, dellKhtfu! Southern winters of the famous piedmont retion, 1,300 feet above aea level. About M boarding puptia lire with preekJent and faculty of 10. Ui^hr*- moral and social tone. Select patronage from many Staten Regular military drills, good gymnasium, modern reading room, wholesome athletira under trained director, thorough preparation for any college or the national acarlemiee. boofckeup>ng. etenqgranhy, tyorwnling, manoa training, music. rOI.. .1. t . M(M)DWAIID, A. 31. LUCY COBB INSTITUTE, ATHENS, GA. 1906- I90T The FORTY-EIGHTH action of the Lucy Cobb I natitufe, an in stitution for the education of young women of Georgia, will reopen on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12. ForCittlogue and roomretenrfi. tions apply to MRS. M. A. LIPSCOMB, Principal. With the creation of tha office of' /—I /"V •XT’ atate auditor of accounta practically v>l vj A. aaaured, the name ot linn. YY'. J. Hprrr College la being prominently mentioned aa the j. right man for the place.' For twenty-two yenra he' waa con- nectad with the office of atate treaeur- er, four of them ae treaaurer. He had o give up the work owing lo trail ealth, but hna regained hi, alrenglh. YVhen the bill haa panted the *en> te and received the aignatuYe of the I governor, Mr, Hpaer will make forrnnl | application for the |io»ltlon. Ill* frlenda any that ha Is the very man for the place because of hla long con nection with the treaaurer', office. Ho I far no one else has been mentioned In tbla connection. and Conservatory d iu s t>cautifal with moat aalu- lintatc, COX COL* a ii d CONftf’RVA- dm many advas. students from aay art of America. Silly fourth session gins Sept, nth, kjs6, 11 h is instructors , a ad DYING MAN FOUND ON RAILROAO TRACK patronage. Music, Painting, Elocution are specialties. Conservatory, rectors, has9 teachers, pianos, pipe organ. Building equipped with all n:odert cnees; many Improvement* made recently. Por catalogue and illustrations, address ADIEL J. MONCRIEF. President, or WILLIAM S. COX. niveraltles * n (t conservatories. Broad courses of stndy, high standards, fla* mder distioguDhed dU i all n:o«!ern conveob Hiterinl to Tha Georgian. Chattanooga, Tenn., June 10.—A ape. clot from Trenton, Oa., ,aya Allen Clark, a m,.abler from Gadsden, Ala., waa (mind In a dying condition on the railroad tracks near Trenton. Os., ye,, terday. He was taken to Trenton, where he died soon after. It I, believed that he fell from a freight train. REDUCED R. R. RATES FOR FOURTH OF JULY. The W. & A. R. R. and 14. C. & St. L. Railway will sell cheap round trip FREE BOOKKEEPING AND SHORTHAND to FIVE person I- i-Honal Instruction, who ^ clip and HEND this nntU-zY to eltha DRAUGHON’S ATLANTA, 122 Psachtrea. Piedmont Hotel Block. Columbia or Montgomery. -. JM "... Jl V..—K W w. K ,£?0 1 i™ n T HAlf. ra^r~,fDllr. cf I ti/lfa(t fn all nfllnt, ami*H nt tha RfcPLND MONHl. law, {Voniliuhlp, AHth- j tickett to All points south of the Ohio paths. Letter-Writ inn. 6rawmg. utftMQtng, and Potomac and east of the Miasle- iioainma r.r,g!i.h. Banking, etn. sippi river. Including 8L Louis, Uolbv-* in 16 Htausa. •300,000.00 Ev,n,vlll, and Cincinnati, at one and E^'raTri * In 1 SStTnfSSw^rrtbr n^lVrlt 1 : one-third fares: tlektt, to be told r-.r reur«,inr^tnr mki itruur,. July 2d, 3d. end 4th, good to return YOU MUST l n '>pt-rb>»j>t KHF.K, untn July sth, 1*06. B&TogSSiK For further Information and tick- i.«k. ^ii,u.i.~i tt4 anpl, to .in/ Sgcnt of the w. A . ——— A..H Pi. Shouldn’t Be Overlooked CHAS. E. HARMAN, 1 f.r General Pate. Agent. iwii.v* WANTED A BOOK-KEEPER ANO 8TEN06RAPHER . WHO HAS ATTENOCO TNC SOUTHERN SHORTHAND ATLANTA, OA. 1 ho Leading Huslness School of the Sou KEEPING, fl'-.nrihandand'c p *■'« Ligllsh Depart manta. < I J r',000(ira.lus'rs; ••*») stafiants ai illy. Karat y ui-ns drily for offl -f }>r O-varnors, Hat fly# afslstsnts. Ei stora, Ilankari . Its Dlp- i- i.ivlsa »ura {isoap-irt t» a good pool*' a. K ’’f*- r.• w ratalf-gu-f-F#. Maott<* a this j,ar^r Address A. C. BAlSCOC. L W ARtlOlO. V-Wrest . Atisats. Os. Ua Brine* Altwrt rlnnr-fit to hla body. prarfan to larturw. be palls off bln *rsl him I battona c*H»f. no iHArfHsw how c»»M. If Is**'* gmi.g Mayarltrar. tha (iirnm unsikhw. ks<l l»rat hla hapfrlr-at I aspiration "wbrn tbf tbawA*^ i blra» i roarad. th»- wlada howb l. and tl.* -:u -i-*-»• « >!a»ti«wl In tMagfng aborts >lown the wi »*Jow {thr xj pants of his study." ‘l-ughi —jfltuta an las- irsw.-^Attroft Frve tha rrcHpt SB Irtejslraf|*»ll. Ill tha .llitlUM of bt s drive tbe battle of hWs U Thorouoh courses of Bookkaoping and Shorthand at groatly reduced rates. Uooo position* secured or money re funded. Ask our hundreds of gradu ates and their employers about US. Clip this ed, sand to uo. and raooivo largo illustrated catalogue.