The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, June 30, 1906, Image 4
SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. 8CHOOLS AND COLLEGES. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. LAGRANGE FEMALE COLLECE, LAGRANGE, GEORGIA. RUFUS W. SMITH, President One of the High Grade Colleges for Women in the South. None Higher. Its faculty are all well educated. The president, the professor of English and the professor of Physics graduated at Emory College. In the faculty is one graduate of the University of Chicago, one of Van derbilt University, two of the Leipsic (Germany) Conservatory, one from the Boston. School of Ex pression, and five not included above from leading Southern colleges. Every member of the faculty has had post graduate work in the North or in Europe. 1 Six of the faculty are studying this summer in Ger many, and two in Chicago. The faculty are all native Americans and nearly all Southerners. No members without religious pro clivities are engaged. All have, broad culture unc- qualcd in this section. The Music Department has the largest pipe organ owned by any college in' the state. The courses in harmony and musical theoretics have been for many years the most advanced in the state and unsurpass ed in the South. The college is unable to supply the demand for its graduates as literary, music and expression teachers, its graduates are a valuable asset to any community, both in church and the better type of social life. FACULTY. LITERARY DEPARTMENT. Bible. A. IL, ’65, A. M., *73 (Emory Col. MRF. RUPU8 W. RMITII. Lady Pried- I; Emeritus I'rofes*or of Aatmuom? hyslology. Studied for three years at tbo i-", wL . , S ears under log. REV. HUBERT M. SMITH, A. B., Pro- feasor of English and Creek. A. I!., 'M < Emory). .Studied one yetr at Vanderbilt mid one at the University of Chicago. Studying In Chicago during the present summer. LEON P. SMITH. A. B., Dean and Regis trar. Profelsor of Physics and Biology. A. I!., *92 (Emory). Studied at the University of Chicago. MI88 DAISY MAY HEMP!!ILL, R. A., M. A.. Professor of Jattln and Herman. II. A., '02. M. A., 'M (Vanderbilt University). Studying during the present summer In Ger- many. MI88 MARCIA L. CULVER, Literary Graduate, Professor of French and Adjunct Professor of I*atln. Grad. *99 (Ga. Normal and Industrial College). Studied one year at the Unlveralty of Chicago. Studying during the present summer fn Chicago, MI88 ETHEL WHITTINGTON, Gradu- ate In Expression. Professor of Expression and Harmonic Gymnastics. Graduate In MRS. ALWYN 3L SMITn, Music Grad uate. Voice Culture. Plano, Pipe Organ, Sight Singing. Graduate N. E. Conserva tory and Leipsic Conservatory. turned to Germany thl MISS ELEANOR C. DAVENPORT, A. M., I*. E. L. (Greunda Col. Instl. L. L. M. ftfem- phis Conf. JnsL) Studied several years In veral text books. MISS MATTIE FRAZER WEBB, A. B., Adjunct Professor of English. A. B. (Co lombia Athenaeum). Special Diplomas for two years’ post-graduate work In Mathe- ■fljnal English. uniwuaii-, m Marlon Female Seminary. MRS. LEON P. SMITH. B. 8.. Instructor In Geography and V. H. History. B. 8. (LaGrange Female College). MUSIC DEPARTMENT. ALWYN M. 8MITII. Music Graduate. Director, Theoretics. Voire Culture, Musical History. Graduate Valparaiso Normal Music School; afterword studied In Boston and New York; later studied two years at the Leipsic (Germany) Conservatory,.receiv ing a Diploma there. Ha has fwTce re turned to Leipsic since and la spending the present summer there. absence. MISS LEILA M. IRVIN. Music Graduate. Plano, Theory, Sight Singing. Graduate I. r •' Studied Pi «’|ijr-i«i* niid N'.'W V"rk. Two certiorates frofti the Vergil Plano School (ft. Y.) MISS SARAH 8. DUPRE, A. B.. Music Graduate. Plano, Theory. A. B. iMartha Washington). Studied In Boston and New Is studying this PROFESSOR ALWYN SMITH WILT. SE CURE TWO ADDITIONAL INSTRUC TORS IN PIANO IN LEIPSIC (AMERICAN STUDENTS) THIS SUMMER. ART DEPARTMENT. MISS WILLIE L. ROGERS, Instructor In Art. Graduate Marlon Fem. Sera. Studied under distinguished artiste In the north for three years after extensive courses in the south. Is studying this sum mer In Europe. The curriculum is that recommended by the edu cational commission of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. The board of education of this eliurcli grades this-institution as doing eollege work. The entrance requirements are essentially the same as those of the Southern association of colleges. Three years’ work in French and in German are of fered and regularly conducted. Laboratories better equipped with higher grade work than in most, of the Southern colleges for women. The college is located 792 feet above the sea' level within sight of the pine mountains on the South. The campus is upon a hill 105 feet higher than the diii] surrounding country. No epidemic of sickness has ever occurred. Come here to get well. Waterworks, electric lights, all modern conveniences. The college is under the management of experi enced teachers who have made the work a life study and have never had any other employment. * Hence the cost here is less in proportion to the grade of the institution than in any other college for women in the state. The largest loan fund for dependent girls in the South. Write for Catalogue and Other Particulars. % LEON P. SMITH, Registrar. RUFUS W. SMITH, President. SOUTHERN SOCIETY In Gcorgit and Adjoining Slates 1 T 1 | Pleasant Mention From Other Cities | MONROE. Mi-s Bernice Felker. of Dalton, arrived In Monro.- Monday to vlalt Mlaa Floy Fflk- **r. Mlaa Felker has made frequent visits to Moun.c, and many social functions are being given In her honor. Vi-* IxurnU* Mobley entertained Wednea- «i i> evening at a 8 o r clot*k dinner, In honor vf iii !• visitors. Mias Allison Badger, of Atlanta, and Mlaa Elisabeth Harold, of A in *liens. Miss Annette Walker nlao gave a dinner this week In honor of Mlaa Mob-1 I By‘a guests. u • liH'Hday evening at the home of the brl le'e parents, Mr. Jim Gresham, of At- married to Mlaa Gypsy Landers. to the friends of the contracting par- nnd only the Immediate family were medlat * - - — in.-HPiit. Immediately after the ceremony, which waa performed by Rev. G. M. Enkea. the bride and groom .left for a wedding trip to New York, Michigan, and ■Kir Northern polnta of Interest Mr. and Miv Gresham will make their fntnre home in Macon, Monday to enter the summer eel Emory college. i-- .\lllc Belle entertained a few of am G. Hunter left Sunday for At* A. Nunually has returned from Atlanta. mday morning the young men of Mon- - — VnenUcf Felker. * complimented Mlaa Bernice Felker. of ill on, the guest of Mlaa Floy Felker, th a morning german. . i die** Cora Felker, of Dalton, who has CM attending a house party In Gaines I. given by Mlaa Carrie Johnson, will Saturday t^vIJtMlai^Floj^aniU Linda __ , nlng „ complimented Mlaa Bernice Felker, of “ a da ‘ * w 'in ii> i nusiu, w* iRiimiiuii, air. Da' id «. Taylor, of Anderson. 8. C„ and Charlie Hblflett of - “ ars this week with Mr Albert Mobl , DKa Belle Nowel rty next weel f Atlanta, spent a i friends In Monroe, visiting In Atlanta, a spend of vlaltoi Ml will I ley Is vlWmpRMB ■ell will give a apend-the- eek In Uh Floy Felker. Mlaa Nowell Wll i the !»nrty Misses Bernice clkor. of Dalton; Misses Floy, III.* l’elker. Mrs. Clifford Carmichael entertained a I “' ■■■! Thursday evening compli ns Annie Duke, of y to Miss _ •Mer of Mrs. Carmichael. *. of Jscki Salad and Ice ige waa serve Mias Isabel Nunually j^ve sn^'at^home" /par. -Wednesday evening. The de<*-i with ferna and palms. Over the punch bowl a Japanese umbrella was sus- pen del and Mlaa Hsrhcl Nunnallr and Sli-s Helen Cox presided at the bowl. " ~i Edith Edwards entertained Infor- on North Brood street. ... wards assisted Miss Edwards In receiving. A delightful occasion was the dlnaer party at which Mlaa Floy Felker enter- inlt cd at her home In honor of MU* Ber- it.*e Felker and Mr. Frank McCati*hen, of ~ - eyed sweet p* a* with soft cards the < MM by b centerpiece on tho — bsakc. _ mile tied _ r. Ita hai pink rtbtions. Instead of plare seats of the guests were iteslg- „ bunches of pink and white nwset !»«■ tied with pink ribbon on which was minted In gtlt letters the name of the guest. Ml** Felker* guests were Miss Bernice 1 clker and Mr. Frank McCstchen. of Dal* T.n Misses Lynda, Allle and Clare Felker Mi l Nell Nowell, Messrs. Koy Nunually, Clay Loeklln. Erastus Roberts, Ben Han- i. and and Herliert Breedlove. Misses Lonelle Mobley. Irene Wslker, l - • th Hamdd nnd Allison Badger spent 1; at M i. lay night with Mr. nnd Mrs. llarry Ray, of High ebon Is. ... «. coodwla, 0 f ganders. ■ J dlsa Adel Nutt in Jackson. i I- Irving Club met Wednesday after- m»... ri the home of Mrs. G. M. Hakes. ~‘|etortan era was the study for the ' Ctnfiwsa entertained joa by Miss Rsby Lsnnlus. played and I w. Felker ■ _flelightfni dinner wss given by Mrs. errnIng-^^pRj mentsry to her guests. Mrs. C. A. Jamison. .» I —star, ana Mrs. hefla Wright, of ■Vpiak ami white toeing the prevailing | The lees were frosen In the shape rived th Monroe Thursday to viol „ , — visit frlei On Ids return home Mr. McCntrl » ii epond a few days In Atlanta with ! -at uv h MIm Fst Jonn, of Illakoly, the runt of Mlaa Mattro l)». A Tory snjoratilo raiuii w«« played—n floral loro-talc. Mlaa Jonca won drat prlM, a palntln, of American ra. Ocorgo Napier returned to Decatur Monday after a atay with their parent!, Mr. ami Mra. W. II. NunnallyT^S Tha picnic (Iren Saturday atternooo at Blronda lirldye waa a compliment to Mlaa If tho (flat of Mlaa Kay Jonn, of Blakely, Mf, and un. », n. ,, .I.r,, . i., .n inn r ata of their parrnta, Mr. ami Mra. II. IValkar. They will return to their home In Uaruearllle tula week. CAVE SPRINGS. Mlaa Guaale I iron Wllllniya arrived Inat Wnlnemlar for n week'a atuy with her roiialu, Mlaa Virion Tilly. Ml.. Hath Freeman la In Atlanta, rtslt- frlenila here. Mlaa Tot Montgomery learea Friday for a week-, atay In, Ala., tho gueat of ration given by Mlaa Kalhleon ,-i,-nlng In honor of her alrr, of North Carolina, ' - - --, loo oourao Th. BL _ rrry enjoyable nlfalr. SH vaa «erve,l d.irltii! the evening. The out er teurn neat, were Mlaa llamno of Menlo, Mia, Neill.- Watte. Mia, Sara Hamilton, Mlaa Ue»lo Illuht nnd Mlaa Mabel Harbour et Home, Me,«ra. watt a, Holloway,* Ileat, I-Ittmau aud Wootl of Home. .Ula, Mlunla Smith bn, returned home after a pleaaant vlalt to Mra. C. U. MrCol- U Vliaa ,n Katbrrtne Morrla and Mr. H. B. Thompaou. of Maryland, wrre qulrtlr mar- Sunday morning, only the family rled Sunday mornrng, only tho family and a few Intimate frlenda being preaent They left on the morning train, accompanied by M Mra. n \V, M o!' Connor left a fow daya Mr. and Mra. J. M. Hay, of Atlanta, the gneata of Mr. J. A. Hay. Mra. Turner and family, of New Orleana, are at Mra. Hlght’a for tho summer. Mra. Mrl^ln and Mlaa Hlaek. of Rome, are at Mra. Itay’a for the week. Mr. and Mra. II. K Sima, of Urunawlrk. and Mlaa M. H. Sima, of Hot Mprlnga, Ark., will urrtre Saturday, to he the gurata of Ula, llama I'ettla. . , H. H. Tilly la at homo for a few daya. C. H. WiKHlrulf. manager of the Southern Hell Telephone Company,at Horn*, la In town. Addle gueata Mlaaea Florenc, and 1-Tnme, of Parkersburg, W. Va. Mlaa Mmnm Smith, of Macon, Is tha gueat of her alater, Mra. Arthur Baker. Mr*. K. C. Branson, of Athens, 1, visiting relntlvea here. , Mlaa Bouelle Hardy la spending th, week with frlenda In Atlanta. Mr. and Mra. W. Tro* Bankston and son, Trox Batey, left Tuesday for a trip to Canada. Mleaee Jesale and Ann Winston, Mra. Eunice Winaton and Misses Kate and Louise Lyon, of Atlanta, leave Sunday for a trip to Californio. Miss Jessie Winston entertained her friends at "hearts" Wednesday after noon complimentary to Miss Lissle Lyon, of Atlanta. Miss Jessie Lewis Johnson won the prise, h lovely pic ture. The gueet of honor was present ed a pretty fan. Punch was served, and after the game an Ice course was enjoyed. One of the prettiest weddings of the season was that of Mias Loneta Clark to Mr. Oama Bally Foster, of Dade- vllle, Ala., which took place at the First Presbyterian church on Wednesday morning. The church was beautifully vllle. The ushers were Messrs. George Croft of Atlanta, Will Driver and Steve Hollingsworth of Opelika and Tom La nier. Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Foster left for their home at Dadevllle, Ala. COMMERCE. Miss Wortle Montgomery, of Gaines ville, Is the guest of Mrs. G. T. Rice. Miss Emma Staple is visiting In Washington, Go. Misses Norene Cooper, Mlttle Carson nnd Emma Griffin attended the univer sity commencement at Athens. Professor Ivey, of Jefferson, Spent Saturday here. Dr. C. E. Pittman Is In Savannah this week attending the convention of den tists. Misses Pellla and Frances Stevens have returned to their home In Lex ington after a visit to Mrs. J. B. Hard man. Miss Mamie Little, of CarnesvIIIa was the guest of Miss May Ola Little recently. Mrs. T. E. Key and Miss Clarldy are at home from Franklin Springs. Miss Alma Watson Is at home for her summer vacation. Mrs. S. E. Barton, who has been the gueet of her daughter, Mrs. W. L. Dobbs, has gone to visit her son In' Mississippi. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon T. Jones en tertained about sixty guests on the lawn at the Montgomery house Thurs day evening. after a visit to relatives In Mllledge- vllle. decorated, the colors used being green sister and white. Miss Carolee Clark, of the bride, waa maid of honor and wore a lavender allk drees, with white at, and carried white carnations. The ride wore a handsome traveling gown of gray voile, with white lingerie waist, and gray hat, and she carried bride roeea. The ribbon bearers wore white dresses, with lavender tied with lavender ribbons. They were Misees Valerie Btropher, Maggie Bell, Luclle Oliver of Dadevllle and Mlsa Louise Guise of Swalnsboro. The best man was Mr. Clarence Suber, of Dade- albany: Miss Llasle Michels Is visiting friends In Mrs. I-'. M. Ccllon and Mlaa Mamie Cctlnn have returned from u visit to flrcuda In (Jalneavllle, I-'ln. --- gueat c Mlaa Basel Cnthbert. ■Ring friends In .1. C. Maaon haa returned from Buffalo, tlon. Mra F. R. Pelot. who has been visiting “ ' pville, has returned borne. Mrs. It. M. Smith and children - on Society street. gamo nnd many happy toasts were proposed to the brldo. Among the guests were Miss Birdie Little, Miss Little, Misses Dunlap, Miss Luela Shipp, Miss Sanford, Miss Mario Montfort, Mrs. Rooney, Vrs. Elder, Mrs. J. J. Willis, Mrs. T. J. Hill. VAN HORNE-JONES. Miss Florence Mae Jones, formerly of this city, but who has resided in Birmingham for several years, was married June 22 to Mr. David Spencer Van Horne, of Monroe, Ga. The cere mony was performed by Rev. W. G. Woodbrldge. . «... „. The bride has a host of friends In Mrs. J. P. Gill Is visiting In Atlanta for this city, where, during her residence few daya^ after which she wIR go to Zlr- here, was very popular. The groom Is llclous refreshments were served. The club prize, a kimono, was won by Mrs. Richard Joyner and the second prize, a bead purse, was won by Mrs. Edward Hunt. Tho dance given by Professor North- cutt on Friday night at the armory waa greatly enjoyed by all present Mr. and Mrs. Egbert Freyer, Mr. iil 'Ti-u La XX \ T « l.a.iil -. .. .t ia_ _ > nnd Mrs. R. H. Xorthcutt and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Xorthcutt will leave this week for Wrlghtsvllle Beach. Miss Carrie Alston waa the hostess on Tuesday night at a euchre party given at her home. Refreshments were served after tho game. The prizes, a work bag and card case, were won by Miss Julia Howell and Sir. Goodwin, can la, N. C., to •pend tho slimmer. Mrs. Fnnnle Holcombe hns jrouo to Zlrco- nls. N. C., to spend the summer. isi n. ' .< iu sjiriiu tun ■uiiiiuoi. Mlsa Euta Jones la visiting friends In Valdosta for a few days. Mlaa Irene Stanley, of Greenville. S. C, la visiting her slater. Mra. W. E. Smith. Mlsa Jodie Towell la spending a few days In I-ceshurg with relntlvea Mrs. D. 8. Ihrlee, of Florence, 8. C.. Is Vella Mlaa Clara Relic Currell haa returned from Tbomasvllle, where she attended the meeting of the South Georgia Epwortb League, Mlaaea Madelyn Robinson and Willis Ad ams hava gone to Knoxville, Tenn.. to at tend the Kunxvllle summer school. Mra. lk II. Warren, of Cordate, Is vlalt- Inar at the home of her son, R. II. Warren. Mr. and Mr*. Henry Gortatowaky and children hare gone to Brunswick, where ■Ira H. II. Stanley hss returned from St- ‘, whore she spent the “ " James has returned Itjr for several dajra. Judge D. F. Cropland baa returned from Charleston.. Mra. W. It. Baldwin haa returned from a visit of several weeks to Richmond. Mrs. C. J. Whitehead la the gueat of rela* tires In Dawson. Mrs. Max Altman la vlattlng relatives In Macon this week. j.f. WINDER. Mias Mary Hutchinson, of falem, Ala., Is visiting Mra. O. W. DsLaperrlsro on Can dler street. CORDELEI One of the prettiest affairs of the summer was the card party given by Mrs. Dobyn Holmes yesterday after noon In compliment to Mlaa Birdie Little. The decorations used were entirely In white and green and the color scheme was carried out In the Ices, frosen in brick shapes, and the cakes and mints. The game of six-hand euchre waa played at two tables. Dainty fans were used to score with, which made pretty souvenirs, airs. J. J. Willis won the E rize, a gauze fan, and Miss Birdie title, the guest of honor, was present ed with a hand-painted gauze fan with Ivory sticks. Punch was served throughout the a successful young business man of Monroe, Go. EATONTON. „ _, Misses Mary Dennis nnd Ruth Park leave July 3 for Monroe, to be the gneata of Mlaa Mary Felker. nnd the consolations, a pair of glove supporters and a pipe, were cut by Miss Elmer George and Mr. Mellon George. The Young Matrons’ Bridge Whlat Club met .with Mra. Ralph Northcutt on Friday afternoon. Messrs. Held Hrarn. Frank Dennis and Mlaa Tallulah Jenkins leave July 7 fog VU1; Rica, to be at Miss Elizabeth Candler’s n* & ha* returned to his home In Wadlejr. . _ . MIm Janie Pennington Is tho guest of friends !h Newborn. . . MIm Frances Tnrner is visiting Miss Charlotte Brown it her home in Rockville. Mr*. Eugene Bnxcman nnd Httlo son, Eu- B ne, Jr a of Atlnntn, are tho guests of rs. C. D. Leonard. . ^ Misses Louise Smith nnd Frances nils- man, of Madison, who have been the gueita of Miss Fannilu Denhsm, have returned to tbelr home. MT. AJRY. Mr. Grover Ketron of Clarkesvllle, Mr. MARIETTA. Miss Harwood, of Atlanta, Is spend ing a. few days with Mrs. D. C. Cole. Mr. and Mrs. John Brantley, of Blackshear, spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Camp. They were on their way to Boston. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gramllng have returned from Boston. MUs Louise Anderson Is visiting her brother, Mr. W. D. Anderson, and fam ily, In Macon. Mrs. R. E. Lawhon has returned from Brooklyn, N. Y., where she has been visiting her son. Mrs. J. T. Perkins and daughter, of Tallahassee, Fla., are the guests of Mrs. J. D. Anderson. The Ladles' Euchre Club was enter tained by-the Misses Setse on Friday afternoon In a delightful manner. McWhorter of Athens, nnd Mr. Ike Levey of Augusta aro guests of Mr. Tomlinson Fort. Miss Dorothn Bnldwln, Mrs. George J. Bnldwln nnd Mrs. M. C. Hull, of Bnrannsh, ore guests of Mrs. Mnrk Cooper Pope. Miss Luln Hlllsmau, of Albany, is at the Wilcox cottage. Mr. P. F. M. Furr is a guest of Senator J. T. reyton. Dr. O. T. White made a short trip to Atlnntn Thursday morning. Mrs. II. C. Terrell, of Westminster, 8. C., returned home from a visit to her sister, Mrs. A L. Kim soy. Lnto arrivals at tho Monterey: Mrs. R. Fernandez, Harry Fernnudes, L. D. Tjiwn, C. E. Bonn, E. Davis, Rosser Thomas, Miss Horeneo Jackson, C. J. Brown, Miss Kite Cox, J. W. Cannon, Charles II. Cox. P. L. Gllki-y, A. .1. * * run*. .Jr., O. C. Hutchinson, a. ai. urnir, air., u, L. nuirninm'ii, J. J. Littlejohn, Mrs. A. J. Orme, Frank ‘ ' ‘ i, II. I(. Robertson, John C. Evans, Ring h,r turned lira Friday night star, Mrs. to her home lu Macon. F. J. Hunter, of Norcroaa, spent night with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Woodruff. ’ Hhe left Ustnrday morning to visit frlenda In Monroe. A. I). JlcOurry returned Tuesday from Norrrvas. lihT f Mia, Agar- — mencement ezerrlaes of the °Mh£'unqrp Nutt, of Jackson, la spending • -. Mra. J. Hall Tnr- a month with her alater, nor, on Broad street. A number of Winder people will go to Wrlghtsvllle Beech next month. Mr. end Mra. II. A Cartthera will aoon he at borne to their frlenda In tbelr beau tiful new reeldtnc on llroad street, which North her. et the First Mrthndlat church next week. Neerty two hundred delegatee are expected. WEST POINT. , Mlaa Elward Whitaker, of Columbux, Ga.. la the gueit of Mra. Mark Mc- Culloh. Mr*. Fannie Scott, Mra. Wilt Kirby and Min Stella Burnt were In Atlanta during the week. Mra. Barton and little daughter, Mary n# \r.. M e mm wlellnm Um Scott, of wrens, Go. are vlatlng Mra. j Barton', parents, Mr, and Mrs. 1 jt. I Scott. Mra. Osct, Smith (pent th, flrat of the week In Atlanta. Min Jeule Winaton has as her gueet | Min Lizzie Lyon, of Atlanta. Mr. Grarge Zachry has returned from Nashville, Tenn.. where he has been attending Vanderbilt Unlveralty. MU* Annie Hammond la (pending th, I week with friend. In Nawnan. Man ra. Amo, Huguley and Clarence 1 Hudmon spent Wednesday in Colum bus, Ga. Mlaa Alice Lanier spent a tew days this week In Nawnan. MUs Kate Smith U expecting ax her GORDON INSTITUTE, BARNESVILLE, GA. GORDON INSTITUTE BATTALION, WINNERS AT STAT£ CADET ENCAMPMENT, MACON, GA. MAY, 1906. The Leading Preparatory School of the South for boy* and glrte—the school which doe, REAL work; which demands and procares of IU icbolan a high degree of attainment, measured by REAL standards. It was established 1852;annual enrollment exceeds 600; mag nificent ichool plant; high curriculum, mperior discipline, largest cadet battalion eonth, a full equipped gymnasium, two large athletic fields; strongly endorsed by leading educators of Georgia. Catalogue No. 40, just issued, gives detailed information of the advantages which have for half a century enabled Gordon’s graduates to excel in College, Professional and Business Life. "Write for it. B. F. PICKETT, President, Bamesville, Ga. Littlejohn, Knm A. Carter, It. A. Karri* W. 31. H*rrl«, II. B. Burt, It. S. Ashley, W. A. Lee, J. F. Lewis, M. L. Crawford. * BIRMINGHAM* ALA. An'event of the pest week attraetlnx widespread Interest wss the msrrlsfe or Mis* Air* Clair Vigo and Mr. William Ir* C._ v win Grubb, which occurred Monday evening * the brti* ~ the homo of the brl de. There' were no -Jdal attendanta and the ceremony wss witnessed only by the Immediate fsmllir* and a few close friends. After sn Informal reception Mr. Grnbb and bis bride left in n private car for New York, whence they nailed on the Koenlgtn Loalie for Nap:--. Another marriage of Importance was that of Miss Edith Itlcbey, daughter of tho vice president of the 81oaa*8neffield Com pany, nnd 3Ir. Ralph Itamseur, of Ashe ville. Tho ceremony took place Tuesday evening nt the home of tb* bride and was performed by Dr. Sterling Foster. 3lr. sad 31 rs. Itamseur left In a private car for the East. Tho marriage of Mias Lillian Key Brooks nnd Mr. George Asa Eaatman was solem nized nt tho bride's home Wednesday even ing. Mr. and Mrs. Eastman will spend their honeymoon In the East. _ Miss Pauline Alber nailed for Enrop# during tho past week. She will study voice under Dr. Frank G. Doseert of Mrs. llussell Hunt is the (past of Mrs. A. O. Rarnctt In Asheville, N. C. Mr. and 31rs. Thomas Stobert and 3fr*. R. It. Stobert and son have gone to Old Point Comfort nnd Atlantic City. They will be gone nevcral weeks. _ . _ Tho new cafe of tho Southern Club was formally opened for Inspection Friday^even ing. It la one of tho handsomest of club cafes In the South. The club entertained at dancing and delightful refreshments were served. Lunch wss served for the first time on Saturday. . . Miss Elite Alber is a gneat of Mra . P. Orr at Mentone. r MUs Charlotte Graham and . Miss con» dell Baldwin are visiting Miss Evs Moors man at 3fontone. . ... Miss Edith Richey nnd Miss Young were the honored guests at t lunca ran tenrt-rwl them by Mra. B»oJ«mln G. Copeland Tuesday at the Country Clun. The recital of 3Ir, Adair Hickman.™ has been studying under J. Courtland CW- er. In Chicago, for some time, Tae^wj evening was a brilliant Chicago, ior mmu* ■' rtemug was a brilliant success. Mr. I man ia gifted with a tenor voice of nn quality.,,. gerat of Vaaaar, and Mr. B. F. a»*~—. grnduated from Columbia, are the rocs hr tbelr narenta. Mr. and 3frs. B. F. of their parents, Mr. and 3Irs. B. I on Fifth avenue. . hare Mrs. G. T. Brnzelton and children nav« JJTB. \J. A. UtHM-iiuu »«*• v mnm- gone to Cooka Springs to spend the so rofesaor Powrell presented Ws popgj is Ijaa Sheppard, soprano, contralto, at Thursday evening at his studio. HARALSON. Mra. Ector Hutcheson and Stella Hngg. of ftanota, mode a briet visit to Haralson last Friday. -Mr. and Mrs. Briscoe, of Mario*. L T., are visiting friends In thl« r Myi iirxia. -eek. Callahan has been sick Swlggert. who na» ^ 111 for some time, U able to fit UJ*