The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, June 30, 1906, Image 6
AUCTION SALE M I I I I I I I I T'ITI 111111111111111 DECATUR PROPERTY 27 B 1 a “A lf “ , 27 Next Tuesday, July 3d,4p. m. This is one of the only opportunities ever offered to buy a lot at vour own price in this classic suburb of Atlanta. Efforts are now being made to get waterworks, and it is a question of a short time only when Decatur will have water. Town already has electric lights. This property is in half a block of Agnes Scott College and part of the property fronts car line and Georgia railroad. Take Decatur cai^s • at' Edgewood avenue and Peachtree and get off at McDonough street. , Tenns-r-One-fourth cash; balance bix, twelve and eighteen months, 6 per cent interest. For plats and particulars see ■ 101 ANSLEY BROS. & A1 k DR. J. W. M AYSONI ^Street.! WOULD INCREASE TUX OFRAILROADSOFSTAT IMPORTANT MEASURE INTRODUC ED IN HOUSE OF REPRE' 8ENTATIVE8 FRIDAY. OIL INSPECT PAID ENOUGH NOW? OPPOSITION BREWING TO PROPOSED INCREASE. THEATERS Contended That Duties of Posi tion Arc Light ana That $1,200 Is Sufficient Salary. A bill Introduced by Senator Herbert William* Thursday will meet npposl- tlnn In aome of Ita feature*. If this opposition doe* not come from the aen- ate It will come from th* house. The bill provide* for Inspection of all Illuminating oil* produced, eold or used In the elate. Oil uaed by the rail- road* la not Inspected now, because the roads Insist that It la none of the state's business about their oil. They contend Ihnt the oil la Inspect ed In another state before tha trains come Into Georgia, and that another Inspection I* not necessary. . Officials of the department of agri culture, under which the oil Inspection 1a conducted, think It makea for public safety to Inspect the oil used by the gin. This feature of the I proh ibit the proposition to raise the anil arv of the state oil Inspector from * 1.UOO to II,(00 will have opposition. I)r. W. C. Bryan now holda that place. Hih duties are not arduous, nhd very little of his time la required In the work. Already aome members are say- Ing that the job Is n sinecure, and thnt 11,200 la more than enough pay. Senator Peyton Introduced a bill Fri day to Increase the salaries of the com missioner of agriculture, the rninmla- eloner of pensions and the state school commissioner from 12,000 to 13,000 per annum. It la the policy of the times to pay public officials what they are worth, and these Increases will hanlly tneat with serious opposition. If any at all. * If the commissioner of agriculture la given tha 11,000 Increase, the salary list of the department wilt be near 112.000 per year. REDUCED R. R. RATES FOR FOURTH OF JULY. The W. & A. R. R. and N. C. A 8t. L. Railway will tell cheap round trip tickets to all points south of the Ohio and Potomac and eaat of the Mlaala- aippl river, Including 8t. Louis, Evansville and Cincinnati, at ont and one-third fares; tickets to bt sold July 2d. 3d and 4th, good to return until July 8th, 1006. For further Information and tick et* Ripply to any agent of tha W. & CHA8. E. HARMAN, Ganeral Pas*. Agant. “SLIVERS’* OAKLEY The celebrated down who will do a vaudeville turn at tha Casino next Week. Vaudeville at th* Casino. Next week should furnish the ban ner attraction of the summer season. If half of what we hear la true con cerning this organisation anil the splendid talent that Is represented In the company. It Is Max HolTinan'a own company, thirty strong, contain ing many vaudeville rerebrltles and n big beauty chorus that will make things lively In the many musical numbers that are thickly Interpolated during the course of the entertain ment. The performance will be. nn Ideal summer entertainment, for the pro- gram announces some clever vaudeville stunts and musical comedy numbers, taken from leading New York thea ter*. The moat prominent of them la the famous clown. "8llvem" Oakley, whose art was so strongly featured at the New York Hippodrome, nnd whose antics have delighted alt New York during the pad season. An other feature that It sure to make a huge hit Is the musical novelty. "In the Swim," from Ilammerateln’e Victoria. This specialty la presented by the i*£!i.!lil2!f.5££,oosp * c- coo o oj OPENINGOP |*| i*| 1| Nathans Vienna Cafe | N WILL BE THURSDAY,'JULY 5. j*| j*3 Concert Afternoon and Evenings, Dainty Souvenirs Given Jhxxiy. j~: One of the most Important l>lil: troduced in the house of representa tlves Friday .morning was In the natun of a resolution os to taxes by Mr. Alexander, of DeKalb. The resolution provides for the col lection of back taxes from the Georgia Railroad and Hanking Company and its IvisSees. In the bill all previous grants are declared void and null, and It Is the purpose of the act to make the railroads pay a tax on their sur plus to ev?ry county and municipality, Including school districts through which they may pass. The bill Is aa follows: Be It resolved by the general assembly of Georgia, and It Is hereby so resolved and declared. That the right of taxation is a sovereign right, Inalienable, inde structible, In ,th^ life of the state, and rightfully belongs to the people In nil Ite publican governments, ana neither the gen ersl assembly nor any nor all other de pertinents of the government have, ot ever have had the authority to irrevocably give, grant, limit or restrain this tight: sod all laws, grants, contracts, and all other acts whatsoever, by said government or any department thereof, to effect nny of these purposes, no matter when mnde or upon what consideration, are hereby declared to be null and void for every purpose whatsoever? and aald right of taxation la now, nud of right has ever been, under the complete control of the state, notwithstanding any gift, grant, or contract whatsoever by the general assem- bly. Be It farther resolved and the general assembly. That th of these truths In the constitution I I crested no new principle of law, but was merely a restatement of fundamental trntbs that always existed, and that li; the nature of things it never conld bav« l»een otherwise, unless the general asacin lily bad the power to abdicate the duties of government and commit the stats to ftl Be C llTfurther resolved, Thnt any dictum which may ever at any time hove been pronounced by the authority of tin* fed eral Judiciary to the contrary of these truths, was an erroneous ruling for which It baa Itself expressly Indicated Its re gret, aa well as ny necessary Implication, and from which It ought to recede In the Interest of substantial Justice nud for- the advancement of truth. Be It further resolved. That Insofar as the Judiciary of this state acted npou any contrary theory In the case of The State of Georgia vs. J he Georgia ltaUnsid and Banking Company In the year 187». It did so merely In submission to superior power, nnd with nn express protest against the Impropriety *>f such theory, nnd sgaln In the venr ift79 declared thnt such contrary doctrine would seem strange to posterity, however much It might be compulsory on the courts of this generation to accept Be It further resolved. Thnt while the geueral assembly will, lu the same spirit of protest, submit to such erroneous In terpretation of the law ns far, sad only as fur, ss It Is compelled to do It, It now renews for the legislative department of the government of Georgia the declaration rontalued In the first of these resolutions, and declares that it Is the, duty of the executive to use every vestige of |»ower remaining In It for requiring nil persona, whether corporate or natural, to contrib ute their share to the burdens of govern incut mimiii the basis of exnct equality. And this Is more especially true now, since our own Judlclul department hos declared during the present .year, and upon the motion of the Georgia Railroad uud Banking Company Itself, that n Jmlgraent as to taxes Is a conclusive adjudication utilv ss to the taxes of the year Involved. Be it farther resolved. That even tinder the authority of the decisions referred to. It is the duty of the executive to collect taxes from the Georgia Railroad and Bank ing Company npou all the surplus value of Its property urrr and above the fare value of ao much or the atork thereof aa ivna Intended b* the rharter of antd company, ami that Inasmuch aa the sworn dorian- Ilona, of the prealdenl of aald company, now of file In the office of the comptroller ifcnernl, aver thnt the physical pronertlea of aald company have n valuation of eight nillllotni of drllara. It la the doty of aald comiimiy to pity a tax at least on aald aiirplua to every connty unit municipality, luefuillin: action! district*. . . And the general assembly doea hereby declare. That even If aneh charter oxetiip- Ilona are or over were hlndlng on the state, that by 'he terms of said alleged, exemption II applied to the stock as aneh alone! and not to the phyaleal properties ami franchises of aald company or any part thereof: that la the year 1*31 the general niaemhlv granted to the Augusta ami Katonton ltullrond nud Tnriiiilke T om pane ua exemption .from taxation for a limited period of ten year* npou "the stock milt the resl esiste which way be purchased lie them connected with and subservient to the work therein ««»■»«• lied:" thnt thereafter, lu the year ISO. the general Hiwcinblv repealed the charter of the Augusta mid Katnutou Itallniail and twelve seminary boys and girls. The costuming and scenic effects of this act are said to be splendid. Others announced on the menu of good things are Gertrud* lloffman. with Iter alx seminary girls; Tony Hart, who has a monologue that fair ly seta the audience into hysterics; the German dialect comedians, the Otto brothers; the dntnty dancers and singers, the Twin Slaters Dolly, whose rcmnrkable resemblance baffles the au diences every night, and the musical satire from the pen of Max Hoffman, entitled "Ex-erybody Work* But Fath er." Max Hoffman will personally direct the orchestra, whicp means that we will have popular music In abundance nnd of the sort that nets the feet In motion ami demands a whistling long aftsr one leax-es the thepter. Taken as a whole, next week's at traction looks very, very good, and lo cal theatergoers have evident reason to congratulate themselves on the pleaa- ure In store during the coming week at the t'aslno. Tho sale of seats Is going merrily on at the Grand box office, and unless all signs fall some records will be smash ed Into bits before the week comes to an end. . Such an attraction a* this at the prices that prevail at the t'aslno must be appreciated, by local theatergoers, and the management will nut And At lanta stow In appreciation of their ef forts, A special mstlnee will be given Wednesday afternoon (on account of the Glorious Fourth!, In addition to the tegular trl-weckly matinees. Appoint Commiationer. Special to The Georgian. Chattanooga. Tenth. June 30.—Gover nor Cox will soon appoint Henry C. Beck a member of the election com mission of this county, to succeed ex- Shertff W. P. Hays, who resigned to run for the offle# of county court clerk on the Republican ticket. Turnpike Company nud all the privileges tlieielii ronterred, and expressly anlistl- lull'd. In Ih’ii thereof, the charter of the th-orglii ltullrond Ceinpuiiy. anil granted lo mild company nn eierantlim Wood •t-tiii tii-rimt ui’ tun vunrn but limited tut* “’•'uuiittlnn to slock alone; that slniultan- nsly with I he granting of mid chartai other railroads were Incorporated *lthi tax /sumption* unuitiHl, *ontv of wbbli applied to lliv stork ami *mw to the P r ®j?’!!*yjjind. that tho wholo current of SWjgJIZ hntUlntlon demonstrates that tlx® . lnu * u,l f JJ UHotl was «iolil*orntoly chosen, and apt for exemption only to the extent Indicated by tho cxnot laufunue of Tho general assembly further deolni That tho people of Georgia-havo proGw nud safeguarded jbe pro^rty «f }b* gla Hnllroml nnd Bauklna t ompan\ unw seventy years, practically without oxponso to said company, have puidshwl depredator* upon It and w It and liave seen It grow ami flourish until Its proiwrtv and accumulation* ansDow wortn In tne market more than thirteen millions of dollars, and that Ini good as well as In sound law. It Is JL h *‘US' said corporation to assume aud carry Its Just share of the pnhllc charges l'>™rrad for the maintenance of government and the preservation of pcaceaml good mii.i 'thnt nnv other course Is destructive nud that nnv other course . of the public prosperity and pence, * u d Is of the essence of unjuat privllrg^ tie It further reaolred. That th,^ proper officials ofThta «aTe ‘.ad crary one of them are hereby directed nnu tu structiMl to call upon J*W rording to the law afthe make nSTfaM. SHr-WST'S* ;r^fl' , «rn ,, 7he ,, L»y ^er’r^ra- ; .1,. riclit. of the state and erery ISHlMVuuy. 1n h ‘"eve'ry”wv ftmt^iurpose S S?S^\fePe” ^uJe 0 fof the coMu from -ld coiupauy ofl.a Just share of tin* I as to collect from tl " the vslne of thrtr leaeeh.dd estata. to this end the geaeral nasmbly doet n. or such part thereof ae mayTie^iir-'eisary. ‘ h ' V 1 ’’'{iT'ttTurth.jr r-SoJyed. That ol-l "PP«; BSS5TA tSS'SsWkS' In like manner, asd Ik ta »g*> 1 PThat 1 t W, a r ^rot^i'. P SriT‘« .^.fl'S! Jnd that the^ame ^igrom^ ill aald arrenro are c*P*cte<t. amt taar, a Th.^ei^sU'’ o^i^r'ti- luVfthe trraS^aa rart of the^eaeraj funds therein, nndthat the holonee shall likewise lie paid *«to ^he tressury am .TwATto ssui! meat uicier any legislative approprtatlaa made pri.w to It* cdlectloa. nor sailer aay sDotoorlstloa thereafter made naless ape. eRSly «1 dtnwted. sad that, unless other- wise dlreeteil herewftev. the saaie shall he- low* part of th* mastnictlea fund for ex tcmli: .- the **' "* DOWMAN-DOZIER MFG. CO. Manufacturers of Fire-Proof Windows, Doors, Cornices, Skylights, Crestings, Fiuials, Dixie Ventilators. Contractors for All Kinds of Sheet Metal Work. 20-22 Trinity Ave. Both Phones 525 Our Specialty is dimension lumber for large buildings. DAVID. T. CROCKETT & CO Wholesale Dealers LUMBER, LATHS AND SHINGLES (>()."> It li National Hank Hldg. B. L.WILLINGHAM, H. H. TIFT, President. Vlce-Pres. - W. B. WILLINGHAM, Sec’y and Treas. WILLINGHAM-TIFT LUMBER COMPANY Rough and Dressed Lumber, Hash, Doors, Blluds, Builders' Hardware. Murphy Avenue. Take Knat Point- or CTolIege Park Oar and get off at McCall's Crosslug on Leo Street. Bell phono 85 West; Atlanta Phone 711. 0. A. GOUGE. 83 N. Pryor St. Tin and Sheet Metal Worker, made of metal, see me. BELL PHONE 1443. If it's W. R. JONES. Practical Slate Roofer. And Dealer in All Kinds of Roofing Material. 15 Waverly Place. Atlanta Phone 843. Bell Phone 3277 L. P. O. Box 316. Bell Phone 33G5 J. Atlanta Phone 1966. FRIDDELL BROS. Painters, Decorators and Interior Fin ishers. Interior Wall Tinting and Painting a Specialty. Out of town work given careful atten tion. 69 Ivy Street. MONORIEF FURNACE CO. 103 S. Forsyth St. Heating Plans and Estimates Free. The place to get your furnace. They install the best for any kind of fuel in residences, schools and churches. Both Phones. All Kinds of Building Material. Get Prices From ALEXANDER LUMBER AND MANUPAO- TURING COMPANY. Factory and Tarda, corner South Pryor and South ern T Mlwuy. Phone 3364. City office. 6 North For- eyth, Austell Building. Atlanta phone 400; Bell 323. ATLANTA STRUCTURAL STEEL CO 1020 Fourth National Bank Bldg. Atlanta, Ga. Estimate, furnished on all kind* of structural steel shape*. Prompt shipments from stock. ™ 1 Phones, Bell and Main 4423. WE SELL MANTELS, TILES AND GRATES Cheaper Than Any other Concern. J. E. HUNNICUTT & CO. 56 Peachtree St. HUNNICUTT & TURNER. PLUMBING & HEATING. Estimates on Short Notice. 105 N. Pryor St. Phones 1066. Bell Phono 35G3 J. Atlanta Phone 1966 G W. HAYNES, Interior and Exterior HOUSE PAINTER Wall Tinting and Graining. Office and Shop 69 1-2 Ivy Street. ATLANTA, GA. WM. WILSON. Paint and Decorative Contractor. Large Contracts a Specialty. Contracts executed anywhere. Surety bond. 59 S. Forsyth St. Atlanta, Ga. Both Phone*. HAHR-DAVIS LUMBER CO. PLANING MILLS. OFFICE AND YARDS: 333 TO 339 DECATUR 8TREET. Rough and Dressed Lumber. Shingles, Laths, Sash, Doors. Blinds and Builders’ Hardware. Our saw mill interests In Tift County. Ga., af ford us facilities to glvo prompt service and at the lowest prices. Dimension timbers a specialty. Both Phones 3726. LIME, CEMENT. Plaster,- Sewer Pipe and other Build ers’Supplies Low prices and quick de liveries. SCIPLE SONS. 33 N. Broad St Atlanta. TOMLINSON & DIDSCHUNEIT, Contracting Painters. Out of. Town Work a Specialty. Bell Phone 1451L. 79 N. Pryor Street. Atlanta, Georgia. WOODWARD LUMBER CO. Hardwood Interior Finish & Mantels, Doors, Sash & Blinds Send Your Plans for Estimates. Atlanta, . Georgia. WOOD FIBER WALL PLASTER. The original product, and the only plaster manufactured in Atlanta. Can be put on at as low cost as the lower grade substitutes that have come into the market. We can readily show this, so do not be misled. GEORGIA WOOD FIBER PLASTER COMPANY. Whitehall St. & Cent. R. R. Phone 1152. r Dixie r Tile and Cement Works TILE WALKS, CEMENT STEPS AND FLOORS. Bell Phone 445 West, 538 Whitehall Street. GEORGIA ROOFING TILE CO., Manufacturers of Cement Roofing Tile. An Everlasting Roof. Boll Phone 3764. 5 S. Broad St. Hi* Word Was Good, Though. Representative John 8. William* tells of a caae tried In a Southern court where counsel for the defendant en deavored to Impugn the teetfmony of a negro witness. The latter regarded the lawyer with a mixed expression of astonishment nnd resentment. Then, turning to the judge, he said: "To Honah. I’se a pore but respectable man. I'ae always behaved maael'. 1 ain’t never been lynched an* the only mule I ever stole knocked .me down an' broke one of my lalgs."—Success Magazine. . The National Florence ' Crtttenion 1 Mission, maintained, during Ite last flacal year, 61 home* In the United States nnd one each In China, Japan. France and Mexico, caring'for 2,127 girls .apd children. Brtilget-tlnw uim-h do ye* pay yer rook! Mtstrese—ls> joe whh enwaueot or transient rale*!—Harper's tvrakty. »*t l»» If she’s a day. How ■* mtaxi* to play Ike pit of . ! .= HOTELS AND SUMMER RESORTS.HOTELS AND SUMMER RESORTS. I 1/6" ===== M UP IN THE OZONE “In the Land of the Sky ” KENILWORTH INN Situated in a Private Park of 160 Acres* Biltmorc, Near Ashe- v ille, N, Co, 2,500 Feet Above the Sea Level. JUST THE PLACE TO SPEND THE •UMN-CRIX- ■“ VnrtwnfPraMtl a \. tb *’ In tin* mountain* of Weat^rn .mL hi»*3 N w ' n . ,he "orW w t|| compare with the view l M ‘ trh * U Pl«ff«h in full Vl»W. Adjoin* CooL Inriforatine climate, mas furuiihinl. cultlne nnaurptMed. Pure water. AU vegeUWea •Sf* iimI i fathered fre«h ex err morainr. Oreheatr* t 0 ******, Wlltard. tenuU, liverr. beautiful rl.fe* nud drii i all trains at lldtr Coach i commodated under any Hrrami Consumptive* not ne ts operated hr inau* •y fri>m Axbevflle and ;.»r booklet and rate*. AR M MOO Hi:. Proprietor. F jrounjc Kiri ,t.tu sad AUsatlc railroad.