The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, June 30, 1906, Image 8
ATLAS’! A GEOUOLUr"' WANT ADS ONE CENT A WORD Ad Taken For Less Thin 25 Cent!. CASH MUST ALWAYS aecom- piny out-of-town orders. Watch The Georgian Want Page Grow. Situations Wanted will hereafter be inserted on this page free of charge. If you want a situation, seucf your ad. to The Georgian. Each ad. will bo limited to three lines, ono inser tion. WANTED HELP—MALE. wanted—good strong white m m Mwn In the foundry to learn nx era' trade. Good pay to etnrt with i better pnjr In two or three month*. OB with good references need apply, rh MUf Ilf*. Co. | 1 'el/ MEN AND BOTH WANTED L plumMng, plastering. bricklaying, cinl offer life scholarship fifty dollar), payments: poaltlon guaranteed; free rata logi.e. t’oyna Jtroa. Trndo B<’ York, Chiosgo, Ht, Loula. VLNflOPfr 1 okely'a Buslnes* Collefe. WANTED HELP—FEMALE. iW ANTED — TWENTY live women and girls it our sewing room. Anyont who can run a machine al home can quickly learn out work. Experienced opera tors make from $8 to $12 pet week, and we pay 60c pel day while learning. Apply Nunnally Bros. & McCrca, 36 W. Alabama street. WILL GIVE REGULAR EMPLOYMENT In o«r >n **"- v r.xperler pal - «... „— irnge* to tkooe without exi»erlence tintl. thoy learn. If you live out of Atlanta, write u» and we will give you Information ni-ut boarding plan*. Nunnnlly Ilroa. * Mrf’rra, B W. Alabama street. CAN HSf» PM MM linen, rheap bouse rent, healthy location. ■ good water, abundant amusements, no com inlsaary. steady work, highest scale of p!«•<*♦ .work price* paid. Apply to the Richmond 1 Hosiery Mill., Chattanooga, Trim., and Itoaarllle, Cln. MTxHSK-YoUMn LAM lift IT? FAHcV Wan ii:ii-s\rLR1TAr>tWi—gltflt Mi SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. clerk, Sap trustworthy young mnu of (nod haMta. Address J. K., ran* tlcorxlan. or’ salesman, hr Bolter. lltdu.trlnui man WANTED—AGENTS. AGENTS WANTING BIG AND QUICK money arnd for our frou rirrul.r oral Sales aad Supply Cot, Ilebllo, WANTED—SALE8MEN. tor inatmnceni nrw uiap.; Dew features: easy sellers; aarlnalr, territory nnd llbrral proposition; extraordinary rhanco for work ers Slate If you hare had experience. l^ui|iiMiO<v^jjanta l Oa i ^^^' WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED—THE 1TIII.IC TO KNOW ihei the Southern Auction and Kalraxe Co., at 24 a. Pryor, can dlapoae of your household good,, office (Inure,, anfee, car pets. ruga, plaaoa. etc., to adramaae. SVEB^'A; HECANbllASl?' Moving Vi AN picture) I dlMui' A.Mrr,. ,Ni>"\ l.llrr.' FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. HAVE YOU ANYTHING TO BELL* IE you hare, aeod It to the Southern Anrtlon SniftS?* C °" * *' V,rot * ,r **'- ‘‘hone ■ ahonld harm high Kent Sim Co., PC Phone flonrlTH ■■PHI Jgna. Coll ou UH North Tryor otreot. i aV i. oOttb Upuiuiit pianG poll ■ ilr. Addressllano. rare Georgian. lUty goods; band-emltrohlrn-d ami haa nerer been need; bargain H Address H.. rare ficonrhin i aMnr.t,..-—s. TgS I I iultc-'i'Wo CAit Iaiadk llrnrkrrar surries. runabom. and Simona Nothing better made. ▼ehlci* Iff*. Co., SO and 52 West Mitchell street. i i > it haLe-BERT KiTSlicK TIIJR DON’T GO BLIND. r - ffiUsrcssr eituss lac* YOUR TEETH EII.I.ED WITHOUT PAIN BY AN IM- prornd math*.. All work guaranteed U Tsars. Reasonable prices, renter Deatal fcarbjra. Wi Whitehall »t.. orer - ' clot blag start. Dell photo SM. \vi: iiavr tiihuk millkI j ruttlug south C**4>rirl.i f.f'ir fhliirl^* Alao | man a fact ure flooring, eelllng, aT4llng nnd iRth Write iih for delivered nrlcea. Kll- ! Man Lumber Company, Box j07. Cordele, : ALL ffTTLKR OATHS. WIR8 AND IRON] feocea sold ami erected. Fencing for f H .'MMI im :iii*l I Dry. f.'n-lualvc ac^nta for "rn*r*» Fence. ' Dixie Fence Co. « irc*»aaora Tilly Fsnce Co., 41 Weat Hunter • t i" 1 1 ill M k'l I • N I-A) .- 1 UNI enr n»y $36 aulta to $CS. Carroll, the tailor. 172 1'eachtree street, nppoalte Aragon hoteL AT i'OHT-UV rtl’Ofk OF IRON MAFK.S and vault doom to l»e aold at eo*t daring next week; now la your time. 26 H. Broau •trent. II. W. Rills. Atlanta. M riANKitll>f litlS OF"Wt)Ob WoUklN(J machinery. The entire plant of W. P. Wald rip, cabinet maker, will be aold by "C the referee In bankrupti’y on July 3 at 12 A- o’clock to the highest bidder for cnab. i( Sealed bid* will be received until that hour. y For Information apply to Framnton K. Kills, receiver, 525 Prudential building, At- , CTBRHAL kahiI Fukt. I-aid p'dlf t green itoplnr woo«l unapt It; shipment a to l*e made ut once, (ieorglu Wood Plastar te Co., P. O. Box 764.^ Is i 01 WANTED—BOARD. wTRfEB-Pinexifiii’f TiWiirftrt ■ iffisn and hoard In private family on car line. Immediately. Box C79. Atlanta. EDUCATIONAL. jmTtiFFirxsTr'unoRKffl-pT^'^^ " • writing, mathematics, grammar and spell ing taught In evening,. Rtolnily’ii Rhorthnad and Bnatnean School, 84M 1'eacbtrao atraot. LOST. STRAYED FUOM NO. 4M CREW STREET, B| t ono Iron gmy more, with ooro on right. Return to Mcll i’lumblng Co., 66 Routb Pryor street. r.fmt-LAliGfc ’i.IYkTT" aS)I* white pointer dog: evenly marked head; erup tion on feet nnd legs; hnd roller on with my name on It. A suitable rewar.d for bla delivery to me at Majestic hotel. J. R. tt. - Holmes. BU8INESS OPPORTUNITIES. GO REB SOUTHERN AUTO AND EQUIP- a taent Co. We repair, reeonatrnct, ex* change, buy and sell automobile*. Garngv. 1012 Mitchell street, Atlauta, Go. Bell phone 4X9Ms Main. ATTRACTIVE RIONS WILL RUING YOU •« Inialneaa. For high grade work C*I1 on Kent. 91H N. Pryor. Phone 2K8. FOR RENT—FURNI8HED ROOMS. 9 COOL PLEASANT ROOMS 32 TO 33 A week. Lodging 81 a week. Meal, 32.60 n week. 10>4 Trinity nveuue. Bell phone 2241, Atlanta phone 2767. CLEAN. COOL NICELY FURNISHED « n room, for men, 82 per week. No extra charge for two In room. 14 Trinity avenue, m D. Phone 3848. Atlanta phone 3767. ^ PERSONAL. ™ DAVID W. YARBROUGH. th MASTER PLUMBER. Phonea 1286. 14 E. Hunter Rt. Rl WILLIS WALL PAPER COMPANY. ,ul leanest stock In South. 54 N. Broad 8t. rft S’lunt'CLAHHHH IN HTKNOUIIAPI!Y AT Hunt hern Hhorthand Bualneaa Cidveralty, no taught by Mlaa Lain (laehet. “KENT LIGHTS.” w THE BERT OF MANTLE LIGHTS NOW a aold at 91 Vi K Pryor 8t. 1 Alex Kent, Thone 4848. , ar 4 tiV 8HOE REPAIRING. GWINN’S SHOE SHOP. “ 4 LUCKIE. OPPOSITE PIEDMONT. Rail 23*. Slen'e sewed half aolea. Tic. sol WALL PAPER. W|1 J. M. QUICK A CO.-WALI, PAPER. mouldings, ptetnree, picture frnmea, etc. m> Dell phone 719. Rtandard 744. 37 E. Hunter. |n| BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TALKING MACHINES.ANP BMCORDjL- gre Wholesale and retail dlstrlhatore of Vie- tor Talking Machines and Records. Juat no > received large maalgnraent of machines and over 14,444 records Immediate attention given mall ordWs. We want the name, of all talking machine dealers In the aouth. Writ# for eatalpgne. Alexandtr-Blyea Co. BICYCLER aK.D UUhililtlKB-I.AltuIiHT bicycle and sundry dlatribotora In the t— south. Southern agents for Pitre*. Yal*. Hnell and iludaon blcycl**.. Write for oar 1106 catalogue and price Hat Alexander- Klyea Co. YOUR TEETH CROWNED 22 K GOLD CROWNS 83 UP. without pain. All work guaranteed 16 yoars. Unler Dental Parlor., 89M White hall *L, over Emmons' clothing atore. Dell phone tt<S4. WT; UGVfc.' StoiTeTpack and ship household goeda; insurance rate one per cent Office and warehouse 163-65 Walton np street Both ’phone*. Cathcart's Tran*- 11 HF.YNOLDH. TI1K RION PAINTKIt. ove filgna, banner*, bag* and flag decoration* 2S#2 for sped*! occasion a. R. Alabama fit • TEETH EXTRACTED POSITIVELY WITHOUT PAIN—All dental work done without pain. All work guaranteed 16 year*. I-antcr Iran- vo tal Parlor*. Whitehall gt.. over Km- ii mons' clothing store. Bell phone 2563 J. twe find for retn CASH REGISTERS. Kf (Second Hand.) NATIONALS. IIALLWOODR, IDEAU and all other makes nt bargain price*. We ran sell you • register, atiltabl* for any bualoeas. al a price that cannot help ■— but plana* yon.. Ctab or moatkly payment*. Kvery- register guaranteed for two year*. Southern Caah tegUter t*o.. Branch of An)erl4*an Hecond* J land Caah Register Co., 34 S. Broad atreet, Atlanta. Go. OLD HATS MADE NEW. PANAMA AND MILAN' STRAW HATS . , cleaned and reshaped. 84c. A 'Soft and etlff felt hats cleaned and to- Band’, or' aweata, 2k each extra. ACME HATTERS. 6V4 WkltthaU SL WANTED—REAL ESTATE. WANT TO KXrilANGK IIANDfiOMR cottage, excellent reiwlr. large lot. fine shade, etc., on aouth able, for «*orner lot In rood location north able, aImut 100 feet T>1 front. Will pay caah for Ulffereoce. Ad- drea* Kxchauge, care Georgian. PIANOS. DOI IlftWiW BBCHT PIANO CO.. 62 N. FORSYTH. yS GIVE YOUR BUSINESS A TOXIC. Has your business suffered the depressing influence of the hot weather? Aren’t you enjoying as much prosperity as your competitor who uses adver tising space in The Georgian? If not, advertise at once. Yon can learn. If you haven’t advertised try it a couple of times. Fine summer tonic for a sick business. CAIN ST. NEAR « SPLENDID COTTAGE*. ALMORf NEW. ‘ regularly by high cits, colored a rental or 334 per month. Thla CHAS. M. ROBERTS. 12 AUBUIt.V AVE. 808 LIEBMAN. Real Estate, Renting. 28 Peachtree St. SANDERS, SMITH & CONWAY. Phones 6488. 412 Peters Dulldlng $3,000—CHKAPK8T AND BUST HOME near Grant park on thin side. Has 6 r.. on rornar, east front lot, 55x150. ebndv. ••• • Ol .1 If..; lilt fll.'.ljt It \ .fir ..1.1 water, gas. sewerage, etc. Thla plnco will bear closest Inspection. beat part of the’street: bouse haa water, hath, sewerage, gas, etc. Is worth more money. iiorr, niriirr ioi, jwtiw, i*th. ■ lorely. House la good aa new. Thla I, worth a lot more money than thla. beautifully altuated In Atlanta's pn Via ■0107, This plain 'Ms. being prettlcsr $4,SO—BRAND NEW 8-R. 2BTORY HOME a big Block for sale We are offering for sale a tract fronting on Spencer, Vine and Thurmond, 285x387, for $3,. ■ 500. vy- ’ • This is about 1-2 mile from Terminal Station, near. Electric Light Plant and Rug Mills; it is the only block you can buy on west side. Big demand for small building lots in this section. FORREST & GEORGE ADAIR. STEPHENSON BROS., 1 ' 1 ‘”’t;: g ,44;“.™;:"^coi.iyeaic park homes Phones—Bell 2528 Main, Atlarta 37. STURGEON & LANE, REAL ESTATE AND INVESTMENTS 727-728 EMPIRE BLDG. BELL PHONE 4375, STANDARD 1279. $250—ONE ACRE MARIETTA CAR, fronting 100 feet on car like and Uarlejt* dirt road; runs hark 400 feet; good neigh borhood. Village being built here* THREE MONTHS RENT FREE Only One Left of Eight Brand New Suburban Homae. of tha year, malting only nine 7 and t rooms; have In tha center of this Park are It now has a new church, neatly Rent 810.00 per month. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, 12 Auburn Avenue. EMMETT HEIGHT, 10 acre* In DeKalb county cheap. TEETH If rad U yean hitahafi fit Dali pbon JOHN J. WOODSIDE, Peachtree afreet, be ttor th atreeta, you will 27x47, with basement aa. am! a live man can do a I huslneaa at this stand. WUI be vacant Went $160 per month. THE RENTING AGENT. 12 Auburn Avenue. Both Phones (IS. 1.25 PER DAY. Wages Paid Weekly. Take WORKS. Luckie St. Car to REMEMBER WHAT WE SAY. YOPR MONEY WJ SR'?, Di STM HtltT TRACK FRONTAGE: taeoo, with p:RMs. M. McNEILL & W. S. SHERWOOD, 614 EMPIRE BLDG. 8S7.800—RENT* FOR 83.100. ON LEASE. TO delighted tenants. Is close In on north •Ido. Just off Peachtree street. Thla la a J ; la almost brand will nay balance. ?HMRN. rDONAL L. M. JOHNSON. HOW IS THIS? A NICE 4-ROOM COTTAGE AT NO. 608 WEST HUNTER STREET, JUST COMPLETED. WOODWORK FINISHED IN FLEMISH OAK AND MANTELS IN MAHOGANY. WALLS TINTED. PRICE 81,600. HERBERT A MINOR, 218 Peters Building. NORTH SIDE HOME, 570 NORTH BOULEVARD THIS IS A BRAND NEW 8-ROOM 2-STORY HOME, JUST COMPLETED. HAS ALL CONVENIENCES AND IS MODERN IN EVERY RESPECT. PRETTY TINTED WALLS; WOOD WORK FINISHED IN OLD IVORY; DOORS AND MANTELS IN MA HOGANY; BEAUTIFUL CHANDE LIERS AND FIXTURES; CHINA CLOSET, BUTLER'S PANTRY; POR- .AIN BATH; LAVATORY AND OTHER CONVENIENCES TO MAKE IT A MODEL HOME. THE LOT 18 LEVEL AND IS IN AN EXCELLENT NEIGHBORHOOD THIS PLACE MUST BE SEEN TO BE APPRECIATED. PRICE ONLY $6,000. HERBERT A. MINOR, ^218PeteraJBd^ i ^^ J. C. BALDWIN & CO. REAL ESTATE AND INVE8TMENT8. 601 Peters Building. *1.730—ANV.IKlt AVENUE. NEAR N. BOUL- rrnnl. Jr. :,tory modern reside nee; lot 35x141 feet; .had,. BuiT term,. f.ieGlIHilll.ANir aVkNI'R; S-lt. NEW nittage, hot and cold wnter; eabluet m«n- (et« ami (lie. *30 caah, balance *S per mouth. *»»-ntiowx »t„ weAt kxiy-3-u. cuds tage, newly palated and papered: 8300 c«,h. 810 per month. $l.JIO-\Vl48T'VIEW—t-H. NEW COTTAGE. lot lOOiMO feet; $100 cnah, balance $13 per month, like rent. iuSo-iiol fll KHkJCWthii*. 6-r. Cot- tage, lot 78x178 fee* Some raah, balance C. H. WELLS & CO., 1104 FOURTH NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. 87,804 FOR 7 HOUSES ON LARGE LOT. Aulmrn, within two block, of Peachtree. Inveatora, yon had better look at thla be fore you buy. 33.604 FOR NICE HOME CLOSE IN. large lot. 144 blocks Off Peachtree. Terms can be arranged. 36.280 FOR 18-ROOM HOUSE CLOSE IN; large lot; a good Investment. LOOK-FOB $5,000 YOU CAN BUY A 15* room house that will par 1* per cent on yonr money. 8cclng Js believing. Come and let us show jrou. 34.400 FOR SOUTH PRYOR STREET home, alorin sheeted nnd double floored; on lot 84x186 to pored alloy. Plenty of frit and flowers. Terms easy. $3,750 FOR 10-ROOM HOUSE ON COUNEU lot, fronting 100 f(*t; car stops In front of your door. Tcrm< $500 cash; balance ca«y. 83,700 FOR NICE COTTAGE ON LOT lOOx 300; plenty of fndt and good garden. Thu lot facet two atreeta. Terms enav. 33,tOU FOU COLODEll i'ltOPERTY I5T gf>od condition on north side. Always rented at $42.50. fc,600 FOR NICE LITTLE UoMk 0?f north side. Terms enav. fe500 VOU 7-ltnoM HOUSE WITHIN Vi block of Washlngtoa atrcct. Terms very easy. Always rented at $21.00. New c-Uoom cottage on highland avenue for $2,500. Terms, $200 cash: bat* once easy. 32,400 FOR NEW COTTAGE HOME ON Crew atreet. Terms easy. 32,104 FDR HtGoM COTTAGE. WEST Knd. Large lot. Terms. 83.264 FOR 61100M OftTTAGE JUST OFb* Park avenue. Terme very easy. U.106 Foil F1VE-R4H1M COTTAtIB NEAR Grout street. Terms easy. LooK-FiVE-RIHIM COTTAGE 1 WITlilX' one block of Grant park, on lot U6 feet deep. Term, enay. feooo FOlt 7-UOOM BRICK l!6^dE 6S corner lot, north side. Terms very easy. HjSOu FOR 7-KOOil itdOflfc, CbOHfi IN. Enough said. $1.80J FOR M1X-RUOM COTTAGE NEAR Pork avenue; always rented at 318 month. $1.60) Foti 7-IIOOM - HOUSE ON CORNER lot, one Mock from Decatur atreet; now rented at $15 month. $L804—FOUR-ROOM CGWAGE. INMAN Park. Terms $150 cash, balance tasy. $Ti>n roit a 1 cottage lloMft NEaU Hemphill avenue. Term,. fUOO-FIVlTnOOM. COTTAGE 6N EAST avenue. Terms. For small iIoIihe, 44 block of Highland avenae. Terms easy. I«rk; on on* of tha best* street*; only a few of these left. 88$0-NIcE lot ON ()a)’ITOI, aveNUe. VACANT IdiTA^tVBCr gifABlD. on' the North IJeeatur car line, tut n few mlnntra' ride from center of city; no lot amnllrr than 80x180. I’rlcea range from IIS to *00; the cheapeat property near Atlanta, and ou one of toe beat car tinea: earn run every ten mlnutei. Come In a hurry nnd T. J. LOCKRIDGE & CO. 416-17 Empire Building. Phonea—Bell 1439. Standard 1614 ta-ae-tWo UiouM' CGtYaGBA;' ItftST SJ) month. Itargaln. ©WZC'lohB T\Vt.‘ t itooii' t'OT' nth. R gam rent 8M mohl iCTo r voff' a 7 imxjaa *mnmrs: room apartmants for colored good north aide street: rented 1108 month. Theae are nearly new houses. Talk quick about thla. A real anap. yrsfffvraifK os' car line, jnat ontatde city llmlta; 81 cash and tt per week. No Interact, no taxes. m fiAVft- koMTo™ 1 h"KHTl'U61v erty on Hlmpoon street at good prices. LIST YoDk PftOI’EIttY WITU Ik you want It to change hands. RAILROAD SCHEDULES »*»ngcr Tr __ .. . . . . WEST URN AND ATLANTIC No. Arrive From— No. Irani l»_l Nashvlll* 7:10 am • 2 Nssbvlll* . S:3S am ' ~ ‘arietta . t:U am ^ Marietta ..11:10 pr^ Marietta* auhvUle M sbvilla li __ % Marietta . 2A0 pm 72 • 1 Nsshvllla 7:>pm* * ton Ito.i RAlLRi rt To— . •: 'ills S3 . »:Mpm CENTRAL OF UEOBGIA RAILWAY. Arrive From— Depart To— Rarannah ... 7:18am Macon 13:01am Jaeksoavilla ; IM am — Ma<*m . ■avaaaah Macon rtlln . 7:30 am Rarannah ... 1:00 am 11:40am Macon 4:00 pm k ... 4.-08 pm Ravnnnah ... 8:18 pm 134,0 'lackaonvtllo . 1:81 pn ATLANTA AND WERT POINT BAIL- ROAD. Arrlva From— .Depart To— •Selma ......U:40aai •Mqafgoaary 8:» Ssr5.j®raSr!^.ia Pm •MwmmS'y’.VulSpm •Dally. All other tnlaa dally except Sun- 'ty. All traise of Atmata aad Wet Point Railroad Company arrlrs at aad depart s ' AUasta Terminal station, corner leu atrvet aad Madlaon avansa. UEOBGIA kulLKOAD. Arrive From— Depart To— •Augusta .... 1:00Sm•Augusta T:<Sam Won-.: lisjffisk •Aagaata ...13:»t pm Conyers ...... s.-oo pm ttSS:::: .:::^lSss •Dally. All other trains daUy except Bun co* arrange term* tor iwiance. . tttm-REVKt' ltoou (WWAttK. TIPTOP on the street; $3,000 each tenaa for Imbim-e. x-n&vu iim . roadltloa; large lot. oa East Fair etreel; rlose la; ooe-third raah, bal ance easy. E3w=¥initn akUM «>S marietta car Mae. 3.S0S feet frost: Ilea One; wnadaTTraU. raaalng water. ii.xlo-WIU. IB V SEiVTiniftM i-otTAilP. la Weat Ead; Itoo rath aad 813-10 per KXi>IIaS*iiu—\v>i WASVTiiTIXt'HAxult ■Has excellent cottage with large lot I lot on north side; BEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY. Arrive From— . Depart To— WmAlagton . {JO am Blrudagtim . 4:40 am “'u-mS ftS'vU ' NfMNM. • ;.u.w sat ,>pw York , .12:00 n New York .|J)pa Aldwrllle . .4r’ip5 Bhowa la Central time. NORTHWEST CARS. oimiXW.^" Ted^. {SI. Mlaaeapolla .... DON'T PAY RENT. It la exceedingly bid form to do so when yon can pay your own money i, ack ^ your pocket, by coming to me. Jutt run your eye over this! We'll bnlld yon a honxa Juat Ilka yon want it, on ea,y payment* (rom eg to 85,000, It yon bn> the lot. l-room, modern, now bou»o on corner lot, |ioo eg. balance ea»y monthly payments. 4-room modern new hodae, same terms 6-room, new, modern houae on large corner lot; 8334 caah; balance eaty monthly payments 7, 8 and 10-room houses ’ The College Park Land Company hare 3,000 lots to select from, $100 to CM each. Come out and aee me, or call me up. Office at end of ear Rue. Bell Phone 37-J Eaxt Point Bxehange. Collrm Park, Qa. I sell everything at College Park. EDWARD H. WALKER, The College Park Real Estate Dealer. McNEILL & SHERWOOD REAL ESTATE AND CONTRACTING 614 Empire Building. Phone 887. LOOK AT THIS! aooxiso ft. b. n. frontage, close in. Modern building on same* containing 15,• 000 aquare feet of space, worth not Icaa than 912,000. If taken wlthjn a week cun sell at $25,000 for entlr* property. FOU dALB-tfflo"'WlLLPUKCliA'SK AW elegant 9 ronm house, lot 100x200 ft., lu Inman Park, near Druid Circle. tI1Iu5T5' j4eW 't-hooH "ftoU'JiBs on beautiful corner In West End. $1,50 to >4400. FIVE NEAT 6 AND 7-IIOOM COTTAGER In toe beat part of West End, from $3,880 to $3,100. IHVoM. MITObV 'MBW"fioUBli TINTKli walls, cabinet mantela, Jieldrlm st. Only $1.700. Terms. fiU&fiiWL SEWiibitooiriioUSB"6"iT Peachtree, with over one acr* of ground. Price P400. Liberal terms or will ex* change for vacant property or smaller home. rrtwwrairwiTm It. It FUONTA' city limits. Is . $800 to $35,000 per lot. Buy now and double large and small lots. Prices THE WEATHER. . LOCAL FORECA8T. Atlanta and Vlclnlty-lx>c,l thundrnlion. tempernfure° r SuuU “ Jr ’ wl,h wnUnuvd uj WEATHER IfTcOTTON BELT. The weather In the cotton licit cuoUum, F YOU STATISTICS. BIRTH8. To Mr. and Mrs. David A. Plrkle, 75 Vena ble street, n daughter. To Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Toney, McDan iel street, a son. DEATHS. Thomas J. Pyron, aged 60 yeara, died at Kennettw, Ga. John L. Counally (Infant) died at 22 Dunn street Ilolwrt Clifton Morris, 14 months old, died of dysentery at 105 Raw son street. Ladle Htarr, 10 montha old, died of dysen tery at M Darts street. William T. Bell. 67 vet., tonltls at 670 N. Bonlevai,. Infant chUd of Mrs. Mary Jockoon^ _ months old. died at the Sheltering Anne of twnhnlil fnvnp PROPERTY TRANSFER8. $10—Kate Htrlcklsnd,, executrix, to Aaron Haas, lot on Forsyth street. Quit claim deed. $1,075—Mrs. Victoria F. Burton to Mrs. Josephine Sommer*, lot on Tennessee ave nue, near Pnror street. Warranty deed. $4,875—W. P. Kelly to W. L. Uulnn, lot _a Prospect place, near Highland avenue. Bond for title. $10,400—Same to same, lot on corner o: ::*ros|NH?t place and Highland avenue. Bond $2,000-?Mra. Lannle H. Daniel to Mrs. T* A. Allen, lot on Cooper street, near lUch ardson. Warranty deed. $1.200— Annie II. Wilson to C. W. Lari more, lot on Adamsonvllie road. Bond for title. $1.200-Georgla Loan and Trust Co. to C. A. Nichols, lot on corner of Johnson street and Avenue E. Warranty deed. ATLANTA MARKETS. FRUITS AND PRODUCE. Officially corrected by Atlanta Fruit and Produce exchange. LemoiiaJ6.35 to 18.84. Umea 75 to It. I’cachea. Plnenppl . time well storked. Itnnnna,. straight., tr— hooch II $1.78. Culle. per bunco, 81 to 11.23. Watermelon,, 17.60 to 820.00 per ICO; de. mend good. POULTRY AND COUNTRY PRODUCE.- Live ben, X> to 17V4f; frlea S% to 28r; brollerg 16 to S}4c. I.lve ducks, Pekin ti to Sc; puddle 3 to 37Hr. Dreed ben,, per lb., 12r to 13c. Egga, per tloxcn, 17 to 171*. Butter, table, per lli., SO to 3344c; cook' — ' to 16c. - J,0c ,b-: ,B Wb> nlcl “ U “viiOKTABLER.-Iriah poUtoeo. No. stock 2.77 Old ir/oh potatoes, per liuahel, 81.30. Old aweet potatoes, per hnahel, $1 to |L2S; »w aweet iwtatoea IK75 buahel. Uherrlea, il^uart crate. 81.80 to lt.78. Uantalotipea, per crate. $1.10 to $3.80. Bbirkherrieo 10 to 2214c nwrt ewberrlea 10 to ir*o gnarr. FLOUR, GRAIN, PROVISIONS. FLOUR.—Poatels Elegant 84.38; Diamond Patent $•: faaev pe-ent 83.10; half patent 84.10 to 8L86: i.rtcy 88.80- spring wheat Pateat B.304IC Market strong. OUN.-Choice ted cob 78c; No. 3 white :.No. 3 yellow 71c; mixed 72c. ATR—Choice white clipped, 83c; choice whBc. Me; choice mixed, 48c; Texts root MEAL—Plain water grooad, -per hnthel, 78c? Iioltrd 140-lb. lutes, per bushel, 81c. Rborts, white. 81.40: medium. 81.38; brown, 6L»>: bare bran. 8l30; mixed bran, 8L18. HAY.—Timothy, cholra large bales, 81.10: do., cholee small bales aft; do.. No. 1 timothy bales. 81.08; do.. No. 3 3t; do., No. I rtover mixed 81.06; do.. No. * closed mixed CLOVER.—Choice Me. Tbc Jbovc Prices an f. o. h. Atlanta, and sobjact to Immeiltate ncrept,nee. GROCERIES. RUOAR.-S.bndard ernnulated 6c. New S? Mar^t PUDU, '*“ 4 '‘ to • WBk-fcMfiO Arlmckla-a 818.50; Sf k •ll o .r!5fwS;^ a,^,,, • W » according to CIIEERE— F«n«r7ull cream dairy, l«4c; vln, 14c: brick, 14c. Market ■troag. ^ «iv»«h.-::::::::: jg ■matte. Dry nte extra ritw; belRaa - 1 WEATHER FORECAST. and Wear Mnrlila—flencrnlly fnlr Hatunhi and Hnmlay; light south wind,. ' Last Texas—Partly cloudy Katnr.lai ,g Sunday; frch south wlmla on the o«,t YYcal Tenneaaee, Kentucky, and Arkaa •aa—Fair Saturday and Sunday. WEATHER CONDITIONS. With hut few exception, the weather t» . OTCr nl0 * t of the United Sum with high teinpernturee throughout the South nnd tb» rnatern bxlf of the m,p. The Isotherm of 80 drgrees reaches aa far north ta Now York city, while at Waahiarim, I>. t., a rnrrrut temperntore of At deine, waa rccotded at 8 a. in. Xlnety.flve de or higher waa reglatororl Friday it the following atntlons: Columbus. (Ja IN degrcea; Angnata, Oa.. 98 degree.; Cbir- lotto. V C., 86 degrees; Raleigh. X. c.. R degraes. Rhowera occurred In the upper Mlaalnlppl valley, the Lake region and In the oortle east. Thunderstorms accompanied the sbowera at St. Louts, Knnsa, City, Date,, port. Chlrego and Buffalo. , The conditions favor local thnndrnhnwet, in this sect loti tonight or Hnndny with ct* tinned high temperature. 8. b. MARnfRT, Local Forecaater. COTTON regIon BULLETIN. meridian time, Jane ■ding at I 80. 1906. ATLANTA DISTRICT. 3' •Atlanta, clear •rhattauooga, cloudy... C’olumbuM, clear Oalneavlllc, clear lirecnvUle, clear (Jrlffln, dear •Macon, clear Moutlcello, dear Newnan. clear.,., Home, dear....... Hpartanlmrg, dear. •fTailapooM, clear Toeeoa. dear Weat Point, clear •Sllnltnmu temperatures are for 12-boar peritMl ending at S a. m. thla ditto. ••Itccelved late (wire trouble); not la* eluded In averages. Heavy Rainfall: Madlaon. Fla.. i.H CENTRAL STATION. 'Atlanta Augnata Charleston ... Halves ton .... Little Hock . Memphis Mobile Montgomery . New Orleans.. Oklahoma .... Mavannah ..... Dial. ArarafM. Temp* lure. nimlngtbn ¥ Indicates Inappreciable 7iMnfaiT^^| . The temperaturea continued un*e.i»*»uiWf high, alight does being reported In nwg sections for the past 24 hours. The W« waa practically free from rainfall with »• exception of t'hnrleaton, Montgomery Rarannah dlalrlcta. maRBI’BT. I^rsl Kor«ssl«f. ROSIN PRICES HIGHER TURPENTINE LOWER Special to The Georgian. , , , mavannah, Ua„ June SO—Knlrlt. 'Jupwj tine broke Wr in the late trailing ye»t«Jtf nrternoon. the rllnuax coming to the wj*»- neu evident during the eesnlen when gnmi imnaeil from Arm to golet as to tone, r* the post ten days the price hss *)cc n "JJt talnetl at 67He, the surfsec to’lng cntlrrW placid, no tendency to advance or jjeennv Itelng shown. Receipt, for the week hat* not been a, heavy ns the nnst week, uj with a smaller supply the decline moat without warning. It has I— tlleteil for some time that n 'Jeel 10 ' ,... likely nnd hence the change dbl not "e prise nnylwdy. The probability smb to be that the price will remain Vj* some weeks, or perhaps for the rentaiMw of the season, aa It la claimed that to 8J mueh lower wonbl take away neariy *“ proOt foe the prodneer. anil wool.1 ee™P provoke retaliatory raeannres. Whmj M naval stores week closed gulct at STHe. mj new week wilt np*n today no doubt Urn » a decline of He. . In the rosin market there was p">• an advance all along the line. Ije P— Itelng the lenders. \V W feagaln «bove>- 88 line, ami In the late trading »«•J on nit sltles. assuring a attfl vanee for the opening of the n.w The poles are In good denwnd "•' h ''' Av, dnctlon decreases. Domeatle *’’* r *L- r i 0 g«. I teen taking the majority of the until at the very last the el port.'ru o l j and acoopetl la noroe Urge lines. ' |( . seem unlikely tkat there will be any at rial advance during the coming w«* 8TOCK8 AND BONWL ^ Atlsnts ! Wm! Uolnt'bebt*. I * ti R. of ti^fghi Rrat tocoaw g i» WUI pay caah difference It deterring. Chicago hams. ttr. I try . M lbs. I? SS; fat lark 86 Hana, lard P. ltd 5 Drift compound 7Vi- It- l tellies 13 tta!^.-