The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, June 30, 1906, Image 9
FRIDAY, jrxrc rt». irw. JOSEPH B. LIVELY THE GEORGIAN’S RECORD OF MARKETS AND FINANCE Mr. Lively** 3? years' experience ,1 rdltlug mnrket* In Atlanta and tho South has made him i» roc- osnlzod authority lu hi* specialty. ' DULL UNO LISTLESS JULY IK NEW ORLEANS SHARPLY HIGHER. Late Months Hold Very Steady, Pending the Government Report. Adrle*. from Liverpool were favorable It (ho npenlmr, hut the clnrtag quotation, wrro aomewbnt dteaypolntlng, the opening •4r«nce being lost, probably <lu« to tender. ft 4.3)0 bale*. Spot a were marked up 4 points on nit. of 4,0') balei at 8.14 for middling, la New York trading In futurea waa dull, wlrli hualneaa very tuiall oven for n bait lollday. duly In Near Orleans bordered on tbs son- Mtl.mal opening :i points lower ot 10.0. Tke prlee gras foreed Irregularly up to 11.20, jmtuatlons both up nml down being wide. — - -'- aide aaya: “Tb* Jaly dy held In tbs bands „ — —i- -I" future course de pend! entirely on whether or not dellrerles are made, nnd If no, to what extent" Another nays: “The efforts of the big holla are undoubtedly directed toward keeping He price of July within bounds, for they •till nave the lesaon of July, 1904, at heart la that year cotton was oren i lJrerpool to lie tendered on bull! bare no desire for a repetition of this performance nnd are therefore liendlng their energies to keoji prices down until the danger of shlpmnts Is over. Likewise they •re doing their best to keep July tnder •pots, but with Indifferent successes. With the price of July higher than spots much cotton would 'probably lm tendered. Some P rotore bellere that If July goes much aer New York will ship a big lot hare, ml this l« nut probable so long as the dig- ' ' ‘ Liverpool some of the selling waa presumably against cotton that will probr ably 1st shipped from New York.”—Warn X island. , SPOT COTTON MARKET. Atlanta-Steady. lOftc. New York—Quiet, 10.80. New Orleans—Firm, HVhc. RANGE IN NEW ORLEAN8 COTTON Tha following la tbs ranga In cotton futurea In New Orleans today: Last Prsvlons pen. High. Low. Sale.. Cloee. Close. Jaly. .1M» 11.1) Aug. ' id. open. man. tow. oaie.. s.ioae. uqm. . .l3j6 U.30 10.* 11.14 11.14-1? M.9?-fS . .10.44 10.75 10.61 10.43 10.IS4I 10.57-44 .10.23 10.39 10.33 10.23-40 10.40-41 Oct. ,.io.a io.a io.a io.a io.».a w.g-a 10.34-24 10.24-73 m »?ir lleh. .10.46 10.46 10.46 10.46 10.4T-48 10. Closed steady. RANGE IN NEW YORK COTTON. Tha following Is the range In cotton futures In New York todny: Last Prevloui July .°£ia' mfi 1, lo°iI' mio* Ang. io.a io.a io.i2 io.n-33 lo.a-to Kent 10.3243 10ill-«2 .io.a io.a io.a lfln-s: lofo-jj 10,41-43 10.41-41 llcb. .10.4* 10.43 .10.44 10.40 10.44-40 10.47-4» Closed steady. LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET. ton dull, with prices Uud*. 6.14d. Sales ;»*nilntlon and export ow. mrrlran 1,500. Futurea opened iteady. opening Ranee. one nne-July ...... Jaly Auguat .... Ana. Sept «e|ot.-€N«t “ Xor ...Dec in.-Feb. ...... “ b March .... .*d quiet. ... DC Up* American *.$00; ; receipt! 2.000, Prsvtou* CO*. Cbme. r r. > v cuX- S.MA.77 8 77 5.72-5.00 5.00 5.44-5.00 8.60 6.IM.54 6.64 M Slit" S.M-5.C 5.54 IS 5.54-5.67 NEWS AND GOSSIP Of tho Fleecy Staple. Private W!re to Glbert * Clay. New York. June 3U,—LJverpnnl dosed % « nlcner on this crop and uncbsnjrea on next. It was expected to hr I I s ber on July-Aogust and f on ill others. Journal of Commerce aaya: “A few Jargo iKfi* fjom tbe west were In iho market during the day operating In printad go. I blenched goods, but tbs general tram and the general trace *!* OUlet ana without special feature. There was a more active movement In heavy shearings for domestic consumption at prices lower than those which hare been inrevalllng openly, euch ee 5 pee cent Vr four-ytriT54x60.. but In proportior* to lie production the eele. were InBultesimal and had no bearing on market renditions except mo fer ae they were talked of by buyers.’!— DThe Journal of Commerce make, the July condition 42.7, egalnet 32.1 lent month and year. On the opening call July from 10.21 down to 10.14 befe made. New Orleans, June 40.—Llverpoqj nt t opening partially responded to onr ndvnn hut closed disappointingly at practically i change) prices from yesterday, Waa d MOVEMENT OP COTTON DURING PAST WEEK Secretary Heater, of the New Orleana ■otton Exchange, In hla weekly atateinent f the movement of cotton for week end ing yesterday, shows a decrease In tbe amount brought Into eight, a* compared with last year, of 55,000 bales, on Increase of 18,000 over the same tluie In 1104 and an Increase of 15,000 over 190*. For the twentymine days of Jnne the to* talc ahow a decrease under the last year ot 207,000, an Increase over tbe same period year before last of 112,000, and an Increase over the same time In 1908 of 86,000. For ithe 502 days of the season that have elapsed, the aggregate la behind the 502 days of last year S,077[000, ahead of the game ‘«r» year before last 521,000 and ahead of 03 by 127.000. The amount brought Into sight during tha past week has been 56,885 bales, against 94,* 543 for the seven days ending this date last ear, 39,223 year before last, and 41,420 for he same time In 1903: and for the twenty, nine dajv of June It has beta 249,637, against 457.040 last year, 137,421 year before last and 183,662 the same time In 1901. The movement since September 1 shows receipts at all United States porta ot 7,647,* 878, against 9.590.511 last year. 7.066.628 year Indore last and 7.660,760 same time ll 1905. Overland across tha Mississippi. Ohio and Potomac rivers to northern mills and Can ada 921,164, against 1.066,061 last year, 90I,* 960 year before last and 1,064,494 the same time In 1903; Interior stocks In excess of those held -at the close of the commercial year 78,996, against 160,210 last year, 84,141 year before last, and a decrease the same time In 1901: southern mills* takings 1,996,000, against l.ttfc.713 last year. 2.762.30 year be fore Inst and 1,909,766 same time in J903. These make the total movement for the 802 days of the season from September 1 to date 10,643,040, against 12,720.49 last /ear, 9,822,118 year before last and 10,116,096 tha same time In 190*. • Foreign'exports for the week have been 40,163, against 73.614 iast year, making the total thus far for the season 6,214,545. against 5.0S3.&00 last year* a decrease of 'Northern mills' takings and Canada dar ing tlm past seren days show a decrease of 2,747. as compared with the correspond ing period last year, and their total takings since September 1 have increased 94,040. Tbe total takings of American mills, north, south, and Canada, thus far for the season have been 4,329,661, against 4,148,454 Inst year. These Include 2.279,601 by northern spinners, against 2.185.561 _ * Stocks at the seaboard and the twenty- nine leading southern Interior canters have ‘ during the week LITTLE INTEREST T MOVEMENT IN STOCKS WAS VERY NARROW. Outside Business Was Small. Bank Statement Not Good as Expected. By Prlvuto I .envoi! Win. New York, Juno 30.—In the .took market, tho majority of elocko at the opening allowed decline, extending to a point In Anaconda, Atlantic Coast I.In. nml Cmmillun I’aclllc. Tile lust mentioned rallied l-4c. Huger opened 3-tc lower. Pennsylvania declined 3-4e In nil. Atchison loet 3-4c. Heading declined 3-8c nnd Amalgamated and National Lead I-4c. Union I’aclllc de clined 3-8c and rallied I-4c. Price movements, a few of 111" high-priced Ivmics, acre rmn.-u. and there was little Interest to the trading on the stock exchange floor during tho tlrst hour. Outaldo busl- IICHK was .small, nml no one to care whether congress adjourned or not, as long as they could flu la tixna until the exchange closed to leave the street. Governments unchanged. Other bonds quiet 00000300 OOOCKHJOOOOa o o 0 8TR0NQ APPROVAL O 43 FOR THE GEORGIAN O FROM AUTHORITIES. Atlanta, Go., June 35, 1906. Mr. Joseph H. Lively, t f. Market Editor, The Georgian, City. Dear Sir: We wish to express our appreciation ot the very at tractive market page which The Georgian la publishing from day to day. It being one of the moet complete we have had any ex perience with. Youra truly, LOUIS J. ANDERSON * CO. Cuatls N. Anderson, Manager. RANGE OF NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Jilpcii 1 High'I..1W f('!..»cj’lli,T II", Anniesniated Copper........... Atlantic Coast Uue American Sugar lt.nulog Anaconda . American Locomotive * *. . do preferred American HmeJUng Refining do preferred..., ..... Atcblaou do preferred ..‘I!!!!!!!!!!!* Ametlcau Cotton Oil . Baltimore nml Ohio Brooklyn JInpbl Tranalt ******. Canntllan 1'aHfle \ Chicago nnd Northwestern... Chesapeake nn«l Ohio ; Colorado Fuel and Irou t .. Central Leather . , do preferred *...!• Chicngi» iiii<l tirertt Western • Chicago, Milwaukee nnd St. Paul • Delaware and Hudson ; Distiller's Securities Erie do preferred General Electric Illinois Central American Ice Securities, l/onlsvllle and Nashrllle. Mexican Central .Mlnsourl Pacific New York. Ontario and Western Nntlonnl I^oad Northern Pacific * New York Central Norfolk aud Western.. l'ennsylvanla ■people's 1'ressed S do. t»referred. i»aclflc Mall • Bending , Itcpnhllc Steel Bock Inland,. do. preferred United StHtcs Itnbber ,u,„. do preferred Southern l*nclflc .i..,. Southern Bnllway do. preferred. ,L rviivoa-ShelTleld Tennessee .Coal and Iron Texas and Pacific United States Steel do. preferred Virrlula-Carollna Chemical. do. preferred Western Union Wabash do. preferred Wisconsin Central do. preferred BUYING OF COTTON OF GOOD CHARACTER riw dav, they and advaoevu uf Inlying by ilMrMMd th, week 33.774 Imlea, agalo.t a dKrnw during th. cornapondlng tieriod la.t w«*on of tbjtt nod ar# now 96.306 amall.r than nt thl. ilat. In 1906. Including stock, left over »t port, and ..itorlor town, from th. laat crop »»d th. number of hal*. brought Into light thna .. —- aqpply to dat. for th. oh period loat p*r. > world', vial hi, .upply of rntton. a. , up by Bwretary lIMfar, of tha New ,na cotton exchange, ahowa a deeveaae TO."IVY'S PORT RECEIPTS. ne following table ahowa i Ujai today, compared with v ESTIMATED RECEIPT8. New Orleana exneeta 40# to 440 hales, ■ealnat 1.11, actual laat year. (Jalvoton. to 3,000. again,t 2,243 aettttl, lloiiatoo, 1^00 to 1400. against 3 «*t year. THE DRY GOODS MARKET. By Private lenol JVIff ... New York, June 30.—The dry goods mar Let was quiet. Cdlton sflfersssH-e Western operators. r 57 r hSTCS2S.7 ‘ ■•nla and Bulgaria. ,'rpmS'ln Row |Mkla Boat THE WORLD'S VI8IBLE 8UPPLY OF COTTON The Grlnns' for the ’week ended” yeaterdav of 137.545. ssJsi.Vf'T^ in* ^'SLd'*?' *^*- or«.«s ^ ... 041 laat year and 3.037,903 yaar before la.t. Of th). the total of American cotton la 1.769,4?? agalnat 1.JM.01I laat week. 2.181.041 teat year arid 1.(6:,*» year before teat, and of all oth«- klnde, J< ’fhe*total woriSte rlelhle*aoppir of cotton an abort ahowa a decrease compare,! with laat week of 137.445. a decrease compared with laet year of 32.873 and an Increase compered with year hefor. la.t of 1,044/- Ofthe worid’a visible supply ofcoitnn 9 nor 96.400. agalnat 115,000 wg Waa l, agilnat K4.000 test .— — 474.000 year before la.t. ami In th, 1'nlted states 630.400. agalnat 411,000 hut year and 764.000 year before telt. la.t;'in Fj India S, 904 r .l CHRONICLE'S WEEKLY REPORT ON COTTON New York. Jon. a-VOw taletraph ra- K t. from the Ronth thl. evening Indicate t on the who!, the weather hat been aattifaetory during the week. Reports from Texas ar* to th. effect that the drought ha. been broken amt there hat been tain In almost nil. other localities. ‘M, r.h^r n .rj. , *eh3p t ,h , a m t; etate."—Glbert A Clay. GIBERT A CLAY'S DAILY COTTON LETTER Uvwpoof'mart.f’ii^r^iiESFm’aceord^wlth ^.ife dTr^'C'fSr. •pot I Bin’ll ."martoir li«t S: ■making eplendbl the I nduenee tercet /r'j-, L, gimpm Bendld‘ntagrcaa aod'wlthoiit inWHir,—- of reflected support, prieea {Sold EJIdoobtedly ahow n not aaraanonabte ■nsccptlblllty to bearish tactic.. ■4 E. ALABAMA 6t. •w York Stock Cxcbang. 'New 7 •* Tork Cotton Biepange >'• : -W Tork Coffe. Eicnaogr 'New GIBERT A CLAY STOCK*. BONO*. COTTON. CHAIN. COFFEC. PROVISION* Vm** 'Hi!'**** Board of Trafia. &£,«•. rS- " Ex bin*' U, -rpool C<..'o. A.r ’.Tlo Orlvnns |k»sr«: of I rad* «»sh^ton < i.x r.anj —. „ -"ye- ^ p A QAN, Manager, ATLANTA. OA. 0000000 0 0000 0O00000 "stock SALE8. WARE A. LELAND'S DAILY COTTON LETTER New York, Juno 30.-A ahnro advance of 28 points In July cotton In Sctv t»rh unking the advance 60 points lu two i lufus«til considerable steadiness In tho ton market today. Liverpool adrlcoa ' vsry disappointing, In that the Initial vnnee of 4 to 6 points wns not held, foreign market closing unchanged for dny. But tho deslro to buy cotton oil -— i.nrt of shorts was In evidence nt ^ open ing, nml prhres ruled steady during, tha en tire session. An Improvement of 6 to 7 polntn took place In July, and other mouths advanced fractionally. Reports, from the Houth show favorable progress of tha crop, but It is evident there la not enough short selling at .tho present time on a bosui of Bteto carry w nt tw dellvrriciir and’ t'ba't any chan*, ln”th. fi-| vorable tenor of crop account, would And very little cotton tor eala when Imy.ij at tempted to pnrchaaa. The utylcrtone of the [narxet hna ahown moro atrength line, yea- terday morning than for some time past.r RECEIPTS OF COTTON SHOW MARKED DECREASE Special to The Georgian. ’ ’ Augu.ta, Ga.. June 30.—Yeatcrday cloacl tbe cotton week, and tha receipt, u com pered with th. correejKinitlng week te.t year ahowa a marked decree ee. Tfce total amount rnelTOl te.t week waa 285 bate, egalnet 3.613 ot te.t ynr. The Trice of cotton I. .1.0 good! In fact li la nearly 3c hlvh.r thl* ynr than It w.« te.t. There I. being much mid on the “block" ■bout the .melirecelpte, nml It « generally concee.te.1 that th* crop will be n ahort oieT The farmer! are arill bolding to what they have on hand, however, for th. .lock yeatcnlay wo. 38,1*0, .g.ln.i J6.441 of lo.t jear. IcHRONIOlE’B WEEKLY CROP STATEMENT Following la th# statistical position o cotton on Friday, Juno Zt. as made up br the New York Flnancisl Chronhdc, by prl- rate leased wire to Wnre & Iceland: < This least last Week. Week. tear. Visible supply.. 5.0W,»t S.M.W American ....... tWf Crop la sight....10,4 Far weak...... Port receipt#.., Stork Kxports ••••«•*•■ Interior racetpt. 74.: Int. ahlpmeut... » lot. etock. 1*7J TAKINGS OF COTTON BY WORLD'S SPINNERS Takings of American cotton by tbe ..orld's spinners, according to Secretary lfosvsr. Including correctloua, arw as fol- NEW YORK BANK STATEMENT. The wrykly atatrment of |h. New York •eenclated bonk, .howa th. following changn: Incrcaea. DocrMM. neaerre* 11,142,8* IkMU* < 815.400 ?|W'« glix'lii 1.446,300 L**»l6 2.S7LSV) ll.po.lte .’ 144,700 Circulation 106,700 ATLANTA CLEARING HOUSE STATEMENT Today, Jana 30. 1404 Ram* day la.t year Week Ham. week la.t year , 2,419,112.117 . 16.406,444.44 : . 113,441,034.94 Cloeo, COTTON SEED OIL MARKET. New Tork. June 60.—Th* market for cot- too ***d oil wmb moderately active and •teafly. There waa trailing in nearly averv mouth from July to January, but with prieea ahowlng very little change from Thunder. The hualneaa waa mainly In July and Keptemher. In tbe near iKmlrion It fa arill a walling market, with the trade altll Indlapoaed to operate until after tbe July dollvarlsa are placed. Th* new crop do- •rill waiting on crop dovelop- ... ■ a narrow movement of cotton la reflected In a Ilka manner In oil for fall ■■■■■SMriSSa^B^ market the price* unchanged era A l-elanil. • Opening. July September October November «: r m. 400 July at 36*. 3D0 November al and 100 November at 3U9. NEW YORK edPFEE MARKET. Following Is given the opening and cloning ..Dotations of the New York coffee market today: Opening. Closing. January.. .. ,, „ .. 6.8M.I6 Febmary.. 6,9041.95 6.904.91 March.. 7.00-7.06 7.00-7.05 April 7.06-7.10 7.10-7.15 May 7.15-7.30 7.15 ' “ Juna ir July..... .. 6.804.60 *■ 7i* August 6.404.66 5.40 445 septembar.. 5.694.55 5.504,8 October 6.5A4.C5 6.564.40 ‘Tovemhcr 5,6T “ “ lecemUur 6.71 Sales, 7,000. CJoaod quiet. M'CULLOUGH BROS/ FRUIT AND PRODUCE LETTER Atlanta, Os., June 96.—A normal demand prevails on dressed poultry fit quotation prices. The consumption of such goods Is piore or less limited during the warm son now prevailing. Live poultry receipt! for two days past have been more excessive, and with tbe continuation of tame we anticipate the market ahowlng a alight downward tendency as to valuta. The egg supply Is more than Is necessary to meet trade requirement a at present. The demand la weak: and limited, with prices ahowlng a decided wtakneae. The milter ruarfcet h«6 been thoroughly move the accumulation at any | Old crop aweet potatoes la a thing of tbs . ast for the present season. The new crop will I»eg1n to more In a limited way during the next two or three weeks. Very little demand for okra, peppers, cel- try, cucumbers, egg plants or squash. Fancy tomatoes sesreo and ready salt at advanced prices. Pineapple* pU ntlful and a drag In* the market at the lowest prices of the season. receipts for two days alamt » Jmeet requirements at satisfac tory prices. Melons are In light .sui A dug superior to imunn.., w, , ... w.S (WAV/ *F< of July demand prevailing, scarce and Ing at high prices. Lemons are alao showing decided ad- at points of Importation. Very lit- ng In oranges. noninwrsiern marseis iea in ms In wheat, proapects being for a larger move- S ent next week. Country kcceptnncea were itter and tbe trade generally la looking _ -,r luiuir, ai i rn u, >i yesterday In the oouthweat were sal fll»ernl. A Chicago house bought 25.0 sis here on low bids and others pl< a number of small lota. Id to l»e .000 bush- picked up New York, June 30.—The Han says: "The July notices, amounting to ao.noo bide*. h*d less effect than was expected. It Is not the first time that the Iwars have luuppm! out a certain program for a day, only to find that they had got the cart before f^ie horse. At any rate, a*‘* HI tied moderately esrly »4»on turned the other way sharply under the Influence the large apot houses and o _ J many thmisht this Indicated a Arm under tone. At least, It Indicated that cotton Is uot such a drug In the market as the pesal mists had su -* — '— oralde, the "spite* of It* si ft he re the next criq>, and some private Liverpool S dvlcea state that the undertone there ts rm. Home have evened np pending the K rerninent report which Is to appenr on Ij 5."—Glbert i$ Clay. New Orleans, June 50.—'Tlmes-Deinocrst: "The formation of n pool on Thursday with emiugh long Interost in July ludd I11 strong hamla—some thirty or forty thousand bales —to oqueeso New Orleans shorts out of n pretty peuny In the event the deal t«ns out sa expected has complicated the r Itlon considerably nnd yestei ffh lcnt coi linle, r _ tie Influence of sentiment gained price ground In the fare of n Iteansti crop outlook. The spot market evidenced Improvement, moat of which was traceable to the strength oj July contracts and tho promise of a nqueene. At the moment the situation appears to Involve some relatively cotisequentinl :h nothing really Itni ise of tit* couqdlcated tho mer position conslderabl; local ring scared up s« lu that option to (most “ * “■ T«>l» *T— nlned mid- .—irday spfflclent covering that aptlon to InmnH It tl a bale. Mean i ille the new crop through subtle Inn hllltles, though — likely to occur liecaui l>oaal' portions of the speculative Interest In all positions and a bureau condition showing anything less than radical In the general profeaalonal view will hardly stir up n whirlwind because the public persistently refuses to take n hand. The week end figure! were about a stand off, though bull ish to the extent of showing a greater rib crease In the visible supply than 1 same week In any previous year." 1 for tl ."-Wa THE LIVE STOCK MARKET. By ITlvate Leased Wire. Chicago. Jnne 50.—Hog*— Receipts today 11,000. Market good for fair; others weak: qualify fair; le/f oxer 4.263: bulk I4.72H# J 80: estimated for Monday 45,000; lip" “ jnillfy C?io"mix'*d”9*'a©i;«WLimSr’ STaofefla; rough! I?.:ivsi?.46: plxi 45.iKMr4.60; j-ork.ra 46.73l4C4.77li; good to choir. h**vr 44.750 C*tt|«—K.tlniitcl receipt. 400. M«rk*t •tP!ilr; qualltr fair: li*er** 444J6.10; cow, 11.364/4.60j ll*lf*n Ollrc* |5C 6.25: good prim* iter, CS.l'Ui.lo; poor to miHlIula 94CJ.10; .tockor. and feedra 43.70 hhrap—ICa tint, ted | ©7.60; western fc.23©7.76. Market ,20; west* tuba |6.25 STOCKS REVIEWED BY NEW YORK SUN New York, June 16.—'The Sun says: Prices of stocks at tha opening were generally a little lower than they closed Thursday, re flecting perhaps tbe Influence of tbe lower range 4if quotations sent over from Ixhi- •Ion, After • while* prior* rallied imp I Hue Hinted without any great Hiruigi- lu the last two hours stocks again developed pro nounced wenkucM nml fell rapidly with only a small rally Just before the Hose, on the decline many of the jtrluHpal storks, such as Culled States tfb-H rvuimon. Mis •our! I’aclflc, and Rending tombed lower ~ lira than they haw at any tluir Rian* ■ culmination of the upward movement .. prices that ensued after the period «.f lemorallxatlon In the flrst days of May and * " “ ' ***-* Htcri storks made a* new —* year. Rsnerlal prnaure converged upon Northern 1'nHflr. Great Northern preferred and so-called Hill group of sureties, while on n very small volume of trading I'arJflc Mall stock broke heavily. —Olbcrt ft Clay, WHEAT WAS UNDER SELLING PRESSURE OPENED UNSTEADY TO A SHADE LOWER. Heavy Northwest Receipt* and Good Harvesting Weather Chief Factors. By Private Leased Wire. Chicago, June 30.—Stop ?4*s« so-IIIng wns * feature and a factor In tho wheat market, which Hosed HAH* lower for the dny sa around the bottom prices reached. The re ceipt of Are cam new Turkey wheat here showed the longs that tho grain hoa com menced to move la earn, rit There wna some wheat sold on short account. The local longs In wheat are about out- that Is. the most Important ones, nnd there are good-sixed short linen In new western sud S49tithwe*ti'ru nci'oimt. Corn held np falriy well on shorts cover ing, the Hose being \ t«» *' 4 r higher, oats were up Mi to »*c and !»«*« products had gains or 5 to 26c. Cash sales here M,000. No. 1 northern sold here at 8515r. Primary receipts of wheat :w>,non for tht nd corn 682.0‘m, compared with J74.006 • lively a year ago. dny and and 762,< CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET. arket ranged aa fol* Open. High. WHEAT— July. . SI st Sept. . MU si** Dec. .. CORN— July. . 62U r- 4 fr pt * * Dec. 50 60Vi . OATS— & : 5® | Ti ^VORk-”* '* July. .17.00 17."1 8*nl. .14.75 U.*3V4 LARD— July. . 8.75 9M Hcpt. . 8.97V4 s.f.:*4 Oct. 8.974.. 9.0o SIDES— July. . 9.45 9.M Hept. . 9.X :• 40 Oct. ..9.'J.lR K0T4 Sis MVk S3 m3 S3 9 tT'-i 9.40 9 27% 9.») 'J 12% 9.01% PRIMARY MOVEMENT. The following figures give the primary movement uf wheat nnd corn: Whe*f--Re<*«. lifts today :»«>./»»•> bushels, agnlnst 387,onn i>uhIic|h laat year; Nhlniueiits toil ay tl.Ou" boahsts, against Imshels last year. Corn—Receipts to<lay 682.CO0 Imshels, agnlnst 762.arO lm«he|s fnst year; shipments todny Mft.QOQ bushels, iigulust MI.'mi bushels lost year. SOUTHERN EXCHANGE Oldest Established Office South. COTTON STOCKS BONOS - BRAIN Ground Floor Gould DulRMng. Daily market letter nnd market manual mailed on application. CHICAGO CAR LOT6. Wheat Corn ... Oats ... Hogs .. Today. Tomorrow. LIVERPOOL GRAIN MARKET. Cora closed % to H higher. L. J. ANDERSON ft CO Bankers and Brokers, COTTON, STOCKS, 6RAIN Correspondent’s Capital $250,000 acFcaiNcc. tmk ncal bank SHONE I4IT. PailOENTIAL SLOO HAVE YOU ANY MONEY AHEAD? tl It Inveited whero It Is perfectly nufo? Is it aYtlltblo now It FOr your door? KTU.N'E should knock *t Prepare yourself to tnko advantage of opportunity by Investing your lavlnga In this bank, whoro they will earn 3V4 per cent COMPOUND INTERE8T, bo per fectly safe and available practically on demand. CENTRAL BANKS TRDST CORPORATION, CAPITAL - - - - $500,000.00 Occidental Fruit and Produce Co. — IMC0KP0HAJIB — 'vs:,, ■ WHOLESALE FRUITS AND PRODUCE AND CENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. HEADQUARTERS FOR BANANAS, PEACHES AND CANTALOUPES THE HUSTLERS J. M. COPELIN, Pres. 2 N. BROAD ST. JOS. GENNTISON, Mgr. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Aea G. Candler, Pratid.nL W. H. Patter.on. Vlee-Preiident. A. P. Cots., Caehler. John 8. Owen,, Vic«-Pr«»ident. Wm. D. Owen., C.thl.r. tear .ud 171.000 la.t year, and 6,. S3k.%jss atft T«.r£ r fe teat year, aitd 4JW.01# «h« yrar betora. PIEDMONT BROKERAGE CO.’S DAILY COTTON LETTER New York, J.m 36.—Th. cotton market tortey ha. bwa telrly iteady tad •iroi*. SBreJst •wd tlM Joiraal of Caracrca rtfort aa lepf* of ona-st: market i [•d q«lt» W. 16 to Lacal and L«ng Dietene. T.I.phon. 626*- market *f**r opnlng 4 to 5 petal on fhe* old rrop and two points rm# higher on th# n^w, which w b#tt#r than du^ ‘ " tho ehuttmt prl** *t rraterder- Tb. ri*s« wae Mrady. net «aek«.»6 to ala* pulaia higher. But a favoraM* taoatUy port from tb* arnnarat next Tucaday baa erldcatlj ten dlacoeatad. ATLANTA NATIONAL BANK ATLANTA, GA. C. E. CURRIER. President. A. E. THORNTON. Vlce-Pr.ild.nt, H T. INMAN, Vle*-Pr,»ld,nt. OEO. R. DONOVAN, Ceihler. JAMES 8. FLOYD, A.i’t Cashier. Capital $500,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits $500,000.00 We Solicit Your Patronage. MADDOX-RUCKER BANKING CO. CAPITAL SURPLUS AND PROFITS ... account* lavrrto We invite accounts of individuals, corporations, banks and bankers and oiler the best terms consistent with conservative banking. In our Ravings Deportment w# »iu%m fnt#r##t at the Rata of Sl-2 p-'r cent. Compounded Bamt-Annually. TJI08. J. PEEPLUA, Cssbtor. JAM. O. LESTER, Asa't CaaftWr.