Newspaper Page Text
One of the High Grade Colleges for Women in the South. None Higher.
The president,
i professor of English and the professor of Physics
fiduated at Emory College. In the faculty is one
Its faculty are all well educated,
graduate of the University of Chicago, one of Van
derbilt University, two of the Leipsic (Germany)
Conservatory, one from the Boston School of Ex
pression,"and five not included above from leading
Southern colleges. Ever)’ member of the faculty has
had post graduate work in the North or in Europe.
Six of the faculty are studying this summer in Ger
many, and two in Chicago.
The faculty are all native Americans and nearly
all Southerners. No members without religious pro
clivities are engaged. All have broad culture une
qualed in this section.
The Music Department has the largest pipe organ
owned by any college in the state. The courses in
harmony and musical theoretics have been for many
year's the most advanced in the state and unsurpass
ed in the South.
The college is unable to supply the demand for its
graduates as literary, music and expression teachers.
Its graduates,are’a valuable asset to any community,
both in church and the better type of social life.
... ____ _ PimMmC;
Vrnfmtnr of Metsphysl''* and tbe Knell ah
Bible. A. B., **•, A. 51., *71 (Emory Col-
IMS.' flt/rtrg W. SMITH. Lsdy Prtari-
— ... 1111. mu/ linin'
pal; Emeritus Professor of Afctronomy and
rhjratolofy. Studied for thrte year* at the
"resleysn Inat. (Cincinnati)
Physiology. Stadia.
Wesleyan Inat. (Cincinnati) and for two
£ e*rs under Professor Crawford, of Oxford.
(Emory). Htudlc
I, A. B.. Pro-
k. A. II . M
at Vanderbilt
Studying la Chicago during
trar. I’rofeaaor of Physics and Biology. A.
B., *92 (Emory). Stalled at the Unlreralty
of Cbleago.
M. A.. Professor of Latin hnd German. It.
A., '02, M. A., ,'(• (Vanderbilt Unlreralty).
Studying daring the present summer In Oer*
Miss MARCIA L. CULVER, Literary
Graduate, I’rofeaaor of French and Adjunct
Profeaaor of Latin. Grad. ’8t (Ga. Normal
and lodnatrlal College). Studied one year
at the Unlreralty of Cblrago. Htudylng
during the present summer In Chicago.
ate In Expreralon. Profeaaor of Expression
and Harmonic Gymnastics. Graduate In
of Mathematics. It. A. (Unlreralty of
idnato Georgia Normal and
Jf., - ProfeeH..r_of Pwlngogy *nd_Hlstof^ 51.
. , a i.—.
Jda CoL Inat), L. L. —
phis Conf. InsU Stodled sereral years In
the Cook county Normal (Chicago) nnd
gained certiorate of Proficiency. Author of
sereral‘text books.
lombia Athenaeum). , _ v ._
two years* poat-graduate work In Ifathe*
mattes and English.
Graduate. I na true tor In Drawing. Gradn
Marlon Female Seminary.
MRS. LEON P. SMITH, B. S.. Instructor
In Geography and U. 8. lllstpry. B. 8.
(La Grange Female College).
ALWYN II. SMITH. Mnalc Graduate.
Director, Theoretics, Voice Culture, Musical
History. Graduate Valparaiso Normal
Music School; afterward studied In "
„„ Has re
turn--! to Gorman/ thla summer to study.
Pin study the
entire next year In Germany, On leare of
MISS LEILA M. IRVIN. Mualc Graduate,
Plano, Theory, Sight Singing. Graduate
L. F. C. Studied In Chicago and New York.
Two certlflcatea from the Vergil I*lano
School (N. Y.)
Washington). UgOi _.
York for aereral years. Ia studying thla
summer In Germany.
In Art Graduate Marlon Fein. Hern.
Studied under distinguished artists In the
north for three years after ex fens!re
courses In the south. Is studying thla sum
mer In Europe.
The. curriculum is that reeomujended by the edu
cational commission of the Methodist - Episcopal
Church, South. The board of education of this
church grades this institution as doing college work.
The entrance requirements are essentially the same
as those of the Southern assoeiatfon of colleges.
Three vears ’ work In French and in German are of
fered and regularly conducted. Laboratories better
equipped with higher grade work than in most of the
Southern colleges for women.
The college is loeatpd 792 feet above the sea level
within sight of the pine mountains on the South,
The campus is upon a hill 105 feet higher than the
surrounding country. No epidemic of sickness has
ever occurred. Come here to get well. Waterworks,
electric lights, all modem conveniences.
The college is under the management of experi
enced teachers who have made the work a life study
and have never had any other employment: Hence
the cost here is less in proportion to the grade of the
institution than in any other college for women in
the state.' The largest loan fund for dependent girls
in the South.
Write for Catalogue and Other Particulars. 1
LEON P. SMITH, Registrar.
RUFUS W. SMITH, President.
In Georgit and Adjoining States
Pleasant Mention From Other Cities
K iss Fay Jones, of Blakely, the guei
Im Muttra Dor. A yery enjoyable i
waa played—n floral lore-tale. Miss J
neat of
) game
— i Jones
won Aral prise, a painting of American
beauty meea.
Louelle Mobley entertained Wednes-
saja&nt a 9 o'Clock dinner. In honor
ora. UIm Alllaon Badger, of
I Mlaa HI .. .. .
Mr. and 5Ira. George Napier returned to
ktonday after n stay with their
*. and "" ”
Atlanta, and Mlaa Elizabeth Harold, of
^Amerleua. 5!!*a Annette Walker nloo gare
-n dinner thla week In honor of 5tlr 1
U'ei/ueaday evening at the home of the
bride's parents, 5lr. Jim Gresham, of At
Innta, wna married to Mlaa Gypay Landers,
The p
Stronde ...
Kay Jonea,
Matty# Day.
Aire. II.
Mr. and
prise to the friends of the contracting par-
present Immediately after the ceremony,
which was performed by Rev. G. M.
lakes, the bride and groom left for n
"cddlng trip to New York, Michigan, and
«*iher Northern points of Interest Mr. nnd
bit Monday to enter the summer ech
MUs Allf -
Alllo Belle entertained
M r. Sam »G. Hunter left Sunday for At-
Innta. where he goes-to accept a |>oaltlon
wit! the Southern Bell Telephone Company.
Mr. (). A. Xunnally hna returned from a
Tlalt to Atlanta.
Felker. of
I'dUn, the guest of Mlaa Floy Felker,
Kith a morning german.
Mlaa Corn Felker, of Dalton, who baa
t attending a house party In Galnos-
' rrle Jc‘
nil.. given by Mlaa Carrie Johnson, will
ueeday evening the young men of Mon-
complimented Mlaa Bernice Felker, of
Dalton, with a dance at the arpiory.
Mr. Roland Spain, of Talbotton; Mr.
David K. Taylor, of Anderaon, S. C„ and
flatting lu Atlanta.
j» la
Belle Nowell will give a ■iwndthf •
party next week lu honor of vial
llfford Carmichael entertained
in votary to MIm Annie Duke.
a alster of Mrs. Carmichael. Salad and Ice
course was semi!.
evening- Thu veranda waa
ilc. -r»t#*d with ferns and palm*. Over the
j Minch bowl a Japanese umbrella was sue
ox presldec
Ed wards
entertained Infor-
North Broad - street. f
dated Mlaa Edwards In receiving,
htfnl occasion waa the dinner
ft, nt w
> -ilker and 51r. Frank McCutcben, of
1'niton. Sweet peas were the flowers ejed
Ini decoration. The centerpiece on tli4 -Tin-
lug table consisted of a silver basket of
so • t pees and awanaonta. its handle tied
nls the seats or the gt
ited by bnnehea of pink nnd white aweet
as tied with pink ribbon on which waa
printed In gilt letters the name of the guest.
Miss* Felker*a guests were Mlsa Ilerulce
J elker and Mr. Frank McCutchen. of Dal
felker and ......
ton; Misses Lynda. Aide and Clare Felker
lid Nell NY HtaEd|umjk|
1: nlieth Harrold nnd Allison Itadger spent
1: it Monday night with Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Kay, of High Shoals.
Professor W. M. Goodwin, of Sanders-
vlllo. fa spending his vacation here.
Miss Myrfls Wayne will leave In a few
..i.u »i:_' »v*..,, i..
Horace Wtllrr, Gaineiivtlje, was
here last week to attend the
e Irving Clnb met Wednesday after-
_ at the home of Mrs. G. 51. Knkcs.
Victorian era was the study for the
Ions from Tennyson.
_ Young Ladles* Hob was entertained
sy afternoon by Miss Ruby Lanntus.
Dimes were played and a lunch served.
Mrs. George W. Felker and 5llsa lxmlse
Felker hare returned from a visit to Mrs.
DM-utar, L*U» V, rtrtt. . u#
pink and whl». Mu lb* urrr.llln,
. Tb* !<*.. wrf. froui Is Ike sb,p.
of pluk .oil whit, nrwt pM«.
Mr. Fruk I1.11, of DbIiob,
rlw-1 |B Moaro. Tkur»l»r l« rIMt frlr
. ■ - ......... 11 * i
I i>B hi. rrlurn bom. Mr. McTiilrbru
will tprorl B few dan la Atleota wltb Mr.
“a, kW Krtd»,
_.. .. R. WBlk*r, Jr., are lb.
(inwt. of [mr*nt«, Mr. and Mr., B.
R., Thor will ntora to tbelr home
In llerneerllle Ihle week.
WMaeeder for a week's stay with her
cousin, Miss Vivian Tilly.
Miss Ruth Freeman la In Atlanta, visit-
home In Menda, after a pleasant
friends here.
Miss Tot Montgomery leaves Friday for a
week's stay In Leesburg, Ala., the guest of
Miss Nnlllc Daniels.
It. W. Rdenfleld Is sojourning st Cumber
land Island.
« __ honor of her
Miss Hrhueealer. of North Carolina,
was s very enjoyable affair. An Ice course
was served during the evenlnj
rved during the evening. The out-
i guests were Mias Its in bo of Menlo,
iellle Watts, 5llss Sara Hamilton,
■MWhnnil Miss Mattel
of Rome, Messrs. Watts, lb
rittman and Wood of Rome.
Miss Minnie Smith has n
Holloway, Best,
•* Minnie Smith has returned home
■ s pleasant visit to Mrs. C. D. McCol-
a In llnma »
uijwou, of Marrl.nil, wrr. qulotljr mar-
rlr-l Rninln, tnornlnir, only tbr funllj anil
a fow lutlnialo frl.nil, Ih-Im, proaont. Tbr,
ir. mu »T>. j.
Mr.. W. O. Connor left a fow dajr, ago
rame, of Pnrkeraburc, W. Vo.
Mlaa Emma Smith, of Macon, ii the
guest of her elnter, Mre. Arthur Baker.
Mra. E. C. Branson, of Athene, la
vlaltlng relatives here.
Mlae Louelle Hardy Is spending the
week with ((-lends In Atlanta.
Mrs. W. Trox Bankston and
Mr. and
son, Trox Batey, left Tuesday for a
trip to Canada.
Mlaaes Jesslo and Ann Winston, Mrs.
Eunice Wlneton and Misses Kate and
Loulee Lyon, of Atlanta, leave Sunday
for a trip to California.
Mlsa Jessie Wlneton entertained her
friends nt "hearts" Wednesday after,
noon complimentary to Mlaa Llaxle
Lyon, of Atlanta. Mlaa Jessie Lewie
Johnson won the prise, a lovely pic.
ture. The guest of honor waa present
ed a pretty fan. Punch was served,
and after the game an led course waa
One of the prettiest weddings of the
seaeon waa that of Mlaa Lonata Clark
to Mr. Osma Bally Poster, of Dade.
Vine, Ala., which took place at the First
vllle. The ushers were Meiers. George
Croft of Atlanta. Will Driver and Steve
Hollingsworth of Opelika and Tom La.
nler. .Immediately after the ceremony
Mr. and Mra. Foster left for their home
at Dadevllle, Ala.
Mlaa Wortle Montgomery, of Gaines
ville, la the guest of Mrs. o. T. Rice.
Mlsa Emma Staple la visiting In
Washington, Ga.
Mlaaes Norene Cooper, Mlttle Carson
and Emma Griffin attended the unlver
slty commencement at Athens.
Professor Ivey, of Jelferaon, spent
Saturday here.
Dr. C. B. Pittman Ip In Savannah thla
week attending the convention of den
Mlaeea Pellle and Frances Stevens
have returned to their home In Lex-
Ington after a visit to Mra. J. B. Hard-
Mlsa Mamie Little, of Carneavllla
waa the guest of Mlsa May Ola Little
Mrs. T. E. Key and Mies Clnrldy are
at home from Franklin Springe.
Mlsa Alma Watson la at home for her
summer vacation.
Mrs. S. E. Barton, who has been the
guoet of her daughter, Mrs. W- L.
Dopbs, has gone to visit her son In
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon T. Jonas en
tertained about sixty guests on the
lawn at the Montgomery house Thurs
day evening.
Mre. F. M. Cellon and Miss Mamie Celinn
Mlsa Kniufn Lou Duugan. of High Rprlngu,
Is the guest of Miss Rsruh llroadnway.
Mins tinsel Tope, lu vlalHng friends In
where he
Mrs. F. It. Pelot. who hns been visiting
bare .
Presbyterian church on Wednesday'
morning. The church waa beautifully
decorated, the colors used being groan
and white. Mlaa Caroles Clark, slater
of the bride, waa maid of honor nnd
wore a lavender silk dress, with white
hat. and carried white carnations. The
bride wore a lianduume traveling gown
of gray voile, with-white lingerie walat.
'he ribbon bearers wore white
dresses, with lavender cloves and
sashes, and carried bouquets of ferns,
the guests
_ A. Ray.
rs..Turner and family, of N_
st Mrs. night's for the summer.
""•urn, nnu i-arnvu uuuqueis oi terns,
tied with lavender ribbons. They were
Misses Valerie Btropher, Maggie Bell,
Lurtle Oliver of, Dadevllle and Mlaa
Louise Guise of Swalnsboro. The beat
man was Mr. Clarence Suber, of Dade*
st 51)
re. Mi
at Hu w
Mr. and Mra. II. It. Hints, of Brunswick,
and Mlaa M. 8. Mims, of Hot Mprlogs. Ark.,
will arrive Hsinrdsy, to be the guests of
JBmr *-
lalssle Michels la visiting friends In
Mrs 8. II. Rtanley has returned from Ra-
stay of ueveral dayu In Atlanta.
II. K. Rama, of Atlanta, baa been In tba
_ fr/erulY
Mlaa Etta Wolff, of Macon, la the gueat
of Sira Chnrlca Marks
Annie Belle and Lain Bee Ether-
dr«. It. It. Arthur on Roclety ntreet.
game and many happy toasts were
proposed to the bride.
Among the guests were Miss Birdie
Little, Miss Little, Misses Dunlap, Miss
Luela Shipp, Miss Sanford, Miss Marie
>rt. Mi
Montfort, Mrs. Rooney, Wrs. Elder,
Mrs. J. J. Willis, Mra T. J. Hill.
Miss Florence Mae Jones,' formerly
of this city, but who has resided In
Birmingham for several years, was
married June t2 to Mr. David Spencer
Van Horns, of Monroe, Go, The cere-
mony was performed by Hev. W. G.
The bride has a host of friends In
Mrs. J. P. Gill la vlaltlng In Atlanta for this city, where, during her residence
n few dnysj offer which she wlU go to Zlr- here, was very popular. The groom Is
conls, N. C., to spend the summer.
Mra. l-'nnnle Dotcomlm baa gone to Zlrco-
nls, N. t,\. to upend the summer.
in, n, .... w .jiriiu iu. Ruiuiu.1,
Ml.. Kola Joucn la visiting frlemla la
Vahloata for n few daya
MU* Irene Stanley, of Greenville. S. C.,
Is vlaltlng her slater. Mra. W. E. Smith.
Jodie Pownll la spending a
Mi.a .
i few daya
the guest of her parents. Captain and Mra
It. «! Wrlla
Mian. Clara Ilelle Cnrrell has returned
from Thomaavllle, where nbe attended the
meeting of the South Georgia Epwortb
Mlsaen Madelyn Robtnaon and WllUt Ad
ams bav- gone to KnoxvIUe. Tenn.. to at
tend the Knoxville summer school.
Mra. L. II. Warren, of Cordele, In visit
ing at the boms of her non. K. II. Warren.
Mr. nnd Mra Henry Gortstowiky and
children have gone to Brunswick, where
they will spend some time.
J. A. Miller has gone to Arkansas on a
business trip.
idea D.
Mra W. It. Baldwin ban returned from a
. C. J. Whitehead la the guest of rela-
ex Altman Is vlaltlng relatlToa In
Maron this week.
Mai '
Mlaa Margaret McKnlght, of Seaota, la
the guest of Mlaa Mary Lon Bync, on Jef
ferson street.
Mlaa Mamie Broaoan has returned after a
pleasant visit to Mount tie Sales ‘
In Macon.
cle-ln and Mlaa Black, of Rome,
rs. Ray's for the week.
■ ’— "I. R. —— -* ”
... ..... Is at hi
C. K. Woodruff, manager of tb ,
Bell- Telephone Company at Rome, In In
One of the prettiest affairs of the
summer was Jho card party given by
Mra. Dobyn Holmes yesterday after-
noon In compliment to Mies Birdie
The decorations used were entirely
In white and green and the color
scheme was carried out In the Ices,
frosen in brick shapes, and the cakea
and mints.
The game of six-hand euchre was
played at two tables. Dainty fans were
used to score with, which made pretty
UICU iu BVUIP null, n lilt II IIIBUD yiciv/
aouyanlra. Mra. J, J. Willis won the
prlte. a gauae fan, and Mlaa Birdie
Little, the guest of honor, waa present-
ed with a hand-painted gauae fan with
Ivory sticks.
Punch waa served throughout the
a eucceseful young business man of
Monroe, Go.
Messrs. Iteid Hearn, Frank Dennln and
. . July 7 for Villa
I Elizabeth Candler’s
i'ntsou has returned to bin home la
Miss Janie Pennington Is thn gueat of
frlemla In Newborn. * . ...
Mlsa Frances Turner It vlaltlng Mlsa
Charlotte Brown at her horns In Rockville.
arlotte Brown at her home In uocKTiiie.
Mrs. Kngene Boteman and llttlo non, Eu
gene, Jr., of Atlanta, are the guests of
lira C. D. 1a -
Mlaaes Louise Smith and Francaa nils-
' ‘ > have been the gneati
nham, have returned
to their home.
Miss Harwood, of Atlanta, la spend
ing a few daya with Mrs. D. C. Cole.
Mr. and Mra. John Brantley, of
Blackehear, spent last week with Mr.
and Mra. Camp. They were on their
way to Boston.
.Mr. and Mra. Charles Gramllng have
returned from Boston.
Mlaa Louise Anderaon Is visiting her
brother. Mr. W. D. Anderaon, and fam
ily, In Macon. ,
Mra. R. E. Lawhon has returned
from Brooklyn, N. Y., where, »ho has
been visiting her eon.
Mrs. J. T. Perkins and daughter, of
Tallahassee, Fla., are the gueata of
Mra. J. D. Anderson.
The Ladles- Euchre Club waa enter
tained by the Misses Setzo on Friday
afternoon In a delightful manner.
ltclous refreshments were served. The
club prise, a kimono, waa won by Mra.
Richard Joyner and the second prize, a
bead purse, waa won by Mrs. Edward
The dance given by Professor North-
cutt on Friday night nt the armory waa
greatly enjoyed by all present.
.Mr. and lire. Egbert Freyer, Mr.
and Mrs. R. H. Northcutt and Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Northcutt will leave this
week for Wilghtsvllle Beach.
Mlsa Carrie Alston was the hostess
on Tuesday night at a euchre party
given at her home. Refreshments were
served after the gamo. The prizes, a
work bag and card case, were won by
Miss Julia Howell and Mr. Goodwin,
and the consolations, a pair of glove
supporters and a pipe, wore cut by
Miss Elmer George and Mr. Nelson
The Young Matrons’ Bridge Whist
Club met with Mrs. Ralph Northcutt
on Friday afternoon.
Mr. Grover Kctron of CInrkosrIUo, Mr.
Murray" Mack of College Park, Mr. Mark
McWhorter of Athena, and Mr. Ike Levey
of Augusta are gueata of Mr. Tomlinson
Miss Dorotha Baldwin, Mra George J.
Baldwin and Mre. M. C. Hnll, of Savannah,
are guests of Mrs. Mark Cooper Pope.
Wilcox cottage.
Mr. P. F. M. Furr la a guest of Senator
J. T. Peyton.
. Dr. O. T. White made a short trip to
Atlanta Thursday morning.
Mrs. H. C Terrell, of Westminster, 8. C..
returned home from a visit to hnr sister,
Mra A. L Klmeey.
Lnto arrivals at the Monterey: Mre. R.
Fernandez, Harry Fernandez, L. D. Tynon,
C. E. Ilenn, B. Davis, Itos-er Thomas, Miss
Florence Jackson, C. J. Brawn, Miss Koto
Coi, J. W. Cannon, Charles II. Cox, p. j„
Gllkey, A. J. Ormo. Jr., o. C. Hutchinson,
/»••»• urup. Jr., u. v. nnicninnon,
•J’../.' .Littlejohn. Mra A. J. Orme, Frank
Littlejohn, II, R. Robertson, John c. Evnna
Rani.A. Carter. IL A. Norrla W. M. Harris,
Miss Msrj Hutchinson, of Hslera, Ala..
Is Ttslttnf Mrs. G. W. DeLspettier# on Can
dler street.
Miss Mamie Weetcott, who has been rts-
Itlnu her aleter. 118. W. II. Toole, has re
turned to her home In Macon.
Mrs. F. J. Hunter, of Noroross, spent
Friday night with Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Woodruff. Hhe left Hsturdajr morning to
vl»lt friends In Monro*.
Mrs. A. II. McCurry returned Tuesday
night from Norrroes.
Mlie Agnes Wilhite attended the com-
lenrHinent exercises of the University of
n, ii iiwnaini
. J. Hall Tor-
tlful new resident** on Rroad street, which
Mlsa Elward Whitaker, of Columbus,
Ga., Is the guest of Mra. Mark Me-
Mra. Fannie Scott, Mra. WUI Kirby
and Mlaa 8tella Burns were In Atlanta
during the week.
Mra. Barton and little daughter, Mary
Scott, of Wrens, Ga., are vlattng Mra.
Barton's parents, Mr. and Mra. I. M.
Mra. Oacte Smith spent the first of
the week In Atlanta.
Mlsa Jessie Wlnaton has as her gueat
Mlaa Llssle Lyon, of Atlanta.
Mr. George Zachry has returned from
Nashville, Tenn., where he has been
attending Vanderbilt University.
Mias Annie Hammond la spending tbe
week with friends In Newnan.
Messrs. Amos Huguley and Clarence
Hudmon spent Wednesday In Colum
bus, Ga.
Mias Alice Ianler spent a few day*
thla week In Newnan.
Mlaa, Kate Smith la expecting as bar
1 '
The Leading Preparatory School of the South tor boys and girls—tbe school which does REAL work; which demands and procures
of Its scholars a high degree of attainment, measured by REAL standards. It was established 1852:annual enrollment exceeds 600; mag
nificent school plant; high curriculum, superior discipline, largest cadet battalion south, a full equipped gymnasium, two large athletic fields;
strongly endorsed by leading educators of Georgia.
Catalogue No. 40, just issued, gives detailed information of the advantages which have for half a
' ‘ Gordon’s graduates to excel in College, Professional dnd Business Life. Write for it.
century enabled
B. F. PICKETT, President, -
Barnesville, Ga.
An event of the past week attracting
widespread Interest was the marriage of
Mlaa Alys CUIr Vigo and 5Ir. William Ir-
win Grubb, which occurred Momlny evening
at the home of the bride. Thera were no
bridal attendants and tbe ceremony was
witnessed only hy the Immediate families
and a few close friends* After an luformnl
reception Mr. Grubb and his brido left
In a private car for New York, whence
they railed on the Koenlgin Louise for
Another marriage of Importance was that
of Miss Edith Richey, daughter of tho
vico president of the Slogs-Kheffleld Com*
Pj*o/» and Mr. Itniph Jtiimseur, of A»hr-
vllle. The ceremony took place Tuesday
evening at -the home of the bride nnd was
performed by Dr. Hterllng Foster. Mr. and
Mrs. Ramsenr left In a private car for
the East
The marriage of Miss Lillian Key Brooks
snd Mr. George Am Eastman wns solem
nized at the bride's home Wednesday even*
log. Mr. and 51rz. Eastman will epeud
their honeymoon In the East.
5!its Pauline Alber railed for Europe
__— Comfort and Atlantic City,
will be gone several weeks.
The new cafe of the Southern Club wns
formally opei.*-l f--r lnnr>e«’tlou Friday even
ing. It Is one ef the handsomest of club
esfes In the Booth. The club entertained nt
dsnelug and delightful refreshments were
served. Lunch wns served for the first
a guest of Mrs.
llnldwin are visiting Miss Evs Moore*
men st Mentone.
Miss Edith Hlcbey and 5Ilss Louise
And Tuesday
Country Club.
iSsrseital of Mr. Adair Hickman* who
has l*eeu studying under J. Coartlan-1 Coop*
' ” Mill**. Ttiewlnv
„ ess. Mr. Hick*
mate Is gifted with a tenor voice of rare
ybelle Roden, a recent graduate
and Mr. B. F. Roden. Jr., who
graduated from Columbia, are the gueata
of tbelr parents, Mr. sad Mrs. B. F. Roden,
on Fifth avenue.
Mrs. U. T. Brace!toa and children have
gone to Cooks Springs to spend the sum-
Miss Ids Sheppard, soprano, and
till# Buckshaw, contralto, nt a recital
Thursday bts studio.
Mrs. Ector Hutcheson and Misa
Stella Hogg*, of Senola, made a brief
visit to Haralson last Friday.
ilr. and Mrs. Briscoe, of Marlow,
L T., are visiting friends In this sec
tion of Georgia.
Little Myron Callahan has been sick
for a week.
Mrs. Efurd Swlggert, who ha« been
ill for some time, Is able to sit up.