The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, July 02, 1906, Image 10

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. - MONDAY. JULY (T WANT ADS ONE CENT A WORD No Ad Taken For Leas Than 25 Cents. CASH MUST ALWAYS sccom- psny out-of-town orders. MISCELLANEOUS. Cl ass, latb. Writ9 oa tor deJJrcrod prices, llsn Lumber Loro pa 07, Uos 107, Cordele, Watch The Georgian Want Page Grow. Situation! Wanted will hereafter be inserted on thia page free of charge. U yon want a aituation, tend your ad. to The Georgian. . Each ad. will be limited to threo tinea, one inser tion. WANTED HELP—MALE. WANTED—HOOD BTRONQ WHITE MEN as helpers in the foundry to learn Mold- era* trade. Good pay to atart with and better pay fa two or thraa months. Only thou# with rood references nead apply. De Loach Mllf Mfg. Co.| MEN AND BOTH V^ANTED LEARN plumbing, plastering, l-rlcklajlng. Hj rial offer life scholarship fifty dollars, eaays payments; position guaranteed: free rataJ 'up|«. iVn Broa. Trad, Bcboola, N.w ■utt .'aR1‘P.NTBM—XR15 at Howell Station, Sea- yards LABORERS WANTED. $1.25 PER DAY. Wages Paid Weekly. ATLANTA CAR WHEEL WORKS. Take Luckie St. Car to Waterworks. U) Vrtl' WAS’t fDT»TWSiRa 'WVtil’U goods? If so, rail up 2301 (Bell). Southern Auction and Helvege Coro pan,, _ South Pryor. i^TiirtTOR HVRSIRm."mrwtKStiff- rapher. $75; atenograplier. $10. If you wlaii a position aa stenographer, call on ua. We hava more calls than we can All. Bellamy Business Agency, 1H0 Candler building. WANTED HELP—FEMALE. WANTED —TWENTY five women nnd girls in our sewing room. Anyono who can run a machine at home can quickly learn our work. Experienced opera tors make from $8 to $12 per week, and we pay 60e per day while learning. Apply Nunnally Bros. & McCrea, 36 W. Alabama streot. la Mr sewing room to girls and women no stay work, aher* " — J — * ns and wa will give you Information about boarding places. Nunnally Bros. A McCrea, H W. Alabama street. iim SITUATIONS. WANTED—MALE. xrmwr'T A1 r.linn,-... J. N. r., B Capital *.*- WANTED— AQENTS. AGENTS WANTING RIO AND QUICK moo.T an! for o«r free circular* Uni WANTED—SALESMEN. INTELLIGENT. IIUSTUNG KAI.KHMKN for tnagnlflreat ... mapa; n.w fr.turra; .... a,ll*ra; .letmil., tirrltory and liberal pru|K»lllun; .itr.orJlB.ry Cane, for Worn* rra state If too ban bad experience. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED—THE l*URI.It? TO KNOW tla.t ih. Niuihern Auction and Halva,* Co. at T) a. Pryor, ran dlapon# of your houaabnM good., of On datum, aafea, car- FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. -ATIAR UOILEHS ATLAS ENQt.M Atlaa Ungine wirba Em pin Bid,.. Atlanta PIUBToEnS BUIINRSm nfiTSBS .bo.iM ban kick grad* »lrn> Call on K.SS «*• ** NorU Tryor atiwt. H.ttJ5 Iii»6n 1TB1GIIT lTANo PoR hI#. Add mo ITano. ran Georgian. i i’ttrt WUE-AMT 1K» sakk. TOTS .gaa arc laspa. an* ahow and on. rount.r. Cola Book Co.. • WhU.U.U at. sAMF-KKUiKimar Artmimp -i otena. I? tana*, full rbobr. lira ml new; ■27 rnd hunk draft nr money ord»r. Th<<ma. r. Peacock. Rutledge. tla. Til* vtniHSlUC Al tfTI®CASi» *xr DON'T GO BLIND. WHEN YOU Wif-klr.g Cn’ foil linn of trucks. travelers’ general office supplies The rhes|N-*t \W i»uy. - 11 «>r exchange everytl r and » West Mitchell atueL Beil pi ALL STYLE! OATES. WIBB AM) IKON fences gold and erected. Fencing for farm, lawn, garden and poultry. Exclusive ■ feats for “Page Feoee. r * Wile Fence Co. “m7 , °Pk2i« akS”" ®*" 41 WV,t n “ nt, ' r rnt l»rW auka 7o bT'cpffXblS IR I'wrltm atiwt. ofKMMlt. Araaon bot.L | ——■■MM iii 11 mill »e*t week; now la your tla sold at coat durii ttlSM LlhShiil. I'iHII Pftli'K I'Alli FSB green poplar wood unapllt: shipments to he made at once. Georgia Wood Flatter Co.. P. O. Roa 744. EDUCATIONAL. sfnirtTTrxfur-iunrijifp.KiMfnr^FYrK- « riling, msthemallra, grammar and ap.ll Ing lauani In erenlaga. Btokelg'a Shorthand and Bnolnesa HrbooL $444 Peachtree streat. LOST. ' STRAY Kb FROM NO. 426 CRKW HTRKKT, one ‘Iron gray ran re, with aora on rlffhf. Return lo Mall 1'luuiblng Co., 65 tkrath Fryor street. I.OMT-Large TiTRIt aJTH \vdlfR pointer dog; evenly marked bead; erup* tlon on feet and legs; had collar on with my name on It. A suitable reward for hla delivery to me at Majestic hotel. J. B. H. Holmes. iTTicr-ON SATl'ItlliV AKTKItNOoN ON Peachtree or Pryor street, or l»aael»aU perk, n gold locket and chain. Finder will l»e suitably rewarded upon leaving the ar ticle at 563 South Pryor street. Hell phone 460. LOST—m'I'N’IiaV .S'ldllT. AT oil NEAR McDaniel street crossing, Ho tit hern ral • way tracks, a package containing white silk coat, etc. Package fell out of car window of Honth^rn train. Return to 22 East Alabama street aud recelva reward. LOXt-AT IIAI.I. I'aHK 1 llol.l, WATOII. open face; old fold fob. Reward nnd no attentions asked. H. L. II. engraved on watch and fob. II. L. nopklna, Ilf Equi table bldg. BU8INE88 OPPORTUNITIES. GO RRB BOUTIIGRN AUTO AND EQUIP- meat Co. W, ropalr, reronitruct. «• change, bug and sail anlomobllaa Oarage. 20-23 Mitchell- etreet, Allaala, Ga Bell oboae WM L Mala. ATTRACTIVE SIGNS WILL RRINO YOU business. Fdr high grade work call on Kent. 9114 N. Pryor. Pbooa 2921. Ranineas bargains. All kinds. Home easy terms. W. JON EM. nPHINEMM BROKER. 222-222 Century Hldg. Phones 5660. FOR RENT—FURNISHED ROOMS. COOL. PLEASANT ROOMS $2 TO $3 A week. leodglnf $1 a week. Meals $2.60 a week. 1014 Trinity avenue. Ball phots 2246, Atlanta phono 2767. CLEAN, COOL, NICELY FURNJHHED rooms for man, $2 per week. No extra charge for two In room. 10 Trinity avenue. B. intone 224$. Atlanta phone 2717. 8HOE REPAIRING. GIVE YOUR BUSINESS A TONIC. Has your business suffered the depressing influence of the hot weather? Aren’t you enjoying As much prosperity as your competitor who uses adver tising space in The Georgian? If not, advertise at once.’ You can learn. If you haven’t advertised try it a couple of times. Pine summer tonic for a sick business. 1 mtAUBACI! PIANO*. ESTABLISHED 1I2X. BECIIT PIANO CO.. S3 If. FORSYTH. YOUR TEETH FILLED WITHOUT PAIN BY AN Im proved tnotboaa. All work guaranteed 1* years. Reasonable price*. Lanier Dental Parlors. Whitehall ft.. over Emmons clothing store. Ball nbota 2M*-J. EAST CAIN ST; NEAR HIGHLAND AVENtTE. N. LAZARUS. 21 8. 1'IIYOR 8T. I DO boot and shoe repairing. When I say ra- B ilrlnx. I mean the beat repairing only. uperior material and oak leather, with the heat workmanship. I know how to repair because I know a shoe. I am a akllNil mender and ran make com for table and serviceable ehoe broke down and worn out ones. Don't forget the No., 21 8. Pryor afreet. HOW TO MAKE MONEY. FIREW0RK8. 1 open stock at Junction Peachtree Iry atreeta, and corner Hnring and audcr^Gjeetojul^J^^k^VJjiHInjei DAVID W. YARBROUGH, MASTER PLUMRRR. 12*. SO B. Hunter St WILLIS WALL PAPER COMPANY. Largest stock la South. 54 N. Broad SL “KENT LIGHTS.’ k ^at^llJ^N.^Pigof ^gL^Hti? fiSS PhonaWtt. SHOE REPAIRING. GWINN *8 SHOE SHOP. iVCKIE. OPPOSITE PIEDMONT. 7334. Man', wrad half aolaa, 14c. WALL PAPER. . M. QUICK * CO. nouldlnaa, plotum. nl *11 pbona T9. Standard CO.-WALL PAPEB, ilrtura fram.s, ale. M SI llantar. BUSINESS DIREOTORY. blOTt'L^ aN1> bicycle and sundry dlatrtbutora In the f *— agents for Pierce. Yale, bicycles. Write for our I price list Alexander- south. Southern Snell and Hudson IMS catalogue and Elyea Co. YOUR TEETH CROWNED 22-K GOLD CROWNS S3 UP. without pain. All work guaranteed U rears. Laaier Deatal Parlors, SH White hall Stiver Emmons* clothing atore. Dali "otVIl KTt>hR. pacK~aNT) diUF arhold goods; tnaurance rate one per rent Office and warehouse lOS Walton street Doth 'phones. Catkcnrt'a Trent- TEETH r WITHOUT I without Mala All work guaranteed U rears. Lanier Den tal Parlors. 3>H Whitehall St., oeer Em- thtag atore. Bell phone 8SJ. CASH REGISTERS. (Second Hand.) SATlONAIJt. HAI.I.WOOD8. IDEAMI .ad all atkar make, at banfala nrlcaa. W. ran nrll yon a rrctatrr. aaltablr for .ay tmalnraa. at a prlr. that rannot b*lp Put plMa* you. Cart nr monthly paymrnta Er*ry rrylitor u.r.ntrr.1 for two yrara. Itouthrrn Cnak irft.trr Co. Rraark of Antorlraa Drroad- land Cart Urftatrr Co., H a. Broad atraot. OLD HAT* MADE NEW. PANAMA AND MILAN STRAW HAT* rlranrd and raabapad. Me. Borland BUS frit kata rlaaaad Bad ra- Baad. of awrata. 9r *ark .*tra. ACME UATTERa, «<4 WklttkaU at. orruptrd r*gnlarly liy blah daaa eolorrtl tananta. at a rental of <34 par month. Thin la a .penally tooil renting protwrly no it ran ha at M.7M. Cart or teruia. Bor mo for bargain.. CHAS. M. ROBERTS. U AUBURN AVB. SANDERS, SMITH & - CONWAY. Phone* 5419. 411 Patera Building A BIG BLOCK FOR SALE We are offering for sale a tract fronting on Spencer, Vine and Thurmond, 285x387, for $3,- 500. Tills is about 1-2 mile from Terminal Station, near Electric Light Plant and Rug Mills; it is the only block you can buy on vest side. Big demand for small building lots in this section. FORRKST lX: GKORGE ADAIR. on corner, rant front lot, 81x150. shade, (ere! and bouae only about a year old* water, gas. sewerage, etc. This place will bear rloaeat luapectlon. $2.lOO~GLENNWOOD AVENUE OOTTAOB. . 4-r. and ball, lot 43x175, level and pretty, beat part of the street; bouae has water, bath, aewerage, gas, ate. Is worth more NORTH SIDE HOMES. Have aeveral very handaomo North Side home*. For Information LIEBMAN. Real Estate, Renting. 28 Peachtree St. THREE MONTHS RENT FREE Only One Left of Eight Brand Naw Suburban Hornet. The Drat month will ba gtvan FREE and If occuplad ona year, two mora month, wilt be (Ivan FREE at tha and of tha yaar, making only nlno month* you will have to pay for. Nona but good famlllaa will be allowed In thaae houaee. Tbaae are located on tha Rlvar electric car line only twenty mlnutee ride from the center of the city; contain T and ( room*;- have never been occupied; art located In Weet Atlanta Park. Every home front, a flfty-foot Park, which 1* aat In treea, avargraana and llowara. Pure air; na tive oaka; an Ideal apot .for children. It la cheaper than living In the city and the eurroundlnga are more whole- come. In the center of thla Park are the Ferro Phoeptiate Springe, which will cure any caae of atomach or kidney trouble; no matter of how long etand- Ing. It now haa a naw church, neatly furnlahed. a atore. a achool-houae coat ing 11,100.00 will toon be completed. Captain J. T. Mllle. who llvoe on the ground! will ahow you through the houeea. Rent 110.00 per month. JOHN J. WOODSIDE. 11 Auburn Avenue. $3.710—COLLEGE PARK HOME. $-R. L atory, comer lot. lOOiUO, Icy.l. shady., Houac la good aa n*w. Thla la worth a lot more i Iwautlfully altuated ■fiSS $4.2BO~RRAND NEW 3-B. 2-8TORT HOME did home or lovtatment. make either a spleo* ISO—ONE ACRE MARIETTA CAR. fronting 100 feet on car line and Marlalfg dirt mad; runs back 400 feet; good neigh* borhood. Village being Built here. 127,500—RENTS FOR $1900. ON LEASE, TO <l<*llftht**d tenants. la dose In on north aide, jnat off Peachtree street. This Is a gilt etljre Investment; la almost brand new. L. M. JOHNSON. OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT. ' Of EQUITABLE BLDG. WITH ’ONE EMMETT HEIGHT, iieai.r in City and County lteal 3$IN. ForarlhTat. Bell Pima. HW-Atl. 1 M acres In DeKalb county chMp. TEETH . .0 BL All work (naraatoed li y*ara. Lanier Dental Parlors. »H Whll.hafl at. aver Bmmooa' clothing store. Bell phoa* FOR RENT. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, STATE OF GEORGIA. FULTON COUNTY. To the Superior Court of said County: The petition of U. Goettlnger and liar- tan Cohen, both of Fnlton county, Georgia, snd A. FIstauer, of Franklin county, Flor- abowa: . . jey desire for them wives. their associates, successors and ainlgns, to be InroriHirated under the nffma and style of "AMERICAN HAT MANUFACTURING COMPANY" for a term of twenty 420) years, with tha privilege of renewal at the expiration of said term. Second. The capital stock of aald corpora tion la to t>e flfteea thousand ($15,000.00) dol lars actually paid In. either In mon*v or In property at a fair valuation, and be divided into shares of the par value of one hundred (Sino.Ui) dollars each: petltlonera desire tha privilege of Increasing said capi tal stork from tune to time by a vote of a_T. ... - t —. ia object fontan and the particular business wmrn pemiooers propose to carry on la the manufacturing, buying -and selling •* description*. hats of every character sod desire the further right to manufacture, buy and sell any and all other kinds of persons I property as they may deem neces sary or jirofltabia In connection with their •ala buslueas. Fourth. Petitioners desire the farther right to make such contracts as may be necessary, to acquire, own, bay and Ml such articles of personal proparty, goods, wares and merchandise aa from time to time may be deemed advisable In and about the busfneaa of aald corporation, and tha right to acquire, own. buy and sell such real estate aa from time to tlihe may be deemed advisable, apd the right to maka * iwa, oorrow money, execute notes and irater any or all of Ita property by mortgage, loan deed, deed of trust or other wise for the purpose of securing any evl- deuce of Indebtedness of tha corporation and to have and enjoy all thafright* privi leges and immunities Incident to like ccr- )rations nmler the lawa of Georgia. Fifth. The principal office and place of business of the proposed corporation will be In the city or Atlanta. Mid state and county, but petltlonera desire the right to estalMlah branch offices and places of dofng business at other places within and with out thla state. Wherefore, petltlonera pray to be made a body corporate under the name and style This June lltb. IM. __ WALTER W. VIRANRKA. * < Petltlonera' Attorney.. Filed In office thla June 11. 1301 TATjE OF oeoiiu!a! COl'NTY H ’OF W FUL- I. Arnold Rrogln. clerk ot the mp*rtor court of aald couotjr, do herehr certify that the foregoing la a true and correct ropr of. the application for charter In the uniter of American lint Manufacturing t'ompanr. aa the earn, appear, of file In thin office. . • Witness mg official signature and the seal of said court thla.Jnne 11. 1»J*. Arnold, Clark Boperior Conrt pulton Count/, Ua. DEATHS. Mrs. Lisale CatchlnB, 64 geara eld, died . - , . - mpeeg. a gears old. died of aopendldtla at KlklnCcKuer aanltarluni. (infont Hifford, ;> gears off. dlod of cop- grstlun of the lungs at u) Griffin atrevi Lerog Beck. > mouths old. died of cbol Infantum tt X Ithlnehart streat. . Z»lna Hacbelor. 1 gear aid. died of cholera Infantum at 13 Ithir,chart street. lira Julia E. Decker, tt gears old, died of paralglli at Ite.1 link. tin. Intent child of Mr. and Mm. Henrg Huff- _jan did at 44 Henrg street. Mrs. Isabella Fiord. 71 gears old, died of ilgaenterg at *T7 Went Fifth street. Mra. Ann E. Vox. SI gears old, died of mrt dlrtaaa at ti, Oik street. Mm. Brtdgett flair. 1$ geem old, died of apoptfir at )M North Boolerard. Mr. Lula N. OoiqujTt,' S3 geam old, died -t «7 Idedmont arenue. lamia A. tladdla, 34 gears old. died of on.umptlnn et 44 Rereen arenue. Helen Elaner. 7 gear# old, died of tgpbold ever at II Immpklo street. PROPERTY TRANSFERS. $1.300—Irving F. Stgron to Bonnie Cmlg. lot on t enable etrevt. neer Alexander. Loan deed. ri.$I4.40—East Atlanta la nil Compang to John L. Mnrphg. lot on Kdgewood arenne, nearilllUard street. Warrant/ deed. $1.N0-James W. Green. Mm. Enolla E. Jatgd, lot on Loeg etreet, near Uartrail. Warrant/ deed. $LOOO—Sim. Etta White Offnth to Itobert C. Alston, lot oa Fortress arenas, i McDaniel etreet. Warrant/ deed. ^$$.10l>—Real. Atlanta Land Comnang to nugb T. Inman, lot on corner of Kdgewood BUILDING PERMITS. I3.0W—Capital Cltg Club, to repair club house at corner of Peachtree and ElUs atreeta . . .. W. Chamnln. to make repairs ta brick bnlldlna at if Decatur street. ttOOO-Mra Clara I). Haskins, to build two two-atorg fraim dwellings at $61 and S67 Jackson street. *1.1*0—Mrs. II. E. Hudson, to build on*, atom frame dwelling at Ztt Oak atrnel. tei-M. C. Carroll, to build stable at lot Rill etreet. F. Wood, to build frame staud ua "*—‘ dwelling nt *1 Crew street. $280—R. O. Cochran, agent, to recover oee- ntnrg frame dwelling nt 13-14-11-1$ Larkin •treet. 11.100— R. E. Hudson, to build one-gtorg frame dwelling nt 1M Lswtou street BIRTH 8. To Mr. and Mra. T. A. Rancg, $$$ Central arenue, a daughter. To Mr. and Mra. B. C. Lambert, at X Ella afreet, e eon. I To Mr. and Mrs. 8. E. Doris, a daughter. Deaths ahd Funerals. RAILROAD SCHEDULES And one storeroom. — about the same site. Thla place la suitable for a ale. grocer/ or almost ang kind of retail Imatneaa. and n lira man ran il« a good business at thla aland. W 111 lie vacant Julj* 1. Rent $1*0 per month. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THE RENTINO AGENT, IS Auburn Avenue. Both Pbones (IS. LABORERS WANTED. $1.25 PER DAY. Wages Paid Weekly. ATLANTA CAR WHEEL WORKS. Take Luckie St. Car to Waterworks. sWwftg fe lrrtril ttf t^MtWi ftiap a*»nfer Trains of tha FoHowlac Boada: WEBTTRN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD. m Naakvllla U:45am*K Naahvllla . 4:50 pm 7S Martatta .2:50 pni 72 Marietta .. i-30pm *» 1 Naakvllla T:» pm» 4 Ntahvllla . »i>N CENTRAL Or GEORGIA RAILWAY. Arriva From- . Depart To- Savaanak ... 7:10am Macon 12:01 nm JackaonvIUa . T JO nm Savannah ... • JO am Macon 11:40 am Macon 4 00 pm ttsr?.:.v.<Basaw-: «’gjS RAIL- ATLANTA AND WEST POINT ROAD. Arriva From— ,Popart To- •Ealma ......11:40 am •Mantcomary I JO a "Montfoua'y . t:40 pm •Mantgomary 12:45 pm 'ot^^We's^taaT day. ill trains of Atmnta nad West Print Railroad Compnnv arrir* at and depart from Atlanta Terminal statist, corner Mitchell street and Madlena arenue. GEORGIA KAII RAILROAD. Depart X- •Augaata .... 1:00 am-Augusta 7:4*am roo/era *:4iam IJihoula MM am Covlagtoa ,. 7;4* am ’AsgueU I Mpm ,A «!K -xi snS® Bag. KEABGARD aTr LINE RAILWAY. WarttMtou'*". JO am MnSaftaaTT0:40 am ••.•.is:: feu -.Ji*: New Yerfc . . JJOprn AI-betBle . . 4 O pm W.kM: is 5 : 53 53 ebon a la Central time. L'ucila Strops. Lucllo Strop., 41-3 years old, died at the residence uf her parents, 10$ Fowler street, at- 13 o’clock Sunday niaht. The funeral arrangements hava not yet been announced. F. E. Smith. F. E. Smith, a merchant at Howells Station, died at . HI. home Sunday night at 13 o'clock. Mr. Smith was (I years old, and had been III for a long lime. He la survived by a wife and several children. The remains will be taken to Falrburn, Oa., for fu neral and Interment at 13 o'clock Tuesday. Mini Iran. Dempsey. Miss Irene Dempsey, daughter of C. J. Dempeey, former representative In the legislature from Butts county, died Sunday night at a private sanitarium from the effects of an operation for appendicitis. She la survived by a father, mother, titter and two broth ers. The remains will be taken to Jackson for Interment Tuesday morn ing. Mrs. Ann E. Cox. Mra. Ann K. Cox; It yean old, died of heart disease at her residence, II Oak street, at 11 o’clock Saturday night Funeral services were con ducted at the residence, at ( o'clock Sunday evening, and the body taken to LaOrange for Interment at t;10 Monday morning. Mrs. Bridget Clair. Mra. Bridget Clair, II years old, died at her residence; 104 North Boulevard, at 11 o'clock Sunday morning of apo plexy. Funeral services were con ducted at Sacred Heart church Mon day morning at 10 o'clock, and Inter ment was at Weetvlew. Helen Elanar. Helen Elanar, seven years old, died Sunday at the residence of her father, J. E. Elaner, No. II Lampkln street. The funeral was from the residence at I o'clock Monday afternoon, and the In terment was at ftoib’wood. Zelda Bachelor. Zelda Bachelor, the one-year-old daughter of W. J. Bachelor, died ht the residence of her father. No. $3 Ithlnehart street, Sunday night. The ATLANTA MARKETS. FRUITS AND PRODUCE. Offletally corrected by Atlanta Fruit and Produce exchange. <8.28 tu *8 80. Limes'X-to <1. I'cache*, per crate. . Pineapple* <2 to *180. market ot preeent time well Hocked. Ilaninnu. alralght*. «c“ bn»eb *1 *1.75. Culls per liuncu. n to *1.38. Watermelon*, *7.80 to *30.00 per 100; de. POuCtHY AND COUNTRY PRODUCE.-. Lire hen* 36 to 3744c; frie* 3344 to 33c; broilers 15 to 2zi&e. Live docks, Pekin 24 to 26c; puddle 25 to 27Hr. Drcascd bena, per lb., 12c to 12c. • Km per doseu. 17 to 171i. Hatter, table, per lb.. 20 to 22Hc; cook top. per lb., 12ttc to 15c. Honey—Naw Mi 10c lb.; In 1-lb. racka 10 012r. VEGETABLES.—Iriih potatoes. No. 1 stock 23.50 barrel; No. 2 stock 2.75. Tomatoes, per State, $S to $2.50; demand good. Corn, new, 15 to 3V. ^er doxen. Okra, per crate, $1.50 to 12. Old Irlsb potatoes, per bnahel, 21.30. _ Old street potatoes, per bnsbeJ, 21 to IL25; new aweet potatoes $1.75 bnahel. Cherries, 24-quart crate. $1.60 to $1.75. Cantaloupes, per crate. $1.60 to $2.60. Hlarklterries 10 tu l2V$c anart Dewberries 10 to 12V*c quart. FLOUR, GRAIN, PROVISIONS. 8; Diamond .. half patent $3.30: spring wheat t strong. ...... cob 75c; No. 2 white 74c; No. 2 yellow 73ci mixed 72c. OATS—Choice white clipped, 52c; choice white, 60c; choice mixed, 43c; Texas mat proof, 50c. MB Ala.—Plain water ground, per buahet, 71c? bolted 140-Ib. Jutea. per bushel, —* Shorts, white, $1.40: medium, $1.X; bi W/ " " ‘ 1.10 to 24.35; ixscy $ stent $5.5005. Market CORN.—Choice red eo brown, .30: pure bran/ $1.20; mlxAl bran, $1.15.' HAY;-Timothy, choice large bales, 31.10: do., choice small bales $1.14; do.. No. 1 timothy bales, $1.06; do.. No. 2 $1; do.. No. 1 clover mixed $1.05; do., No. 3 closed mixed CLOVER.—Choice $0c. The above prices ara f. o. b. Atlanta, and subject to Immediate acceptance. GROCERIES. 8I7GAR.- Standard granulated 6c. New York Refined 4Vfc to 4%; plantations 4*4-to 4%c. Market stronger. COFFEE.—Roasted Arbnckle's $15.50; ‘ ulk. In bags or barrels, 12\c; green 1“ * !c. Market weak. * RICE.—Carolina 4ttr to 7Hc, according to rade. Market very strong. CHEESE—Fancy full cream dairy, 14%c; twins 14c: brick, 14c. Market strong. • PROVISIONS.—Supreme hams 14\5c. Dbva bams 15c. California hams l<$£c; Red Cross haras.*l5c. Dry salt extra ribs 9.71; bellies 20-5 lbs. 10.60; fat hacks W; plates $Uc. Supreme lard 10. Red Cross 10c. Snow Drift compound 7V4. Red Cross 714. THE WEATHER. tonight and Tuesday. WEATHER hTcOTTON BELT. Winona, Mississippi—Clear and cool; good columbus. Oa.—Terrific rain, bail a: ■windstorm lasting about an hour yeaterd WEATHER IN WHEAT BELT. Northwest—Generally clear; above; general rains. West and Southwest—Generally chvidy: 54 to 75 above; general ralna In Kansas. Nv braaka, Iowa; local Missouri and HUnoU Ohio Valley—Generally clear; 70 to 74 above; local ralna. weatherToreca8t. Georgia—Showers nnd cooler Monday: Tuesday showers, light to fresh south North Carolina—Partly cloudy Monday; Tuesday showers and cooler, variable winds. South Carolina—Partly clouily Monday; Tuesday showers and cooler; light to fresh south winds. Eastern Florida and Showers Monday anti winds. Alabama—Showers Monday; cooler In cust om portion; Tuesday showers, variable winds. Mississippi—Showers Monday; Tuesday partly cloudy* variable winds. Louisiana—Partly cloudy Monday, show- ra In eastern portion; Tuesdny rartly cloudy, variable winds. Eastern Texas—Partly cloudy Monday and Atlanta, 4l4s, 1922 nu Atlanta. 4a. 1934 10614 1W4 Atlanta and West Point 145 170 Atlanta and Weat Point Debts. 107 110 C. It. of Georgia first Income 97 do. second Income $5 K9 do. third Income M 86 Georgia 2M 270 Augusta and Savannah «... 117 Southwestern.... 112 119% ii2 109 GEORGIA NEWS IN PARAGRAPHS Mra. G. J. Smith. Mra. a. J. Smith, for thirty years a resident ot Atlanta, died at the Taber nacle Infirmary Sunday morning after an Ulneea of only a few days She was etricken with paralysis last Thursday evening, and In eplte of every care and * attention she continued to sink until the end.came. She le sur vived by a eon, Scott Smith, a member of the Atlanta Are department, aifd a daughter, Mra. C. B. Summers, also of Atlanta. She was the aunt ot Mra. Thomas While, of Weet Point, and William Rrughnot, ot Atlanta. The funeral services held Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock In Barclay A Brandon’s chapel. The Interment will be at Hollyarood. The following wilt act aa pallbearers: W. H. Ivy, J. M. Jenkins, H. P. Harris, M. E. McGee, R. U Dennard and R. $1. Fisher. Mra. Lixxie Catching. The funeral of IDs. Lliale Catching (■iwa we jvtinii rtmjin ■utti. »•»* ferment will follow nt Hollywood cem etery. Spoke at Bainbridge. Special to The Georgian. Bainbridge, On., July 1.—Colonel J. H. Estlll, the south Georgia candidate for governor, who was to have spoken here yesterday, could not come on ac count ot the Illness of hla brother. Colonel T. 8. Morgan, Jr, of Savan nah, was here and spoke to a small audience In the Interest of Colonel Es- tlll’e candidacy. Quite a number of ladles were present. Mra. Brown Diet. Special to The Georgian. . Elberton, Ga, July 2.—Mra. Priscilla Brown died yesterday at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Charles Taylor, and was burled thla morning at Elmhurst cemetery. She was the mother of Messrs. J. C. Brown, M. J. Brown and Dillard Brown, of this place, and Mra. Rayley, of Wilkes county. Spoke for Colonel Eatill. Special lo The Georgian. Cairo, Ga, July 3.—Hon. T. 8. Mor gan, of Savannah, addressed «an en thusiastic crowd here In behalf of Colonel J. H. Eatill for governor. Mr. Eatill was to have been here also, but on account of the death of hla brother he was unable to All hla engagemenL The crowd numbered about 400. Borbecue for Hoke Smith. Special to The Georgian. Hawklnavllle, Ga. July 2.—A big barbecua la being prepared for Haw klnavllle to occur on July 5. A large crowd le expected to hear Hon. Hoke Smith apeak on /hat day. Engina Cylinder Falla on Man. Special lo The Georgian. Demorest. Oa, July 2.—Four men were carrying • cylinder ot an engine up an Incline at the Demorest Foun dry and Machine Shop here Saturday, when some misstep caused M. C. Webb, one of iRe four men, to slip and fall off the platform, the cylinder following and striking him on the throat, cut ting a long deep cut on the right aide. Teachers’ Inatituta Opana. Special lo The Georgian. Rockmart. Oa.. July 1.—The com bined teachers’ Institute for Floyd, Polk and Paulding counties met at Pied mont Institute today and will continue during the week. The Institute le being conducted by Professor G. W. Macon and Mias Jule H. Tucker. Crops Badly Damaged. Special to The Georgian. Clio, Ga.. July 2.—The heavy rains and storms In thla section have dam aged all crops not leas than 20 per cent. The crops ate also eight or ten days late. Men Get an Advance. St. Louts, July 3.—With the vote to accept the compromise taken .yester day by the Bridge and Structural Workers' Union, the last of the labor differences which have kept building operations In a turmoil for the last three months rams to an end. Under the compromise the men get an ad vance of 40 cents a day. WEATHER CONDITIONS. Over the eastern half of the country tin. K essure haa t>ecome flat nml I* nowhere excp.a of normal. In the nw-thwoat the pressure haa Increased and the center of greatest air pleasure Is nmv over Montnim. The adrance of the "high" hn* served to break the tmckleine of the hcntcil once of the laat few flag*, aod I* enu.lng rain nt meat stntfon* from th* lake region went to the Rockies. rthowera have occurred In Knunn*. north, era Texas, the lower Mlsalnlnpl vaUar. nnr. tlona of Alabama, Georgia, Florlfln and New In this section tonight no warm tonight. COTTON REGION BULLETIN. For the 34 hour* ending al mcrldlnn time, July 3. 180*. STATION'S OF ATLANTA i Atlanta, p. cloudy. ‘Chattanooga, clear Columhu*. p. cloudy orrrm ioc. cn Griffin, clear.. •Macon, p. cloudy Montlcollo, clear Newnau. p. cloudy Home, clear Knartanhurg, clear i Tallapoosa, clear Tnceoa. clear West Point, cloudy ‘Minimum temperatures are" period emllna at S a. in. thla i Henry Rainfalls: Greenwood. Washington, Ua., !.$*; Klngttrea, Temp'tnr,. e! lllinillllKliill, I.BO, HIII*XI[I' O. V.g B.Sm: llolwlinr, I.a.. 1.&4; Oxark. Ala., L70; i’ntuo Hprlnga* Ain.. 114. Atlauta Liltl«* Rock Mrmphro Montffomary New Orica ua.,,, Oklahoma Mitvannah !lj 112 T Indicates luapprcdabla rainfall. Remark*. The temneratnrea rontlnned abnormally THE LIVE 8T0CK MARKET. Hy Private I.cooed Wire. 4'hlrajto. JnJy 2.«-ItoM-Recetpta today 45.000. „ fair; left i mated for tomorrow 12,000; light bora U.40 $5.72%G6.fcO; food to choice heavy $6,734$ CaVtle— Receipts 21,006. Market atr-nis l«c higher; quality fair; Iwevea $4.05f|6.... cowa il.an04.6i); heifers 1. 4 ^, r. 15; nilvea *805.50; Pjff » luedlnm $4.0505.20; a tuckers aod f»-^iora $2.7004.60. , Sheep— Estimated receipts IKXMl* Market steady; quality fair: oath ^ eru ia.itj4.?J; Vearllngs te4|7; westeru $SC7. — Rabbit Ara in Sassion. Hind I ana poll a, Ind., July 2.—The cen tral conference of American rabbis be gan here with a* meeting at which program for the stations waa mapp out. The establishment of a general synod or conference, which will In clude -nil the Jewish n.lnlster* of the United States and Cana.1a, win he rha moat Important to conte before tha conference. I MISSIONARY C0NFJ3RENCE OF EPISCOPAL, CHURCH By Private Leased Wire. Asheville. N. t\ July 2.-One of largest and . moat Important rellgl gathering* held in the 8outh this y will be the missionary conference the Episcopal church of A mar which meets here October 31 f.,r three days' session. Epf*-i>ali from Maryland. Virginia. W< .t ' gtnla, Kentucky. Tennessee, North South Carolina and Georgia will l» attendance. It la eatlmtaed that f 1,100 delegates will attend t( and mMtera of grave Imports be discussed. Fully tw, n'y- ofi v II attend. Among the moat prominent to be heard are John W. Wood, BI Gale and Bishop Randolph. / HfitefiklllHiidikroM