The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, July 05, 1906, Image 7
TTTE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. . a ho»t of depositors with Two Million, Three Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars to their credit, strongly endorsed THE NEAL BANK. first appointed a State Depository by the late Gov. W. Y. .Atkin- ' than by Hat-Governor Allen D. Candler, reappointed by him, then onDOlnted by his successor. Governor J. M. Terrell, also reappointed hv him. We nro so near the ten thousand line accounts on oar books {hat aro encouraged to reach out for TWENTY THOUSAND DEPOSITORS. If each one of our loyal patrons will send us one or mort accounts we will soon have the roll complete, thus enabling us to sUl'further our ability to aid Merchant*, Manufacturers and Home Increase Builders. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT One Dollar starts an account with a little Homo Bask ami book or with a Mok only. We allow Interest, compounded semiannually, at the rat* •* • i THREE and one-half per cent. pep.; ANNUM. (. H. THOU ATOM, Pull dint. W. f. MAURY, Cllbltr. H. C. CALDMU. Ant. Collier. anMOOL8 AND COLLEGE8. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. The Sonth’s Ideal Colle^a-Prtyaratory Horn* School Georgia Military Academy College Park (suburb of Atlanta), Ga. Ie*tln v I* fixed ms h« from 12 to 18 v*«i juration with •very. parent—Wh»t tracheri Tear Amount quest Ion with every parent -What tracl ■i.te«tiwnmnn« will fulir satisfy the peculiar need* of my 1 SBPSHHSSSawflfftBr 11. efwl Insure hi* fullest development, social, moral, intellectual rhvslcel? Correspondence with us will aid any parent. p 7 In thi* ani^^y evary teacher la a specialist, every opportunity is afforded every boy, the full limit of attendance U reached every year. CnJendid equipment, perfect health, delightful Southern winters of »iT* famous Piedmont region. 1.300 feet above sea level. About 80 hwrdinf pupil* live with president and faculty of 10. Highest moral and social tuna. Select patronage from many State*. Regular military « n d social tune. Select patronage from many State*, drill* good gymnasium, modem reading room, wlw«,„„ •«.«,»«, under trained director, thorough preparation for any college or th* national book ‘'7 , ot irtP9^mm£vr‘ 14 t-* Whiteham. S' Thorough courses of Bookkeeping ,nd Shorthand at greatly roducod ratos. Good poaitions secured or money re kindle. Aik our hundred! of gradu ates end tholr employers about ua. Clip this ad, send to ua, and recelvo large illustrated catalogue, LUCY COBB INSTITUTE, Athens, Ga. 1906 1907 The FORTY-EIGHTH aeselon of the Lucy Cobb institute, an Institution for the education of young women of Georgia, will reopen on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12. For catalogue and room reservation! apply to MBS. M. A. LIPSCOMB, Principal. and WHISKEY HABITS cured at home with out pain. Book of ■ ■ ■ va w w ticulara tent FB— I mmmmmmmm n. m. woollky. m. d. | Atlanta, da* Office 104 N. Pryor Street* ANNOUNCEMENTS I FOR COUNCIL. I reepeetfully announce myaelf a candidate for council from the Second Ward, eubjeet to tho while primary on Auguot 22. PRE88 HUDDLE8TON. ..cecpectfully announce myaelf a candidate for council from the Third wj™',cutset to the white primary on C. W. MAN GUM. OSTRICH WILL RACE AGAINST A TROTTER Tho»r Interested In racing matters nre •wiling with Interest the race between Hurricane," the trotting oatrtch. and BO-I" (iibboney," a fast trotting horse owned by It. B. Evans, of Atlanta, which *UI take place Saturday, July 7, at 4 o’clock dihc I-Ieilmont perk race track. .he o.trteb belongs to the Ingram Bros, wrich farm at Ponce DeLeon perk, and rtewt m eeveral fprelgu countries and Jr’ never been beaten exceot once In rranc", when ho was pitted ngatnet a r " r " and uk,n K ™rht »t ng- machine became unmanageable and *«• In -onneguence adjudged loner. Mr. amee’ T." ta » ' B “"> Gibboney" quartered ivii ’L" hl * Wrd * m the farm at l'oncc "Her that the racer may be- ™0' »«c,,,tomed to the eight of the ostrich nmoent! “ ,rl * h, * n * 1 “ ‘be critical £ Pkdmle, I* expected at haTt,?, , h ,r *' k 00 Saturday, nod th< * the matter la hand hare premie-.- 1*“°*piugram of first-class racing ,-touii IUU, an d Chltf Joyner, of ttm a Jrp. mmt have bren a.ked to offtclu' IMS NO NOTICE OF JIN EPIDEMIC CHOLERA PREVALENT PHILIPPINES ALWAYS. IN ENGINEER COSBY IN WRECK; SECOND WITHIN A MONTH Sanitary Education of Natives Is Expected to Relieve the Situation. By Trim to Leased Win. Washington, July 4.—The buivnu of in aulnr nffalr* of the wnr department has do dispatcher from Manila Indicating that cholera Is epidemic In the Philippines, nl though It haa been known that it has ox !Led la a mild form la parts of the land. The Inst deaths from cholera reported to the bureau were several mouths ago, when two soldiers at Fort McKinley died of that M sense. The last outbreak of cholera In tho Phil Ipplnes oeenred In August, 1106, when from August A3 to October II, 713 cose* anil fc»1 But tbs outbreak of rhen compared with ST ) oecui holera In a sllsl Philippines aTmost sanitary education tho outbreak. JIBE OPPOSED CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PLEDGES ITSELF. Boykin Bill Before Legislature Will Receive Support of At lanta Merchants. The work of the Credit Mon’s Associa tion and others Interested In the abolish ment of bucket shops In Georgia was heartily sanctioned by the chamber of com merce Tuesday afternoon at the regular monthly meeting of tho directors, and resolutions were passed which will do much toward tho final passage of the bill now before tho house. Introduced by Mr. Boykin, of Lincoln, prohibiting bucket shops ninl commission houses. David Kirkland, c* ‘ latlvo committee; J. **. C. Callaway, 8eab Wrigh iokn In favor of the bill. II. C. Cothran, —' Ware & Leland, commission broker*, spoke against the measure. It. L. Foreman Introduced tho following resolution, which is passed by the chamber of commerce: "wo deplore the present pernicious ten dency toward speculation, especially among 'asses that can least afford It: and we aro lad to give our hourly moral support to movement now making to exterminate Engineer Sim B. Cosby, of the Cen tral of Georgia railway', was Tuesday In hIs second wreck within a month. His engine which Tuesday night near Milner butted Into a loose coal car was tho fame which on the evening of Juno 6 crashed Into tho Atlanta and West Point picnic train at Fair street, In which wreck ono person was killed and fifty hurt How tho coal car got loose has not been developed. No serious damage was done and both engineer and fire man jumped. Engineer Cosby was pulling a fast freight loaded with watermelons. NEW YORK STANDS READY TO FIGHT AGAINST LOCKJA W By Private Leased Wire. New York, “duly 4.—Despite tho efforts of the weather man to dampen the patriotic enthusiasm of tho rising generation, the celebration of the Glorious Fourth wns on InMqll blast at daylight, ami tho ambu lance surgeons aud lire fighters were up to their necks in work. There was little promlso of clearing Weather In the early morning, and the Countless athletic celebrations arranged for the day will probably bo sadly Interfered with. The letter carriers aro celebrating. Tam- oratory during the inoruing, and dent la the central figure at | at oyster Bay, Tho uiuat throng that nock, hr/irbre was bald back by tbo rain. There wirt ba patrlotl' ~- • Irba health band concerts In tha rtmsnt hat laid In The health department haa laid In a big supply ot t.fmiu. nntl-toxin, and unj doctor who haa occasion to nso tha lock* preventive can obtain It front -it# clopnrtmeht headquarters ThL-, on- anti toxin dl.trlbutora bars beau os duty since daylight. ATLANTAN., AT THE SCENE, SA YS THA W WILL NOT DIE Robert Goodman, vaudeville editor of Tho New York Morning Telegraph, or rived In Atlnnta Tucedny night to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs Charles M Goodman, In West End. For tha past year Mr. Goodman has been In charge of one of’ the Tnost important Icfkft* ments of hla paper. Three years ago ho was In Atlanta ns leading man In 'Tin- Nl "lit III Toro i 'In i-tums" , umim- The following season ha was with DeWolf Hopper Tn ‘Tlappylsnd," and was with the "Knrl and the Olrl" com- any when ha accepted a position t he Morning Telegraph. The night Harry Thaw shot and SCORE OE HOUSES ARE BLOWN DOWN FAMILY IN TEXAS TOWN T083ED - J FEET BY THE * ; TORNADO. “JT- '- Mr'. Kr.“nsTnd Ur. _ ^»ct"j l Sg m p. W Il!, d k « 0 'gP r »'- ntcJ SILVER BASKETS. e are showing some v/y Active patterns in time uch-s° u g£t pieces, /he Ms who have wroght c jn have so admirablrar- ** ou t the artistic idejs of gnew that tho jswlt b entirely pleasing. / . jraee, elegance andiupc- . ’ r y°fkman8hip ar/char- , <ns t ,c of- alfousfiver- warp. MAIER & BERK/LE. J « By/rlvnto Leased Wire. s-moutll, England, July 4.— T Deutschland, of tho Ham- ^-American line, which ar- I here at T: 19 o’clock today, won her race across tho with the French liner La vence. he latter started from New l’jk an hour later and has not reported. 000 OO 00 OOOOOOOta ZD MILLIONAIRE WEDDED SECRETLY. Private Leasod Wire, ’hllodelphla, July 4.—Wllh- tnklng the trouble to notify family, Samuel A. Crosier, 81, the multl-mlllonalre inufaeturcr and Baptist O iurchman, has been quietly O tarried to Mrs. Josephine Stow- O f Grier, of this city, the cere- O tony taking place In Doyles- O pwn, a hamlet In Cheater eoun- O hr. Mr. and Mrs. Croslsr then 0 /darned to the former's mati- 0-1,n at Upland, when he sn- onounccd the wedding to hie eons -and daughters. JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO o CA8TELLANE CAST O OUT BY DEPUTIES. O o o o o o a o o o a By Private Leased Wire. Paris, July 4c—Count Boat de Castellan* was thrown out of his seat in the French chamber of deputies last night on th* ground of political trickery. The chamber by a vote of 28S to 221 annulled hts election and de clared bis place vacant. 0000000000400000000 EXCELLENT SERVICE TO V.-RIQHTSVILLE BEACH, NORTH CAROLINA. During tho months of June. July and August tho Seaboard Air Lino Railway will operate on Its train leav ing Atlanta at 9:35 p. in., every SAT URDAY, a through sleeping car to Wilmington. N. C.; returning tho through sleeper will leave Wil mington Thursday at 1:00 p. m., arriving In Atlanta at e:SO a. m-. Friday. Arrangements have been made with, the * treat rail way people at Wilmington to have cars ready at the depot to Immediate ly transport passengers to tho hotels at Wrigbtsville Beach. Baggage will be checked to destination. WEEK- END rate, good for five days, 18.25; SEASON tickets, $18.65. SEABOARD < the oxenctes of this evil, provided, how- over, that no Injury la done to ofacturers, rotton merchant* and git!mate huslnesa Intareata." ■ ■Mr. Cothran maintained that bucket aliopa ad commission huilneues were different, Hugh Inrann, ftt the Invitation of the ..inmbor of commerce, exprc*«ed hi* view*, stating that he waa afraid the bill would interfere with the cotton millers and mer chants protecting themselves by buying fit tare contracts, Mr. Kirkland aMM|M f/i/v phase at tho question hud l 10 i iMnp delegates In the Interest of the prop* total memlK*rahlp up A. A. Fletcher, W. McClure, ‘ phy, her, G. R. Watt* Company, C. ... j, A. 8. Dyer* Company, A. N. Jenkins, E<lwnrd J. CrBelrne, George Hlll- yer, Jr„ W. «. Archer. W. W. Griffin, W. E. Lennoy, Adama It Hoyt Company, Atlanta Steel Hoop Company. B. F. Wynne, W. K. Wimpy, George A. Clavton, Dobbs A Wey Co.. It, C. Kobert, H. 8. Blacknall, W. D. Beattie and J. E. Van Valkenburg. PRESIDENT CABRERA IN FEAR OF POISON By Private Leteed Wire. Mexico City, July 4.—So terrified Is President Cabrera, of Guatemala, of fhe revolutionists, according to Dun can Bankhart, consul general of Sslva- dor, that all of bis food Is ssnt to him In a tin can by his mother securely locked lest it be poisoned en routs. Cabrera Is so afraid of assassination that he never slseps two consecutive nights In the same room. It Is also said that Cabrera has become so mor bid that he has Imprisoned the wives of leading citlsens. Changes and Corrections In listings in the next Bell Telephone Di rectory should reach this office byJ ULY25 to insure insertion. Listings close on that date. Now is a good time to join thell.OOO other Atlantans who are Bell Telephone subscribers, q Reasonable Rates. Call Contract Dept., M. 1300 BELL SERVICE IS SATIS FACTORY Dy Private Lrnied Wlro. Waco, Texas, July 4.—A tornado nt West Station, 20 miles north of Waco, last night, blew down a score of resi dences. airs. Mary Allen was badly Injured and a man named Adams had sn arm broken. Tho Adams family were blown a distance of 100 feet. The town has 2,000 Inhabitants and was in total darkness all night. hilled Stanford White on the Madison Square roof garden Mr. Goodman was ono of the first reporters on the scon*. With two other Telegraph men—one of whom was Karl Decker—Mr. Goodman covered the Thsw-Whlto story In a way that made the other New York pa pers sit up and take notice. Mr. Good man Is of the opinion that Thaw will not be made to suffer for the death of White. After visiting relatives In Atlanta Mr. Goodman will lesve for New York Sun day at noon. He has accepted a poet tlon as manager for a new melodrama, "The Sowing Machine Girl," which will open nt Boston August 4, and will be seen In Atlanta the coming season. IS JIT CARROLLTON, L BANQUET AND RECEPTION TEN DERED PRESIDENT OF G. C. 8. C. ASSOCIATION. METHODJ REVIVAL ARE CONSIDERING THE EVAN GELIZATION OF CITY OF ATLANTA. meeting of membora of the Paetnesa lien's Ooapel Talon end mlnlatere from different denominations wee bold Tneidny afternoon nt the Y. M. C. A. building, for the purpose of dlecnulng plan, for future evangelical work In Atlanta. There were present at the meeting Gov ernor W. J. Northern Dr. Merlon Hull, Major Halford end Mr. Patterson, repre-. renting the gospel nnlon. Representing the Presbyterians, Iter, lllchard Ohne FUnn and Dr. A. 1L Holderby. For th* Chrlitlnu church. Dr. Pendleton, of First church, end Dr. Bmltb, of West Knd church. For the Methodlsti, Dr. Chsrles O.’Jonce. nnd Dr. John E. White, of tha Daptlets. Short talk* were mad# by Uorerl ir Korthen. Dr. John E. White. Dr. A. It. Holderby, Rev. Richard O. FUnn and Rev. R. P. Bmltb. The mlnlatere end members ef tbs nnlon diseased various methods of doing evsngeUcml work In Atlanta, though no action wse taken before the meeUng adjourned. JNO. L. MOORE & SONS Have the only practicable aolld double vision fflaaacs on the market. They are the Integral Kryptok invlaible bi focals and are Infinitely superior to the cement kinds falsely advertised as In visible. John I*. Moore & Rons ore sole manufacturers of the Kryptoks In Georgia. Headquarters for everything optical, 42 N. Broad Btreet, Prudential Building. f ~ Special to The Georgian. Carrollton, Q*„ July 4.—Bon. J. A. Ay cock, recently elevated to tho offlco prcRhlont or tho Georgia Cotton Seed Crushers’ Association at Lltbla Spring*, was given a reining ovation and a splendid banqaot Monday evening by the Carrollton board of trade. Tho banquet had boon kept a secret from Mr. Aycock end when tho meeting of tho board of trade waa railed to order the eubjeet of its honors not present. President MimdevlUe H* i*t down iiftir liim nnd mh he fame into tho hall be i\ui greeted hy long nnd loud np- plause. lie still did not understand tbo eplrlt of tho meeting until the preeldenl called Hon. W. C. Adamson to tbo floor. Judgo Adamson responded In one of hie ary epetcl nlihfi.l* u.l • I Mr. A\ advlro. He first wisdom \ Ayroek nnd commended the ho had dono In tho part he had taken In tin* ile\el..|.meiit ..f the cot ton need Industry, giving him the place ns ono of 11n rhlef promoter*, and thru hu spoke of encouraging more now Industrie* and the material development of tho coua- - '—natural resource*. icral ti. W. Harris was called on and 2 ded. He, too, paid a high tribute to lycock, speaking of hla young life I* atrnggfo for nn education infM rslty of the state; bow he nlwnyi tended to all hie duties snd did evnrvthlng per cent 10 ■ “■* record spoke „ nors of hla made an average grade of 100 p hla examination*, thus I.reaklng the to that time of the university. lie of hla speech on his graduation day t lining uls life- ; and Judge Brown paid fitting fespondetL lie was so mac" irlso tiy the meeting nnd tl trim that It wns difficult the r Arcoc] Mr. Aycock re * taken by surprlL. tributes pa Id him that If u a 4 dial, ill he spoke. He roso amid applause. Mr. A cock spoke of tbo cotton seed Industry 1 “ statu nnd In the Mouth, lie said Jt MM *“ mbltlon of bis yontb that duitry. He was on* of Ite pioneer* and be Worked st It and encouraged It among a B le who were skeptical of Its outcoasr tor fifteen years he bad labored hard t; that when he began hts work In this matter there were less than fiffy JhJUs. and they of amall capacity. In the South; tha* today there are more thaa 760, representing ' capital Investment of more then ft A sumptuous banquet was then a to the members, and the occasion was l tdl f cell i ds one of supreme good will and ELECTED TO CHAIR IN NEWBERRY COLLEGE Bpedel to Th* Georgian. Newberry, 8. C.. July 4,-Profeeeor George W. Hanwhlld. of New York city, lute been relied to tke ebatr of modern language. In Newberry college, to euereed Dr. B. B. Hetxler, who recently resigned to neeept n similar position nt the L’nlver- , of Virginia. _____ SEDUCED R. R. RATES FOR FOURTH OF JULY. The W. & A. R. R. and N. C. A 8t. Railway will sell cheap round trip tickets to all points south of the Ohio and Potomac and ea«t of the Millie- alppl river. Including 8t Louis, Evanxville and Cincinnati, at one and one-third fares; tickets to be sold July 2d, 3d and 4th, good to return until July 8th, 1808. For further Information and tick ets apply to any agent of the W. 41 A. R. R. CHA8. E. HARMAN, General Past. Agent POSTMASTERS MEET IN NORTH CAROLINA. ■ to lb* Georgian. ■charlotte, N. C, July 4.—Th* annual convention of the North Carolina Post masters* Association la In session to day. The president of tha association Is Postmaster R. \V. Smith, of Char lotte, through whoso alloru th* organ isation was formed several gears ago, $500.00. The abovo reward will bo paid for such evidence os will lead to arrest and conviction of tbo party or pnrtics who maliciously cut a number of wires on cable pole at corner of Peachtree and Seventh streets, during Wednesday night, April 19, or Thursday morning, April 20. A like reward will be paid for such evidence a* will lead to the arrest and conviction of any per son or persons maliciously inter fering with or destroying the property of this company, at any point. Southern Bel! Telephone and Telegraph Company, You Can Buy Them at These Prices Thursday and Friday. $1.29 White, Black and Colored Wash Silk Waists, regular prices $1.75, $2 and $2.50, for Embroideries, from 7 to .0 <« rv _ inches, regular 12 l-2c and 1(8 TC 15c qualities, for, yard A ^ Mill Ends and Remnants of .finest 12 l-2c, 15c and 20oa*J - Ginghams and Cbambrays, ClS Embroidered Mulls and Dot- 4 N _ tod Swiss in 20c and 25c I PTQ qualities, for, yard * v vlO Bovs’ Laundered' Madras nnd Chambrny Shirts, 39c qualities, each" Child’8 Tau Barefoot Snn-jMr^ dais, in regular 75c qualities, II ClS for, pair w vio Ladies’new Tan or BlnekAgTi /\/\ Ribbon Tio Oxfords, in $2.50 IIII qualities, for, pair T*“* V Y 36x45 Bleached nnd Hem-«| rv - mod Pillow Cases for, each. X V/ ClS 59cts lOcts 25 cts 81x90 full Bleached and Hemmed Shoots, for, each.. Ladies’ extra out size full' Bleached and Taped Un dervests, for, each.... Ladies’ Colored Lawn Kimo-gv p* - tins with white facings, full^*^ ClS shapes ..""*** XFfcw 240 MARIETTA ST. AMUSEMENTS CASINO THIS WEEK Matinee* Today, Thureday and Satur day, MAX HOFFMAN'S OWN COMPANY, 30 PEOPLE 30 Including •’Silvern” Oakley, Toney Hart, Gertrudo Hoffman. Otto Brothers, Twin SUtors Dolly. Next Week—VAUDEVILLE. SALE AT OH AND BOX OFFICE. pONCE DELEOJ^ DIRECTION JAKE WELLS. PresldaaL TDE GARDEN SPOT Of Atlanta. BAND CONCERTS TWICE DAILY. See OSTRICH Farm PIEDMONT PAR Kg JULY 4th, 5:30 P. M. SHAM BATTLE. ARTILLERY, CAVALRY, INFANTRY, GAT- LING GUN. Admission 25 cents; chil dren under ten years old ad mitted free when accompa nied hy an adult. Seats in grand stand free. BENEFIT FIFTH IN FANTRY ENCAMP MENT FUND. CAPITAL ICE MEN TO BE PROSECUTED Private Lasted Wire. Washington, July 4.—Ire magnates of Washington ore to undergo a coureo of •‘treat boating," and District Commissioner West ba* requested from the, corporation ronusel an opinion on the proper way to proceed against tb* so-called (rest The price remnlae the as me as two or weeks ago, hat the mpplr af each baa been cut to two-fblrda of tb* three ' •.rally RACES! Piedmont Park Track, SATURDAY, JULY 7, 4 P. M. BIRD VS. HORSE. The Trotting Ostrich Hurrican* VS. The Fast Trotting Horse BUD GIBBONY. Other Exciting Races. Admission 25c. and 60c. MiG, mpplr la nearly exbaa I. EPPS BROWN, General Manager. HIGH LICENSE ACT . GOES IN EFFECT Special to Tb* Georgian. Huntsville, Ala., July 4.—The early closing and high UcVnao on local saloons are now Tn effect. The esloons are required to close at 11 p. m. and open not earlier than 5 a. m. FT. OGLETHORPE CLUB raided by officers Special to Tho Georgias. Chattanooga, Teas., July 4.-Walker ermnty. Go., officers hare raided a brer clsb which; It was allured, wa. In-lng operated en HumUy at Fort Oglethorpe. Pago Was Nominated. Specie! to the Georgian. WORKED FOR 45 YEARS WITHOUT A VACATION Special to The Georgian. Auguata, Go., July 1 — Rohert Young, the veteran city hall janitor, haa a record of working 45 years without a vocation. He says that ha has ads been off from the work all together about 10 days, and then ho was sick. ’q $2.88 MACON AND RETURN. Via CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY, * Account Grand Lodge K. of P. (Cob Charlotte, N. G, July 4.—At Lttins- cred;. Meeting, Macon, July 10-14,1906. ton yeatarday Bon. Robert N. Pa** waa The Central of Georgia Railway will nominated on the Democratle ticket to tell ticket* to Macon and return, July wpweent tkw BeytBth dlatrlct. 9 and 10, at rat* of on* fare plus At Rtstherfordton tbo. Republican a ccnta from a „ poinU ln Georgia. l Tickets limited to July 15, 1906. county convention met and egatee to the congressional, ju :cted del- i'i hLi U'ifi W. H. FOGG. D. P. A., Atlanta* to