Newspaper Page Text
ms. douce c But.
The Fourth, the Small Boy and
the Woman.
The glorious Fourth li here again
with Its nerve-racking sounds, Ita
baseball games. Its sham battles. Its
private and public entertainments; and
Its ubiquitous American Boy, the lat
ter brimming over with patriotism and
yearning tor a tragedy. The parks are
full of joyous crowds; the street cars
are burdened with human freight;
Ponce DeLeon Is entertaining Its many
thousands; baseball claims Its many
thousands more; the sham battle has
drawn Its mil I Iona, more or leas,' while
all the nearby towns have their house
parties galore.
It la a day of rejoicing, but of all the
days In the American calendar. It Is
the one that makes Ufa not worth the
living for the time being to the nerv
ous woman because of the average
American boy and his explosive eldec
brother. Of course, there are city laws
la tided
and municipal regulations.
the control of reckless patriots, of all
unquenchable Auberance. But, what
are laws! What mean regulations
when the cannon popper can be pur
chased for a few cents, and matches
are cheap and convenient Every'
where the small boy, with the big ex'
plosive, abounds on this sacred
Fourth. He scatters consternation
more appalling than earthquake or cy-
■ * * - —*— path. " ‘ m
clone in his reckless path. He de
fies an avenging fate, and wlth smll
Ing, eager eyes, awaits bis righteous
Before the sun seta In the flaming
west before the stars light up the
warm Southern skies, the good family
physicians will have tlielr work to do
with these self same American boys.
There will be hands to bind, eyes to
bandage, and restless arms to hang
In allng*.
There may be some boys who will
attended by fait!
Of one thing all men may be cer
tain, namely: that there will be hope-
Mrs. Charles P. Byrd entertained
Tueday evening at a charming but
Informal party at her home on North
avenue in honor of her cousin, Mrs.
Pauline Gray, who Is now the guest of
her mother, Mrs. W. W. Austell. Mr.
Edward Wood gave several vocal se
lections, Mrs. Pauline Gray and Mr.
-.ullns Gray
Bartlett recited with fine effect, and
other Interesting features made up an
evening of unusual pleasure.
In anticipation of the Fourth, there
wore many handsome fireworks sent
About thirty guests enjoyed Mrs.
Byrd’s hospitality.
Mrs. Byrd wore a cream lingerie
Mrs. Pauline Gray’s toilette was of
whlto net, made prlnoesse and trim-
mod with lace.
Mrs. W. W. Austell wore a hand
some costume of lavender crepe de
Refreshments were served during
the evening.
At Wesley. Memorial Church Tuesday
evening, July 10, Master Hugh L. Oor-
don and Miss Eleanor Hodgson wll
give a concert for the benettt of the
Boys’ Club.
The following program will be glr
Valse, op. 14, No. 1—Moskowski.
"Du Blst die nuh,"—Bchubert-Llsst
Polonaise, op. ft, Chopin—Hugh Les
ter Hodgson.
Air for the Q string—Bsch.
"Le Menterler," Maiurka op. II,
SVIenlowskl—Kate Eleanor Hodgson.
•’At An Old Trystlng Place”—Mas-
Gavotte op. It—Niemann.
Etude op.104, B minor, Mendelssohn
— ' 1 Hodgson.
—Hugh Leslie
Concerto No. 7; allegro maeeto; an
dante tranqulllo: finale, DeBeriot—
Kate Eleanor Hodgson.
"If 1 Were a Bird”—Henselt.
•Tarantella," op. It, Rubinstein—
Hugh Leslie Hodgson.
Mrs. Harry Harman gave a bridge
party Wednesday morning at the Driv
ing Club In honor of Mrs. W. J. Bnow,
of Fort Riley, the guest of Mrs. C. B.
Howard, Jr.
Owing to the continued critical Ill
ness of Mrs. Mary E. Oliver her mar
riage to Mr. Edward Northen, which
was announced to take place on the
lih of July, has been Indefinitely post
Wednesday afternoon the Thomas
Jefferson Chapter of the Daughters of
the American Revolution will act as
hostesses at Cralgle House from 6 to t
o’clock. The visiting Daughters, the
Daughters of 1111, and the members of
all the
different chapters are cordially
invited, and are requested to come
promptly at 6 o'clock, as the sham bat
tle will begin at (.
Mrs. Miller Hutcblns, as regent of
the Thomas Jeffarson Chapter, will act
as mistress of ceremonies. Misses
Aline Patterson. Cara Hutchln, Bessie
and Martha Woodward will serve
punch and will assist In the entertain
ment of the guests.
A delightful event of Wednesday was
the barbecue which Mr. and Mrs. J. It
Gray gava at their summer home on
Peachtree road In honor of Mrs. W. 8.
Elkin and Mrs. Boykin Robinson. Ths
beautiful home of the Grays is an Ideal
place for an al fresco party, and Wed
nesday tba many-colored gowns of the
women present gave an added charm to
the picture.
Mrs. Gray received her guests In a
dainty suit of white linen, band-em-
less, nervous wrecks of women whose
duties take them out through the fiery,
tumultuous streets, where various
desth-deallng devices make one recall
with pitiful longing tbs burning of
Rome, and the glaring days of destruc
tion which overtook that magnlllcent
city of ths Golden Gate.
AU things In life are comparative,
and It Is no wonder that the woman
who threads her helpless way through
the burning, turbulent thoroughfares of
Atlanta on the .noisy Fourth should
soothe her nerve-racked brain with
restful stories - of tho destruction of
those "cities of tho plain," In tho far.
off Orient, In the far-off days.
The one compensating thing left to
reetore tho equilibrium Is tbs clang of
the gong'of the ambulance, as It hur
ries through ths streets, to carry to his
reward soma exasperating patriot who,
like many another such simpleton, has
left his country for hla country’s good
As the shadows of the torrid summer
night fall upon the city rockets will
blase their way toward those other
stun; and Roman candles will Illumi
nate beautiful parka and private lawns.
Rest and quiet must come at last;
the latest oslebrator must sleep either
In death or on some fashion of a bed;
morning will break again and .the jour
nals of the country will tell In mourn.
of. the tragedies of the
ful numbers .... ...
day Just past. Normal conditions will
be restored, with big doctors’ bills and
crowded hospital wards left to tell the
tales of sickening accidents. Wtmen
will be able once more to walk abroad
without the consciousness of marching
to certain and Ignominious death.
What Is left of the small American
boy will return to hla kite, marbles and
bat and ball. The amoke and grime of
powder will disappear; the toy pistol
and cannon having accomplished their
retired list until the bell
mss begin to chime and the Fourth of
July of 1906 will have taken Its place
among the national anniversaries
which shall forever bear witness to
American courage and American Inde
broldered and trimmed with lace.
Mrs. Elkin was becomingly gowned
In white. The waist and skirt were
fashioned with lace and tiny ruffles.
She wore a hat of Panama, trimmed
with white wings..
Mrs. Robinson was attractive In a
suit of whits linen. The waist was em
broidered and trimmed with lace. The
skirt was made circular and fashioned
with bands of embroidery. Her hat of
white chip was trimmed with pink
Miss Eusera Elder, of Blakeley, Go.,
and Mr. Nathaniel M. Cox, of Atlanta,
were united In marriage Tueeday aft'
ernoon. Rev. W. IL Bell performing
the ceremony, which was witnessed by
only a tew Intimate friends.
Queen .Victoria of Spain has .made
fashionable an elegant device for pro
tectlng bright eyes from ths sun and
warding off sun headaches. It Is
shads for the eyes, beautifully wrought
of various materials and mounted on a
long handle like the familiar lorgnette.
This dainty affair was found very
useful under the torrid Spanlah sun by
the new queen, who took It with her
from London. Hero the Malsette, as It
Is called, has become Indispensable to
the fashionable woman who goes to
race meetings and polo matches.
It not only
prevents the headaches
that result from watching sports under
powerful sun, but also saves the
rtnkles that are formed around the
eyes In those circumstances.
The eye shade, which Is the Invention
of a
woman. Is made up In elegant
‘ —trials, --
forms of costly materials, such as
mother-of-pearl, gold, silver repousse
and carved tortoise shell.
Automobile parasols are now wielded
by the smartest women at garden par
ties and "church parada." Why they
are ao called la not quits dear, for they
are quite useless for motoring.
The automobile parasol V really i
revival of tha old Eugor*
it la a tiny, Mmy thing, IM Oafl. Jointed
folding stick, which can L%)Wd at any
angle. Taffetas and lace ant used for
the oover, while the handle le often
daintily fashioned In mother-of-pearl
^Another new fashion In psrasols Is
the miniature Imitation of tho giant
They sure of red and blue cotton, with
gaily striped borders.
Tha Ladles' Auxiliary to the B. of R.
T. will hold Its regular meeting
Thursday. July 9, In the K. of P. hall,
Xlspr bultdtg. AU members are n
quested to attend.
The Woman's Home Mission Society
of 81. Johns Church will have their
annual picnic at Grant Park Friday,
July 6.
The mission workers of the Second
Baptist Church wUt hold a lawn fate
Thursday, July 6, at the residence of
Professor Looney, 197 Washington
On July 6 Nathan’s Vienna Cafe will
open at 76 Peachtree street, and on
that duy Mr. Nathan will generously
donate 10 per cent of the gross re
ins to the Home for Old Women.
U hoped that the friends of the In
stitution will contribute by. their pat
ronage to the success of the day.
Photograph shows coat of dark shade of gray liberty silk. The skirt
la Fluid In gray, with black stripes. The (fit of this coat la particularly
striking. It la in the empire style, which' has become ao popular this
spring. The large trimmed hat Is of a chocolate shade of brown, with
brown velvet bows hanging almost down, to the shoulder. The most no
ticeable feature of the season's costumss Is the fashion of wearing hats of
a contrasting color.
^ Personal Mention J
Hon. John Clay Smith has gone to
Washington and points In ths East on
legal business.
Judgs Raid will spend hla summer
vacation with hie daughters, Mrs. John
E. J. Fans ha STS, at Philadelphia, and
Mrs. Ralph Blrdsall, at Cooperatown.
N. Y. He left the city on Tuesday at
Mrs. Frits Rausohenburg and her
two daughters, Misses Llnette and
Lavolette, and Miss Ina May Farris•
are spending tome time In Savannah.
Hon. William M. Howard, Mrs. How
ard and their sons. Masters King and
ry Howard, who have been the
Henry ...
guests of Dr. and Mrs. William King
since the adjournment of congress; left
for their home at Lexington, Gs, on
Tuesday morning.
Dr. and Mrs. William King are
spending a week with Mr. and Mrs.
Eugene Black at tbetr home on Peach'
tree road.
Mrs. Guy Mitchell will leave Friday
for Wayneavllle, N. C. 8he will be
joined next week by Mrs. IL C. Mltcb-
Runnstte, and MUs
Mr. - Forrest Adair, Mlsa Elisabeth
Adair and Mlsa Natalie Taylor are at
Colonel R. J. Lowry is In New York.
Mlsa Eva Wrlgley left Tuesday for
Mr. Hollins Randolph Is In Canton.
Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Greenfield are
at home to their friends In the Geor
gian npartments at 44 East Harris
Mrs. C. C. Abbott Is expected home
from Chicago this week.
dge at
000000000 0 0 000O000P
All communications Intended
for the society department of
the Saturday Issue of Tho Geor
gian must reach the office be
fore II o’clock ■ Saturday morn
ing In order to Insure publica
When Colonel J. W. Ferguson got on
the block to .auction off tho One prop
erty of Mrs. 8. C. Dooley, right next to
the summer home of the late W.
Sander*, on the Soldiers’ Homs line,
Tuesday afternoon at 1:10 o’clock, ha
found himself In competition with Jupe
Pluvlns. The thunder thundered and
the lightning lighted and then the
rain came. James L. Logan, who was
rain came. James L. Logan, who wsa
conducting the sale In the Interest of
S. B. Turman & Co., the well-known
and popular real estate dealers, looked
a little vexed, for he had attracted a
large crowd by hla excellent offer for
Investing or home building. But Mr.
Logan Is something of a philosopher.
So be Invited the crowd to a nearby
shelter, where they waited until the
rain was over and they could return to
town. In the meantime It was decided
to postpone the sale until Monday aft-
gsn Is something of a phllan
throplat. Aa the auction salesman for
8. B. Turman A Co. he has succeeded
In having a lot of unimproved proper
ty made attractive, so that not only the
all property In the vicinity was greatly
benefited. Colonel Ferguson la a man
possessed of a cheery smile and a flow
of eloquence which keeps everybody In
a good humor. They promise no end
of entertainment and opportunities for
making money at the sale Monday aft
ernoon. Every one la cordially Invited.
Bpeclal cars hi
lave been engaged, and
ample accommodations ore guaran
Special to Tbs Georgian.
Grlflln, Ga* July 4.—On last Satur
day a report reached the city that Oli
ver Jester had been accidentally shot
by Llge Mitchell, but from later re-
porta and the dying statement of JeS'
ter. It eeems that It was not an acci
A warrant was sworn out for Mitch
ell and a commitment trial was held
before Jeptha Pullen, (lltchell was
bound over by the justice to await the
action of the grand Jury, which con
venes In August
The shooting occurred on the farm
of O. W. Sims, of Cabins district
threre being no witnesses, it la claim
ed, to prove the real facts.
Special to The Georgian.
Savannah, Ga., July 4.—-In his charge
to tha grand Jury, Judge Conn recom
mended the establishing of a school of
commerce and trade for white boys.
He pointed out that there was already
thought the white boys were entitled to
the same opportunities. The depart
ments suggested were Industrial, me
chanical, home economy. Industrial
sewing, stenography, typewriting, book
keeping, cabinet tiling. It was also
suggested that the academic studies be
limited to English, mathematics,
science and history, letter writing and
Another suggestion was that night
schools and branches of the publlo
library be established In different parts
of the city.
“No Cost," “No Profit” Will Be Considered in Accom-
plishing This End—The Best Makes of Pianos Be
ing Closed Out at Great Reductions.
We Would Rather Have These Pianos in the Homes of
the People Even at the Big Sacrifice in Price Than
To Tale Chances on Damage by Storing Them.
Terms of Payment Made So Easy None Need Hesitate.
Open Evenings, 62 Peachtree Street.
Our troubles are our own and do not
concern tho pubit; In any way except
wherein the publld may be benefited. In
this particular cane, however, the pub
lic, the money-giving, piano-buying
public, le vitally concerned.
You see, wo had ill arrangements to
move Into our new iulldlng at the ex
piration of our least at present loca
tion. At the last moment wo were no
tified that the buldlng would not be
ready for us for loin* weeks.
We can't put thise pianos In an un
finished building, 'to be damaged by
dust, paint, plasteA etc., and we can't
store such an Immbnse stock and take
chances on damage by rust, scratches
and bruises.
And we have to mpt*. That Is where
tha shoe pinches. And that Is the rea
son why wa concluded to sell off the
entire stock. /
We are taking out lots In the way of
loss In profits and giving It to the pur
chasers In this sale, [every one of whom
profiting to the 6160 to $200.
To make doubly sur| that every In
strument would be closed out, we even
cut out not only all semblanco of profit,
but. In many cases, a portion of the
very cost of tha Instruments.
Do you need a piano!-
If you do, you are Indeed fortunate;
for never was there such tn opportunl-
tieap onq
; i-s
at the cost of i
And the terms?
They are made to pleaba yo
Ever) da;
Visit the sale.
selling five durable
$118, $127, $148, etc.
fllUi HI *90,
usually sell
fun, flal, filO, Clk
at twice the money.
Other line uprights tha-. usually sell
at $360. $$76 and $400 ar< '
out in this sale at $17$, $:
selling di
urge nu
dally Is
I being closed
IV, $211
the best j
8, etc.
ios we are
ldence that
Many people from out of town are
patronizing this sale. They And that It
pays them largely to com# even -hun
dreds of miles to seoure a piano at
these big discounts.
Old Makes—Good Makes.
Search the world over and you will
not And better pianos thnn the Kranlch
& Bach, Ivers & Pond, Emerson, A. a
Chase, Kimball, MePhall, Krell, Hoff,
man, Whitney, Strohber, Royal, eta
These are tho pianos you will And her*
In all variety of designs and finishes
2 new 2250 pianos, now 893.
2 new $276 pianos, now $117.
6 new $300 pianos, now $148.
4 new $325 pianos, now $100.
4 new $350 pianos, now $196.
6 new $400 pianos, now $243.
0 new $450 pianos, now $287.
6 new $600 pianos, now $330.
The discounts on tha high-grade
makes range from $160 to $300. Why
not taka early advantage and secure
Uted Uprights.
If a good used upright Is what you
are wanting, you will never again be
able to obtain one at the prlcoa we have
marked these. All the best makes are
Ing at $65, $70. $85, $110, $126, 6136 and
on terms of payment made to suit your
8quare Pianos.
67, $10, $12, $16, $18 and
The pay.
Could you realize the full Importance
of this sale, Ita money-saving possibili
ties, the easy terms offered, you would
make haste to be here early.
We ship pianos everywhere to relia
ble people, to be paid for on our easy
payment plan.
Store open evenings until 9:30 o’clock.
62 Peachtree St. Atlanta, Ga.
Special to The Georgian.
Lavonla, Ga., July 4.—14‘ a severe
electric storm here yesterdai lightning
struck the Southern Cottoi oil Mill
and set Are to tho main butld'ng under
the flrst floor. By a heroic^ effort of
the cltlsens, the Are was cx<
Lightning, also struck the Presbyte
rian church, doing considerably damage
to the steeple.
0000000000 000.000000
N. T. Davidson, 100 East Pine street
Mrs. A. G. Smart, who, haa been so
111, la well enough to be out again.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Wltham and
Mlsa Laura Wltham return Thursday
from Worm Springs.
Mrs. Emins Bell will spend
month »f July In the East.
Mr. and Edward Fortaon will
■pend the month of August at Toxa-
Mrs. Georgs Boynton 14 the guest
of her daughter, Mrs. Leon Walker, >n
West End.
Mr. George Muse, Mr. W. M. Gregg
and Mr. Hunter Muse are In New York
Mrs. J. Dorter Pou, after a visit to
Mrs. Samuel J. Weyman, haa returned
to Columbus.
Mrs. W. D. Elite, Jr, le at Tallulah.
MUs Susan Spalding’s dance Thun-
111,be a pretty compll-
day evening wll.„
ment to her guest. Miss Kltaon.
MUs Atkinson's card party Wednes
day evening will be In honor of Mrs.
WIIIU Timmons and Mrs. Ralph Davi
Magnlfleent collection beautiful Pic
ture Postal Cards. It will interest
you to aee this display. For sale by
In ’Lobby Piedmont Hotel.
That's the Ides we want you toget. The only way to convince your
self Is to soo our stock and compare It with other*. Our prices
are right and qualities are alwa:~i the hlgheeL
The Diamond Palace.
$7 Whitehall SL
Miss Nina Gentry, who Is spending
Jhe summer at Warm Springe, _ will
visit MUs Bessie Pope the last of the
Masters Henry and Lawrence Tom**
kina and Malcolm Fortaon returned on
Tuesday from Washington, Ga.
Miss carobel Murphey, of Tucson,
Arisons, U In tha city, vuitlng her
uncle, Sr. C L Murphey, and Mrs.
8pedal to The Georgian.
Charlotte, N. C, July 4.—Governor
R. B. Glenn, of North Carolina, la for
Bryan for president In the next presi
dential campaign.
Governor Glenn says that the Re
publican party U now working for
measures that a few .years ago were
i Jen
nings Bryan no mistake could be made.
Special to The Georgian.
AogusU. Gs, July 4 —New Denies ere
deny being added to the county list of
Illegally registered people. The comn|ttee
his e meeting every day, and yesterday
the lUt had reached 206. which Is not til
of those who are under suspicion.
Summons hare boon tent those suspected,
calling them to appear before the board
and show why thoy hero registered. One
of the members of tho committee stated
yeaterdax that some of those who wore
inspected had left the state, as they were
only over -here loaf enough to vote. The
evidence that the board hsn la hand Is
very damaging to some of those who ere
alleged to have Illegally registered. Cases
will be made against all who do not show
good cmnst why they have registered, and
criminal proscrutlpn will follow.
The vanity of diamonds U the one
vanity which has practical Justification.
The Investment value of line stones
balances their frivolity, and we handle
only the Onset.
8peril! to The Georgian
Columbus, Os, July 4,-Iko Retford, a
negro man who lives Just outside tho city,
was shot by Doc Brooks yesterday sod bad
ly Injured with bird shot. Tho negro wso
■hot twice, ones Is the log end ooc* In
tho arm sad be thru ran. Which probably
pro rented hU being killed. The
of tho shooting wna nn Insulting
reived by Brooks' 16-yenr-old daugl
the negro's name signed to IL
worked for Brooks, whoso homo U In tho
some neUhhorbo'id.
Tho negro cams to tho city and had his
rounds dressed after escaping.
By Privets Leased Wire.
London, July 4.—It le believed all the
survivors of the railway wreck at
Salisbury will recover, although the
condition of Edward w. Senthll, of
Brooklyn, and Robert 8. Crttchell, of
Chicago, remains serious.
Special to The Georgian.
Grlflln, Ga., July 4.—Spalding county
will have a now court house, this atop
being taken by the county eothmle-
■loners Tuesday morning. 1
Several months ago they held an
Just Received. Look at Them.
Charles W. Crankshaw,
■ Diamond Merchant and Jeweler.
Century Building. Whitehall 8L
Special to The Georgian.
Birmingham, Ala., July 4.—The po
litical pot la boiling In Alabama today.
Both candidates for gubernatorial hon
ors will deliver "Fourth of July" ora
tions In different sections, and candi
dates for various offices are gathered
at picnics and other places where they
B. Comer, railroad commissioner
o. i.uiut-i, rouivou cumu
and candidate for the office of govern
or, 1* at Tallossee, where he will speak
Dr. IL M. Cunningham, present lieut
enant governor, and candidate for tbs
place of chief executive of the state.
Heft Birmingham last night for Jonea
Chapel, where he will today address a
big Fourth of July meeting which has
been arranged by his supporters.
were defeated, and the coi
decided on direct taxation.
The board levied a special tax of 7H
mills, which will provide sniff-lent
funds for the present year, and the
new board next year can make ,the
levy to complete the work.
By Private Leased Wire.
• Chicago, July 4.—Mr*.- Charles T,
Yerkes-Mtsner, who has Just been op
erated upon for appendicitis. Is not dy
ing at her Michigan avenue residency
according to Attorney Clarence A.
Knight. In spite of the report* from ths
West that Wilson Mlsner I* hurrying
to hla wife's bedside.
"Reports of thl* character are cir
culated by Mlxner himself. He has not
been sent for,” said Knight
The Wedding Gowns
A Keepsake.
By Emma Moffett Tyng and Agnes O. Crane.
This volume Is a gift for a 1 ride.
It Is Inteaded to gather and Isold together the many souvenirs of
the happy Wedding-time—the card of Invitation, list of flowers.
Jewels, gifts, bite of the pretty gowns, notes of the wedding journey,
congratulatory messages; press no: ices, etc.—thing* of preclou* asso
ciation and remembranc* to a woman, but apt to slip out of keeping
aa the year* pas*.
Handsomely bound In cloth cr silk. Send for descriptive circular.
J ,P. Stevens Engraving Company.
47 Whitehall Street. Atlanta* Georgia.
Reliable Druggists,
We Send for Prescriptions and Deliver Free
Atlanta Agents for
80c Pound