The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, July 05, 1906, Image 2
THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN, THI RBOAT, JILT 9. 190% PRINTING, BINDING LITHOGRAPHING AND NOVELTY ADVERTISING F. E. PURSE, 14 to 18 EAST MITCHELL ST. BOTH PHONES 254. HOTELS AND 8UMMER RESORTS.HOTELS AND SUMMER RE80RTS. Hotel MARLBOROUGH, BROADWAY, 36TH AND 37TH STS. HuriU Squirt, Htw York. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Completely renovated and refurnished. The largest and most attractive LOBBY AND ROTUNDA In New York has been newly opened up. Bpectal Inducemente to COMMER- CXAL MEN with aamples. Thirty large and wall lighted SAMPLE ROOMB, with or without hath. Forty largo front suttee, with parlor, two bedrooms and private bath; suitable for families or pantos traveling together. The Old English Grill Room Is an innovation. Unique and original. All exposed cooking. Bea food of all varieties a specialty. Our Combination Breakfasts are a popular feature. , The German Rathskeller Is Broadway's greatest attraction for apodal food dishes and popular Music. EUROPEAN PLAN. 400 Rooms, 200 baths. Ratss for Rooms, tl.10 and upward; 11.04 and up ward with bath. Parlor, bedroom and bath, 11.00, 11.00 and ti.00 per day; Par lor, two bedrooms and bath. 11.00, 10.00 and 11.00 psr day. 11.00 extra where two-persona occupy single room. Write for Booklet. SWEENEY-TIERNEY HOTEL COMPANY, B. M. Tierney, Mgr. BAILE Y SA YS BR YAN WILL BE PRESIDENT 5,000 Persons Cheer Statement of Tex as Senator. By 1'rfrste Leased Wire. -Abilene, Tex., July 0.—"Hear me, all the money that the Insurance poten tates have will not be able to buy the election In 1101 against William ■ J. Bryan. Unless the Republican party shall rscognlss the proud and Indig nant judgment of the American peo ple and paae a law making It a crime to buy an American president, Bryan's vots In 1141 will be more unanimous than McKinley's election was In 1106." In these words, and before an au dience of at leaat 0,000 persons. United Btates Senator Ballsy yesterday after noon expressed his opinion that Mr. Bryan will be nominated and elected to the presidency of the United Btates In 1101. Declaration It Cheered. A great demonstration on the part of his hearers greeted this declara tion of Senator Bailey. Mr. Bailey arraigned the Republican party for legislating, as he said, al ways In the Interests of the plutocrats. Continuing, he said;' “Now and than tbs Republican party makea tha mlataka of sleeting a man who now and then haa an Impulse in unlaon with tha lntemta of the Amer ican people. It haa ons now In the person of Theodore Roosevelt. He has an occasional Impulse toward the American paople, but It la not very atrong, nor does It last." Ptopls's Monty Taken. Mr. Ballsy asserted that the na tional Rapubllcan party hnd no uae for a Republican who bellevaa In the right of virtue and Intelligence of the people to rule. Speaking of political contributions of the Insurance companies, he said that the people'! money woa taken to elect Rooeevelt and McKinley. SHOOTS HIS UNCLE IT IjfLEBRITIOi GREAT EXCITEMENT CAUSED AT PICNIC BY UNU8UAL TRAGEDY. * Special to Tlie Georgian. McIntyre, Gal, July S.—Ben Huff ■hot and fatally wounded Dock Collins in a fight here yesterday at a Fourth of July picnic. Collins is a prosperous farmer and an uncle of the man who shot him. An unknown negro was also wound ed by a stray bullet. A general stam pede followed and great excitement reigned for some time. LUMBER MILLS BURN FOR THEJHIRD TIME FIRE ORIGINATED FROM A HOT BELT CAUSING HALF MIL- QUEEN of the MOUNTAINS BELL No city* smoko to mar ths sky. No sound of traffic strikes the ear, DAILY PHONE Tho hush of nnturo gives the llo MAIL To every thought of turmoil near. PORTER SPRINGS, Lumpkin County, Ga. OPENED JUNE 15. Address Henry P. Farrow, rounit sruiHcs. at. Hotel Cumberland BROADWAY &p 54th SL NEW YORK CITY,N.Y. V TV. “S** iMorloutly appointed hotel In Seer York, lie furnishings •a and In good teete. Tiled bath rooms rfuHl.tlng Into tho open sir n fontoro. Telephono In erenr salts. This hotel offers to permanent snd transient neats superior arcommods* »fTO,Ti^*TeirkT. p , U01 EDWARD R. SWETT. Proprietor. OFFICERS INSTALLED BY THE ODD FELLOWS, kpoela! to tho Georgian. Hartwell, Ga., July 5.—Tuesday night tha officers elected by the local lodgo of Odd Fellows were Inatalied. A. 8. iflkelton waa Inatalied aa put grand; Dr. S. IL Patton, noble grand; T. C. McNeeley, vice grand; W. O. McKin ney. recording oocrotary; Judge J. M. Thornton, treuurer; Meson. C. B. Ay- ere, Edward T. Cason and Georg* Skrl- t-n, trusteee, and Captain William H. Conier, district deputy, he having been appointed by Grand Muster R. U. Me- Cowan, of Augusta. Daughters Elect Officers. Rperial to the Georgian. . Decatur, Ala., July I.—-At tha reg ular meeting of Cordelia council, No. 7, Daughters of America, the following off!'era were elected for the next elx mouth*: Councillor, Lena Laa; vice councillor, Mrs. H councillor, Mrs. e h into vice councillor, lv; recording secretary, Will W. Nel eon: assistant recording secretary, J. 1.. Soil man; conductor, Jamea Comp ton; Inside sentinel, A. R Greenhlll; outside sentinel. Bam Wlnton; warden, Krneat Blbby; trustee, A. R Green- hill. tncuior, i.cna ui; vice ra. M. Rlbby; associate a. Georgs llartung; aa- lunclllor, Mr*. A. L. Jol- and WHI8KIY HABITS cured at home with out pain. hook of p.r- ticel.r. seat I'HF.K, It. M. WOOLLEY. M.I>. BRUSHES. carry tho largest stock He Wai „. . of ash Brushes, Kalsomlne I’alnt Brushes, White Varnish Brushes a Brushes la the South. F. J. COOLEDGE & BRO, 12. N. Forsyth 8L Atlanta. Keelcv * (inv ■ 4 uleatillt untmuttm |\whhht t , Oplta. Mot. rfpftiM. Cocolot, Chloral, {Tobacco ood Htmratlbte • or Mtrro EihootHoo. The Onlj Ktiltj Inifi- ' (uftfi Georgia. 35 Capitol An., ATLANTA, 6A. CLOtt SESSION BARBECUE AT PIEDMONT PARK BRINGS CONVENTION TO HAPPY END. When the fourth annual convention of the Georgia Rural Free Delivery men adjourned Wednesday at 3 o'clock ther* waa not a man In the house who waa not hungry enough to eat a whole pig. No time waa lost In reaching Piedmont park, where a tempting bar becue had been prepared, and the car rier! did juetlce to themselves and their host*, the local entertainment committee. The Hon. John Temple Graves, of Tha Georgian, delivered a short and eloquent addreea, In which he called attention to the great work of the free delivery system, and Its effect on edu cation In the remote district. Colonel Oravee was to have spoken In the morning, welcoming the convention, but waa unable to reach the city before noon. He waa followad by the Hon. Clark Howell, who spoke In the highest term* of tha carriers, and of thalr organisation, and paid tribute to Benator A. B. Clay and Na tional President Paul Llndeey, The newly elected president, Fred L. White, made a abort address, aa did Post mas ter Blodgett and President Lindsey. . At the clues of the addressee the car- rlcra scattered to various places of amusement, some going to the ball game and some to the parka. The con vention waa pronounced tha moat In teresting and Important In the four year* of the association. SAVANNAH GIRL WEDS IN CHAHLOTTE HOSPITAL Special to The Georgian. Charlotte, N. C., July 4.—A romance culminated at tha bedside of the groom who la an Inmats of 8t. Peter's Hos pital here yesterday. Tha groom was Eugene Whtanant, of this city, and tha marriage cere mony waa performed with members of the Immediate family preaanL The marriage had been announced a month ago, but In the meantime, and after all of the details of the wedding bed been perfected, the groom became III. and waa carried to the hospital here, where he has been an Inmate for about ten days. The ceremony was to have taken place In Savannah on July 3, but the bride, realising that hsr lover needed her ministering hand and the comfort of her presence, came to Charlotte In stead and asked that the ceremony be performed here. The bride's father was the tats Judge H. C. Kittles, of Savannah, and she Is a young woman of rare charm of manner and beauty. The groom Is a rising young business man of Char, lotte. BURDEN OF WHITE MAN * IS THE THEME FOR BRYAN By Private Leased Wire. London, July G.—"The White Man's Burden" was the text of an ad dress delivered by William Jennings Bryan at the Independence Day din ner of the American Society at the Hotel Cecil last night. There were about GOO persons at the dinner, and they cheered patriotic sentiment at every opportunity. The health of King Edward was proposed by Chairman F. W. Jones and Hayward Greenwood, president of the Canadian Society, and member of parliament for the city, of York, proposed the health of President Roose velt. When they arose to drink to the toasts the crowd discovered Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Longworth In the gallery, and cheered and drank her health. Mr. Bryan said no one can travel among the dark-skinned races of the Orient without feeling that the white man occupies an especial favored position among the children of menL . "There la a whit* man's burden," *«ld Mr. Bryan, "a burden wl the white man should not shirk even If be could, a burden which he could not shirk If he would. Our destinies are so Interwoven that' each exerts an Influence directly upon all others!’" " " .» During the dinner Ambassador Reid and Mr. Bryan Indulged In good natured banter. THREATENS TO FIGHT BRYAN TO THE END Mr. Reid, In responding to Sir W. B. Richmond's graceful pro posal of Ills hsalth, sold with refer ence to Mr. Bryan: "At home aa a cttlsen I have openly and squarely opposed him at every stage of his conspicuous career. I am reasonably sure that when I return home I shall contin ue to do the same. 1 believe he tonight Is *s well satisfied as I am, though by different reasoning, that the country we both love and try to serve has not been ruined by Its gold. As the official representative of the American people without glad Meat been - lived In the daylight! and one whom such a great host of my country men have long trusted and hon ored.” WISHE8 REPUBLICANS WERE OUT OF COUNTRY Mr. Bryan, rising amid laughter and cheers, said: “Ths temptation to make a po litical speech Is strong within me. I have not had a chance to do so for ten months. However. I will restrain myeelf. With reference to the ambassador's remarks on gold, J with to say that when I see the progress my country haa made walking on one leg, I wonder what H would have done walking on two legs. It Is pleasing to testify that the ambassador not only has fought me, but he has done It well. No American rejoieds more than I that he Is 3,000 miles from his base. While abroad I have met many good Republicans, holding office— and I only wish there were enough offices abroad to tako all the Re publicans out of the country." DECLARES SMITH AND ABNER WERE NOT AT THE KILLING the By Prlrats Leased Wire. I to defend others charged with v Beattyvllle, Ky., July 6.—No eeaslon murder. . of court wn# hold yesterday. Attor- I Judge Blanton aald he knew of hi* ^ 1% i aM J TahsIG s\# niltlnaal I O^ll KllOWlMBt tMt AuIlCr MQ SlYlltil ney* Byrd and Jouett, of counsel for wtn twmtv mltM from Jackson the the prosecution, went to their homes, but returned this morning In time to aastst In tho selection of the Jury. Judge Dorsey took up the work of selecting a jury this morning and poaelhle will endeavor to enter Into the trial of tha case upon the report of the officers seat after the missing wit' ms. They are expected today. It will be the contentions of attor neys for the commonwealth that the names be drawn from the wheel, while th* defense will urge that tha sheriff be required to summon the men at will. The latter method will more than like ly bo employed by Judge Dorsey, wbo la anxious to avoid alt th* delay pos- atble. Former County Attorney W. H. Blanton, of Jackson, who la here to look after the cases against John Ab ner and John Smith, under Indictment for complicity In the murder of James B. Marcum, la placed In a rather awk ward position In view of th* trial of the damage suit at Winchester, which waa Instituted by Mr*. Marcum against Hargis, Callahan and French, and waa one of the principal witnesses tor th* prosecution, aa h* also waa In the trials of Jett and Whit* for the mur der of Marcum. Now h* la employed HEAVY SHIPMENTS DURING MONTH OF JUNE Pel* Delicate Women and Girls. Th* Old Standard, Grove'* Tasteless Chill Tonic, drives out malaria and | builds up ih* system. Bold by all dealers for 37 year*. Price CO cent*. Special to The Georgian. Brunswick, Ga., July 8.—While June is not up to several preceding months' so far as the shipping record of this port Is concerned, the report of th* statistician shows an Increase over June. 1*05. Thirty-three vessel* cleared from the port during the month, with a total tonnage of 44,4000. The shipments for the month Included, besides a large qauntlty of miscellaneous merchandise, 10,401 bales of cotton. 4,144 bales of sheeting. 44 tone of shuttle blocks, 41 of eeed, . 3,043 tons of phosphate rock, 14,340 barrels of rosin, *.3M bar rels of spirits, 4.4*4.044 feet of lumber, 7(4,040 feet of timber, (40 case* cedar, 444.000 shingles, 1,4(4.040 feet of eras*- ties were twenty miles from Jackson the day Marcum was killed. He waa stand ing near, he said, and saw Marcum iiiS iitki i ill? nuiis* aims mmww 4U»ivuiii shot, and who was present and near enough to be Implicated. A continuance may ha granted by Judge Dorsey because of serious Ill ness In the family of Judge Theodore G. Lewis, an Important witness for the prosecution. Telephone Lines Extend all over the . United States. You can sit at home or in the office, use the Bell Telephone and talk to almost any body anywhere. It saves you time, money, travel, trou ble. Try it. Q Reasonable Rates. CaUContrjct Dept., M. 1300 BELL Speclsl to The Gsorgtsn. Beaumont. Texas, July 4.—The fills- bee mills ot the Kirby Lumber Com pany, together with the yards contain- Ing 4,004,000 feet of lumber, and nu merous buildings, were destroyed by Ore yesterday evening. The fire originated at 3:30 o’clock- In the afternoon and burned till after mid, night. The Are originated from a hot belt In' the mill. The loss of lumper will reach 1500,004, while the lose on machinery will exceed 4200,000. The property 1* amply Insured, but the loss Is great, owing to the present high prlc- heavy demand for yellow pine. The Kirby Lumber Company has suffered from a aeries of fires at Its targe mills tha past year, three being <ieeti-,y<-,i, and the loos aggregating over 33,000,- 000. Bllebee Is a saw mill town of 3,000 people, at th* junction of two branches of the Santa Fe. CUTS HIS OWN THROAT AND IS BURIED AT SE NEWS 'OF SUICIDE ON ATLANTIC LINER IS KEPT FROM PA38ENGER8. By Trivet* Led led Wire. New York, July 0.—F. N. Woodruff, ot Chicago, committed euldde on the steamer Majestic, In this morning from Liverpool and Queenstown, by cutting his throat with a razor. The act was discovered last Monday morn Ing at 11:30 o'clock and at midnight tho same day, when all tho paae*oxers woro asleep, the body waB burled at >0. Woodruff Is said to have been Western salesman for a large dry good* house. In his cabin was found a note, which read: "The strain of the past two months la too much for me." Tha steward found Woodruff In his bunk. His head was nearly severed, and In a pool ot blood on tho floor lay the rasor which had been used. Great care Was taken to prevent tho other passengers from learning of th* sul clde. THEATERS At th* Caaino. Gertie Hoffman, tha only woman stage producer who has been success ful In things theatrical. Is a great fea ture of Max Hoffman's own company. In fact, Mlaa Hoffman has won the laurel wreaths ot all the season, and after some great stars and some high ly popular favorites have had an in bettar than Atlanta haa ever seen her, and she win be on* of the strong cards of the future. Th* attraotlon Is one of the beet of the season. It Is merry and there Is Hoffman music all through IL There Is lota that Is funny, a heap that Is rtglnal and a multitude of things ■n th* stow alt that any ona wants In summer season. The pantomime act of Silvers Oak ley la the same that startled New York at the Hippodrome and Is pleasing here. There are but n few more perform ances of this attraction. Nex week vaudeville will again bid for Interest at th* Ponce DeLeon Casino and there la such a strong bill that on* will feel sure of being, right In th* prediction that the bill will be one ot th* beet drawing cards of the The bills at the Casino this season have been, far battar than ever before, and they are Improving each week. And thl* week will be a very sti _ eclipse ot alt the successes, for there will be more that la novel and comical than has been offered before. $2.88 MACON AND RETURN. Via CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY. Account Grand Lodge K. of P. (Col- oredl. Meeting, Macon, July 10-14, 1906. Tne Central of Georgia Railway will sell tickets to Macon and return, July 9 and 10, at rat* of ona fare plus 25 cents from all points In Georgia. Ticket* l.mited to July 15, 1906. W. H. FOGG, D. P. A.. Atlanta, Ga. Sssboard Physicians to Meet. Special to The Georgian. Savannah, GaJ July (.—The physi cians of the Bea board Air Lin* wtU hold their annual convention her* be ginning July It. Dr. W. K. Norton, local representative, la In charge of th* arrangements COOL AND SUMMERY Distinctive clothes, clothes on aristo cratic lines:—the picture tells the story of Muse coat and trouser suit style. Blue Serge either single or double- breasted with one or two vents. With self-lined silk piped yoke and all seams $15.00 With silk yoke lining $20.00 and $25.00 MUSE’S 3-5-7 WHITEHALL. RENOVATING Mattresses made new; best work; nsw tlrkimr. nil grade*. Work sent for and delivered same day. ATLANTA MATTRESS CO., Both Phones 4447.174 Ptedmynt Avenue. SHOES AT MANUFACTURER'S COST. They must go to make space for our new goods. Money saved if you buv at once. * CARHART SHOE MANUFACTURING CO Bell ’Phone 1355. 11 Viaduct Place, Railroad Front. ADAMS MACHINE WORKS DESTROYED BY FIRE Special to The Gtorrftn. Corinth, Mies, July 4.—A portion of the plant of th* Adams machine works, at this place, was destroyed by Are last night, entailing a loss estimated at 1140,444. . • The Are originated In the boiler room, and before the flam** could be checked the greater portion ot the building had been destroyed. Woodmen of world CELEBRATE THE FOURTH Just Received A Complete Line of —ANSCO CAMERAS— All the latest Improvements.. Full line of smateur supplies. Beat ama- teur finishing In the city. SAMUEL G. WALKER, 85 Peachtree SL Special to the Georgian. Hartwell, Ga., July.—The Northeast Georgia convention of the Woodmen of the World met at Bowersvtlle. 19 miles west of here, yesterday. Addresses were delivered by Hon. F. B. Doyle, of Boweravllle. add Hon. T. W. Mitch ell after which a delightful barbecue was served. Music for the occasion was rendered by th# Bowerevtll* Cor net band. large number from the Hartwell amp were In attendance. AWNINGS! TENTS UPHOLSTERY /AAIER 1 VOLBERC, 130 8o. Forsyth St.