Newspaper Page Text
Wednesday afternoon at 6 o'clock
the Thomas Jeffereon Chapter, D. A.
R, entertained at a brilliant reception
at the Cralgle House, complimentary to
the members of tho Joseph Habersham,
Piedmont Continental, Atlanta, and the
Harsh McIntosh chapters, D.|
The guests also Included the Daugh
ters of lSli. Mrs. Miller Hutchins, re-
Kent of tha Thomas Jefferson chapter,
presided. She made an address ap
proprlate and eloquent, welcoming the
guests and telling of the patriotic sig
nificance of the occasion.
Mrs. Thomas Morgan, regent of the
Atlanta chapter, also weloomed the
Daughters In behalf of her especial or.
Mr. Sllcer was then introduced as the
orator of the occasion. His address waa
one of unusual Interest and eloquence,
dealing with historic data and timely
Mrs. W. 8. Teates and Mr. Edward
Wood contributed several charming vo
cal numbers.
Misses Cora Hutchins, Aline Patter
son, Bessie and Martha Woodward
served punch. Toasts were drunk to
the thirteen original states and were
eloquently responded to by members of
the various chapters.
Among tbs ladles responding to the
toasts were Mrs. Dean, regent of the
Piedmont Continental chapter; Mrs.
Boling Jones, Mrs. A. McD. Wilson.
Mrs. Amaden, Mrs. Thomas Morgan,
hire. J. P. Moody, Mrs. John Perdue
and Miss Cora Brown.
About one hundred and fifty guests
were entertained.
Cmlglo House was festive and attrac
tive with elaborate decorations of flags,
bunting, palms, ferns and cut flowers.
Refreshments were served during the
reception hours.
Among tha handsomely gowned wo
men present were Mrs. Miller Hutch
ins In a pale blue lingerie toilette, with
white hat tiimmad with blue; Mrs.
Thomas Morgan, In black and white
Japanese foulard, with Irish point lace
hut of black; Mrs. John M. Slaton In
n wditto lingerie toilette with white hat;
Mrs. A. .Midi. Wilson' In black and
white dotted Swiss, with hat of white
and black; Mias Cora Brown, white
mull costume, lace trimmed with hat
en suite; Mrs. Holing Jones, white lin
gerie gown, with white Ikce hat; Mrs.
Dean In black lace toilette, with black
hut. trimmed with black plumes; Mrs.
Perdue In costume of white and blaok,
and Mrs. Moody In white lingerie gown.
Miss Lucy Mlllen will entertain on
Thursday afternoon at a box party at
the Casino, lit honor of Miss Alina
Wright, Miss Ida Wright and Mist
Dunson, of LaOrange. Mrs. Is A.
Park, of Covington, stater of Mis* Mil
len, will chaperon the party, which
-will Include Misses Dunson, Ida Wright,
Aline Wright. Edna Pugh, Marla Hous
ton. Irene Beaumont, Etta Beaumont,
Willie Harrison, May Harrison, Louisa
l ain, Le.uela Malaby ami Ellaabeth
Tho bridge at which Mlsa Minnie
'Atkinson entertained Wedneaday even
Ing waa a pretty compliment to Mrs.
Willis Timmons and Mrs. Ralph David
son, of Canada. There were twenty In
the party, the guests Including only
the attendants of the Mltchell-TIm
mom wedding and a faw Intimate
EJMtad of the hostess. Bridge waa
'played at tables ket on the lawn, which
was beautifully decorated with Japa-
neso lanterns. The verandas were
draped with bunting, and every detail
or the decorations waa In accord with
the idea of a national holiday.
Miss Irena Mitchell won the first
.prize, a hand-painted gause fan. Dr.
IW. L. Gilbert won the second prlae,
Iprctty picture, and the consolation, a
iwatermelon filled with candy, went to
'Mr. Justin Kuaa. Mrs. Timmons waa
iprwentsd with a beautiful centerpiece,
and Mrs. Davldaon received a dainty
pace handkerchief. Miss Atkinson
[wore a charming gown of chiffon over
taffeta. Mrs. Timmons waa an attrao-
Itlve figure In a pink flowered organdy,
:«nd Mr. Davldaon wore a becoming
toilette of white net over green silk.
Tha watermelon cutting given by Mr.
.and Mrs. John T. Camp Tuesday even
ing at their home. IP AUne avenue,
West End, was a unique and very en
joyable entertainment. Among the
gueats present were: Dr. and Mrs. Cain,
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Camp, Mr. and Mrs.
J. 8. Sewell, Mr. and Mrs Glenn
Mickle, Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Reiman,
of Douglaaavllle; Mieses Sewell, Ruby
' J a-nes. Vasal* Gulls tt, lone Wilson.
.Georgia Seymour. Fannie Cain, Naunte
I .ova Salman. Pauline Selmnn. of
DouglaaavlUa, and Messrs.' Emmett
I. uric ford. Walter Nations Irvin
Barge, D. II. Camp and Clinton Camp.
Tha dean* which Miss Susan Spald
ing and Mr. Hughea Spalding will give
at Regadlo's Thursday evening, In hon
or of Miss Velma Kltaon, will be one of
tha largest social events of the week.
The chaperones will be Mr. and Mrs.
J. J. Spalding, Mr. and Mrs. William
Uv<nn Peel, Mr. and Mrs. W. L.
Moos, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Smith, and
over a hundred gueata have been In
At Decatur, Oa* at the ante-bellum
home of Mlaa Gay and Mlaa Stokes, a
flaw days ago, there waa a gathering
of women, unusual In object and In
maka-up. It was a "apend-the-day"
party In Its beat and broadeet sense,
w ith literary features to vary the oc-
It was also tha delayed celebration
of two anniversaries.
The Old Atlanta W. C. T. U. had
faded to celebrate Its twenty-sixth
birthday, which occurred April 20. con-
eequently the members met on the
3*:b of June to keep the belated anni
versary at the old home with the sur
viving members of the Decatur Union,
and a few congenial friends. Incidents
■were given of the work carried on
An especially Interacting featare of
the day was the presentation by Mrs.
T. J. Pyron, of an appropriate gift to
Mlaa Mary'Gay, commemorative of her
sevrnty-ninlh birthday, and as a testi
monial to her well-known temperance
principles, ■ • ■
An elaborate dinner was served by
the Atlanta Union and the Decatur
contingent. An eloquent address waa
delivered by Mrs. Juliette Nix, who
succeeded as president the late Mrs.
E. C. Witter.
The reunion cloeed with "The Moth
ers' Circle of Prayer." led by Mrs.
James O. Patton, of Decatur.
The Fourth of July party given by
Misses Mary and Jane Gwlnn, at their
home on Whitehall street, Wednesday
evening, waa a picturesque and charm
Ing affair. Forty girls and boys ware
Invited to meet the two guests of hon
or, Mlaaea Grace McDougall and Liszts
Mae Lott The spacious home of the
Mlaaea Gwlnn was gaily decorated with
flags and bunting, and tha flowers used
wars red geraniums and white and
blue sweet peas. Mlaaea Louise Gwlnn
and Ladle Kuhrt presided at the punch
bowl, and tha Mlaaea Gwlnn wars as
sisted In receiving by Mlaaea Lott and
The game of old maid was played
and tha prises were a lace fan, a gold
scarf pin and a picture.
Thursday afternoon Mlsa Sarah
Rawaon was hoateas at a charming
porch party given In honor of Mlaa
Marie Brock, of LaFayette, Ala. The
broad verandas of the Rawaon home
were made cosy with easy chairs, ruga,
and small tables on which a progres
sive game waa played. The first prise
waa a dainty picture, and the consola
tion a big cannon cracker filled with
candy. The guest of honor was pre
sented with a white lace fan. Mlaa
Rawaon was assisted In the entertain
ment of her gueete by her mother and
by her slater, Mlaa Elisabeth Rawaon.
Those present were: Miss Sarah Pope,
Mias Julia Howell, Mlaa Harriet Cal
houn, Mlaa Ethalyn Emmnn, Mlaa Au
relia Speer, Misses Caroline and Wil
lie Muse, Mlaa Eva Gregg, Mlaa Jen
nie PattlUo, Mils Essie Roberta, of
Falrburn;. Mlaa Annie Sykea Rica,
Miss Annie Lou McKensle, Mlaa Nora
Bella Bosser, Mlaa Helen Dargan,
Mlaa Maris Pappenhelmer, Mlaa Helen
Hobbs, Mlaa Irene Austin, Mlsa Jennie
D. Harris, Mlsa Esther Smith, Miss
Marjorie Brown, Mlsa Mary Helen
Moody, Mias Martha Francis, Mlaa
Paaale Mas Ottley, Mias Lillian Tow.
Mlaa Bsaale Jones, Miss Elisabeth Dun-
son, Mlsa Ellaabeth Morgan, Mlaa Clif
ford West, Mlaa Jennie Hutchins, Mlaa
Alice Mas Freeman, Mlaa Margery
Haverty, Mlaa Eleanor Collier, Mlaa
Emma Kata Amorous, Mlsa Dorothy
Adair, Miss Marion Goldsmith, Mlsa
Julia Dodd, Mlaa Franres Clarke, Mlsa
Mary Jetar, Mlsa Carrlt Hoyt Brown,
Mlaa Beaala Pops and Miss Mlgnon
By Private Leased Wire.
London, July 5.—Lady Doyle, wife
of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, author of
the Sherlock Holmes atoriee, la dead.
Mrs. Elkin wore • gown of white
mulf trimmed with embroideries. Her
hat waa a white Panama trimmed with
white wings.
Mrs. ltablns»n was attractively
K wned In a white IJnen suit. Her
t was white chip fashioned with
pink roses.
Among the gueata seen at -the bar
becue were: Mr. and Mrs. Boykin
Robinson, Dr. and Mrs. W.. 8. Elkin,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Sclpla, Judge
and Mrs. Henry Tanner, Mr. and lira
Anthony Murphy, Mr. and Mrs Mor-
n, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
All communications Intended
for the society department of
the Saturday Issut of The Oeor-
Ktan must reach tha offlee be
fore 11 o’clock Saturday mom-
O Ing In order to Insure publics-
O tlon.
0000000 0 00 OO0000000
rla Brandon,
Brumby, Mr. and Mr*. d’Arcy Pearce,
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Anderson, Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Johnson, Jr., Mr. and
Mrs. Walker Inman, Mrs. William In
man, Mrs. Florine Holt, Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Cohen, Mr. and Mrs. Milt Saul,
Mr. and Mrs. H. R. DuBose, Mr. and
Mrs. James English, Jr., Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Andrews, Mr. and Mrs. W. L.
Peel, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Klaer.Mr.and
Mrs Edward Fortaon. MlaaAdvla Ander
son, Mlaa Sarah Peel, Mlsa Marion
Peel, Mlaa Hattls Fanny Gray, Miss
Nellie Hightower, Mlaa Florence Jack-
son, Mias Laone Lad son, Mlsa Joale
StockdelL Miss Harry Stockdell* Mlaa
Susan Spalding, Mlaa Thelma Kltaon,
Mlaa Bessie Pope, Mlaa-Eugenia Ogles
by, Mr. Myron Freeman, Mr. Tony
Byers, Mr. Robert Maddox, Mr. John
Sir Conan Doyle married In 1IM Lou
laa Young, daughter of J. Hawkins, of
Next Saturday afternoon at E o’clock
Mlaa Nell Walker, the little daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Walker, will
entertain at a lawn party at the home
of her parents at West End.
The spacious grounds will be deco'
rated with flags, bunting and Japaneae
lanterns, and refreshments will
served al fresco.
Miss Nell Walker's Invitation list In
cludes Misses Frances Stokes, Leath
Groves, Constance Berry, Adelaide
Ruff, Julia McIntyre, Mae Freeman,
Julia Hardwick, Ruth Rosatr, Cattle
rlne Ulmer, Mary llrltton, Harry Par.
Ish, Marguerite Culberson, Mary DIs-
bro, Ethel Law, Frances Wlkle, Isabel
Simpson. Kvi Willingham, Lottie Han
cock, Kirby Willingham, Marie Col-
cord, Josephine Richardson, Mary
Frances Bowden, Miriam Sudge. Elisa
beth Black, Marcella Stedman, Sammle
Lee Henry, Mae ltoblnsoTL Sara Ray,
Frances Stephens, Helen tfcodtrr, Hel
en Terry, Christine Nelson, Ellaabeth
Ramey, Grace Woodworth, Kathleen
Booth, Marcella Stanton. Eunice Stew
art. Janie Zachry, Blanche Baker. Jane
Robinson. Mary Rlc*. Julia Dodd, Nell
Dodd, Elizabeth Denman, Frances Ma
son. Ruth Henson, Caroline Walker,
Catherine Chaffee. Elmira Chaffee, Re-
ble Smith, Josephine Wylly, Dorothy
Gates, Ruth Chatman. Martha Bpratlln,
Mary Dodd, and Masters Oordon Hill,
Sealln Law, Mayhue Perry, Robbie
CaldwelL Charles Wlkle, Richard
Triggs, Alton Colcord, Archibald Gunn,
Frank Stanton, Jr, Clarence Jordan,
Ralph Stockbridge, William Warren,
Green Dodd Warren, Emmett White,
Thomas Stokes, Stewart Harrla, Lewis
Foster, Clarence Bloodworth. George
Adam Ecktord, Terry Adair, Hinton
Longlno, Caswell Dickson, Jr., Herbert
Kennan, Thomas Hopkins, Eustace
Speer, James Speer, Walter Robinson,
Edwin Pollard. White Stallings and
Howard McCall.
Mlsa Eugenia Oglesby entertained at
an Informal bridge Thursday morning
at her home on Washington street In
honor of Mrs. Henry S. Johhton, Jr.
The barbecue which Mr. and Mrs.
Jamas R Gray gave Wednesday at
(heir country home, Greyatone, on
Peachtree road. In honor of Mrs. W.
8. Elkin and Mrs. Boykin Robinson,
was one of the most enjoyable affairs
of the season. The apaclous lawn waa
an Ideal scene, the trees were hung
with red, white and blue hunting and
everywhere there waa to he seen tha
American flag. An elaborate collation.
That's the Idea we want you to get. Tho only way to convince your
self la to see our stock and compare It with others. Our price*
are right and qualities era always the hlgbeaL
The Diamond Palace. 37 Whitehall 8L
After the barbecue at Greyatone and
tha sham battle and ball game
Piedmont Park a number of parties
gathered at the Driving Club to enjoy
dinner. Among these were Mr. and
Mrs. Cobb Caldwell, Mlaa Joule Stock'
dell, Mlsa Harris Stockdell, Mlaa Laura
Payne, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stock
dell, Mlaa Annie Fltten, Mlaa Nannie
Nlcoleon, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Hollen
beck, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Beam, Mr. and
Mrs. a. F. Jackson, Mr. and Mra. Clar
ence Stockdell, Mr. and Mrs. Fleming
duBIgnon, Mr. and Mra. C. T. Ladaon,
Ml*s Kate Robinson, Mlaa Janie Speer,
Miss Nettle Hightower, Mlaa Rollne
Clarks, Mrs. J. A. Barnes, Mra. Glas
cock Barnett. Mr. and Mrs. Lowry Ar
nold, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Baul, Mr.
Charles J. Bayne, Mr. Hugh Inman,
Mr. Robert Keely, Mr. Eugene Haynes,
Mr. Frank Calloway, Mr. Robert Al
ston, Mr. Hugh Adams, Mr. Howell
Peeples, Mr. William Ellsworth, Mr.
Sam Elide, Mr. Hugh Foreman, Mr.
Richard Kimball, Mr. Max Dobbs, Mr.
Logan Clarke, Mr. Sanford Rust, Mr.
Toombs Caldwell, Mr. Eld ward Peters,
Mr. Robert Clarke, Mr. Stuart Boyd.
The semi-annual pariah meeting of
the Untveraallat Church will be held
at the church, Peachtree and Harris
streets, Friday evening at I o'clock.
The reports of the different officers
and auxiliaries of the church win be
read, and tha officers for the,ensuing
year will be elected. A large attend
ance la urged, and all members and
friends of the church and congregation
are cordially Invited to be present. It
la designed to make this a reunion
meeting, and those present will be In
vited to respond to their names at roll
call, by a verse of Scripture or by an
appropriate quotation from aoma fa.
vorlte author. • ' .
Mlaa Laura Sartelle will give a mas
querade party Saturday evening at the
home of Mr. and Mra. Lucian Knight,
on North Boulevard, In honor of Mils
Lois Murphy, of Phoenix, Arisons. The
guests are requested to wear Mother
Goose costumes, or to dress as chil
dren. The lawn will be decorated with
Japaneae lanterns and tha gueata will
be served with refreshments on the
Among those Invited to meet Mlaa
Murphy are; Mlsa Penelope Clarke,
Miss Frances Clarks, Mlaa Helen WII
Hamsun, Miss Lillian Williamson, Mlaa
Rose Ward, Mlsa Laura Ward, Mlaa
Emma Lee Wood, Miss Elisabeth Ash-
burn, Miss Mary McCandleaa, Mlaa
Charlotte Green, Mlsa Caryl Green,
Mlsa Caroline Westmoreland, Mlsa
Ella .Westmoreland, Mlsa Nell Waldo,
Mlsa Ruth Fuller, Miss Nan Carroll,
Mlaa Kate Carroll, Mlaa Marie Hous
ton, Miss Nannie Hill Hopkins, Mlaa
Lola Oerham, Mlaa Marguerite Gor
ham, Mlaa Bessie Bailey, Miss Emma
Benjamin, Mlaa Anderson. Miss Nell
Prince, Mr. Gene Carson, Mr, Bradford,
Mr. Bagwell, Mr. Charlea Hopkins.
Mr. Clarence Williams, Mr. Roland
Sharin, Mr. Leroy Wynn, Mr. Clarence
Wynn. Mr. Carson, Mr. Harvey Orr.
Mr. John Oerham, Mr. Henry Ash-
burn, Mr. Earl Green. Mr. Nelson
Geopre Mr. Phillips, Mr. Ladd. Mr.
Count, Mr. Brownell Douglas, Mr. For
rest Adair, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Hill, Mr.
Trippe, Mr. Bullen.
Veranda furnishings, though neces
sarily simple, says an exchange, have
become matters that require thought'
ful planning. Just what to gat, and
what to avoid getting, for this portion
of the house Is at this season a perti
nent subject for the housekeeper’s con
A first principle In treating the ver
anda la to select portable, though
strong, pieces of furniture; to avoid
all bulky things and all upholstered
lines, and all shaky thlnga, especially
alt three-legged things, for they In
variably topple over at the slightest
touch. They are In a state of constant
rebellion at their own abnormality, for
legs of all kinds coma In pairs, and
never In threes, and to build a table
or chair, or a stand upon three legs
la to Imperil the safety of anything
put upon It. Three-legged tables of
bamboo or wicker should, therefore, be
debarred from veranda service. If
breakfast Is to be served there, or, tea,
the first article to be selected Is the
table. It should be of plain unpalnted
or oil finished pine; something that
will withstand the rain when neces
sary, for the table Is the one article
which must remain practically station
ary all season. A strong kitchen table
of the necessary else will be sufficient
ly good for the purpose. An ample ta
ble cover of tapestry* cloth, or cross
stitched linen, or embroidered burlap
should be provided, that might be re
moved at night and restored In the
morning. Rocking chairs are not ad
visable. the projecting rockers bring
especially a menace to the muslin ruf
fles or nets that are so pleasing a fea
ture of the summer wardrobe.
A veranda Is bast when without per
manent cover, and furnished with
.awnings so that In winter the sun
need not be kept from the windows.
On such a veranda much of tha fam
ily's summer life may be passed. Pro
vision always Is made therefor.
Special rugs, chairs, tables, ham.
mocks, and swinging seats are ar
ranged for breakfast. The -afternoon
tea table also la brought out on It. The
chairs generally are of >Jllow and
cushions covered with some cotton
stuff which will not smell of the damp.
The flowers are set out In pots of brass
or terra cotta or are arranged In boxes.
Almost always some scheme la fol
lowed. The pink geraniums and the
white are used In England, especially
In London around Hyde Park. Noth
ing Is much more beautiful than nas
turtiums. The honeysuckle, being a
vine, requires a support. It lends rich
perfume and brings the humming
Porches upstairs are called loggias
by the many who adopt the Italian
fashion. These add an element of
beauty to moat dwellings and that In
describable air of refinement which one
Is apt to find only among the highly
developed.* These loggias are suscepti
ble of a more Intimate arrangement
than verandas.
Advices from Berlin'state that the
German Socialist party Is much con
cerned as to what will be the fate of
Rosa Luxemburg, one of Its leading
members, who for months has been a
prisoner In Warsaw.- During the
height of the Russian revolution she
returned to Her' former home In the
Polish capital under an assumed name.
Whether she took an aotlve part in
the great uprising Is not certain, but
she waa found In the company of the
revolutionists and thrown In a prison.
Frau Luxemburg's arrest has also
raised a diplomatic question between
the Russian and Germed governments.
As ahe waa born In Warsaw the Rus
sian government maintains that she la
a Russian citizen, even though married
to a German. Germany has not been
active In Interceding In her behalf.
In connection with tha Luxemburg
matter la a charge recently made by
the Berlin Socialist organ, the Vor-
warts, that the Prussian police Issued
a false pass to a Russian citizen to
become a Prussian spy. Tha bitterest
adversary of the Socialist organ, the
Berlin Post, In return maintains that
Frau Luxemburg and her private sec
retary also entered Russia on false
passport a.
Rosa Laxemburg la one of the ablest
and moat aggressive of the women
leaders of the German Socialist party.
She wields an excellent pen, is an
pquont speaker, and at many con-
intlona of the Socialists haa eroased
fords with the ablest of the-more
msorvatlvp elements of the party.
Frau Luxemburg's arrest Is also re
sponsible for the death of Eduard
Tepllts, a young merchant She lived
In hla house. Tepllts, tt la said, waa
murdered by the revolutlonlets for hav
ing denounced her to the police.
Mra. B. M. Bailey entertained quite
a number of.friends at her home on
Dallas street last Monday evening from
5 to 7, complimentary to Mlaa Bailey,
of Conyers.
J. M. Conally, of Statesville, N. C.,
has been visiting hla slater, Mra. A.
J. Durham.
Mra. N. E. Phillips ts vlstlng her
■later, Eire. Hendrix, In Birmingham.
Mlaa Pearl Wlllla, of Mobile, la the
guest of Mrs. El W. Lemon.
Rev. and Mra. O. T. Moncrlef. of
Montleello, spent Monday and Tuesday
with friends here.
Messrs. Clancay McGee and Orlando
Awtrey spent Wednesday night In Ma
Mlaa Annie Lee McGee has returned
from a visit to Atlanta.
Mlaa Donle Bailey, of Conyers, la
visiting relatives here. 1
Mlaeea Maybelle and Nell# Johnson
spent Tuesday In Atlanta.
The younger set epent Wedneaday
picnicking at Ialand Mills.
Mra. Bun Mitchell haa returned from
Haalehuret, Mlaa.
Dr. and Mrs. Walter Reed, of Jeaup,
are spending a while here.
Mr. John McLain, of Longview, Tex.,
la visiting relatives here.
Wilson Noyes, of Macon, spent Sun
day here with hla parents.
Sir. P. O. McLain, Jr., of Canton,
■pent Sunday here.
Mias Sue Lou Hull, of Carteravllle,
■pent a few days here this week.
The Primary Union will meet Friday
at 6 o'clock at the Flret Methodist
Tho fifth commandment and begin
ners' lesson will be led by Mrs. J. C
Howard; primary lesson by Mrs. Car
rie B. York; blackboard Iesaon by Mlaa
Marie Chlpley. All primary and Junior
teachers are cordially Invited.
Rev. and Mrs. Everett Dean Ellen
wood, accompanied by SIlss Vivien
Slareh, will leave Monday for Detroit,
Mich* to attend the national conven
tion of the Young People's Christian
Union of the Unlrersallat Church,
which convenes In that city next week.
From Detroit Mr. and Sirs: Ellen wood
and Mlsa Marsh will go to Chicago,
where they will visit for two or three
weeks before returning to Atlanta.
Mlsa Marguerite Hlnea, of Washing
ton. Gil, and Mlsa Vsva Harty, of Sa
vannah, who haa been Miss Hines'
guest for several weeks, will arrive In
Atlanta Sunday to spend several weeks
with Mlsa Bertha Ford. ,
Rev. Lucian L. Knight, of Wash
ington, D. C., formerly of Atlanta, la
sixindlng several months In Los An
geles, California, where he hopes to
regain hla health.
Mra. Joel Latimer, of Washington.
Ga* will arrive Thursday to spend sev
eral days In. Atlanta. Later she will
go to Galnetvtlle to be the guest of
relatives the remainder of the sum
Mlsa Margaret Waddlll left Atlanta
Thursday for New York. She will sail
for Europe about the- middle of July
and will study for a year at Leipslc.
Mr. Gabe Toombs haa returned from
Washington, where he spent a few
days as the guest of his parents,
Judge and Mra. W. IL Toombs.
Mr. John S. Cowlea and hla young
son. Master Albon Cowlea have re
turned from a visit to Washington,
D. C., and New York.
Mra. Ralph Davldaon, who haa been
the gueat of her slater, Mrs. Charles
Atkinson. left Thursday for her home
In Ontario, Canada.
Mra. Harry English and Mrs W. S.
Elkin leave Saturday for Warm Springs
where they wilt be the guest* of Mlaa
Ida Joseph J _ , 4 v ,
Mra. C. E. Johnston and Mlsa Lizzie
Mae left the flret of this week to spend
the summer In the mountains of North
Mlaa Alice May Freeman will leave
In a few days for a visit to Mra. Per
cy Smedley Darlington, at Westches
ter, Pa.
A delightful occasion was an entar.
talnment given Tuesday evening by
Dr. nnd Mrs. Maddox In honor of the
visiting young ladles, Mlaaea Arinin-
trout, of Ashburn; Mlaaea Mattie Joe
Yates and Ola Meana, of Tbomaaton.
Those present were: Mlaaee Mattie
and Burmah Armlntrout, Ashburn,
Mattie Joe Yatea and Ola Means, of
Thomaston; Sallle Colbert, Dorothy
Martin, Olive Chambliss, Besala Chat-
field; Mesara. George Wynn, Grady
Holmes, Charlie Martin, Calvin Battle,
Littleton Fitzpatrick, Malary Fltspat-
trick. Key Clements, T. V. Chatfleld,
Wea Wilson.
Mlaaea Mattie and Burmah Armln
trout, of Ashburn, are visiting Mlaa
Burmah Bankston.
Mlaaea Mattie Joe Yatea and Ola
Means, of Thomaaton, are the gueata
of Mra. Ben Clements.
Miss Lillian Chambliss la visiting
Mlsa Carrie Noreham at Strouda.
Mlaa Sallle B. Caatlln returned home
Monday from Columbus, accompanied
by her slater, Mrs. O. D. Allen.
Mlaa Gertrude Wynn la visiting her
brother, Mr. Herbert Wynn, In Ash
land. Ala.
Ben Sullivan left Saturday to enter
a business college In Macon.
Measra. Clarence Morgan and Phil
lips of Macon, visited friends here
Miss Stella Dlx returned to her home
In LaGrange Monday, after spending
several days here, the' gueat of Mra.
Mra. Sydney Holland entertained In
formally at cards Wednesday morning
at her home on Baker street.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur L. Hunnlcutt
have arrived In Atlanta and fire lo
cated at 291 Washington street.
Mr. Paul Moaaer, of Boston, who
haa been the guest of Mr. John Fltten,
left Wednesday for Nashville.
Mr. and Mra. Charlea Hunt, of Co
lumbus, passed through the city on
Thursday en route to Toxaway.
Mra. Clarence Groover and Miss
Emily Oroover have returned from a
visit to friends at Quitman.
Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Green, of Wash
ington, Ga., are spending several days
In Atlanta at tha Piedmont.
Mlaa Minnie Wells, of Perry, Ga., la
vlaltlng Mrs. J. A. Clarks at her home,
JH East Pine street.
Mrs. Katherine Irby, who haa been
■pending a week In Charleston, haa
returned to Atlanta.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee W. Branch, of
Quitman, are (pending several weeks In
Atlanta at the Majestic.
Mlsa Annie Lea McGee has returned
to her home at- Acworth, after a visit
to friends In Atlanta.
Mlsa Wealey Mitchell leaves the first
of August for tha East, where ahe will
spend the summer.
Dr. Coleman and hla mother, Mra.
L. M. Coleman, are spending a few
weeks at Toxaway.
Mra. Hoka Smith and the Mlaeea
Smith are at Chick Springs, S. C* for
a brief visit.
Mr. and Mra. William Kiser leave
Friday to spend the week at Warm
Mrs. W. 8. Wllham and Mlaa Laura
Wltham have returned from Warm
Mr. Young Hill la spending two
weeks with hla parents In Washing,
ton, Oa.
Mrs. O. W. Bylngton, of Athena, la
tha gueat of her daughter, Mrs. Leon
Mra. 8. P. Benson, of Milwaukee, la
vlaltlng Mra. H. H. Hlrach, at the Ara
Mlaa Mamie Brock, of Lafayette, Ala*
la the guest of Mlaa Sarah Rawaon.
Mrs. B. C. Summers Is In New York
at No. 12 West Ninety-second street
Mr. Sclplo Wlllcox. of Chariotts, Is
Fine Candies
The above name on a box of
candy means something. It is a
guarantee of purity, quality and
style, and all else that is desirable
in a delicious, wholesome confection.
Nunnally’s Candy is the very
best that is made. For proof of thfe
statement we welcome comparison
with any other candy, made any
where, and sold at any price.
■pending several days In Atlanta.
Miss Jack Whitcomb left Wednes
day for Michigan.
Mra. R. J. Lowry leavea Saturday for
Hot Springs, N. C.
Mr. Tom Perrin la spending the week
In Chattanooga. ■
Mlsa Nina Gentry la at Warm
Mr. A. F. Berry, pf Columbus, la In
the city.
Magnificent collection beautiful Pic
ture Postal Cards. It will Interest
you to Beo this display. For sale by
In Lobby Piedmont Hotel.
Among the enjoyable social occa
sions of the week was the lovely party
Tuesday evening at the home of Mlsa
Norene Cooper, given In compliment
to her visitors, blisses lima Mitchell,
of Macon, and Nettle Vincent, o~
Jonesboro. The home was made at
tractive by a profusion of ferns and
In a very charming manner. A card
containing the name of a popular song
waa given to .each guest whose duty
It waa to And the match to It, thereby
resulting In much amusement and In
termingling, after which the gueata
were treated to a dainty Ice course.
The Invited gueata ware: Mlaaea Cedi
and May Ola Little, Oaate Power, Lil
lian Carson, Emma Griffln, of Valdos
ta; Sue and Alma Thurmond, Woodla
Williamson, Fay Shannon, Maude
Pittman, Pearl Barber, Cliff baughtry,
Estelle Harbor, Clara Dale, Mlt, Het,
Fannie, Gusste and Willie Carson,
Messrs. Homer and Paul Harber, OUn
Shankle, Park Holbrook, Tom McDon
ald, Mayfield Pendergrass, Henry Wil
liamson, Frank Wright, Cliff Barber,
Roy Daughtry, Robert Black, George
Hubbard, Tom Telford, Henry Wil
liamson, Dr. Verner, Joe Holbrook, Bob
Mann, Davla Shannon; Ernest Jackson.
Homer Harber spent last week in
Maxeys, attending the house party of
Miss Bessie Brightwell.
Miss Wortle Montgomery, of Gaines,
vllle. Is the gueat of Mra. G. T. Rice.
Miss Lydia Nix has as her guest
Isa Elolae Bennett, of Jefferson.
The young men complimented the
visiting young ladles with a moonlight
picnic at the park Monday evening.
Mr. Iloy Shannon la vlaltlng friends
In Atlanta.
Mlsa Emma Stapler la the guest of
her slater, Mrs. Lows, of Washington,
Mr. Paul Harber has returned from
New York.
Mias Maude Pittman entertained de
lightfully one evening recently.
Judge Stark haa returned from At.
Mlaaee Jewel Irving, of Greenville,
and Emmie Moore ‘of MayavlUe, ar
rived Thursday -to visit Miss Estelle
Mlaa Fannie Canton leavea soon for
Carnesvllle to vlalt Mlaa Icey Ramp-
Mlaaea Carton entertained a few
couples at tea Tuesday evening.
Mr. Jim Doiter, of Athena,. visited
friends hare recently.
Mra. R. S. Rountree waa hoateaa at a
picnic Monday evening at Blue Springs,
the occasion being a pretty compll-
meat to Mlaa Mary Hunter and her
guest, Mlsa Jule Hunter. On arriving
at the springs the guests ware served
with a refreshing fruit punch, the
punch bowl being banked with roses
and wreathed with green at which Mlaa
Mattie Hunter, In a green gown, pre
sided. Mrs. J. O. Lewis and Mrs. R. C.
McIntosh distributed tha favors, which
were Japaneae parasols and tana for
the girls and cigar holders for the men.
The picnic luncheon waa spread under
the trees. Afterwards dancing waa
enjoyed until a late hour.
Mr. Norman Hudry. Mlaa Nona Ha-
dry and Mr. Clyde Neel are In Ashe
Mr. and Mrs. Zeen W. Oglesby have
gone to New York to visit their daugh
ter, Mrs. James Van Pelt Oglesby.
Mrs. L. C. Chapman and her daugh
ters, Mlsee* Agnes and Blanche Chap
man. bars arrived here to spend the
Mra. Clarence Oroover and Mlaa Em
ily Oroover, of Atlanta, and Mlaa Cara
Hutchln, of Columbus, who have been
visiting here and at Groorervlll*, have
returned to their homes.
Mr. Frank Spain spent several days
this week at Atlantic Beach.
Air. and Mrs. J. W. Spain have gone
Just Received. Look at Them.
Charles W. Crankshaw,
Diamond Merchant and Jeweler.
Century Building. Whitehall Bu
to Vermont, where Mra. Spain will
■pend the summer with her parents
Mr. Spain returns next week.
Mrs. 8. H. Wade haa returned from
Fort Valley.
Mr. and Mrs Lee W. Branch are at
the Majestic In Atlanta for several
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Malory left on
Monday for a week’s stay at Tybee.
Rev. C. G. Earnest has returned from
Glenvllle, where he went to attend the
district meeting.
Mra. M. O. Campbell and Mrs J. M.
Clements left Tuesday for a few days''
stay In Macon.
Miss Lola. Bethea, of Louisville, Is
the charming guest of Mrs. Edward El
lison this week at their beautiful
home on Breeze Hill.
Mlsa Vienna Hamm, after an extend
ed visit to relatives In Eastman, has
Miss Katie Fountain, who has been
til for some time, Ja able to be out
The local baseball team haa arrang
ed with Kite, for a game here Wed
nesday. Bot teams are In good shape
and a line game la expected.
Mra. S. W. Kennedy and little Mar
tha returned Saturday from a vlalt to
relatives In Thomson.
Misses Llbble James and Lois Duffy,
of James, and Miss Ethel Carter, of
Scott, are the guests'of Mra. M. C,
Carter this week.
The strains of ’Dixie" can soon b#
heard from the bench They are doing
Mra. nnip iiuii;, hi a
of Mrs. J. P. Rublev.
Misses Maude and Resale Ashmore. of
Pickens, 8. C., are at Mra. Rublev’*.
Mra. George Uershon and family, of At*
lantn, are registered at the Monterey.
Mr. Anderaon Payne and alater, Mlsa
Lillian, are at Mra. Rubley'g.
Mr. O. W. Pruitt, wife and baby, of
i gueata of Mra. Julia McConnell.
G. Hodgson and family, of At-
jccupylng their summer cottage,
Hill Creat.
Colonel A. H. Heyward* Jr.* returned to
Macon Hunday.
Mlaa Helen Wllaon, of Atlanta* la with
Mra. J. F. Unbley.
Thomas A. Loudermllk. Jr., letter csrrlcr
on route No. 1. attended the Rural Carriers
aaodatlon h —
Mlaa Kittl ...
to visit relative* In Franklin. N. C.
R. A. Harrla, wife and aon, of Atlanta*
•re registered at the Monterey hotel.
Special (o the Georgf.n,
Americas, Oa* July E.—At a late hour
last night there was considerable ex
citement near the new telephone ex
change caused by a disturbance be
tween the union and non-union men.
There waa a general fight among about
ten men, but no serious Injuries were
received by either crowd.
The cade will be Investigated by
Mayor Hawkins tomorrow morning,
By Prlrate Leased Wire.
London, July E.—In the teaala lad ter
championship Miss Douglass treat Miss
Sutton. Score. 1-2, ,-7.
Tries to Commit 8ulcide.
Special to The Georgian.
Wilmington, N. C* July S.—Because
w was despondent, Mary Younger, 2S
years old, attempted suicide early this
morning by swallowing a large doee ot
bichloride of mercury- She Is ■till crit
ically 111.
The practical trend of the day make#
the value of the diamonds their Impor
tant feature In a purchase of atone.,
and we urge the practical and »upenor
value of our collection.