The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, July 07, 1906, Image 4

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. FATT RDAY. JT'LY 7. 1904. EALTYMEN EXPRESS CONFIDENCE IN ATLANTA PROPERTY AND RECITE EXPERIENCES TO'SUBSTANTIATE OPINIONS Magnificent Growth of Past Indicates Continued Pros perity for Future and For tune Making Opportuni ties for the Judicious In vestor. Building Records Show Ac tivity in Home Purchas ing and Increase in Popu lation, While Suburban Property Is Becoming More Desirable for Home Sites—Towering Office Buildings House - Thou sands. T > HE ml estate dealers In Atlanta ara getting raal busy. Soma of tbam tiara a groat daal to day about what thay hava to olfar In tha way of building sites, homo altaa and Investments. Thay hava selected tha oolumna of Tha Oeorgtan In which to express an opinion of Atlanta roal ea tata. Lika all true and loyal citizens, thay ara convinced that the public can' not go far aatray. Theaa oplnlona ara Invaluable, aa thay ara tha axpraaalona coming from man of yeara of expe rience, wide obaarvatlon and careful buslneM methods. Atlanta realty haa enjoyed a ataady and healthy Increase, which haa bean decidedly encouraging to tha moat pea- almlatic. The realty dealero hava had more, perhapa, to do with tala than any other claaa of dtliene. Thay have mnda It their bualnaaa to "bull” the market, eo to apeak, and while they have not Inflated values, they- hava ►ron to It that a atrong, luaty and healthy condition did not droop and become alckly for want of attention. More real eatate traneactlona hava boon recorded In tha laat twelve montha than In any time In the hla- tory of the city. Tbla la due largely to advertlalng. The name of the aver age real eatate dealer la n houaehold word. There la one dealer In Atlanta advertlalng ao extensively that when a letter addreaaed "We Sell Lota,” Atlan ta, Oa., wna mailed by a citizen In Illi nois, It wna -'“livercd 'n Forrest & George Aduir. Other dealero have had a almllar experience. It la but natural that a protective purchaaer ahould turn to u man who haa a reputation wben ho decldca to make a purohese. In order that the Inventor may ap preciate Juat exactly the opinion enter tained by the vatlmta denlera, The Georxlan haa Invited the dleunalon of the dealern and taken pleanurc in aub- mlttlng them herewith: By GEORGE ADAIR, Of Forreat A Oaorga Adair. The activity In Atlanta real eatate Juat now la nomethlng unprecedented. The year IMS waa a very aucceaaful one with ua in the point of volume of ■•lea, aa we broke all reccrda and paaaed well over the million mark. But our aalea for the flrat alx months of the present year amounted to more than did the total for the entire year of IMS. Tbla activity la not conllned to any on* class of purchasers or to any ona kind of real eatate; It ta general; trans fers are made In all parte of tha city and improvements are under way In •vary section of Atlanta. However, tha moat remarkable fee tura about tha real a taste market here at present la that wa hava not even the slightest semblance of a boom In Atlanta. Wa venture to say that 10 per cant of the purchases of real Mtata are made for actual use, or as an actual lnvMtroant of surplus capital. Of course, In^vary halthy real eatate mar ket there la a oar tain amount of spec ulation and soma tendency among aoma ' people to taka qhsnces on baying prop erty on- time In the hope of selling It before the notes fall due. However, I than Is vary little of this tendency in Atlanta right now; and praotlcally the next ten yeara the business canter will expand wonderfully, pushing ogt tha boarding bouse ana cloee-ln resi dence section, resulting In the enhance ment of all real aatats In the different sonea. of course, aa tha residence sec tion la expanded suburban property will coma Into activity, and enhance ment la fait all along tha Hoe. Tha advantage about Atlanta la this All Its business concerns which era actual use as a home, or because of the wish to make an Investment of aomo eparo cash. ' For Mveral yaara past In our adver tisement* In all tha Atlanta papers and In occasional Interviews wa hava rec ommended tha purchase ot that claaa ..f proporty known aa "aeml-contral." For people who are abla to buy thla cliiaa of real estate It la about aa good an tnvMtment as ona can put money In tv. ThOM who hava kept track ot real estate matters will remember that three or four yeara ago wo stated ro pe itedly that there was a tendency am. mr bualnaaa concerns to abandon the high rents of tha congested dis trict and to purchase locations for themselves oh the edges ot tha bualnaaa c< nter. Look around now, and you w nt see aoma ot the effects ot thla You will nolle# on Whitehall street, between Trinity and Garnett, brick tlata are being converted Into storea On Garnett street L. W. Rogers, tha man who runs twenty or thirty grocery storea, has completed a mill construct ed three-story, brick building aa head quarters for bis enterprise*. Almost opposite Rogers, on tha corner of Gar nett and Madison, tha Bowden Llthla people ara putting up a block of brick "on^Eaat Mitchell street Nunnally Bros. A McCYca have Invaded the resi dence section with a mill constructed brick building for their overall factory. Juat around the corner, on Central ave nue, 8. P. Richards' Dona are laving tha foundation for a large brick building for handling thalr printing and station ery butlncaa. Notice also tha group of bualaeaa houaea that hava clustered around In the neighborhood of Ivy street. Auburn avenue and Edgewood avenue. There are tbs two big candy factories of Nun nally and John D. Wing, the J. K. Orr Hhoe Company, Franklin Printing Com pany, tha Pure Food and Milk Com pany, and a little farther out on Edge- wood avenue you wilt notice the build ings of tbs Atlanta Art Glass Com pany, Southern Light and Power Com pany, Woodelde’s storage warehouse, ate. Aa you go out Whitehall street you see residences being torn down on tha railroad etde, maklm houaea and factor!- excavating now for hla bull _ the first one to break Into the residence precincts of Whitehall street. Wa mention these aa Illustrating the predicted by ua several yctra rlexshdber Is ilralng, being ago, an£ Its wags earners are and are buying homta. wit dltlona aa thaM, tbs Increase In value ot real Mtata la Inevitable. By M. L,~THROWER. In disc, ulng tha real Mtata condl tlona of Atlanta It would bo wall to taks a retrospective view, for a com. parlaon with tha prerant and future conditions. There hava bean times whan th« city waa said to bo on i great "boom.” Excitement In real m. MU circles nut high, a great many wools wore putting all tha funds thay ould command In what aaamad to thorn at tbe time to bo th« lineal prospects for big proflla—raal estate. Tha fu tun seamed to bo lurid with tho rain bow of promise of great fortunes for them, but aa tha pendulum ot proa, parity never swings In tha asm* dl. faction always, than comas to reac tion; tha pendulum swings backward, and with It than comae a slump, a panto, a financial crash, and many who ware totally unprepared for tha unlook- ad for condition of things want down with tho crMh In llnanclal disaster, and a Iom of all thalr savings for years. Others who ware more discreet, mak ing more Judicious Investments, togeth er with a keen foresight to discern afar off a possibility of a return ot tho pen dulum, weathered the financial crash and long ago hava forgotten. In thla unprecedented ara of prosperity, those perilous times. Today we hear of no "boom," no nctltlous value*, but wa ara enjoying a atrong, steady growth of real prosperity hitherto’ unknown to our people. Perhapa there waa never a time In the history of Atlanta when wa had such a demand for homes, and proba bly never a time when It was aa easy for our people to procure them. Prop erty owners seam willing, for the most part, to sell at a reasonable profit on ch«\fr holdings—they ara wlfll many to purchaae for themselves homes who otherwise would be unable to do ao, believing aa they do that the beat cltzenahlp of any community, section or nation Is that which comes from own ers of homM, however humble thay may be. tour, opinion Is that there Iran never a more opportune time for our people to provide themselves with homea. As we have Intimated, the whole country Is In the midst of the greatest era of prosperity known to our people, and while It la true that breadatufTs and food for man and beast-are bringing big prlcea, the Mlarled man and the wage earner are receiving correspond ingly high prices, and And It much easier now to lay aaltla some ot their earnings than when prices for theae necessaries wore far below the present scale. Atlanta, la differentiated from any other city. In that It la the gate, way of the South. It* altltud* abovi tha aaa leva! make* climatic condi tion* unequalad—tha network of rail roads centering here, permatlng aa they do with their numerous ramifications through all sections of the moat fa vored country of the Union—empytlng tho groat and varied products Into the city, and carrying throughout the length and. breadth of thla Southland of oura the various and numerous quantities of manufactured goods and merchandise, giving employment to thourands of tho people—all of which contribute much toward making It a desirable home center. Perhaps no other city haa such an Immense territory upon which to draw for a continual enlargement of Its borders and the extension of Its limits. Aa evldenca of what capitalists from other Motions think ,of -the future of Atlanta property, we Instance one of the many Incidents that come under our observation. A few montha ago Aleman of varied experience In real 'estate values and large Investments throughout the country, and having traveled from Maine to California and from Niagara to the gulf, looking for good Investments, and having nut large sums In different sections of the coun try, he came to Atlanta for the first time. Ho looked over the situation very carefully; he Anally reiolved to cast hla lot here for life, making con siderable Investmenta. Ha haa determined to withdraw as speedily aa circumstances will allow his various holdings frem all other sec tions and put them In Atlanta proper ties. This, wa think, la a compliment to our city, but ona at which we are not surprised. Wa might remark In K ilkng that whll* purchasing values v* advanced, rent* hava advanoed also, buLM a rule tenants never had homea better equipped for their com- fort and convenience, and there are a better class of tenants, taken asin whole, than ev»r before. It la trite that while home eeekera and Invest-.** may feel that In some Instances prices are unreaaonably high, yet our conten tion la that on* can always afford. In buying a home, to pay all It Is worth; especially la thla trn* when wo take Into account tha fact that there la a ataady Increase and material advene*, ment going on all tha time.. W* behave It Is the part of wisdom to advlM the buying of homes (and making In vestment*) whenever It la within the bounds ot a reasonable probability to pay for them, values, term*, etc, being satisfactory. Wa are In possession ot numerous facts to prove tbs foregoing statements aa to Increase In valuro - making It an easy matter for one to dlspoee of property In a abort time for a nice profit. _ . Within tha laat few montha wa have sold some properties the second tints for a good profit to the owner, and In quit# a number of Instance! had them to refuse to accept a nice profit almost Immediately after purchasing. Wn confidently look forward to tb* contin ued prosperity of tha city and the whole country. While tt may b* true that this wave of prosperity may have a temporary check for a time, as times of depreMlon have come In all th* world's history (ws know not how nor why), yet with discreet investments. Judicious man- agemrnt. there need be no fear of any great llnanclal crash. By THOMAS W. JACKSON. AVe can only judg* th* future by tha past." In doing this, I can Mfely say that within the next three years Atlan ta suburban ami acreage will more than double In value. In fact, the manner In which It has been enhanc ing In value for the past few months would Indicate that It will more than treble within th* next few years. The writer of this article has In view a suburban lot which Is located on the ago, and ws venture to my that within corner of two streets, which sold on* year ago for 57 per front foot. This hit was unimproved, likewise the lot just back of It. Naturally the lot alt- uated on the corner woe more deslr. abla and valuable than tha ona just back of It On* year from th* tlm* tho flrat lot was purchaaad tha owner decided that h* would buy tha adjoin ing lot, which was reluctantly priced to him for tIT par front foot. I could cite you any numbar of instances of thla nature, but I merely ua* thla as Illustrative of my above statement. There Is no safer Investment Just now than to Invest your money tn At lanta dirt Its value la gradually en hancing- Ct — — ' value, L__ _ in tb* past few yaara. By G. M.^KINNON. Tou ask for my opinion ot real ro tate tn Atlanta. From my standpoint there can be but one, and that la that It Is the bast and safest Investment that can b* made with money. I have lived hare for twanty-alx yaara and seen Atlanta real eatate Increase from 1100 par acre to 526,000 and 550,000 per ago the cry high.” and -d today. I that Mm* cry I* still heard try to b* conservative in my opinion and actions, but I cannot ate how read estate can b* too high now whan in nearly all sections ot th* city It ' lower today than it was fifteen yet ago and ws have almost doubled our population, and are growing at a pace that every twelve montha wa ara add ing to our population enough to maka a city th* site of Mlllsdgmrill* and Newnan combined. W# are growing so fast that tba real Mtata aganta, whose bustneM It la to keep up with the real estate movements, can scarcely com prehend It themMlves, and the popu lation wa are gettfnr -now does not cotttM empty-handed, but comas with money to help keep the ball moving. Tha volume of bualnesa don* In real eatata In Atlanta for three yeara peat has been more than for any ten year* In Its history, and most marked of all haa bean the Industrial development, the backbone of all great cities, ao wa are not only growing In population, but furnishing a mean* of support for our tans ahd a live city with not a dead bone In bar body and with aa healtny a location as any spot on earth and every living soul In It Imbued with the Idea that he is living In the best city In tbe United States and willing to go the limit to help along Its growth, who can doubt that we won't soots have 100,000 live, pushing -Americans Mttled on these granite hills 7 Will present prices be too high for real ea tate then? As to the stability of real estate Investments, It Is tbs only In- vestment on earth that you can’t lose all of It. Nothing but another Noah's flood can wipe It all out; then, If At lanta la the best place In tbs United States to live. Invest tt here. By W. E. SAUNDERS Of W. E. Saunders A Co. Referring to Atlanta real estate, I do not think that any one can explain In writing the advantages and profits that are ohtalned through dealing tn Atlanta property. One of the most convincing arguments tn behalf of the real value of Atlanta real estate Is to take a ride over the city, end note the progress being mad* In all portions of SAYS TAGGART FILED SECRET SUITS TO BE USED IF TROUBLE AROSE Attorney General of In diana Hopes to Close Gambling Rooms. By Private leased Wire. Paoll, Ind., July 7.—Discussing the statement made by Thomas Taggart, of the French Lick Springs Hotel Com pany, to tha effect that the casinos were not a part of the hotel properties, but were under Isaso to other persons, and that suits were pending to cancel theaa leases because the hotel compa nies had learned that gambling was be ing conducted at the casinos, Attorney General Miller, of Indiana, makes a sensational charge. Mr. Miller la conducting the litiga tion on behalf of the atate against tha French Lick Springe and West Baden Hotel Companies which has grown out of charges that gambling has been con ducted openly nt these plnces. "Why,” he cays, "were they brought In a Justice ot the peace court at 7 o'clock at night and tried with great aecrecy and then as quickly appenled to the circuit court, where they have remained unknown? They were brought to meet exactly euch a contingency ns this and to be dragged out and used as a defense when needed. The hotel peo ple admit ownership of property and tha city. Tou can- not go Into any part of Atlanta where you will not be surprized at tba number of new homea being constructed, and the progress Is not confined to homes, but business structures are going up In alt parts of the city. , How many citizens of Atlanta are wealthy today who purchased prop- •rty years ago and held It until now? The advenes In price of Atlanta p erty Is something wonderful, but limit has not bean reached, and I do not see any chance of it being reached In the near future, If It la ever reached. No man can make a better Investment than to Invest In Atlanta property, it makes no /difference If hla Investment Is small or large, and sometimes the smaller Investment turn* out to be the beat. I And a great many people who are now renting, but who desire to buy a home, but claim that property Is loo high at the present, and that they will wait until It gets cheaper. Atlanta property will never be any cheaper than It la today, and those that are waiting for It to get cheaper before they buy, will find out sooner or later that they made a mistake In not buy ing, and the amount they have paid out for rent would have paid for a home! Property In the city ot Atlanta la In creasing In price dally, and aa the city . and have watched with Interest the great advance In property of this beautiful suburb. It has not been .far distant since you could have bought property In Kirkwood for almost own price, but Since tha town haa Incorporated and a magnificent new school building I* nearing completion, which will give to the people a free school, It Is a very difficult thing to buy any property In Kirkwood at all, unless you pay a very handsome price for It. Property In Kirkwood haa advanced about tt per cent tn the iMt twelve months and Is stMdlly on the Increase. The mim rule that applies to the advancement of Kirkwood applies to tho other suburban town* near Atlanta. A great many people think when they go to purchase property In the suburbs that they -are going to gat It very chMp, but when they lam the price they seem very much surprised, but the suburban -property la holding pace with the city property, and will never be aa cheap again as It Is today. If any one la thinking of buying a home or making an Investment in or near At lanta, now Is th* time to act, for the opportunity that la offered today will never be offered again. By GLORE~& JU8TIN. Atlanta la on no special "boom,” but tha healthful climate, tt\e many rail roads, the splendid electric car aerv- Ice, the many churches, schools and generous hearted people make It a greet city for bualnaaa, and pleasant for homes, and keeps up a steady growth In population, alao In values of real eaate In and near “our city;” there By J. C. BALDWIN Of J. C. Baldwin A Co. Replying to youra of July t regard ing real eatate developments In Atlanta beg to say the values hava gradually Increased for the past several months, and real Mtata dealer! hava all had a steady trade apd sales have bean good. When the 1510 exposition becomes a certainty the real estate values wlU be enhanced 55 to SO per cent. We are having Inquiries from all sections of the country and prospective buyers are numerous. Subdivisions are being sold In and around Atlanta, realizing hand some profits to speculators. When we get a bargain oil we have to do le to let It be known through our papers, and we have no trouble In finding a buyer. Wo are looking forward to an un usually good fall trade and bargains are -hard to And. Scarcely any cen tral property on the market at any reasonable figure. Suburban proper, ties are looking upb and many satis- factory sales ara being made. Real estate men are In good spirits, and I believe tbe most of them are making money.' By A. J. MAYFIELD. Ten years’ application with close ob- servatton places me where I can say something about Atlanta real estate. A few figures In small deals which I have made will show that It la not nec essary to rent till you are rich before you buy a home. Here are the facte and figures; Six-room house bought Ml on monthly payments, pries n ilad aa a horn* * or 55,600 cash. II,ICO; occupied ns'a "home for three yeara, sold fot Eight-room house, bought for 11,450, occupied three years, refused 62,550. Four-room houh and two vacant lots for 11,150, refused 11,200. Six-room house for 11,450, occupied four years, refused 11,100. With such facts as these before you, why not own a horn* which ought to b* the highest ambition* of every man. If you have that ambition, why not own one In the beat place, Atlanta, with all her railroad centers, her street car fa cilities, her electric power and light privilege*, with the latest and most modem water works and a complete aewer system, having a high elevation which gives ua a great advantage for sanitary cleanliness Statistics show that Atlanta Is much more healthy than the country. , Besides being a per fect home city, It la one ot the best places In the world to Invest your money for a big increase or a fine rata of Interest. If you want to be more thoroughly convinced, come and spend a while. Visit our parka and drink the pure water that flows out of the hill side, and breathe the fragrant air from the beautiful flowers and tbs natural forests. By CHARLES A. DAVIS, Of tho Copenhlll Lend Company. Atlanta, Qa., July V1M6. The real estate Interests of Atlanta and suburbs are solid. We are found ed upon a rock physically and finan cially, Atlanta property, both Improved and unlnmproved, was never In better de mand or advancing more rapidly. This Is especially true, perhaps, of property In the northeastern section. Including Copenhlll and adjoining districts. now have at Copenhlll city wa ter, sewers, electric lights, paved streets and theae Improvements aro gradually extending further to tha northeast. Housm and lota vacant lots and manufacturing sites In this section aro In great and over-growing deinnfld. Housm there wilt rent or sell almost before they are completed. The rea sons for this special demand Is that this section lias high and beautiful, overlooking the whole city, the air Is cool and healthful, there are plenty of forest trass, the electric care penetratn It at .frequent Intervals; there Is quick occms to the city; the people are high- toned and neighborly; tbe prices, though advancing, ara yet quite reas onable and tba usual terms ara very The people of Georgia, of the South and of the- whole country are rapidly finding out what a great place Atlanta Is; they are coming here by thousands and many are settling at Copenhlll and adjoining district! In the northeast sec tion of our eplendld city. It does me real good to specify some t things about Atlanta renl not nearly one-halt has yet been told. SHE SWALLOWS OEM AND GETS FIVE YEARS Ry Private Leased Wire, OmAha, Nebr., July 7.—Ma* Thomas, tha girl who stole and swallowed a MOO diamond bare a month ago, waa yes terday sentenced to flve.ycars In state prison. When sentence was pronounced lieyea the suits tiled by the attorney general are well founded. "Last Sep tember, In a public address,” he said, -1 promised the people of Indiana that the Monte Carlos at French Lick and West Baden should be closed If It could be done lawfully.” CHARGES SON-IN-LAW WITH ABDUCTION the girl broke down and cried. ‘‘I did not steal the diamond,” she sobbed, "nor do I know anything about It; if I swallowed It I don’t know It.” This was the case in which tha X-ray was used In the hope of locatlnr the diamond. Special to The Georgian, Asheville, N. C., July 7.—Charged with abducting Pearl Mosseller, the IS- year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John 8. Mosseller, of Asheville, George Sha ver. of this city, was arrested In Spar tanburg, Wednesday, and Is now In Jail taiiuui8, m auiiwauBj, smiu ib nun ill jreii here. The warrant waa sworn out by the father of the girt, who followed the iburg, where they had s his arrival. T IS FOR J, C, CAVENDISH Special ta The Georgian, v - New Iberia. La., July 7.—A warrant for tha arrest • of John C. Cavendish, also known as Lord Douglas, has been sent to the chief of police of an Eastern elty. The name of the city la with held. Cavendish, who Is alleged to be a bigamist, married Miss Josephine Hood, of Asheville, last December and since then, although the state department of Washington haa searched for them through consular officers and the gov ernors ot Taxes, Virginia and North Carolina have offered rewards for Cavendish's capture, neither he nor hla wtf* have bean found. tbe year found. Tenth Annual Excursion City Salesmen’s Association To Georgia’s Celebrated Coast Resort and the South’s most splendid Sea Shore, Tvbee Island. They will run two special- trains from Atlanta, Ga., MONDAY NIGHT, JULY 16,8 P.M. This excursion will reach Savannah at 7 a. m., the morning of the 17th. Re turning, the trains will leave Savannah noon, July 21st, arriving Atlanta at 10 o’clock Saturday night. The Tvbee Hotel and Pulaski House have made a special concession by giv ing visitors the very low rates of $2.00 per dav. The rate will be $5.00 TO SAVANNAH AND AND RETURN. Tickets and sleeping car diagrams can be secured at the Central of .Geor gia Railway ticket office, Fourth National Hank Building, or New Terminal Station, or write to members of the committee: J. H. Owen, chairman, with F. E. Block Co,, J. J. Bnrnes, Jr., with National Biscuit Co., W. G. McNair, with E. M. Yow Co., J. W. Rankin, with Oglesby Grocery Co. ERA OF BOSSES PASSED, HARMON SAYS HE TRUSTS Special ta Tbs Georgian. Anniston, Ain., July 7.—The Alabama Bar Association, which met here, was addressed tonight by Hon. Judson Har mon, of Cincinnati, who was attorney genera! under Preeldent Cleveland. The subject of Mr. Hannon's ed dress was “Independence of th* Judi ciary." "It hen been claimed,” he aald, "that th* choice of Judges by popular vote tends to Impair thalr independence, but I don't think so. Tho electors hava neither means, opportunity nor destre to Interfere with tha action ot th* JudgM thay select. They can only re fute to re-elect when displeased, and, barring some rare Instances, such re fusals Yiave usually been Just when not due to mere political causes. When the electors, however, act through political organisations In choosing Judges, there Is soma peril especially when those or ganisations are allowed to tall under the control of a taw men or a tingle man wha*e purposes generally are or soon Mcoms selfish or corrupt. Theae man really chooM th* Judge* aa well as other public officials, and naturally coma to regard them all alike aa sub ject to order*. "I trust that th* era of 'bosses* baa passed away. But, even ao. I hop* tha time will come when Judges will be elected without the Intervention of par ties; because coses must frequently come before them from which It Is Im possible to eliminate political consider ations, and the effect of theM, while It may not be entirety escaped, must cer tainly be less when the judges are not nominated as party candidates. . RIFLES WILL DISBAND AND REORGANIZE 14,000 Tickets Taken In. . Special to Tbe Georgian. Decatur, Ala., July 7.—Over 14,009 people rode on the electric street cars In the Decaturs July 4. This Is tho biggest day’s business ever done by tha North Alabama Traction Company. AMUSEMENTS CASINO TONIGHT—Mstlneo Today. MAX HOFFMAN'S OWN COMPANY. Including “Silvers” Oakley, Toney Hgrt, Gertrud* Hoffman, Otto Brothers, Twin Slaters Dolly. Next Week—VAUDEVILLE. SALE AT GRAND BOX OFFICE. DONCE DE LEOU i pwrk: n DIRECTION JAKE WELLS, Presidio). THE GARDEN SPOT Of Atlanta. BAND CONCERTS TWICE DAILY. Set OSTRICH Farm NEXT WEEK, Matinee* Tueiday, Thureday and Sab - day. MODERN VAUDEVILLE. APDALE’S FAMOUS TROUPE OF TRAINED BEARS. THE COMEDY JUGGLER, SAM ELTON. Th« Man Who Made the Shah Laujhi LAWRENCE CRANE. MAGICIAN, GARY OWEN & CO. CAMERAGRAPH, NEW PICTURES. Special to The Geo retie. St. Augustine, Fla., July 7.—Tho St. Augustine Rifles wlU disband In a tew days and reorganise under the same name. This action Is deemed advisable as a number of the members ere nox ious for tbelr discharge end display no Interest In the company. ionj ; Special Added Attraetio: GREENE & WERNER | "Babes in the Jungle.