The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, July 07, 1906, Image 10
— NEWS OF THE SECRET ORDER WORLD $ 1 Edited By CLAUDE NEALY j ODD FELLOWS ON FOURTH Sandy Springs Camp Grounds Scene of Splen did Affair—Hon. John A. Hynds Makes Speech. The glorious Fourth was observed by the Odd Fellows ot the northern por tion of Fulton county and their friends by an all-day celebration at Bandy Springe ramp grounds, the affair going on record as one of the greatest secret order events known In this section In a long while. The celebration was under the aus pices of the Odd Fellow lodges of Sandy Springs, Chamblee, Roswell and Korcrnas, and W'as a splendid affair In every respect. It Is estimated that the occasion was enjoyed by fully 2.000 Odd Fellows and their friends. People began’ assembling nt the camp grounds early In the morning, and before the day Was far advanced they were coming from all directions. Sandy Springs was the merra for that whole section of country, and for hours the roads were lined with buggies and wagons and with people on horseback. The Odd Fellows had prepared splen did entertainment for the guesla and everybody had a good time. There was a general social Intermingling and the great crowd entered into the spirit of the occasion In true Georgia style. The Roswell band was on hand and furnished music during the day. Num bers of popular and catchy airs were discoursed at Intervals during the day, H|>eech-maklng was also a feature, the big crowd being regaled with pa, trlotlc and timely utterances. Hon John A. Hynds, of Atlanta, delivered tha oration of the day and made a great bit. Mr. Hynds’ speech was an eloquent effort and was greatly en joyed by the Interested hearers. Rev. Mr. Oary, of Roswell, and others also made speeches, all of which were of the happy, Interesting kind. At noon a monster basket dinner was spread. A varied and sumptuous lot ot delicious viands was offered to the Jolly celebrators and they feasted to their hearts' content. LODGE OFFICERS! CRAIG TO PRESIDE ATLANTA LODGE, NO. 20, PYTH- IANS, BRINGS TO CL08E A FINE ADMINISTRATION. the Odd Fellows and guests to their homes, thoroughly delighted with the success of the celebration, BRAVES OF ETOWAH • ARE WORKING FOR SUCCESS Of TERM [TROLLEY RIDE FOR COLONIAL COMPANY Etowah Tribe No. 45, Red Men, of IWest End, has Installed chiefs for the £ resent term and will wake things up ■ that community. Jllg Chief Jack Evans hna been elect ed chief of records. He In well quali fied to fill this chieftaincy. The office of chief of records Is one of the most Important In a tribe and much of the success of the tribe Is dependent on a good chief In this sta tion. To bo a good chief of records re quires a full knowledge of the laws and promptness In all matters pertaining to the membership. Etowah Is to be con gratulated on the election of Mr. Evans aa chief of records. On next Monday night Colonial com pany, No. 18, Uniform Rank Knlghta of Pythias, will give a trolley ride, leav Ing J. M. High's corner, In Whitehall street, at 8:30 o'clock. Cara will go to College Park and thence to Decntur, where Ice cream and cake will be served free. Tickets arc 25 cents, and can be secured from members of the company or on* the care. DRAWING MATERIAL At John I- Moore A Sons' for draught- men, schools and colleges, 42 North Broad St., Prudential building. •< PRINTING, BINDING LITHOGRAPHING AND NOVELTY ADVERTISING F. E. PURSE, 14 to 18 EAST MITCHELL ST. BOTH PHONES 254. WAREHOUSES Now la !h« time to Vulcanite. flood on etean or flat roofs. Order It today and use It to- tlonal Hoard of tin- derwrltara and Hontbraafern Tariff AaaoHatlon and "YOU CAN TUT IT ON." ATLANTA SUPPLY CO., Sole State Agents for Georgia. n and 31 South Pryor Street. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. I. C ClffgfKlD, t 8 Mill. Secretary. On laat Monday night Atlanta lodge, No. 20, Knlghta of Pythias, closed one of the most brilliant administrations In her history, and presented the retiring chancellor commander, R. L. D. McAl lister, with a past chancellor's jewal, n well deserved badge of distinguished service. Mr. McAillater has proven hlmaetf an Ideal executive and presid ing officer, and hla term In the chair hna been characterized by a snap and spirit essential to and Indicative of a healthy and enthusiastic lodge. In retiring he yields the gavel to one no Jess worthy of tbe honor, a member young In years but a tried and true knight of aterllng worth In the Pythian field. The officers Installed for tha ensuing term are: Chancellor Commander—A. A. Craig. Vice Chancellor—Dr. J. Rosa Simp son. Prelate—E. D. Kennedy. Master of Work—Dr. Thomas H Hancock. Master at Arms—W. C. Low*. Inner Guard—Charles W. Bern hardt. Outer Gugrd—G. W. Lewis. On Monday night this lodge chargea five aspiring esquires in the third rank of knighthood. The old toam of by gone days In Atlanta, No. 20, la being reorganized and rehearsed by the mas ter of work, und the outlook promises a high standard In every part of the work for this term. "D. O. NIX’ REO MEN ENJOYED GREAT BARBECUE FULLY 5,000 PEOPLE AT NEW HOL LAND ON THE FOURTH—JEF FRIES MADE SPEECH. The Red Men of Gainesville and New Holland, combined In a great celebra tion at the latter place on the Fourth. Members of the order and guests were present from various points throughout that section, the number being estimated at fully 5,000. A regular old-fashioned Georgia bar becue was served and proved one of the greatest features of the occasion. The ’cue represented 2,500 pounds of meat and 2,SOU loaves ot bread, and the big crowd had all It could cat. The meats were prepared In splendid style and were devoured with a relish. Hon. Thomoa H. Jeffries, of Atlanta, one of the moat prominent members ot the order In Georgia, was present and delivered an afldrsas. The speech was delivered In Mr. Jeffries' characteristic eloquent and attractive manner, and was greatly enjoyed, hla patriotic sen timents being enthusiastically ap plauded. LITHONIA RED MEN HAVE FINE MEETING HON. JAMES L. MAY80N MAKE8 A SPEECH AT PUBLIC INSTAL LATION OF OFFICERS. Hon. James L. Mayaon, of Atlanta, delivered a splendid address Thursday night nt a big public meeting of Red Men held In Ulhonln. The occasion was the public Instal lation of officers of the Llthonla tribe. Red Men were In attendance from many tribes In the vicinity of Lltho- nla, and lnrgo numbers of other visit ors were also present. WITH MOCK INITIATION Unique Feature of Public Installation of Uni form Lodge Officers Furnished Splendid Amusement For Big Crowd. WADE P. HARDING. Noble Grand of Barnes Lodge, No. 55, Odd Fellows, the officers of which were installed this week. WALLACE RHODES. One of the best known and most popular Knights of Pythias in At lanta. J. A. HOLLIS. Installed as sschsm of Chip totalled as sschsm of Chippo- Tribe, Red Man. Mr, Hollis It also a Mason and Pythian. M. J. DANIEL. Great chief of records of Geor gia Red Men, who it back at his homo in Griffin after s pleasant vacation. CENTRAL INSTALLED ITS NEW OFFICERS! LODGE PROSPEROUS Central Lodge, No. 28, Odd Fellows, Installed Its newly elected officers at the regular meeting last Monday night. The following officers were Installed: Noblo Grand—H. L. Ward. Vice Grand—J. M. Gassaway. Syndic—Captain Amos Baker. Secretary—Past Grand 8. A. Ward- law. Trustee—Past Grand B. F. Yar brough. Treasurer—Past Grand T. E. Smith The term Just closed was one of the most successful financially ever en- by this lodge, the "mother of At- BY LA FAYETTE TENT AT PUBLIC MEETING , oyed by this lodge, t antti Odd Fellows.” CHIPPEWA CHIEFS ARE "RAISED 0P ( " SMOKER IS ENJOYED The members of Chippewa Tribe, Red Men, enjoyed a smoker last Tues- ^hc chiefs for the ensuing term ■•nrs tin" hv ft rif»lf>fyfltl<in rtf and tho affair greatly enjoyed. ROUND TRIP Summer and Convention Rates. Round trip Summer Excursions from nil points East to Pacific Coast’ and Northwest from Juno 1 to Sept. 15, with special stop-over privileges, good returning to Oct. 31,1906. N. E. A. Meeting at Los Angeles, July 9-13. Elks Meeting at Denver, Colo., July 16-21. Summer rates to Colorado, June 1 to Sept. 30. Hotel Men’s Convention, Portland, Ore., Juno 25-29. Use thcsplendid through sen-ice of theSOUTH- ERN PACIFIC from New Orleans; UNION PA CIFIC from Kansas City to Chicago. Through Pullman Tourist ears from Washing ton, Atlanta, Montgomery, etc., and from St.Louis and Chicago to California. Write me for literature and information. J. F. VAN RENSSELAER, General Agent. 124 Peachtree St., Atlanta, Ga. R.O. BEAN, T. P. A. G. W. ELY, T. P. A. WILL SEAT OFFICERS • AT PUBLIC SESSION GREATER ATLANTA TENT, MAC* CABEES, TO ENTERTAIN FRIEND8 ON MONDAY. Greater Atlanta Tent, No. 10, Mac- cabeea, will have a public installation of officers and entertainment at Its hall, 86 Central avenue, next Monday night, to which all the Isadlee and Knlghta of the Maccabees In the city are Invited. Past Commander O. A. Kupfer, aa- ■toted by Pant Commander W.# T. D. Gentry, of Columbus, Ga., will be the Installing officer. Thla tent Is one of the moit pro gressive lodges In the 8outh. During Its three years' existence. It hns had more than n score of public entertain ments, besides Its many pleasant so cial meetings for members of the order only. The membership contest between the Reds and the Whites Is becoming very Interesting. The White aide has gain- eij considerable upon the Red side dur ing the past week. Fined For Gaming. Six men were fined 1104 each by Judge Calhoun In the clt» court Fri day morning on charges of gaming. Fleas of guilty were entered In each case. The six gamesters were: Jo* Kplnn. Charlie Jones, Montgomery Throwor. Lorenzo Jones, Dave Straus* and John W. Phillips. were “raised up" by n delegation of great chiefs. Chtppewn has expe rienced a successful term and Is In n prosperous condition. The Incoming chiefs are an enthusiastic set and In tend to make the present term a record brosker. Short talks were msde by Pant Great Baclicm James L. Msyson, Past Sachem W. H. Gage, F. F. Smith and others. The newly exalted chlefa are: Sachem, J. A. Hollis. Senior sagamore, J. R. Harris. Junior Sagamore, J. B. Lee. ' Prophet. J. F. Willett. $500.00. The above reward will be paid for such evidence os will lead to arrest and conviction of the party or parties who maliciously cut a number of wires on cable pole at eornor of Peachtree and Seventh streets, during Wednesday night, April 19, or Thunday morning, April 20. A like reward will be paid for such evidence as will lead to tbe arrc*t and conviction of any per son or persons maliciously inter fering with or destroying the property of this company, at any point Ait f>rcnnits'll <»ffnrt to l*lnf m*«to l»y j Southern Bel! Telephone and Telegraph Company, of Hi.» Hrlttoh boot* of common* ; | rppC RPOWN c nr I vc of shaving reduced from Sm E.rr» DRUfTn, “ 15 «ow In tl>« barber .L ufl Cnnnrsl Ma LaFayctto Tent No. 18, of the Mac cabees, held a public Installation of of ficers at their hall. In Marietta street comer of Ponden avenue, last Tues day night. The following officer* were In stalled: Past Commands!-—J. H. Hond. Commander—T. J. Miller. Lieutenant Commander—C. W. Bow man. Record Keeper—J. J. Brown. Chaplain—H. H. Butler. Sergeant—C. 8. Morris. Medical Examiner—Dr. S. T. Diggers. Master at Arms—J. A. Camp. First Maater of the Guards—C. C. Head. Second Master of the Guards—J. Crowley. Sentinel L. R. Smith. Picket—D. McFaul. The Installation ceremonies were conducted by Deputy State Commander W. T. D. Gentry, of Columbus, Ga After the Installation, delightful re freshments were served. HALE CHOSEN HEAD OF MACCABEE TENT RECENTLY FORMED Gordon Tent, No. 20, of the Macca bees, which was recently Instituted In Atlanta, has elected Its first officers for the present term. They are sa fol lows : Pant Commander—L. Frisch. Commander—Arthur Hale. Lieutenant Commander—EL H. Par- hnm. Record Keeper—A. C. Newcomer. Chaplain—Horace. Parham. Sargeant—W. A. Livermore. Medical Examiner—Dr. N. J. Grix- ■artt. Master at Arms—William F. Farmer. First Master of the Qusrds—W. It. Livermore. Second Matter ot the Guard*—T. 8. Williams. Picket—William Say*. This tent will meet nt 88 Central avenue every first and third Wednes day night until further notice. Visit ing Maccabees or* cordially Invited to meet with us. “MEMBER.” DELPHI LODGE, K.P, INSTALLS OFFICERS The recently elected officers of Del phi Lodge. No. 88, Knlghta of Pythias, were Installed laat Tuesday night In the lodge hall In the Sims building at Marietta and Alexander streets. The Installation ceremonies were conducted by Deputy Grand Chancel lor George F. Eubanks. The new officers of the lodge are aa follows: Chancellor Commander.—Captain L F. Styron. Vice Chancellor—John Guerin. Prelate—John L. Moore. Master of the Work—James H. Car man. Master at Arms—James Thompson. Inner Guard—Charles EL Courtney. Outer Guard—Fred Keaady. Jesse M. Wood Is the retiring chan cellor commander. Trie The past term of the lodge has been marked by splendid success and a! number of aew member* have been The officers of Uniform Lodge, No. 123, Knights of Pythias, were publicly Installed last Tuesday night In the presence of a large gathering of inter ested spectators, many ot whom wars ladles. In addition to the Installation and several other splendid feutures of en tertainment, a mock Initiation—"Join ing the Push"— was put on and scored a big hit. The mock Initiation waa participated In by several well known members of the lodge and formed hila rious amusement for several minutes. It gave to the uninitiated an Idea ot what a real Initiation la not and proved thoroughly enjoyable. The characters In the Initiation were as follows: Head Push—The Main Squeeze J. W. Austin Hard Push—A God Pusher W. F. Cross Don’t Push—We Won’t Let Him.. R. L. Owens Pueher—But No Shover J. R. Reynolds Counterfeit Pueher—Not the Beal Thing U. E. Park Shove—He Just Can’t Push D. T. Griffin Barber..-. R. E. Lawshe Pushee—He Geta Pushed R. W. Andrews Butlnsky—He Don't Push The Goat A prise drill was also given by Col onial Company No. 18, Uniform Rank, under command of Captain T. C. Pelot, and was greatly enjoyed. Musical numbers were rendered by R. W. Andrews, Mrs. J. H. Burllng- ham and little Miss Mary Carlse Hlrsch. The inslallatlen ceremonies were conducted by Deputy Grand Chancel lor George F. Eubanks. Delightful re freshments were served at the con clusion of the exercises. The following Is a list of the officers Installed by Deputy Grand Chancellor George F. Eubanks: B. L. Owens, chancellor commander, W. J. Fagan, vice chancellor. J. R. Reynolds, prelate. D. T. Griffin, master of the work. C. E. Hurst, master at arm*. ■*. F. Foster, Inner guard. '. T. Jones, outer guard. *. New Officers. Are Installed By Barnes Lodge, I. O. O. F. Atathe regular weekly meeting ot Barnes Lodgo No. 56, I. O. O. F., Fri day night, the newly elected officers for the ensuing term were duly In stalled. , V The new noble grand, Wade P. Hard ing, Is a “live wire," and will Infuse greater enthusiasm and new life Into the lodge. We expect to see It the banner lodge for new members and large attendance before the end of his term of office. Mr. Harding Is a mem ber of Empire Encampment No. 13 and Dixie.Canton No. 5. The following are the new officers of the lodge: Noble grand, Wade P. Harding. Vies grand, J. Edward Kruger. Secretary, T. J. Buchanan. Treasurer, A. L. Holbrook. Chairman relief committee, J, L Ketchem. ' Property trustee, J. C. Hall. Conductor, W. C. Brooks. Warden, William T. Jones. • Inside guardian. J. V. Guthrie. Outside guardian, Charles Turner. RAPID) STRIDES IN THE ORIENT is BEING MADE BY REDMANSHIP Comanqhe tribe Is In receipt of a message from across the wide Pacific. In a letter recently received from one of Its members Is contained some In teresting Items on Bed Manshlp In the Orient, as published by The Manila American of May IS. , The Red Men was the first secret order to Invade the Philippine Islands, Apache tribe, No. 1, being organized In May, 1801. Since then Comanche tribe. No. 2; Aztec, No. 8, and Bed Cloud, No. 4, have been organized. Considerable trouble was experienced at first In keeping up the organization, owing to the fact that the regiments, to which most of the members belonged, were continually being changed about. This matter waa finally overcome and now there are several flourishing tribes In tha Islands. Dr. Albert Fensch, the writer of the letter, was formerly a prominent cltl- sen of AtlantaAbonnected with the de partment of the gtllf. He was connect ed wlttv several secret orders here and will be remembered by hundreds ot friends. The letter was received by Greet Chief Frank F. Smith and was read In the recent meeting of Comanche tribe. I The Natal xorernment will par 12,606 for :he head of linmhatn, the rebellious Zulu chief. It to atoted that thla bandaoma of* fer haa made "even tha lukewarm chlefa leaa Indifferent." ARE YOU AN AD WRITER ? You May Be One and Don’t Know It. Why Not Try Your Hand? We will Give to the One Writing the Best Ad About this Label FIVE DOLLARS IN GOLD This contest will be open for two weeks, beginning July 2, and ending July 14, No professional ad writer or member of Atlanta Typographical Union will be permitted to compete. Ads to he written for space Of 5 inches across 2 columns. For any infor mation CALL OR WRITE ATLANTA TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION, P. 0. BOX 266 CONTENTS OF RESIDENCE AT AUCTION MONDAY AND TUESDAY, JULY 9 AND 10 The fine Furniture of Mr. J. A. Hightower, which hed been dam aged by the late Ore. bee been moved to 128 Whitehall street to be sold at auction, consisting of one bedroom sullen costing 8125; another cost ing 886;' one arm chair, mahogany rocker, saved from a $540 parlor suit, two library tables, one sideboard and dining table, four oU paint ing*. antique mahogany wardrobe and bedstead, fourteen porch rockers, Vienna chair, leather chair*, carpets, rugs, kitchen safe; Jig saw, lot of fruit Jars, Iron beds, baby carriage and many other good things. LEO FRESH/ Auctioneer.