The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, July 07, 1906, Image 4

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Magnificent Growth of Past
Indicates Continued Pros
perity for Future and For
tune Making Opportuni
ties for the Judicious In
Building Records Show Ac
tivity in Home Purchas
ing and Increase in Popu
lation, While Suburban
Property Is Becoming
More Desirable for Home
Sites—Towering Office
Buildings House
HE ml Mtita dealers In Atlanta
an rotting ml busy. Soma of
thorn havo a great deal to ear
about what they hare to offer In the
way Of building sites, homo altea and
investments. They havo eel acted tha
oolumna of The Georgian In which to
ezpreea an opinion of Atlanta real ee
tale. Like all true and loyal cltlsens,
they aro convinced that the public can
not go far aatray. Three opinion! an
Invaluable, oe they are the expressions
'••■lag from men of yean of expo
rli-nce, wide obeerratlon and careful
buelncae methode,
Atlanta realty hae enjoyed a eteady
* healthy Increase, which hae been
chledly encouraging to the moat pee
~ realty dee
nlmleuc. The realty deolere have had
in "re, perhaps, to do with tbla than any
oilier clear of cltleene. They have
made It their buelneee to "bull" the
market, eo to apeak, and while they
have not Inflated values, they have
Keen to It that a atrong, luety and
healthy condition did not droop and
become alckly tor want of attention.
Mon real relate traneactlone have
been recorded In the laet twelve
mnntha than In any time In the his.
tory of the city. Thta la due largely
to advertlelng. The name of the aver
age real relate dealer le a houoehold
word. There la one dealer In Atlanta
advertising ao extenelvety that when a
letter addreased “We Sell Lola," Atlan
ta, Gee wan mailed by a cltlxen In III!
mile. It waa delivered to Forreat A
George Adair. Other dealen have had
n elmllar experience. It la hut natural
that a prospective purchaeer ehould
turn to it nun who haa a reputation
when he deckles to make a purchaae.
In order that the Inveator inny ap
preciate Juat exactly the opinion enter
tained by the varlnua dealera, The
nation le that which come* from own
era of homes, howevar humble they
may be.
Our opinion It that there waa never
more opportune time for our people
Georgian haa Invited the dlt-uaalon of
> dealera and takea pleaaure In aub-
Of Forreet A George Adair.
The activity In Atlanta ml eatate
Juat now la aomethlng unprecedented.
The year IMS waa a very aucceaeful
one with ue In the point of volume of
sales, aa we broke all recordi and
paaaed well over the million mark. But
our aalea for the drat alx monthe of
the preeent year amounted to more
than did the total for the entire year
of 1*0*.
Thla activity le not conflntd to any
one cloee of purchaaera or to any one
kind of ml eatate; it ta general; trana-
fera are made In all parte of tha city
and improvement! are under way In
every section of Atlanta.
However, the moat remarkable fea
ture about tha real etaata market here
at present la that wa have not even
the slightest semblance of a boom In
Atlanta. Wa venture to a ay that (0
' per cent of tho purchases of real aitate
are made for actual use, or aa an actual
Invastment of surplus capital. Of
course. In every halthy real eatata mar
ket there la a certain amount of spec
ulation and some tendency among aoma
people to take qhancea on buying prop
erty on tlmo In tho hope of celling It
before the notes fall due However,
there le very little of this tendency
In Atlanta right now; and practically
actual uae as a home, or
wish to make aa Investment of some
spare cash.
For several years past In our adver
tisements In all the Atlanta papers and
In occasional Interviews wa hava rec
ommended the purchase of that class
of property known aa “aeml-centraL n
par people who aro able to buy thla
class of real eatata It la about aa good
an Invastment as one can put money
Into. Those who hava kept track of
real eatata matters will remember that
three or four years ago we stated re
peatedly that there waa a tendency
ann-ng business concerns to abandon
the ugh rente of the congested die-
trie* and to purchase locations for
trtet and to purchaae lncatlona
themselves on tip edges ot the bualn-
ci nter. Look around now, and you
will see some of the effects of thla.
You will notice on Whitehall street,
let ween Trinity and Garnett, brick
ilata are being converted Into stores
On Oarnett street L W. Rogers, the
the next ten yfars the bualneea canter
will expand wonderfully, pushing out
tha boarding house and close-in resi
dence section, resulting In the enhance
ment of all real eatata In tha different
tflos _
will come Tnto activity, and enhance
ment Is felt oil along the line.
The advantage about Atlanta la thla;
All lie business concerns which are
. _ are prosperous and happy;
Its Industries are running on full tlma;
Ita wage earners are making good pay
and are buying homea. With such con
ditions aa thaaa, tha Increaea In value
of real estate la Inevitable.
In dlacualng tha real estate condi
tions of Atlanta It would ba wall to
taka a retrospective view, for a com
parison with tho present and future
conditions. There have been times
when the city waa said to be on a
groat "boom.” Excitement In real es
tate circles ran Ugh, a great many
people were putting all the funds they
could oommand In what Seemed to them
at tho time to bo the finest prospects
for big profits—real eatata. The fu
ture seemed to ba lurid with tha rain
bow of promise of great fortunes for
them, but aa tha pendulum of pros
perity never swings In tbs same di
rection always, there comas to reac
tion; tho pendulum swings backward,
and with it ibars comas a slump,
waa unimproved, likewise tha lot
Juat back of It. Naturally tha lot sit
uated on tha corner waa more desir
able and valuable than tha one Juat
back of It. One year from tha tlma
the first lot waa purchased tha owner
decided that he would buy the adjoin
ing lot. which waa reluctantly priced
to him for flT per front foot I could
effe you any number of Instances of
thla nature, but I merely use thla as
Illustrative of my above statement.
Thera la no safer Inveatmont Juat
now Jhan to invest your money In At
lanta dirt Its valua Is gradually en
value, but has steadily Increased with-*
In tha past fsw years.
You ask for my opinion of real ea
tata In Atlanta. From my standpoint
then can be but one, and that Is that
It Is the best and safest Investment
that can be made with money. I have
lived here for twenty-six years snd
seen Atlanta real estate Increase from
1100 per acre to lit,000 and |S0,000 per
acre, and twenty-five yean ago the cry
—— . . -
was. “Real estate- 1s too high,’
that same cry Is still hsard today,
fry to be conservative In my opinion
and actions, but I cannot see how real
aetata can ba too high now when In
nearly all aoctlone of tbe city It la
lower today than It was fifteen years
ago and wa have almost doubled our
population, and are growing at a pace
that every twelve months wa ora add
ing to our population enough to make
also of MUladgevtlla and
a city tha
fast that tha real eatata agents,
business It Is to keep up with the real
eatate movements, can scarcely com-
latlon we are getting now does not
comes empty-handed, but comes with
money to help keep the ball moving.
Tho volume of business dona In real
estate In Atlanta for three years past
haa b*en more than for any ten years
In Its history, and most marked of all
has been tha Industrial development.
aro not only growing In population, but
furnishing a means of support for our
cltlsena and a live city with not a
dead bone In her body and with aa
healthy a location as any spot on earth
and every living soul In It Imbued with
Che Idea that he le living In the best
city In the United States and willing
to go tho limit to help along Ita growth,
who can doubt that we won't soon
havo 300,004 live, pushing Americana
settled on theso granite hills? Will
present prices be too high for real es
tate then? As to'the stability of real
eatate Investments, It Is tbe only In
vestment on esrth that you can't lose
all of It. Nothing but another Noah's
flood can wipe It all out; then. If At
lanta la the best place In tbe United
States to live, Invest It here.
the city. You can not go Into any
part of Atlanta where you will not be
surprised at the number of new homes
being constructed. and the progress Is
not confinad to nomaa but bustnass
structures are going up In all parts of
tha city.
How many citizens of Atlanta are
wealthy today who jnirrhsaafl prop
erty years ago and held it until now?
Of W. E. Saunders A Co.
Referring to Atlanta real estate, I
do not think that any one can explain
In writing the advantages and profits
that are obtained through dealing In
Atlanta property. One of the most
convincing arguments In behalf of the
resl value of Atlantn real estate Is ■
take a ride over the city, and note
progress being made In all portions
erty Is something wonderful, but
limit has not been reached, and I do
not see any chance of It being reached
In the near future. If It Is ever reached.
No man can make a better Investment
than to Invest In Atlantn property. It
Intakes no difference If his Investment
Is small or large, and sometimes tl)p
smaller Investment turns out to bo the
best- I
l find .a great many people who aro
now renting, but who desire to buy a
panic, a financial crash, and many who
prepared for the unlook-
were totally uni
od for condition of things
with tha craah In financial disaster, apd
a loss of all tholr savings for years.
Others who were more discreet mak
ing mors Judicious Investments, togeth
er with a keen foresight to dlscom afar
off o possibility Of a return of tho pen
dulum, weathered the financial crash
and long ago have forgotten. In thla
unprecedented erg of prosperity, thosa
perilous tlraaa. Today wo hear of no
“boom," ""
1 no fictitious values, but ws art
enjoying a strong, stsady growth of
real prosperity hitherto unknc
_ own to
our people.
Perhaps there waa never a time In
the hlatory of Atlanta whan wa had
such a demand for homes, and proba
bly never a tlmo when It was aa sasy
for our people to procure thorn. Prop
erty owners seem willing, for the most
part, to soil at a reasonable profit on
tholr holdings—they- aro wilting to
make almost any reasonable terms to
so, believing as they do that the best
of any community, section or
we have Intimated, the Abol
Is In the midst of the greatest era of
prosperity known to our people, and
while It le true that breadstuff! and
food toy man and beast are bringing
big prime, the salaried man and the
wage earner are receiving correspond
ingly high prices, and find It much
eaaler now to lay aside soma ot their
earnings than whan prices for thesa
necessaries were far below the present
scale. Atlanta la differentiated from
way of the South. Ita altitude
the eea level makes cllraatlo 1 condi
tions unequaled—tho network of rail
roads centering here, permsting os they
do with their numerous ramifications
through all aectloni of the most fa
vored country of the Union—empytlng
the great and varied products Into the
city, and carrying throughout the
length and breadth of this Southland
of ours the various and numerous
quantities of manufactured goods and
merchandise, giving employment to
thousands of the people—all of which
contribute much toward making It a
ealrable home center.
Perhaps no other city haa such an
Immense territory upon which to draw
for a continual enlargement of Its
borders and the extension of Its limits
As evidence of what capitalists from
other sections think of tho future of
Atlanta property, we Instance one of
the many Incidents that come under
our observation. A few monthe ago
we made the acquaintance ot a gen-
we mads the acquaintance or a gen
tleman of varied experience In real
estate values and large Investments
throughout the country, snd having
traveled from Maine to California and
from Niagara to the gulf, looking for
good Investments and having pul
sums In different sections of tha ctmn-
try, hs came to Atlanta for the first
time. He looked over the situation
very carefully: he finally resolved to
cast his lot here for Ilfs making con
siderable Investments.
He has determined to withdraw aa
ipoedlly aa circumstances will allow
.us various holdings from all other sec
tions and put them In Atlanta proper
ties. This wt think. Is a compliment
to our city, but one at which we »fe
not surprised. We might remark In
Attorney General of In
diana Hopes to Close
Gambling Rooms.
By Private Leased Wire.
Paoll, Ind., July ?.—Discussing the
statement made by Thomas Taggart,
ot tho French Lick Springs Hotel Com
pany, to tho effect that the casinos
were not a part of tho hotel properties,
but were under lease to other persons,
snd that suits were pending‘to cancel
theso leases because the hotel compa
nies had learned that gambling waa be
ing conducted at the casinos, Attorney
General Miller, of Indiana, makes a
sensational charge.
Mr. Miller le conducting the litiga
tion on behalf ot tha state against the
French Lick Springe and West Baden
Hotel Companies which haa grown out
of charges that gambling has been con
ducted openly at these places.
"IVh, M h* —v- -W.M th,
On the upper left Is
raph showing tho inti
Taggart's gambling
_ jam i
asms place and on the right Is a
snapshot of Nations! Democratic
Chairman Thomas Taggart.
“Why,” he says, “were they brought
'the peace court at '
charge that the lessees are uelng the
casinos for gambling purposes. Here we
In a Justice of . __ .
o'clock at night and tried with great
secrecy and then as quickly appealed
have the admission of gambling.' 1
‘ — ns Lake quotes
A dispatch from Winona
f 10 the circuit court, whsre they have
remained unknown? They were brought
to meet exactly such a contingency as
this and to be dragged out and used as
a defense when needed. The hotel peo
ple admit ownership of property and
lleves the suits Mod by the attorney
general are well founded. “Last Sep
tember, In a public address,” he said,
I promlaed tye people of Indiana that
polling that while purchasing values
hava at
advanced, rents have advanced
also, but as a rule tenants never had
fort and convenience, and there are a
better class of tenants, taken as a
whole, than ever before. It le true
that while home seekers and Inveilree
may feel that In some Instances prices
are unreasonably high, yet ourwonten-
tlon ta that on# can always afford. In
buying a home, to pay all It Is worth:
especially la this true when we take
Into accopnt the fact that there le a
eteady Increase and material advance
ment going on all the time. We believe
the part of wisdom to advlee
the Monte Carlos at French Lick and
West Baden should ba closed If It could
be done lawfully."
By Prints teased Wire,
Omaha, Nebr., July 7.—Mae Thomas,
the girl who stole and swallowed a IJt.0
diamond here a month ago, was yes
terday sentenced to five years In state
prison. When sentence was pronounced
the girl broke down and cried.
"I did not steal ths diamond,” she
sobbed, “nor do I know anything about
It; if I swallowed It I don't know It."
This wbs the case In which the X-ray
was used In the hope of locating the
* peels! to The Georgian.
Asheville, N. C„ July 7.-Charged
with abducflnk Pearl Mosseller, the 11-
year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
8. Mosseller, of Asheville, George Sha
ver, of thla city, was arrested In Spar
tanburg, Wednesday, and Is now In Jail
). Tbs warrant was sworn out by
the fatber ot the girt, who followed the
lburg, where they had
The shipyards of Nagasaki, Japan
7,W0 workmen all the year round.
n. employ
the buying of homes (snd making In-
ments) whtnever It Is within ths
ed throe-story. uuikiiiia cm n»gu*
quarters for hla enterprises. Almost
and Mbdlson, the Bowden Llthla
people aro putting up a block of brick
On East Mitchell etreet Nunnsllv
Bros. A McCrea have Invaded the resi
dence section with a mill constructed
t ilck building for their overall factory.
Just around the corner, on Central ave
nue, 8. P. Richards' Sons are laying the
foundation for a large brick building
tor handling their printing and atatlon-
l group c
that have clustered around In
the neighborhood of Ivy etreet. Auburn
avenue and Edgewood avenue. There
- the two big candy factories of Nun-
rtally and John D. Wlng.Jbe J. K. Orr
••shoe Company, Frank iln Printing Com
pany, tha Pure Food and Milk Com
pany. and a little farther out on Edge-
\, . ,',i avenue you will notice tbe build-
pany, the Pure
and Milk Com-
tnxfl of the Atlanta Art Olasa Com
pany, Southern Light and Power Com-'
pany, Woodstde'e storage warehouse.
As you go out Whitehall etreet you
see residences being torn down on .the
I allroad side, nuking way for the ware-
housee and factories. Krlegsbaber Is
• xcsvattng now for bis building, being
the lint one to break loto the residence
prvoinecs of Whitehall street.
We mention these as Illustrating ths
t. nJency predicted by jis several years
a 2 . , and ws venture to say that within
vestments. _ _
hounds of a reasonable probability to
pay for them, values, terms, etc, being
satisfactory. We are la possession of
numerous facts to prove the foregoing
etateinente as to Increase In values—
making It an eaay matter for one to
dispose of property In a short time for
e. alee profit.
Within the last few months ws havs
soli some properties ths second time
for a good profit to the owner, and In
quite n number ot Instances had them
Immediately after purchasing. Ws
confidently look forward to tbe contin
ued prosperity of the city and the
whole country.
While It may be true that this wave
of prosperity may have a temporary
check for a time, as times of depression
have come In all the world's history
(we know not how nor why), yet with
discreet Investments, Judicious man
agement, there need be no fear of any
great financial craah.
“We can only Judge the future by the
past" In doing this, I can safely say
that within the next three years Atlan
ta suburban and acreage will more
than double In value. In fact, the
manner In which It has been enhanc
ing In value for the past few months
would Indicate that It wilt more than
treble' within the nest few years. The
writer oi this article has In view a
suburban lot which Is located on the
corner of two streets, which sold one
Tenth Annual Excursion City Salesmen’s Association
To Georgia’s Celebrated Coast Resort aiul the South’s most splendid Sea
Shore, Tybee Island. They will nin two special trains from Atlanta, Ga.,
This excursion will reach Savannah at 7 a. m., the morning of the 17th. ^ Re
turning, the trains will leave Savannah noon, July 21st, arriving Atlanta at 10
o’clock Saturday night.
The Tybee Hotel and Pulaski House have made a special concession by giv
ing visitors the very low rates of $2.00 per day. The rate will be
Tickets and sleeping car diagrams can be secured at the Central of Geor
gia Railway ticket office, Fourth National Bank Building, or New Terminal
Station, or write to members of the committee: J. II. Owen, chairman, with
F. E. Block Co., J. J. Barnes, Jr., with National Biscuit Co., TV. G. McNair,
with E. M. Yow Co., J. TV. Rankin, with Oglesby Grocery Co.
high at ths pro-ant, atn
watt until It gets cheaper. Atlanta
property will never be any cheaper
than It ts today, and those that are
waiting for It to get cheaper before
they buy, will find nut sooner or later
that they made a mistake In not buy
ing, and the amount they hnve paid
out for rent would have paid for a
Property In' Ihe city of Atlanta Is In
creasing In price dally, and ns the city
property Increases, eo doen tho subur
ban prop ■■■^M
m property. I am n resident of Klrk-
■ood, arid have watched with Interest
(he great advance In property of this
beautiful suburb. It has not been far
distant since you could have bought
property In Kirkwood for almost your
own price, but since the town has beei
Incorporated and a magnificent new
school building Is nearing completion.
which will give to the people a free
school. It Is a very difficult thing to
„ , , dlfflcul „
buy any property In Kirkwood at all,
unless you pay a very handsome price
for It.
Property In Kirkwood has advanced
about 20 per cent In the last twelve
months and Is steadily on the Increase.
The same rule that applies to tho
•a applies to
advancement of Klrkwoo^HPV H
tho other suburban towns near Atlanta.
A great many people think when they
go to purchaee property In the suburbs
that they are going to get It very
cheap, but when they learn the price
Ithey seem very much surprised, but
the suburban property Is holding pace
with the city property, and will never
any one Is thinking of buying a home
or making an Investment In or near At
lanta, now Is the time to set, for the
opportunity that Is offered today will
never be offered again. m mi
Atlanta Is on no special "boom," but
the healthful climate, the many rail
roads. the splendid electric car serv
ice. the mnny churches, schools and
great city for business, and pleasant
for homes, and keeps up a steady
growth In population,' also In values of
real esate In and near “our city;" there
Is a good demand for renting property
' Ianta
and any property In or near At!
Is sure to Increase In value.
Of J. C. Baldwin A Co.
Replying to yours of July 3 regard
ing real estato developments In Atlanta
beg to say the valueB have gradually
Increased for the past several months,
and real estato dealera have all had a
steady trade and sales havo keen good.
When tho 1310 exposition becomes a
certainty tbe real estate values will be
enhanced 21 to 30 per cent We are
having Inqulriee from all sections of
tbe country and proepectlve buyers are
numerous. Subdivisions are being sold
In and-around Atlanta, realising band-
some profits to speculators. When we
get a bargain all we have to do Is to
let It be known through our papers,
and we have no trouble In finding a
we are looking forward to an un
usually good fall trade and bargains
are hard to find. Scarcely any cen
tral property on the market at any
reasonable figure. Suburban proper
ties are looking up, and many satls-
fsetory sales are being made. Real
estate men are In good spirits, and I
believe the most or them are making
Ten years' application with dose ob
servation places me where I can sny
something about Atlanta rrdl estate.
A few figures In small denis which I
have made will show that It Is not nec
essary to rent till you are rich before
you buy a home. Here are the facta
and figures: Six-room house bought
In 1301 on monthly payments, price
31,330; occupied as a home for three
years, sold for 32,300 cast*
Eight-room house, bought for 31,430,
occupied three years, refused 32,350.
Four-room house nnd two vaennt lots
for 31.150, refused 32,200.
Six-room house fur 31,450, occupied
four years; refused 53,100.
W(th such facts as these before you;
why not own a home which ought to be
the highest ambition of every man. If
you hnve that ambition, why not own
one In the .best place, Atlanta, with nil
her railroad centers, her street car fa
cilities, her electric power nnd light
privileges, with the latest and most
modern water works and a complete
sewer system, having 'a high elevation
which gives us a great advantage for
sanitary cleanliness. Statistics show
that Atlanta Is much mor* healthy
feet home city,- It Is one of tho
places In the world to Invest your
of Interest. If you want -to Da more
thoroughly convinced, come And spend
a while. Visit our parks and drink the
puro water that flows out of the hill
side, and breathe the fragrant air from
the beautiful flowers and the natural
Of ths Copenhill Land Company.
Atlanta. Ga. July 7, 130(.
The real estate Interests of Atlanta
and suburbs are solid. We are found
ed upon a rock physically and finan
llama property, both Improved and
unlnmproved, waa naver In better de
mand or advancing more rapidly. This
is especially true, perhape, of property
In the northeastern'section. Including
nihil! and adjoining districts.
e now have at Copenhill city wa
ter, sewers, electric lights, paved
streets and these Improvements aro
gradually extending further to the
Houses and lota, vacant lots and
manufacturing sites In this section aro
In great and over-growing demand.
Houses there will rent or sell almost
before they are completed. The rea
sons for this special demand Is that
this section lies high and beautiful,
overlooking tho whole city, tho air Is
cool and healthful, there are plenty of
forost trees, the electric cars penetrate
It at frequent Intervals; there Is quick
access to tho city; the people are high-
toned and neighborly; the prices,
though advancing, nr® yet quite reas
onable and the usual terms are very
The people of Georgia, of the South
finding out what a great place Atft I
is; they are earning here by thousands
and many are settling at Copenhill nnd
: not nearly one-half has yet
Special to The Georglso.
New lberta. La. July 7.—A warrant
for the arrest of John C. Cavendish,
also known as Lord Douglas, has been
sent to the chief of police of an Eastern
city. The name ot the city Is with
Cavendish, who Is alleged to be a
bigamist, married Mias Josephine Hood,
of Asheville, last December and since
then, although the state department of
Washington has searched far them
through consular officers and the gov
ernors of Texas, Virginia and North
Carolina have offered rewards for
Cavendish's capture,'neither he nor his
wife have been found.
i Georgian
da., July 7.—The Alabama
Ion, which mot here, was
Ight by Hon. Judson Her-
Innati, who was attorney
r President Cleveland,
t of Mr. Harmon's ad-
ndependence of the Judl-
14,000 Tiekete Taken In.
Special to Tbe Georgian
Decatur, Ala. July 7.—Over 14,000
fDecaturs July 4. This Is ths
biggest day's business ever done by the
North Alabama Traction Company,
TONIGHT—Matinee Today.
30 PEOPLE 30 •
Including “SOvera” Oakley, Toney
Hart, Gertrude Hoffman, Otto
Brothers, Twin 81sters Dolly.
a claimed ” he said, “that
1 Judges by popular Vote
Ir their Independence, but
; to. The electors hava
elect. They can only re-
when displeased, and.
cl __
rare Instances, such rt-
■ually been Juat when not
olltlcal causes. When ths
iver, act through political
In choosing Judges, there
especially when those or-
re allowed to fall under
! a few men or a single
urpoeee generally are or
•elfish or corrupt. These
Mass the Judges as well as
officials, and naturally
■d them all alike as tub-
t the era of ‘bones' has
But, even to, I hope the
oe when Judges will be
t the Intervention of par-
cease must frequently
kim from which It ia Im-
nlnate political cotulder-
l effect of theke, while It
tlrely escaped, must cer
tainly be leae when tbe Judges aro not
nominated as party candidates.
Special to Tke Georgias.
St. Augustine. Fla, July 7.—Tho St.
Augustine Rifles will disband In a few
days and reorganise under the same
name. Thla action la deemed advisable
as a number of tha members are unx-
loua for their discharge and display no
Interest In ths c :npeny. .
Of Atlanta.
Matinees Tuesday, Thursday and Sab
day. •
The Man Who Made the Shah Lsugh (
Special Added Attraction
“Babes in the Jungle.”