Newspaper Page Text
Hall Fights Black
burn Patrol
Live Session of House Monday.
Hall Says Police Are Paid So
Much a Head tor Negroes.
i Outside of (ho sensational FI a ml ora
| Incident In Iho home Monday mornlmr,
B and the attack of Joe Hill Hall on the
county court officials of the atate, there
»*■ little done at the morning aeaalon
of the lower branch of the general |
aembly. Argument on Blackburn'a
county patrol bill waa begun but un
The houae met at 10 o'clock, with
the uaual prayer, roll call and reading
of i he journal.
Sir. Covington, of Colquitt, aa vice
chairman of the committee on temper-
an ", reported favorably a bill by Mr.
Itinker, of Clarke, to abollah the dis
pensary at Athene.
On a joint revolution by Meaara. An-
d«' ■ on and Stovall, of Chatham, Thurs
day evening, July 1C, waa set aa the
tlni* for the general aeeembly to be
addressed by lion. Walter G. Charl
ton. of Savannah.
The houae resolved Itself Into a com
mittee of the whole to consider the bill
b> Mr. Blackburn, of Fulton, to eatab-
llrh county patrol* by the county grand
juries. Mr. Nolan, of Henry, took the
Pokes Fun at Bill.
An amendment to the Blackburn bill,
Introduced by Mr. Rainey, of Schley,
created quite a laugh tvhen read before
the house. It was as follows:
• "Amend by adding, that each of said
patrola be provided with four galling
guns and alx blood hounds."
Mr, Blackburn, of Fulton, and Mr.
I’.irter, of Floyd, spoke In favor of the
Mr. Knight, of Berrien, opposed the
bill In a speech.
Joe Hill Hall Takta Floor.
Mr. Hall, of Bibb, opposed the bill
on the ground that It contained much
mischief. He roundly scored county
< "urt offlclala for prosecuting poof
"niggers" for shooting "crepa" for a
penny. Strong hints at grafts among
county court offlclala were made by
wholesale by Mr. Hall. Ue eontlnued:
"'Twould make an Irresponsible
county police. The nlggera who are
pulled up In courts are not the mean
tleveling nlggera. They ain't got nuth-
I n'. The criminal laws are enforced
to make money for court offlclala. I
betters that these court offlclala should
t>e put on a salary. 1 have long op-
f'sed this, but the abuse of the pres
ent eystem has led me to this view. 1
am opposed to discrimination In en
forcing laws.
"1 understand In some counties police
out paid so much a head for the nigger
gamblers they bring In.
‘T understand In the supreme court
iho other day that here In Fulton coun
tv out here at Armour's plant, some
niggers were In a house talking one
Saturday night, when a hobo nigger
came In and started a game. He left
and the county police appeared and the
niggers were arrested and while they
wire being brought to town the hobo,
w ho had come back, escaped and these
niggers were lined $90 and $79 when
- Political Bailiffs.
"This bill provides for the constables
to be sort of ex-offlelo captains, doesn't
It? My Clod! The worst thing In tho
world la a political bailiff. (I-augh
"This bill gives a lot of Irresponsible
fellows authority to raise hell In the
country. (Laughter.)
' "You pass this bill and In twenty
four hours every officer In the county
courts would have a contract with
these ratrolo."
Mr. Hall was asked several questions
In regard to Macon.
"I live In Macon, but 1 am not re-
sponsible for It."
"Have all tho nlggera left Macon?"
asked Mr. Anderson, of Chatham.
"All the good 'uns, but we have police
officers who are responsible and would
like this patrol, running uut the
"You pass tills bill and as soon as
, the niggers are run sway these
patrols will start on the poor white
folks and 'Run. nigger, run, or the pat-
i ol'll catch you' will be sung In Oeorgla
again. The patrols will have these poor
folk- running nil over the flelde."
.Mr. Longley, of Troup, differed from
kf:> Hall, fie said In part:
“My friend from Bibb Is a prophet of
evil. He le In favor of protecting the
rural districts, he says, but opposed to
gran t juries appointing, what he says,
would be Irresponsible parties, who
w ould drive the nlggera away,
"1 believe the grand Juries of the
slate arc made up from the best men
In the elate, and they do con«-**n-
II oils work. I would have lnt» uced
just such a bill us this, had not my
friend froth Fulton dohe so. 1 trust
this committee will report this bill fa-
toinbly to the house."
Mr. Menn to the Defenee.
Mr. Mann, of Catoosa, answered Mr.
Hall, whose arguments, he said, smack
ed too much of crap shooting niggers.
He defended the grand Juries from the
attack'made by the gentleman from
lilbb. He said:
"This bill did not originate wXh the
gentleman from Bibb, It Is true, but
g i el can come from other sources.
"The gentleman from Hlbb damns
the constables. I don't believe these
constables are all dishonest."
Mr. Felder, of Bibb, differed from
.Mr. Hall, whom be answered
Iowa Officials Resign By Wholesale
Because Deprived of Railroad Passes
By Private Leased Wire.
Des Moines, Iowa, July I.—The antl-pasa law, passed by the legisla
ture last winter, which went Into effect July «, Is creating a veritable epi
demic of resignations throughout the state.
From every one of the M counties reports have been received that
county and township officials are deciding that the annual pass over One
or more lines of railway le more to be desired than a public office with a
fee system or salary attachment.
Two Boys Run Away.
A Daugherty, II years of age, and
Jesse Idler, It years of age, ran away
Hunday from the Decatur orphan home
and are being sought by the police. The
boys left the home together, and It la
thought came toward Atlanta.
Majer Halford Speaks.
Major E. W. Halford of tha Depart
ment of the Oulf, spoke to both the
morning and evening congregations at
the Wesley Memorial Church Hunday
and was listened to with Interest by
the large congregations present.
Htavy Vacation Travsl.
The railroad traffic on all local lines
broke the season's record Hsturdsy and
Hunday, hundreds leaving the city for
the seashore and mountain resorts.
The Beaboard train to Wrlghtsvllle
Beach on Hsturdsy night was taxed to
Its capacity nnd upon Its return Mon
day waa also filled with excursionists
who had spent the Fourth at that da
llghtful resort.
Dapufy Sheriff Oliver* Hit by Car,
Deputy Hherlff J. C. Oliver cam<
within a few Inches of being knocked
through Death's door Hsturdsy night
after 0 o'clock by a College Park car
at the Junction of the Campbellton
road and the car line, while the car
was running at a speed of some 20
miles an hour. Aa U was. ha auetalned
painful brulsea on the right arm.
West Virginia Party Here.
J. W. Stewart, president of the
American Horticultural Distributing
Company, of Martlnsburg, W. Vn.:
Charles Lamar, of Martlnsburg; Alea
flolian, postmaster at Martlnsburg, and
E. D. Henahaw, deputy revenue col
lector at Martlnsburg, passed through
the city Monday Aoon after spending a
week at Fort Valley and Macon Inves
tigating the outlook for the peach crop
of thq, present season. All the above
gentlemen are largely Interested In the
peach nnd apple Industry of east and
West Virginia and their visit to Geor
gia had a significant Importance.
Nurserymen Meet Next Month.
President Orlando Harrison, of the
Southern Nurserymen's Association,
has called a meeting of tho members
of the organisation for August 11 and
14 at Chattanooga. Aa a majority of
the local nurserymen are members of
the organisation, much Interest la be
ing taken In the coming session.
Addition to Plant
A $11,000 addition to the plant of the
H. M. Beutell Manufacturing Company
on Bellewood avenue Is to be com
menced at once. The firm manufac
tures bank and office fixtures and Is
enjoying an unusual era of prosperity.
8L Anthonye Church Picnic.
Ht. Anthonye dhurch, .West End, will
to the Philippines. Major Erwin Is _
Savannah man, and was detailed for
service with the Georgia National
Guard In li*l. After six weeks' ser
vice the Bpanlsh-Ameriren war broke
out, and he-went Into active service. In
l»01-'0I he was with the National
Guard of Alabama for Inepectlon ear.
Assigned to Chlckamauga,
Captain Carl Relchmann, of the
Seventh Infantry, has been assigned
for duty as military secretary to the
commanding general at the Chlcka
mauga encampment.
Old Lowry Bank Bald,
One of the most Important real estate
deals of recent days was that of Sat
urday, when James A, Farmer, a recent
arrival In Atlanta, purchased from the
Lowry National Bank the property at
the corner of East Alabama street and
Central avenue, formerly occupied by
the bank before the erection of the
Equitable building, for the rash prtr
of fit,(too. It Is understood that Mr.
Farmer purchased for Investment.
Cast Point Tsaehers Elsctod.
James T. McGhee has been re-elected
superintendent of schools at East Point,
being his fourth term In that rapacity,
during which time the school has
grown and flourished as never before.
Mr. McGhee's assistants during the
next year will be Miss Ada Norton and
Mra. A. B. Sparks, of East Point, and
Miss Simmons and Miss Daisy Lee, of
Dr. Jsmtson Preached Sunday.
Dr. 8. Y. Jameson, principal of Mer
rer University at Macon, was In the
city Hunday and occupied the pulpit of
the Jackson Hill Baptist church at the
morning eervlce.
Youthful Culprits Caught.
For several weeks the Atlanta Gas
Light Company has been the victim of
thieves, who have during that time
carried away more than a "car load of
brass fittings. On Saturday a sorry-
looklng trio of youngsters faced Judge
Broylea on the charge of being Impli
cated In the petty larceny. Llge
Thomas, Mud Parks and Noah Fames
were the names to which they an
swered In court, and they were bound
over under $90 bonds for their appear,
ance In higher courts. The arrests
were the result of clever detective
work of Officer Rowan.
Picnlo at Fairoake Tuesday,
The ladles of St. Anthony's church
are arranging a picnic to be held on
Tuesduy, weather permitting, at Chief
Joyner's' summer home at Falroaks,
and, judging from the number of tick
ete which have been sold, a large num
ber of meipbera and friends of the
church u’lll attend, cars will leave
give a picnic Tuesday..t Chief Joy- SS&'tnSS*
net's farm, Fair Oaks, near Marietta.
r ••'’I
n, S!
strong speech for Mr. Blackburn's blit.
The burden of hts argument was that
the hill would tend to put down crime
In the country, and force all "nlggera"
to go to work.
At 12:44 o'clock the confnilttee of the
.whole reported progress to the house
and naked leave to alt again.
Then came the sensational Flanders
Incident nnd adjournment.
New Bills.
- On the call of the roll of rountfca
for new business the following bills
snd resolutions were Introduced and
read by Reading Clerk McClatrhey:
By Mr. Anderson of Chatham: To
arrange ths several senatorial dla-
Tickets may be obtained at the rectory,
No. 391 Ashby street.
Bank of Buokhead.
A charter was granted Monday
morning to the Bank of Burkhead, In
Morgan county, by the secretory at
state. The capital stock Is $29,000 and
Incorporators P. H. McWhorter, John
B. Swords, It. II. l’aarhal, G. M. Gals-
sert, J. Hulmo Morgan. C. C. Hhouae
nnd W. L. Rogers. This Is the thirty-
third state bank chartered since Jan
uary L
New Live Stock Company.
The United Live Ht n-k' Insurance
Company, of llalnbridge, was chartered
Monday by the secretary of state. It la
a mutual concern, and hae aa Incor
porators J. W. Callahan, J. C. Mc-
Casklll, l>r. J. E. Toole, G. H. Mc
Nair, E. H. Hammond, M. B. Hammond
and others.
Admitted to Practice.
Arthur Thurman, of Atlanta, was ad
mitted to practice before the supreme
court of Georgia Monday.
Big Cheek for Univcrcity.
State Treasurer Park received Mon
day morning a warrant for $39,000 for
the University of Georgia, this amount
S olng annually to that Institution un*
er the provisions of the Morrill bill.
Captain Park mailed the warrant at
once to the treasurer of the university.
Railroad Commission.
The regular monthly masting of the
railroad commission will be neld on
Wednesday. As the marble rate case
went over until August », no matters
of unusual Interest are set for a hear
Prison Commission.
The prison commission will meet on
Tuesday morning. Quite a Urge num
ber of petitions for clemency are to be
considered, hut there are no cases of
unusual Interest. The annual report of
the commission will be ready for the
general assembly this week.
Glnnera’ Insurance Company.
charter was granted Monday to
the Glnnera' Co-operative Insurance
Company, of Athens. It has no capital
stock, and among the Incorporators are
W. P. Jackson, W. F. Dorsey, W. P.
Dorsey and W. A. Mallory.
Gsorgia Man Promoted.
Major James B. Erwin, of the Ninth
cavalry, has been detailed major In the
Inspector general's olllce and ordered
trirts of the state.
y Mr Flynt of.Spaldlng: To amend
the charter of the city of Griffin.
By Mr. Lumpkin of Walker: To
regulate the running of automobiles In
said county.
By Mr. Rainey of Terrell: 'fo amend
the act establishing graded schools In
By Mr. Rstney of Terrll: To amend
the charter or the city of Dawson.
By Mr. Calvin of Richmond: To
errste a department of banking In this
By Mr. Singletary of Thomas: To
repeat an art to create county courts
In certain counties.
Hy Mr. fiStngletary of Thomas: To
establish the city court of Cairo In
Grady county.
By Mr. Singletary of Thomas: To
Incorporate the city of Cairo.
By Mr. Sears of Montgomery: Con
cerning compensation of county com
missioners In said county.
By Messrs. Wilson and Nix of Gwin
nett: To Inspect all alchollc liquors.
rletta street every hour during that
day and a special fare of r>0 cents for
adults and half fare for children Is an
nounred for the round trip.
Negroes Bseoms Excited.
The negro colony at. the foot of
Piedmont avenue was thrown Into an
uproar Saturday night by the appear
ance of a squad of officers under Ser-
genn* Lnnford, and the subsequent un
expected and unwelcome call of the
guardians of the peace upon the club
house at 13 Piedmont avenue, where
Albert Rogers was entertaining a big
party of hla rare with a crap game. A
stampede followed the visit, but the
officers caught ten and others will be
produced later.
H. C. White Gets Home.
Among the arrivals In the city Satur
day was H. C. White, of Atlanta, who
has been desperately III at New Or
leans for several weeks. Mr. White Is
n well-known and popular traveling
salesman and hla many local friend*
gave him the glad hand as he paased
through the streets while en route to
hi* home. He Is still In a weakened
condition and will be unable to return
to hie work for several days.
Parly Going lo Asia.
On Wednesday of this week Bishop
Warren A. Candler, of the Methodist
Episcopal church, Bouth, leaves Atlan
ta for the Parlflr coast, where later In
the month he will sail for Japan to re
main several months. Bishop Candler
will be accompanied on his long trip by
A. D. Thompson and Asa W. Candler.
The party will probably visit China and
other foreign lands before returning to
this country.
Aft*r having t**n ItrUl In tb«* polio* ata
tton slnt** Snlunlay ponding un luvoatlga-
ttou Into the qu»*»tlou of h«r minify. Mr*.
Ktiiiua KnrwUh, wife of llotijntuln Kar*
wish, a in*n*hniit at Marietta and IMna
atrrota, waa arralgnml before Kecordar
Itmylea Monday morning and filled H.7&
the charge of l*elug Intoxicated.
Karwlan paid the Rue and took hla *
Mra. Karwlah has declared all along that
•he |« perfectly une aud that the talk of
lutmry was ntgrelr a roar on the part of her
husband to get ncr In the atrium ao he
fftuhl get all of their property Into
Mra. Karwlah says that at tha time of
her arrest she bad lircome Intoxicated
frotu one drink of wbltky. taken to relieve
Illness. She states that her hnsltand for
merly conducted a saloon ami that she
learned to love the taste of whisky hjr
coming so constantly Into contact with It.
"1 am not craay. There Is nothing at all
wrong with my ml id," declared Mrs. Kar
wlah Monday morning "My huslmnd sim
ply Wants to nut me In the asylum ao he
can get all ol the property."
Karwlah at.d hla wife are aabl to be
worfh several thousand dollar*.
Dy Private (.eased Wire.
St. Petersburg. July 9.—The Rojest.
vensky rourtniartlal la holding Its final
session today, the testimony being nil
In and the addresses of counsel be
Photograph of Mrs. Frederic
Tudor, fdrmerly Miss Amy Isabel
Logan, a pretty stenographer, who
was married at the home, of her
sister, Mrs. C. R. Felton, on Friday
last. Mr. Tudor Is a gas magnate
nnd clubman. The young couple
left Boston for a honeymoon trip
In an automobile.
fly Leased Wire.
Paris, July The Longworths and
the whole of fashionable Paris, espe
cially the American contingent, will
spend the evening lt\ the Bol* de Bou
logne, where the president Is giving
an outdoor fete in honor of President
Roosevelt's daughter, at which the
royal Cambodian dancers will be the
chief features.
Hpcelal to the Georgian.
Marietta, tin., July 3.—Colonel J. !!. Rs-
tlll. candidal* for the Democratic nomina
tion for governor, addressed the voters of
Marietta today. The speaking wn. held la
the eourt house, sad was attended by a
large crowd.
Music wos furnished by the Marietta
Judge Eat Ill's speech was along the usual
lines, and the occasion was not marked
hy any unusual Incident.
Ths first car load of Siberia peaches
of the year will arrive In Atlanta on
Tuesday morning at 7 o'clock.
The Elbert as this year are a little
later than usual In arriving, but the
growers promise that what has been
lost In time will be fully made up li
quantity and quality. Tha first con
slgnment of the “Pride of Georgia" will
be sent from the peach orchards
Fort Vallty and within a very few
dayi car loads from all points of the
state will be arriving. The first of the
crop will be sent to Macon and At
lanta and on Wednesday the ship
ment* to the North will begin.
The fruit this year le of a most ex-
celient quality and Is In the best o
condition for packing for Northern
points. It Is expected by the shippers
and the railroad companies that alt
records will be broken before the
Northern movement le finished and for
the purpose of facilitating the work of
the shippers the railroads have every
available car on the scene.
Hy Trlrate Leased Wire.
Suffolk, Va., July 9.—When the Atlantic
foaat Line paaeenyer train was n raring
Knfleld, N. C., yesterday. Elisabeth Oran-
ner, a passenger, S3 years old, arose from
her seat, passed quickly down the aisle of
the ear. opened the door and stepped out
upon the plat form, from which she leaped
to her death from the ateps. Tha train
waa moving at the rate of *0 miles an hour
at the time.
By Private Leased Wire.
Meiqphla. Tent)., July 9.—Private advices
lo elose friends atate that the paralytic
stroke suffered d>y United States Senator
senator la a very sick man.
By Private Leased Wire.
Cleveland, Ohio, July 9.—The grand Jury
has In hand the eaaea of the government
against the Standard Oil Company.
N. N. Anspach. chief of the Lake Shore
railroad freight tariff buraau, and George
T. Roberta, assistant auditor of the Inter*
atate commerce commission, wars the only
wltneaaes examined up to noon. Both men
told of the Lake Shore tariff aa published
and Sled.
By Private Leased Wire.
Newport News, Va., July f.—But for tha
precautions of the attending physician. Miss
Maude Wallace, daughter of J. 8. Wallace,
of Foxhlll, Elisabeth county, would prob*
ably have been burled alive.
Mlaa Wallace was taken III two weeka
ago and grndualty became worse. She was
attended by Dr. Howe, of Hampton. Sat
urday, during the absence of the physl-
dsn. the youug woman grew worse, snd, to
all appearances, died. There were no algua
whatever of respiration or pnlae. The par*
enta of the girl, betlevlag she had died,
made arrangements for the funeral, going
ao far aa to uotlfy the undertaker and uve
her body laid out In a coffin.
Dr. Ilowe discovered, however, that the
body of the young wdman waa atlll* limp
and wan ~ ‘ " ‘ ‘
of rnapu_-,,_ .— __— _ ,
that the girl was atlll alive and had tha
funeral arrangements cancelled.
nine* then Mlaa Wallace has tain In a
comatose condition. The phyaldana have
been* utterly unable to arouse Jmn* or to
F iroduce any other evidences of life. There
a no doubt that the apark of life yet ex-
‘Of course we know Or. Broughton says
some things that are not ao, but all of us
do that. 1 think 1 even do ao myaelf some-
times.*'—Dr. W. W. Laudrutu.
"If J>r. Lrudrmu will Just keep on
think there Is some chance that he may
l$e converted yet."—Dr. Broughton.
The above fragments of two epoech$*a by
Dre. I,andruiu and Broughton nt,tlio meek
Ing of the Atlanta Baptists ministers Mon-
iy morning does not In any sense Imll
..te the spirit of the iiteHlug. Iir. Brough
‘on made a speech setting forth the plans
of Ihe Tabernacle (’buivb In regard to the
building of an auditorium, amt In a well
a ml good humored speech Dr. I*au4ri
_ ted hi* entire approval of the plan n
of the fact that Dr. Broughton waa 1_
only innn who could successfully carry out
such a scheme, and that he hliuself could
never undertake the work of such a church.
Home good humored criticism was In-
ulged In by l*otb parties, but mtthlng was
aid at any time that In the slightest de
gree rumpled the feelings of any one pres
The conference aa a whole indorsed the
scheme mol appointed a committee to work
By Private Leased Wire.
Zurich, July The daugh
ter of Don Carlos, ihe Pre
tender to the Spanish throne,
la here with Count Fllcht. an
Italian painter. Sha la Princess
Elvira de Bourbon and tha count
left a wife and family ■ to fly
with her.
By Private Leased Wire.
Washington, D. C., July 9.—The navy de
partment baa been advlaed that the United
States army transport Thomas, which went
ashore at Guam, has Iwcn floated.
By Prlrate Leased Wire.
Denver, Colo.. July 9.—Mrs. Sarah Platt
Decker, of the National Fadaratloo of
Women's Clnbs. thrills the ears of anc-
the age of (6,'wealthy men should he
to fill offices of public trust without |
Deaths and Funerals.
Wiley Bennett.
Wiley Bennett. 34 yean old, died
auddenly of heart failure-at his home.
No. 931 Bunaet avenue, at t o'clock
Monday morning. He leave* to a wife
to whom he had only been married four
months ago. The remains will be taken
to Calhoun, Go., for funeral services
and Interment at $:$9 Tuesday morn
Nettie Helcemb*.
Nettle Holcombe, the 2-montha-old
daughter of M. L. Holcombe, died at
the residence of her father, No. 107
Julian street, Hunday night. 8h* fol
low* rloeely her mother, who died
only a week ago. The funeral services
were held from the residence at $
o'clock Monday afternoon and the In
terment waa at Hollywood.
The city of fit. Loula Is aooa to bare aa
eshlldt hnlldtn*. or permanent maarnm.
that will <-o*t 11.000,Km. The committee
farthering the building of the museum I*
warn to report definite plane A $1,400,00$
fund ha, already tiers aaaured that will
take the form ol on endowment.
Mian Emmie Thompson entertained a
few. Mends on Wednesday evening In
honor of Mira Luclle Moore, of 8ha
Various games were played and
Ice course waa served during the even
Ing. Those present were: AJlsses Em
mie Thompson, Lucllo lAora. Sallle
Pat Burney, Hallle McHenry. Virginia
Butler, Mary Jones, Louise McHenry,
Irene Austin and Mary JValton Tram
mell, Messrs. Everette Atkinson, Wal
ter Brooke, Mason Williams, Trank
Austin. Thornton Brooke, Ouerry
Moore, of Sharon; Ernest Snelllngs
and Brooke Thompson.
Colonel and Mrs. E. H. George have
returned home, after a trip to New
York and other places of Interest.
Mr. and Mra. W. K. Shepherd are at
Indian Springs.
Mrs. C. O. Price and Miss Mary Jones
have returned from Wlntervllle, where
they attended the. annual meeting of
the W. F. M. 8.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Burton, of Car
ters vllle, opent a few days of last week
with Mr.'and Mrs. J. W. Reinhardt.
Mlaaes May Thomason nnd Sue Reid
Walton are at home, after a visit to
Elbert Bivins, of Mllledgevllle, Is vldt
hl< sister. Mrs. Stephen W. Brown.
Misses Nannie Dunham, nf Cochrau. snd
Clarabell Miller, of Atlanta, are visiting
their aunt, Miss Mattie Hutton, on Broad
Mrs. W. N. Parsons and little son
visiting friends at Birmingham,*Ala.
Morgan Thompson, cashier of the First
atlonal bank. I* recuperating In Virginia.
Mrs. McO. rate win spend a few weeks
at Argyle, <Ja., with her busliend. who Is
operating a large aaw mill there.
T. B. Bagan has returned from Chat
itiooga. Tenn.. where be attended a a
Ing of directors and agents of an
surance company he represonts.
Miss Ida Tarver, a recent graduate of
Ilawklnsvllle public school, and corpetlst at
the Baptist church, la visiting friends at
Judge P. T. McQrlff, ordinary of Pulaski
county many years. Is suffering from an at
tack of rheumatism, but Is again nble to
ride to bis office, and attend his duties.
ri i irr"., "i mr runniy, la man. I1J ,ir,.
Martha Dupree, mother of the Mon-to-tie-
hrlile. Mlaa Kthel la oa« of Ilawklnarllle'a
The Ladles' Euchre Club waa entertain
ed on Saturday afternoon by Mrs. Frank
I tn cant,
Mr.. Charley
rldxe iVbl.t Club on Batnrday afternoon.
rrofenaor Northrutt'a dance Friday night
waa much enjoyed by all present.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Gilbert, Mr. and
Mra. Harry DnI're. Mr. and Mrs Jinn
Wet.h, Ml.* Mnr.r Iie.n Tbwera. Mra.
Henry 9 yatt and Mr. Floyd hortheutt trill
leave for Wrlfhtavlll. Beach, N. C.,
A number of young people left Tuet
for Sweetwater Shoala, where they
camp for a while. Among tboM In the
party are Mrs. J. II. Miller, Mlue* Olivia
Bacon, Cecil Cantrell, Sustelee Cantrell,
Leslie Gann, Sara Anderson, Su.le Ander-
son. Mary Uitlo Audaraon and tainlH
Amleroon, and Messrs. James and Itohert
Anderson, Walter Miller, Harris Lyon, Will
Duma*. J. J. Daniel, Jack Collier, Dr. Mlx-
n. Joae Parejo, of Havana, Cuba.
Ml.* Nina Moon la visiting frit
Mr,. L. II. Hill, of Atlanta, la vUIUng her
father, Mr. Ilatcher.
Mr. and Mra. L. B. Itoheson and two chil
dren have returned home.
Mr. and Mrs. John Brown and children.
. Mra. John Northcutt and family
and Mr. sad Mra. It. II. Northcutt and
family are .pending several weeks at tke
former', summer home In Gilmer county.
Mlaa Su.le iluttolph I. vlaltlng her broth
er and hla wife In New York city.
Mr. nr-l Mr*. H. M. Beutell, of At
lanta. i t* for the eummer.
Mi. t'arhart, of Atlanta, wot
lh .1 Brunswick during the
Mis. Emmie Willingham, of Toccoo,
receiving much eoclat attention a*
the guest of Mlaa Sara McElroy.
Mlaa Jennie Hue Bell, of Atlanta, la
vlattng Mr. and Mra. Homer Jf>nea.
Mlat Sara Webeter and Master Ed
ward Webeter are vlaltlng Mis* Hoyle
Skinner and Maater Frank Skinner at
their country home on the Chatta
The Walking Club were entertained
Thureday afternoon by Mias Lillian
McDaniel, leas were served on the
lawn, and tiny United States flags
were given aa eouventrs.
Mr. and Mra. James L. Key, of At
lanta, are vlaltlng Or. Thornes Terrell
Mr*. Charles Browder, of Sweetwa
ter, Tenn., le the guest of Mlaa Lola
Mlaa Korea* Cooper entertained Tuesday
evening at h.r bantu on Smith Broad
ireet In honor of her, Ulipa Mitch-
I nnd Vlnaon.
Mlaa Ovelter ta apendfng bar vacation In
i la via' Shannon spent Wednesday In Lex-
"Homier Blackwell, of Dne West. S. C.,
opent Monday here, the guest of his broth
er. Hev. J. D. markwell.
Mrs. T. B. Key waa hostess teat Thurs
day afternoon at an enjoyable party for
Mlaa Clarlday, nf Atlanta, who has made
Commerce her home for some time: her
■May friends regrat that she la to tear*
Hn. Alvin It. Thurmond, of rttigamld.
who has barn tka guest of friends and rel
atives here for several weeks, ha* returned
' one.
Hoy Shannon spent Wednesday In Allan
The young men entertained the yonng
ladles at tha park Tuesday avenlng with a
lln' Coleman, of Cedartown,
will be tke guests of Mr. and Mrs. John F.
Shannon uaxt wash.
Itav. M. L. Troutman will arriva Mon
day to aaalst In tha protracted service* at
’"}l^.W'fTSeThi at Franklin Springs.
r. mor)lrt her * imm*
a visit to Ml.* Korea
Mr. andyira. John Palmer and grand
daughter*. Ruby and Margaret, of Au
gusta, art spending the summer with
Mra. O. A. Hall. '
Mr*. Willingham, of Marietta, apeht
veral day* with Mra. J. B. Park dur
ing this week.
Frank Robinson has gone to Atlanta,
where he has accepted a postton.
Mias Leila Jernlgan has returned
home after a visit to Whit* Plains.
Mlaa Mamie Baynes Is visiting Mlaa
France* Adam*.
Several of the young men of the
younger set complimented their spe
cial friends with an el fresco party at
the home of Mr. and Mr*. W. G.
Armor. The following young ladle*
were present: Mlaaes Reba and Lucy
Jernlgan. Ruby Palmer, Sara Lee
Thornton, Celeste Patk and Mary Jim
Dunlap, of Atlanta. Tha hoau of the
evening were: Meaara. Garnett Evans,
Henley Hall, Lloyd Smith,
Hightower, Armond Jernlgan and Kyi*
Mr. and Mra. V. s. Hall are visit-
Inn Mr. amt Mrs. Hill Hall, of Ma
Miss Belle Armor le sending several
days with friends In Atlanta.
Mlaaes Henrietta and Elnlae Smith
left Thursday for an extended visit to
relative* at Sharon, Thomson and At
Mr*. Thomas Winn anil Mr. W. T.
Linton attended the funeral of their
aunt. Mr*. McDaniel, who was burled
at Woodvtlle Monday.
Profc-.-or P. P. Carter has returned
to Columbia, S. C., where he has his
Misses Blanch* Holden, of White
Plains, and Mary Myrtls Corker, of
Atlanta, are expected to visit Mlaa
Reba Jernlgan next week.
Mlaa Addle Copelan entertained the
Domino Club Friday afternoon, the
29th. The game was played on the
vine-shaded veranda. The score cards
were four-leaf clovers, hand-ralnted bv
Mlaa Jule Copelan. The acme motif
was displayed In the prises, a lovely
handkerchief bog and dainty clover
blotter, and won by Mlaaes Jennl* -
Evans and Henrietta Smith. Delicious
cream and cake were served at the
end of the game. Mlaa Copelan waa
assisted In entertaining by Mlaaes Ju
lia Copelan and France! Adams. Those
who enjoyed Mis* Copelan'a hospitality
were: Mlaaes Jennl* and Kate Evans,
Henrlatta Smith, Julia Copelan, Fran
ces Adams, Mary Copelan, Hallle Park.
Ellse Armor, Allle King. Blake and
Frances Bickers, Wilson of California,
Reba Jernlgan and Nells Hall.
Mlaa Helen Davis I* visiting friends
In Maxeys.
Colonels W. P. Park and Joseph
Faust attended the barbecue at Wat
son Springs, given In honor of Mist
Beaale Rrlghtwell's house party.
Mlaa Nell Coyen, of Atlanta, la vis
iting Mlaa France* Bickers.
Mra. B. B. Calloway and children
■pent the Fourth at Farmington.
Mr*. S. F. Merritt haa returned from
a visit to Whit* Plains.
Rev. Owens, of Crawfordvllle, ex
changed pulpits with Rev. O'Kelley
Sunday and delivered a highly Inter-
eating lecture on the Holy Land, from
which he has just returntd.
Miss Annie Hamilton, of Atlanta, haa
returntd home after a vldt to her sis
ter, Sirs. O. T. Irby.
Mr. Guy W. Hall haa returned from
a trip to Atlanta.
Misses Maude Townsend and Mattie
Clayton and Mrs. Townsend have re
turned to Green*boro and will spend
the summer with the Mlaaes Clayton.
Mra. Blount, of Waynesboro, Is vis
iting her mother, Mrs. Luther Vin
cent. V
Mr*. J. L Ptnaon delightfully enter
tained the Daughters of the Confeder
acy on Wednesday afternoon.
Mr. Miller Armor Is the guest of
Mr. Holcombe Armor," of Eastman.
Mr. Walter L. Jones, of Anniston.
Ala., returned home Thursday after a
visit to her*.
Miss Frances Bickers waa hostess at
a luncheon Thursday morning at which
she entertained the members of the
Domino Club In honor of her guests,
Misses Wllsen and Coyen. She was as
sisted In receiving by her mother and
Mlsaea Blake and May Bickers. Tho
house waa very daintily decorated
with bowls of pink geraniums and
yellow nasturtiums. The score cards
were copies of Gtbeon heads, and the
prises were a framed picture and cush
ion cover and won by Mlaaes Maymle
Bayne* and Mary Copelan. A salad
course was served and very much en-
oyed. Those present were: Misses
Maymle Baynes, Kate Evans, Halils
Park, Lucy and Reba Jernlgan, Dun
lap of Atlanta, Frances Adams, Ellse
Armor, Allle King, Mary Copelan and
Addle Copelan.
Mias Ruth Whiting, of McRae, la the
guest of Miss Mabel Wynne. *
> Mr. Edwin Cosby, of Louisville, Ky..
Is In the city.
Mias Maud Allen, of Birmingham,
Ala., la spending tom* time In East
man. the guest of Mlaa Ethel Wynne,
on College street.
Mlse Luclle Hodges, of McRae, spent
last week with Ml** Pearle Peacock.
Miss Lucy Barton, of Buford, la vis
iting har brother, Mr. Chart** Burton.
Dr. Ooorge Lane, of McRae, spent
Wednesday In town.
Miss Hattl* Harrell le spending tome
time In Canton, Ga., the guest of Mlaa
Annie Laurie Kilby.
Mrs. J. D. Bass and children, nr Dex
ter, Ga., are the guests of relative* In
the city. .
Mr. and Mr*. J^dwnrd C. Haaford
leave In a few days to apend some time
at St. Simons.
Mr*. W. L. Jeaaup will leave aoon
for St. Simons.
8. C. Smyty left last week to epend
some time In Washington and New
Miss Anne Winn la In Athens, tha
gueat of Mra. C. A. VarNooy.
Mr. Tlnk Veal spent part of laat
week near Warm Springs.
8. o. Brown visited at Jeraey Bun-
f*Mla*ea Julia and Luelle Brand,
daughter* of Judge C. H. Brand, of
Athens, art here for the eummer.
Mis* May Watdln, of Athens, It visit
ing Mra. W. M. Sasser.
Mr. Jacob Pentecost, after a week •
visit among relatives, returned to hi*
home at Demopolls, Ala., Thursday.
Mlaa Zllla Buchanan, of Atlanta, Is
the guest of Mlaa Grace Austin.
Rev. Mr. Walker, pastor of Weat Ena
Presbyterian church, Atlanta. I* con
ducting a successful meeting at tn#
Presbyterian church.
All tho Law ren> evllle Sunday achool*
will picnic at Grant's park, Atlanta,
next Friday. ,
Mlaa Util* Ambroaa haa been visit
ing at Buford for a week.
Dr. 'and"Mr*." Fred O. Hodgaon at tke r
summer cottage. Hill Cnet. .
Hr*. J. a. O'Kelly, of Weatmlalater. s.
la vlaltlng her daughter. Hr*. J- **•
3^. n i3Trau, ,r ijM; n ^
‘te'Tiw-r.. of Haddock. «*-.
Is vlaltlng hla soa. Dr. O. T. White. J r .
finale, !f
hotel. .
Judge T. P. Wanly.
By Private I .eased Wire. p
triet conrtawJ one of the moat promlncut
me* In Western Hlehl***. died ofah™"'
‘ go le I/Coda*. England, this morning
•ajn u.tixoojH— iupi inoo*
... Aotnt ||«qs | Of -aeutxxfiauJ towJ*
poi»fi|i**»ui uasq aeq aq ‘aax—*''*a
Grover iui|q Xxieui o» *u|ofi nod aty—»U J1 »