The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, July 10, 1906, Image 6

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The Atlanta Georgian. THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. TUESDAY, JULY ID. ISO* JOHN TEMPLE GRAVES, Editor. Fi L. SEELY, President. Telephone Connections. Subscription Rites: Published Every Afternoon Except Sundsy 6y THE GEORGIAN CO. it 25 V. Alibimi Street, Atlinti, Gs. Cut.rrd a* sscond-clsss nutter April 25. ISOS, it Iks Postoffle* It AtlssU. Os.. under let of niima of Kirch 1 ITS. One Year 94.50 Six Months ....... 2.50 Three Months ... . . 1.25 By Carrier, per week 10c that the novel will have a very wide sale ond may exert I of the council at that period. Captain Conley did yeoman some Influence. | service for East Point and I _cheerfuljy nrcord hfm^ all At any rate the admirers of Mr. Churchill have THE GEORGIAN COMES TO GEORGIA AS THE SUNSHINE "Portias, there Is i proverb thou shoutdst read: ‘Whin flatterers meat, the Devil goes to dinner.'” —Petir Pindar. An Unprejudiced Review. The Constitution and The Journal, Mem to be In politics utterly bopeleaa and Irredeemable. Tbe Conititutlon Tuesday morning baa twenty-nine columni about Mr. Clark Howell and Mr. Hoke Smith Id a comparatively unimportant and absolutely resultleaa debate at Albany. The Journal on Monday evening bad upon the mere preliminary report, eleven columns, and will doubtless have between fifteen and twenty this afternoon. So that the equilibrium of space will doubt less be squarely maintained between them. But think of the space: twenty-nine columns In one paper, eleven In soother and twenty perhaps this attar- noon, will make an average of nearly sixty columns of reading matter about the two candidates whose wrangles end quarreli have atlrred the state. And think of the conflicting statements. The Consti tution says Clark Howell "smashed" Hoke Smith- The Journal lays Hoke Smith "aruabed" Clark HowalL Both smashed. Both crushed. Both annihilated. And yet both continue to live and chirp. What widely conflicting statement*! Are both right? Impoasible. Are both fulze? How sorrowful In newspapars of good repute. How can tbe public credit either of them any more on subjects of Interest to themselves? Will tbe reader remember that this campaign la nearly eleven months old? Will the reader also remem ber that this is the fourth conseoutlvo debate- between t hese gentlemen, and that scarcely a new point has bean' developed from first to last out of tha stormy wrangla ot their passions and ambitions? And the worst of It la that nobody except the parti sans of either paper gives anything more than a mere casual credence to anything that appears In either organ upon the great queatlon of who la going to be gov ernor of Oeorgla and what principles aro going to tri umph In the gubernatorial campaign. Tho correspondent, Mr. Glass, whom wa sent to Al bany yesterday baa been a resident of Oeorgla for only three weeks. He has been long accustomed to mix with politics nnd public occasions In Tennessee on the Nashville and Memphis papers, and he I* truly and ab solutely Impartial between the relative claims of Mr. Smith and Mr. ilowsll. Tbs reports which ha Mut and brings back from Albany we firmly believe to be as fair, ns Impartial and as absolutely correct as It la possible for an Intelligent and honest man to make the record of a public mooting. Our readers can peruse It with perfect confidence nntl can derive from It just such Impression as a fair statement of the facts will make npon their minds. We give the report as tha report of the paper, which I* confirmed by .every Impartial description which we have had from personal and disinterested sources returning to Atlanta- Tbe reaulte of tho four debates havo not been sat isfactory, although both of tbe candidates have recently given more attention than usual to tbe dlscuaalon ot great Issues of the campaign. We feel that the only Way In which such dashes ot conviction can be o( Interest to tbe voters would be to discuss theso great queatlbn* which are vital to tho peopla's Interest without paaalou, without prejudice and without the miserable Interjection o( personal abuse and vituperation on either aide. As ths campaign progresses The Oeorglan will en deavor more and more to give tbe facta as they are between theae two striking figures of ths campaign. No ■lair representative ot this paper would oolor or misrepre sent the facts In theM political gatherings, and thla la the best guarantee to the people of Georgia that tbe fairest, moat accurate and moat trustworthy report* which they will receive during the further progress of thla cam paign will be found In tho columns of a free, fair and fearleaa nowipaper. Meanwhile, let ua all thank heaven and the better angels of the state that the campaign has only alt more weeks to run. * reached the conclusion that he should run for the office of governor on tho Lincoln Republican ticket and he has consented to do so. There Is nothing new In this tendency of literary men to enter political life and to make a distinguishing mark In that line of work. Both before and after his achievements as a statesman, M. Disraeli was a success ful novelist, while Lord Lytton wob at least as highly esteemed In parliament aa he was In tbe boudoir where bis florid romances held undisputed popularity for ao many yean. It la to him that England la Indebted for the acquisition of Vancouver's Island and for many other strokes of statesmanship. These are but the first illustrations that come to mind In this connection, and a moment's reflection will easily suggest dozens more. Churchill, at least, may reasonably expect to be elected on tbe reform ticket and there la no reason why he should not accomplish something worth while as chief executive of the state Of New Hampshire. The career ot the scholar lo politics will be watched with Increasing Interest If be should bo elected. Romancers As Statesmen. When Job tha patriarch expressed the ploua wish that his enemy would write a book he did not contem plate that thla would be the surest road to political ad vancement and renown, for they did not manage things so well In the land of Us. But this Is a different land and time, and It now xerms that as soon as a man makss a hit with a novel the next step Is tor Ms friends to gather around him nnd nominate him for some political position. The author of "The Jungle" has attained a world wide celebrity. He le looked upon as the logical antag onist of tbe octopus. Consequently be has been nomi nated for congress from New Jersey on the 8odallat ticket and there are those who do not hesitate to urge him to enter the race for the presidency. It he were to attempt to carry out bla reforms with in ths ’ranks ot the Democratic party there would be some likelihood of hla success, for he has certainly Mt tho civilised world to thinking, but the moment he an nounced MmMlf aa a Socialist he queered the game and neutralised his power for good. It Is very different with Winston Churchill, howeves. He has been a member ot the New Hampshire legisla ture for the past two yean and thui has had an oppor tunity of learning a gnat deal about pnctlcal politics. It Is a far cry from bis first novel. "The Celebrity," to anything like a problem novel, but In "Contaton" he la hold to have utilised the Information gained In political life for the purpose ot drawlag an effective Indictment against railroad domination in the attain of a state. The Boston and Maine railroad Is tbe particular of fender for which Mr. Churchill has been gunning, but It aeems to be accepted that the abuses complained of an not peculiar to New Hampshire, and the Indications an Chairman Taggart Should Resign It seems to be pretty well agreed that Hon. Thomas Taggart can best rente bis party by resigning his posi tion as chairman of the Democratic executive committee. The levity with which be scouts the Ides finds no such echo In the mlnda of tha people of the country In general. It la an undisputed fact that the French Lick Springe resort baa been a synonym of gambling for a long time and the place hhi been generally alluded to aa the Monte Carlo of America. Through the Instru mentality of the attorney general and the governor of the state’ of Indiana a recent raid waa made on the Caalno and a large quantity of gambling paraphernalia was captured. The Idea that Mr. Taggart did not know that gambling waa being carried on la absurd In Its very, face and no man who la clothed and in his right mind will believe it for one moment The proprietor of the building—since he claims that he waa nothing more—might have made almost any kind o( defense and It would have boon more graceful and more plausible than to maintain that he was Igno rant ot the fact that gambling was going on there. Everybody know* that that waa one of the mainstays of the reaort It Is an Insult to the Intelligence of the American people to ask them to believe In his Igno rance. There Is a general senUment throughout the coun try that Mr. Taggart should resign. He did not do hla party any good during the last campaign. He was held up to the world aa u gambler and a "sport" through out the campaign, and to this waa added the tact that he ■eemed much more Intent on hli own builneu than on the elecUon of the Democratic nominee. He waa not much of a general In the political field. To leave him In the same position during another contest would be deplorable Indeed. In a few months there will be an election to choose members of the Slxtloth congress. This comes at a time when tbe Whole country la aroused on the subject of reform, A wave of social and political and commercial morality la sweeping over the country and the people are de termined that'this ethical awakening shall bear fruit The Republican party la already In a position to reap the benefit of a great deal of this senllmcnt, notwith standing tbe faot that they have merely stolen Demo cratic thunder In putting Into execuUon the reforms which the Demoerats have been demanding so long. At the same time It will do the party no good to havo at tbe head of ths executive committee a man whoso Monte Carlo baa been doaed as a gambling reaort after enjoying an unsavory reputation for many yean. Whatever may be tho.fine distinction drawn as to tho person responsible for the gambling at Frenqh Lick Springs, the one fact remains that If Mr. Taggart wants to ssrve his party ho can do It best by resigning at once. The 'East Lake Improvements. The people ot Atlanta who havs recently been to East Lake can have little conception of the deep and laaUng debt which they owe to the Atlanta AtblaUo Club. A few months ago the club bought several hundred acres ot this beautiful property and hava expended upon It a generous sum of money, which Is being constantly addsd to, and which will be constantly reinforced tor the next four or five years. The metamorphosis wrought by the tasto, energy and liberality ot the club ha* already given to this city the’ finest country and athletic resort In all the. South, and one which baa few auperiora throughout the country. Heretofore our little sister of Birmingham haa been accustomed to vaunt her superiority over Atlanta In this line* but hereafter Atlanta, thank* to the Athletic Club, holds the pre-eminence In this line ot development, and haa buttded and la now perfecting an Institution which will be an ornament and a restful, helpful and healthful charm to all the peoplo of thli capital city of the 8outh. With a lake for boating, which hi beautiful and am ple for every demand, with the finest golf course In aU the 8outh, and with the flneat set ot tennis courts south of Chicago or New York, tha athletic feature ot this club le built upon a foundation which offers unlimited pout- bllttlea for success and development In (he future. A* the alow but steady process ot beautifying goes on year after year, aa the trees grow larger on the are- nuet, and the gran begin* to grow green upon the lawns, while the club houses are perfected In beauty and convenience, thla country annex to the Athletic Club at Bast Lake will make an ornament of which all Atlanta may be proud, and In which Atlanta may be happy. Few Institutions lo recent years havs bad a more wholesome, more healthful and a happier Influence upon the life and development ot the young men ot Atlanta than the Athletic Club, and tha building of thla aplendld addition at East Lake Is the crowning achievement and glor} of an Institution to wbldr Atlanta I* already deeply and happily In debt. THE FIRST CHARTER OF EAST POINT. To the Editor ot The Georgian: In my story ot John F. Bible. In The Bouth Fulton Enterprise of June SO, and which you epitomise In a re cent Issue' ot your valuable paper, I say: “Tbe embryo city must have a charter and Just as that charter waa written. In his own handwriting, by John F. Bible, It passed the Oeorgla legislature and a new municipality waa born.” A correspondent disputes this, alleging that the charter was written by Captain Cooley. Kindly allow me space In which to ret tbe gentleman right. My state ment as above I* In every particular correct Some three or four years after the charter waa granted. It wa* proposed to ask the legislature tor a new charter giving tbe young city greater -powers. This charter waa written by Captain Coaler, and auperaeded the charter under which East Point waa established as • city- My Informant la Mr. R. F. Thompson, who was a member the credit which Is hla due. But he did not write Eaat Point’s first charter, that having been written by John F. Bible, now of Loma, Mich- A. A. ALLEN, South Fulton Enterprise. Eaat PolDt, Ga. GEORGIA'S INSURANCE BILL. To tho Editor of The Georgian: Knowing the ability and the willingness with .which you always rally to the causo and Interest of the people, nnd especially to that of the Empire State of the South, f ask permission through tho columns of your valuable paper to call attention to one of the most vital questions of Importance now before the people of thla state, pre sented to them through tbe legislative body as represen tatives of the whole state. Not only does thla queatlon affect tho present generation, but future ones. I refer to tho bill as Introduced by Senator Foy, of Screven county, which bill seeks to regulate the business of life lnaurance done la the state of Georgia, whether auch business la done by a company organized In Geor gia or some other state. Thla bill as Introduced, la to protect the people of Georgia from being Induced to buy or offered "gold brick" contracts and "special boards" under the name of Hfo lUHtirance; to prevent discrimination of one policy over another, of same class; to place the sale of llfo Insurance upon a legitimate basis, and having logltl mate llfo Insurance to offer. The people of Georgia have been the victim* of many “fake" life Insurance companies of both home nnd foreign birth. The legislature now In session could not pass a law which would prove of more benefit to all tbe pcopld of Georgia than to paBS tha bill as Introduced by Senator Foy. I am sorry to say, but the state of Oeorgla has not kept pace with other Btates In tbe protec tion of her citizens by liming and enforcing strict life Insurance lawn; In my opinion there should be created n separate state life Insurance department, presided over by a state official whoso duty would bo to recom mend proper Insurance laws, see that same were en forced. and that no life Insurance company be allowed to do business in Georgia except that company organized and operated upon honest and scientific llfo insurance principles. I do not make the suggestion of creating the life Insurance department with any political Interest la view. I have chosen llfo insurance (the sale of It) as my pro fession. I have not now, or ever did have any political aspirations, neither havo I any friend In view to recom mend to fill tho position na suggested to bo created. Thanking you In advance for any prominence you may give this letter, or Us purpose, I am yours sincerely, . B. W. TORRANCE. “EXCHANGES" AND "BUCKET SHOPS.” To the Editor of The Georgian: I have rend your two editorials Ir\ defenso of local exchanges. Will you please explain to me the difference between losing a thousand dollars In a bucket shop and loMng a thousand doll,us on tin- mx-nlb-d exchanges? Do you deny that It Is n fact that these so-called ex changes will allow any person regardless ot hla occupa tion and regardless of his purpose In buying to specu late through these exchanges provided that he will put ud the margin? Do you or the so-called exchangos con tend that because the ext-hanges will not receive frui tions! orders that It will lessen the gambling on futures beenuao a contract with an exch&ngo requires more mou nt- than Ik required In a bucket shop? Don't you know that tills can be evaded by pooling nrrsngemenls be tween several parties who dt-Klre to speculate mid will till so In th<- name of one pcruon? How can you prohibit bucket simps without prohibiting mi called exchanges? if u bill should be passed requiring that every corpora tion, firm or Individual engaging In the business ot deal ing In futurcH should be required to have a certificate of, membership on soma legitimate exchange, who Is to determine which exchange Is legitimate and which u u- legitimate? Ik there any piohtbWin ♦ the form ing of other exchanges? Is it true that the New Or leans exchange and the New York exchange are the only exchanges that'ran exNt? The bucket shops can easily get together nntl form an exchange upon the doors of which purchases nnd sales can bo made under tbe same rules nnd regulations n nnlred niton tlm New York and New Orleans exchange!. Such has been done already In the organization of the Consolidated Stock Exchange of Philadelphia. Metropolitan Stock Exchange of Boston. National Board of Trade of Kansas City, Mo., National Cotton Exchange r.f Memphis and Superior Hoard of Trade, Superior. Win If such a bill was frat I aiming exclusively at so-called bucket shops It would not run out tho buckot shops or tho exchanges either. It would Just simply mean that till of them would run on as they do now, because the bucket shops can organize ex changes and have membership on them the same as the so-called legitimate exchanges now havo membership’. All of Ibis opposition is not for the benefit of the farmers, tbo business men and producers ot this country, but this opposition is being carried on by the .... ,:i,-d exchanges and bucket shops, tbe purpose of which Is to prevont any bill which Is drastic enough to prevent the evil which It Is aimed at. I will guarantee and defy any so-called exchange to dispute It that not one-tenth of their business Is legitimate business. It Is tbe gambling feature of their business that they want to retain and It is the gambling feature which brings the revenue. As one expressed It In the Kimball house lobby a few nights ago, "they have the teat and they are going to hold It until the milk goes dry.” The” purpose of our bill is to choke them off the teat and to stop the milk from running. No one can dispute that the gambling Is Immoral, Illegal and contrary to public policy and should be sup pressed. North Carolina tried a law In 1887 In which It wbb attempted to draw a distinction between so-called legitimate and Illegitimate transactions and this law was Ineffective. In 1901 the legislature of North Caro lina enacted a law which has prohibited future specula tion In that state. The substitute bill now pending be fore the legislature. Indorsed by the Credit Men's As sociation of this state, the Chamber of Commerce and other trade organizations Is almost a re-draft of the North Carolina law. I have letters from prominent persons In North Carolina where this law Is In force and they all state that the law has had a good effect and has not Interfered In tbe least with any legitimate enter prise, but has abolished gambling on futures In that state. Yours trtdy, JOHN A. BOYKIN. hATURAL RIGHTS. To the Editor of The Georgian: It Is a popular saying that man has no "natural rights ” This Is not to say that he never haa had any. but this statement Is used to convey tho Idea that man's natural rights Is an Invention of his Imagination. This Idea Is advanced to uphold present social and economical conditions. If this Is true, and It doubtless is. then present so cial and Industrial conditions are not natural or aro op posed to nature. The only law which docs and can exist, is natural law. and like tbe laws of the Medea and Persians nev er changes. Natural law treats all mankind alike. It treats tho king and his slave alike, l'pon no other grounds ran the Democratic slogan of "Equal rights lo all and spe cial privileges to none." exist Thla Democratic slogan, unless it applies to both king and slave alike, Is not sincere. To apply to those alike It must abolish tbe name and the calling alike. All men set, drink, wear clothes and dwell In houses In obedience to the natural law of Kelt preservation. Tile possession, then, of these things Is after the law of natural right. To deprive mankind of these things In to make the natural right to there things the property right ot those who withhold them from their fellows. ^ This unnatural property right of the few In the hat- ural right of all Is the bone of contention between those who own this right. In small degree, and those who own It In a larger measure. In. other words, present political parties who aro or have beon la power, are simply par ties of those who claim to own the natural right ot nil men t& food, clothing and shelter. Those who are dis possessed of these natural rights are not parties to there political deals, or stockholders In these political parties any more than the paper upon which Is printed the gov ernment function of money, is money. Tho paper stands for tho laborer or slave, nnd the printing or wording thereon stands for those who own the natural rights of tho laborers-or slaves. Tho laborer Is a slave, simply because he worships the printing or stamping, which he does not understand. Instead of tho paper which he does understand. The printing or stamping la aU there Is of capitalism, and tbe blank paper Is all there 1* ot labor under tbe present functions of government One may prevent his fellow man from enjoying nat- I ural law, but thoy cannot thus destroy tho natural law, ' or deprive the other of the natural right to the ln-m-tlt of natural law. This Democratic slogan of "equal rights to nil” to bo effectual or of use. should read “equal rights of all to the use of their natural rights.” A man. a mule, tbe earth, the air, the water, the. seed nnd the sun roako a crop of wheat. Is this crop after natural law or human opinion? Or after natural right or human edict? To whom does this wheat belong, and by what right Is there any ownership? If man's opinion can perpetually obstruct or stop the operation of natur al right, can ho not perpetually obstruct or stop the op eration ot divine right? Which candidate for governor of Georgia stands for tho natural rights of the man and the mule In making tho crop of wheat? Feudalism was abolished, chattel slavery was abolished, why not wago slavery? Is not John D. Rockefeller sound In donylng the nntural right of any but his own? W. A. JOHNSON. July C, 1908. INTERNAL USE ONLY—(Quantum 8uff.) Mustard on cloth for tho stomach's exterior, Why! that Is for Christians of Science Inferior; But nlustard on beef for the stomach’s Interior Is proper for Christians ot Science superior. —JAMES J. DOOLING. NEW YORK COMMERCIAL COMMENTS EDITORIALLY ON TORREY-ALEXANDER * .... .... Under the caption, "An Age of Cant,' Ths New York Commercial has the fol lowing editorial comment on the Tor- ray and Alexander system of revlvale: We are living in a striking age from whatever aspect considered—an age of decadent creeds and changing stand ards The historian of the future. In summing up the salient characteristics of the present Inhabitants of the Untied States, will no doubt classify them as the most restlessly progressive people, the greatest road, city and empire builders that thla world has known, nnd an tenant tally practical race. On the other band, the amusing facility with which ao Intelligent a people sub mits to being exploited by any religious fakir or thaumaturglet that just hap pens along will not escape criticism torn the Greenes or Gibbons of future tes. It waa refreahlng to find the esteemed Public Ledger not long ago rejoicing, apparently. In certain strange discover ies and tidings of great Joy that had been brought to the good people of Philadelphia by a Doctor Torrey and a Mr. Alexander, Itinerant "evangelists' or “missionaries," or “revivalists." For, while Philadelphia may possibly lack some of the briskness ot Now York and other large cities, yet surely the marvels alleged to have occurred under Tiberius Caesar should have reached that fair city by this tlm*. They were ■tale news even when Constantine, led by hU Empress Helena, promulgated an official religion for tho Western Roman empire, only sixteen centuries ago, and since that time these wonders have certainty been exhaustively dis cussed In all their possible bearings on human society ss well ss tho proved Interpolations In tho few passages of contemporary writer* which refer lo them. Yet, notwithstanding tho deduc tions (so contemptuous for certain forms of primitive beliefs) arrived at by masters of the human Intellect— such men as John Stuart Mill. Spencer, Darwin, Huxley—at the present mo ment, to our discredit be It said among English-speaking races, the profession of “Howling Dervish" for which Ignor ance la a good qualification. Is one of the most Immediately profitable that even a get-rich-qulck schemer can turn hla attention to. The good nows that Philadelphia was asleep and needed reviving reached the ears of Doctor Torrey and those of tbe similarly Inspired Mr. Alexander at an opportune moment, and they very laud ably hastened to Introduce salvation to the city of brotherly lore. A much wider field of effort haa presented Itself In France. And what may not have been lost lo Ihe French population by tha absence of there reverend gentle men at this precise juncture? The was a precious opportunity for our re vivalists, either as umpires or, hotter still, participants In the fray. In tha absencs of any such champions "ths church" over than has boon worsted, end the principal French newspapers, with few exceptions, are congratulating ths government upon Its victory. In our own land w* appear slow In realizing that cant and superstition are the deadliest enemies of human progress. Hss education not sufficient ly advanced among us to render Holy Ghoatera, Dowltism, spook worship and other such religious masquerades Im possible? Whst renders such belltf* possible In the first Instance? There Uea the crux of the problem. Thirty yean ago, when France, atUl trembling after her tremendous defeat by Ger many, was being reorganized by auch pure patriots aa Gambetta and M. Thiers, Paul Bert, then minister of publlo Instruction, addressed the cham ber of deputies to the following effect: "It Is not our domestic discords. It Is not England, nor even the trained Ger man legions that constitute the great est menace to Frenchmen and the prosperity of France, still bleeding from hor wounds, but ’the man In black,’" His memorable words bav* born* fruit But as to tho vultures who*sunder a clerical garb and under all kinds of denominations, are allowed to Impose on tbe credulity of the British or American public without restraint such as these ware not tolerated In France, Oermany or Switzerland at any period, but were amenable to tbo taw aa rogue* or Impostors. Tho French minister was rsfsrring only to ths orthodox regular French clergy, good enough for the feudal ages of Europe, hut now deemed mischievous, reactionary-and a breeder of debasing superstition*. Is there no lesson that our cultlvmtsd and more thoughtful class of citizens can derive from this great French na tional movement? For such It Is. Are the “shepherds" and "tub-thumpers,” the types so well portrayed by Chart** Dickens, forever to be encouraged and go unrebuked by the press of this coun try? We must decline to believe that Philadelphia was asleep and needed awakening by Doctor Torrey and Mr. Alexander. The Reverend Doctor Casa.’ chairman of the "mission," announced that tho total expense of “the revival" reached 140,040. The profits were not elated. In thla kind of business they never are, nor their disposal. On a [h calculation It coat about 88 a 1 to convert a Philadelphian. In Atlanta, the next "stand” for the two worthies. It no doubt coot much more. Warm Contest For Mayor, gpeelsl to the Georgian. Augusta, O*., July 10.—It Is only eight qiays tilt the city white primary will be held and much Interest Is be ing manifested In the outcome. It Is government and legislators of thati ,h * election this year, and country have been engaged for a year “ “»“•* lh * C, ‘T employee* whose job* or more In a rough-and-tumble fight I depend upon their action, are working with "the church" there; Indeed, that hard for the different candidates. HOW DID HE KNOW. Yvette Outlbert. the noted French se. tree*. *t a dinner In New York had been eompUmented rather awkwardly, relates the "Nsw York Tribune. "Your Intention waa not bad." said ths ti&ehsrss!- % admit that. •■Se awkward yon were that I am re- cntfeS. if: h,ppM world ms‘there. 1 'Jewste guttered on" throats. Orders asd ribbons crossed shirt bosoms. In s word, t elegance com- "And after dinner, after th* ladles bad tons upstairs, th* men. over their coffee ortov* " .a liquors, talked, ss men wt” . ?** ot • redden th* host cries In loud votes; "I will tall yon, gentlemen, this Is tl truth:-1 hare kissed the dainty Japans** ttlri. I bars kissed th* tkmth Se* Island maiden. I have kissed tbe «u„, Indian Santa. And the Stria of Kngland. of Germany, tvtn of America. | bare klsaed, Is* best of'rir ,m kla * mi w,f * taMr * )r0 ‘" , m *° crl ** from ■ cm** t “ ‘By heavens, sir, you art rl(bt there!’ TRIBUTE TO THE GEORGIAN. To Ihe Editor of The Georgtan: I was glad when Th* Georgian was launched, and, commencing with the first number, I am a subscriber as long as It Is run by such a man as John Temple Graves. It Is a,splendid paper and lust such a dally as every true Georgian ahould and will be proud of. It has but one possible fault, and that Is the restrictive word “Atlanta" to Its nams. Lesye off ths ford "Atlanta" and let ‘The Georgian" b* ths name. W* people down here In Carroll formed a targe Hoke Smith Club on th* first Tuesday. It will soon havo a ma jority of th* white voters of th* coun ty belonging to It, as nearly all th* vot ers of thla county are Smith men. w* are very proud of Hon. Hoke Smith and Intend to elect him In spit# of tho many low down efforts being made to Injure him. The lowest w* havs sesn Is the picture of the negroes appoint ed by the Cleveland administration, cent out by the Clark Howell crowd to Injure 8mlth. That Is enough to dis gust every Democrat who voted for Cleveland. It comes with very bad grace from Mr. Howell now, who failed to oppose the appointments. In his great paper at th* time: but seemed then. If not to approve, at least not to openly, like * man, oppose the appointments. Howell now blatantly says he "would die rather than Injure th* Democratic party," and yot ho Is little enough to throw this Insult at every whit* roan who voted for the only Democratic president whom w* have had sine* tbe war. This picture has turned a few that would have been for Howell * gainst him. Mach success to Th* Georgian, and long may It flourish. J. W. BALLARD. Carrollton, Oa, July 7, IMS. By FHrate Loused Wire. Nlv York, July 10.—Thom** F. Ryan, traction magnate, banker and political manipulator. Is again a grand* father. The financier Is abroad, but when a third son was born to bit ton, William K. Rvan, at the homtitead Oak Ridge. Va., the caries got buiy and th<- H»*rit tn grand;.a Ryan recently lamented that none of his grandchildren had been born %t th# old homesteud, and his son thereupon moved with hit family to Oak Ridge, Clarence Eddy, the distinguished American organist, who enjoys Inter national reputation, and Mrs. Grace Mori DIrkman. a noted concert singer, Mg married at noon today at the Manhosset apartments. L««t, 'WK-n Mr. Eddy made a concert tour of this country, Mrs. Dick* man was his concert soloist. At thie time a suit for divorce was pending against Mr. Eddy and nn May 1>- f , year the conditional divorce was grant ed and Mr. Eddy nnd Mrs. Dlckman fixed the time of their marriage. Only their most intimate friends were noti fied. Mrs. Dlckman obtained a divorce f: ''ii hif hu'-b;ind some time ago. She was born in <'allf'.i nla nnd fane McKenzie's < hureh there. The fact that Thomas A. Edison, son of the famous electrician, has taken to hlnvodf another wlf#» han Jum ( • known. She was Miss Beatrice M. Payser, and they were married Sat urday In Trenton. While the wadding was very quiet. It wgs not a runaway match. A certain section of New York's “loo* are discussing today with considerable interest the election of Cornelius Van derbilt as a member of the Society of the Cincinnati* the organisation that dates back to the revolution—for be- bind the election of Cornelius Vander bilt was another contest between him and Alfred Qwynne Vanderbilt ss to which was the head of the house. Both Cornelius and Alfred Qwynne, It ap pears, mads application for member ship to ths society at about the same time. Cornelius declared he was eligi ble on the ground that he *ra* the eld est son of his great-grandfather, who was an officer in the revolutionary army. Alfred Qwynne Vanderbilt baaed his application on the ground that he was descended In a direct line from his mother's great-grandfather, who was an officer at Charleston, S. C., at the ootmai of the revolution. It Is a hard and fast rule In the Society of the Cincinnati that the law of primo geniture hold In regard to. eligibility. But, as once before In the dispute of the two brothers aa to which waa the head of the house of Vanderbilt, Cor- nHius won. Th** firM contest ■ - when Cornelius was practically disin herited by his father because he mar- rlfd < irace Hut then h" f his borther and other members of the family to give him part of the ahare of the Vanderbflf estate left to them, ao that In the end he had almost aa much aa any of them. Alfred Qwynne Vanderbilt had been declared the head of the Vanderbilt house before the lat ter died. Severe treatment Is to be meted out by the authorities of Bellevue hospital to drunkards who won't reform. It wss announced today that hereafter every man who calls at the Institution a sec ond time to be treeated for alcoholism will be arrested. A card system will be used for Identification. GEORGIANS IN GOTHAM. By Private Leased Wire. New York, July 10.—Here sre some of the visitors In Now York today: ATLANTA—D. E. Arnold and wife, H. Pace, D. M. Kirk, 8. 8. Steven*. R. I. Cheatham, Mrs. R. IV. Davidson, I. Richardson, B. B. Roberts, A. H. Welhouse, A. W. Comes, J. Harris, L Reynolds, W. W. Reynolds, L. Richard son. AUGUSTA—W. H. Harrison. SAVANNAH—Mrs. E. Hnslsm, H. F. Laudermsn. H. W. McGowan, H. W. McCowan. Jr., F. H. Golden, Miss M. Hogan. THIS DATE IN HISTORY. JULY 10. ' 1024—Pop* n.nedlct VIII died. 1414—Henry V claimed restoration of English possessions In Franc*. 1480—Battle of Northampton, England. Ware of the Roses. • 1809—John Calvin, religious reformer, born. Died 1684. 1859—Accession of Francis II of Franca. 1684—William, Prtnc* of Orange, as sassinated. 1688—Rlshop Tell died. 1723—sir William Blackstone, famous legal writer, born. Died Febru ary 14, 1710. 1777—Capture of British General Pres cott, Bristol, R. I. 1782—Frederick Marryatt, novelist, born. 180*—Mutiny of th# Sepoys at Vellorw India. . 1832—President Jackson vetoed bill to recharter United State* bank. 1850—Millard Fillmore sworn In «* president of the United States. 1863—Mexican empire proclaimed! Maximilian as emperor. 1884— Paul Morphy, noted chess expert died. 1885— Arrival In Chicago of first car load of fruit shipped from Ore« gon. 1888—Hmkemen on tho Cincinnati. Bur lington and Quincy Railroad weal on strike. 1890—President approved act for ad mission of Wyoming to state hood. 1882—Kate Csstleton. actress, died. 1893— Score of lives lost In cold stor age fire at Chicago world* f* 1 * 1894— Hundreds killed by earthquake si Constantinople. 1895— Alton Petttbone, father of tM Hitlerites, died. HH—General Torel, Spanish com- mander of Santiago, declined t« surrender. 1902— Explosion of-fire-damp ‘In mlaj near Johnstown. Pa, more tnsz 118 killed. 1903— Second operation In endeavor ts save Pod« Leo's life. 1904— General Jos* Torah »«U> •urren- dered Santiago to the Awert«* ni died In Ma’drld. 1905— Franco-German agreement oT " Morocco waa announced.