The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, July 11, 1906, Image 10

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ill li/ A 1 i-A i> i A Gii/Oii'jl AxS. WANT ADS ONE CENT A WORD No Ad Taken For Lesa Than 35 Cents. CASH MUST ALWAYS accom pany out-of-town orders. Want Page Grow. Situations 'Wanted will hereafter be ioaerted on this page free of charge. If yon want a situation, ■end your ad. to The Georgian. Each ad. will be limited to three lines, one inser tion. WANTED HELP—MALE. ' thou aft."refer* He Loach Mlir Mfg. Co. 155 YOU WANT76 1>11 mil up gOOdS? jteuthern mSt >nth Pryor. wiN^ft-Ltnrraft wipe? perl e need man. Apply Souther Company. Moora afreet and G road. WASTEb-AXLfi - TCRKEBft: 1 TTETRT by r S»ftar n to*is W.~Wrai»ttil, euperlntend- ••nt Weatern Btul Car and Foundry Com- w mil at oner. Htdlnn 1531 Candler building. LABORERS WANTED. $1.25 PER DAY. Wages Paid Weekly. Take WORKS. Luckie S Waterworks. WAMTIli*—POSITION Aft kNflINfiE'IV iocomotlro or MtMtionarjr, hr n ►ol»er tnan. of many yenra' ci WANTED HELP—FEMALE. our sewing room. work. day while learning. At Nunnally Bros. & McC 36 W. Alabama street. on eaay work, short honra and food J per week, and we will tfv* good da; wages to thoae without experience ontl tWy laarn. '* — " “ writ* u* and about board! .. McCrea. 36 W. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. ti'ATFfElCOTfPX’iTCS XS—iCIffi I cf.Eltk retail afore lu Atlanta. c?an five a i firm fiHxl aervlre. limit of reference*. J Pritchett. tVdartown. tin. WANTED—AQENT8. i and Supply Co., Mobile, Ala. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED- -TIIB that tb. Houtbi . Co., at 20 8. Prj 1'CBI.IC TO Bejgjg^d FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. ATLAS ENGINE* All etyl Atli. Easts. Work piiaraaw— ■boold bar. bill -ATLAS BOILERS style, and iIm.- Kent W&TftW i Ml Work*. Bmplre Hide.. Atlanta 1 bi^hWes! ttotrak* „ at 20 South Pryor atreet, will nuy or eel! you out. -j i)E«K. rot’h GAS Altl* lamp*, one ahowrae* and one counter. Cole Book Co., • Whitehall street.^ ^Oft HALE-TWO Car'’LOADS TTyn? Brock war anrrlea, runabout* and depot wagons. Nothing better made. Georgia Vehicle Utg. Co., tO »d6 M Wrat Mitchell LUMBER—WL HAVE THREE MILLS cutting eonth Georgia pine eblngleo. Also menufarture flooring, ceiling, aMlag end lath. Write oa for i!#itv$*rad PrtOM. Ell- Uao Lomber Company. Bos 107. Cord tie. ALL STYLES OATES. WISE AND IRON fence* aold and erected. Fencing for farm, lawn, garden and tmoltry. EacTualve agents for "Page Fence,'- Dial* Fence Co. aureeaaors Tilly Fence Co., 41 West Hunter atreet. Phonea 29*2 Poll TIJB NEXT TfeN l>AYK 1 WuX rut my &> vjIIi to K5. Carroll, the tailor. 172 Peachtree atreet. oppoidte Aragon hotel. irwsinr-WY Btorfe of iron bafLm I and vanlt doors to be aold at coat daring next week; now le your time. 21 8. Brood | street. R. W. Ellla. Atlnnte. fiTfeS-tlGIlAPllKRB-lM'r TOT IrARK rail your eoul your own. enough *o to •tenil up and tell tbe Hose Man that tit? Kee lx»x Car lion papers and tyjiewriter rildione are the cleanest, longrat-laetlng 1 gouile *>u tbe market? This la the verdict of etenographera who know tbetr bualneee. Sent on thirty ilaye* trial: astlafactlon guar- anteml. You are next. Kee Lnx Manufa**- turlng ('oinpiuir. 611 Amtell building. Phone. Mfiln 2jfr7. KTKN'OGltAPVlE jflPWH Y HAVE i.N’kV finger*, illrty tyi»e. mini Mr lettera. l»e In a Imd humor with youraelf? All of theae troublea will lie done away with If you will only’ use Kee I/ix Carlton pnpvr* and typewriter rlliltoua. I/*t iia prove It to yi#u. We ftiriifafi three rffifMiim and n box of cartioii paper thirty daya* trial; aatlafartloti guaranteeil or no pay. What more rail we offer? 'Phone, main 2H77. Kee l/>x Man ufacturing Company, 611 Auatell bulldlug. WANTED—8ALE9MEN. INTELLIGENT, HUSTLING 8ALK8MK.N for magnlllcant now maps; now faatnrea: easy sellers; exclusive territory and liberal proposition; extraordinary chance for work ers. Htate If you have bad experieaco. Hudgins Co., Atlanta. Ga. PIANOS. BltAMIIACH PIANOS. ESTABLISHED 1921 BRCI1T PIANO CO.. 62 N. FORSYTn. BU8INE88 OPPORTUNITIES. GO SEE SOUTHERN AUTO AND* EQUIP- roent Co. We repair, reconatruct, ex change, bay and aell automobiles. Garage, 1012 Mitchell atreet. Atlauta. OP Mil pbnae 49M-L Main. ATTRACTIVE SIGNS WILL BRING YOU business. For high grade work call on Kentj 91lfc N. Pryor. Phnn* 292*. WANTED—REAL ESTATE. $600 caab and the balance monthly. Addrtae H. E. W.. care Georalan. REAL ESTATE FOR 8ALE. MrrFispmrrxTmw-Ti.o'i'H'Qji Currier and Fairfax, $450 each. Frasier * Smith, 116 Auburn avenue. Bell phope 9633 main. EDUCATIONAL. snwFfnnrfJTr'TiooRT^ writing, mathematics, grammar and aped* Ing taught In evenings. Stokely'a Shorthand and Ruetneaa School. S4H Peachtree street. FOR RENT—FURNISHED ROOM8. FURNISHED ROOMS IN PRIVATE FA Si lly. board optional; every convenience; north elde; can get meals across street. Bell phone 2020. FOR RENT. for young men. Modern flat. 995 Peach tree. F7»U UENT-klolittRN EIGl!tY-fto6M two story bouae; $25; close In. Apply 67 Crew atreet* 'Phone 4251. PERSONAL. DAVID W. YARBROUGH, MA8TER 1’LUMBER, rhones 12(8. 20 B. nnnter BL WILLIS WALL PAPER COMPANY. Largest stock In South. 54 N. Broad SL “KENT LIGHTS.” THE BERT OF MANTLE LIGHTS NOW •old at 9114 N. Pryor Rt Alox Kent, Phone 4949. WALL PAPER. j. M. QUICK * CO—WALL PAPER, mouldings, pictures, picture frames, etc. Sell phone 729. Standard 704. 27 K. Hunter. YOUR TEETH FILLED WITHOUT FAIN RY AN IM- proved me thou. All work guaranteed 11 years. Reasonable prices. Lanier Dental Parlors, 99* Whitehall Ht., over Emmons' clothing atore. Bell nhoie 264F-J. OLD HATS MADE NEW. PAN'AMA AND MILAN STRAW HATS cleaned and reshaped, Me. Soft and stiff felt hats cleaned and re- Banda or aweata. 2Se each eitr*. ACME HATTFR8. (14 Whitehall SL BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TALKING MACHINES AND RECORDR- Wboleaala and ratnll dlatrihnton ot Vic tor Talking Marblnra and Record* Jut received large consignment of machine* and over 10,000 record* Immediate attention given mall ordeff.. We want tb* name* of *11 talking mncblna dealers In tha south. Writ# for catalogue. Aleiandor-Elyta C* RIcYcLKs AND ffUNbKIES-LAItURST bicycle and sundry dlatributora 1* tha •oulh. Southern ag.aH for J’lerv*. Yal* Snell and Hudson bleyela* Writ* tor onr 1404 catalogue and prim list. Altxaudtr- Elyea Co. KRoMoPATIllij KEklktllKM PCTm ..acalp dlaenaos and make hair grow. Krnm’a Medicated Soap make* yon by- atentcally clean. (SI year* aurce**) J. J. Krom, ^apeclallat. 413 "Tha Grand,'* At- YOUR TEETH CROWNED 22-K GOLD CROWNS 13 UP, without pain. All work gurmntaod 15 year* Lanier Dental Parlor* 3314 White hall St., ever Emmons' clothing atom. Rail phone 2SC3-J. WU MOVE. TfoBV: PACK A!*l> SHIP bonaehold goefle; tneurance rate one per cent Office end warehouse 143 © Walton •tree!. Both 'phonea. Cathcart'a Trana- fer. COME ALONG AND GET HAPPY! 'ST SaLb-bbst—lii’HhKH tiRk: workmanship guaranteed. Georgia Ve- - } . A a * •* * hid* Mfg. Co., ft and >2 We*t Mitchell >t. DON’T GO BLIND. wnEN YOU SEE THE ATLANTA * You wouldn't give a well man medicine. You wouldn't send a clean ablrt to the laundry. You wouldn't wear a far overcoat In summer. You wouldn't eat when not hungry. So. you wouldn't do any of thoee things. But you do your largest advertising when business Is rushing. You tell the public to buy when the publlo la falling over Itself to buy. You smear printer's Ink all over a newspaper when your business la flourishing. What makes you do thoee queer things? This Is the first of the dull summer season. Your busi ness la beginning to droop. Now It Is that It needs a good dose of advertising. Now It Is that you should show some of your enterprise and Induce the public to buy. It Is easy enough to sell a man a thing he wants. It’s a good salesman who makes a man realise he wants a thing, and then tell It to him. Now Is ths time to demonstrate your business ability. You have plenty, of things the public wsnts. Don’t th(nk the public Is coming to inquire of you whet you hsve that It wants. While you are waiting for this Idea condition your competitor Is getting busy and telling the public. He la also getting the business. It's his harvest time. Come along and be good 'to your Interests. Look out for yourself. We try to tell you. we don't know It all, but we know some of it. 'A few of the LIVE ONES have given us the benefit of their experience. We are the doctors and will prescribe the medicine if you will let us. Your business will show the good effects. Be happy—along with the other prosperous and healthy ones. Jf SHOE REPAIRING. GWINN’S SHOE SHOP. THREE MONTHS RENT FREE Only Thrss Ltft of Eight Brand Now Suburban Homos. months will bo theso houses. These are located on the city; contain 7 and I rooms; have and the surroundings ara more whole trouble, no matter of how long stand Ing. It now haa a new church, ne&th grounds, will show you through houses. Rent $>0.00 per month. JOHN J. WOODSIDE. Iff Auburn Avenue. Blgna, banner* Baft tad |g JSL tor ipccUl occorioa*. TEETH SXTRACTEO POSITIVELY WITHOUT PAIN—All dentel work done without pain. at g itor>. * CASH REGISTERS, (Second Hand.) NATIONALS. HALLWOODH. IDEALS and *11 other make* at Urgaln price*. We can aell you a register, bu!table foe any buataraa. at a price that cannot help but please you. TEETH BEST SET OP TEETH $5.01. CUARAN- trod to SL All work iwtailwl U rears Ualer Dental Parlor*. Wklieball SL. nvar Cmmosa' rlnfhlna at,. M CHAS. M. ROBERTS. REAL ESTATE, It AUBURN /VE. NOW OFFERS FOR QUICK SALE new cottatee, all modern and In food mente down. Thlo la a food, aoond rant paying Investment, renting for MS month, and $9,500 will buy them all. voetor, you cannot afford to mite thl* per CHAS. M. ROBERTS, Iff AUBURN AVE. NGTON STREET VIADUCT! HAVE A PIECE OF PROPERTY FOR •ale that will be worth double the price See LIEBMAN, 28 Peachtree St. McNEILL & SHERWOOD 614 Empire Building. Phone 8S7. LOOK AT THIS! 900x280 FT. It. It. FRONTAGE, CLOHE IN. Modern building on anm*, containing II,* 000 tuna re feet of apace, worth not laaa than 112,000. If takeu within n weak cun •ell nt 121.000 for entlr* property. frult lfALti—I7.M0 WILL rfifollAHE AN elegant 9 room house, lot 100x200 ft., In Inman Park, near Druid Circle. - Pin tue l*at part of Went End, from S2.S50 IltffthL 2-BtoBV NEW H6WE. ttS'fEl> walla, ealdnet mantels, Meldrlm at. Only 11.700. Terms. m t fiwrT>w~io*it56iriiflpgi Peachtree. with orer on* acre of Price 19,100. Liberal term* or change for vacant property or smaller ^CT'DirawnriTiiiw rinTroOTjRir r imlta, large and small lota. ' ground, will ox er home. y limit*. to 135.000 per”lot. Buy now and your money within a year. ilP Y&TTTOERT A ftrllNfilTAiTB WU hare client* who will bay and Impror* SANDERS, SMITH & CONWAY, lone* 6488. 411 Peters Bldg. $7,400—PEACHTREE nOAD 4-R. COT- taga on 7-aer* tract, C/3 feet fronUge, Ilea welL Thla la cheap. Idea on west .Id# street, baa nlm fruit treu, outbuildings, etc. 27,5iid—Loveliest iifk. house oN n. Iloulerard In cbotCMt block on the stmt; houu la strictly modern and nuto-date; v would coat 94.600 to build It today. Lo would bring $9,000 to $9£40. Do you want a Imrgalnf tljtoo-li k£EY CaIN RthBEf, NEXH Peachtree, bonae bringing good rent. Cho«[«,t close In property on north aid* Lira well, la level and worth more money than thf* Eaay tarrna. S7AOO-8PUINO STREET HOME, 9 R, LOT 15x195 to alley, between North avenne and Third street; houee la a beauty, furnace heated. *•!•*««nt fln!ah; an Ideal iteme; can make terms on this. $i}fci-hKNf8 Fok $, JUst of^ n. BoiileTAnl, the nrettleet cottage to be found In the neighborhood, occupied by owner, refused this rental for cottage gnd servant’* house In roar. Special reason for eellfrfg. $7,000—10-H. COTTAGE ON LOT 50x860, servant's house. Thle place le a perfect beauty. Think of It. a 10-r. cottage, nearly brand new, and Juet off Peachtree; noth* Ing like It In town. Terms. * W. E. TREADWELL & CO. REAL ESTATE, 24.SOUTH BROAD ST. Bell Phone 2644, Atlanta Phone 3803. 13.100—I.AROB STORE ROOM AND dwelling attached; good hualnaa* ostab- llahed. This la a bargain. Always ranted. . Hue us If you want a good boalncas stand. $3,760—NICE FIVE-ROOM HOUSE, Ctill- tier lot, Pulliam atreet. $3.460—IDEAL li6UE. HIX liOOMS, JdtL- ledge avenue; lot 50 by 200. ^3.760—tlfcAUTirUL 8IX-ROOM CO'rtAdE,' built for home; South Pryor. t2.100-taVB*Ito6!l ODttAOB, BOlitll Pryor street; lot 10 by 175. \VE HAVE KBVERAL ELEGANT IIOMEH, two-story, eight rooau, on Forrest ave nne; neighborhood tbe beat, from $5,400 to $4,000l So* theae bafor* buying, If you want a home on the north aide. \VB ALSO HAVE SOME OF* TUB PntT- Heat vacaht lota on the north aid* at at- tractive price* $2,000—Hfx-ROOM cDTTiaK. I)B KALR avenue. Edgewood: good lot; can be liought on easy terms. gwO—TWO-HTortY KIGltT ItOOMS; FOR- rest avenue. This la n beauty. Coma and •ee ua aboat tbit before It 1, •old. \VK OAS r 8F.t,l, CENTRAL PROPERTY in the heart of the city, one block from th* terminal elation, for $200 front foot for n few deye only. ttooo-Fbun-iiook' iUtn. WA* trr and gaa; Fowler atreet. Rente $11 $2//u—nice Fivfc-K6<JU coTrAtib, lioane atreot, near South Pryor. $3.000—TWO-STORY, EIGIIt ROOM bonM; Summit avenue; good neighbor- hood. j4S55^fW53T?ntYV17niTTt55HTnjriIl! —Ilnnlevard; model home. $4,000 BUYS YOUR CHOICE OF TWO nine-room houses, West Linden atreot. tlSto-S'tCft S'fiW ROME, 8T. tllAhl.Es avenne. IF Yot) WANT ANYTHING IN WEllT End. either vacant or Improved, com* to nee ua. We have n large Rat nnd can suit you nt attractive price* $3.«A—TA'OStORt, KlilllT ROOM honae, College Hark, near end of ear line; beautiful oak lawn: alto, a beautiful alx- roora cottage. $2.30. near th*. ear lino; large lot In the beantlfnl suburbs. College KM^WA'ATIISIflfAN; filOHT ROOM house. Mure bargain In thla. i FOR RENT. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, 6 ABBOTT STREET (WEST END). This two-etory, eeven-room brick, on lot which contains about 2 acres and Rea ele vated, la on th* west aid* of Abbott atreot, nt the Intersection of Oraonaforry avenue, and la known th* Tom Alexander homo plaeei baa no ga* but city water, bath, stationary waahstand, sink In th* kitchen and hydrant jn the yard. Besides the eev- on-mom houm, there le ■ two-room aevv- nnt'e house on the lot; eleo liable end cow house; bee plenty of garden spot end plenty of shed*, end le In good repair fer an old honae. Weeivlew ears two bloeks away. Rent. $35 per month. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THE RENTING AGENT, 12 Auburn Avenue, Both Phonea 618. J Work-outs At Gravesend. By Private I.eased Wire. ilrevcacnd, N. Y„ July 10.-Weather clear, track good. Try outa: Red Friar, mile la 1:0. bracking. Ben Hodder. 4 furlong. In l:6M, brace Ing. Jarqnln. 4 furlong. In £3, bracking. Meets* 4 furlongs In 1:1*. handily. Will win. Etamlnc, 6 furlongs In IM, bracking. A clever ally. ConvIUo. I furlongs la :27, brooking. About ready. Vino, 4 furlongs la £414, handily. At hie beet. Mttle Minister. 4 furlong* In 1:17 8*. han dily. Very good work. Knight Errant, mil* In 1:47 86, breding. About ready. Tot San. 4 furlongs In 1:14, driving. Graslello, mile In 1:4116. handily, la da* trim. Maliel Richardson, I furlong* la l:lg. 17rat Mason, mil* la 160, galloping. llunalng Water, ( furlongs In lKA handi ly. for you. Call and set us. Single ShoL 4 furlongs In 1:10 26, bred-1 Ing. STEPHENSON BROS., Plumbing and. Gas Fitting, 51 S. Forsyth Street. • Phones—Bell 2528 Main, Atlai fa :n. THE WEATHER. LOCAL FORECAST. WEATHER IN COTTON BELT. ou«:on and Fort Worth cloudy mui nr. Trier cloody «nd warm. Wnxnbatcblo cloudy, 70; Taylor clel^H? lluakone cloudy, 75; Jonlln raining, 71; flonth MoAldter cloudy, 74; New Braunfels Moody, a: Oalvetton clear, 71; sens cloudy, 77; Bborman cloudy 49; dandy, n; Oslncsrllle ddr, 70: I vllle, Ind. T., cloudy, looks Ardmore, Ind. T., fair, 76: Okie elondy, 71; Tyler cloudy, 7k: Pla 74: .Paris elondy. 74; UcKInnsy Dalits cloudy, 74. . MlMlssIppL-Jackson elondy and cool, stchd isrllv cloudy and pleasant. Ya rn City sprinkling and cooler. Grmada nnd Greenwood dear and warm. lexinston dondy and rool. Canton rlondy and pltua- ant. Newton drlssllng; nice rain leet eve ning. Meridian dondy; mlety rain yester day afternoon. Hattleeburs cloudy and rain yestevd.y afternoon. Alabama—Montgomery dondy and threat entng. Selma doady and warm; rsln Iasi night. Opellkt partly elondy and warm. Huntsville partly cloudy and cool, lllr- mlngbam very dondy, look. Ilk a rain. Mobil* dear and warm. -TenneMce—Memphis dondy end warm. Chattanooga partly dondy and warm. Knokvllle clear and pleaeant. Georgia—Columbus partly cloudy and arm. American and Allwny elondy and cooL Macon dear and hot Rome dondy and ploaaant. Lonlalana—New Orleans clear and hot. Shreveport clear nnd hot; rain laat night. WEATHER IN WHEAT BELT. Extreme Northwest—Cloudy: M to 70 above: local ralna. Northwest—Generaly clear; (4 to 70 above; abowere In St. l’aul. West and Honthweat—Partly dondy; 54 to 70 above; abowera Springfield, Mo.; rain- do Valley—Clear; 41 to 71 above. WEATHER FORECA8T. Briij riuuijjj viiriumu wiiiun. Georgia anil Eastern Florida—Occasional •bowers Tuesday and probably Wednesday; variable winds. Western Klodda—Partly elondy Tuesday BUILDING LOTS. "Set you a building lot In Atlanta now; you will never be able ta buy one for any lees money.” ADAIR, Alts Avenue, just outside Inman Park, near Euclid avenue, only three lots left In this subdivision, 50x194, for $450; 150x150 for $800, and 125x157 for $800. These are sure .money-makers; easy terms. Connally Street, only five-eights of a mile from center, 15 mlnutetf walk from Century building, half way to Grant park, level lot 40x120 to alley; gas, water and fewer down; price $450; faces pretty residences In front. Lawn Street, In West End. near Park and Lee. 116 feet front, nig. nlng back 150 to alley, opposite the new cottages;, price $1,200. FORREST & GEORGE ADAIR. COLLEGE PARK HOMES DON’T PAY RENT. It le exceedingly bad form to do ao when you ran pay yonr own money back It yonr pocket, by coming to me. Jnst ran yonr eye.ovtr this! We'll bnlld you a bouse just like yon 'want It, on easy payments, from £04 to K.OOO. It yon boy fbe lot Proom, modern, new boos* on corner lot, flOO ctak, balance easy monthly payments. 4-room modern new bouse, same terms (•room, new. modern boua* on largo corner lot; $259 cash; balance easy monthly paymenta. 7, 1 and 19-room booses Tbe College Park Land Company have 2,000 Iota to select from, $100 to Hot etch. Come out end see me, or call ma up. Office at.end of car line. Brit Phone S7-J East Point Exchange, College Park, Os 1 sell everything at College Park. EDWARD H. WALKER, The College Park Real Estate Dealer. Special Notices tar nmi irnriJ NOTICE OF DISSOLU- . TION. Notice Is hereby given that the firm Of Griffin A Hudson, heretofore en gaged In the livery business, under trade name of "Piedmont Stables,” at Itff Marietta street. Is this day dis solved by mutual consent, Mr. Griffin retiring. The business will be con tinued at the same place by Piedmont Stables, Lynn W. Hudson, manager. This July 1, 1906. W. S. GRIFFIN. L. W. HUDSON. Jr. b £r!,U'.' D T& M-JSLSK 3 Houston, Pearl ITancc, t month! old, died of anae mia, at llapcvlllc. Ga. . Miss Mattie King, 70 genre old, died of eert disease, *t Egan poatofflce. Jeaale Dorsey, 23 yesrs old, died of pan. inula, at 101 North Butler atreet. tnonla, Wiley Bennett, 24 year* old, died of heart failure, at realdenoe, 621 Sunset avenue. 8. II. Pouge, 52 year* old, died of hem- orrlmge of the lungs, at Falton county jail. Thomas Green, IT yean old, died ot acute ... vsswsree* J nil a uiu. Him Ul HI peritonitis, st residence. 25$ Esst Fair. Alva E. Peavy, II years old, died of ty phoid ferer, at residence, $$$ East Llndn street. Mrs. C. 8. Cox, 41 years old, died of ■” *• residence, 25 High ATLANTA MARKETS. FRUIT8 AND, PRODUCE. 0(ffctalljr corrected tfjr Atlanta Fruit and Produce exchange. Lfmons 15.60 to X. Lime* 50 to 76c. I’eaehea, per era Pineapple* 12 to time well * per bunch, POULTRY AND COUNTRY PRODUCE.- Live hena 15 to 27Vfcc: fries 22ft to 25c: brollera 16 to 22Uc. Lire ducks, Pekin 90 toi 86c; puddle 2» to 27Hc. Dressed hena, per lb., 12c to 19c. uuitai, table, per lb^ 20 to 22fte; cook ha, per lb.. 12%c to 1&. Honej—New S&lOc lb.; In Mb, racki VEGETABLES.—Irish potato**. No. •took U.60 barrel; No. 2 stock 2.75. Tomatoes, per crate. $1 to 9L60. Loru, new, 10 to 12Hc per dozen. Okra, per crate, $1 to $1.50. Old Irish pots toe*, per bushel, $1.20. iBruicrj (nrwuiti wiuu*. East Texas—Showers Tuesday; Wednesila.v - Sm turi'inj, n niiirMiii.T cloody; warmer In Interior; light ith winds. Arkeness-Bhoweri Tuesday; Wednesday bowers and cooler Tneeds; ig In fair. WEATHER CONDITIONS. With (he exception of*, few scattered pressure sin morning. Today the Mara M ... I* flat, causing a stagnant slug state of the atmosphere favorable to Jevelopmont of local showers. There e very pressure, end ee e result the winds ere cloudiness prevails aver Ihe southern half f the map and In the last 24 hours showers sve occurred In portions of Texsi, Arknns- As e rule the temperatures hsve been lowly rising. The rondttti Section Director. COTTON REGION BULLETIN. STATIONS OF Tcmp'tnre. ATLANTA DISTRICT. 'Atlanta, p. cloudy Newnnn. cloudy tome, foggy Spartanburg, p. cloudy.... TVlIapooua. p. cloudy temperatures are _ _ period ending at I a. m. thle date. Heavy rainfalls: Gainesville, Kla. 111 a a i lor 12-hour 125. CENTRAL STATION. Atlanta .... cMoi- ll.lve.ton .. little Bock Memphis Mobile :... doatgomery Sow Orleans Oklahoma ... BavaaBah .... Vlrksbui tVIlmlm Diet. Average*. tea tnapnreclah i EMARK8. e ralafall. ill changes ta other sect loos. Rains wen gen eral orer the belt except la Angusta and Memphis districts: tbe amount* wen heavy new sweet twtatoe* Cherries. 24-quart crate. $1.50 to $1.75. Cantaloupes, per ente, $1.50 to $2.60. Ulacklterries 10 to ffllt nnsrt. Dewberries 10 to 12V»c quart. FLOUR, GRAIN. PB0VISI0N8. FLOUR.—l*ostela Elegant $4.35; Dlsraond stent $6; fnnev pe'ent $6.10; half patent pa"nt*$6.M ? nb *“ yellow 7Sc; mixed 72c. OATS—Choice white clipped, 52c; cholc* white, 50c; choice mixed. 49c; Texas rust proof, 60c. 91E A Id.—Plain water ground, per bushel. 73c? bolted 140-lb. Jutes, 'per bushel, ttc. ghot-ti* white, $1.40: medlUm ; S1.S5; brown, wilin', ft.w. Iiinuuiu; gi.M, 111tm II. •»: Durr bran, $L20; mixed uran, $1.15. , HAxT—Timothy, choice large twits, tl“ do., choice small bales $1.14; do., No. timothy bales, $1.06: da„ No. 2 $1; do., No clover mixed $L06; do., No. 2 closed mixed CLOVER.-Choice We. The above prices an f. o. b. Atlanta, and subject to Immediate acceptance. „ GROCERIES. BUGAR.-Standnnl granulated 5c. New York Refined 4tk to 414; plantations 4M to «Hc. Market stronger. . _ COFFEE.—Roasted Arbnekle's $16.50; bnlk. In Inga or barrels, l$Rc; green 10 to 12c. Market weak. RICE.—Carolina 414 t« 714c, according to grade. Market very etroog. CIIBE8E— Fancy full cream dairy, 1414c; twins 14c: brick, 14c. Market strong. I'ltOVIBIONH.—Mnprrm* hama I5c. Dove bams 1514c. California bams )014r: Red Cron hams 15c 206 Ihs. ms lSc. ^Dry salt extra ribe 10.00; lieUles fat backs $14; platen $14. 10. Ited Cron 10c. 8now compound 7H. Red Cron 744- Georgia. ... ... ._ Savannah 5a, 190* Martin He, lulu Atlanta, 6s, 1911 10P Atlanta, 414a. 1922 107 Atlanta 4a. 1934 KB Atlanta and West Point lit Atlanta nnd Went Point Debt*. 107 C. K, of Georgia ttret lucomo do. second Income $X do. third Iqrome 95 i» South western 116 RAILROAD SCHEDULES abowiug th. 'arnV«Yuod t/cpsrturs of Fie out ..eenger Trains of th* Following Roads; WE8TKRN AND ATLANTIC KAILHOAD. No. Arrive From— No. Depart To— * $ Nashville 7:10 am * 2 Nashville . 9:35 am 72 MarlatU . 1:35 am 74 Marietta ..12:10 pm M.ri«u U 2 : *“ ~ • i!HB» « 1 Xaehvllle* Id CENTRAL OF GEORGIA KAiLWAYT Arrive From— Depart To— ■vannah. ... 7:10am Macon lt£lnm ■ckeonvulo . 7£0 am Kavaaaah ... 1:00 am elacoo 11:40am Maeoo 4£0 pm •avannab ... 4:06 pm Savannah ... 9:15 pm Macon T£* pm lackaonvtlle . 9:20 nm atLaNTa ANb JIVbiT 1-otNt BaILT Arrive From— rt To ilontgomsry ; •Selma 11:40 am <Mc ..i* s IaGrange ... i£9aai lAGrange ....5:30 pm IT. All train of Atlanta and West Point Railroad Company arrive at and depart — Terminal 'autlon. corner and Madison arenas. GEORGIA RAILROAD. From- Depart To Arrive From- Depart To— •Angnta .... 6:00am •Angnata 7:0am gXSU'-ihiS-H^ BIRTH8. To Mr. anrl Mrs. Thomas Calhoun Gall^ way, of 9 Brown place, a girl. BUILDING PERMIT8. $160—Mias Annie Hentschel, to add to building at 117 Cherokee. $125—J. Berman, to recover dwelling at 157 lrrla atreet. $30fr—M. II. Burnes, to Improvements at atreot. J156-T. N. 228 Cooper street.. $160—Amos Its 268 Woodward. $75—A. Boas, to repair dwelling at rear \mo* Baker, to re-cover dwelling at 125 Htonewall atreet. at 451 Courtland nnd In rear of same. $15,000—J. Horace Jones, to build three* story apartment house at 31 Porter place. PROPERTY TRANSFERS* $225—James T. Netherlnnd to C. A. Pltti, lot on Olive and ltucker afreets. Warranty deed. $90-8. A. and K. 8baw to C. A. Pitta, lot In Hollywood cemetery. Warranty M* tie deed. $3,150—James R. McKeldln to Asa G. Can dler, lot «n Hurt street, near Etlgewood avenue. Warranty deed. $2,500—Kdte Robson to J. A. Robinson, it on Park avenne, near 8ydney. Warraa* ty deed. $10—Edward 8. McCandleas to Kate Rob- ■on, lot on l’ark avenue, near Hjdne/. avenue, near Byuney street. Quit data Bolding, >r tKle. $2,500—Mrs. Sallle C. Evana to Virgil Jonea, lot on Blmpaon, near \S llllama Warranty deed. nan. ioi on corner t'nnceion Rhodes road. Warranty deed. . $4,730—Eaat Atlanta Land Company to J. Iaamproe, lot corner Edgewood avenue aafl Yonge street. Bond for title. STOCKS REVIEWED BY NEW YORK SUN • -” W 4 VIR, ■ Uly tv, * uc CXI4SI w.a , . • - one dlatlnct movement In tbe stock market was toward dnllncsa and n contraction nr dcalluga. The trend of prlcca waa uncer tain. Quotations at tbe opening were mu«- close last week, and In a little time con siderable advances above thle level w,rt made. Then prices relapsed eherply onin declines were showu running •• muck i» low Katnrday'a level as the advance, pra- vtoualy aeen. From tbl* fall the merlcet •/*!» alowhr rallied, with prices at the ona « the day Irregnlar and aa a rale smell gam* and loaaea. l-omlou nperatlons In the mar ket were mixed, flnaarlal concerna In »» mill being affected by ttf Irltlah capital still being affected by '“• hinldatlon In Kaffir atocka and hr the ten ure of a dealer In mining neeurltlca. <mj reason for 'the recent liquidation In In™ atocka In London has been. It •eem*. iron- • trie arising out of tb* defalcallona of a London amleltor Intaly decoaaed. who bid several Urge estates In bla care. the close of the day romora were •« , m rife, for which no confirmation could J” had, lint which may vary arell U“ ,r “' - that annpoacd efforts of hoth the ( blroP 1 - Milwaukee and Bt. Pan! and the New !■>« Central and Hudson rlrer railway re" 1 K nlea to negotiate large loan* o l* n * 1 been successfnL''—Glbert A Clay. THE LIVE 8T0CK MARKET. 'Chicago, July 10.—Ho*a—R . ... Market strong to shade higher: quallij miL left over 4.A: balk $4.^4.15:_ wtfmaiM for tomorrow 25,000; light 94.40C4.H5,mlr S4.40Q4.S71-2; brayr 9C204f*.96: nmah jaw KgstSu, 1 * Cattle—Eatimnted T n i!S8!Aft»ss VZ&tTTtS'Si Her. F- °8hiep-Eatlmated reeelpta1t»». $5Q7.2S; western $5.2597.20. 8N0W’S CROP REPORT. wired •• *^, r . ttt hrr smsnss*- & •• the valley proper ta poor heyoo* 1 '! and U below an average »a Coutlnnad wet weather to Joly I «J T * root*, and learea tb* crop Cftjf not a factor at- preaont- *ul weather, tbe rrojc of three Mate* about equal that of hut year;