The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, July 13, 1906, Image 1
The Atlanta Georgian. VOL. L NO. 67. ATLANTA, OA., FRIDAY, JULY 13, 1906 NEGRO FAILING IN A SSA ULT ON GIRL, FLEES TO WOODS WITH LITTLE BABY Miss Hazel Baird, of Simpson St., Fought Off Assailant. BABY WAS DROPPED IN WOODS BY CAPTOR Citizens and County Police in Pursuit of Negro. After having: failed In an attempt to aeeault and to cut the throat of Mies Hazel Baird, a l*-yekr-old girl, the rear of her home at the extreme western end of Simpson street, near the Florence Crlttenton home, about 1 o'clock Friday afternoon, an unknown negro man grabbed up a little 8-year- old child of J. M. Baird, and fled with It to the woods. He waa hotly pursued by several men and boys, who were attracted by the screams of the young woman, and when he reached the protection of the bushes dropped the v baby where It was found shortly afterward. He'successfuly made his escape. Up till 8 o'clock no trace of him had been found by the posse In pursuit. County Policeman Dunbar was sum tnoncd, the scene of the crime being more than a mile outside the city ltm Its. Miss Baird was not badly hurt by the negro, although he made an effort to cut her throat. Sho fought him vlo lently. screaming at the top of her voice. And. suun frli As he ran olf, he grabbed up the baby, which was playing on the floor, and, tucking It under his arm, made for the woods. Out of City Limits. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Baird live on Simpson street about a mile beyond the city limits. Mr. Baird Is a locomo. live fireman who Is now confined to his home as the result of an accident. Miss Hazel Is his daughter. According to the statements of, wit nesses, who live In the vicinity, the negro was frlgl\(ened olf after attack ing Miss Baird and before he had ln> lured her. He turned and fled toward the old Ezra Church battleground, pur- -u id by the Coursey boys, who live close by, and many other of the peo ple of the vicinity. He Is described as a tall black negro and a stranger to everyone In the neighborhood. Attacked While in Barn. Miss Baird was In a bam about SO yards from her residence when she was attacked. Her screams, caused the negro to turn and run. The alarm was given to the neighborhood and after a long run to the nearest telephone the county police were notified, a mile from the city limits, and dose to Battle Hilt. It Is fully a mile to the nearest telephone, the Florence Crlt tenton Home being the nearest place, and the negro bad ample time to make his escape before the police ofllcers eould be summoned. Within a short time after the alarm was Alven the people of the neighborhood, armed with such puns as could be obtained, began a search for the negro. The negro Is said to have been seen loafing In the neighborhood for the past three days, but none who saw him knew his name or anything about him. Be can be easily Identified If captured. excavators find relic of railroad DOWN UNDER CITY While a ditch was being dug Thurs day In Alabama street, below lire head- 'luarters, the picks and shovels of the workmen struck something just a h'tle harder than Georgia soil some Uve feet down. This was discovered to a railroad track, ties and rail In almost perfect condition. The rails were of the ancient style, with holes In the flanges, where the 'pikes are driven. The rails are all that Is left of the old Central of Geor gia yards, where the round bouse «ood many years ago. The ties, made of Georgia heart pine, were In good cvndlton. FAC SIMILE OF HARRY THAW’S STATEMENT TO THE PRESS DENYING THAT HE IS INSANE; PICTURES OF THAW AND EDNA M’CLURE o\ton nkl ifr or;'<*d uv t4 r. with the latter in catt'-jafj. w-.o th* i'h&t/T Aft * »*' ■ . -V*® lunacy eeianiasion would b* avpOinWd A. - has r.c 1on lb.. C / ♦ ? * v -° * < ' • a atat/r.wi.t rr.vl that no'toigb court** \%9 Olqoit further tell* we tftait" he /. 4 . . ivr l -s purvooe or , • or lnquiripp Jlftrriflt Thaw cr her ul'ejcl luoc-’iiy, that hi* visit Hm nothing d i d tif» Thllaae lphie Vs? '* Whatever t n ;tc with ’that ■ f a.-;y ••ember •v owes tier. lay .’Xr hi .v- f try' nente.l ccndHlon or Hitlfiz *Ai4$r UlltBiSttSSSr *r rr+ucEMir*. Photograph of Picture from the letoet photograph of Harry Kendall Thaw and fac- simile of pnu of the public atntement In which he declares hs Is not Insane ‘ Edna McClure, an unwilling witness In the Thaw cate. - ! ANGERED BY SLAP IN THE FACE CHILD REPORTS CRAP-SHOOTERS; . ' FIVE BAGGED IN BOARDING HOUSE While Dan Morgan, a bright little was raided by city detectives, live ar- follow of eight years, was. iiplng Ivy street Wednesday afternoon he ac cidentally “butted" Into a room In which several young men are said to have been shooting dice. This sudden and unexpected Inter ruption somewhat nettled the young men, and one of them Is said to have slapped the face of the little fellow. Angered by this treatment, little Dan reported that a crap game was In prog ress, and a few minutes later the room rests being mads. . Xh:»M*‘w-wae oftUsd.Thuniisy af ternoon In police court, but only one of the men, A. M. Heed, put In an appear ance. The remaining quartette, M. G! Wood, p. It. I’pslmu, II u Durtn and J. M. Young, had deposited cash co‘ lateral of >10.75. which was forfeited. The little “Informer" was present In court with his mothsr and told of how he accidentally discovered the game, He declared that Reed was the man who slapped him. This Reed denied He also protested he was only watch lag the game. Ho w'ns lined 810.76. THA W’S TRIAL IS SET; JEROME TAKES HAND QUELLENSTEIN HAS GONE; NORDENFLYCHT COMES Dr. Erich Zoepffel-Quellensteln, the Oerman consul In Atlanta, will leave in a few days for New York, to take passage for Berlin, Germany, where Tib hak been ordered to report for mili tary duty In connection with the army maneuvers which are expected to at tract military officers from all parts of the world. Dr. Quellensteln holds a high rank In the Germany army and Is considered one of the best officers In the service. , , The stay of Dr. Quellensteln will be Indefinite, as It depends largely whether or not he.remains In the army for any length of time. At the least his stay, will be of aev eral months’ duration, and during hlB absence the office will be In charge of Baron F. Von Nordenfllycht, of New Orleans, who has been consul general at that point for several months. The baron arrived tn the city Friday noon and Immediately took up the duties of his office. .• PLUCKS PITCHFORK FROM BODY AND WALKS HOME TO DIE By Private Leased Wire. Upper Sandusky, O., July 18.—While he was unloading hay yesterday, Wan! Zeis was Impaled upon his pitchfork. The fork struck Zeis in' the left breast, and came out at the shoulder. The fork weighed twenty pounds. Zeis hlmaslf pulled the fork out of his body and then walked from the bam to the house. He cannot live. WARRANT FOR THE ARREST OF JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER Fac simile of the warrant Issued by the state of Ohio for the arrest of John D. Rockefeller, and photogrsgraph taken In Francs of Mr. Rocke feller and Dr. Blggar, his physician. HUE'S LAWYERS PUBIS CELEBRATES ABE HOW ELATED By Private Lesicd Wire. Pittsburg. Pa., July 18.—When the Hartje divorce trial was resumed this morning both sides seemed confident, and In no wise perturbed by the devel opments of yesterday. Instead of be ing downcast, Mr. Hartje'a lawyers said they were elated over the turn the case took when Mrs. Hartje repudiated the Dear Susie" letter which a she had previously admitted as being he; hand writing. followed by. the experts say ing the "Medlne lettera" were written by the same hand that wrote the "Dear Susie'' letter. Mrs. Hartje, looking fresh, and In no wise ruffled, followed her husband Into tbs court room. Medlne came la a mo- I meat later. T By I'rlrete Leased Wire. Peris. July 18.—France today Is cel ebrating the complete vindication of Captain Alfred Dreyfus. After a night session at the Eiyaee palace, the cabinet, under President Fallleree, prepared two bills to be In troduced In the chamber of deputies today. By them Dreyfus will be nomi nated a major,’ with early promotion to a lieutenant colonelshlp. His name will be entered on the list for the legion of honor, but he will not be nominated for that distinction di rectly. Plcquart, whose sense of Justice pro cured the quashing of the Rennes court-martial verdict, will be made a brigadier general. The ministry expects te pass the bills through the chamber today. Another man who suffered exile for his fight for justice for Captain Drey- RUSSIAN LABORERS FLAUNT BED FLAG AND AREATTACKED The Procession Is Charged by Troops of the Czar. By Private Lessed Wire. 8t. Petersburg. July 18.—Working' men and their sympathisers met In the Nevsky Prospect at 5 o’clock this morning and started to march toward the winter palace, carrying red flags id singing revolutionary son The police charged the crow workingmen were killed and many In jured. - HE CHARGES GRAFT IN BELIEF WORK AT SH North Carolina Editor Makes Allegation About Red Cross. By Private Leased Wire. Helena, Mont., July 18.—-'"If Mon tana or any other stats has any funda which have bean subscribed for Cali fornia earthquake sufferers, It would be my advice to lend eome one there to see that they are properly distributed. The man^r In which relief (unde are being dissipated In Ban Francisco un der the auspices of the Red Cross So ciety Is a shame. It Is a caaa of graft, pure and simple, and I know what I am talking about, as I have Just Itft that city.” These w.ere the worde of A. R. Roe- cower. editor of The Goldsboro <N. C.) Headlight, a well-known Southern edi tor, who carries lettera of commenda tion from Governor R. B. Glenn, of that state. United States Senator Sim mons and others. Mr. Rotcower said that he Just made a thorough Investigation of tha condi tions In San Francisco and expressed the belief that the dissipation of relief funds under the auspices of tha Red Cross was a systematic graft. OctpMLJst. Is Date Fixed Upon For the Case. WOMAN WITNESS DOESN’T KNOW JIIi\ Show Girls Willing to lte- tum to Gotham and Give Testimony. lly Print* leased Wlrr. New York, July 18.—It woe definitely decided today that Harry Kendall Thaw will be placed on trlsl October 1 for the murder of Stanford White, and. that no commission to consider his sanity win be asked for. The district attorney's office has sub tenant witnesses to appear on October I, and It Is announced that Mr. Jerome himself will conduct the prosecution. Mrs. William ■Thaw, mother of the prisoner. Is duo-on the Knlzerin Augus ta Victoria tomorrow and a wireless message from her put Harry Thaw and Evelyn Nesblt Thaw in a happy frame of tnlnd. It Is understood that fus was Emil Zola. Deputy Breton gave notice of a bill ordering tha body of Zola to be transported to tha pan theon with a public ceremony. While France today Is shouting the praise ot Captain Dreyfus, there Is an other figure It reveres deeply—Mme. Dreyfus.. She It Is who. perchance, suffered osi. Her devotion to her accused husband has made bar the third figure that Farts toasts the mother declared that she would sacrifice all the Thaw millions If neces sary to save her son. It Is believed the trial will be held In the court of general sessions. Mrs. Schwarts today denies that Thaw made any threats against White In her hearing. Another witness Is William Sturgis, who refused to come from Connecticut, ezeept at the re quest of the Thaw family. It was upon the testimony of Mrs. Schwarts that the prosecution hoped to offset the plea of Insanity. Didn't Know Thaw. Mrs. Mayme G. Schwarz, who had been served with a grand Jury sub- pena only after the; utmost difficulty, Anally consented to zee and talk with representative of the district attor ney's office today, but made the as toundlng statement to this representa tive that she had not known Harry K. Thaw and therefore knew of no threats be him against the life of Stanford white. Evelyn Nesblt Thaw came to \-c -ombs shortly after 10:80 o'clock and saw her husband. At the end of her visit; Mrs. Thaw drove down to former Judge Olcntt's office, where a confer ence was held. The district attorney's office was notified today by the legal represents' lives of Paula Desmond and Gertrude Grant that these show girls would re turn to New York If they knew the na ture of the questions which they would be asked. Rose Marston, former artist's model and acquaintance of Evelyn Nesblt, now an actress, was before Assistant District Attorney Gsrvsn, who says she will be a very Important witness for the prosecution of Thaw. MILLION DOLLAR SHOPS AND COTTON COMPRESS .Special to The Georgian. Macon, Ga., July 18.—Officials of the Atlantic Compress Company have been In Macon looking over the site receni> ly purchased by Major Hanson to be used for a compress and million dollar car shops for the Central railway. The site consists of a tract of twenty- BY THE CREDITORS FOR EMEXANDEB New York Police Asked to Watch for the Missing Augustan. By Private Lssasd Wire. Naw York, July 18.—A dispatch waa received at police headquarters today asking that a starch he Instituted for Thomas W. Alexander, of Auguste, Go. It le stated that Alexander ft Alexan der, of thnt city, one ot the largest cot ton firms In the South, Is X heavy Inter through him. The discrepancy. It le said, so far known, 1s !M6.000. The manner In which mohey was wocured has not bean made known rare. Special to The Georgian. Augusta, aa., July 18.—There was no new developments In the Alexander story today. The bank officers and creditors met today, but adjourned un til they can get more Information. No trace of Alexander can be found. Special to Th" Oeorgtau. Augusta, Ga., July IS.—There has been no sensation In recent years that has caused aa much talk In Augusta aa. the one regarding the gfeat amoifnt of money that T. W. Alexander Is re ported to be short, He.has friends In the city who declare tha^ they would have put hla good name against any one's and they declare further that they thought he was a model of honesty. The exact amount of the shortage hat not been made known as yit, but the checkings over the accounts show that he has Involved himself to the amount of over 1180,000, and there Is nothing, like one-quarter of this amount to cover the claims of the creditors. The Georgia Railroad Bank has already balanced the account on their books, anil have charged It to "profit and loss,” tbs entry being for >118,000. President Jacob Plilnlsy, of the bank ing company, was called upon for a statement In regard to the uffulr, anil when asked 11 the bank was going to Institute criminal proceedings ngalnst Mr. Alszander, ho sold: •AVhat: Tha Georgia Railroad Bonk ing Company to proxecute Mr. Alexan der? Certainly noli" It, nppeara that there la being noth Ing done In the mnttor of carrying tho lie Into tho rourts. The (Inane o com tiles.of.Him It,-ink.held ti meeting yen rdny, anil they nt once decided upon 0 above plnn, nnd thin Is what pr ably caused Air. Phlnlzy to „peuk hs did. Mr. Alexander nnd President rhlnlzy have been bosom friends for n number of yenrs, and Mr. Phlnlzy feels very badly hurt over tho affair, nnd will not discuss It. J. Bishop Alexander, n brother of T. '. Alexander, and his partner In busi ness, was Seen nnd euld font he pre ferred not to ntnko n statement ns ysl, ns the ease was In too much of n mud dle. Ho was asked If he knew whnro ho was, and said that he did not. A rule Is In operation here among the cotton men and the bankers, whsreby money can be secured from the hanks without a collateral, the mere ■ 1.1'- no til -.r (In- In--loo In lng oilf Orient for the bankers. It Is said thnt • cotum nun has l,See balsa of cot ton In his warehouse and wants to bor row tha amount of tho conon, ho will S o to the hank and make a note "on omand," which will he honored for the amount. This Is the way that T. W. Alexander worked things. lie claimed about 1,000 bales of cotton, and when they were counted yesterday, there were only thirty-two bales In tha warehouses, lie has sold the cot ton. It Is stated, that rightfully lielongs to tha farmers, and has misused this money. Some of the cotton has been raid for, however, by the firm. It Is earnsd that only about >80,000 Is In volved In the cotton business A statement was mad* yesterday af ternoon to the effect that the farmers who have money owing to them by the Arm will get it, ns the banka are go ing to make soma kind of an arrange ment to that effect. T. W. Alexander, who was a lending society man of the city, a member or a number of clubs, one being the Com mercial Club, a club that nothing hut the bast of tha city belong to, has been living a very font life during the past two years. It Is charged that ho has been drinking hard, and gambling both with cards and on cotton futures. Some of his close friends say thnt thta the reneon for hie being behind. PRICE: DYNAMITE IS USED" ON SLEEPING MEN: THREE ARE SLAIN Vendetta Is Hinted at by the Police Who Probe. lly Private Leased Wire. Chicago, July II.—Three Italian la borers ware killed, live others fatally wounded nnd a score more seriously Injured at Bellwood In a dynamite -x- ploslon early today. It Is' believed a robber and assassin blew up a'*h"d Ir which thirty employees of the O'Lnugh lln Stone Company ware sleeping A stick of dynamite stolen from a store house was placed under th« build ing where the men were asleep nn( touched off. Robbery Is supposed to have beer the motive of the wholesale murder One of the occupants of the building had 11,000 concealed In the place. A hint of a vendetta has reached tht police. UNPAID AUTO TAX • TO CALL TO C0UR1 CITY^ WEALTH! Nearly Two Hundred Own ers of Bubbles Derelict About License. Two hundred of Atlanta'* wealths* and moat. Influential citizens will re ceive subpena* Friday summoning them to appear In Recorder Rroyle* court and explain why they have n»y renewed their automobile licences. Tlu-n hi •• in tlif . It\ ..f AI In Mill 31! owners of automobile". Out ofthlslArgi bet only 137 of tho llcens*** hav« ul the ‘d fo tug As lie not In to the Inw-i The City e derided to ir* that they or the tend. LithorltleH are must ariher i !u(t a of rhli rnnrked tardlnenn, an any one ownlni an automobile could reach tho city hut within a few minute* and certainly m one owning nn automobile would bt embarrassed by a $1 fee—that’* all thi city charge*. Among tho delinquent* arc many wo men. Although these, of course. w ill In represented by their Attorn* MlllCt the! name* recorded on the b with other law breaker*, will probably appear "$5.* days. PAID." Cnrl Hegner Sues Him foj $25,000 for Gaining Af fections of Wife. ST, RAILWAY SUPT, DIES IN CONVULSIONS gpcclsl to The flmrrglan, ' Valdosta, Ga., July 18.—W. J. I-an*, superintendent of the Valdosta Street Railroad Company, died hare at tbs home of his parents suddenly and un der rather mysterious circumstances at about 8 o'clock this morning. Mr. -ans was apparently wall last nlgltt and was looking after his duties until • lata hour, retiring about It o'clock. His mothsr was awakened by an un usual nols* from hla room shortly after j o'clock this morning and Investigat ing found her son in convulsions, from ghtch hs never rallied. The symptoms >f his attack were much Ilka those of s violent poison, but the causa of his death la unknown. Mr. Lana waa unmarried, a son of . Lane and nephew of Senator IV. 8. West. His funeral will be bald hare tomorrow afternoon. OOCKJOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOG By Private Leased Wire. Clarksville, Tenn., July It.— Mrs. Carolina Meriwether Good- let, of Nashville, founder of the •Cl, ilMIIVIIlC, KlUIBiri •»» IIIB order of the Daughters of the 0 Confederacy, yesterday fell O down n steep flight of stairs at the home »f I>r. J. <\ Meriweth er. breaking her arm. 000OO0O0OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0 1 K**l ball- hit A UK US' lapplij •d thi Claiming that the affection! wife hod been alienated and t had been persuaded to live w other man aa hla wife. Carl H* musician living at 64 Falrlle filed suit Friday afternoon ngali mett Might, a well known rea man, whoae office le at 39 Nor syth street. Hegner ask* dam tho sum of 336,000. The petitioner sets forth that married to Willie Hegner on 17, 1904, and that they lived together until April, 1905, wl defendant, Emmett Might, harb< petitioner's wife, alienated t factions and persuaded her to Ic petitioner after colluding with mistreat and humiliate* him. The said Might with the * of a serpent," states the petltl* varied the home of the petltloi destroyed hla home life and happln* •<* * The petition further allege* that Might persuaded Mrs. Hegner to sue for di vorce and to leave her husband to Itv« with the defendant aa hla wife In th« city of Atlanta. . Emmett HIght conducts a real estate business In Atlanta, but lives in De catur, Oa. The petition waa E. T. Williams, attorney for tltloner. »ini Mi bj HUNT AND DANIEL REMANDED TO JAU Bpecisl to The O Haw kin*vllle. Ing of Seals Hi closed at noon the county cou Daniel to b«» j-lr 13 -The hear- perl' fi.-.l Hunt an< tail til! the An ft**r a strong Is nnuminK nearl> Uu dayflb