The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, July 13, 1906, Image 10

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■ '-P' ' 5 n 'xliiit A1L Ax\ j.’A IjEOliGiAA. WANT ADS ONE CENT A WORD No ad. taken for lets than 25 cente, the price of four llnee. Six word, of average length meke a line. The following ratee are for eonaeoutlve ineertionet time 6 eente a line. 3 times 6 eente a line. 6 times V/t cents a line. 26 times * cents a ne. 52 times S'/4 cents a ne. 78 times 3 cents a Ijno. Written notice ie required to discontinue classified advertise ments. OUT OF TOWN ORDERS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY CASH - Georgian want ade. are inex pensive! but they bring quick re- sults and aura returns. Ads. for Situations Wanted will be inserted one time free of charge. They must not exceed four lines. WE WILL 8END FOR YOUR AD. WITHOUT CHARGE FOR MESSENGER 8ERVICE. CALL U8 ON BELL PHONE 4927 MAIN, OR 4401 ATLANTA PHONE. When sending ads. pay for at rates quoted above. WANTED HELP—MALE. WANTED-GOOD STRONG WHITE MEN ss helpers in the foundry to learn ere' trade. Good pay to start wit better pay In two or_ three months, those with Datioech fiilPwfg. Co. 1)6 Yoii WANt to uml*oWoF“ Foutlicrn Au Booth Pryor. LABORERS WANTED. $1.25 PER DAY. Wages Paid Weekly. ATLANTA CAR WHE1 WORKS. Take Luckie St. Car Waterworks. randier building. WANTED HELP—FEMALE. our sewing room, who can run a mac home can quickly le work. Experienced tors make from $8 to week, and we pay day while learning. A Nunnally Bros. & Me*' 36 W. Alabama street. WAVTF.I>-aN' . stenographer. Maddox. BSPEfinracEir SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. ence; iDorougu renRiiBii nun Hugh, wi responsible portion. Could handle ec epondenro without dictation. Capable, i Georgian. WANTED—AGENT8. AGENTS WANTING IUG AND QUICK money tend for our free circular*. C •ral Bales and Supply Co., Mobile, Ala WANTED—SALE8MEN. for responsible. • experienced, hustling lt»d men. Regular or aide Hue. W. J. borack, Jowa City, Iowa. FOR 8ALE—MISCELLANEOUS. ATLAS ENGINE* -ATLAB BOILERS AH style* and otses.- Atla* Engine Work*. T4UM JUilNgSff bare high grade all |t»nt flljn Co., 91 5ES inroiiv high grade olgna- Call on *lft North Prj will buy or sell you out. DON’T GO BLIND. WHEN TOC BEE THE ATLA. Wrecking Ca’e new line. Jnet added full line of tranks, trsrrlers' sn[ WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. ter tower*. HltfpU* raised ami patuti nl*o. rigging and wrecking englnucrli George A. Coleman, old First Uapt ehnnli. For*ytli strei»t. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. business. For high grade wor Kent. 91ft N. Pryor. Phone =>3. REAL ESTATE FOR 8ALE. t t i Currier and Fairfax, $460 each. k Kmltb. Ih6 Auburn nvenue, lie BIS main. r«)K HALE—7.R4IOM IlOtkK 5 V MISCELLANEOUS. FOR TIIR NEXT TJfN DATS I WILL cut my $35 salt, to $2L rnrrott, the tailor. 172 l'earbtree etreet. oppoalte Aragon hotel. AT cost-MV stock 6* iitoS HAFES and vault doors to be sold st cost during next week; now Is your thus. 38 H. Broad street. R. W. Ellis. Atlanta. WANTED—TO PURCHASE SMALL KOLL- er or flat top desk: second-hand; meat be cheap. A fill re aa E. F. J., ear# Georgian. WANTKD-A. B. I'AKK (COL) TO FALL or write to Hlmpmin It Hnrper'. office, third floor. Fourth Notion.I Bank bull,ling. onk iiai.f oF bLkgant peauhtrek street atore for rent; center of retell dis trict. Apply C. A., cere Georgltn. EDUCATIONAL. BiiMTnxRTr; ‘ lrr.rnrfrBOTrswrTC^ wrltln*. m.themntlce, grammar and npell- log t.nznt In erenlnga. Htokely'n Bhorth.nd and Dnrin... School. >414 1'e.chtree Mreet FOR RENT. FOR ' RENT—FI'BN1HIIED APARTMENTS for young men. Modern flat. 896 Peach tree. FOR RENT-MODERN BIGHT-ROOM two-story house; $26; close In. Apply 67 Crew street. 'Phone 4261. PERSONAL. DAVID W. YARBROUan. MASTER 1'LUMDER. Phone* 1HS. $0 B. Hunter at WILLIS WALL PAPER COMPANY. Largest stock In South. 54 N. Broad St. “KENT LIGHTS." THE BEST OF MANTLE LIGHTS NOW •old at 91M N. Pryor St il.x Kant, Phone 4M. OLD HATS MADE NEW . PANAMA AND MILAN STRAW HATS cleaned and reshaped. 60c. Soft and stiff felt bats cleanod and rt- shaped, 35c. Banda or sweat*. 28c each ex*rs. ACME HATTERS. 6ft Whitehall SL FOR RENT-*FURNI8HED ROOMS. FfWiSnWTTmmfrT^^ lly; board optional; every convenience; north side; can get meals scrota street BOARDERS WANTED. . Close in. 1 zed le* or gentlemen. Nice cooi room*. $3.60 per week. CALI, AT 124 CAPITOL AVB. FOR OOOl> board, reasonable rates and nice cool a rooms. 8HOE REPAIRING. t GWINN’S SHOE SHOP, i 4 LUCKIE. OPPOSITE PIEDMONT. Ball 2336. Men's sewed half soles, 78c. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. t TALKING MACHINES AND RECORDS-" * Wholesale and retail distributor* of Vic- tor Talking Machines snd Records. Jnst received large consignment of mscblnee and i over 10,000 records. Immediate attention given mall ord$#a. We want tbe names of all talking machine dealers In the eoath. Write for catalogue. Aloxander-Elyea Co. 1 blCYCLbS A MD SljNblUKS-LAftGKHT bicycle and sundry distributors In tha south. Southern ngenta for Pierce, Yale, Snell and Hudson bicycles. Write for our 1900 catalogue and price list Alexander- Elyea Co. WE MOVE, STORE. PACK AND SHIP houtebnht good.; In.or,nee rat. on. p.r rant Office and wnr.houH 1K3IG Walton etreet lloth 'phone.. Cathcart'a Tran,- Reynold B. tUS Sion painter. Signs, banner., lUgn and fl.g decoration, for special occn.lone. 3044 B. Al.bamn St KROMbPATflli* ItEMEDIEH cUtlH ocaln dlsesaes and make hair grow. Kroma Metllrated Soap makes you hy- glenlcally clean. (30 yeara succeas.) J. J. Krotn, specialist, 613 "The Grand," At lanta, Ga. CASH REGISTERS. * (Second Hand.) S NATIONALS. DALLWOODS. IDEALS t and ill otb.r make* nt Imrg.ln price# J We can sell yon t regleler, sultablt for any bustneea, it n price that cannot help bnt please yon. nr monthly payment*. Erery reft.tcr guaranteed for two year# Southern Cab Tl,'slater I’o.. Branch of American Second- Hand Utah Reglatat Co.. 14 8. Oroad ntraet, Atlanta, Go. , GLORE & JUSTIN, 215 Peters Building. * AT NO. SN$M W. FOURTH. WE flAVE S * three room cottages, In flrnt-ctas* shape, ranting to white tenants st 87 each, and Htnnll nous* on rear of one lot. This la a bargain at $1,400 cash. atTkaSt - poTnt on the car LINK, \ splendid 6-rooro cottage with cabinet man tel*. tiling, lot 76x190 to alley. $1,700. One- y third rash and balance monthly. \ e-lRSoSTlltTTTMTN - II<>Uhk. fcABf ThdNT, h on t.’entral avenue.- I^t 66x123. 8t*e ns If you want a nice home. Term*. NEW~FiVfc ItOt<)TTAGK, tARG^ lot. on Little street. $2,600. Terms. xfcXITi’lifoR street, onTiOank ht„ we have a five-room modern cottage that we can sell at a bargnln. YiH'R ROOM HOUSE. (744 ACRES III? land. 6ft miles of Terminal stutioii, ou <" chert road, flnly $1,60). IF YOU ARE LIHiKlNO PrtR AS' IjJ. ] Tcitnicnl or home, call and aee us. - \ a ' CHAS. M. ROBERTS. “ REAL ESTATE, ' 12 AUBURN AVE. ^ NOW OFFERS FOR QUI1-K SALE A 1 well locateil north side block of 7 5 room oew cottagea, all modern aud In good J* shape; corner lot, with street Improve- *1 meuts down. Tbit Is a good, sound rent- [ paying Investment, renting for $S5 per month, and 88,600 wilt buy them sit. In- d vest or, you cannot afford to miss this. I CHAS. M. ROBERTS, £ 12 AUBURN AVE. 6 •l d FOR SALE I By Atlanta Table Col, 97 \ Bell St., 16,000 feet 3x14x26 Dry Pine. One 40 h. p. Re- turn Tubular Boiler. " SUPPOSE YOU MAKE INQUIRIES? We h»ve had very little to say concerning the circulation of The Georgian. Others have done the talking for us. The paper leaped Into such Immediate popularity and has maintained the high standard to auch an extent that we have not found It neceasary to sound our own horns. We do not Intend to do that now. Some of our friends have been kind enough to tell ua that wo arc printing the beat paper in the South. Thl» opinion has been rendered by many who are competent to Judge. While we appreciate these compliments we. at the namo time, realize there might be some prejudice In the statement. We hare made Inquiries In a quiet sort of way to find out exactly wnat the public thinks of The Georgian. • The other day we made it our business to ask several of the newsboys which of the afternoon papers was moat popular with the public. Almost dally we make It a point to ask the various news dealers which of the afternoon papers 1b most popular with the public. We are not going to tell you the anawer to these Inquiries. We extend to you a cordial Invitation to ask any newsboy you meet which paper he Bella the most of. When you step Into a news stand to purchase a cigar, a magaxlne, or a newspaper, aak the news dealer what paper le most 'popular with him. If you happen to meet one of our carriers ask him how many paper bo delivers. If you are taking a trip on a train ask thp news butcher which paper he sells the most of. We are content to let their answers be our answers. It la a simple matter for a newspaper to make extravagant claims. It la difficult for a newspaper to Induce unprejudiced dealers to make extravagant claims In Ua favor. We do not deal In extrav agance. We simply aak the public, with particular reference to the advertisers who spend money for apace In The Georgian, to make these Inquiries on Its own behalf. The verdict la with tho new* boys, carriers and news dealers. We are content to stand on 1L FREE Suburban Homas. The first month will bo given FREE 7 and t rooms; have an Ideal spot for children. In tho center of this Park are It now has a new church, neatly Rsnt 720.00 per month. JOHN J. WOODSIDE. 12 Auburn Avenue. BASS ST. HOME. Just off Washington St., nod seven-room house on Ine lot. Terms reasonable, s $3,500. Sec LIEBMAN, Estate and Renting, 28 Peachtree St. FOR RENT. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, ” VB 1ED SEVERAL HOUSES, CEN; located, from 10 to 20 rota*. If JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THE RENTING AGENT. 12 Auburn Avenue, Both Phone, 611. SANDERS, SMITH & CONWAY, Phones 6488. 412 Peters Bldg. 17,000-PEACnTnEE ROAD 6-B. COT- t,f, on 7-ncre tract, M0 feet frontage. Ilea well. This le cheap. I.lea on west aide atreet, has nice fruit tree* outbuildings, etc. 17.600—LOVELIEST 10-R. HOUSE ON R. Houlerard In choicest block on the etreet; honee ie etrlotly modern end up-to-date; would cost 14,600 to bolld It today. Lot would bring 13,000 to 13.600. Do you went a bargain? 13,000—GARDEN 8TREET-FIVE-ROOU cottage, ncer Georgia avenue; nice lot; all Improvement,; water, gee, bath, aaw* erage, etc. Party leering tbe city in- atructe ue to eell this lovely cottage for $400 ceeh end balance $20 per month. $7.600—SPRING STREET HOME, 9-R., LOT 66.1M to alley, between North avenue and Third etreet; houte It a beauty, furnace heated, elegant finish; to Ideal home; can make terme on tbla $2,260 - OLBNWOOD AVENUE, NEAR Boulevard, one block of new acbool build- lug; a brand-new fire-room cottage, with water, gat, sewerage, nice' porcelain bath and waab atand, on level, pretty lot, on terme of $600 cash and $20 to $26 per $7,000—10-R. COTTAGE ON I ATT 60x100, servant's home. Thl* place Is a perfect beauty. Think of It, a 10-r. cottage, nearly brand new, nn<l Just off Peachtree; noth* tng like It In town. Term*. Deaths ahd Funerals. RAILROAD SCHEDULES thawing ta. ArnVst sud_Uyi»nur. of ¥•»- weSIjjrn aRd*atEantic rXiluoad. i am *92 Naabvtlte I pm 71 Marietta .. 1:30 pm Ipm * « .Nashville ■ 4:50 pm ' GEORGIA RAILWAY. Arrive From— Depart To ll ... 7:10am Macon 11:01 am rllle .7*0 am Savannah ... 1^0 am , ......U:*>am Macon 4KM pm ih l-tfnm R.M.Mh ... 9:15 pm - R*r£' AiLAN’rA ANb WEST WHST i)ep 'apart To go* U:4oem •Montgomery t:J6em ontfom'y . 7:40 pm‘Montgomery 12:45 pm (me ......11:36 ptn •Selma ....... 4:20 pm grange ... 4*0 eni ImUranga ....tJOpa gntgoa‘7 . 1:40 pm 'Montgom'y ..11:1* pm Deuy. All other train, dally except Baa- d */il train, of Atlanta and West Point Railroad Company arrive at end depart ' lanta Terminal station, i etreet end Madlooo avenue. GEORGIA RAILROAD. Arrive k'rom- Jamee T. Wilson. James T. Wilson, 63 yearn old, aex- ton of tha Jones Avenue Baptist Church, died at his residence, 47 Jonee avenue, Friday morning at 1 o'clock of paralyale. Funeral services will be held from the Jones Avenue Church at 10 o'clock Saturday morning, and the Interment will be at Hollywood. Mrs, Rosa Gershon. The funeral of Mra. Roan Gershon, who died at her residence, 46 Brother- ton atreet, at 2 o'clock Thursday morn ing, was held at 1 o'clock Friday af ternoon from the residence. The In terment was at Weetvlew. Infant of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Crane. The one-month-old daughter of Mr. and Mr. J. H. Crane died Thursday afternoon at 6 o'clock at 34 West Twelfth street, of meningitis. The fu neral service, were held at the resi dence at 2 o'clock Friday afternoon, and the Interment waa at Buckhead. Georg# Sfzamoort. George Slzenoore, aged 40 year#, died of consumption at a private sanitarium Thursday morning. Tha funeral ser vices were held from Swift A Hall Company'* chapel Friday, and the In terment waa at Weatvlew. Mlea Anna Thompion. The funeral of Mis, Anna Thompson, who died of conaumptlon at the Home for Incurable, at 6 o’clock Thursday afternoon, will be held at 10 o'clock Saturday morning. Instead of Friday afternoon, aa at lint announced. Mias Thompson wae 21 yeara old at the time of her death. The Interment will be at Weatvlew. J. gTrIcs. J. O. Rice, of Douglaavllle, Oa., died at a private sanitarium at 2:10 o'clock Thursday afternoon. Mr. Rice was 62 years old. The body waa taken to bouglaevllla for funeral and interment Friday morning. Mrs. Ophelia Morris. Mra. Ophelia Morrie, 22 yeara old, tha wlfa of J. O. Morris, died at her resi dence, 222 Bryan etreet, Thursday, of typhoid fever. The funeral services were held from the latter's realdenco Friday afternoon at I o’clock, and the Interment waa at Bardie church bury ing ground. \ Aged Lady Dies. Special to The Georgian. / Waynesboro, Ga., July 11.—Mrs. Charlotte A. Byne, one of the oldest realdente of this piece, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A. O. Whitehead, last night. She had been quite III for aome time. STATISTICS. -II HARGIS, ON ST •August* *ln* dally lly except Sub* j Deaths. ’Mfi. Wllleroena Wlenholtz, 71 year* old, died of cenear at 209 Unas street. G; Rice. 42 jeers old, died of gangrene at 49 Luckie atreet. Sira. M. 11. Hnrper, 35 years old. died of consumption at M Hendrix srenne. lira. Lizzie Walton, 23 years old, of peritonitis nt 1OT Logan atreet. Mra. Rosa Gerehnn, 73 years old, died at 46 Hroth-rton atreet. Mr*. Einmn L. Howland, 75 year* old, died of Bright's disease at 2X3 Gordon atreet. .7**™ oW. died of qon- Births. Te Mr. «nd Mr*. 8. L. Davis, at 213 West Pine etreet, a daughter. To Mr. and Mr*. Ben A. Reynplds, at 37 Abbott street, a daughter. To Mr. and Mr*. E. O. Merrett, at 68 Usyden street, a daughter. BuHding Permits. . 82,350—J. R. Nutting, to build two l-story frame dwelling* at 4a9 Auburn avenue. $3S0-Forrest k George Adair, to recove frame dwelling at 174 Lee street. 84,600—D. II. McCall. to build two-itory frame dwelling at 301 North Jackson street. 84.000— Mr*, i). B. McCall, to build two- storjr * rftm ® dwelling ftt 655 North. Boule- 8700—W. H. Terrell, to repair frame dwell' In* at 168 Haynes street. 8600—Julius L. Brown, to remodel house at re*r 187 Washington street. 875— C. Beasley, to add to ene*story frame dwelling at 129 Fort street. 876— Knox Hengge, to add to frame dwell* lng nt 194 Windsor street. 8250— Dr. W. C. Jernlgan. to-recover frame dwelling at 167 JnnTper street. 8100—n. Hoffman, to recover one-story frame dwelling at 80 II111 street. 8260—P, Goss, to build one-story house it 12 Central avenue. 8100—A. Graves, to add to one-story frame dwelling at 476 Auburn avenue. 8300—J. A. Doyle, to change two-atory frame dwelling at 47 Culberson street. .8170— Mrs. A. M. Rogers, to add to vc- rands at 48 Cherokee-n venue. 81364-C. J. Schehan, to recover one-story frame dwelling at 31. Yonge street. 8L600—W. E. Hancock, to build one-story frame dwelling at 217 Highland avenue. 83.000— Mrs. Ads B. Reagley, to build two frame dwelllugs at 112 East Merrltts avenue. 8800—Henry Minor, to build frame office and stable on Boulevard near Georgia rail road. Propart/ Transfers. 82.000— Harriet E. Allen to Bulab B. and Helen C. Llebnmn, lot on corner of Oakland and MUIedge avenues. $030—W. II. George to W. A. Foster, lot on Kinniett street, near Hemphill avenue. Warranty deed. 8310—w. A. Foster to Union Savings Bank, same lot. Warranty deed. $1—R. M. Rose Co. to Robert C. Alston, lot on Forbes avenue, near McDaniel atreet. Quit clslra deed. $35,000—Mrs. Dora C. Lanier to T. A. Perry, lot on corner of Walton and Cone •treeta. Warranty deed. $1,000—Frank B. Knapp to Henry Hitachi lot on MUIedge nvenne, near Oakland ave nue. Loan deed. 8600— Elliott Dunn to Mils Luln M. Enloe, lot on Vine atreet, near West Fair street Loan deed. $10.400—T. R. J. Magrudor to Morris Strochl. lot on Angler avenue, near Sum mit avenue. Bond for title. 89,100—Mrs. 8. C. Stevens to Miss Ella Milner, lot on Washington atreet, near ‘ lanta arcane. Bond for title. GEORGIANS IN ATLANTA. AT THE KIMBALL. A. E. Alexander, Blakeley; Leon Commer ii. ■.□nix. ,iumr; ... v. namiumiu, iinmc; Elmo Balled, Rome; George 11. Lntlmer, We,t Point: W. William., Macon; 3. J. Hall. Horne; J. It. Phillip,. Lml.rlllc: c. II. Grant and wife. Greenville; \V. E. Uc- I'nrry, Knlrhurn: n. F. Huiniiim. Hylranlx; R. C. Coleman, Dublin; J. p. Gate, Nnxh- rllle: D. H. Winter, Wlntervllle; Mrs. 3. U. L Wllllnm A. Little, vine: u, it. n inter, Smith, Wlntervllle: ,.......... „. Jonrevlllc: J. P. McCord, Augnetu; It. A. Ingram, Hpertn; 3. B. Horne, Bpartn; H. M. Slither, Nrirnun; Mr.. B. 3. Blumm, Coving ton; Mine Janette Hluttna, Covington; E. C. uranton, Athene; J. W. Wilcox, M.ron; C. A. Allen, Miron; G. A. Towne, Colunt- bne: J. E. Toole end wife, Bevnnnah; B. I . Clayton, Morznn; W. O, lmnovnn, Lyone; , I,. Uatley, W.yrroe.; J. J. Storey, Aeh- burn; A. B., Danville; fteorge Mellon.hi, Cuthhcrt; w. O. Connor. Cave Spring; II. C. Kteher tnd wife. N'ewnati; yin. 11. M, Flitter. Nrwuan; J. E. Cole, Cordele: D. J. Hoyele, CordCle; E. A. O'Rourke, Marietta. , AT THE MARION. J. E. Cook, Cochran; Percy Jacknon, Ma con; O. L. Mowell, Monroe; It. R. Critten den, Bhellmen: George W. Hammond. Lea ry; II. R. Peepiea, Nashville; Erncat Camp and wife, Monroe; E. M. Cole, Newnnn; J. I). Fain, Newnnn; C..l>. Allen, Macon; W. V. Wall, Elbertou. AT THE~ARAGON. . I’reil O. Dnvli, wife and children, Teu- nllie; Mra. W. A. Paul, Angueta: Mra. L. F. Cater and uuree, Perry; Ie tl. Manley, Georgia. AT THE PIEDMONT. 3. P. Williams. Savannah; Dr. II. B. Me- Master. Warneatioro; R, G, Daniel, Macon; Ben C. Bmlth, Macon; M, M. Parks. Mll- ledievllle; C. I). Smith, Allxtny; J. M. Craw ford. Cotnmbue; Alexander Illalr. Macon; R. G. Dentel, Mitten; 3. A. Wright, Ma con. Zlem, the great French eolorUt, Thin wonderful was seven yean of age. By Private Leased Wire. 1-exlngton, Ky„ July 11.—Curtis Jett and Tom White, who have been return ed to the penitentiary, were highly pleased with the way they had assist ed Hargis and Callahan In their Beat- tyvllle trial. Jett said If the Jury would believe him they would clear Hargta and Callahan. He aald It waa _ not true that he had told Attorney declined to do aa .Young for Hargta and Callahan that he would aave them for $1,000. Hargis Won't Rsslgn. Judge James Hargis, who, with Ed Callahan, it on trial at Beattyvllle on a charge of murdering Attorney James B. Marcum, dentea that he, will resign from the Democratic state central com mittee. Hargis was the principal wlt- in his trial yesterday and told the story of his life In the feud coun try. He described his whereabouts when Marcum was shot. He aaw Tom White come out of the door of tbe court house Just before the shots were fired. Wit ness aald he had no Intimation that Marcum was to be killed, and aald he had never spoken to Curtis Jett or any other man with reference to the kill ing of Marcum or any other peraon. He said More Feltner never received any money from him not to testify against him. He aald Feltner wanted him to prepare affidavits for Sam Felt ner and Russell Sutten, but that be BUILDING LOTS. “Get you a building lot In Atlanta now; you will never be able tj buy one for any lees money.'* ADAIR Alta Avenue. Juit outside Inman Park, near Euclid avenue, only three lots left In this subdivision, 50x194, for $450; 150x150 for $800, and 125x157 for $800. These are sure moneymakers; easy terms. ConnaDy Street, only flve-elghts of a mile from center. 15 minuter walk from Century building, half way to Grant park, level lot 40x120 to alley; gas. water and sewer dowji; price $430; faces pretty residences in front Lawn Street, In West End. near Park and Lee. 110 feet front, run ning back 150 to alley, opposite the new cottages; price $1,200. FORREST & GEORGE ADAIR. ATLANTA MARKETS. FRUITS AND PRODUCE. Officially corrected by Atlanta Fruit and;jrp. Lemon* 45 5-) to $8. Lime* 50 to 76c. Penche*. per crate. 8T to $1.60. Pineapples 12 to $160, market at present time well stocked. IUnanns. atraights, bunch 81.60 to $1.75. Cull*, per bunen, 81 to $1.25. Watermelons, $7.60 to $20.00 per 100: de. HU L ...... Live ducks, Pekin 30 to 36c; puddle 26 to 27V4c. Dressed ben*, per !b„ 12c to 13c. Eggs, per doxen, 15 to 16c. Butter, table, per Ihy 30 to 22%< lug. per lb.. 12&c to 1&. f Honey—New 84jpl0c lb.; In 1-lb. racks 10 ©12c. VEGETABLES.—Irish potatoes. No. 1 stock $3.60 barrel; No. 2 ato«k 2.75. Tomatoes, per crate. 31 to $1.60. Corn, new, 10 to 12Ho per doxen. mammae, fi to $1.50. 22Hc; cook- Cherries, 24-quart crate, $1.50 to 81.75. Cantaloupes, per crate, $1.60 to $2.60. Blackberries 16 to 12V6c nnsrt Dewlwrrte* 10 to 12$b quart. FLOUR, GRAIN, PROVI8ION8. FLOUIl.—Poatels Elegant $6.10; Diamond patent 85,75; fancy patent 84.86; half patent $4.10 to $4.85; lutity $3.90; spring wheat patent $5.25 to $5.75. CORN.—Choice red cob 78c; No. 2 white. 74c; No. 2 yellow 78c; mixed 72c. OATS—Choice wb*(0 clipped, 62c; choice white, 60c; choice mixed, 49c; Texas rust proof, 60c. MEAL.—Plain water ground, per bushel, 73c? bolted 140-lb. Jutes, per bushel, 63c. Bborts, white, $1.40: median^ 81.36; brown, $1.30; pure bran, $1.20; mixed nran, $1.15. HAY.—Timothy, choice large bales, 8L10; do., choice small balea 11.14; do., No. j timothy bales, $1.06; do., No. 2 $1; da, No. 1 clover mixed $1.06; do., No. 2 closed mixed *°tiLOVER.—Choice 90c. The above prices are ?. o. b. Atlanta, and subject to Immediate acceptance. GROCERIES. SUGAR.-Standard granulated 6c. New York Refined 4ft to 4ft; plantations 4ft to Iftc. Market stronger. COFFEE'.—Roasted Arbncklo's $15.60; bulk. In bags or barrels, 12ftc; green 10 to 12c. Market weak. RICE.—Carolina 4ft to 7ftc, according to grade. Market very strong. CHEESE—Fancy full cream dairy, 14ftc; twin* 14c: brick, 14c. Market strong. PROVISIONS.—Supreme hams 16c. Dove hams 15ftc. California haras lOftcr Red Cross hams 16c. Dry salt extra ribs 10.00; Indites THE WEATHER. mk Georgia, BavannaL Macon 8s, 1910;...... 108 Atlanta, As, 1911 105 Atlanta* 4fts. 1922 107 Atlanta 4s, 1934....... 106 Atlanta and West Point 185 Atlanta and West Point Debts. 107 C. It. of Georgia first Income.... ... do. second income 4 83 do. third Income 86 Georgia 265 Augusta and Savannah 115 Southwestern 116 Georgia, Pacific 1st* 130 C., C end A. 1st 113 TIPS FLASHED From Wall Street Private Wire to Glbert k Clay. New York, July 13.—Daniel Odell k Co.; "It would not surprise us to see a sng- tlng market again, for the new liquida tion has evidently not run Its course. As soon ns It does culminate, the present scale- down absorption will result In a vigorous rally. We recommend the continuance of the trading opposition of selliug ou rallies and buying only on the declines." Marshall. 8pad^r & Co.: "Today's mar- st does not promise stre~ by the cables that some stocks, while. In France, the Russian sit uation still baugs over tbe security mur- kets." Uptown sentiment: Althongb the mar- * -was decidedly illscourt * inmnltted to the long side, ... sentiment seems to lie In favor of lower prices, men who are watching the market closely «re Inclined to believe that there Is too much pessi mism for the market to go very much low er. A large room trader, who has been extremely cautious and conservative In his operations for tome time, epitomised this Idea yesterday In the remark: "It Is get ting too easy to make money selliug stocks Frtvote Wire to Ware k Lelsnd. New York, July 13.—Loudon slightly Igher early. for maturing loans to be renewed, and It means further liquida tion. Tbe bear party la strong enough to be ery tg — *" "■ — substant ellnes. t... n provoke _ .i) breaks tains Airaisou, m. i nm, Mis souri Pacific, • Knty," Norfolk and West ern, Baltimore and Ohio, Erie and Steel preferred can be bought with safety. Money situation somewhat clearer, though look for a uarotv, professional market. Dow Jones Summary: American stocks In I<oudon steady, about parity. LOCAL FORECA8T. Atlanta and Vicinity—Shower* tonight ana Saturday. ‘ Ul Baa WEATHER llTcOTTON BELT, Texas rainfall: GalUnger 1.40, Brenhsa .M. pttma Cbrlstl;trace. Corsicaim £ Dublin l.». Fort Worth trace, Galvetton trace, Houston 2.50, Lampssas .08. £2? view 02 Mexla .JL. Nscogdoches A ¥!?.' lor .90. Temple .02, Wharton 1.46. 3 Mississippi—Haxlebnrst. drlzsllng pleasant. Brookhaven. cioody and warm Vicksburg, cloudy and warm; rained uit evening. .Vaspo City# cloudy and plea mb” Hatches,, psrtly cloudy and pleasant. Jack, son. misting aud cool; light rains yesterdir Grenada, cloudy and cool; rain last nlghV Meridian, partly cloudy aud pleasant. .W- tree, alow rain this morning; hard rats yesterday. Canton, cloudy, threatening and Alabama—Troy, partly cloudy and pin*, ant; light showers last nlctat. EufnuiT partly cloudy and warm. Mobile, cloud* and aultry. Huntsville, mining and coot Birmingham, threatening and cool. Mont- goraery, partly cloudy and cool. Opellks. partly cloudy and cool. Georgia—Columbus, cloudy , snd pleasant. Tliomasvllle. cloudy and warm; rain tm. terdny. Albany, clear and warm. Atlanta, partly cloudy aud cool. America*, cloudy and cool. Macon, partly cloudy and cool Tennexaee-Memphis, clear and warn# Nashville, cloudy and cool. IxHiislana—New Orleans, driszllng and cool. Shreveport, cloudy and warm. WEATHER IN WHEAT BELT. Extreme Northwest—Partly cloudy md cooler; 46 to 60 abover ocsttered showers. Northwest—Partly cloudy and generally cooler; 60 to 66 above; showers lu Min nesota. West and Southweat—Partly cloudy: M to 76 nlK>ve; general rains In lows; focal in Nebraska and Missouri, Illinois and Kansas. Ohio Valley—Partly cloudy; 70 to 74 above; local rains. WEATHER FORECAST. :ern Texas—Local showers Friday and probably Saturday.. Illinois and Indians—Showers tonight and Saturday; ooler tonight In north. Lower Michigan, Wisconsin—Showers to night and probably Saturday. Missouri—Showers tonight and Saturday, except fnlr northwest. Upper Michigan, Minnesota and low*- Showers tonight and fnlr Saturday. North Dnkota, South Dakota. Kansas and Montana—Fair tonight and Saturday. WEATHER CONDITIONS. During the past 24 hours there has been a steady decrease In air pressure nt nearly all stations, but there Is no decided area of low pressure visible. There Is an area of relatively low Iwrometer centered orer eastern Texas, moviug slowly east. Ther« Is an area of high pressure .In the north east and n second In the nortnwest. Tha combined Influence of these opposing force* Is causing cloudiness In the Mississippi valley and over-most of the*south, , Bains have occurred in.,the- Mississippi valley, Texas. Mississippi. Alabama, por tions of Georgia, and on the Atlaptlc coait from southern Florida to Wilmington. N. r. The temperature has remained practically stationary for the past two days. The conditions favor cloudy weather with showers lu this vicinity tonight and Sat urday. COTTON REGION BULLETIN. meridian time, July 13, STATIONS OP ATLANTA DISTRICT. •Atlanta, p. cloudy •Chattanooga, cloudy Columbus, «loudy Gainesville, p. cloudy... Greenville, cloudy....... Griffin, cloudy •Macon, n. cloudy Montfreflo, cloudy Newnsn, clear.. Rome, p. cloudy. Spartanburg, p. cloudy.. Tallapoosa, p. cloudy.... Toccoa, clear West Point, cloudy. • Minimum temperatures are for twelvs* hour period ending at 8 a.m. Amite. La. Melville, La. Houston, Texas, for three or four weeks. New York Central expected to order 100.- 000 tons steel rails for 1907 from Illinois Steel Company. Clover Leaf earnings first week Jnly In- reseed $6,000. Prospects good for continuance of ac tivity of bulbllug trade In New York. Twelve industrials declined .67 per cent. Twenty active railroads declined Lll per Sale Ordered by Court# Special to The Georgian. Chattanooga, Tenn., July IS.—An or der ha* been Iseued for the sale of the property of the Lookout Mountain Iron Company at Battellc, Ala. Thl* prop erty con*l*t* of a 300-ton furnace, coal and Iron ore mine*, valued at $1,500,- rtinfnll- REMARKS.' Tli.rnuil rendition, rontlntt. p!«i«nnt or<r •h, belt, tbe temperature ehimte. fi>r bant 24 hour. Iielng unimportant In Wilmington dlitrlet. where It wn« ltalmn were general, henvx In t lorliln, L*"— tnna and Texn.. MAHBUBt. Section Director. THEATERS % Good Bill N#xt Wnek. Next week promise, to be another record-breaker In pdlht of talent *n attendance If one may Judge from tn excellent llxt- of vaudeville acta nounced. In tercet naturally center, the appearance of Eddie Girard « Jennie Gardner, who will preaeut tm new comedy nketch entitled 'Dooiw and the Diamond*." It I* * al11 10 one of the moet laughable rreatl _ In thl. line of vaudeville entertainment and certain It 1. that the reputation thU clever pair would lead one to « pect eomethlng unuaually good m c ^The Il*t, of agta Include the Brother^ cowboy thaumaturglsb ■ ' three CartmelU, In a good mualral *^ , Marneille., an anatomical wonder. * I O. Duncan, the ventriloqul.t, 1 camera graph. The Hat of th# ? ! Unefc - j --