The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, July 14, 1906, Image 14
THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. WANT ADS % ONE CENTA WORD No scfTtaken^^^Tess than 25 cants, the price of four lines. _• average length _ make a line. The following rates •re for consecutive insertions: V 6 cents a line, cents a Ifne. , cents a line. 4 cents a line. Wi cents a line. 3 cents a line. Written notice is required to discontinue classified advertise ments. 1 time . 3 times , 6 times , 26 times . 52 times . 78 times . OUT OF TOWN ORDERS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY CASH Georgian want ads. are inex pensive, but they bring quick re sults and aura returns. Ads. for Situations Wanted will be inserted one time free of charge. They must not exceed four lines. WE WILL SEND FOR YOUR AD. WITHOUT CHARGE FOR ME88ENGER SERVICE. CALL U8 ON BELL PHONE 4927 MAIN, OR 4401 ATLANTA PHONE. When sending ads. pay for at rates quoted above. WANTED HELP—MALE. .. In th. foundry to taarn mold- »• trade. Good pay to .Urt with laid h.tter per to two or three month., unlr tboee .... Stfh , ebonrh Mill TH5 „ good.? rood ref.r.ncci need apply. I Ufa. Co. t fBP WaSttO l)lflP68B •gyVtiPit [nod.J If so. call up aot (Bell). The 111 horn Auction and Bair.,. Company, SI LABORERS WANTED. $1.25 PER DAY. Wages’ Paid Weekly. ATLANTA CAR WHEEL WORKS. Take Luckie St. Car to Waterworks. ,WANTEft-MAtniN'fi hands at aT- l.ntit Table Company, >7 Bell .treat \v A NTT. I i—THt'NK AM PS? i3T MAKERS. AIM two food sawyers. Applynt once Tinasde^Trunh Mff. Co.^^tJPe«chtree at. who |. alno’n itouograptaer or typewriter operator. Portion traveling snleaman. None FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. ■itl.tled with remnneratlon of le>. than » year deMred. V. B. B., car. Qeor fian. WANTED HELP—FEMALE. AV ANTED —TWENTY- five women and girls in our sewing room. Anyone who can run a machine at home can quickly learn our work. Experienced opera tors make from $8 to $12 per week, and we pay 60c per 'day while learning. Apply Nunnally Bros. & McOrea, 36 W. Alabama street. wages to thoM without experience un they lenrn. It you llr# out of Atlanta, write u. and we will fire yon Information .hoot tionrdlns plarea. Nunn.lly Hr or. A . McCroi, M W. Alabama street. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. E H. Il.ynle, »1« Anatell bgUdtnji VMWMMT WAXTED - ilY _ hOOKKKEPEh Of eight Tsars’ axperienc*. Address ’•IionkkraDer. care The Gtoratan. rs i SVEK—SOB—anB—&BWSRPKH printer want, portion on weekly paper Jl town. Addrau Lock Box IK, Tallapoosa, tin. ■ i*" | IT tiny .red 11 yearn. Addraaa M., Georgian. eCB vm'iKiv-wff CAK-<nvft-Egi plnyment to 1M more hand. In our new "tlnr and .pinning'mills: two trolley ear I. cheap honae rent, healthy location. good water, abundant amuaementa, no com- mlaatty, .tcady work, hlghrat real, of piece [ work price, paid. Apply to the Richmond ; iioelcry Mills, Chattanooga, lean., and Ho..villa. On. SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE. smrirAaTsr “ WANTED—AQENT8. i AGENTS WANTING BIG AND QUICK money aend for our trn circulars. Gen- eral Salas and Supply Co., Mobile, AU. AGENTS MXKE $10 DAIIiY belong our houwhold specialties; beat seller, on . the market; catalogue free. Sidney Mtle. . On.. Box *374, Boston. Maes. TsT'?AftbB. t.A6(5E VAgfBTT^B IMST CARDS. LaRTIe VARIETY, VERY beat; send address; wa will mall you IS comic card, for inspection; If you want theta tend ns Sc: If not. retorn to m; we jtay ill postage. Supply Co., Iaoo Si lings. : EVERLASTING PERMJUe-a MoSeY- • - 0 , npeclnl. S?’| Catalogue Bryan Merchandlw . N. W.. Washington, SHOE REPAIRING. I DO „ Whan I aay re- 1 mean the best repairing only, material and oak father. with the bast workmanship. I know how to repair becante I ktaow a shoe. I am a skilful mender and can make romforuble and serviceable shoe broke down and worn oat ones Don’t forget the No.. 21 S. Pryor street BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. phone ISI L Main. ATTIt ACTIVE SIGNS WILL BRING YOU busmen. Poe high grade work call oo Kent IH4 N. Pryor. Pfcooe mt a~vew t>6LUBy win,-grant mall order business: we fur- nish rata Ioanns and everything neceraan; by ear rosy method failure Impoulble. Mllburn HIcka. K* Deathotn at. Chicago. ATLAS ENGINES —ATLAS BOILERS Atlxa !7urine Work, Empire Bids.. Atlenta FIRST-CLASS • BUSINESS HOUSES should have kick grade signs- Call on Kent Sign Co., »l% North Vrjat street. Phone ak The miUTiiEitN auction and haI^ rere Corapanr, nt 29 South Pryor utreet, wllHiuy or rell yon out FOlt iALE-WYtlHirBLAGk COfl. SUft- rey. hurnera. livery nnd ,uMo equipment. Addren W. 34, rare Georflen. ill:AVKIt (.TikEK IilaoK coal one of the lieet on tha market, $4.3 per ton. John T. Stock, ft Co. fob Sale—two c'aU LoAlm finU Broekway aarrie*, rantboata nnd depot rrnyou,. Nothin, better mede. GeorrU Vehicle Mfc. Co.. $0 nnd 13 Went Mltrbell •treet. FOB HAI.E-BKltT HUBUER TIRE; workminehlp jrnnranteed. Georcte Vo- hlele Mfc. Co . 0> and *3 Went Mlfibell ,t. DON’T GO BLIND. WIIEN YOU SEE THE ATLANTA Wrerklnr Co.', new line. Jmt ndded n full line of tranke, traveler,' nnpplle, and reneral ofllee iiipnllen. Tbe ehrapeat ,v,r wild. We buy, w-ll or exrhanr# everythlnc. riband ft Weal Mitchell etrret. Bell 'phone WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. ter towers, steeples raised sod palntsd; also, rigging and wrecking engineering. George A. Coleman, old First Baptist church, Forsyth atreet wanted—a Military commandant for Hunuy South Institute, 97 Washington atreet MISCELLANEOUS. FOR THE NEXT TEN DAYS 1 WILL rut my $36 sulfa to $35. Carroll, the tailor. 172 Peachtree atreet opposite Aragon hotel. AT t68T-MY STOCK OF IRON SAtfSH and vault doors to be sold at cost during next week; now to your time. 24 8. Broad •treet. R. W. Ellis. Atlanta. WXNtB'U—TO PURL’IIASB SMALL HOLN er or fist top desk: second-hand; must be Want ^ k** cof** or* write to' Hlmpson it Harper’s office, third floor. Fourth National Bank building. street store for rent; center of rofall dis trict. Apply C. A., care Georgltn. KOirriiE next TKJTftAYH I WILT cut my $B tnlla to ITS. Carroll, tbn tailor, 173 Peachtree atrrat, oppoalto Aragon hotel. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. HERT liffi ftTSTTV'^~oSr^~E3Tin»r Currl.r and Fairfax, $4t0 each. Fraalcr ft Smith, 1ft Aubnrn arena,. Bell phopa fttt main. FOR ftALE—A-l DtlV (iOODfl AnI> 8l<6fc business Invoicing about $5,000 opened ln April In seat of new county of south Geor gia, doing fine strictly cash business. In new modern building, rent $20 per month, elestric lights and all conveniences. Owner desires to enter banking business at ones. Address “Dry Good*,” care Georgian. reran ton salb-oN monthly tn.nta anme aa rent. Only one left; laat chance. New. 6 room,, hot nnd cold water, porcelain bath and toilet. Corner lot 70x 176 ln tbe dty nnd rlaht on the car lint. City aewor and pared atreet: One tree,, cool, juat what you are looking Tor; at tractive price; paymenta only 136 per month. 8m Copenhlll Land Co., 16 Edgcwood are. . EDUCATIONAL. 5iroTTiTO^D.'niuTnrrff:i^5rGT^f?i f ^ writing, mathematics, grammar and spell ing taught In evenings. Ktnkcly’s Shorthand nml Rn«1ne«a School. 34% Peachtree atreet. REMOVAL NOTICE. Jofin T. Stock, it <$>. tin moved their office! nnd yard from 314 Marietta to 296 Peter, (treet, where all order, tor coal and wood will l># given prompt attention. Phone, 4793. FOR RENT. FOR RENT-MODERN EIGHT-ROOM two-atory honee; 136; etoM In. Apply 67 Crow atrrat. ’Phone 4361. FOR ftfeNT—« DOANE ST.. A GOOD SI*- room honee. water, gaa add bath; clow to new I’ryor ntreet achool houae; rant reasonable to n permanent tenant. Owner, (74 Washington atreet. FOR RENT—R00M8. walk of center of city; both ’phones services; bath, gai and eleotrlc light. Gentlemen preferred. 2M Whitehall street. PERSONAL. DAVtD w. TAnnnonan. MASTER i’LUMRKR, Phone 13M. 19 U. Hunter 8L WILLIS WALL PAPER COMPANY. Largest stock In Ronth. (4 N. Broad BL NIGHT CLASSES IN STENOGRAPHY All Southern Mhorthand Business University, taught by Miss Lula GachsL "KENT LIGHTS.” THE BEST OF MANTLE LIGHTS NOW sold at HIM N. Pryor St. Alex Kant, Phone 4943. OLD HAT8 MADE NEW PANAMT^AN 1) Ml LAN BT UA cleaned and reshaped. Me. Soft and stiff fait bate claanad and re- abnped, ftc. Randa nr awrata. 36c each extra. ACME HATTERS. «H Whitehall SL FOR RENT—FURNISHED ROOMS. lly; board optional; every convenience; north aide; can ge( meals across street Bell ’Phone 2020. BOARDERS WANTED. Cloee tn. Ladlee or gentlemen. Nice cool rooms. $3.60 per wees. SHOE REPAIRING. GWINN’S SHOE SHOP. 4 LUCKIE. OPPOSITE PIEDMONT. Bell 2236. Men’s rawed half aotaa, 76c. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. "talking machines and records— Wholesale and retail distributor*.of Vic tor Talking Machine, and RraordL Juat rewired large consignment at oaehlaw and over 10,000 record, Immadlata attention given mall onlfta. Wa want tho namoa of all talking marblna dealers In tha sooth. Writ* for ratalogua. Atriander-Elyea Co. JlicVc'LEB A HU »UNi)kllU4=LAKGE?T bicycle and aandry dlatribntora la tha aouth. ftonthern agents tor Pierce. Tala. Knell and Hudson blcyclra. Write tor our MOO catalogv# and price list. Alexander- Elyea Co. WH MOVE, HTORE. PACK AND BUIP household goods; tnsursnes rate ocs per cent Office and warehouse 104* Walton street Both 'phones. Cathcart’s Trans fer. I NEED A CLERK- is the frequent exclamation of many business men. Yes, and "I want a job” is the fre quent exclamation of many a young fellow. Each of you should make your needs known through the classified columns of The Georgian. The cost Is a trifle—one cent a word. Everybody reads the page. BUILDING LOTS. THREE MONTHS RENT FREE Only Thraa Left of Eight Brand Naw Suburban Home*. The first month will bo given FREE and It occupied one year, two more months will bn given FREE at the end of the year, making only nine raontha you will have ^o pay for. None but good families will be allowed in theee houses. These are located on the River electric car line only twenty minutes .ride from tho center of the have city; contain 7 and S r< never been occupied; are located In West Atlanta Park. Every house fronts a fifty-foot Park, which Is set ln trees, evergreens and flowars. Pure air; na tive oaks; an Meal spot for children. It Is cheaper than living ln tha city and tha surroundings are more whole- a In the center of this Park are the Ferro Phosphate Springs, which will cure any case of stomach or kidney trouble, no matter of how long stand ing. It now has a new church, neatly furnished, a store, a school-house cost ing 11,600.00 will soon be completed. Captain J. T. Mills, who lives on tha grounds will «how you through bouaea Rent $10.00 per month. JOlfN J. WOODSIDE, 12 Auburn Avenue. tha BASS ST. HOME. CASH REGISTERS. (Second Hand.) NATIONALS. IIALLWOOnS, IDEALS end ell other makes st bargain prices. Wa ran tell you a register, suitable any business, at a price tbit cannot help but plit you, Caah or monthly payments. Every register giaranteiNlI for^two.year*. “ — '*—*■ Southern Cash tieopt UeUrery. John T. Stock* it Co. Attest*, C’fc Just off Washington St., S ood ' seven-room house on ne lot. Terms reasonable. Price $3,500. See LIEBMAN, Real Estate and Renting, 28 Peachtree St. SANDERS, SMITH & CONWAY, 412 Peter* Bldg. $7.000—PEACHTRpB ROAD 6-B. COT FOR RENT. JOHN J. WOODSHIE, bouses la great. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, . THE RENTING AGENT, 12 Auburn Avenue, Both Phones $1$. NORTH SIDE. I have a nice home on splendid street near Peachtree that I can aell on term* of $1,000 cash, balance like rent. See me or phone 242. JOE M. WALKER, $12 FOURTH NATIONAL BANK. FOURTEENTH ST. LOT. Tins LOT IS 40 BY 200; BEAUTIFULLY shaded with young oaks: Ilea nlraly, and la next to the bora, of Mr. Samuel Rey man, and Immediately acroas the. etreet from the homes of Mr. Itennr Johnson and Mr. Eugene Callaway. Quick sale pries $3,400. CHAS. M. ROBERTS, 12 AUBURN AVE. Bell ’phone 416$. Boulevard In choicest block on the street; boose is strictly modern nnd up-to-date would coat $6,600 to build It today, would bring $3,000 to $1,600. Do you a bargain! $3,000—GARDEN all Improramenta; water, gai. bath, sew erage, ate. Fatty leaving tha dty In- 1600 cash and balance $30 per month. make terms on this. $2,210 - OLFftJWOOD and wash stand, on total, pretty term* of $500 cash and $20 to : month. brand new, and Just off Peachtree; noth ing like It In town. Terms. 514 Empire Building. Phone 887. LOOK AT THIS! juoaern Dunning on same, contai 00 square feet of epece, worth ban $12,000. If taken within n v MU at t25,000 for entire property. volt tfALB-».KrwiCLTtmcir raw - shbom—rrauBEf THW£B beantll $4,500. Five’ NkaT' e ~IHBT In tna beat part of West I W. E. SAUNDERS & CO., REAL ESTATE, 57 Inman Bldg. Bell'Phone 1485. We have just had listed with us several brand new houses that we can sell very cheap. If you are looking for a home or an investment give us a call. to $1,100: 4.kb6U,^i!6UY'aN‘i:Wirous'H."TlK*TEij walla, cabinet mantels, Meldrlm at. Only $1,700. Terms. ntuenrut hew io-uoom nawna om Peachtree, with oyer one sere of ground. Price 36,600. Liberal terms or will ex- chsngs foe recent property or emeller homo. change for recent property o It. It. FKtJNTAllif6OT0Y city limit., large and amt.. MOO to $*,000 per lot. Bny now and double within a — ’AiurwiwnN ill lota prices —~ ... — . .... jow end double your money within t year. irroITWANT~A 'tiTTaT^feIi ’fttTB fffi here clients who will bay and Improve for you. Cell and .e. ns. GLORE & JUSTIN, 215 Peters Building. STEPHENSON BROS., Plumbing and Gas Fitting, 51 S. Forsyth Street. Phones—Bell 2528 Main. Atlaita 37. W. El TREADWELL & CO. REAL ESTATE, 24 SOUTH BROAD ST. ( . # Bell Phono 2644. Atlanta Phone 3803. NORTH BIDE. 9-R. H„ NEW—LARGE FRONT PORCH and back porch; large rooms, electric lights, rail bells. The brat of plumbing. Model borne tn erdty particular. For fur ther particular, and price era us. ’ 10 R. H.. MODERN IN EVERT PARTICU- lar. Largo lot, barn, stables, etc.; to appreciate tbis beautiful borne you have to see It. Bra na for Inrestment property. $4,000 BUYS 10-R. If., <4 CASH; LARGE lot, well located; In West End. - $2*300—FIVE-ROOM HOUSE, E. LINDEN ayenne. Bargain, and terms. $4,160—HE VEN-ROOM HOUSE, SPRING street; modern In every way.' Corner lot $6,600—EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE, MODERN In every particular; 50x190. $4.000—EIGHT-ROOM NEW tWO-BTORY house; sure bargain. Boulevard. $3,660—E1GHT-R003I HOUSE, NEAR Pryor street. This Is a model borne. t $7,000—NINE-ROOM HOUSE, CLOSE IN, on Washington street; large lot; being a corner lot makes It a valuable proposition. $3,000-NINB-noOM TWO-8TOBY BRICK houm; close In, Washington street. $1,900—FIVE-ROOM HOU8E, MODEL LIT- tie home; located on Glenn street $(,700 BUYS BARGAIN CLOSE IN, ON aouth aide; 9-room houae, servant’, houae. Urge barn; other outbuildings. Tbla lot Is (0x210. $4,600—NEW ( ROOM HOUSE, WE(,L DO- cited near Jackson street WE HAVE SOME BEAUTIFUL HOMES on Vaacbtrra place, Columbia avenue, Ju niper, Piedmont place, and Peachtree. Bee us tt you are Interested on the north side. We'bare fine Hat at West End which we ran rail at attractive prices; $3,360, 7-room house, E. Georgia avenue. Investment Hat will pay from' 12 to 1, per cent Interest. Nina 6 and (-room houae, $100 to $300. We aell vacant lots. $5,000—SIX-HOOM HOUSE, STOUB AT- tnched; one block of the' capltot $3,300—SIX-ROOM NEW HOUSE; LARGE front porch; modern In every way. $1,750—FIVE-HOOM HOUSE; $0xl$0; NEAR Chapel street. $4,000—THREE 5-ROOM HOUSES; UP TO date; rant <45.00. • „ $4,000—SEVEN-ROOM 3-STORY HOUSE 0 (new), on North Jackaon atrrat; np to ( date In ,very particular. d $6,000—TEN-ROOM HOUSE, N. JACKSON I street; model home. * $5,350—EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE. CORNER lot; rafvant’a houra, outbuildings. Bar- * gain. $4,500—SEVEN"itOO&t UoTiiE; 111’ TO t date In every way. AT NO. 304-10$ W. FOURTH. WH HAVE 3 three-room cottages, ln first-class shape, renting to white tenants at $7 each, and small house on rear of one lot. Thto to a bargain at $1,400 cash. AT EAWI’OINt on‘"thk caTTONe: cabinet tele,, tiling, lot. 76x160 to elloy. ,31.700. ITTJf W i r b L .« , s .a One- Terma third tROOM : on Central avenue. I .at If you want n nice home. new ITYe-roOU COtVaJe, I.aIWk lot, on Little street $2,600. Terma. Sear pRyob rtreetroS' bOANeTTTT we have a five-room modern cottage that we can aell at a _ 'ermlnal station, on chert road. Only $1,100. ^¥5ir ARfe XooKisw :»or am rar- r two A or. 1AJ01U..U .run an vestment or home, call and aca us. “Get you a building lot In Atlanta now; you will never be able to buy one for any lest money.” ADAIR. Alta Avenue, just outside Inman Park, near Euclid avenue, only three lots left ln this subdivision, 60x194. for $450; 150x160 for $800, ant) 126x157 for $800. These are sure money-makers; easy termB. Connally Street, only- five-eights of a mile tram center, 15 minutes’ walk from Century building, half way to Grant park, level lot 40x120 to alley; gas, water and sewer down; price $450; faces pretty residences in front • Lawn Street, In West End. near Park and Lee, 116 feet front, run ning back 150 to alley, opposite the new cottages; price $1,200. FORREST & GEORGE ADAIR. COLLEGE PARK HOMES DON’T PAY RENT. It la exceedingly bid form to do so when you con pay year own money back la yonr pocket, by coming to me. Just ran your eye over this! Wo’U build yon a boras Just Uko you want it, on raay payments, from $$06 to $5,000, if yon bny tha lot 3-room, modern, new' bouse on corner lot $100 caah, balance easy monthly payments. 4-room modern new bouao, same terms 6-room, new. modern boose on large corner lot; $350 rash; balance eaty monthly payments. 7, $ and 10-room hoeies The College Park Land Company bare 2,000 Iqjs to select from. $100 to $600 eacb. Come oat and aee me, or call me np. Office at end of cpr line. Bell Phone 37-J East Point Exchange, College Park, Oa. . I aell ererytblog at Coltega Park. EDWARD H. WALKER, The College Park. Real Estate Dealer. STATISTICS. DEATHS. Miss Anna Thompson, 19 years old, George L. Crumbley, 22 months, old. Mrs. Ophelia Morris, 2$ years old. The one-month-old Infant of Mr. and J". J. Wallace, 69 years old, died of J. F. Wilson. <3 years old, died of aralysls at 47 Jones avenue. James C. Sturgea, 67 years old, died George SIxemore, 40 years old, died BIRTHS. To Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Kenney, at To Mr. and Mrs. E. O. George, at 346 JTasler street, a son. To Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Fowler, at 16 Strong street, a daughter. .To Mr. and Mrs. H. E. DeLaney, at BUILDING PERMIT8. $40—J. H. McDonald to build out- COTTON 8EED OIL MARKET. New York, July 14.—The market for cot ton seed oil was quiet, and while prices were steady oq*tbe opening rail, tha under tone was easy. Trading wna vary light, but there wna an absence of aggressive buying uurutrn tttt- iiiii *|rrvuiRinr, MUU LUO (rant? to IndtiMKt to boltov* that there to a large July v Angiiat 37 Heptember 37< gcttrtx* J4 November 31 December Closed steady. Opening Itatigv. REMOVAL NOTICE. I RAVE CLOSED UP MY OFFICB IN th. Equitable Utdg., and am now with Messrs. H. B. Turman A Co., corner I!roail and Alabama streets, where I will he glad to have my friends And ma with t wants la tna real estate Una. J. H. LATHAM, With S. B. Turman & Go., Cor. Broad and Alabama Sts. FOR SALE By Atlanta Table Co., 97 Bell St., 16,000 feet 3x14x26 Dry Pine- One 40 h. p. Re turn Tubular Boiler. A cable from a large concern In Bel fast said; "Weather on the continent and the United Kingdom favorable. Crop outlook In both countries are promising.’’ Albany, N. Y, reported the oats In that state badly affected by rust. C. E. Lewis, of Minneapolis, who has been Investigating crop conditions In the Northwest for over a week, sends moat favorable reports on the crupe. >£>Vnihrr . Minneapolis men said the Lewis house becemlwr.'. .. Juu been a heavy seller of wheat Closed quiet. NEW YORK BANK STATEMENT. The weakl^atatement of the New York shows the following Reserves Loans ... Specie ... Legal. Circulation Better than expected. I Petyas. Decrease. :::::::::: ii.ituoo L 6*0,300 1,432,600 13(604 12,411,700 THE LIVE STOCK MARKET. By Private Leased Wire. Chicago July 14.—Hogs—Estlamted re ceipts 1X000. Market steady to strong: quality fair; left oyer 4.001: estimated for tomorrow 44.000; Imlk $4.7684.60; Uaht M.« Q4.60; mixed $4.4604.6$; henry M.3084.D2H: rough $4.2004.40: pigs I6.60e4.l0: yorkera $6.Kfj4.60; good to choice heavy 14.9084.66. Csttl*—Estlmsttd receipts TOO. Market mvlpta *'* tel.., $2.606*.40; calrts cowaiii.iuvi.iv; ueirrrs ^ouu«.w; cairn $5470.75; good nrlros stwrs $S.tt0«.2S; poor to medium $4.2006.25; Stockers and feeders $2.4004.40. Sheep—Receipts 2.000. Market steady: ikSOQll*; western $120 quality fair; native $3.2006.16; western $3.: 06; yesrllngs <5.7504.50; tombs $504; west ern $607.20. THE SUGAR MARKET. By Private Leased Wire. , Near York. July ll.—Local refined nnd raw sugar markets steady and unchanged. NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET. Following Is given the opening and dosing quotations of the Naw York coffes market today: January.. . February. , Man h va-v Jane July August.. .. Mcpteniher.. October.... Opening. Closing. O...4.66-4J0 4.56-4.60 . ..C40-4.70 4.404.70 . ..4.704.7* 4.404.70 ....C754JI 6,754.00 ...eC<04.t0 CJ54.M . ..4.K-7.60 C.SIV4.SC , ..6.104.2* 6.154.2S 4.154.25 • 6.204.25 * * .. ..126&S) .,4.304.40 XS-4.J0 XOA36 $200—Jim Key to build one-ator] rarne house ht 78 Jeptha atreet. - $130—W. H. Petrine to re-cover one- $160—J. J. Spalding to erect Are ea- PROPERTY TRANSFERS. $350—Andrew J. Moil to Mr*, i Sloiae atreet. Warranty deed. $360—Mr*. A. K. Ashworth to Robert $2,000—Ephle A. Williams /to Penn lot $1,100—Lula H. Calloway to Q. R. 1 street,. "— i, near Raw .... 'Warranty deed. $135—Morris Brandon to R. L. Mead- 33,050—Mrs. Emma Jennings to Mrs. ATLANTA MARKETS. FRUITS AND PRODUCE. Officially corrected by Atlanta Fruit ant Produce exchnuge. ^ lemons 95.10 to $5.50. J.lniea 50 to 75c. Pineapples <2 to 9L50. . bunch $1.60 to $1.75. Fulls, per bunen, 91 to $1.25. Watermelons. $7.60 to $20.00 per 100; de. “pouCtIIY AND COUNTRY raODUCB.- Llve bens ft to 3714c: fries 22$6 to 26c; broilers II to 2Mc. iJre ducks, Pskln 30 to 33c; puddle 25 to 27tor. Dressed bens, per lb„ 12e to 13c. tog, per Jb„ 12Jw to 15c. Houey—Now 8010c lb.; In 1-lb. racks _ 012c. VEGETABLES.—Irish potatoes. No. 1 ■took $4 barrel; No. 2. s|ock $2.50. Toumtoes, |ier crate. $i to $1.50. Corn, new, 10 to 12H^ C**«* do*en. Okra, j>er crate, $1 to $1,50. Old Irish potatoes, per bushel, $1.40. Old sweet potatoes, uer bushel, $1 to $1.25; new sweet potatoes $1.50 bushel. Cherries. 24-qnsrt crate. $1.50 to $1.71 Blackberries . Dewi>errles 10 to 12*c ouart. FLOUR. GRAIN. PROVISIONS. FLOUR.—rostels Elegant $4.10; Diamond K tent $5.75; fancy patent $4.86; half patent 10 to 34.15; irascy $3.90; spring wheat patent $5.26 to $6.75. CORN.—Choice red cob 76c; No. 2 white 74o; No. 2 yellow 73c; mlxe$l 72c. OATS—Choice whfre clipped, 62c; choice white, 60c; choice mixed, 49c; Texas rust proof, 60c. klEAL.—Plain water ground, per bushel, 73c? bolted 140-lb. Jutes, per bushel, 43c. Shorts, white, $1.40: medium. $1.35; brown, tL*>; pure bran. $1.2u; mixed bran, $1.15. dJS^-SSSiXK a7-Jn tltuathy iHtl.a *t.'s; <7o„ No. 1 >1; ilo.. No. i rlovcr mixed $1316; do.. No. 2 closed mixed tfLOVEIL—Choice 60c. The above prices art f. o. b. Atlanta, ind subject to Immediate acceptance. GROCERIES. SUGAR.- Standard granulated r ork Hctaed to tVk; planutto IV. Market stronger. . t’Ot'KEL.—Roaatrd Arhnckla'n $16.66: balk, in lugs — ' -- THE WEATHEB. LOCAL F0RECA8T, Atlanta and Vicinity—Partly cloudy to- night and Sunday wltU occasional sbotrerx WEATHER IN COTTON BELT. Mlstlislppl—Nntcbex clear nnd warm. Yaxoo City, cloudy and damp. Jnckaou nud Grenada, cloudy nnd cool; rain last olgbt. Meridian, partly cluudy and cool; light mlu yeaterdny afternoon. Corinth, mined hard all day yesterday and part of last ulgm: ruin excessive; crop damaged. ouar _ nittl latt night. Montgomery, 'cloudy a ad threatening; beary ahnwera yesterday. Ilka, eloudjr; rained nearly all nltlit and rained nearly all' ulght.' UuntarllleP; rained all day yesterday it. Mor-» - * .y showers Upellks, cloudy; rained nearly OTRPH0P •till ralnlug. Troy and Eufnuls, cloudy nml plcns^it^ralnc^jroitcrdayafternwn^rt|™ ralnlug bard; rained yesterday nud Amertcus, partly WEATHER IN WHEAT BELT. Extreme Northwest—Partly cload/ and generaIIj cooler; 42 to 54 above; local rains. Northwest—Cloudy; 50 to 62 above; geu* eral ruins in Dakotas; local ln Minnesota. West and Southwest—Generally clear; SO to 72 above; local showers In Nebraska Iowu, Missouri and Illinois; now rslulng at Hloux City. Saturday; Sunday WEATHER FORECA8T. Mississippi—Showers Saturday; Sunday partly cloudy. East Texas and West Texas—Fair 8atur» tiny and Sunday: Arkansas—Showers fair. Western Florida and Alabama—8hower* Saturday ami Sunday. Loulalatm—Fair lu west; showers In e«tt portion Saturday; Runday fair. Georgia—Showers Saturday and Sunday. Illinois nnd Indluna—Fair tonight; thun derstorms and codler Sunday. Missouri—Occasional thunderstorms to night and cooler Sunday. Lower Michigan, Wisconsin, Mlnncsotn. Iowa, Kansas—Showers and cooler tonight Upper ^.„. r _ --- Dakota, Montana—Fair tonight nud Suit- day; warmer Sunday. WEATHER CONDITIONS. The pressure has decreased at all sta tions except those In the Rocky Mountain districts uud ou the Pacific coast. * northeastern nron of high pressure has al most entirely disappeared while that lu the northwest hits Increased In energy. An area of decreased sir pressure Is centered nt Memphis and Chattanooga. Rnln wns falling this morning at Nashville, Knox ville, Chattanooga. Atlanta. Mobile, Ashe ville, N. C\, ana Norfolk, V*. There hna been little or no change In temperature In the Inst 24 hours. THe conditions favor partly cloudy wentb- In this section tonight and Sunday with occasional showers. COTTON REGION BULLETIN. For the 24 hours ending _nt t a. m., 7lti For the 24 hours ending nt meridian time, July 14, 1906. STATIONS OF Atlanta, rain ’Chnttnuooga, rain a «. ua i in uuokh, rain Columbus, cloudy ... Gainesville, cloudy , Greenville, ralu ..... Griffin, cloudy 'Macon, cloudy Mnutlcclto, cloudy .. Ncwnau, cloudy .... IRome, rain Spartanburg, ralu Tallapoosa, cloudy Toccoa, cloudy West Point, cloudy.......j *•31 ln I mum temperalures are . period ending nt 8 a. ». this dote. : Received late (wire trouble) not to* cl nihil In averages. , ^Correction; Newnan, July 12, preclpltatlw should be 1.88. TT 77 nr -j i| a-! m aT 3.95 ...1.74 HEAVY 1U1NFALL8. Ualnbrldge, Ga ^■Columbus. Miss.. ^ „ Macon. Miss fJJ Monroe, to Clautou. Ala Union Springs, Ala fJ2 Decstnr, Ala Corinth. Mias Tusc’uuibla. Ala Rolivar, Tenn Brinkley. Ark.. ...1.64 bulk, tn bags or barrels, 12%e; green 10 to 12r. Market weak. RICE -Car^lna 4H to 7He, according te grade. Market very strong. .. full rrran , 14c. Msrket stroni CHEESE— Fancy full cream dairy, 1444c: rlus 14c: brick. 14c. Market strong. PROVISIONS.— supreme hams 15c. Dove STOCKS AND BOND8. _ * ... Bid. Asked. Georgfs 44s. 1915.. 112 11s tleorgls. K. R. 4s, IflO 106 l&fc Savannah Se, 1904 1024 108% Macon Is, 1910 Atlanta, 6a. mi... Atlanta, 4Hs. 1922., Atlanta 4a. 1984 107 iWto Atlanta 4s. 1944 log 107 Atlanta tad West Point iff 170 Atlanta and West Point Debts. 197 110 . R. ef Georgia first Income.... ... do. second Income Sx do. third Income m Georgia 245 Augusta and Savannah... u* Southwestern HI Georgia Pacific lets l» C, C. and A. 1st lu CENTRAL Atlanta Augusta Charleston .... Galveston ..... MtUe Rock.... Memphis Mobile Montgomery New Orleans. Oklahoma ..., Savannah ....1 Vicksburg ... Wilmington ijf ill T Imllratra ln.jipr.ritl, f ralnf-ll MlltSINO REPORTS. JULY REMARKS. ■ J T.mporatiiro. Mtonrri no m*t«tal£jv<nx^* over th* l«lt the p««t 24 hoora P*** tlm, ocrarar ills .It rarllon»._ tho I.lng Imppractalito In Chnriratou. wraa tlon oceurrwt 4n «U SKtlonn. the mnuum- were heavy In Kattered " ct 'j7J n uBY. 'Section Dtrev' 4 ** J