Newspaper Page Text
191 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, 6a.
oven tcHAUL a may.
Dr. C. C. NEEDHAM, Prop,
Rubber Plates ( A cn
22-K Gold Crown V #«3U
Porcelain Grown
Brftfgework, per tooth
Hour*, 8 am. till 8 p. m.
Sunday, 9 a. m. till 4 p. m.
Meetings Largely Attended.
Many Curios on Ex
Next Week at the Caiino.
Nearly everybody who attend thea
tera will remember "Donnelly A 01 r
ard,” In their famoua muelcal come,
die*. “The Rnln Makera" and "Natural
Oaa." It la seldom that auch a hit la
achieved aa waa acored by theae clever
comedian* In theae two pieces, which
literally made millions laugh. Of late
yearn Mr. Olrard ha* been appearing
aa a headliner In vaudeville, and At
lanta will have an opportunity of re
newing an old and well remembered ac-
qualntanr* with thla moat veraatlle and
popular comedian, aa he heada the bill
at the Casino next week, with Mlsa
Je.ale Gardner, In an amusing one-act
skit, entitled "Dooley and Hit Dla-
monda." ■
A. O. Duncan, the well-known and
much-liked ventriloquist, I* aerond on
the bill In Importance and furnlahea
no end of amuaem.nt with his cleverly
constructed lay figure* and the bright
and witty thing* he causes to emanate
fmm their wooden lip*.
The three Cartmells In melody and
mirth are «ald to be hlgh-claaa pro
vident of entertainment, and will be re
membered, at least two of them, from
l»«t season when they appeared here
as f'artmell and Harris. They were
very popular then, and U la aald that
the addition of the third comedian to
their act one of the atrongest
in vaudeville today. The balance of the
program la furnished by Jupiter Broth -
ers. tlmumaturglats (which meana In
plain .English, mind readers), who do a
really remarkable act; the great Mar
seilles, anatomleal wonder. In surpris
ing feat* of contortlonlam: Major
Doyle, Lilliputian Monologulat, who
Ventriloquist, at the Casino naxt
stands only 10 Inches high, and the
Cameragraph, showing "a detective's
tour of the world,” complete a bill
strong enough to make good In any
hlgh-claaa vaudeville theater In the
Summer School Examinations.
Special to The Georgian.
Oxford. Oa., July 1L—The mid-term
examinations of the Kmory College
Summer School will be held on Monday
nod Tuesday, July 16 ond 17, and tho
second hall of the session will begin
..II \V,'line-ill \ Thcle l.m, l„ • 11 ell-
rolled about thirty-the students, and
new on^s are arriving every few days.
The summer school Is under the direc
tion of IJr. E. K. Turner, assisted by
Messrs. Dougins Humble, N. A. Good
year nnd James I Union.
8upply Company Organized.
Kpoetal i„ The Georgian.
Covington, Ga., July 14,-cA general
supply company, rapltallxed nt *20,000,
tins been organized at Newborn, with
L. P. Duke na general manager.
Brunswioksra to Encamp.
M] Inl to Tbs Georgian.
Brunswick, Oa.,, July H.—Captain
Prank A. Dunn, of the Brunswick Rltle-
men, Is making a special effort to have
the company fully repreaented at tl(«
i .uning encampment at t'hlckainauga
Park. He haa been making personal
appeals to all business men who have
members of the company In their em
ploy, to permit them to attend the en
Bank in New Home.
B|>eclal to The Georgian.
Jeffersonville, Ga., July 14.—The bank
of Jeffersonville haa recently moved
Into Its handsome atone front building,
which la one of
between Macon
Farmers Abandon Crops.
Special to Tho Georgian.
Pembroke. Ga., July 14.—On account
of the heavy rains within the last three
weeks the crops of potton will be cut
off at least half and com one-quarter.
Many of the farmers near the cooat
are abandoning the crops.
Confederates Meet,
.Specie! to The Georglsu.
Pembroke. Ga., July 14.—The local
cainp of Confederate veterans, about
thirty strong, met here on July 12. By
mutual agreement the same offleera
were continued, aa follows: XV. If.
Strickland, president; John Lane, sec
retary; Thomas J. Osteen, treasurer.
No deaths were reported. The next
meeting of the camp will be held here
some time In January, 1407.
Speelsl to The OeerglaD.
Dallas, N. C.. July 14.—The address
of H. E. Jacob*, D.‘ D . of Philadelphia,
Pa., before the Lntheran conference waa
one of encouragement. Ills subject was
"The Claim Upon the Evangelical Lu
theran Church In Behalf of the World's
Evangelisation.'* Dr. Jacobs Is one of
the most pleasant speakers, and his
audience listened to him with pleas
Wednesday was given up to the
work of missions. Superintendent Hoi
', N. C., read his re
land, of Charlotte,
By Private I .cased Wlrs.
Springfield, 111., July 14.—Taking ad
vantage of the Fourth of July celebra
tion as an opportunity and shooting
himself deliberately through the hand
to give the appearance of an accident.
I.uke Tertis, It ta charged, sent a bullet
Into the stomach of Joseph Tlmroes
with murderous Intent because he waa
in lovs with Tlmmts’ wlfs and be want
ed to get the hueband out of the way
that he might, marry the woman.
Thla la the plot charged against Ter.
Ils by Mrs. Tlmmea, when she testified
at the arraignment of Terlla for s*
sault with a deadly weapon. She says
Terlla has tried to get her to elope
with hint and haa annoyed her. Tim-
mee' condition has become critical, and
to nwalt the outcome of hla Injury
the hearing was deferred two weeks.
On ev ujence to the effect that lie haa
been living In the woods near Ponce
DeLepn. somewhat In the manner of a
wild animal, Hoyt Garner, a white man
24 years of age, who appears as
though he had been In III health, was
hound over to the state courta Satur
day morning by Recorder Broyles on
the charge of vagrancy. In default of
bond, he went to the Tower. ♦
Gamer waa arrested on complaint of
rltlsen*. who reported that the man
wa* living In the woods and waa an
noying the people In the community by
persistently begging. It seem* that
Gamer would emerge from the wtlds
of the woods at Intervals and make a
tour of near-by houses begging food.
H* made no explanation to the re
corder as to why he was living nuch a
wild kind of life. He stated that he
had been In III heallh. but had recov
By Private Leased Wire.
Seattle, Wash, July 14.—Esther
Mitchell, aged 17, who murdered her
brother, Oeorge, because he shot end
killed a "Holy Holler” prophet whom
young Mitchell swore had betrayed bis
two sisters, now declares that shs was
urged to slay by the spirit of ths slain
The Mitchell girl says she and the
prophet's widow tntered a pact to kill
tin- young woman's brother. Mrs. Cref-
fleid. she nays, bought the pistol with
which the crime was committed. The
girl aay* she decided she had the better
chance to kill, and took advantage of It.
"I went to the depot,” aays the girl,
"and saw Perry get his ticket. At Teat
1 saw George, and I shook hands with
Mm. He and Perry were walking In
front and Fred and I were walking
behind. I was walking to the door and
George was in front of me. That was
the chance I wanted, and I shot him.”
The prophet's widow, Mrs. Creffleld,
to being held as an accomplice, having
admitted that she and the girl made a
death compact.
Coming to Atlanta.
Special to The Georgfnu.
Birmingham, Ala., July 14.—The res
ignation of P. H. Fitzgerald, engineer
of maintenance und way of the South
ern railway at Birmingham, goes Into
effect tomorrow, and he will leave at
once for Atlanta. Mr. Fitzgerald has
accepted the place of resident engineer
for the N. P. Pratt Laboratory t'om-
K ny, of Atlanta, and will be succeeded
re by F. M. Edwards.
Ts Drivs Out Mslaris
And Build Up ths Systsm
Take the Old Standard, GROVES
know what you are taking. The for
mula to plainly printed on every bottle,
showing It Is simply Quinine and Iron
In a tastelse* form. The Quinine drives
out the malaria and the Iron, builds up
the system. Sold by all dealers for 27
years. Pries M cents.
different phases. Dr. J. A. More-
head, of Virginia; Itev. E. L. Wennin
ger, of Virginia; Rev. W. A. Snyder,
of Wilmington, N. C.; Itev. L. A. Fox,
of Southwest Virginia, spoke on the
divine side of mleslons. Ths human
MM MMm fey Rev. M. 11
nard, of Knoxville, T'cnn.; Rev. George
S. Bowers, of Winchester, Va.; Oeorge
B. Cromer, LL.D., of South Carolina:
President Jamea A. B. Scherer, I’hD.
LL.D., of Newberry College, South
Carolina; Rev. W. C. Schaeffer, of Sa
vannah, Oa.; 'A. O. Voigt, D.D., of
Charleston, 8. C.
Jspsness Conferanea Report.
There was encouragement In all the
addresses, and the paper preaentd by
the Japan conference, asking for $26,
000 to build and equip a training school,
will be-favorably acted on at thla
The home mission field and Ita work
waa presented by President R. I- Frits,
of Lenoir College, Hickory, N. C., end
Rev. W. L. .Sea brook, of Newberry,
S. C.
At night Rev. C. L. Brown, of Kin.
- tmoto, Japan, missionary of the synoi
to Japan, brought the greetings of thi
Japanese Lutheran conference to the
united synod. Rev. Mr. Brown ga
in outline the condition of the tnr
principal religions of the 8unrlse King
dom—Confucianism, Buddhism nnd
the state religion of Shinto, the lat
ter principally ancestry worship.
The signs In this Island empire all
mint to the decadence of theae rellg-
ons In their contact with the Christian
religion. He aald t£e opportunity was
before ua, the command waa to go
forward, nnd It was for the synod to
decide what Its action should be.
In res pons a to the greetings of Rev;
Mr. Brown, Rev. John VV. Horlns, of
Charleston, took as hfs subject "Mis
sions, Our Business." It was a strong
presentation of the synod’s duty.
The president appointed all standing
committee*, and they are' expected to
report when the synod will got down
to the work before It. \
Missionary Confsrtnce.
The women's missionary soclstles of
synod are bolding their joint confer
ence here at this time. They have un
dertaken to raise $10,004 for educational
work In Japan. They have raised and
already have placed In the hands of
the executive committee of missions
$3,846.80 of the amount to be raised.
Rev. and Mrs. G. D. Bernhelm, of
Charlotte, N. C„ have given 82,000 to
the mission board for purposes of
church extension.
Exhibit of Curios.
In the college chapel there Is quite
an exhibit of Japanese wares, curios
and costumes attired In Japanese cos
tume. Rev. Mr. Brown lectures once
n day, explaining ths different objeetk.
There Is also a general missionary ex
hibit In the chapel. Up stairs tho
American Bible Soclflty has a complete
exhibit of the Bible In all the different
languages In which It haa printed It.
Rev. Dr. T. W. Law Is In charge of
the exhibit. Ths publication societies
of Philadelphia have also an exhibit of
their publications and Sunday school
literature. ...
The sessions of 4ynod nre largely at
tended. The large church la being Oiled
at each session.
School Teachers
with several vacation
months on their hands
are making good
money as agents for
the Mutual B e n e fi t
Life of Newark, N. J.
This fine old com
pany, of unblemished
character, does not
pay extravagant com
missions to agents,
but treats its policy
holders so well that
they are our best ad
High class business
and professional men
are glad to have our
Angier & Foreman,
State Agents,
Dividends Annually.
Tlic following letter was sent to Tlie Georgian unsolicited. It speaks for
itself. Even* one knows E. D. Crane & Co. Every one knows that even*
member of the firm is worthy of belief. The Georgian asks simply that you
read the letter, give it the proper consideration, nnd then decide what is best
for you to do to help your business. Here is the letter:
•- Atlanta, Ga., July 13,1906.
Manager Advertising Department, The Atlanta Georgian, City.*
Dear Sir: We have had an occasional AD in your paper since the first
issue, and have been both surprised and gratified at the results.
We desired to exploit the merits of one of our Specialties, the “BEST”
Bolster Springs, cuts of which we published from time to time, and have had
inquiries and orders for them from all parts of the state. This is sufficient
proof that your paper is daily becoming very popular and is beiugread by the
great multitude of readers in the Southern country, our natural territory for
selling Carriages and Harness, etc. Trusting your circulation will continue to
grow, and that prosperity will reward your labors, we are,
>— Yours very truly,
E. D. CRANE & CO., By E. D. Crane.
Catherine Johnson, a young white
woman,. laughed and giggled herself
out of $6.7$ In police court Saturday
The yodng woman had been arrest
ed during the early hours of the morn
Ing by Bergeant Whitley and Police
man Jones on the charge of knocking a
oung white roan, W. A. Pate, In the
lead with a cuspidor. She was tried
for this offense and wa* lined $26.76.
After paying the line, the woman
took a aeat In the court room ahd be
gan to laugh and talk with another
woman. Hhe giggled and talked to
such an extent as to disturb the court,
and Recorder Broyles ordered another
case entered against her for contempt
of court. She waa later arraigned and
It developed ahe waa under the Influ
ence of Intoxicants. She wa* fined
In all probability, the Atlanta, Griffin
nnd Msetin Intererben Hallway Company
will enter Atlanta over the Fraasr afreet
route, as much objection was voiced at the
meeting of tho committee on electric and
other rallwnya Friday afternoon to the on
trance over the Capitol arenne rout*.
The flrat petition of the eompnny asking
for right-of-way on Crew afreet from Lit
tle to Trinity wna considered out of the
While being driven through South
Pryor street two cab horses fell Into
an excavation In front of the county
court-house, the first one falling dur
ing the early hours of Friday night,
while the other one tumbled Into the
hole early Saturday morning.
Both animals had to be prised from
the excavation by the police. Fully an
hour was required to extricate the last
horse. The animal was prised out of
the hole with scantllnge by Police Cap
tain Jett. Sergeant Pool, Policemen
Stelnt, Brodle and several cabmen. The
excavation was made by the steam
heat company.
The "simple life'' will be John II. Har
well's her,■after, so he haa announevil. tie
la through with imlltlca, at least, for the
time, and will neither lie n candidate for
eoimelt from the Ural ward nor wilt he
mu for county treasurer.
Mr. Harwell Is nt prvaaut alderman from
the flrat ward and mayor pro tern. It waa
underatood that he would mu for eouii-
ett In the coming primary, letter It wus
rumored that he would lie In the county
treasurer race. • Ilia decision' to drop from
Itollilcs will route aa n great aurprlae to hla
hitmcroua supporters, a* well aa the voting
population geurrally, a* he la one of the
beat known factors In local polities.
Mr. Harwell gave no reason fer hla de
rision, other than that hr waa tired of
politics sad wanted a real.
N|wt-|»I to Tho Georgian./
Griffin. GJuly 14.—Mai tier!hunt
and Claude Campbell, two white men,
while under the Influence of whlaky at
the paaaenger atatlon yesterday after
noon, aaaaulted* John Storrel, a negro
portor, who had JuM come here from
Chattanooga, Inflicting two aerioua
wounds In hie breaat.
Burthune and Campbell were arrest
ed. and being unable to make bond,
were remanded to Jill. They claim
that the negro stepped 6n Berthune'a
foot, but others deny thla statement.
tie street to Fraser street, on Frneer afreet
to Hunter etiwt. on Hunter afreet to the
Washington atreet viaduct. on the viaduct
to Gllinrr atreet. and thenco to Exchnngo
place; nlso atnrting at the corner of Hun*
ter aud Fraacr atreet, to uae liutler itreef
which inakea n Junction with Hunter nn
Fraaer, and Butler to Gilmer to Conrtlaw
atreet. to oonuect with the other loop at
the viaduct.
Attorney W. A. Wltnblah atated that the
company did not -wish to Injure any prop
erty, nnd the meetltig adjourned mi that
the rmnpauy could look over the Frnsei
atreet route. The committee will hold sex
alou agnlu next week.
Special to The Georgian.
Birmingham, Ala., July 14.—William
Jsnnlngs Bryan will be Invited to visit
Birmingham on ths occasion of Ala-
bama'home-comlng week, October 16-
JO, A resolution to this effect was
adopted by the Commercial Club at a
meeting yesterday afternoon, and.J:rli.
Babb, the secretary, was Instructed to
draw up an Invitation and forward It
to New York at once. It Is probable
that a special committee will be ap
pointed by ths Commercial Club to
meet Mr. Bryun In New York when lie
return* from hla trip around ths world.
"Home Coming Week" wa* the prin
cipal subject discussed by the Com
mercial Club at ths meeting yesterday,
which was attended by a large number
of the representative people of the city.
Special to The'Georglan.
Gadsden, Ala., July 14.—The different
operators of Iron, steel, coal mine* and
rock quarHes are Importing quite n
lot of Germans, Italians, Poles and
Swedes to work In the different Indus
tries here. The Immigrants are
brought to Savannah by steamer from
Bill* Island. This etas* of labor, es
pecially the Italian* and Poles, have
Iljr Private Leased IVIre.t
Boston, July 14.—Mystery today sur
rounds the marriage of Mrs. Leslie Car
ter, the actres% and WlUlam L. Payne,
manager of aa Albany, N. Y„ stock
company, at Portsmouth, N. H„ yes
terday, owing to Mr. Payne'a denial
of the wedding and alleged false re
ports regarding Mrs. Carter's age and
previous husband given In the mar
riage license. The couple are regis
tered at the Touralne with the other
members of the auto party, with whom
the actress laft New York for a tour of
New England a short time ago.
The party were assigned “Suite
684,” and as this consists of eight
rooms It was Impossible to learn
whether the two are registered as man
and wife or not. With Mrs. Carter
when sne arrived at the Touralne were
her son, Dudley Carter, Miss Norma
Munroe and others
Actress' 8on is 23.
It was learned that the license which
was used at the ceremony was ob
tained by Mr. Payne and gave Mrs.
Carter’s maiden name. Caroline Louise
Dudley, and the age of the actress as
20. It atated that she had not been
married before.
Aa a matter of fact. Mrs. Carter has
been married to Leslie Carter, of Chi
cago, from whom she w*as divorced In
Wedcmcyer at Grant Park and
Hallowed at Ponce DeLeon.
, Splendid Programs.
Programs arranged for Wedemeyer’s
Band for the concert at Grant Park
and by Hallow-ell's Ponce DeLeon
Band at Ponce DeLeon for Sunday are
the best offered to the music-loving
public this season, and a rare treat
awaits those who attend these con
Tho.goncert at Grant park begins at
1:80 In the afternoon, and the follow
ing splendid program of new selections
and heavy overtures will be rendered
At Grant Park.
March, "Screeching Eagle”—Stern.
overture, “Italians In Algiers"—Ros
sini. ■
(a) Intermezzo, "Cavalorrl Rustl.
canu"—Masclgnl; (b) "Traumerel"—
Grand Selection, "Rlgoletto’’-r-Vsrdl.
Patrol, f'O. A. R."—Fassett.
Waltses, "On the Beautiful Blue
Mexican dance, “Marla”—Davila.
Selection, "The Mayor of Toklo”—
March. "Mexicans"—Hubbell.
Fred Wedemeyef, director.
At Ponce DeLson.
There will be two concerts at Ponce
DeLeon by Hallowell's Ponce DeLeon
Band, In the afternoon beginning at
8:80 and at night at 8:80. The follow
ing splendid programs will bq ren
March. "Free Lance"—Sousa.
Descriptive, "The Mouse and the
Overture. "Stradella"—Flotow.
Csanlas, "Last I*jve”—Botham.
Medley, "Would You Care?"—Harris
Overture, "Jubel"—Weber.
Selection, "The Office Boy"—Eng
Medley. "Little Johnny Jones,"— Co-
March, “Moving Day*'—VonTHser.
This will be the third evening devot
ed to national airs, the following being
the Scotch-Irlah:
March, "Klltamey’'—Hoffman.
Overture, "Memories of Turn
1890. She has a son, Dudley, by this
marriage, who Is now 23 years of age.
These details consequently render the
detail of her age absurd. Why these
statements wars made in the license Is
a point upon which aa yet no light
has been throtvn.
Rev. Henry Emerson Hoovey mar
ried the couple at the St. Johns Epis
copal church at Portsmouth at noon.
The Rev. Mr. Hoovey says he did not
know until later that he had married
Mrs. Carter. She was heavily veiled at
the church. They were unaccompan
ied and It was necessary for Mr. Hoov
er to call his two daughters as wit
nesses. The bride was asked If It was
her first marriage and she said "Yes.”
Couple Keeps Mum.
Before starting not a word was
mentioned about the wedding at the
hotel and they were undecided as to
where they should make their next
stopping place. It lay between Glou
cester and Winthrop, Mass., and Mrs.
Carter finally said:
"You people go ahead and we will
trail," meaning Mr. Payne And herself.
Mr. Payne gave his occupation as
that of a student, his age as S3, and
his residence as New York. For sev
eral years, however, he has managed
a stock company at Albany, N. Y„ And.
has been on the stage himself, appear-
Ing .In "Mrs. Lefllngivell's Boots.”'
He Was in Point of Service the
Oldest Employee of The
Atlanta Journal.
-odale’a Bears, Sam Elton, Lawrenca
Crane, Gary Owen A Co, Greene d.
Werner, Cameragraph, Sale at Grand
□ox Office.
William H. Kean, thp oldest employee
In point of sendee on The Atlanta
Journal, died Friday evening at 7
o'clock at hla residence. No. 260 East
Cain street. He was connected with
the business staff of The Journal, and
was well and favorably known to a
large portion of the Atlanta business
Mr. Kean waa born In Corinth, Miss.,
In 1870, and came to Atlanta at the age
of 12 years. At the age of 13 he en
tered the service of The Journal,
which was at that time conducted by
the late Colonel E. F. Hogc, and haa
been continuously with the paper ever
since, having filled many positions In
tha business department of the paper..
He waa the only employee who had
been with the paper since Its establish
He was universally liked both by hlif
fellow-workers and the members of
the public with whom hla work threw
him In contact.
He had been In very bad health for
a number of months, but had borne his
sufferings with calmness. When told
that he had only a short time to live,
be said; "I have done my best, and am
ready.” Thla was the keynote to his
whole life.
He Is survived by a mother and two
slaters, Mlsa Minnie Keen and Mrs,
Charles E. Boatetirelter, and two
brothers, John and Charlie Kean; also
by his wife, Mrs. Martha Kean and
two daughters, Mary, aged 6 years, and
Martha, aged 4 weeks.
The funeral will take place
o’clock Sunday afternoon at the First
Methodist Church, oonducted by Rev.
C. E. Dowman, with Interment at Oak
land. The Georgia lodge of Masons will
conduct services at the grave.
The pallbearers will be: J. A. Brice,
J. C. llenson, J. L. Williford, C. L.
Near, J. D. Jernlgan, C. D. Atkinson,
U. F. Bennett, Jr., and H. H. Cabanlss.
Mfltiaeea Tuesday. Thursday and
In Their Comedy Sketch,
Mirth and Melody.
1 Mystery Workers.
The Anatomical Enigma.
New Pictures, in ••
Sale at Grand Box Office.
Direction JAKE WELLS, Pres.
Fairy Tale Delights.
Picnic Grounds Now Open
8|>c<i*l to The ileorgtsn.
Chattanooga. Tenn., July 14.—General E.
A. Carman, chairmen of the Chlrkituuuizit
Park timuntiwloiif who Is here from Wash*
fnxtoii. It. c\. ciprcocd It aa hi* otdnlon
■ fant the arvrrtury of war wilt Anally dr-
liile ,m Chlekamaaga aa the alte for une
of the large army pueu lu the country.
Two Scotch nongn fa) "Annie Laurie,"
trombone solo, Arthur Burke; (b)
Within a Mile of Edinburgh,” cornet
eolo. Will D. Hallowell—Anon.
Medley, “Sounds from Ireland”—
Irish Intermeazo, “Rocky Road to
Dlvertiaement, "Scene* from Scot
Irish overture—“The Racket at Gill
(Descriptive of "An Old County Par
ty”—The gathering of the guests. The
host sings a song. An old country
dance. The atar singer of the party
sings a song, followed by hto sweet
heart who sings a "Come all ye," ac
companied by the old ladles. Ths ba“-
pl|K- strike up. Are re's all rRtdy?
Yin, Thin Are away! A regular "Welt
the floor." Slip time. A sand jig by
the "ladles man.” Finale—"St. Pat
rick's Day In the Morning."
Charactertotlque, "A Gay Blossom"—
Announcei .Candidacy,
Special to The Ueoriflan.
Jaapfr, Ala., July 14.—Hon. William
C. Davis, of Jasper, has announced his
candidacy for the nomination as state
.senator from the Twelfth senatorial
district, composed of the counties of
Walker, Lamar and Frfyette. Mr. Davis
will at once set out on n vigorous cam
paign of the district
It lirilndlsputi) ly true that endowed
schools—that Is, those whose expenses
nre wholly or partly paid from Interest
on Invested funds—can give thetr stu
dents more than those that have no
endowment. If you would like to at
tend an endowed Institution, and one
that haa an enviable reputation all over
the country, then make your plans to
r to Shorter College next September,
handsome new catalogue will be sent
n requ - - “ -
Grand Opening Monday
Night. Come out and
enjoy some fine dancing
nnd get tho cool breezes.
Don't miss this opportu
nity to have a good time.
All Ponce DeLeon cars
take you to the Dancing
Gentlemen, 25c.
Ladies Free.
Kp*M*lal to The Georgian.
Uharlotte^N. C., July 14.—News from Wil
mington la"o tho effect that the attorney
for the tiro negroes charged with mutiny
aboard the schooner Harry A. Berwlnd. are
endeavoring to aeciire tho release of tn«J
rllenta on account of the confession «>r
the negro Scott, who declared that he alone
was guilty of the death of the crew or
the Ill-fated vessel last October.
March, “Rogers Brothers in Ireland"
WU1 D. Hallowell, director.
Special to The Georgina.
Birmingham. Ala.. Jaly 14.—Mu Atlanta
...nil. J. It. Whitehead, la nn officer
stockholder In n corporation formal »***
for the nnrpose of manufacturing cbote*
for <ialrkly unloading material of vsrojn*
klnda from railroad car*. Associated w™
him trill he J. B. Drazcale and J. W. M»g»
of Birmingham. The corporation will t<
known na the "Quirk Unloading Mr * unto
t'ouinnnr," nod It to capitalized aa *t» tN
at 136,000.
Club Elects Officers.
Special to The Georglen.
Gadsden, Ala.. July 14.—The Gar
den CommerclaVrtub has elected tne
following officers for the ensuing !™ '
President, S. B. Jordan: first vice pres
ident, A. D. Simpson; second vice pres
ident, E. H. Cross; aecretafy. j
McMullen; treasurer, Joseph BaUnar-