The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, July 14, 1906, Image 7
THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. PATrnPAy, jn.Y 14 7 "MONK THOU ART, TO MONK RETURNETH."-D«n Forecast Rain! ZOOVILLE CHATTER Forecast I Sunshine'.! A WEEKLY PUBLICATION FOR CHILDREN, OLD AND YOUNG. VOL. 1. NO. 2. ZOOVILLE, GRANT PARK, JULY 14, 1908. PRICE—LESS. ZOOVILLE CHATTER. I. M. MONK. Editor. Entered «« .ccond-rlns. matter July 7, jjoa, at Zoorllle Poat Office, Grant Park, under Act ot the Jonglcbladt, March 3. ITS. »|t la Indeed a dealrable thin* to be well decended, bat the (lory belongs to our anceatora.*'—Plntarcb. Home—There'* No Place Like It. ■■(jive the Human hl» dues," Is a old saw which should be often sharp- •ned and always kept free of rust. If there be any real prejudice between the Animal Kingdom and the Human let us oroceed to cut It asunder as both rec- ocnixe "There le no place like home, aweet home.” Anything that even In timate* home, If the likeness be opn- nlngly wrought, la dear to the heart of the wanderer. Let us continue to voice facta—no Imitation of that far- off land we love, the Jungle, could be more cleverly constructed than the home which the Monk family now In habits, thank* be to the Humans. The wide-spreading oak with every facility for the exercising ot limb, the sleeping nuarters where at the pleasure of the family bedlam can be raised, In fact, the Inclosure hold* within every Inch of Its spacious circumference appara tus where the genius of the monkey shines. Listen! The Telephone. Cause always precede# effect—ex cept In the case ot a railroad accident— so at this Juncture, let us remark, ad hering to the rule—because there are no overworked telephone operators, the telephone service In the new Monk home Is excellent and affords wireless amusement for the whole Monk family. •Prix# Poem. I love to see the hear A-flylng thro’ the air. "Tls "bird" I love, not "bear.” But "bird” don t rhyme with "air!" Subscriber. •Editor's Note: The "subscriber” explains that this poem was written to Illustrate what Is meant by poet ical license. Now-a-Dayt. “To the people belong the spoils” —Beef Trust. Political. Monk: I under stand that the hu mans are having a hot gubernator ial race. Ape: Te*. they say If Hoke Smith Isn't elected there will be a HowelL Wild Humans I Have Known. Far be It from the editor to harp on this subject. It Is the policy of the Zoovtlle Chat ter, and let It be thua clearly un derstood, to avoid as much aa possi ble the unpleas ant; but, after all, human nature la Interesting If tainted, so, hop ing a healthy warning may be gathered from an occasional expose of these less in- t e 1 llgent beings, for whom we nurse a crying pity, bear, dear readers, with the little sketches which will appear every little once and a while.” Improves Ilia Flowtr Bads By Telephone. In the region of the lake and oth er parte of the Park country a great many Im provements are being made o n the flowerbeds by Gardener Frits Boetter, a human. Strange I Mr. Love A. Dove said Friday that almost night ly throughout the Park country ■trange creatures were heard coo ing and Imitating other characterts. tics of his family. When. asked who told him so, he replied, "A bird.' FROM MINE TO CONSUMER G RE AT WAVE OF PR06RESS SWEEPS ZOOVILLE.! Natural History. The Kangaroo Is the animal whose tale was made famous by Rodger Brothers, “The Tale of a Kangaroo” la a song, therefore, the Kangaroo Is always happy for It la always wag ing a eong, but, lowever, It would not sell the wag for a eong. The Kangaroo uses this tale for a walking stick, and, If a tale be an untruth, then the Kangaroo le a very good animal, for It stamps down the lie. In- cldentally the Kangaroo Is the only baby carri age ever seen In Australia. Condensed News. Sergeant Jim Is a good Shepherd, and that no one svlll deny, especl. ally not Joe Car. ter. Joe Carter is 22 years old and the king ot Zoo ville, by right of age, years of cltl- xenshlp and Roy al Lion blood. It Is rumored that Sergeant Jim and King Joe are very close friends, for It Is believed that the' Human holds some valuable se crete of the ani mal kingdom, aa he and the King are often seen In close conference. Birds to Havs Home. Plans, speclflca- 11 o ns. materials and all other pre liminary features of a great build ing are now ready apd the actual work of building a beautiful home for the Bird fam ily haa commenc ed. The contract* let to Mr. Human stipulate that the building Is to bo complete and In shape to be occu- p 1 e d within a moon. The building Is to be somewhat similar to the new Monk home and only a short die ts n c e removed from this elegant edifice. In the center will be a large oak tree, through the limbs and leaves o f which the birds can fly and jump. 'Gator's Building. | The great wave of progress has | also extended to o t h * h quarter*, the Alligators, to be specific. Near the lake will be built a new home for thee* our aquescent friends The new home | will be construct ed entirely of con crete and work will commence within a few sun sets. The cost of the structure can on ly be estimated, but from compe tent authority It It understood that It costs the perk board much time and .worry. The 'Gator fam- 11 y constats o f I tome twelve Indi viduals and the family Is worthy Of the new pleas ures which will eoon be theirs. "Society Women." M u 11 a Fllrtum ("society woman," said to be native term) Inhabits the earth and Chica go, especially pro lific In Parle, New York' and other places where no one cffres. Mig rates, but never hibernates; also changes Its feath ers spasmodically, sometimes almost e n t irely leaving them off. The multa fllrtum re sembles, or rath er Imitates, the Kangaroo, which Is embarrassing— to the Kangaroo, the vital differ ence being that the Kangaroo Is sometimes seen with Its young. This species of hum An la neither guided by sense nor Intuition, but by Fashion, a n omnipotent Idol bowed down be fore and worship, ed by all the ape cles. . Multa Fllrtum will be recognis ed by the peculiar shading of the hair, dark near the head and yel- loAr further out; It la untamable, swift, adopts a reddish coloring of the fare, sleep* In the day and keep* others awake at night. It Is never found alone, but usually with some other human’s mat*. Makes mors heat to the pound than any other coal mined ih ths South. IT WILL NOT SLACK. BON AIR COAl For Sale Only By BON AIR COAL AND IRON CO. * BOTH PHONES. OFFICES: 601-602 4th National Bank Building. YARDS: 623 Marietta Street. FREAK POLICIES ISSUED BY INSURANCE COMPANIES The amoxlng scope of Insurance crows greater' day by day, and now It Is astonishing how many ot the con tingencies of life may be provided igalnst In that way. Up to a short lime ago In Boston there was an in. lurance company known as the Birth Insurance Company, which Insured young married couples and paid a cer tain amount on the appearance of youngster In the household. So .many people took advantage of the benefits of this company that the birth rate of Boston was perceptibly Increased and the company recently went Into the hands of a receiver. Great musicians like Kubelik and Paderewski have their hands, fingers and arms insured for large amounts against any accident which might for ever prevent the further exercise of their wonderful talents, and at the last appearance of Madame Patttl, her manager had her voice Insured so that •very performance for which ehe was scheduled and which she might be un able to appear In, he would be reim bursed for in case he had to hand back the offlee receipts to the ticket- holders. In Germany are companies which In sure against loss of sight. Opthmal- mla, which Is more prevalent there than in this country, may be Insured against up to the age of SB years by an annual payment ot alxpence. If the Insured’s sight falls and he has to be provided with glasses, he receive* treatment free as long as he needs It. In New York, an enterprising opti cian has started an Insurance company tvhlch In caae a member breaks hie glasses they are replaced free of charge, under consideration of the Payment of a certain sum every year. He Is said to have Increased hie busi ness 30u per cent by this method. There l» also a recent organisation there known as the rain Insurance com pany, and the payment of a small year ly sum entitles the member to a rain check, which he can exchange for an umbrella at any on# of a large num ber of station* situated all over the city *t convenient points. In case he caught out In the wet. Lloyds, of London, the great organl- tatlon originally begun for the pur- !”« of taking only mercantile risks, now assumes all sorts of chances on * most any contingency and haa agents all over the world which bind It to take many peculiar chances. Per- lormlng animals are many times wrlt- !'n by it, a chtmpanxee which was highly educated and on exhibition In this country not long ego, having been Written for 160,000. A man whole was his pride and his livelihood in a dime museum, had It Insured by the:same organization for $5,000 at a premium of 1 per cent. Insurance against water damage by sprinklers In mercantile houses Is now a well-de veloped line of Insurance written by many companies. As far aa weather Insurance goes, tradesmen In England have been known to Insure themselves against loss by a rainy day when a great public function was expected to take place, or In the case of private outdoor entertainments a wet day can be guarded against by Insurance so that the expenses of preparation will not be entirely lost If nobody comes, "SECRET" INSURANCE PBOTECTSEMPLOfER New Form of Fidelity Policy Reaches the Market This Week. Wrd Elegant Silver The excellence and popu larity of Maier & Berkele silver is due largely to the tasteful designs and artistic patterns we carry in stock. If you want any of the np ' v things, we have them. ^ e study the modes in these * n, ' s as attentively as smart iressers study the current 'ashions. Maier & Berkele A new form of fidelity Insurance has been put upon the market this week by the National Surety Company, of New York, of which Black ft Draper are general agents for Georgia, with of fices In the Empire building. This form of Insurance is Issued for limited amounts against lose through larceny and embexslement, and the new feature lies In the fact that It can be placed by an employer upon any em ployee, without the application of or even a knowledge of the latter. In usual caaea of bonding much detailed Information la required of the appli cant. Many employera need protection of thla kind for small amounts, and yet for personal reasona do not want to require certain employees to apply for the regulation bond. "Fidelity Insur ance.” a* It haa been christened, la In tended hy the company to fill thla want. NEW AGENCY IS WON BY SAM WILLIAMS LOCAL FIRE AGENTS DO BIG BUSINESS, INSURANCE PERSONALS Special Ag-nJ Albert Clower, of. the Hartford Fire,’who up to s few months ago was connected with the Atlanta office, returned thla weak from lenilslans, which _. . _ . _ , ~ I !• at present his Held for that company, Their Premium Receipts for Three | and i* spending hi* vacation among tu* friends In this city. C. 8. Mathews, of the Mathews A Hill local agency. Is at present In North Coro. Un* on a month’s relief from the cares of business.’ Sam II. W*U, who has been for some time solicitor for the Mathews A Months Reported to City Tax Collector. Atlanta local agents did a big bust- _*_ ■ .. I AV* wuio 4*1110 Miivuvr tor tue ,u«iu*ws CK nee* In Are Insurance for the three jjlll agency, recently transferred his senr- months ending June BO. Their preml- ices to Fred Robinson ‘ um receipts as reported to the .city — tax collector’s office for the ueual a#- I Special Agent George Mills, of the Act ■essment of 1 per cent are as follows, ?* Fir# Insurance Company, Is at Allan *- a period of I Uc Il '* ch loe * In comparison with the same period last year; 1106. Hatcher Ins. Agcy .. ..$14,51$ J. L. Riley A Co. 26,(23 •Whltner, Manry ft Co. 22,156 Haas ft McIntyre 19,890 Edgar Dunlap 16,057 W. P. Pattlllo 11,417 Rutherford Lipscomb .. 12,336 McCandless ft Haynes.. 11,680 J. L. Dickey, Jr. Mathews ft Hill .. Fred Cole W. R. Hoyt .. .. A. L. Waldo .. .. Williams Bros. .. Atlanta Home .. Perdu* ft Egleaton C. L. Stoney ft Co. Fox ft Bon C. Robinson .. F. Simpson.. .. William Lowe .. . 8,502 $.126 6,644 (.074 7.106 6,479 6,745 7,991 4,729 3,100 6,266 *,VtY 1905 1 Bp * cl * 1 Agent James n. Ross, 227 241 Hoysl Insurance Company, who makes New 20*669 Orleans his headquarters, was s visitor to 14^859 th * Atlanta department offices of that 16,‘BOO 1 company this week. In company with his 9,282 I right hand man, Clarence Ruse. They both 11,937 went to Warm Springs today for conenl- ..... tatlon with Mansger Milton Dsrgan, who 8,355 I contemplates a rearrangement of his field 4.404 men. It Is stated, and s naw special agent 6(011 will probably soon be appointed for lbs *■*5® compnny In Texas, to assist Special Agent 5.260 James 8. Hereford, of Pallas. 6,768 U. B. Yates, the well known special 6,150 agent of tbs Atlsnts UIrmliigfasm Insar- 4.846 *nce Company, returned to Atlanta this. 1 weak from San Francisco, where be has • ... wees rrom Ban Francisco, wners ns nas v'ssx be*" ,or ■ month post looking after the .'iSi Interests of ths company there. Mr. Yates 5.421 says that the public and the public of, 783 flclslu of Cnllfornln have assurr ‘ ..... I hostile attitude toward the con rolred In the recent cotifiagrat •W. F. ft J. M. Manry and John C. t» gresUy hsmperlng the adjn Whltner ft Co. consolidated. SSSpl mV* ,Y. D *.djlt5*S The Importance of Atlanta aa an In surance center was again demonstrated this week by the appointment of 8. C. William* as general agent of the Continental Casualty Company, of Chi cago. Mr. Williams l* a member of the local agency firm of William* Bros.k representative* of the Germania Fire of New Tork. The firm thin week moved their offices from the fifth floor of the Fourth National Bank building to more commodious quarter* In No*. 1493 and 1404 of the seme skyscraper. The Continental Casualty Company Is now one of the largest In the country, writing only accident Insurance. It haa gross issets of 31.161.024, $100,000 cap ital and net surplus of $121,112. In 1905 It wrote $2,*$M76 In pre miums and has paid over 250,000 death and Indemnity claims, aggregatliw $5.- $16 000. The Continental writes large ly industrial lines, and It la probable that Mr. William* will later take up that branch of the business. The com pany has only recently entered Geor gia. SS ■OT?P*ny. Of Borne. On.. has opened a xulte f o«Si on the fifteenth fiooc of the Can- filer building- 783 fids!* of California have aaaumad a very houtlie attitude toward the conu>anlea In volved In the recent conflagration, which tljr hampering the adjnatment of “in made an of one com* , pany on account of a delay In the settle* w ..... I meet, and Mr. Yatea waa a wttneaa to the M. L. Harm*worth, for many yearn cath- attack of one claimant upon an official Itr of the Waehlngton Life Inaurance Com* of a company. The assailant waa a worn* pany under Major Thomas Patera, who re* an, whose policies had been loaf In the cently resigned, has left that company I flf e - 5? n * US? 1 iJKH alao/to accept a place aa caahler for the „nf ifrrn” if^ It? vltfl tSfiJt Z W. P, Pattlllo local Are Insurance agency in onturv hulldlnr number of looses for bla company while in tne century ouiwinf. there, and In view of the recent arrauge- ment which the Prudential Insurance Com* pony, of Tatewell, whose offices were Hhls week mnved to Atlanta, the status of the Atlanta-Birmingham In the Insurance I world Is thoroughly assured, as all Its | funds can uow be devoted to the protec- present policyholders and the nr Man Francisco claims, since Jlty on policies from now on by the Atlanta-Blrmlngham Is Immediately as sumed by the Prudential. Hubacrlptlona are being rapidly received for the Increar In the capital nnd surplus of the Prude . flat. Mr. Yates says that It Is the general opinion In Han Francisco that the num ber of deaths caused by the fire was large* Iy In excess of that reported to the coro ner's office, where the report gave the number aa about 400. It la knowu that many persons were burled by undertakers ——it notification to the authorities, In BUILDING RAILROADS ABOUT NEW ORLEANS 8p*clsl to Thu Georgian. New Orleans, La, July 14.—The New Orleans Great Northern will begin op erating trains between this city and Bogalusa, a new town about one hun dred miles north of the Crescent City, whoro the largeat saw mill In the world Is to be erected, on August 1, and later It Ik expected the line will be extended to Jackson, Miss. The Goodyears, of the Buffalo and Susquehanna railroad, are fostering this line and the venture at Bogalusa. The Rock Island, Frisco and Colorado Southern will extend a line from Tur key Creek, eighteen miles from Alex andria, to Eunice, which I* about fif teen miles further south. Galveston, It Is said, Is the objective point of the Frisco. 8CHOOL8 AND COLLEQE8. 8CHOOL8 AND COLLEGES. LOW SUMMER RATES VIA FROM ATLANTA s.e on without notification to the authorities, In coaneqnenre of the confusion following the 47.701 fiiim.t.r, and It Is common report that 10.501 many corpse* which were unrecognisable 12.701 wm dumped Into the bay. 23.651 General Agent W. W. Cunningham, of 8.501 the Employera' Mobility Insurance Com- 14 60 puny, *■ distributing among bln.friends * Finn cry clerer little novelty in the form of * eollapalble pencil, bearing tbs company’s 12.001 advertisement. 10.00 — 11.60 Manager William E. Hawkins, of 3? 04 I Aetna Life, is this week tusking s OC.UO I through Georgia, visiting hta agents. trip Bar Harbor .. .. .. .. Lake George .. .. . ... Asheville Lake Toxaway Morehead City Taylors (Chick 8pringt) Atlantic Beach Cumberland Island .... St. Simone ... ... ..... Tryon , Waynesvllle Chicago .:... St. Paul 38.75 Put-ln-Bay .. 28.40 Thousand Island 47.15 I Me Uf- insurance' Company, Saratoaa Sorings 43301 management of Messrs. Ktelr... _ _ Chantaiimii * si an In the Equitable building, received this Chautauqua 33.40 w „ k , thorough remodeling, which greatly Narragansett Pier ... ..... ... 43.50 adds to their convenience nnd nttrnctlre- Atlantlc City .. 40.00 nean. The new management reports that - - 41 an business is steady end good for the old ’I“™ company, and that the prejudice* sgslnst 47.90 It prevalent during the investigation. It disappearing ttnder the strict reform* of Ticket, on sale dally and good until then** J&'WrilflJiy'iLS'S October 31, In which to return. Dining Improved policies. follow! „ ... ( . , visions of the Armstrong cars on all through trains. Electric lighted vestibuled train. For further Information call at Southern Ticket I adjusting I®****- office or write General Agent I,. B. Warren, of Rich J r. REAM n o A I mood, was this week * visitor to the of. J. t* 01AM, O. P. A. | pc,.* 0 f his local sgrot, Edgar Dunlop. Asbury Park 8aranac Inn . _ The Issue some new and “ ring out the pro- lawn. JOHN L. MOORE & SONS Have the only successful solid two- part Invisible eyeglass on ths market, ft la the Integral Kryptok Invisible Bifocal, with no cement to come looee. No other glasses compare with It In e-comfsrt and dressy appearance. 42 Broad St, Prudential building. ••• NO RACE SUICIDE EXISTS IN AUGUSTA Special to The Georgian. Augusta, Ga, July 14.—It Is up to President Roosevelt to congratulate some one here or pay Augusta a visit and make an address, for there have been no lees than eight sets ot twins born In Augusta during the pant two month!. The record* at the board of health ehow that there have been more twins bom In Augusta thl* year than In many year*, and the majority of them have been very recently. AN IDEAL LOCATION. . College Park, a picturesque suburb of Atlanta, Is an Ideatplace for a hlgh- claa* girl*’ school, Eight mile* from and sixty feet above the center of ths Cox College and Conservatory I* .... .enter of a small community of wealthy, refined and cultivated people. Electric cars, at Intervals of ten min utes, connect the college with the heart of tbe most progressive city In the South. .Thus doe* the college enjoy all the advantage* of a great city, and at the name time the peace, quiet and pur# air of a rural village. ••• OUTLOOK FOR FAIR AT AUGUSTA BRIGHT to Tho floorglan. Attftitfa, f>a., July U.—At th* meeting of the ill rector a of the Fall Fair Aaooda tlon jreaterfiay reporta were read that frtra extremely gratifying to tbe membera. Mince nhe Inat meeting of the board, the apeclnl committee appointed to look after additional anhacrlptlona hnn oecnred namea of many prominent hnetneaa who here taken stock. The committee waa dlacharged and the following gentlemen were aptxdnted to further canraa for auh- ■crlotlona. there being About $2,000 more .needed for patting on tbe fair: Meaara. J. r. Lamar. !». A. Hire, J. W. Walker. J. R. Greene. C. It, llnrmon, T. W. Loylean, The South's Ideal College-Preparatory Home School Georgia Military Academy College Park (suburb of Atlanta), Ga. afforded every boy, 1 boerdlng puplla Ihre with preeldent and faculty of 10. Illgheet moral and bocUI tone. B«!ect patronaxe from many HtaUw. Regular military drllli. good gymn**iuin, modern reading room, a athbtira under trained director, thorough preparation for any colkga or th« national academic*, bookkeeping, afenngranhy. typewriting, manual training,music. COL. J. C. WOOlHVAItl), A. M. WASHINGTON SEMINARY North Avenue and Peachtree Street. ATLANTA. For Girls and Young Ladles. Boarding Department strictly limited to provido refined liomo life. Classes divided Into sections averaging about ten students to secure personal Instruction. Faculty of l ightt'cn college grailti.iti'■*. I’rlniiii v, ucmlerttic, college preparatory, music, nt I tirol elocution. Certificate admit* to Vassar, Wellesley, Etc. Catalogue on application to V. Phone 2047, North. L. D. SCOTT, EMMA B. SCOTT, I’mmpalh. n Southern Female College, frftCRAyoXk.QA; The Second Oldest Collage for Worn# » LutUUnin, laH, er.a «■ In Amartca* tv later, auiutc h*«4of SoQlhemYoUeimta NftftMl ftnd a«n!tftt!oii. Fifteen •rheoU. JUno free to th» twwt DTi*!j trrwrtsa* Fftealf/ apodal let*. *"ro- |4>9I1 tntrrMii roneerwftUvry. I J . XORIfA X, Uo«- Do*., (0*fnrl «n4 | P| Let pate). I ri rector. Or— #«M*rT»ury lanrlwra. All rrwraa Uk*n Ust y*«rw For beautiful cataioguo oddrcit M. W. HATTON* Prea.» LaGronge. Georgia* thc ALABAMA BRENAU EI.'FAIT.A. ALAII4M4. A hlfh jrrsds t.'oll.(t-Coii**rvatory for yotin* lnillc«. Tliorontth emirs- In lite rary, special sdvsntss-s Is muklc, art. mate, .plsndtd health record, Ala. Bre- nan Chnatsaqaa takes nlaee of usual Cotmnenc.m.nt. Kpeclslly low prices. Write for tllustrstsd cntslngns. W. T. Field and W. W. Morton. STATION AGENT KILLED BY A MOVING TRAIN. Special to Ths Georxlan. Chattanooffa, Tsnn., July 14.—A spe cial from Blue Point, Ala., says K. H. Smith, agent for ths Chattanooga Southern road at that place, was run over and instantly killed yesterday. AWNINGS TENTS UPHOLSTERY AVAIER & V0LBER& ISO So. Forsyth 8t. Thorough coursss of Bookkooplng and Shorthand at grsatly reduced rates. Good pooitiono socurod or monoy funded. Ask our hundreds of gradu ates and th*jr employers about us. Clip this ad, send to us, and receive largo illustrated cataioguo. CRUEL TREATMENT CHARGE AGAINST WOMAN. Special to The Geordsa. Chattanooga, Tsnn., July 14.—Mr*. Mollle Hill, the foster mother of Frank Hill, la charged with cruelly beating and starving the child. After a war rant had been sworn out for her by th* humane agent, she agreed to release the child, who I* a baby boy, $ years of age, rather than go to trial. He has little flesh on hts bands arid hi* fett, and scars appear on his body, showing that he had been beat en. It 1* said that ths prosecution will not slop with the delivery of ths child to ths orphan's home. Now Park Amusement. Special to The Georgias. Chattanooga, Tenu.. July 14.—The Fairyland Amusement Company, which haa amusement park* at Memphis, At lanta and Birmingham, la negotiating, for the purpose of securing a alt* fur 1 an amusement park In thla city. WANTED- A BOOK-KEEPER AND 8TEN08RAPHER . , WHO HAS ATTKNOIO TMC SOUTH!! BN SHORTHAND ATLANTA. GA. The Leacflna Bualneaa School of the South. \ OOK-XEEPINO. Shorthand aft4 ron- 4 v p!*te English Dapartmeot*. Ovar J J 1 Grat)uat*s; eoualudantt annu ally. Racalvaa from two ' Icmaii a lurapaaiport to a good pooltlon. Kmer now. Catalogue fw Mention thla papar. A idreai A. C. BRISCOE, Frill., or L. W. ARNOLD. V.Prtif.. Atlanta. Gi. LUCY COBB INSTITUTE, Athens, Ga. 1906 1907 The FORTY-EIGHTH se.sion of th# Lucy Cobb Inatitute, an Inatitutlon for the education of young women of corgi.), will reopen on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12. For catalogue and room reservations apply to MRS. M. A. LIPSCOMB, Principal.