The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, July 17, 1906, Image 10
= lu THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. .11 I. V K. WANT ADS ONE CENT A WORD No ad. token for Ion than 25 cente, the prieo of four lines. Six word* of avoragt length mako a lino. The following ratal are for consecutive insertionei 1 time 6 cente a line. 3 times 5 oents a tine. 6 tlmee . .... Q/t cents a line. 26 tlmee 4 oenta a line. 52 tlmee i/t oente a line. 78 tlmee 3 cente a line. Written notice ie required to discontinue daeslfled advertise ments. OUT OF TOWN ORDERS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY CASH Georgian want ads. ara Inex pensive, but they bring quick re- suite and lure return!. Ads. for Situations Wanted will be inserted one time free of charge. They muet not exceed four lines. WE WILL SEND FOR YOUR >D. WITHOUT CHARGE FOR MESSENGER 8ERVICE. CALL U8 ON BELL PHONE 4027 MAIN, OR 4401 ATLANTA PHONE. When sending ads. pay for at rates qupted above. VV WANTED HELP—MALE. wflb r<vv references n< eh Mill Atg. Co. o niflpaflft 6T'wm ill up 2104 rr “* M MV’ rStTt goods? <f eo, . LABORERS WANTED. $1.25 PER DAY. Wages Paid Weekly. ATLANTA CAR WHE1 WORKS. Take Luckie St. Car Waterworks. ale H. U. anil Moore street towSo tfAtrpsft generatt wantEd-two uo6l> HOY joft TitEBB feeders. Good nay anil steady h Bloasrr l’rr««. W. r. Nunemacher, in «0 Walton street. stenographer. 140, ISO and w MS; If : WANTED HELP—FEMALE. our sewing room. work. day while learning. Aj Nunnally Bros. & Me" 36 W. Alabama street. WITH WANTED—WOMEN RIENCE FOR ALT! WORK ON LADIES’ OAI POSITION PERMANENT. OF GEORGIAN. m wagea l_ they learn. If jou lira out of Atlanta, writ* ua nnd wa will five you Information about boarding nieces. Nunnally Bros. * ■wdlng placaHl McCraa, 36 W. AlabamastreeL^H WASfBD-SIX (JlKW’rfl Work randy factory.^Amil^^cii||Ji Peachtree street. Apply at Wiley’s, 87 WANTED—WOMEN WITH RIENCE FOR ALTEI WORK ON LADIES' GAR] POSITION PERMANENT, OF GEORGIAN. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. RY ral reneli Qrorglsn JT-cLahI reader, wants poalUon. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. ATLAS ENGINE IGINES Jl atylaa THli' BOUtHEIiN ' Al r CTToN aN1> haI, yaga Company, at 20 & will buy or aall you out. mm: tba l*at on the market, $4.3 per ton. John T. Htocke A Co. atraat. city. SalB~¥W6 VaR' I^aIh* . FiSk ai.i.m- \\.\mi.\i; HD. ami g( h k Hi»*. r. 1 f- ; ;r ft'-H ' '■ •.:.*1 r** «i< u rral Bale* au<l tiopplj Co., Mobile, Ala. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED—GOOD COOK FOR FAUrLY of three: no children; good home for the right person. Address John T. Abney, Gainesville, Ua. PiWF ft 11 fl It ATS mOS'BY. Rtf'.. BoOtlllt. Cbaa D. Barker, 38 Patera street. > jWftTfrgkoroia oir ft/irtda homes end rath to exchange for oqultlee lo At lanta renting property. Cbaa D. Barker, 3* Patera et, Atlanta. WANTED-IlY TWO YOtibO MEN. ROOM on north aide. In private family. Give rates per month. Address It. V„ care Atlanta Georgian. m MISCELLANEOUS. FOR TnE NEXT TEN DAYS I WILL • cut my IX suits to t*. Carroll, tbs tailor, 172 Peachtree atreet, on pool te Aragon hoteL AT COBt-MY STOCK OF moft SaFU and ranlt doors to be sold at cost during next week; now le your time. 36 8. Broed •treat R. W. Elite, Atlanta. BU8INES8 OPPORTUNITIES. GO SEE SOUTHERN AUTO AND Equip ment Co. We repair, reconstruct, ex- Dbnne 4884-L Main. „ ATTRACTIVE BIONS WILL BRING YOU bualneea For high grads work call on ci Kant. >114 N. Pryor. PSone 3MB. H4HT jElLIOolOMp coal hi# a tON. ra Prompt dellrery. John T. 8t0cke A Co. wb ARRnifcAiKnrARfSfirTOft^HDBff b Mi* lime*. Write ne for price*. Wlleon A Hudilleaton. Miami. Fie* 9$;doo^WR 6V Tint fiTSST" BoTTIPTinr n moat up-to-date cafe* In Atlanta: will 11 deer 9600 per month. 8ee Ware A. Harper, 724 and 726 Century building, or the owner m at Grady hospital. ■ cl REAL E8TATE FOR 8ALE. “ HffffBTTBir 8 XLft-W 5Wm)T7*T w manta same ns rent. Only one left; last chance. New. 4 room*, hot and cold water, & porcelain bath and toilet. Corner lot 70s 176 In tbe city and right on the cer line. City sewer and pared atreet: line treAi, ‘ cool, Juat what you arc looking for; at* tractlre price; naymente only 826 per month. 8m Copenhlll I>and Co., 96 Edgewood are. K an FOR RENT. FOR RENT—42 DOANE 8T.. A GOOD BIX* room house, water, gae and tmtli; cloee tn to new Fryor street school house: rent reasonable to • permanent tenant Owner, wi 474 Washington atreet. ^ TYPEWRITERS ln *40. One Chicago 815. One Smith Premier In 816. One No. 5 Illlck 112. We are head- _ quarters for bargains In typewriter, of all 1-4 hakes. Atlanta Typewriter Exrbange, II. _ r d. Ashe, president, Atlanta, Ga. REMOVAL NOTICE. Jobs T. Stocks A Co. havo movod tholi offices and yard from 314 hlarletta to 285 Patera atreet, where all ordere for coal and wood will ba given prompt attention. Phouoe 4783. L08T. 12 elae, 26-year Creacent caee. Solid gold chain with Bik Tooth ««*ched. Reward offered. Leave at office or 92 North Forsyth. JOB PRINTING JOB PRINTING. LOWEST PRICER. SEND for eamploa. Cbae. Barker, 30 Patera t„ Atlanta. PERSONAL. p DAVID W. YARItROUOn, MASTER PLUMBER, Phones 124, 30 B. Hunter St WILLIS WALL PAPER. COMPANY, largest stock ln South. 64 N. Broad St p “KENT LIGHTS.” TnE BERT OF MANTI-B LIGHTS NOW sold at 81H N. Pryor St Alox Root, Phone 4841 OLD HAT8 MADE NEW PANAMA AND MILAN StHAW HATS cleaned and reshaped, 60c. Soft and stiff felt bat* cleaned and re- AC^B UATTEE&- WhftaS'f’st FOR RENT—FURNI8HED ROOMS. AT By: boanl optional; eva.ry convanlanca; J™ north aide; ran get meals across street FJ* Bell 'phone 3030. 8HOE REPAIRING. thl GIVINN’S SHOE SHOP. ? BUSINESS DIRECTORY. r J TALKINO MACHINES ANJ) RECORDS^ Wholeaalo and retail distributor* of Vie- e h< tor Talking Maehlnea and Records, Just or received Urge consignment of machines and II L over 10,000 records. Immediate attention T given mill ord^a. We want the namee of ell talking machine dealers In the sooth. Write fag catalogue. Alexander-Elyea Co. UltMftLBS INb AU^duJEh^Ia&oUht bicycle end sundry dlatrlbutore In the •outb. Southern agente for Pierce. Yale, Rorlt and Hudson bicycles. Write tor our 1904 catalogi'e and price Hat Alexander- Elyea Co. WE MOVE, STOHE, PACK AND SHIP household goods; Insurance rets one per _ rent Office and warehouse 1S346 Walton () •treat. Both 'pbosoa. Cathcart's Trans- for. REYNOLDR. Till 8ION PAINTER. „j. Btgns, banners, flags end flag decorations for special occaalone. 20ft R. Alabama 8L KltOMOPAtHtc KKMKTilRH ClJRB am In dlaeaaee and make hair grow. 9 f Knun's Medicated Soap makes you hr- rlentcally dean. (30 years success.) J. J. l n1 Krotn, apeclallat, 413 •‘The Grand,” At- *•• lanta, Ga. ^ ~ _ fo CASH REGISTERS. It Pi (Second Hand.) NATIONALS. nAI.I.WOODR, IDEALS end ell other makes at bargain prices. We can tell you e register, eultable for any business, at a price that cannot help but please you. guaranteed for two years. Southern Cash Register Co.. Branch of American Second- Hand Cash Register Ca, 94 8. Broad atreet. Atlanta, Ga. f|WfT J ■ Brock way eurrtea, runabouts and depot wajrona. Nothing batter made. Georgia Vehicle Mfg. Co., BO and 62 Went Mitchell atraat. iSnr ' IaLK—Bfcdf hiihiiKR tire! . workmamblp guaranteed. Georgia Ve- hlcla Mfg. Co.. A and 62 Watt Mlt. bell at DON’T GO BLIND. wnns TOD SEE THE ATLANTA Wracking Co.’a new lint. Jnat added a fall Hat of trunks. traTelera' auppllea and general offre auppllea. The rhea peat ever » d. Wa bay. sail or exchange everything. t7 and » West Mitchell atraat. Bell ’pboM ' FOR SALE By Atlanta Table Co., 97 Bell St., 16,000 feet 3x14x26 Dry Pine. One 40 h. p. Re turn Tubular Boiler. YOU’D BE HAPPY if your wants were supplied. Your wants would be supplied if you made them known. You could make them known by using the classified ad. columns of The Georgian. It’s an easy matter, and not expensive. Only one cent a word. A quarter has brought happiness to more than one ad vertiser. Half a dollar will give you three charfces at happiness. Try a little ad. Call us on ’phone 4927 or send by a messenger. We’ll pay the messenger. Easiest thing you know. THREE MONTHS RENT FREE Suburban Horn,,. The first month will bo given FREE city; contain 7 and I room,; havo In tba cantor of this Park ara It now haa a now church, noatly . J. T. Mills, who. lives on the l will show you through the Rant 330.00 per month. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, 12 Auburn Avenue. BASS ST. HOME. Just off Washington St., seven-room house on lot. Terms reasonable. 3 $3,500. See LIEBMAN, Estate and Ren 28 Peachtree St. GLORE & JUSTIN, 215 Peters Building. AT NO. 304-304 W. FOURTH, WE RAVE 3 “ se-room cottages, In flrat-clasa a ha pa. na to white tenants at <7 each, and I nouse on rear of one lot. This la a 91,400 ~vm Indld 6-room cottage with cabluet man- tiling, lot 76x190 to alley. 91,700. Ones cash and balance monthly, h veatment or home, call and see ua. GET A NORTH SIDE HOME CHEAP. me of the best-known North Side streets, a 2- ry, 9-room house, all mod- conveniences; lot 55x , elevated with uiee ?e stable on lot. This is argain and all we ask is you to have a look at it. will speak for itself, ce $4,750. H. L. WILSON & CO., BARGAINS. 14 PF.R CENT INVESTMENT. Three brand new apartment house* now rented to flrat-claaa negro tenants, total rent* 91,320 per year. H. C. WILSON & CO., Real Estate and Renting Agents, 1201 Fourth Xat’I. Dank Building. Bell Phone 1992. SANDERS, SMITH & CONWAY, H Phones 6488. 412 Peters Bldg. 3 17,000—PEACHTREE ROAD 0-B. COT- taga OB 7-acre tract *00 feet frontage, * Ilea walL This la ebaap. Lies on weat aids a street, baa nice fruit trees, outbuildings, % etc. • 17,600—LOVELIEST 10-B. HOUSE ON N. Boulevard In choicest block on tba atraet; house ie strictly modern and np-to*4ate; would cost 94.600 to" build It to£ay. Lot would bring $3,000 to $3,600. . Do you want a bargain? 83,000—GARDEN STREET—FIVE-ROOM cottage, near Georgia avanua; olee lot; all Improvements: water, gee, bath, sew erage, etc.- Party laavlog tba city In structs ua to aall tbla lovely cottage for WOO cash and balance 830 per montb. 17.600—SPRING STREET HOME. 0-R., LOT 65x186 to alloy, between North arsons and Third street; house le a beauty, furnace hasted, elegant finish; an Ideal boms; can make term, on thla $2,360 - GLEN WOOD AVENUE, NEAR Boulevard, one block of new school build ing; a brand-new five-room cottage, with water, gas, sewerage, nice porcelain bath and waah stand, on level, pretty lot, on terms of $600 cash and $20 to $25 per month. r,000-10-B. COTTAGE ON LOT 60x*», servant's bouse. Thla place la a perfect, beauty. Think of It, a 10-r. cottage, nearly brand new, and juet off Peachtree; noth- ■tag Ilka It In town. Terms. McNEILL & SHERWOOD REAL ESTATE AND CONTRACTING 614 Empire Building. Phone 887. LOOK AT THIS! 300x360 FT. R. R. FRONTAGE, CLOSE IN. Modern building on aarne, containing 16,* 000 square feet of space, worth not Ices than 113.000. If taken within a week enn •ell at |26,000 for entire property. Fob salh-t.Ioo wlUlTTuliCHAflB AN elegant 9-room heuee, lot 100x300 ft, In Inman Park, near Druid Circle. Three S0W iuoom HOUSf.s sjf beautiful corner In West End. 34,260 to FIVE NEAT 0 AND 7-ftOOM cOtTaOEs In tne best part of West End, from 92,850 to 99.100. 4-roum, 2-sfOliY New house, TINTED wells, cabinet mantels, Meldrim st. Only 1,700. Terms HeaiITiful new w-hOoii nOUflb ON Peachtree, with over one acre of ground. Price $9,60$. Liberal timi or will ex change for vacant property or smaller homo. it. It! PIiDNTaoE OuT oV aS'Ii WITHIN city llmlte, large and small lota Prices *300 to IX.OOO per lot Buy now and double your money within a year. IF YOU want a business Site WE have cUenta who will buy and Improve for you. Call end see ns. SUBURBAN LOTS $1.00 Down and $1.00 Per Week. WB HAVE ONLY X OF THESE LOTS left, .Hunted Just outride tbe city limits on the South Decatur car line, on the terms named aoove. These lots are In a atrtctly white reel- deuce uelghl>orhood and border on tbe pro- poeed National Fark. No Interest, no state and connty taxes for two years and payments may be suspended If sick. Only 36 lota left, ao you had better see ■ ua at once. ( T. J. LOCHRIDGE & CO., 416-17 Empire Bulging. ( Phone*—Bell 1482. Atlanta 1614 a * 0 c I 1 FOR RENT. i, JOHN J. WOODSIDE, c 1 13S .PEACHTBEB STREET—AT THE . above uumber on Peachtree street, be tween James and Foray th streets, you will ■ find one store-room 27x47, with basement about the same atae. Thla place la auttablo . for a nice grocery or almost any kind of f retail bualnea* and a live man can do a * gtM*l business at thle a ta .dnteRnxKTA f good business at thla atand. Rent, $150.00 * per month. .. t JOHN J. WOODSIDE, Y THE RENTING AGENT, . 13 Auburn Avenue, Both Phones 616. £ li """ K C FOURTEENTH ST. LOT. m THIS LOT 18 10 BY »0; BEAUTIFULLY * * * T *a nicely .and Samuel Wey- . ia the atreet ... Ilenrr Johnson and Mr. Eugene Callaway. Quick sale price 93,400. CHAS. M. ROBERTS, II AUBURN AVE. fell ’phone • STEPHENSON BROS., Plumbing and Gas Fitting, 51 S. Forsyth Street. Phones—Bell 2528 Main. AtlaLta 37. 3J.HK) BUTS TWO-STORY EIGHT-ROOM house near Girls’ High achool; lot 60 by 140 feet to alley. -This I* a fine neighbor hood, and will make a good borne or In vestment; 71,600 cash and assume 92,000 at * cent Interest -BUYS TWO-ftTbftY ullt, on Al renting Tor IX Per month. er street 'each tree; Georgia avenue; 9900 built; good elevation; near cash, balance to suit 92,260 BUY8 A GOOD FIVE-ROOM COT* Whit tage, close In, near rents for 920 per moonth walking distance. ilteball street: nice home, In walking distance. IUM fit)yS“ TOrIsh-ffboti one four-room cottage, cloee street; renting for 914.60 per fsimrs’E<\ rm #m am tnges In West End; ole close hi, near Fort month. IIT-WOtf cottagw ... and modern built, for They sell faat out there. 91.406 BUYS F61'ft Ao<Hi CdtT'ATiB T5S Mills street; cloee in. It has all ini* irovsments and will make a nice little ome or bring good Income. ti.666 fAgPs SmaLL Bf 6KB gS MAUI" etta street; 10 by 10& beck to Western and Atlantic railroad. This Is close In and Jo«t the piece for two stores or some flour or grain dealer to locate. 91.066 bOffi 'MbWA^liTftA'L tfARDj renting for 911.45 per month. FAVER & BLACK, BOTH PHONES 3619. NO. SOS PETERS BLDO. W. M. Nlchola, Salesman. BUILDING LOTS. “Get you a building lot In Atlanta now; you will never ba able t» buy one for any leas money." ADAIR. Alta Avenue, just outside Inman Park, near Euclid avenue, only three lota left In thla aubdlvlalon, 50x194, toy $450; 150x150 for $$00, and 125x157 for $800. These are sure money-makers; easy terms. Connally Street, only five-eights of a mile from ^center, 15 mtnutef walk from Century building, half way to Grant park, level lot 40x190 to alley; gas, water and sewer down; price $450; faces pretty residences in front Lawn Street, In West End. near Park and Lee, 116 feet front, run. nlng back 150 *to alley, opposite the new cottages; price $1,200. FORREST & GEORGE ADAIR. COIvIvEGE PARK HOMES - DON’T PAY RENT. It la exceedingly bad form to do so when you can pay your own. money baek Is your pocket by coming to pie. Juit run your eye over this! We’ll build you s house Just like you want It on easy payment!, from SSflt to 95,000, If yon buy the lot 2-room, modern, new house on corner lot 9100 caah, balance easy monthly payments.. ' 1 4-room modern new house, tame terms. 6-room, new, modern house on large corner lot; 930 cash; balance easy monthly payments. 7, 6 and 10-room houses. The College Park Lend Company have 2,000 lots to select from, 9100 to |M each. Come out and see me, or call me up. Office at am) of car line. Bell Phone 37-J East Point Exchange, Colleas Park, Ga. I sell everything at College Park. EDWARD H. WALKER, The College Park Real Estate Dealer. 31.10. neh^l.SO te 17 Per Cent Investment. WE HAVE AN 14-ROOM HOUSE NEAR Marietta atreet that la now renting for 838 per month, (loot! lot. Thla property la Hated with ua for one weak only at the low price of 32,600 caah. Real Estate. 57 Inman Building. Bell Phone 1485. RAILROAD SCHEDULES. Showing the Arrival and Departure of Pee senger Trains of the Following Roede: WESTfiUN AND ATCaNTIc kAirftffAT): No.—Arrive From— No.—Depart To— « < Nashville.. 7:10 ami- 3 Naahvllle. 8:36 am 71 Marietta... 8:16 am) 74 Mari«tta..l3:10 pm *93 Naahvlllt..ll:46 ami* 92 Naahvllle.4:60 pm ”6 Marietta... 2:60 pm 72 Marietta.. 6:30 — 1 Naahvllle.. 7:35 pm|* 4 Naahvllle. 8:60 - ctiNfkAL"OP MiftOU railWAT Arrive From— J Depart To— . 7:10 am Macon 12:01am Savannah 8:00 Macon 4:00 Savannah 9:16 tacon 7:66 pm i Jacksonville.. 8:30 pm aTLAFTta itm-- ROAD. Arrive From— I . Depart To— ..11:40 amrMontgomery 5:30 am 1 pm)*Montg’m’ry.l2:45 pm l pmrSelma 4:20 pm v —i.-a e 5;30 pm n’ry.11:15 pm except Bun* dontcomeryi . •Dally. Ail other trains Xil trains of Atlanta and Weat Point allroad Company arrive at and depart om Atlanta Terminal station, corner of lltchell atreet and Madleon avenue. * GttOttQIATAUltOAli: Arrive 1 nre riai 6;45 am iugueta •Dally. iata 8:15 pm Uthonla 10:06 am •Auguata 8:30 pm Conrera 6:00 pm Ington.... 4:10 pm •Auguata 11:46 pm All other trains dally except Snn mronog line uailwav. Arrive From— I Depart To— aehlngton... 4:30 amlBlrtnlngham.. 4:40 a lew York 3:30 pm Abl»ettlle.... [onroe 7:40 pmfMemphts.... Irmlngham.. 9:26 nm Washington. Shown In Central time. 4 :00 | 5:00 J SOUTHERN RAILWAY. 8tation, corner Mitchell and Madison Avanua. ** N. B.—Following schedule figures l shed only aa Information and are not iiaranteed: 4:00 A. M.—No. 22, DAILY. Local to Blr- ilngham. making all ktopa; arriving In Innlngham 10:16 a. m. 6:30 A. M.-No. 13, DAILY. “CHICAGO ND CINCINNATI LIMITED.” A solid pstlbuled train Atlanta to Cincinnati with- st change, composed of vestlbuled- day ouisviiie p. to.; v-oiragu u. n. afe car service. All meals between At* inta and Cincinnati. 6:30 A. M.-No. 30 DAILY, to Griffin and olumboa. Arrives Griffin 7:11 a. m.; Co* imbue 10 a. m. 4:16 A. M.-No. 12, DAILY, local to Macon, trnnawlck and Jacksonville. Makes all arriving Macon 9:16 a. m.; Uruna* Slrtulngbain, Mempbi*. Kauaas City .'olorado Springs. Arrives Memphis >. m.; Kansas City 9:46 e. m., end Coloi DAILY.—Local to igton : 12:15 Op. m. 10. DAILY.—Macon and slim rrlrlnc \ M.—No. Pullman observation chair ATLANTA MARKETS, FRUITS AND PRODUCE. Officially corrected by Atlanta Fruit an< ’roduce exchange. Lemons 96.10 to Limes 60 to 76c. Patches, per erste. 91 to Pineapples 92 to 93.60. Banana*, straights, $1.75. Culls, per bur Watermelon*, $7.60 tnand good. POULTRY AND COUNTRY PRODUCE.- Dressed Lena, per lb., 12o to 19c. Eggs, per doxen, 16 to 14c. Butter, table, per lb., 20 to 22Hc; cook ing. per lb., 12fto to 16c. Honey-New ®10c lb.; In 1-lb. racks 10 4912c. VEGETABLES.—Iriah potatoea. Na stock 94 barrel; No. 2 stock 92.60. Tomatoes, per crate. $1 to 91.60. Corn, new, 10 to 12v&c per dosen. Okra, per crate. 91 to 9LoO. Old Irish potatoes, per bushel, 91.40. Old sweet potatoes, per bushel, 91 to 91-25; Dew sweet potatoes $4-60 bushel. Cherries, 24-quart crate, 91.60 to 91*71 Cantaloupes, per crate, 91 to 91*60. Blackberries 16 to 12Hc ouart Dewberries 10 to 12Hc quart. FLOUR, GRAIN, PROVI8ION8. FLOUR.—Poatela Elegant 94.10; Dlam< patent 95.75; fancy patent 94.65; half pat $4.10 to 94.86; tansy 9190; spring wb patent 96.25 to 95.76. F CORN.-Cholce red cob 74c; No. 2 white 74c; No. 2 yellow 71c; mixed 72c, OATS—Choice white dipped, 62c; choice white, 60c; choice mixed, 49c; Texas rust proof, 60c. MEAL.—Plain water ground, per bushel, S ic? bolted 140-lb. Jutes, per bn«bel, 63c. borts, white, 91.40: medium- 5i.35; brown, 9L30: pure bran, 91.20; mixed tiran, $1.15. HAY7—Timothy, choice large bales, 9L10: do., choice small bales 91.14; do., No. 1 timothy bales, $x.06; do., No. 2 91; da, Na 1 clover mixed 91.06; do., No. 2 closed mixed ^CLOVER.—Choice 90c. The above price* are f. o. b. Atlanta, and aubject to immediate Acceptance. GROCERIE8. SUGAR.-Standard granulated 6c. New York Refined 4‘* to 4H; plantations 4*4 to He. Market stronger. COFFEE.—Itoaated Arbuckle’a $16.60; li’e. Markef weak. RICE.—Carolina 4H to 7Hc, according to rade. Market very strong. CHEESE— Fancy full cream dairy, 14Hc; sin* 14c: brick, 14c. Market atrong. PROVISIONS.—Hupwtne bams 16c. Dove hams 16Vkc. California hama lOHc: Rad Cross hams 16c. Dry salt extra ribs 10.00; bellies 20-6 lbs. 10.76; fat back* 8ft; plates 8ft. Supreme lard 10. Red Cross 10c, Snow Drift compound 7ft. Red Cross 7ft. # STOCK8 AND BOND8. o«rSS. ftV’sU'iiw:::::::::::: *** »»niu JUQ Atlanta, ^ 191L. 106 Atlanta, 4fte. 1922 107 Atlanta 4e, 1934 106 Atlanta and Weat Point 146 170. Atlanta and Weat Point Debts. 107 110 It. of Georgia first Income 94 do. second income 88 88 do. third Income 84 86 Georgia 265 270 Augusta end 8avannsb 116 117 Southwestern 114 118 HE DIES WHEN TOLD HE’S HEIR TO $20,000 By Privat. feared Wire. Kanaaa, City, Mo., July 17.—While opening a letter from hts alater, which contained the Information that he had fallen heir to 330,000, W. R. Johnaon, a atvltchman, 40 years old, died from the rupture of an artery near hla heart ycaterday. CONFEDERATE VETERAN8 TO HOLD A REUNION. THE WEATHER. , . LOCAL FORECA8T. Atlanta and Vldnlty-l’artly dandy te. night and Wednesday, probably ihow'vra. WEATHER CONDITIONS. Cloudy wenthor prevails over the renth and at moat atatlona eant of tbe Mliilaaiod and ahowera bare occurred In nearly all we- tlona In the lint fi bonra. Thunderitora, ward quite prevalent during Monday tad Monday night. Tbe following station, re port one Inch or more of rain In the ltd K hours: Pittsburg, 1.C8; Memphl., iJR Naahvllle. 1.34. * Tbe preaiure boa decreased over tb« northeatt and at a few atatloni In the northern districts of the Rocky Mountains while at most other stations there ha, been a alight Incraare. The temperature baa changed but little eicept In a few Isolated 'cares. The condition! favor partly cloudy weath er tonight and Wednesday, probilily ihowero. 3. to. MABBURI, e Section Director. COTTON REGION BULLETIN. For the 24 hour, ending at 8 a. m„ 71th meridian time, July 17, STATIONS or ATLANTA DISTRICT. ‘Atlanta, eloody -Chattanooga, rain Columbna, p. cloudy OalnaavIlTa, cloudy Ureenvllla, clear Oriffln, cloudy ... newnin, ciouay Rome, cloudy Spartanburg, eloody ..... Tallapooaa, cloudy Toccoa, cloudy Wait l’olnt. cloudy,, ‘Minimum tarn: Temp'ture. Max. UIo. l i 47 84 I 68 70 78 72 b 99 70 8 S9 71 K4 M 83 71 for it-hoor . rainfalls. Corinth, Mlaa ...!. 3.18 Memphis, Ttnn 1.33 Port Qlbaon, La 120 fci,. CENTRAL STATION. Atlanta .«... Auguata .... Charleston Galveston ... Little Iloek . Memphis .... Mobile New Driesr Oklahoma Savannah . Vicksburg.. Wilmington f Ind* ill isi ir 10 I 80 174 | .M iimppredabla rainfall. Inannreclnlil REMARK No ■rrat lain, fall In all sections except Vick,berg dlatriet, with heavy fella In Tenneam, Mississippi, Louisiana and Arkansas. J. r.. MAKBLHY, Section Director. STATISTICS. Special to The Oeorgtan. Stone Mountain, Qa., July 17.—Thera will be a reunion of the Twelfth Geor gin battalion at this place on Auguat 3, and all Confederate veterans and their friends are requested to be present and to bring welMllled baskets. All veterans are requested to meet at Scruggs’ corner at » o'clock a. m. to march down to tbe pavilion, where a welcoming address will be made by I. Nash, mayor of Stone Mountain; response by J. T. Jordan, of Company C, Twelfth Georgia battalion, and an address by H. D. Capers, colonel of the Twelfth Georgia battalion. There will be memorial services at the close, of Comrades Taylor Heath, O. w. Weat. Noah Dlldy and William A. Haxlerlg, who have died since the last meeting. -No.. V. DAILY.—Pullman ham. 'Arrives i Memphis 7:15 a. , 4 JO T". M.-No. IS. DAILY, eicept Sun- Columbus. 4J5 . ettevllle and Fort Valley. 450 P. M.-No. 15. DAILY.—Through drawlag room sod alesptnr ears yo Cia- ctnnatl and Memphis and Chattanooga to i snitavllle. Arrives Heme 7:2, p. ns.: iKltua M p. nki Chattanooga >55 p. a.: Memphis 8:30 a. m.: fenlevllle 8:M a. m.: 8t feels * p. w.: Cincinnati 8:10 a. m. • :I& P M.-No 25, DAILY.—Makes all stops. Ixwat to Heflin: arrives Htfllu 10:50 ’'11:15 P. M.-No. 14. DAILY.—Florida Um- ,te«l. A aoild veatlbuled train to Jackaoo- vllle, Fla. Through sleeping'rare and day couches to Jacksonville and Rrunswtck; ar rives Jacksonville 8.-50 a. m.; Brunswick * a. m.; Sr. Anguatlne 10 a. m. 1130 P.M.-S0. 87, DA 11. Y.—Through Pullman drawing room sleeping car. At- last* to Shreveport, fecal .resmer Atlanta to Birmingham. Arrives Birmingham 5J5 *• m .'.i Meridian It a. m.; Jackson 2:36 p. m.; \lckaburg, 4:05 p. m.; Shreveport 10.6. F-w“n n," 1 "”* ,,p *“ *° pesaengere 38. DAILY.—Halted States Fast Mall. Solid vestlbnled train. Sleeping hlchmood. Charlotte ana Asheville. Coarbes to Waablngtou. Dining care serve all meals en route. Arrives Washlnetos >J0 p. m.: New York 3:23 a. m local AttantadTbariocte sleeper open to receive nesrencers at »:80 p, m. Ixtcal Atlanta-Ashevllle sleeper open WJO n m “WuM Otnce No. J Peachtree, »u Adltt. Peters building, and new Terminal Station. BIRTHS. To Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Allen, at 12 8» vannab atreet; a son. DEATH 8. _Ignats Oescbger, 81 years old, died at 17 West Cain atreet. Horace P. South, 33 years old, died st I DIUon street. W. Evans. Jr., 3 months old, died st Peacbtr 330 West btree atreet. PROPERTY TRAN8FER8. 24.MO—Mrs. Carle L. King, executrli. as4 C. L. Anderson, executor, to Clarence B. Houston, lot on Weat Paachtree street, near West Fourth atreet. Warranty deed. 813.440—E. C. Callaway, et al., to Mrs Valeria R. Manley, lot on Fourteenth street, near Pearhtree. Bond for title. 8200-Grace L.. Martin to Addison feavsna lot In College Park, Ga. Warranty deed. BUILDING~PERMIT8. 835—M. L. Thrower, to re-cover oof story frame dwelling In rear of 400 Prnch- tree street. 11.300—Young Men's Habrew Association, to make repairs at 31> Piedmont avenue. ITS—George B. Beauchamp, to build shea at 528 Decatur street. w . 180—J. F. Buchanan, to build frame ske« t 30 McDonald atreet. —. 12,000-T. L. Ambrose, to build two one story frame houses at 701 Woodward are 830—E. C. Hays, to re-cover frame dwell ing at m Irwin atreet. , H50-J. J. West, to build ooe-storj frame dwelling at 123 Sims street. . ,,, 32JO—Real Estate Trust Compenv to bnlld one-atory frame dwelling at 443 Auburn -venue. *135—1. 8.. Mitchell, to re-cover frame dwelling .at 37 Whitehall terrace. 3SO—Mrs. W. 8. BeU, to rwcover frame welling at 1> Fowler atreet. - 84SO-R. J. Pritchett, to add to one story frame dwelling at 85 Park avenue. CASE IS DISMISSED AGAINST JOE EPLAI The warrant which was sworn o' In Judge Landrum's court by W. Ba some time ago against Joe Epl* n -. ■ Decatur atreet pawnbroker, tor * _ ceny after trust, was -Tuesday m re l-crcrs nuuoing, and new Terminal Statlou " n > a««r trust, waa ». uj Bulb 'Plume,. Oty office, leg majp; $22 Ing dismissed alter th# hearin* o« No 1 no Terminal avehansM ovtdenca