The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, July 18, 1906, Image 10

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TH K AT I. A XT A GEORG IA X. \vi:dni:sday. jcly i«. mw. WANT ADS ONE CENT. A WORD No ad. taken for lata than 23 cent*, the price of four line*. Six word* of average length make a line. The following rates are for consecutive insertions: 1 time • cento a line. 3 times 5 cents a line. 6 times V/z cents a line. 26 times 4 cents a line. 52 times J'/j cents a line. 78 times 3 cents a line. Written notice is required to discontinue clatsifieth advertise, manta. OUT OF TOWN ORDERS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY CASH Georgian want ads. are inex pensive, but they bring quick re- suite and sure returns. Ads. for Situations Wanted "will be inserted one time free of charge. They must not exceed four linoa. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. UO MKK SOUTHERN AUTO ANI> KUUIP- went Co. Wr repair, rerouotruel. cl- rhaoce. Imy ami aril nntcunuMiea Garage, ■MI Mitchell street. Atlasta. Ca. Hell phone 4SS4.I. Main. attractive mcNit will rhino you Imalneea for high smile work rail on Kent. tit. X. l»rrnr. ana PKH'i" .’III,I.ICO I.IMI' I'OAL 84.5U A TOUT ompt delivery. John T. Mtoeke A Co. I NEED A ROOM WK A 1CB* irKAlMJI’AllTEHM FOB FLOH Ida lltu***. Wrltf »»» for price*. WIIma A IlmMlNfofi. Miami. Pin. i fifito-iitfti oT^'finrm:MT Kijrirckf-, most up-to-ilutf mfri lit Atlanta: will flu* owner lit Keo IV 'enturjr l-iilMIni;. |L flnWf hoeplfnl. WK IIAVi:*ONK oFTIIK ilOHT UEI’T* ;intI iirotltnlilf nifpi In Atlanta. We im*II fit n *nrrifl<e. Will give term* on * port »*f till* to a mitvcimfiil. « <tin|M*tt*nt man. Wnrt* *V llnrpor. 721 and 725 Centnrj BMf- TYPEWRITERS. fvpinvuTfmar^^xfrsWfi^fnTTW Ho. Om> rtdrngo ll.V One kinlfh Prrmlrr IX One Xn. 6 llll.'k III. \\> ere hea.l .piarlere for bargains In typewrltefe of nil WE WILL SEND FOR YOUR AO. WITHOUT CHARGE FOR ME88ENGER SERVICE. CALL US ON BELL PHONE 4827 MAIN, OR 4401 ATLANTA PHONE. Whan sanding ads. pay for at rates quoted above. J WANTED HELP—MALE. WAKTIBD-OOOD STRONG WHITE fc'CX as helpers Id tba foundry to laarn mold- prs’ trad*. Good pay to start with and totter pay In two or three months. Only a " u • pp,x u*LnH Ih> VofrWASf fo Bidlnmi: ok voini goods? If so. mil np 2306 (Belt). The Southern Auction and Malvuga Company* 20 iouth Pryor, LABORERS WANTED. $1.25 PER DAY. Wages Paid Weekly. ATLANTA CAR WHEEL WORKS. Take Luckie St. Car to Waterworks. ■■smsHmenmaMxn machise man. Apply Houtbrrn Furniture Co., Gccr- fta M. It. and Moore street. iSIfX ftoY fv anted to DfffTOTBUTB cards. Call at Htar Office, 20 Petera «t. W*ANTfti>-TWO UcKJTTTlof JOlt i'HKHH feeders, tlfioil pur nml steady work. Itliwsfr I*reaa. W. C. Nunemaeher, manager. 46 Wilton street. KDl.ll IToltM WANTED-Ml'klttENt'EH solicitors wantefl to plncc our I'ocket Hook Hnfes. Hometblug new. Apply to A. II. ('atlln, I’plon Having* bunk, building. Wanted — oool» I build NUlijj W lihILtllU Hood wages; stesdy Job. Chapninu'a fur riage Factory. Jacksonville. Kin. tv A*l¥KY£33ftI pet fc Sr"M;f Lf iiTmmfl REMOVAL NOTICE, ~Jofin T Gloria £ Co. ha re morefi tWr offices mid yard front 314 Marietta to 296 Peters street, where all orders for coal nml worn! will lie glrcu prompt attcntloo. Phone# 4723. JOB PRINTING JOB IMlI.NTINoTTTtWpHTTltrtUCK BEND fm mi Atlanta. WALL PAPER. fformerly of Ilurnett A Wllllni Is not dead nor missing, lie Is eontrnetlng wall paper and painting. Office and show room *“ East Hunter street. Both ’phones Mfl. LOST. you’re heard tell; ,— .. heanl —, He's the man who does papering and painting so well; A look at hla anniplen Is certainly s treat. Ho see him at 12 East Hunter afreet— Both 'phones 660. FOR RENT—STORE ROOM. Fnn-|iKNtrri«feXr~^ hell street, 23xllM: elan rimin'. For eale. 16 arm oo Peachtree road, IS,(M0. obn Jntiiee. FOR RENT—ROOM8. mi' itKCT~xH5ftir"nffgi»rTniff^ Apply 67 Craw at Beil phone 4261. ' Foil' HENT-A - NICELY FI lIXimlKlJ front rimm. Apply to 347 Peachtree at. xt hfRnr with batT ..UK FUOST privilege. for rent fur nummer. cheap. K. I'lii,. at. Trt. 306 Main, or W3 Kurts. DAVID W. TARBROUan. MASTER Fbones 1X6. 80 F Hunter ML nn place; rtuh’t apply without rrti'rrurr. ITinne am North, or npply corner Peach, tree anil Mevcntecnth ale. WANTED HELP—FEMALE. WANTED—WOMEN WITH EXPE RIENCE FOR ALTERATION WORK ON I.ADIE8’ GARMENTS. POSITION PERMANENT. URGIN'. NINO SEPTEMBER t. WITH QOOD SALARY. ADDRESS L. H. 8., CARE OF GEORGIAN. Experleacsd operators make from 813.10 per week, and we will dee food day wafes to tboee without esperleucc until they loan. If yon live out of Atlanta, rrite ne and we will live you Information street. WaVTEtl^HfX ClULiT tTi WilllK IS' ““■ly fertory. Apply at Wiley’s, •* tree afreet. WANTED—WOMEN WITH EXPE RIENCE ' FOR ALTERATION WORK ON LADIES’ GARMENTS. POSITION PERMANENT. RESIN NING SEPTEMBER 1. WITH OOOD SALARY. ADDRESS L. H. 8., CARE OF GEORGIAN. FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. PIHHT.4T.AMI HI'RINRltH . ehnul.l have blah irede .lane Kent 8l,n la, Vi* North Pry, IIOPHKM fall an ir street Sr3?TUKHX AtlTUIX rsge Company, at South P^or street will imy or eell you out. BkavicTT cRRkkTTi.«u• k ^oaL, onF: oP the lint on I he market, 94.26 i**r tou. John T. Ht«ek» 6 Co. I.KAVINli THK t’lTV. tVli.l. SKI.I." Al.l. the furniture of n flvo r*x*m dot at a (rest heraaln. I topi I re at 136 H. Forsyth street, city. DONT GO BLIND. WnEX YOU REE TIIE ATLANTA Wrecking Co. * new line. Jnat Added * roll line of trunk*, traveler*' *npplle* and general office tuppUe*. The rhe«t>est ever •old. We Imy, *ell or exchange everything. 17 and 9 W«*t Mitchell street. Bell phone 1Q0, WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. the Abuey, light peraoii. Addrc*i UalneavtUe. Ba. roNf’KhFHATF Money; eto.. BcJlTiliT: Chaa. Ib Morker._20_Peter* street. SORTinTPOItlllA Olt FLORIDA llVTSflK • t» exchange for eoultle* tn At lanta renting ,l * >*«rh»*r. 20 Peter* “KENT LIGHTS.” TUB IIBBT OF MANTLE LIGHTS NOW •old at klH N. Pryor 8t. Ales Kent Phone 4648. OLD HATS MADE NEW PANAMA AND MILAN 8TICAW HATS t ami stiff felt Uata cleaned aod re- shapet), 16c. Banda or sweats, 28c each eitra. ACME HATTKRH, 6H Whitehall BL FOR RENT—FURNI8HED ROOM8. rniwraraim llyj Ixnird optional; every ronvvalenre. north eld.”, ran let mealn across street. Hell 'phone SCO. SHOE REPAIRING. GWINN’S SHOE SHOP. 4 I.UCKIK. OPPOSITE PIEDMONT. Bell 33X. Men', sowed half aolea Tic. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. I'ALKIXO MAflllKKR AND HKl'ORUH- Wboleeale and retail dletrthutum of Vic- lor Talking Machines and Records Jnat •eretvrd larar ron.lfpin.nt of xiaeklnea and all talking machine dealers la the south. Write for rataloaua. Aleiander-Elyea Ca uii’l'cLKS aRd dUtfltltiUit-LikoEiii Idcyrla and sundry dlstrtbntora ta the lUth. fonthera agents for IMerro. Tale, K nth. Routhera agenla for Pierce. Tale, tell and Hudson bicycles. Write for oar IN* cate 10*00 and price list Alexaader- El Co ~ Aleiandet Wt-T*MOVE, RTOltfc. PAfK Akt> SHIP bones hold coode; ineurence rate one per rent Office and warehouse 1046 Walton Roth 'phones. Calhcart's Trans RKYNOLDR. tHX SION PAIKTlfk 8l(*a banners, uses and Hag decoration: CASH REGISTERS. (Second Hand.) NATION A LB. II Alt.WOODS. IDRAI«B _ . » you a rtgl*t*r, iulUl •uy bualncM, at a price that cannot help but plea*# you. i'a*b or monthly payment*. Every register n ran teed for two rears. Southern Cash rears. Southern Cash eglBtrr io.. iirrnirn’of American M#CV«d- and Cash Register Ca, 24 B. Broad street. OLORE & JUSTIN, 215 Peters Building. AT NO. MM tv. FOURTH. WE HAVE 3 three rmnu (Mttsgea. lu flrst^lasa shape, -utlng to white tenants at 97 each, aud antnl! house on rear of one lot. This la • Itargaln at 91.401 cash. AT KAST^POINT 55T THE VaRHAS'E'. s|>lemlbl 5-rnom cottage with ca bluet -tnsn* MltCELLANEOUt. FOB TIIE NEXT TEN DAYB I WILL FOR RENT. FOR BENT—42 I WANK ST.. A GOOD SIX- room bouse, water, gns and l«th; close to new Pryor street actusd house: rent treasonable to a |>erntni 1614 Washington street I»ermnneDt tenant Gwutr* tlilnl cash and tolamv iiunitbly. * UO,(M'Mlll»F'R\’ IIOI HK. EARfTRoSTT ^<'eatral arenne. lot 66x129. See us If you want a nice hmne. Terms. S’KW FIVHllOOM t’OTTAOE. LAlUiS lot, on little street. 92.600. Terms. 5?KAIt tiKoiDilA AVKMK. Wk llAVK two new three-root11 cottages renting Hr 96 each. We can sell the two for 9W>. This Is the kind of an Investment that you looking fc~ - hare I tee n bwiklng for See na quick. tiiukk ibh»Ms anH ITaTX; tEVRH flve-rtMHu h«mse. with 6-foot hall, on . acre lot; lot level; has several fruit trees •ntt grape vines now l*enrlng; plenty of shade aud flowers; au Ideal suburb home; is the eoinuient of more than one young man newly arrived in the city. Whereupon he turns to the classified ad. columns of the newspapers. The chances are he finds what he wants. And the chances are that he would find YOUR room if \;ou advertised that you have a room to rent. Almost- every housekeeper has a spare room. It would help things at home—finan cially—if you would rent that spare room. The right sort of young man usually wants a home in a private family. He knows the good influence of family ties. He knowB enough to be considerate of the family with whom he lives. The average young man of ambition who goes out in the world to better his condition IS the right sort of young man. Why don’t you adver tise your spare room for rent? Use the classified columns of The Geor gian. The cost is a trifle—one cent a word. The return is ten times enough to justify the investment. Call Phone 4927 Main, or send by messenger. We will pay the messenger. Washington St. Lots THREE MONTHS RENT FREE Only Three Left «f Eight Brand Naw Suburban Homat. Thn flrnt month will ba klven FREE and If occupied on* yoor. two more months will ba flran FREE at tha and of tha year, making only nlnt month, you will barn to pay for. Nona but good families will ba allowed tn than, houses. Thee* are located on tha Rlrar electric car line only twenty mlnutaa ride from the canter of the city; contain 7 and 8 room*; have never been occupied; are located tn Weat Atlanta Park. Evary houaa front, a fifty-foot Park, which la aat tn trtee. evergreen, and dower*. Pur* air; na- tlva oaks; an Idaal spot for children. It la chaapar than living In tha city and tha surroundings ire more whole- In tha renter of this Park are tha Farro Phosphata Spring*, which trill cure any case of atomach or kidney trouble, no matter of how long stand ing. It now has a naw church! neatly &03t by a woman, a package of Jew* elry. In the "Loot and Found" col* ninna of The Georgian. Relumed within -twenty-four hour*. TOTAL COST WA8 26c—for that advertisement—29c. THE ADVERTISER made a good Investment. Why don't yon try It? PEACHTREE PARK HOME furnished, a store, a school-house cost ing 18,600.00 will soon be completed. Captain J. T. Mills, who llvas on tha grounda will show you through tha housaa Rant 880.00 par month. JOHN J. WOODSIDH. 18 Auburn Avonua. BASS ST. HOME. Just- off Washington St., good seven-room house on fine lot. Terms reasonable. Price $3,500. See LIEBMAN, Real Estate and Renting, 28 Peachtree St. C. H. WELLS & CO., 1104 FOURTH NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. • have within 1.000 feet of Peachtree road, froutlug J.000 feet on a chert road and fronting 2,60*) feet on Southern rail road, at station where two tralna atop each way every day, one of the beat MODEL COUNTRY 1IOMKH of nine rooms to to found anywhere. Thin bouse hat a Ihiso ment of atone almost as smooth and level as a floor, and la walled up on either aid* with a cement wall n foot thick. The house ttoelf Is unusually well built, occu pies an emlueuce ( giving a splendid view of Atlanta's sky-scrapers, has greatest variety of fruits to lie found on any one place; land la very productive, la In high eat state of cultivation, well kept; baa about 2 miles new wire fence, fourteen Iron gates, good barn and pasture* two strong sprtugs. lively grove of maple, l»eiieb, chestnut, twenty-five pecans, sweet- gum, persimmons, blackgum, oak, hickory* etc.; has 2 acres of sand, averaging 10 feet deep; two quarries of best quality of granite to ho found in the state. Will tnkit polish Jnat like marble. A *j\ir track can reach both within 800 feet. Owaer re fused 98,000 for one of the quarries* and this has advantages of homes along fhe road In that you are free from dust of automobiles, and still Is In thq. road neigh borhood. You will have to see this lovely home to appreciate fully lla value. We art offering this 96-arre tract at 916*000. If you buy a place on the road, you will have to malt ten years for the fruits ami other Improvements to reach the present status of this place. If you are Interested, see na AT ONCE, or call na up. SANDERS, SMITH & CONWAY, Phones 6488. 418 Peters Bldg. Isrg> scant lots nml Is a chance to make a smal Investment that will pay yon handsomely, It will pay yim to seejia aiM»iit It, OH ME «t:. NICK ... home, first clnas reside a»b nml 920 month. NOTHING BUT BARGAINS. Itti v riiTTAiir 11 HAVS CONSIGNED TO MB EXCLU- lliit wcIIoil"IIOUO . * ,rr, 7 rel" »n* twMtnry teu-mnn II m m c lion, ( I,,,in,,. ,„„l on. loron-ronm mtlax* Tt>.» „„„ _ „ ottev*. w>Sr«.M r .»’ lithe t , kuna*, art oh adjoining Iota, aniT art *r»t- LU IT., XMY 8-ROOM Hllt KL. i rt.,. nml imidrni In every rre|.,'l - Ixn-atiri Inrgo lot. rest front; every iiiixterii ran- on thr north elite and lu the rbolreet reel- venlemy; thr rh;.,ii».et holier on Ihr nonh ! drner aerlloH. | ran aril you thla property aide today. M.6i». Can .rronge terms. Come f „ r lh , ,|*ye for tt.6ml. or wlfl — n. amt let ue idiow It to you. Don t „.|| separate If preferre.1. An an Inveal ment. this will pay over 11 per reut rental, FOR RENT. 6 ABBOTT STREET (WEST END). Thla twiMdory seven-room brick, ou rhleh etinlAln* nUmt ; nrrm nml lb»a which contains nlidnt 2 ncrea nml lb*a el evated, la on the west able of Ablnitt street, at the Intersection of Ureettafer- ry avenue, nml In known os the Toni Alex ander home place; baa no i ter. bath, stationary wiinIi * * dtt .. go a, Jint city wa- atlonnry wiin/i rtiind. sink In the klteben and* hydrant In the yard. Be sides the seven-r«M*m house, there Is n two- room servant’s :tons«» on the lot; also, sta ble and row house; inis plenty of gnnlen s)M»t nml plenty of shod*, and Is In go«l ry o __ J Is ._ „ repair for an old b#nse. West view <*ars two blocks away. Kent, $26 |*cr month. We have two fine elevated lots in Washing ton Heights at $1,000 apiece. . These lots face east, the dimensions are 50x175 with Alley in Rear. Let ns show them to vou. FORREST AND GEORGE ADAIR. STATISTICS. THE WEATHER. DEATHS. fIMnford, tt year, old, died 33 year* old, died near RoMlera’ home. Harob 11. Dunlap, Spartanlmrg, s. if. BIRTH8. To Mr. and Mr*. David E. Perry, at Sooth Forayth atreet; a aoo. BUILDING PERMITS llOO~Atlnnta Iron and Rraae De<l Com- pany. to hulld frame atntctnra ou comer Menu* atreet and llorton alley. 3IS0—Mr*. 0. A. Howell, to recover thiee oneatory frame lumae* at 16 and 30 Ieiwn atreet aud 6 llauininud atreet. tt36-thim IVarnoek, to hulld ooe-etory frame ilwelllng at 104 Tbumioud atreet. *50—lire. A. It. Manning, to repair one* atery Ironic hnuae nt 15 Forlreaa avenue. S3.0J0—u. Arelier, to hulld oue-atory frame alruetare at !bl Oglethorpe arenue. JOHN J. WOODSTDE, THE RENTING AGENT. 12 Auburn Avenue, Both Phond* 611. RAILROAD SCHEDULES. Hhowlng the Arrival and I»epsrtnre of fas- . senger Trains of the Following lloails: V’BitVBlfx aXI. AfLAStii HTTLIKTitO: No.—Arrive From— I No.—Depart To— * 3 Xaehvllle.. 7:10 im(* 2 Xaahrllle. >:X am 73 Marietta... 3:15 atn| 74 Marletta..ll:10 pm *tt Nu.hvllle,. 11:45 ami* id Xaehrllle.4:.’.' pu 76 Marietta... 3:51 ptuj 73 Marietta.. 6:30 pu * 1 Xaahrllle.. ,:S nun* 4 Xaahrllle. 3:14 pm "nsmALTiFwc.uiTL mmm ^ T TOTCWir Arrive From— . I Depart To— h 7:10 ' Savannah... .. 7:10 nnifMseon 12:01 am Jacksonville.. 7£0 niii Hmvannsli..... R.*00 am “ .11:40 amiMmsHi 4K)0 pm lltcoa.. Bavannab 4:96 pui|SuvnnnaU 9:16 pm Macon 7:66 pmiJacksonville.. 9 JO pm ■’j»UWA aNTT WKBfl'uTST ItAlir” ROAD. Arrive From— I Depart Ta— •Selina H:40 atui*Montgomery 9:96 am % inn.... . .u:» pmrneima....... pin range 8:20 amitoOrange.... 6:90 pm ntgomerr. 9:46 pmi*Moiitg m'ry. 11:16 pm ally. All other tralna dally except Hun- tralns of Atlanta ami Weat Point Mitchell street and Madlaon nvenue, OKUHUIA HAlLltOAD._ From— Arrive From— i Depart To— •Augusta 6:00 ararAngiiata 7:45 .... Conyers 6:41 ain Llthonla 10KI6 am “In Covington 7:46 am •Augusta 9:96 pm •Augusta.. . .12:96 pm[Coay#ra.... M . 9.-00 pm Llthonla 9:26 ptuiCovlugtou.... 6:10 pm •Augusta 9:16 i'H»,•Augusta 11:46 piu Dally. All other trains dally except Huu- day. HEaUoABD AIK LINlI: llAILWAi. Arrive From— 1 Depart Ta- Waahlngton... 9:96 amfBIrmlnghnm.. 6:46 Abbeville 9:00 am Monroe 7:26 am Memphis 11:45 am|New York.... 12:00 m New York 2:96 pmjAbl>erllle.... 4:00 ptu Monroe.. .. .. 7:40 pmfMemphla 6.-00 pm *••• ihli— IltrmIngham.. 9:26 pmlWsshlngtou.. 9:16 pm Shown In Central time. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Trains Leave Atlanta* Naw Tarminal Station, cornar Mitchell and Madison Avsnus. pub- I only so Information and are not guaranteed: 4:00 A. M.—No. 29* DAILY. Local to Blr mlagham. making all stops; arriving In lUruilngham 10:16 a.*m. 6:2) A. M.-No. IS. .DAILY. "CHICAGO AND CINCINNATI LIMITED." A solid veatlbuled train Atlanta to Clndonatl with out change, composed of veatlbuled day -oaches and* 1'ullmsii drawing room sleep- ng cars. Arrives Hams 7:20 a. m.; Chat- Uuooga 9:49 a. m.; Cincinnati 7:90 p. m.; Louisville 9:16 p. tn.; Chicago 7:21 s. m. Cafe car service. All meals between At lanta and Cincinnati. 6:90 A. M.-No. 96 DAILY*, to Griffin and Columbus. Arrives Griffin 7:11 lumbus 10 a. m. 6:19 A. M.-No. 12. DAILY, local to Macoo. Brunswick and Jaeksouvllh*. Makes all •tops , arriving Macoo 9:16 a. m.; Bruns wick * Irk 4 p. ro.; Jacksonville 7:46 p. tn. 7:00 A. M.-No. 36, DAILY.-I'ulliuan to p. m.; fCsssas »ity 9:46 rings. Arrives Men _ DAILY.—IvOctl _ ’harlotte, Danville* Richmond and Ashe ville. 7. DAILY, Chattanooga. ». DAILY.—Washington i Limited* Electric light* Bleeping, library, observation and 1 ftni • ~g6 without-'change. — cars through without-'change. Dining < . . aerve all meals en route. Arrives wash- lugton H:I2 a. m.; New York 12:42 j>. m. LOO P. M.-No. 40. DAlfeY.—New York Would l»e tnd the cottage p ;r.. make • nice home. $12,000, A BARGAIN. MIX-ROOM NEW MODERN HOl T flR ON Gmirghi avenue; 99,200; 9736 cash; balance $25 per month. OY'Elt 10 ACRK8 OF IJYND, WITHIN city limits. 260 feet of car Hue. 16 minutes' ride from i-enter of city. 2,006 feet street | ir»*e |i«rk on Yhe HtMifhern ralTroad; That frontage. . Privet, tract privilege of 1.200 feet In center of property. All for I of freestone water. The land Ilea welL U2.000.0H with term a. Huy ibla au.l aiid I he mn*t ot It cin-reU with uab futeat. your money within one year. M. Mt-NEIL nml U’E HAVE A (T'RTOMER FOR or eight-room bouse on a large ab 1 near the car line. We ran make a trail «tr ro ntt^wM* " r "r tut* mi unt*. nr mu uisse « ifniiv st YY . S. SHLRyN OODkwf^.'tf the property comes up to the re- qtilreuients. Yle have the cash. 514 Empire Bldg. E. A. NESBIT, 3 Edgewood ate. Atlanu Phone 4794. Bell Phone 3794. FOURTEENTH ST. LOT. j TII1H LOT IM 96 BY W; BRAPTIFULLY shaded with ytnmg oaks: lies nicely, and i next to the home 4»f Mr. Mamuel Wey- man. and ImmedlsVelr across the street from the homes «»f Mr. Ilenry Johowm j sod Mr. Kugeno Callaway. Quick sale \ price 93.966. • CHAS. M. ROBERTS, It AUBURN AVE. B#U 'phone 4999. RAISING SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR NEW RAILROAD ' Bpectal to The Geeirglan. I Mlocomb. Ala.. July IS.—A meeting of prominent Htlsens waa held at the Mlo- li-omti National Hank yesterday afternoon. ’hartotte aud Ington 11:06 a. m.; New York 9 p. m. 12:16 P. M.-No. 3. DAILY.—Local for Msron. arriving Maeou 2:46 n. m. 4:10 P. M.—No. 10, DAILY.—Macon and lUwkliisvlIle. Pullman obaervatlon chair car Atlanta to dm-t*r.. 4:25 P. M.-No. 37* DAI LY.-Pullman sleeping car and day i-eachra to Blrtnlng- 9:19 tom. Arrives Birmingham Memphis 7:16 a. ui. .4:90 P. M.-No. 18. DAILY, except Hun- Colambas. I*uliiuau |>alacv sleeping car and day coaches. 4:36 P. M.-No. 3L DAILY*.—Local to Fay ett#vllle and Fort valley. Loutovlll#. Arrives Borne 7 JO p. m. 6:36 p. m.: Chattanooga 9:96 p. m.; Memphis 9:20 a. m.; toulsvltle 9:90 a. m.; 8t. l*onta 9 p. m.: nnclnnatl 9:10 r.. m. 9.-15 I 1 . M.-No. 25. DAILY.-Makes all •tops. Local to llefltu: arrives Hefllu 10:60 P 'l"l6 P. M.-No. 16. I>AII-T-—Florida Mm- I t—l. A aoll.l vntlbnhxl train to Jarkeoa- vlll*. Fla. Through al—plng ran and day coach** ,o -larkaoavcf* and Rrnnawlck; ar- cunrh** to 7a*k*oavi:5* and Vranawtek; ar rives Jarksoarillr IM a. Brunawlek ‘ *. Angnstlne N n. ro. “ -So. *7. DAI I.Y.-Through 11:30 < P.. 3t. ^ 1 ullmaii drawing room sleeping ear. At lanta to Khreveport. laical sleeper Atlanta to Birmingham. Arrives Birmingham a. m.; Meridian 11 a. ui.; Jackson 2:26 p. m.; Vicksburg. 4:06 p. tn.; Bhreveport 16:50 12 NIGHT—No. 96. DAILY.-rnlted States Faat Mall. Bolbi veatlhnled train. Bleeping ‘ *• * otle and 12.000—Thomas U. Davies, to build ooe- story frame dwelling at 101 Oglethorpe avenue. • 91.960—Mrs. C. G. O'Kslly, to hulld one* •torg frame dwelling at 417 Highland ave nue frame dwelling at 142 Richardson street PROPERTY TRAN8FER8. 11.900—E. P. Ansley to Mrs. Gerald Hannah* lot on The Prado. Bond for Ue. 91.196— Empire State Investment Company >«. \fmm I* l.._ *T* V..t.nro ...I .... U»le. 9876—YV. B. Treadwell to kfra. Lula Cams* lot on Newton atreet, uear Maugum. War ranty deed. 91).060-A. B. Mfele to J. 11. Drummond* lot on Hunter street, near Central tvs nue. 1900—B. Van II004I ami wife to J. Hood, lot ou nils nveuue, near Peters street. Warranty dead, rreet. warranty need. 86,700—Margaret H. YVoodtHn w A. f-ewla. lot on Crew street, uear Bass. Bond t&r title 92.900— Mattie J. Landrum to IL E. Mr- Keuxle. lot on Gresham street* noar Vena Id-. Bonil for title. 23,260—Elijah M. Williams to George _ Payne, lor on comer line street and Plod iimut avenue. Warranty deed. $900—Mrs. M. F. Marshall to W. K Bailey, lot ou Georgia a venae, near c’ontlly street. 4le***i 91.900- Mrs. Jennie N. Norris to Atlanta Unliking nml Savings Company, lot on cor ner of Moore aud Pratt streets. Mort 'ttM-Mr*. U A. Allan to Mr.. MMti Juild, lot on Cooper atreet* near Richard- Loan deed. UNCLE SAM LOSES BY BIG SHORTAGE OF AN EMPLOYEE By Private Leaseil Wire. Washington, July 18.—According statement made at the treasury depart* ment, an Investigation, recently concluded, of the accounts of the late Mnjor George A. Bartlett, disbursing officer of the treas ury department, shows a shortage approx osbl to have been liumrently paid out on fraudulent vouchers presented by James W. Boyd, n clerk In the marine hospital service, who, In Meptemlter. last, was sr- rested and Is now lu Jnll pending bis trial for misappropriating government funds. Although Bartlett w*as technic sponsible for payments on Boyd'i CHARGES AGAINST CEMETERY SEXTON Special to The Georgian. Hnvnnnnh, Ha., July IS.—An apparently gigantic graft workeil by J. E. Klmlull 4tdorcd, keejier of the colored aectlon of tourel Grove cemetery, has been earthed aiul the negro suspended. A. hearing In-fore the mayor yeatenlay after noon it ileveloped that while mmie 2,006 lota had been sobl. only 300 deetla tod l»een recontol. As these lots ranged In value from 96 to 916. It Is calculated that th# uegro "knocked down" quite a good sum. Home two years ago Kimball wna ordered to cease collecting money for lots, bat li« has kept It up ever since. It Is charged. DRINK LEMONADE AND CATCH FEVER Uy I’rirat* l**nar<l Wlr*. Ipawltch, 8. D.. July 1*.—Over one hundred caaee of typhoid fever have already been reported In thla aectlon ae the reeult of drinking lemonade which waa aerved at a celebration at a park. The water uxed to make the lemonade waa taken from an old well that had not been uaed for eeveral years. COUPLE IN A BUGGY HIT BY FA8T TRAIN By Private l* , n**il Wlr*. Linden. Mich., July 18.—Mr. and Mr>. Perry Barnum, of Mundy township, were probably fatally Injured Tuesday night by a Grand Trunk train. They were crossing the track In a buggy when they were struck by a passenger engine. Mr. Barnum le about 61 years old and bis wife ta 50. ATLANTAN8 ARRIVE AT TYBEE ISLAND. car* to Xew lore, Rlrbiuomt, (’harlotte and Asheville. CiariiM I, Washington. Dining earn nerve all meals en runle. Arrive* Waeblngtoa 3:39 p. m.; Xew Tore 6:33 a. m. l/tnl •AtleBtad’narie'te sleeper open lo receive nnsaengera at 3:06 p. ro. I .oral Attanta-Aahevllle Bleeper open 16:30 n. m. Ticket office No. I Peachtree, on Vtadurt, Peters building, and new Terminal 8tatloa. Both 'Phone*, illy office, lit main; depot, - - |» Xn. 3, oo Terminal exchange. Ptnkard. A committee of Sen. from Ptnkard were ] prominent rltl- , . . renetit. at was also a nanmlttee froni Daleva. a country plan* ca the mote, between Plommh and llnkard. Three committee* were appoint- HpeclaP to The Ueorglan. Savannah, On., July 18.—The city salesmen's special In charge of \V. H. Fogg, district passenger agent for the Central of Georgia railway at Atlanta, arrived here In two section* on good time early Tuesday morning. Every, body was well pleased with the trip. The salesmen were tn line humor and were transferred promptly to Tybee Island, where they are enjoying the pleasure of the seacoaat resort. There was not a single mishap to mar the pleasure of the occasion. In addition to the large number ot men who call on the city trade of At* lanta. and their families, there were a number of friends and others anxtoua to take advantage of the excellent op portunity for visiting the seashore at this season of the year. Mr. Fogg, who personally conducted the trip, has been congratulated on all side* for the excellent manner In which he handled the train, and the pleasure which he contributed to the trip. HE DENIES REPORT OF HIS ENGAGEMENT. Dy I'rtig, I-cased Wire. Boston, July 18.—District Attorney Moran denies tha truth ot a Washing- LOCAL FORECAST. FOB ATLANTA AND VU’IXITY-f..^. tied weather and probable showers and Thursday. WEATHER IN COTTON BELT. clear and'hot. Fort Worth aSet^*"! £r , ih.i ,, rsn;! oud ' ,a,, & Alabama—Huntsville rioody and reined yesterday and hurt Sight. BlrtalSi r i°tf?liv.kJ?,'-™""”:fly Jlnee 3 o clock yesterday. Helms clootbiJ reined yeatenlay afternoon. cloudy and rool; showers last nigh Mtaslaiippl—Yasno eloudy aud threaten)] Mlaalaalnpl—Yasoo eloody aud threatening; cool raln jroiro day afternoon. Natehea reining. 3 »M J*ct»tt burg eloudy and hot. Hailehurst raininVn^ hot. Hattlealinrg pertly eloudy and hard rain yesterday evening. M .;,11 1 eloudy and threatening; tiff raln " day evening. ' Georgia—Americna partly eloudy and hot Maeou partly ekrody and hot™ had iirt, rain laat night. Allmny pertly ckrady ly cloudy and hot. Louisiana—New Orleona Hear and route rein yealrrday. Hhrvrepnrt clear and North Carolina—Charlotte hard rain vea. terdag evening: dear and pleasant ibla morning, llalelgh clear; temperature retnfnir for the past twonty-fonr hour* Rainfall for the peat twenty-four hoora; 6ort Morth, .14; I'aleatlne, .14; Taylor. 55; Man Antonio, trace; Xew Orleans, .0>- t;au vealon, ,1»; Middle. .06: Vlekslmr*. Monlgtonery. L60- t'B* I to •* ii * N0rf " lk ’ * WEATHER IN WHEAT BELT. ds B5fsassr rtr ,,lr; M - Northweat—Partly rioody, with rising temneratnrr; 86 to 70 above: general mini lu tlonlh Dakota: local North Dakota Weal and Southwest-Clear; rising'trio, peratnre, 68 to 70 alxtve; local ralna .Ve. braska and Kansas. Ohio Valley—Clear; 88 lo 74 above WEATHER F0RECA8T. I’OtHilana. Weat Florida, Alalmma „n1 Mtsslaalppl—Partly cloudy Wednesday nud Thursday. tteurgla—Partly cloudy Wednesday : ahow. era-in east portion; wanner In uorihaeat; Tbnraday eloudy. Ftorufu—r Eastern -Partly cloudy Wi.lnee leatern Teiaa-Falr Wedneadny and Thursday. * Illinois, Indiana, Michigan and Wiscon sin—Pair tonight; warmer Tbnraday; atai- ailnnerotn. Iowa, Month Dakota. S’ortk Dakota, Xeliraaka, Kansas and MotsUru- J'llv duly Aug Sept Mhowero tonight and Thursday; cooler lit’: STATE FORECA8T. GKOBGIA AND ROITII CAItOLINA^ WEATHER CONDITIONS. E?'y Th# troattor ovar nw»at of th# country la atlll rather unsettled anil ahowern hnra oceurreil over the Atlantic nml gulf itatra ami In the north weat. la low and flat over moat of the 17. there being no well defined arena of blgb or low preaaure. Llttla or no change tn temperature h«« oeeurred and the condition* favor unwt- tied weather and probably ahowers In this •action tonight aud Tbnrmla.v. 'MX 1 Director. I Mol.U. I Karan I I'hurlF I IVllmli I Nnrfol I IVnwif Total COTTON REGION BULLETIN. For th* 34 hour* ending * meridian time. July 18, 1606. STATIONS OF ATLANTA DISTRICT. •Atlanta, cloudy •t'hattauixign, rein . Cnlnmlina, partly cloudy Gainesville, cloudy Greenville, rloudy Grlflln, rlnndy CMontlcelln, Ncwnnn, cluutly lame, rain Itpartanbnrg, clmuly Torres, doody Weal Pidnt, cloudy ... Minimum temperatnrra are llmiatf,] i«rtat( kouplll m •5? CtaHnin Totrti ■ Giber 241 1.59 tOjM for I weir# hour period ending at 8 a.ui. tht* date. f Kerelved late twlr# truablei; nut l»- cludvd In average*. HEAVY HA1NFALLH. Greenwood. Rori^fi, iirrPHWUiiu. n. v. -j; Alterdeen. Ml** 1! .Natebex, Mlaa Charlotte. N. C l-*f GohiaiMtro, N. i*. bring tl Uwlr CENTRAL STATION. Ilf Atlanta .. . Anguata .. , Charleston . Gal veal on .. Little itork Mempbla .. Mobile .. .. New Orle« Oklahoma Savannah .. Vlrkalmrg . ’"Ilndugton ns . Temp'ture.j ||| Mas. M'u Jjj fj f'ltiirc Tsht tnjui the LMvat, Indicates tro^igrcrtaMc, rainfall Temtierattire ebangee I were alight. Ualnfiill < tlnn* with the eaceptlnn of GklahcoJ M Irlct. Heavy falls were reeonled l«J» | Carolina., Georgia and MIsaliudlT'.^^B C0TTC "•jn^BsSs Section Dlroctw- LIVE STOCK MARKET, ago. July ~ llogj-nrcr"da 'jj*! j York ‘ Arm, The bit* .wjaitiiaiSjTf.c. MS" *■ 1 cholee bear/ Jfi.voimiAt t Cattle—Rerrlpta ».»'■ »# Jift. i Mhrep?Hreelpls St*». Market I j “>lum Of “!.9ttrae that , frwl » f in.!«h | * * »ma| 1 w* wester* *i2*04: /carilnga * — western B417.W. «6«T.I THE SUGAR MARKET. y Private Ireeert Wire. , «► j Xew Yort. July H-Uwol.retncdn gar steady and u»J-»ST' : I rket Hrm; Jalv 8a «Hd; Attriet. ton dlapatcb tn an evening ] nouncing his batrothgl to M'*» * Worthington, of the « npR* 1 i Mlaa Worthington la cuff* traveling with the party of ’ M " j mom, of the Braxillan «mba»». 1 *■ Alai , t T »? 8t ; L»rk Cot York Col Ua|, - ■MM