The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, July 19, 1906, Image 7

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. “THE JUNGLE” HERO, DESPERATE, TURNS HOLD-UP MAN CRIMINALS TEACH JURGIS HOW TO GET MONEY BY THEFT-MAKES APT PUPIL Stock Yards’ Victim Serves Second Term in Jail and Then Seeks Help of an Acquain tance, Who Turns Out To Be a Thief and Helps Him to Become One. CHAPTER XXIV (CONTINUED). (Copyright 1906. by Upton Sinclair. All right* reserved.) The man went out and closed the jsor. Jurgl*, who was as sharp as he. observed that he took the key out of the lock In order that he might peer through the keyhole. Master Frederick turned to the table Igtln.. "Now," he said, "go for It." Jurgts gaxed at him doubtlngly. cried the other. "Pile In, ole chappie!” Don't yon want anything?” Jurgl* asked. ■Ain't hungry,” was the reply—“only thirsty. Kitty and me had some candy —you go on/* go Jurgl* began, without further Mrley. He ate a* with two shovel*, bis fork In one hand and hts knife In the other; when he once got started bis wolf hunger got the better of him, and he did not stop for breath until be had cleared every plate. "Gee- r his!" said the other, who had been watching him In wonder. Then he held Jurgls the bottle. ■Lessee you drink now,” he said; and Jurgls took the bottle and turned It up to his mouth, and a wonderful un earthly liquid ecatacy poured down his throat, tickling every nerve of him, thrilling him with Joy. He drank the very laat drop of It, and then he gave rent to a long-drawn "Ah!” ■Good atufT, hey?" aald Freddie, sympathetically; -he had leaned back in the big chair, putting hla arm be hind his head, and gaalng at Jurgls. tojto I I gaxed And Jurgls back at him. He Freddie, and looked very he was n beautiful boy, with light golden half and the head of an Antl- noas. He smiled at Jurgls confidingly. his blissful Insoucfance. time he lid In the course of the speech he toll Jurgls all o? pei _ _ hla family history. His big brother Charlie was In love with the guileless maiden who played the part of Little Brlght-Eyea In "The Ksllph of Kamtschbatko." He had been on the verge of marrying her once, only the "guv-ner” had sworn to disinherit him, and had presented him with a sum that would stagger the Imagination. Now Charlie had got leave from college, and had gone dway la Ms automobile. The "guv'ner” had rJIkde threats to disinherit another of his children also. Sister Owendolln, who had married an Italian marquis with a airing of titles and a duelling record. They lived In his chateau, or rather had, until he had taken to firing the breakfast dishes at her; then she had cabled for help, and the old gentleman had gone over to find out what were his grace’s terms. So they had left Freddie all alone, and he with less than M,000 In his pockttl Freddie wae up In arms and meant serious business, as they would And in the end—If there was no other way of bringing them to terms he would have his "Kittens" wire that she was about to marry him and see what happened then. So the cheerful youngster rattled on until he waa tired out. He smiled hla sweetest smile at Jurgls, and then he dosed his eyes, sleepily. Then- he opened them again and smiled once more, and finally closed them and for got to open them. For several minutes Jurgls sat per fectly motionless watching him, and revelling In the strange sensations of the champagne. Once he stirred and the dog growled; after that he sat al most holding his breath—until after a while the door opened softly and the butler came In. He walked toward Jurgla upon tiptoe, scowling nt him; and Jurgla rose up ■nd retreated, scowling back. Bo un til he was against the wall, and then the butler came close, and pointed to ward the door. “Oet out of here!" he i whispered. Jurgls hesitated, giving a glance at Freddie, who waa snoring softly. "If Jou do," hissed the butler, "I'll mash Jour face for you bsfore you get out of Ami Jurgls wsvsred but sn Instant Bore. H e iaw “Admiral Dewey" coming up behind the man and growling softly, to back up hts threats, “hen he surrendered and started to ward the door. They went out without a sound; and lown the great echoing staircase, and through the dark hall. At the front •hot he paused and the butler strode dose up to him. Hold up your hands,” he snarled. Jurgls took a step back, clinching his •* well list. "What for?" he cried; nnd then un derstanding that the fellow proposed ~ *earch him, he answered; 'Til see ?0U In hell first.” Do you want to go to Jail?" de- mamiod the butler, menacingly. ‘Til .!?. ,he Police"— Have >rrt!" roared Jurgta, with *tce passion. "But you won't put [our hand* on me till you dot I “ven't touched nnythlng In your Mmned house, and III not have you touch me!" So the butler, who was terrified lest young master should waken, "'fpe-l suddenly to the door, and opened It. "Get ou , of here!” ht said; then, as Jurgls passed through the ■tuning, he gave him a ferocious kick ™t s Pn t him down the great stone at a run, and landed him sprawl- « the «nov nt the hnttnm. the snow at the bottom. , CHAPTER XXV. Jurgl* got up, wild with rage; but Diamonds. ^ are talking Diamonds Dearly every day now, be muse we have something nn- Js’ial in stock and in values I°r you. L A new and magnificent ftoportation, bought abroad r* fast hand, is the basis of pur Diamond talk. I Lome in and sec these. Pones. ^aicr & Berkele. the door was shut and the great castle was dark and Impregnable. Then the Icy teeth of the blast bit Into him, and he turned and went away at a run. When he stopped again It waa be cause he was coming to frequented streets and did not wish to attract at tention. In spite of that last humilia tion, his heart was thumping fast with triumph. He had come out ahead on that deal! He put hla hand Into hie trousers' pocket every now nnd then, to make sure thnt the precious hundred- dollar bill was still there. Yet he was In a plight—a curious and even dreadful plight, when ha came to realise It. He hnd not a sin gle cent but that one bill! And he had to find some shelter that night— he had to change It! Jurgls spent half an hour walking and debating the problem. There was no one ho could go to for help—he had to manage It alt alone. To get m a lodging house frould _J life In hla hands—he would almost certainly be robbed and per haps murdered, before morning. He might go to somo hotel or rellroed depot and ask to hav* It changed, but what would they think, seeing a "bum" like him with a hundred dollars? He would probably bs arrested If he tried It, and what story could he tell? On the morrow Freddie Jones would dis cover hie lose, and there would be a hunt for him, and he would loie the money. The only other plan he could think of was to try In a saloon. He might pay thsm to change it. It It could not be done otherwise. He began peering Into places as he walked; he passed several as being too crowded; then Anally chancing upon one where the bartender waa all alone, he gripped his hands In sudden resolution and went In. "Can you change m* a hundred-dol- lar bill?” he demanded. The bartender was a big, husky fel low, with th* Jaw of a prise Aghter. and a three weeks' stubble of hair upon It. He stared at Jurgls. "What> that yous* say?” he demanded. “I aald, could you change me a hun- dred-dollar bill?" "Where'd yous* get It?" he Inquired Incredulously. “Never mind," sold Jurgls, 'Tve got It, and I want It changed. I'U pay you If you'll do It. The other stared at him hard. "Lem- me see It," he ssld. “Will you change It?" Jurgls de manded, gripping It tightly in his pocket. "How the hell can I know If It’s good ir not?” retorted the bartender. Whatcher take me for, hey?" Then Jurgla alowly and warily ap proached him; he topk out the bill, and fumbled It for a moment, while the man stared at him with hostile eyes across the counter. Then Anally he bonded It over. The other took It nnd began to ex amine It; h* smoothed It between his Angers, and he held It up to the light; he turned It over, and upside down and edgeways. It was new and rather stiff nnd that made him dubldus. Jurgls wo* watching him like a cat all the tlQM. ’ "Humph," he ssld. Anally, nnd gazed nt the stranger, sizing him up—a rag ged, Ill-smelling tramp, with no over coat and one arm In « allng—and a hundred-dollar bill! "Want to buy anything?” he demanded. "Yes,” said Jurgls, 'Til take a glass °*'AI* r right," s»ld th* other, 'Til change It." And he put the bill In his iwcket and poured Jurgla out a glass of beer and set It on the counter. Thi he turned to the cnah register and punched up Ave cents, and began to pull money out of the drawer, finally, he faced Jurgls, counting out—two dimes, a quarter and Afty cents. "There,” he said. For a second Jurgl* walled, expect ing to see him turn again. “My ninety- nine dollars," he said. "What ninety-nine dollars?" de manded the bartender. "My change 1" he cried—The raat of my hundred!" . , "Go on," said the bartender, "you're ^And Jurgls stared at him wllh wild eyes. For an Instant horror reigned in him—black, paralysing, awful horror, clutching him at the h «»r t -.* nd ‘**, n came rage. In surging, blinding flood* —he screamed aloud, and “ zed the glass and hurled It at the other'e head. The man ducked, and It missed him by half nn Inch: he rose again and faced Jurgla, who was vaulting oyer the bar with hie well one arm. and dealt him a smashing blow In the face, hurling him backward on the floor. Then, as Jurgls scrambled to hie feet again and started round the counter after - *—- of his me uhder the bar. Youse had better call th^ wagon, Billy." “No," sold the officer, "he's got no more fight In him, 1 guess—and he's only got a block to go." He twisted his hand In Jurgla' collar and Jerked at him. "Qlt up here, you!” ha com manded. But Jurgla did not. move, and the bartender went behind the bar, and, after stowing the hundred-dollar bill away In a safe hiding place, came and poured & glass of water over Jurgls. Then, as the latter began to m".in feebly, the policeman got him to his feet and dragged him out of the place. The station house was Just around the corner, and so In a few minutes Jurgls was In a cell. He spent half the night lying un conscious. and the balance moaning In torment, with a blinding headache and a racking thirst. Now and then he cried aloud tor a drink ot water, but there was no one to hear him. There were others In that same station house with split heads and a fever; there were hundreds ot Ahem In the great elty, and tens of thousands of them In the great land, and there was no one to hear any of them. In the morning Jurgls was given a cup ot water and a piece of bread, and then hustled Into a patrol wagon and driven to the nearest police court. He sat In the pen with a score of oth ers until his turn came. The bartender—who proved to be a well-known bruiser—was called to the stand. He took the oath and told his story. Ths prisoner had come Into his saloon after midnight, fighting drunk, and hnd ordered n glass of beer and tendered a dollar bill In payment. He had been given nlnety-flve cent* change, and hnd demanded ninety-nine dollars more, and before the plaintiff could even answer had hurled the glass at him and then attacked him with n bottle of bitters and nearly wrecked the place. Then the prisoner was sworn—a for lorn object, haggard and unshorn, with an arm done up In a filthy bandage, a cheek and head cut and bloody, and one eye purplish black and entirely closed, “what have you to say for yourself?" queried the magistrate. "Your Honor," aald Jurgls, "I went Into his place and asked the man If he could chnngo me a hundred-dollar bill. And he said he would If I bought a' drink. I gnvo him the bill and then ho wouldn't give mo the change." The magistrate was staring at him In . irplaxity. "You gave him a hundred- doUsr bill?” he exclaimed. "Yes, your Honor," said Jurgla "Where did you get It?" "A man gave It to me, your Hfcnor." "A man? What man, and what for?" “A young man I met upon the atreet, your Honor. I had been begging.” There waa a titter In the court room; the officer who waa holding Jurgla put up his hand to hide a smite, and the maglatrate smiled without trying to hide It "It’s true, your Honor!" cried Jurgls, passionately. “You had been drinking as well as - Jgging last night, had you not?" in quired the maglatrate. ^"No, your Honor"—protested Jurgla. "You had not had anything to drink?” "Why, yea, your Honor, I had"— "What did you have?" UPTON SINCLAIR. Author of ‘‘The Jungla.” "rk- blg |nnd then the two diHlifnd Into tl ter of an area step unit hid In I'retty aoon a man ranio by, n Ing man, and they let him go. after a long Interval came the heavy And a» Jurgls tread of a policeman, and they held htgh-rlass erlinl their breath III! he waa gone. Though |The city, which "I had a bottle of something—I don't know what It waa—something that bU There waa again a laugh round the court room, stopping suddenly as the magistrate looked up end frowned. “Have you ever been arrested before? he asked abruptly. . . The question took Jurgls aback. "I —I—" he stammered. •Dell me the truth, now! command ed the other, sternly. . "Yes, your Honor," said Jurgls. "How often?" •Only once, your Honor. ■What for?" •For knocking down my boss, your Honor. I was working In the stock yards, and ho"— ... ... "I see,” said his honor; “I guess that will do. You ought to stop drinking if you can’t control yourself. Ten days nnd costs. Next case." Jurgls gave vent to a cry of dismay, him. he shouted at the top of his voice, 'jurgls seised a bottle off the counter as he ran; nnd as the bartender made a leap he hurled the missile at him with all his frree- I* 1®F* h, J head, and shivered Into a thousand pieces against the post of the door. Then Jurgls started back, rushing at the man again In the middle of the room. This time, In hie blind frenzy, he came without a bottle and that was all the bartender wanted—he met him halfway and Aoored him with a sledge hammer drive between the eyes. An Instant later the screen door* flew open, and two men rushed In—Just as Jurgls wo* getting-to W» fW^ foaming at the mouth with rage, and trying 10 tear his broken arm out of It* bR "Lo*k"'out 1" shouted the bartender. -He's got a knife!” Then, seeing that the two were disposed to Join In the fray, he made another rush at Jurgl*, and knocked aside his feeble defence and sent him tumbling again. .end the three Aung themselves upon him, roll ing and kicking him about the place A second later a policeman dashed I- and the bartender yelled once mare -Look out for his knife. Jurgls had fought himself half to hla knees, when the P ol ' c * m ?" t L** p . ** him, and cracked him across the face with hla dob. Though tha blow atjm- gered him. the wild beast frenzy atlI biased In him. and he JP**° *•»*?•*• lunging Into the air. Then Main the cjub descended, full upon bis head, and he dropped like a log to tha door. The barkeeper got up and put hla hand to his head. "I t hough tlwas done for that time.” be aald. Did ha CI "Don't see anything, Jako” said the policeman. "What's the matter with hl !!just crasy drunk.” said th* other. ■A lame duck, too—but bo most got TAYLOR’S Green Trading Stamps. Niagara Stamps. SPECIALS —FOR— i THURSDAY and FRIDAY Staple Goods Underpriced. A. C. A. Bed Ticking ISO 10-4 Bleached 8heetlng. .25c 10-4 Brown Sheeting 20c Staple Apron Ginghams.. ,5c Ladies' Umbrellas. Another lot of thoie beau tiful "Rain Proof Taffeta, with newest handles, 81.00 values, for 83c. Mohairs. 50-Inch Black and Colored Mphalr Sicilians, 69c. valuea, for, yard, 50c. Silks. 36-inch Black Taffeta Silks, best $1.00 quality made, for, yard, 89c. White Silks. Special sate of Whits Wash 8llks, from 25c. yard up. Special 36-Inch, very fine 76c quality, for, yard. Organdies. Counter of newest Printed. 10c quality diet, tor, yard. 59c. Sheer Organ- 7 l-2c. | 240 MARIETTA ST. Boys’ Goods Underpriced. 4 Laundered Madras Shirts 25c 85.00 Blue Serge Suits. .83.50 Boys' Wash Knee Pants..10c Boys’ Heavy Rib Hoie...10c 40-inch India Linons. Thla la a quality that la not being told anywhere for losa than 12 1-2e; we have 2,000 yard* only at 10c. Ladies’ White Duck Hats. Quite a large lot of 50c, 75c and 81-00 qi allties: to close out at one price 39c. Ladies’ Waists. Fine Lawn and Lingerie ma terials, lace trimmed, 81-25 and 81-50 values, all sizes, long or short sleeves, 98c. Muslin Drawers. 10 dozen of the best 25c grade : lace trimmed, tomerrow at • 21c. j Ladies’ Vests. 100 dozen Lad es’ Bleached • Vests, special at fll 240 MARIETTA ST. cut off suddenly by the policeman, who aelaed him by the collar. Ho waa Jerked nut of the way. Into a room with the convicted prisoners, where he sat and wept like a child In hla Im potent rage. It seemed monstrous to him that policemen and Judges should esteem hla word as nothing In com parison with the bartender’s; poor Jur gla could not know that the owner of privileges and general favors—nor tha pugilist bartender was one of the moat trusted henchmen of the Demo cratic leader of the district, and had helped only a few months before to hustle out a record-breaking vote os a testimonial to the magistrate, who had been made the target of odloue kid-gloved reformer!, Jurgla waa driven out to the Bride well for the second time. In hla tum bling around bs had hurt hla arm again, and so could not work, but had to be attended by the physician. Also, hla htad and eye had to be tied up end ao he was a pretty looking object when, the sscond day after bla arrival he wont out Into the exerclee court am encountered—Jack Duane I The young fellow waa so glad to Jurgls that he almost hugged him. "And what Is It—have you been through a sausage machine T' "No," aald Jurgla; "but 1'vs been In a railroad .wreck and a fight.” And then, while aome of the other prisoners gathered round, he told his wild story most of them were Incredulous, but Duane kn*,w that Jurgls could never have up such a yarn as that. “Hard luck, old man," he said, when they were alone; “but maybe If taught you a lesson." "I've learned soma things since I taw you laat,” said Jurgla, mournfully. Then he explained how he had spent the lost summer "hoboing,” as the phraee waa. "And you?" h# asked, finally. "Have you' been here ever since?" "Lord, nol” aald tha other. "I only came In the day before yesterday. Ifa tho second time they’ve lent me I a trumped-up charge—I've had luck and can't pay them what they wanL Why don't you quit Chicago said Jurgls, replied the other, half frnien, they walled a full quarter of an hour after that—and then again rama footsteps, walking briskly. Du ane etole out as silently as a shadow and a second later Jurgls heard thud and a stifled cry. He was only couple of feel behind, end he leaped stop the man's mouth, while Dual held him fast by the arms, as they had agreed. But the inun was limp and showed a tendency to fall, and so Jur gls had only to hold him by th* collar while lh* other, with swift Angers, went through hi* pocket*—lipping open first his ovetreat, and then his coat, and then his vest, searching Inside and out side, and transferring the contents Into hla own pockela. At laat, after feeling of the man'* Angers and In his neck tie, Duane whispered, "Thai's all!" and they dragged him to the area and drop ped him In. Then Jnrgle went one way and his friend the other, walking briskly. The latter arrived first, nnd Jurgls found him examining tho "swag." There waa a gold watch, for ana thing, with a chain nnd locket; there waa a silver panel), nnd a match box, and a handful of small ,-hangs, and Anally s card case. This lost Dunns opened feverishly—there were letters and checks, nnd two theater ticket*, end nt last. In the bock part, a wad of bills. He counted them—there waa a twenty, five tens, four fives nnd three ones. Duane dr*iv a long breath. "That lets ua not!" he said. After further examination they burn ed the card case and Its content*, all but the bills, nnd likewise the picture of a little girl In the locket, Then Du nne look the watch nnd trinket* dqwn- stalrn nnd came hack with til. "The old scoundrel said tho case wan filled," he sold. "It's a lie, but he know* I want the money." They divided up the spoil* and Jur gls got as hla share MS nnd aome change. He protested that It waa too much, but the other hnd agreed to di vide even. That was a good haul, he said, better than th* average. When they got up In the morning, Jurgts was sent out to buy a paper; * out an»1 intro- »n* and rasorte - n mi "hold-up glimpse of th® bHn* with me, Jurgla place to go, 1 'Tvs no sadly. "Neither have I, repneu mn umc,, laughing lightly. "But we'll wait till we get out and fee." In the Bridewell Jurgla mei few who had bean there the laat time, but he met-score* of others, old and young, of exactly the same sort. |t was like breaker! upon a beach. There waa new water, but- the wave looked Just the same. He strolled about and talked with them, and the blggeet of them told Mica of their prowess, while those who were weaker, or younger and In experienced gathered round and listen ed In admiring silence. The last tlma h* was there Jurgls had thought of little but hla family: but now he was free to listen to these men and to realise that he was one of them—that their point of view was his point of view, and that the way they kept them- selvea alive In the world was th* way he meant to do It In future. And eo, when he was turned out of prison Main, without a penny In hts pocket, he went straight to Jack Du ane. He went full of humility and gratitude: for Duane was a gentleman and a mnn with a profession—and It was remarkable that he ehould be will ing to throw In hla lot with an humble beggar and a tramp. Jurgl* could not see what help he could be to him; he did not understand that a man like himself—who could be trusted to stand by any one who wn* kind to him—wa# as rare among criminate as among any other class of men. Duane waa glad to aaa him; he waa without a cent of money, he said, and had been waiting for Jurgls to help him get some. He explained hla plan— In fact lie spent the day In laying bare to hi* friend the criminal world of the city, and In showing him how he might earn himself a living In It. That winter he would have a hard time, on account of hi* arm, and because of an unwonted fit of activity of th* police; but so long as be wax unknown to them he would be safe If he were careful. Here at “Papa” Hanson'* (so th?y old man who kept the dive) he might rest at ea*a,' for "Papa" Han son was "aquare"—would stand by him so long as he paid, and give him an hour 1 * notice If there were to baa po lice raid. Also Rooansteg. ths pawn broker, would buy anything he had for a third of It* value, and guarantee to keep It hidden for a year. There waa an oil stove In the little cupboard of a room, and they had aome supper; and then about 11 o'clock at night Him sallied forth together, by a i rear entrance to tha place: Duane arm ed with a slungshnt. They came to a , residence district, and he sprang up a 1 lamp post and turned vat the light. one of the pleasures ot committing a crlm* was the reading about It aftsr- ward. "I had a pal that always did It," Duane remarked, laughing—"until on* day ha read that he had left 11,000 In a lower Inside pocket of hla party's vest!" There Was a half-column account of the robbery—It was evident that a gang wae operating In tha neighborhood, said the paper, for It was the third within a week, and the police were ap parently powerlees. The victim was an insurance agent, and he hed lost ft in that did not belong lo him. lie had chanced to have his name marked on his shirt, otherwise he would not hav* been Identified yet. HI* assailant hod hit him too hard, and he was suffering from conruiitnn of the brain; and also he had been hatf-frosen whan found, unrl would lose three finger* of hi* right hand. The enterprising newspa per reporter had taken atl this Inform ation to his family, and told bow they had received It. Hlnce It was Jurgls" first experience those details naturally caused him some worrlment; but the other laughed coolly—It wn* tho way of the gome, and there wn* no helping It. Before long Jurgla would think no more of It than they did In lh* yard* of knock Ing out a bullock. "If* a rase of us or the other fellow, nnd 1 eay th* other fellow every time,’' he observed. II," said Jurgla refiecllvely, "he never did us any He waa doing It to somebody a* hard as ha could, you can ba sure of that," said hla friend. Duane had already explained lo Jur gla that If a man of thalr trade were known ha would hav* to work all the time to satisfy the demanda of th* po lio*. Therefore It would ba better for Jurgls, to stay In hiding nnd never be aean In public with hla pal. But Jur gls soon got vary tired : atiiwiig in hiding. In a couple of waeks he was feeling strong and beginning lo uae hla arm, and then h* could not stand It any longer. Iluane had to give up garchy of bt n.illy ruled by th* people of graft wn* necessary for the purpoM of effecting the transfer of power. Twice a year. In the spring nnd fall elections, millions of dollar* were fur nished by the business men nnd ■«. pended by this army; meetings war* held and clever speakers were hired, bands played and rockets sizzled, tons of documents nnd reservoir* of drinks were distributed, and ten* of thous ands of votea were bought for cnah. And thla army Of graft hnd. of course, to be maintained the year round. Tho leader* and organisers were main tained by the business men. directly— aldermen and legislators by mrnns of bribes, party officials out of the cam paign funds, lobbyists and corporation lawyers In the form of ■alarles, con tractors by mean* of Jobs, and news paper proprietors and editor* by ad vertisements. The rank and file, how ever. were either foisted upon the citv or els* lived off th* populace directly. There was th* police, nnd ths fire and water departments, nnd the whole balance of the civil list, from the meanest office boy lo the head of a clly department, and for the horde who could find no room In these, them wns Iho world of vice and crime, them wa* llrens* to seduce, to swindle nnd plunder and prey. The law forbad* Sunday drinking, and thla had delivered tho saloon- keeper* Into th* hands of th* police, and made an alliance between them neceaanry. It waa tha oam* with tho gambling house keeper and the i i- rnom man, and th* sanwwlth any other man or woman who had a means of getting "graft," and wa* willing to 1 pay over a share nf It; the green-go.-la mnn and the highwayman, Ihe pick-" pocket and th* sneak thief and th* r«- reiver of stolen good*, the seller of adulterated milk, of stale fruit nnd diseased meat, the proprietor nt un sanitary• tenements, th* fake doctor and the usurer, the beggar nnd th he professional slugger, th® i ill® slave agent. , , ____ track! "tout," and tha white alav® agent. of thaaa agencies of corruption bandad together and leagued In blood brotherhood with tha politician nml th« police; mora often than not they worn ona and tha aama person—’’Hinky- dink" or "Bath-house John,** or oth* > * of that Ilk, war® proprietor* of tho moat notorious divas In (Thlrago, nml also tha "gray wolves’* of tho cl tv council, who gave away th# street® of tha city to tha business man; jiml those who patronised thalr place® were ' th# gambler® and prixe-flghters who sat the law at defiance, and the burg lars and hold-up men who kept tho whole city In terror. On election day all these powers of vice nnd crime woe* one power; they could tell within 1 1"'| 1 '*nt ’\ lull 1*1.' \ ..If ..f th.*lr dUtrlrt would be. nnd thpy could change It at an hour's notice. A month ago Jurgls hod all hut perished of starvation upon the etreot*. and now suddenly, an by tho gift of it magic key, he had entered Into a world whore money And all the good thing® of life came freely. He was Intro duced by hla friend to an Irishman n a I "Murk" 1 lull-.i an, who u nn n political ’’worker” and on tho fn*Mo of things. This aiMi tlHw with .hir kN I--! n w 1111 »•. .in.! limn fold him that lie had a little plan by which a mnn ivh<» I.Mik.'.l 11K «• ii milking man might make aome easy money; but It wns a • i Ivritf nfTiili, nml Ini'l I.. 1m* Ici’j.f Millet, urgls expreened hlmeelf an iigieenblr, and the other took him thnt afternoon (It was Saturday) to a place where city f laborers were bring paid off. The pay master sat In a little booth, with a pile ..f crn h Itrftur him, nml two po licemen standing by. Jurgls went, ac cording to directions, nnd gave the name of "Michael o'Flaherty,” nnd re ceived nn envelope, which he took around tin rnrner an-l delivered to Hallman, who umn waiting f<>r him In n saloon. (Continued In Tomorrow's Georgian.) THREE GOVERNORS and a host of depositors with Two Million, Three Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars to* thalr credit, strongly endorsed THE NEAL BUNK. Wa* first appointed a Stain Depository by the late Gov. W. Y. Atkin son. then by Ex-Govornor Allon D. Candler, reappointed by him, then nppolntod by hla successor. Oovernor J. M. Torrell, also reappointed by him. We are so near the t*n thousand line ot accounts on our books that w* are encouraged to reach out for TWENTY THOUSAND DEPOSITORS. If each oan ot our loyal patrons will send us one or more accounts wa will soon havo the roll complete, thus enabling us to still further Increaao our ability to aid Merchants, Manufacturer* and Horn* Bonders. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. One Dollar starts an account with a little Home Bank and book or with a book only. We allow IntereaL compounded aeml-annually, at the rato ot THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. PER ANNUM. i. tt. titoaaroa. tneUtaL w. r. mix it, castor., h. c catoimt. Ant. Cnifw. — ^stAioro^* ■ If You Will See that this seal Is on every roll of Roofing you buy, WK will see that you get value received for your money. VULCANITE ROOFING Is a per manent roofing, and not a make shift It Is put up one square to the roll; easily applied, and Is recom mended by the National Hoard of Underwriter# and * Southeastern Tariff Association. Take heed, you need our roofing and we need your patronage. “You can put it on." ATLANTA SUPPLY CO., Sole State Agents, 29 and 31 8outh Forsyth Street. I. C CRtlHFICLD. Prtildttl. ATLANTA, GA C. A ffIX, $4<r:ttrj.