The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, July 20, 1906, Image 10

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1 WANT ADS ONE CENT A WORD No ad. taken for fete than 25 rente, the pries of four linos. Six words of average length make a line. The following rates are for consecutive insertions: 1 time 6 cente a line. 3 times S cents a line. 6 times 4 1 /, cents a line. 26 times 4 cants a line. 52 times ..'... 3 1 /, eente a line. 78 times 3 cents a line. Written notice is required to discontinue classified advertise* ments. OUT OF TOWN" ORDERS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BV CASH. Georgian want ade. are inex pensive, but they bring quick re- suite and sure returns. Ade. for Situations Wanted will be inserted one time free of charge. They muet net exceed four lines. WE WILL SEND FOR YOUR AD. 'WITHOUT CHARGE FOR MESSENGER 8ERVICE. CALL US ON BELL PHONE 4927 MAIN, OR 4401 ATLANTA PHONE. When sending ads. pay for at rates quoted above. ^ J BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. OO HBi: SOUTHERN AUTO A.NIi KQUH meat Co. We repair. reconstruct. ei chuns*. Imy and tall automobiles. On race, 10-12 Mitchell street. Atlanta, Oa. Ball phone 4M4-L Main. WANTED HELP—MALE. WANTED—GOOD STRONG WHITE WEN aa helpers In the foundry to learn muld- era* trade. Good pay to atart with mil better nay In tiro or three moathi Onif those with cooil references need apply. DeLoarh Mill Mfr. Co. DO YOU WANT TO DISPOSE OF YOUR food* 1 * If no, coll up 2306 (Hell). The Southern Auction nud Salvage Company, 20 South l'ryor.• LABORERS WANTED. $1.25 PER DAY. Wages Paid Weekly. ATLANTA CAR WHEEL WORKS. Take Luckic St. Car to Waterworks. . rlage Factory, Jncknoiivlllc, Kin. WANTED—COMPETENT BUTLER, ROOM «u place; don’t apply without reference. Phone 80S North, or apply corner Peach- ,tree and Seventeenth ata. RAILWAY STENOGRAPHER, $75; LE- gnl stenographer, $<?»: beside* numernu* culls for male amt female stenographers at aalnrlea from $40 to $60. Holla my Business Agency, 1330 Candler Bldg. WANTED HELP—FEMALE. WANTED—TO MAKE ARRANGEMENTS NOW WITH WOMEN WITH KXPEItl- enuk or young women who WOULD LIKE TO LEARN THE WORK roll ALTERATION WORK ON LADIES 1 GARMENTS. POSITION l$:RMANKNT. DUG INNING SEPTEMBER 1. WITH GOOD SALARY. ADDRESS L. II. B., (’ARE THE GEORGIAN. Experienced operator* make from . $12.00 per week, and we will give good day wage* to tbofto without experience until they learn. If you lire out of Atlanta, write ua and we will five you luformatlou { bout Hoarding placet. Nnnnslly Bros. A IcCrea, hi W. Alabama street. Peachtree street. NOW WITH WOMEN ENt’E OR YOUNG WOMEN WHO WOULD LIKE TO LEARN.THE WORK FOR ALTERATION WORK ON LADIES' GARMENTS. POSITION PERMANENT. IIKUIK.NIM1 HKUTKMHEK 1. WITH oimll KAI.ARV. AUUUKHS I.. II. H„ UARB TUB (IKOIUIIAN. SITUATIONS WANTED—MAL8. WANTEli-l’OHITlON AX IIOflKKEKl'Klt, tingle or double entry; can furnlah gt»od reference* aa to character, etc. Addrcaa •'Mattox,” P. O. Box 12. HomervlUe, Ua. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. should hare high grade' signs. Call on Phone MTS* C °** North Pryor street. THE SOUTHERN AUCTION AND SAI- Ttge Company, nt 20 South Pryor street, will buy or tell you out. John T. Stock* A Co. FOR SALE-TWO CAR LOADS FINK Brock way surrles. runabouts and depot wagons. Nothing better made. Georgia Vehicle Mfg. Co.. »0 and 11 West Mitchell FOR SALE-BEST RUBBER TIRE; workmanship jnmranteed. Georgia Ve hicle Mfg. Co.. A nml 62 West Mitchell *t. FOR SALE—ABOUT FIFTY PERCH OF stone. Apply Atlanta Ice nud ('obi Cora- y, nedtuout avenue and Georgia rail rSaT DON’T GO BLIND. WHEN YOD SEE TIIE ATLANTA Wrecking Ca*a new tine. Just added a fall line of trunk*, travelers* atippllea and general office supplies. The cheapest ever •old. We buy, sell or exchange everything. 17 and IB West Mitchell street. Ball ‘phone WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED-GOOD COOK FOR FAMILY Gainesville, Oa. WANTED—ONE SECOND-HAND IRON safe, email else. Apply 40 Marietta at. MISCELLANEOUS. 172 Peachtree street, opposite Aragon hotel. and vault door* to be sold at coat during next week; now la your time. 26 8. Broad •»irdt. It. W. Kilt*. Atlanta, FRANKLIN CLEANS. ALTERS. DYES and repairs. Atlanta phone 3681. 168 White- ball at. BAKES—MY STOCK OF SAFES AT COST until all ara sold. It. W. Wit*, 28 8. Broad street. ATTRACTIVE «IONS WILL BRING YOU buntnea* For work call -4 Kent. 9114 N. Pryor. Phone tm. BEST JKLLICO LUMP COAL $4.50 A TON. Prompt delivery, John T. Stocks A Co. WP, AltK HKAIKJPAirrBRS FOB PI.OI1 Id. Iltne*. Write ua fof price*. Wllaon it Hmldfestoti. Miami. FIs. WE HAVE ONE OF THE MOST KEPT* table and profitable cafes In Atlanta. \\a sell nt n sacrifice. Will give terma on a part of this to n successful, competent man. Ware ft Harper, 724 and 726 Century Bldg. CJOOII CHANCE—IOMB CHAIBK. BED* Head, nnddremer, commode and other fur niture for ule .1 79 Weal Peachtree at. REMOVAL NOTICE. John T- Stock* St Co. have moved their offices and yard from 214 Marietta to 2* peters afreet, where all orders for coal and wood will be glveo prompt attention. Phones 4791 JOB PRINTING Jon PRIXTIXO. LOWEST PBICEJL REND for aamnlei. L'haa llarker. » Prlera t., Atlanta. WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER ANirPAIXTN. •'Don't lei 'em fool you." Jim Rnrnett (formerly of lliirncll k Wllllal la not dead nor tnlaalng. lie 1* contracting wall |*pff and i.nlntfiig. Office nn.l ahow room 11 Kaat Hunter alreel. Both 'nlionea 550. L08T. wiio in tuiRNETTt of coikAi:, you've Imard tell; lie's the man who does papering and painting ao well: No matter the condition your walls *10 He'll make them look both smooth and sound, Ami when It Is finished, then you will nee As perfect a job ns ever could be; A look at Ida aatnplea Is certainly a treat. Go see him at 12 Eaat Hunter street— Both ’phones 660. FOUND. FOUND-FAIR OOLI) KISI HI’BI’TACLKB. Owner can get aainc by Identifying aud tmrlnx for thin ad. rail nt Owrglnu ufflee. FOR RENT—STORE ROOM. FOB RENT. CHEAP—STORE. 136 WHITE- hall atreet. ail00: nlao rnorna. For aale, 10. acre, on Prachtrca road, <36,000. ohn 11. James. FOR RENT—ROOMS. FOR RENT—8-RGOM, 2-8TORY HOUSE, close In; only $26.00. Apply W Crew nt. Bell phone 4261. FOR RENT—A NICELY FURNISHED front room. Apply to 267 Peachtree at. FOR RENT-A NICELY FURNISHED front room. Apply to 267 Peachtree at* FOR RENT. FOR RENT—-43 1KIANK ST., A GOOD BIX- room liou.c, wilier, gna nnd bath; dree to new Prvor street school house, rent reasonnhle to a permanent tenant, owner, 674.Washington street. PERSONAL. DAVID W. YARBROUGH. MASTER PLUMBER, Phonra 1355. *> & Hnntar St WILLIS WALL PAPER COMPANY. largest stock In Sonth. 64 N. Brood St. WANTED—TO MAKB ARIUNGKMBNTR NOW WITH WOMEN WIT . I-Al l b EXCE OR YOINII WOMEN WtlQ WOULD LIKE TO LEARN THE WORK L-fiti ALTERATION work oS ladies GARMENTS. POSITION PEhMANENT, IIEOIXNINO SEPTEMBER 1. «ITII OOOII SALARY, ADDRESS L. 11. H.. CARE THE GEORGIAN. “KENT LIGHTS.” TUB I1F.ST OF MANTLE LIGHTS NOW T aold Bt 911* N. Pryor St Alex Kent, Phone 454*. OLD HATS MADE NEW ^*aNAUA AND MILAN STRAW HATH cleaned and re*hape<!, 60c. Soft and stiff felt hats cleaned sod re shaped. 16c. Bands or sweats. 9c each gstn. ACME HATTERS. 8H Whitehall fit FOR RENT—FURNISHED ROOM8. furnished booms in private fam- lln Iwaril optional; every convenience; north aide; can get meals across street. Bell 'phone 2020. SHOE REPAIRING. GWINN’S SHOE SHOP. 4 LUCKIE, OPPOSITE PIEDMONT. Ilell MB. Men'e Mired half aolra. 75c. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TALKING MACHINES AND RKCORDB— Wholeanle end retail dlatrtbntcn. of Vic tor Talking Marblnea nnd Record.. Jnat rrcelrcl large ronelgnm.nt of tuchlnee and given mall ordtffa. We want th# names of all talking machine dealers In the south. Write for catalogue. Alexander-Elyes Co. and rundrieb-laroest bicycle and aundry dlatrlbntora In Ihe acuth. Southern a sente for Pleree. Yule, ttnrll end llnilaan bicycle*.. Writ# for oor I90H catalogue cod price lilt Alexander- Blyea Co. we move, storf,. pack and ship boiiMholil good.; tuilirence rete one per cent Office nnd vnrehouM 14345 Walton atreet Doth 'phonra. Cathcnrt'a Tram- for. REYNOLDS. TUB SION PAINTER. Slgna, banner., bag* and Sag decoration for opodal occaaloo* J0H E. Alabama St CASH REGISTERS. (Second Hand.) NATIONALS. BALL WOODS. IDEALS and all other make# at bargain prlera. Wo ran Mil yon a reglater, aultablo for tny huslnroa, at a price that cannot help but plcoM yon. On ah or monthly paymento. Every register gunmtiteed for two jreore. Southern Caah Reglater I'o. Itranrh of American Second- Hand Ca.h Reglater Co., 34 «. Brood otreot Atlanta.'Ua. W. E. SAUNDERS & CO., Real Estate. 57 Tnuian Building. Hell Phone 1485. WE HAVE TWO BRAND NEW 7-ROOM bonne* 4m tVutral avenue. Jn**t nearing completion. Price, 83.750 each. Thi**e hou*4>H are inoilci-n lit every respect, cabinet man tel* throughout, porcelain bath, etc; 7 block* from center of «*lty nml In ilenlrsble nelgh- lM>rh«HH(. We have the exclusive tale. YOU ARE WASTING TIME —AND LOSING MONEY— by keeping that Room For Rent card in your window. Only a few people see it every day. A majority of that few don’t wish to rent your room. You want "to have the STRANGERS in town see your Room For Rent Card. You can’t reach them by a card in your window. The strangers read The Georgian’s Room For Rent Column. Place yours there. The cost is hut a trifle—25 words for 25 cents. Will take your ad over the phone or send a messenger. Telephone 4927 Bell or 4401 Atlanta. STEPHENSON BROS., Plumbing and Gas Fitting, 51 S. Forsyth Street. Phones—Bell 2528 Main. Atimta 37. THREE MONTHS RENT FREE Only Tfireo Left of Eight Brand New Suburban Homes. The first month will be (Iren FREE and If occupied one year, two more month* will be given FREE at the end of tbe year, making oply nine month, you will have to pay for. Non« but good famtllM will b, allowed In thaa, homes. Three are located on the River electric car lln, only twenty minute, ride from tbe center of tbe city; contain 7 and I rooms; have never been occupied; are located In West Atlanta Park. Every house fronts a fifty-foot Park, which Is set In tree,, evergreens and flowers. Pure air; na tive oaks; an (deal spot for children. It Is cheaper than living in the city and the surrounding* are more whole some. In the center of this Park are the Ferro Phosphate Springe, which will cure any east of stomach or kidney trouble, no mattor of how long stand ing. It now baa a new church, neatly furnlshad, a store, a school-house coat ing <3,600.00 will soon be completed. Captain J. T. Mill*, who lives on the ground* will show you through the house* Rent <20.00 per month. JOHN J. WOODSIDE. 12 Auburn Avenue. BASS ST. HOME. Just off Washington St., good seven-room house on fine lot. Terms reasonahle. Price $3,500. See LIEBMAN, Real Estate and Renting, 28 Peachtree St. GLORE & JUSTIN, 215 Peters Building. three-room cottage*, in first-class ahape, renting to white tenonta at $7 o* ‘ — •mail nouse on rear of one lot. T bargain nt $1,400 caab. tela, tiling, lot 75x190 to alter- $1,700. One- third cash ami I»aInner monthly. If you want a nice home. Terma. lot, on Little street. $2,600. Term*. $6 eneh. We can aell the two for $90o. Till* la the kind of an Investment that have l»een looking for. See ua quick. <iii, x|iirmini iirikiiin'rii<"ni. u ran-i u Height*; $700; $100 enah and $10 per mouth. GEORGIAN “WANT ADS” Take the load off your mind, tjTry Them! lc. A WORD. Phone 4927. PEACHTREE PARK HOME We have within 1,000 feet of Peachtree road, fronting 1,000 feet on a chert road end fronting 2,600 feet on Southern rail road, at etatlon where two trains stop each way every day, one of the beet MODEL COUNTRY HOMES of nine rooms to be found anywhere. This house hat a base ment of atone almost as smooth and level ai a floor, and Is walled up on either side with a cement wall a foot thick. Tbq house Itself la unusually well built, occu pies an eminence, giving a splendid view of Atlanta's sky-scraper*, bat greatest variety of fruits to be found on any one place; land la very productive, Is In high est state of cultivation, well kept; haa about 2 tulles new wire fence, fourteen Iron gate* good barn and pasture, two strong springs. Lovely grove of maple, beach, cheatnut, twenty-five pecans, sweet* gum, persimmons, blackgum, oak, hickory, etc.; has 2 acres of send, averaging 10 feet deep; two quarries of best quality of granite to be found In the state. Will take polish just like marble. A sj\ir track can reach both within 600 feet. Owner re fused $8,000 for one of tbe quarries, and this has advantages of homes nlonft (he road to that you are free from dust of automobiles, and still Is In thq, rood neigh* Itorhood. You will have to see this lovely home to appreciate fully Its value. We arh offering this 30-acre tract at $16,000. If you buy a place on the road, you will have to wait ten years for the frulta and other Improvements to reach the present status of this plnce. If you are Interested, see us AT ONCE, or call ns up. SANDERS, SMITH & CONWAY, Phonea 5488. 412 Peters Bldg. FOR RENT. $12,000, A BARGAIN. OVER 10 Al'ltKX OP LAND. WITHIN city limits, 200 feet of car line. 15 mlnntea* ride from center of city. 1,000 feet street frontage. Private tract privilege of over 1,200 feet In C4»nfer of property. All for $!?.OO0.OOk with terma. Buy this and double your money within one year. M. McNElL aud W. S. SHERWOOD 514 Empire Bldg. * FOURTEENTH ST. LOT. THIS LOT 18 60 BY 200; BEAUTIFULLY shaded with voting Ilea nicely, nud la next to the home of Mr. Samuel Wey- mnn, nml Imumdtntely ncroaa the street from the homes of Mr. Henry Johuaon and Mr. Eugene Cnllaway. Quick sale price $3,600. CIIAS M. ROBERTS, 12 AUBURN AVE. Ill’ll phuue <»* R. O. Medlock Henry H. Jackson R. O. MEDLOCK CO., Corner Peachtree and Edgewood, Bell ’Phone 3734. $3,150— FIVE-ROOM HOU8E, CLOSE IN, Williams atreet. $2,650—SIX-ROOM HOUSE, SIMPSON, near* Peach f ree. $7,000—TEN-ROO 51 HOUSE, MODERN, furnnec-hcatp*!; block of Peachtree. <7.000—EICIIIT-ROOM house, new. modern; iienr corner Ptedmont and Eighth. $3,00(V—SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE, NICE IA)T; 297 Crew atreet. $3,250—SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE, CREW; near school. $5.500—SIX-R003I HOUSE, LOT 50 BY 110, Courtis ml. $10,000—A P AltTM ENT HOUSE. YEAR Penchtrcc and Harris; rents $100 month. $5,600—SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE; LARGE mrncr lot. near Penchtre# and Baker; room for two fiats besides. 1 <4,250—NIUE HOME: I^ARQE LOT; HAR- j Ida. near Wllllnma; lot worth money. $2.500—PRETTY COTTAGE, FURNACE heated; shaded lot; $600 caab ami $20 j month; homo* won It 1 cost price to build. ixl lot; Peachtree road, near Rrookwood. $2.500—SEVEN-ROOM COTTAGE, NEAR Highland avenue. $2.760—SIX-ROOM CXITTAGE, NEAR North Routevanl. $3,150—SEVEN-ROOM, NEW, MODERN, near corner Jackaon and Angler. $12.600—ELEVEN-ROOM TWO - STORY i slate r«Hifci| residence; barn and out i Inmses: tint* lot 60 acres; most attractive | home In stihuriM. ! $7,000 BUYS TEN ROOM FURNACE- heated house, shadcil lot. barn, chicken houst*. two-room aervants* houae. orchanl. I nrrea of land: atreet ear station In front. $t.5iK)—BU1UK STORE PROPERTY; RENT $45 month; k»hm! ataml. <MM-PiVE-RO031 HOUSE. STORE. C4AH nml water: lot 100 by 340; Uncat garden i >|uit In tbe city. $3,500—TWO SIX-ROOM HOUSES, WOOI» wanl avenue, near Hill street. ! <3,150—PRETTY NEW SIX-ROOM HOUSE ; near Fnlr atreet achoot. IP vor WANT TO BI’Y, GET IN LINN , nn.l 1*0111** *|tilrk. Ifa hi-n*. hilt wiling, , nml the Imyere trill «»>n get xll thnt . : rholee. Atlxntn le growing; rentml prnp- I *rty Inrtwuiai In vxlue. Xeptemlier 1. not ; n vnt-ent home eon l*e fiHinil, nml rent** I then trill make go* trluh yon hail Ikmght n home, when tre mil from <luO tub b> all cnih. and nil the buyer* 6 ABROTT STREET (WEST END). This two-story seven-room t>rlck, on lot which contains about 2 acres and lies el- crated, Is on the w***t aide of Abbott afreet, at the Intersection of Greensfer- ry*avenue, and Is known as the Tom Alex ander home place; has no gas. but city wa ter, liatb. stationary wash ataml. sluk In the kitchen and hydrant lu tbe yard. Be sides the seven-room house, there la a two- room servant's hquae on the lot; alto, ata ble and cow house; has plenty of ganlen •pot and plenty of shade, and la In good repair for ati old house. Westrlew cars two blocks away. Kent, $25 per month. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THE RENTING AGENT, O Auburn Avenue, Both Phones 61<. ■ NOTHING BUT BARGAINS. I HAVE CONSIGNED TO MB EXCLU- alrely for aale one two-elory ten-room house, and one seven-room cottage. These houses are *os adjoining lots, nnd are first- class snd modern In every respect. Located oo the north side and In the choicest resi dence section. I can sell you this property for the next few days for $8*600, or will sell separate If preferred. As an Invest: ment, ihls will pay over 11 per cent reutal, and the cottage will make a nice home. TWO EIGHT-ROOM TWO-STORY houses on'Forrest avenue; $6,000 etch. « SIX-ROOM NEW MODERN HOUSE ON Georgia avenue; $3,200; $750 cash; balance $26 per mouth. WE HAVE 40 ACRK3 OF LAND ON A fork of the Peachtree rood, 2 mile* be yond Buckbead; three-quarters mile Peach tree park on the Southern railroad; that fronts the Peachtree and Dunwody road for 2,000 feet. Has a fine boiling spring of freestone water. The land lies well, and the moat of It covered with oak forest. Must be sold. WE HAVE A CUSTOMER FOR A SLY or eight-room house on s large shnily lot near the car line. We can make a trade at once, If the property comes up to the re quirements. Wt have the cash. E. A. NESBIT; 3 Edgewood ave. Atlanta Phone 4794. Bell Phone 3794. McNEILL & SHERWOOD REAL ESTATE AND CONTRACTING 514 Empire Building. Phone 887. LOOK AT THIS! 20)x2SO FT. R. R. FRONTAGE, CLOSE IN. Modem building on same, containing 15.- 000 square feet of space, worth not loss than $12,0X). If taken within a week enu ■ell at $26,000 for entire property. roil HALE—<7,500 WILL PURCHASE AN elegant 9-room houtr. lot 100x300 ft. In Inman Park, near Druid Circle. THREE NEW 4-ROOM- HOUSES ON beautiful corner In Weet End. <4,350 to <4,500. FIVE NEAT 4 AND T-ROOU COTTAGES In toe beet part of Weet End, from <3,160 to <8,100. 4-ROOM. 3-STORY NEW HOUSE, TINTED nralle, ralilnet mantels, Metdrtm it. Only <1,700. Terma BEAUTIFUL NEW 10-ROOM HOUSE ON Peachtree, with over one acre of grouud. Price $9,60). Liberal terms or will ex change for vacant property or smaller home. B. R. FRONTAGE OUT OF AND WITHIN city limits, large and amall lots. Prices $100 to $96,000 per lot. Buy now snd doable your money within a year. IF YOU WANT A BUSINESS SITE WB have clients who will buy and Improve for you. Call snd tee ns. H. C. WILSON & CO., Real Estate and Renting Agents, 1308 Fourth NaUt. Bank Building. Bell I*hone IMS. Main. $4,251 BUYS EIGHT-ROOM TWO-STORY home In fine repair; lot 66 by 200; terms $*h> cash. $80 per mpnth; on West Fifth street. $4,760 BUYS NINE-ROOM TWO-STORY • home, modern In every way; lot 66 by 301; elevated, with large Itorn on lot; this la a bargain and will suit you; terms, $1,- 000 caab. balance easy. West Fifth street. $7,260 BUYS MODERN TWO-STORY NINE- room houae, large lot; term* $2,000 caab, Italance easy. Weet North avenue. INVESTMENTS. $l.$0i BUTS TWO THREE-ROOM NEGRO houses, reuteri $7 each; terms easy. Rhode* street. NINE VACANT LOTS. Si BY 146; PRICE $450 each. Grant park section. TWO VACANT LOTH. 45 BY 240 EACH; price $600 ea<h. Grant park section. TEN VACANT LOTS. * WESTERN Heights; 60 l»y 100 each; price. $250 each. Washington St. Lots We have two fine elevated lots in Washing ton Heights at $1,000 apiece. These lots face east, the dimensions are 50x175 with Alley in Rear. Let us show them to vou. FORREST AND GEORGE ADAIR. COLLEGE PARK HOMES DON'T PAY RENT. It Is exceedingly bad form to do ao when you cao pay your own money back Is your" pocket, by coming to me. Just run your eye over this! We'll build you a house just like you want It. on easy payments, from £,** to $5,000, If you buy the lot. 3-room, modern, new house on corner lot* $100 cask, balance easy monthly payments:. 4-room modern new bouse, same terms. 6-room, new, modern house on large corner lot; $250 cash; balance easy monthly payments. 7, I and 10-room houses. 9 Tbe College Park Land Company bare 2.0W lota to select from, $100 to 004 each. Come out and see me. or call me up. Office at end of car line. Bell Phone J7-J East Point Exchange, Collett Park, Us. I sell everything at College Park. n EDWARD H. WALKER, The College Park Real Estate Dealer. THE WEATHER. LOCAL FORECAST. FOR ATLANTA AMI) VICINITY-Pirtlj cloudy toulght and Friday, with occasional showers. WEATHER IN WHEAT BELT. Extreme Northwest—Partly cloudy, 68 to 66 almve. Northwest—Clear, 66 to <6 above; general rains Minnesota; local Dakotas. West nml Southwest—Partly cloudy and warmer, 68 to 76 above; general rains Iowa; WEATHER FORECAST. Louisiana—Shower* Thursday; Fridav fair. Georgia—Showers Thurmlny and Friday. Alabama nml West Florida—Showers Thursday and Friday. Mississippi—Fair In north, showers In south portion Thursday; Friday fair. East Texas—Shower* Thursday; Friday fnlr. Weat Texan—Fnlr Thursday and Friday. Arkansas—Generally fnlr Thursday ond Friday. Texas Rainfall: Abilene. .12; Ballinger, Itrenhnm, Dublin. Fort Worth, Lullng. Palestine. Taylor, trace; Illonco. .04; Ilrownwood. .66; Galveston, 1.16; Lampasas, .30; Han Marcos, .34; Wharton, 1.22. WEATHER IN COTTON BELT. Special Notices vil H II II II II O run u hi hi, i ii ur nun him. ajIUT, ClrUr and hot. Dallas and Houston, partly cloudy and hot. Mississippi—Natches, cloudy and pleasant. Jackson, cloudy ami cool. Yasoo City, partly cloudy and pleasant. Hattiesburg, partly cloudy nml cool. Meridian, cloudy bard rain last night. Montgomery, pnrtly cloudy; rain yeatenlay. Mobile, clear and hot; light rain last .night. Georgia—Rome, nnrtly cloudy and cool: hnrd rain Inst night. C'oluiubua, dear nud hot: hard rain yesterday evening. Atlanta, partly cloudy and warm: rain last night. Albany, clear and hot. Macon, clear and warm; Min yesterday. Americas, partly cloudy and warm. Tenneaaee—Memphis, clear and warm. Knoxville and Nashville, clear and plcnst nut. North Carolina—Charlotte, had heavy rain last night; now partly cloudy and pleas ant Greenaltoro, clear and warm. Raleigh, clear and hot. WEATHER CONDITIONS, An area of Increased air pressure now covert the eastern half of the United States. Its creat extending from Weatern New York Into Eaatqrn Florida. The great est Increase In preaaure occurred over New York and New England. Over the weatern half of the map the pressure continues low upper Mississippi valley and at scattered stations In the northwest. The heaviest rains fell In Alabamn. Mississippi, at New Orleans and Galveston. The temperature haa changed very little In the last 24 hours. • The condition* favor partly cloudy wreath- er In this aectlnn tonight and Friday, with occasional showers. . J. K MARRURY. Section Director. state"foreca8T. GEORGIA AND SOUTH CAROLINA-Oc* cnslnnnl showers tonight and Friday. ALABAMA—Shower* tonight except fair THE SUGAR MARKET. By Private Leased Wire. New York. July 19.—Tamil refined and raw sugar steady and unchanged. leomlon mar ket firm; July and August 8a 5*4d. FUNERAL NOTICE. RUCKER—The friends of Lieutenant I. 8 I). Rucker and of Judge ami Mrs. \v. t! Newman and family are Informed thntL*. Ing to delay In arrival, the funeral of Mrs. Rucker will take plnce Friday morning at 10 o’clock. Other arrangements n« already COTTON REGION BULLETIN. STATIONS OF ATLANTA DISTRICT. •Atlanta, . •< hali;inoogBt Columbus, partly cloudy. Gainesville, cloudy partly cloudy.. >gn, cloudy Greenville, partly cloudy Griffin, clear •Macon, partly cloudy... Montlcello. clear Newnnu, clear .. Rome m Spartanburg, cloudy Tallapoosa, partly cloudy Toccoa, cloudy _West Point, pt. cloudy •’Minimum temperatures are for twelve- hour period'ending at’6 a.fti. this date. HEAVY RAINFALLS. Eastman, Gs 2.18 Meridian. Mis* 2.16 Alexandria, l.n. 1.92 Cheneyvllle, I At. 1.64 77 CENTRAL STATION., Charleston ... Galveston ... Little Rock .. Memphis ... 16 M- Dpi Mobile Montgomery ... New Orleaus .. Oklahoma Savannah Vicksburg ..< .. Wilmington .. .. ... — T - indicates Inappreciable rainfall. REMARKS. * The temperatures were almut the same at for the previous 24 hours. Rains were gen eral except In the northwest portion of to* belt: the amounts were heavy Id portion* of Georgia, Mississippi, Alabamn and Louis- J. B. SIAtini'BT. BmIIod Director. LIVE STOCK MARKET. By Private leased Wire. <M*e\ea «, pubs ‘ Hbre^nm-Hpre^ 4 'U.00A M* rk « «**i qo.lltjrf.jr: retire 8C6H: jV.rllnc. tS.40C4.3O; lnrub. 34.75®..TV »rn <4.7542740. Ilnxj—Rcrelpt. 1I.0M; l.ft 0T, [„ nlk; retta«trt for torowrre » yorkers $6.9008.86. THE DRY GOODS MARKET. ly Private Leg sod Wire. Now York. July l».-Tho .Iry r««l» *£ k.t w.» .tredT with an .WM- of tredr. Thn hrel.ry .nd *n4wre«M"? w.« grad. Hllk .nil Itlac g™>d» *1" Th. domratl. .Itretlnn w«. »lrnr.g.r. th.r. w.. n continued Inquiry t«r rip*" for (hr Chin, trade. IP YOU AltK LOCKIN'!! 5011 A IIOMK on easy terms, we esu fit you op. If you are Junking for 15 nml 13 |»«>r rent In vestments, we <«n lit you up. If you need tltnlier land*, either pirn* nr hardwo<*l. we have It. Alsu, one «>f the best coal pr»>p- i wit Ions * hi the market at a price that will suit jou. Mott Can ScnPe 31me and trouble BY ’PHONING YOUR M)m$ ffids <7b £7he Georgian, WE WILL CHARGE AND COLLECT LATER. IBELL PHONE: 4927, MAIN. ATLANTA PHONE: 4401. CIRCULATION 24,000 DAILY.